When Calls the Heart Season Seven...Through My Eyes

       I'm pretty sure that this is a pretty hot topic with every Heartie. Dreaming up what we want to see in the future for When Calls the Heart!

Things I want to see in Season 7. (Or beyond!)

Lee & Rosemary as parents. Preferably to the little boy with the skinned arm!!! Yes, I know he has parents but he's SO CUTE and perfect for them! (Hallmark please read this!)

Elizabeth and Lucas as a couple!!! Duh.😁

       Here's how this could all go down...
      Since the dance Elizabeth would be really unsure of both suitors and herself.  She may start off good with Lucas, but then something would happen between them and put them at odds. Then Nathan will come into the picture and Elizabeth will explore a relationship with him. P.S. Lucas will be very jealous.
      Then along will come Jeanette, (the woman Amos was after and Lucas was trying to protect in case you didn't know) and her and Lucas will be really nice and friendly to each other. Elizabeth will see this and become jealous, thus realizing her true feeling for Lucas.
      She will like Nathan a lot and realize that she could be with another Mountie, but she realizes that she wants to be with Lucas. Also maybe Fiona and Nate will have some interaction and they will fall for one another. I'm not sure about this idea yet. I have to see them together.
      Lucas and Elizabeth would kiss, at the latest, in the last episode. (I would prefer two kisses. One somewhere around the half way point of the season, and one at the end, but I don't know that that would happen.)

More Lucas and Baby Jack! (It would be SO fun and adorable!)

More Allie mischief!

Drama! One of the best parts of the show!

Mystery! I love this in WCTH! It makes it even harder to wait for episodes and keeps me guessing!

Humor! Cause who doesn't like a good laugh?

A disastrous situation! We've had them before. S2, Jack and Elizabeth in the mine. S3 The flood and Jack getting swept away. S4 Jack leaving to the northern territories. S5...I'm not even going to mention that one.
I see it as something like Elizabeth gets lost and hurt with Lucas and he saves her! What can I say? I love drama/romance!

Jesse and Clara get married! Obviously!

Jesse builds his and Clara's house or they move into the row house next to Lee and Rosemary. All the couples could raise their children together!

Jack and Elizabeth's families come to town! Maybe even at the same time! That would be SO fun! And we need to see more of them, especially since Baby Jack was born!

Nathan's past with his father revealed. 

Lucas' past revealed. And his character redeemed from all scandalous thoughts! :)

Lucas to take a hero journey and become the man I know he can be! (Yay!)

A pastor comes to Hope Valley. Someone interesting who will have a bigger story, like Frank. Maybe he could already be married and have a couple of kids. Or maybe he's a pastor struggling with his own faith. So many possibilities!

Elizabeth returns to Hamilton. Maybe not this season but I would like to see her go there again sometime. Maybe introducing her new beau to her family?

Faith and Carson get engaged. They've know each other for so long and work so well together I could see this happening by the end of the season. Maybe during Jesse and Clara's reception.

Henry falls in love! He needs someone to love and take care of him. I don't know if Abigail will be recast or not, but I want him to fall in love with somebody!

I'm sure I could think up WAY more things to happen but this is a pretty good start. I would love to hear what you think should happen in season 7. Comment below or on my Twitter page with your own ideas. God Bless!


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