Lucas & Nathan's Worst/Best Moments

Special thanks to @kelleysgirl for the pics!💗

    Oh, boy.....oh boy, oh boy, oh boy..... You guys. There's only....I mean like...Eeeeeek! There is only....4 days until WCTH Season 8! How did we get here?

    Oh yeah. Welcome to today's blog post too. Lol!

    First off I have a special announcement! Actually a birthday announcement! Today is @heartiehallmark's birthday! Happy happy birthday to you! I hope you have an amazing day! She's helped me in the past with my blog post, "Does Lucas Have a Chance?" and gave me a great outline that really made the post so much better! Please leave her some birthday love in the comments below!💗


    So....(Do I dare?) I have one final blog post to publish (Other than the last chapter of my fan fiction!😉) before Season 8 is finally here and I am swept away in the rush and excitement of the new episodes. So I tried to figure out what to post today. Talking about Season 8 right now is a bit awkward as most if not all of you know more about the season than I do. And so I thought about it and a few friends thought that a good blog post would be (As the title clearly states) listing one of Lucas and Nathan's best and worst moments.

    These guys have been the main attraction these past two seasons, (Ignores obvious pun here...) and have brought so much fun and excitement to this show. They're both good and kind men who want the best for Elizabeth. Over the past two seasons they have both done some very sweet things....along with some not so great things. And so today, before we launch into this exciting season before us, I thought I'd talk about one of these fellow's best and worst moments.

    Now just as a disclaimer I am not saying these are Lucas or Nathan's complete, absolute, number one chart topping best or worst moments. There are truly so many different moments I could list here for each category. So this is rather just one of their best/worst moments relating to Elizabeth in particular. 

    Feel completely free to disagree with me! (But please be respectful and kind. :)

    I shall start with Nathan and move onto Lucas, as well as state the worst first so I can end with the good stuff!


Nathan's Worst Moment

"Welcome Back" 


    For one of Nathan's worst moment's I have selected (After counseling with a Team Nathan fan themself) the moment he told Elizabeth "Welcome back" after she had returned from her trip with Lucas to Union City.

    Now I'm sure Team Nathan's eyes are popping out of their sockets right now wondering how on earth is this his worst moment? And to be honest it's not his worst in the sense of words, or actions. I would probably choose one of his difficult conversations with Elizabeth for that. But rather this moment encompasses something that I consider his worst quality.

    Nathan really is a sweet guy and I know he has a good and generous heart. However his jealousy during this triangle has been one of the worst qualities of his character. "Granted" (Lol!) neither man is perfect, which they absolutely shouldn't be. Nathan wouldn't be as deep or complex of a character if he was.

    However the way he's treated Elizabeth has left something to be desired for me personally.

    In this moment Nathan is fully showing his jealousy and his displeasure over Elizabeth's decision to go out of town with Lucas. Now it's not that he's not allowed to dislike seeing her go out with another man. He's human after all. But the way he chose to react... was not pretty to say the least.

    Nathan not only was guilt tripping Elizabeth here over something that she didn't have to feel guilty for, but was acting as if she'd cheated on him. Nathan seems to believe he has some sort of claim on Elizabeth at times, when in reality she has yet to choose one man or the other. She is free to go somewhere with one man or the other, and is not attached to either. But Nathan became very jealous, and in turn guilt tripped her, gave her the cold shoulder, and acted quite childish.

    And so while this is not the worst thing he has ever done or said, it just summed up something I consider the worst thing he has done in the show. His jealousy.

    Again, neither Lucas or Nathan are perfect guys. I could list a bunch of moments where Lucas has behaved quite badly. (And I will soon enough) And the truth is I don't want either guy to be perfect. They are actually better characters when we see them mess up or behave poorly. It makes them human and relatable. Nathan isn't a monster just because he acted the way he did. It just means he isn't perfect and has flaws he has to work on. Just as we all do. :)

Nathan's Best Moment

"You Matter to Me"


    Moving on, I now am actually going to compliment Constable Grant, and give him a few points here. (Audience gasps in shock) Recently I have just finished re-watching Season 7 in preparation for Season 8. During this re-watch I noticed somethings I hadn't before, and actually gained a little more respect for Nathan, believe it or not. And that respect came by watching the "You matter to me," scene.

    I believe that a lot of Team Lucas fans would say that Nathan's worst moment was during him and Elizabeth's big fight in the cabin. While I agree that was definitely one of his worst moments it actually produced one of his best.

    Nathan has a very hard time sharing what's in his heart, and talking about his feelings. (Bless his heart) But in this moment those walls, or rather the muzzle came down and he really opened up. 

    What actually impressed me here was just how sincerely he apologized to Elizabeth. He surely could have said less than he did, and went with a simple sorry. But not only did he apologize, but he actually swallowed his pride and confessed that he may have over-reacted about a few things.

    He then took things even farther by commending Elizabeth on her bravery in going after Emily in the wind storm. And to finish it all off, he told her that he wants her to be safe....because she matters to him. This is really the first time Nathan has actually said something that big, to tell Elizabeth he has feelings for her.

    It was sweet, and sincere, and was a big step for him. 

    And so I consider this one of Nathan's finest moments as not only did he sincerely apologize to Elizabeth, but praised her bravery, as well as finally opened up and let her know how he feels about her.

    Moving on we now come to the other man in this crazy triangle. Yes, Lucas Bouchard! And like I did for Nathan I am starting with the worst first and then ending with the best.


Lucas' Worst Moment

Sending Elizabeth's Chapter to His Mother


    I think every Team Lucas fan can agree that this was not Lucas' finest moment. Lol! I know Lucas had the best of intentions but....yikes! That was a big no-no, mister.

    This moment is one of Lucas' worst with Elizabeth for two main reasons. First and foremost, he sent her chapters to his mother WITHOUT asking permission!!! This is especially bad in my eyes as I am a writer myself. In doing this he really broke some of the trust that had been developed between him and Elizabeth. She had entrusted her writing, something very personal and precious to her, something she hasn't shown anyone since Jack, to Lucas. And the fact that he did it without asking because he was afraid she'd say no only made it worse.

    The other reason this moment was one of Lucas' worst, was simply because he just couldn't seem to get the point that what he'd done was wrong through his thick head. (Sorry Lucas) It's kind of funny in a way actually. He was just so excited at the possibility of Elizabeth getting published he couldn't seem to hear a word she was saying. She clearly was very upset and disappointed in him for what he'd done, but he just kept ignoring her words and pushing his point.

    Again, I know that inside Lucas did what he did with the best of intentions. In a way it was actually sweet of him, Just no. You don't share someone's writing with anyone, (Even your mother) without asking the writer's permission first. It's just the natural rules of the writing world.



Lucas' Best Moment

The Union City Dinner Conversation


    And now we come to one of Mr. Bouchard's finest moments. Drum roll please.....(Oh, wait. You already know from the title...Lol!)

    Now the title "The Union City Dinner Conversation" could be a bit confusing, and so I will elaborate. I'm referring to no other moment than Lucas' romantic confession of why he came to Hope Valley, and that he would be patient to win his soulmate's heart.

    This was one of his best moments for so many reasons, but to sum it up in one statement it would be this. He laid all his cards on the table. (Yes, I had to use a card reference. Lol!) He told Elizabeth exactly where he stood, and exactly what he wanted in life.

    He told Elizabeth that he wanted to settle down, and wanted to do it no where else than in Hope Valley. The reason? Because he wanted to finally stop moving around, find a place that felt like home....oh yeah, and raise a family. (Mic drop)

    He literally told Elizabeth that his dream in life is to settle down in Hope Valley, marry, and raise a family. In this moment a huge green light went off for Elizabeth. This guy's life goals practically mirror her own, and he actually told her that he wants children. (A HUGE necessity for this single mother.)

    And finally, he placed the cherry on top by telling Elizabeth he would be....patient. He made it plain that he wants to find his one true love, his soulmate, and that when he did he would wait as long as he had win her heart. (He also clearly alluded that he believes Elizabeth may be his soulmate....just to throw that in there.😁)

    All in all, this was a very big moment for Lucas and Elizabeth. Not only was it a landmark in their relationship as it pretty much was their first date, but it was such a deep and meaningful conversation. Lucas let her know exactly what he wants in life, and that he would be patient with her heart. Something that probably came as a huge sigh of relief to her. Lucas knows that Elizabeth is fragile right now, and is willing to wait as long as he has to. Talk about romantic, right? 😍

    And that's the end of today's post! I hope you enjoyed it! Each man has had their share of sweet and not so sweet moments. A funny thing I noticed while putting this post together is that Nathan's bad moment I selected was in the same episode that Lucas' good one was. And then Nathan's good moment was in the same episode as Lucas' bad one. Lol! I didn't even try for that!

    But in the end I know both of them are good and kind men, who want the best for Elizabeth. The only question left is...who will Elizabeth's heart choose? I suppose we'll find out soon enough!

    Thank you so much for reading! What do you consider one of Lucas and Nathan's worst or best moments? Feel free to tell me in the comments below! And please wish @heartiehallmark a very happy birthday as well! Let's make her day Hearties! God Bless!

    P.S. You all probably are well aware that I have a merch shop. So here's a link if you'd like to buy something. Oh yeah, and I'm also having a 15% OFF sale. 😊 (Yep, that was straight to the point. Lol!)



  1. Great post Hope! And happy birthday to @heartiehallmark!!

    I have to agree with what you posted about each man. Any scene we see jealousy with Nathan makes me more certain that he doesn't belong with Elizabeth, but he was pretty snarky in the one you mentioned. I hate jealousy, and according to the ultimate authority, love isn't jealous. I'll just leave that right there.

    Most of my favorite Nathan moments- and yes, I have favorite Nathan moments- have to do with Allie. I really love their dynamic and I'm anxious to see if we get more of that this season- most likely we will. But I was glad that he came to E and apologized.

    Moving on to Lucas. I have many fav moments of him- some with E, some not- and would have to agree with the one you chose. My other favs- the meet cute, the card scene with E regarding Allie, the DL scene, the two scenes regarding him reading her new story, the dart scene, the flowers scene, the lanterns scene, the 'cant find the door' scene, and the romantic library scene last ep.

    As for Lucas scenes that don't involve E- the first cafe' scene, the saloon scene with Allie, and the scene with the mistletoe and Carson come to mind- I'm sure there are others that I can't think of right now. He fits in to Hope Valley so well.

    I just love watching his generosity shine through. I am hoping we get some insight on why he is the way he is in season 8.

    As for my most un-favorite Lucas scene I totally agree with you. I actually thought of it before getting to it in your post. In fact, I get irritated so much with him in that scene. I remember how mad I was at him when I watched it for the first time. Also, as a writer myself, I felt Elizabeth's hurt over what he did, and his back and forth in that scene bothered me a lot. Writers are very protective of their work and we know when it's ready for someone to read it. That should always be at the writer's discretion.

    Of course, no one is perfect and we all make mistakes. I was so glad when he came to her later and apologized. And, as it turned out, apparently she was glad in the end that he did it. They have made him almost perfect in their story and I keep waiting on the other shoe to drop. Wondering if that happens in season 8. I hope not, I like Lucas the way he is- patient, generous, and kind to everyone, especially E.

    Thanks again for your posts! I can't wait to read your next chapter, and your breakdown of the first ep that I hope is coming next week!!


    1. I meant to say 'their' back and forth in the scene I disliked, not 'his'.


    2. Thank you, Sue! I'm glad you enjoyed the post! And may I just say, amen, and amen!

      The worst thing Nathan has ever done on WCTH is be jealous of E&L. I know that he's a good man and the fact that he's raising his niece is adorable. But his worst moments often arise due to his jealousy. Which when I consider this, it really makes me wonder that maybe Lucas really will be the one E picks, just considering how each man's relationship with her has developed.

      Nathan never did anything romantic toward E until he saw her with L. And the whole scene where he told her "You matter to me" only happened after he got jealous of L/scared for her life. Anyway...(End of rant. Lol!)

      I too have multiple favorite L/L&E scenes as well. I'm really hoping for some more cute banter between them in S8 as well as some swoon worthy romance! (Fingers crossed!)

      I SO want to know why Lucas is the way he is in S8!!! Luckily we only have.....(GASP!) THREE DAYS LEFT!!! (I think I'm gonna faint...Lol!)

      Thank you so much for reading and the comment! God Bless!


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