WCTH Fanfic: Making Sure: Chapter 16

    Hey there Hearties! Happy Friday! I hope you've been having a wonderful week! Can you believe it's only...(Gasp!) SIXTEEN DAYS until WCTH?!? (Breathe....just breathe....)

    Anyhow I'm back to bring you (Drum roll please...) Chapter 16 of my fanfic! Thank you all for waiting while I took a break from posting a chapter last week. I've been working hard and I'm so excited to share this next chapter with you! 

    As always I so appreciate your support and love! You guys have been absolutely amazing, and I thank you so, so much! I hope this story has been a blessing to you!

    Alright! Here we go! Enjoy Chapter 16!



The steady creak of the rocking chair filled Little Jack’s room, as Elizabeth hummed to her sleeping son. He was snuggled against her chest, breathing softly. Her arms wrapped around him tightly, holding him close.

She wasn’t sure what time it was, although the dimming sunlight suggested sometime around seven to eight p.m. Sighing, she sunk back deeper into the chair, lowering her head to her son’s. She placed a soft kiss to his hair, thanking God for the thousandth time that they were both home, safe and sound.

Nearly a day had passed since her and Lucas’ harrowing ordeal with Spurlock. Bill had dropped her off the night before at Lee and Rosemary’s house, where she’d finally been reunited with Little Jack. She’d completely broken down into sobs at the sight of him, and he’d never been more than a few feet from her since.

Her and Jack had stayed the night with the Coulters, and she’d continued to sleep throughout most of the next day. Everything from the past week finally seemed to catch up with her all at once. Finally, her and Jack had gone home that afternoon, much to their friends’ dismay.

As much as she loved Lee and Rosemary, she was ready for things to go back to normal. And yet, she knew they never would. Not after the night her and Lucas had had.

A knock sounded from downstairs, breaking her line of thought. Slowly she rose from the rocker, and made her way toward the stairs, Jack still securely tucked in her arms. Upon reaching the living room she gently lowered Little Jack into his play pen. Her fingers gently brushed over his head, before she started for the door.

Upon opening it, she found Bill standing outside. He smiled at her warmly.

“Evening Elizabeth. I just thought I’d stop by and see how you’re doing.”

She smiled back at him, motioning for him to enter. “Thank you, but I’m just fine.” She knew Bill was here to interrogate her well being, and while his concern touched her, she wasn’t quite ready to talk about “everything” yet.

He eyed her as he walked past, his brow raised. “Really?”

She closed the door, rolling her eyes internally. “Yes. Really.” Turning she found him staring at her, disbelief in his gaze.

“Elizabeth.” He replied softly, taking a step toward her. “You were kidnapped and held at gunpoint. It’s okay if you’re still a little shaken.”

As if she needed him to remind her. A shiver went down her spine, as she worked to block the images that rose. Spurlock. The gun pointed at her face. Beaten and broken Lucas….

Suddenly Bill’s voice broke through her thoughts. “You know you can always talk to me, right?”

Her eyes jerked to him, and she saw the concern in his gaze. She nodded, not quite sure what to say. Inside she honestly wanted to forget the whole incident with Spurlock ever happened. She’d already relived it twice through nightmares, and every time it left her shaken.

“Good.” Bill answered softly, though his voice still carried an edge of worry. “I also wanted to let you know that Spurlock and his criminal gang are on their way to Union City prison as we speak.”

“I see.” She answered, her mind racing. Her brain still hadn’t quite grasped the fact that her and Little Jack were finally safe. Although she did feel a rush of relief knowing those terrible men were far away.

A slight smirk crossed Bill’s face. “That James Jenkins finally caved after learning that his buddies weren’t going to bust him out of jail. He confessed that he was the one who broke in your house. Apparently, Spurlock was using him as a decoy.”

Her lips pressed tight, her chest constricting. “Well, it worked.” A spark of anger flared up at the thought of James threatening her own son.

Bill hesitated a moment before he spoke again. “He also told us that Harvey McElroy had hired Spurlock to track down Jeanie, after breaking him out of prison. I gather they’re old acquaintances.”

Suddenly her eyes widened. Well, that solved her questions about Spurlock getting out of prison. But truthfully, she was more concerned about Jeanie.

She’d heard from Lee how Jeanie was also held at gunpoint the same night she and Lucas were. She didn’t have all the details but her heart had gone out to the poor girl. She knew what that was like first hand. “Is she okay?” She asked worriedly.

Bill nodded. “She’s fine.” A slight snort escaped him. “I hear she’s giving Lucas quite the time. Apparently, she’s a very strict nurse.”

Tension suddenly filled the room as he mentioned Lucas’ name. Her heart stirred inside her, heat flooding her face. She hadn’t seen Lucas since the other night at the infirmary.

Inside she was desperate to know how he was doing. He’d taken the brunt of the chaos that evening, and she needed to know that he was okay. Truthfully, she’d wanted to go see him, yet couldn’t bring herself to.

She knew she wasn’t ready. Inside she’d yet to untangle the giant mess her emotions were currently in. Seeing him right now might only bring him more pain, and that was the last thing she wanted to do.

Internally she hoped Bill couldn’t see how flustered she was. His eyes seemed to search her face a moment, before he spoke gently. “Lucas asked about you, you know.”

Her heart fluttered. “Oh?” He’d asked about her? She shook herself mentally, suddenly feeling silly. Of course, he had. And she’d probably worried him sick by staying away.

“He wanted to know how you’re doing.” Bill continued, taking another step toward her. It was as if he was trying to judge her response.

She worked to keep a straight face, but couldn’t keep her concern from her voice. “How is he?”

“He’s pretty banged up, but he’ll live.” Bill replied casually, as if he was trying to spare her from worrying. “Carson says his rib is only slightly fractured, and should heal up in a month or two.”

Her chest tensed, her heart aching at the pain he must be in. And it all happened because he was trying to protect her. Guilt shoved its finger at her, placing a weight on her heart.

Bill seemed to read her thoughts. “You know this isn’t your fault, right?”

She sighed. “I know.” And she did. It just didn’t feel like it sometimes. She ran her hands nervously down her skirt, fumbling for something to say. “Well, you can tell him I’m fine.”

Suddenly Bill’s face twisted, is if he was afraid to say whatever he was thinking. “Or…you could.” He finally replied gently. “You know, I don’t know exactly what happened between you two, but…”

“Nothing happened.” She quickly spat the words out, wincing at how obvious she sounded.

Bill raised a brow at her. “Really?”

She opened her mouth to deny it again, but the words stuck to her tongue. What was she doing? Things had gone to far to deny them anymore. And Bill even saw her holding onto Lucas for dear life. A fact that brought an uncomfortable heat to her cheeks.

Finally she sighed, her shoulders dropping in surrender. “What do I do, Bill?” She hated how helpless she sounded. “I care about Lucas…a lot. I just….” She shook her head, trying for the one hundredth time to muddle through the chaos in her heart. “I don’t understand why I’m so confused.”

Bill’s expression softened, his eyes filling with understanding. “Elizabeth,” He walked to her, taking her hands in his. “Having feelings for someone after losing your husband isn’t going to be easy. You made a promise to love Jack, and now it feels wrong to feel something for someone else.”

Her gaze dropped as tears pricked the back of her eyes, a soft pain filling her chest. Jack’s face flashed before her, and she bit her lip. How could she ever move on?

After hesitating a moment Bill spoke again, his voice full of emotion. “But I know that Jack didn’t want you to spend the rest of your life alone.” Her heart jumped at his words, her eyes going back to his face. There was a certainty in his gaze. A sureness in his voice.

“Having feelings for someone new doesn’t take away what you had with Jack.” He continued. “He’ll always have a special place in your heart.”

A single tear escaped her, his honesty striking her deep inside. She smiled to herself, knowing Jack would forever be in her heart. Always.

Bill looked to her gently, wiping the tear from her face. “I guess what I’m trying to say is that it’s okay to let go and move on. It’s what Jack wanted and, if it helps, know that you have my support whatever you decide to do.”

And with one look at him, she knew he meant what he’d said. More tears filled her eyes. But this time they came from a mixture of sadness from the past, and pure thankfulness for the friend she had in Bill.

Smiling up at him, she wrapped him in a warm hug. “Thank you.” Was all she could say.

Inside her emotions swirled, far too strong and confusing to decipher now. But somehow things seemed just a slight bit easier.



“Lucas Bouchard, what on earth are you doing out of bed?”

Lucas worked to hold back a grin, as he caught his sister standing in front of him, her hands firmly on her hips. After being in bed all morning, he’d managed to dress and sneak down to sit in the saloon. While everything still hurt, he’d been quite pleased how he’d cleverly evaded his drill sergeant sister. Apparently, she wasn’t as impressed.

He raised his coffee cup to his lips, raising his brows innocently. “Just reading the paper, while drinking your excellent coffee.”

Jeanie’s face tensed as she gave him her “no nonsense” look. Lips pressed tight she crossed her arms over her chest. “Don’t you even think about getting smart with me, mister.”

She then snatched the paper from his hand, and pressed his cup back to the table. “Now you march yourself right back upstairs.”

Her pointer finger shot toward the stairs, and it took all of his self control to keep from laughing. Ever since Carson had diagnosed his fractured rib and told him to take it easy for awhile, Jeanie had appointed herself his personal nurse/guard. He’d been bed ridden for the past day, sleeping like an infant most of the time.

But he couldn’t stay in bed today. His stomach twisted at the job he had ahead of him. He looked to his sister who still waited expectantly.

“Jeanie, I’ve already put this meeting off a day already.”

Her eyes shot wide, her arms flaying. “Because you broke your rib and almost died.”

“Slightly fractured.” He corrected, although she never seemed to realize there was a difference. Neither did his rib, as it continued to burn like fire just to slip his jacket on.

He sighed, his shoulders dropping. “I just don’t want to drag things on any longer. The men deserve to know so they can start making…other arrangements.”

He winced at his final words, the truth hurting even more now that he’d spoken it out loud.

Suddenly Jeanie’s face softened, understanding filling her gaze. “I’m sorry.” She pulled a chair next to him, and plopped into it, placing a loving hand on his arm. “I know shutting Gowen Petroleum down isn’t easy for you.”

That didn’t even begin to sum things up. He honestly felt like a failure. In the back of his mind he wondered if maybe he’d handled things differently with Henry, then maybe the company wouldn’t be shutting down now. But what-ifs wouldn’t change his current situation.

Jeanie seemed to sense his guilt, tightening her grip on his arm. “Just remember it’s only temporary. Once you find an investor, you’ll have things running even better than when that Henry guy owned it.”

Lucas smirked, the hope in her eyes making him feel the slightest bit better. He looked to her gratefully, giving her hand a pat. “I highly doubt it. But thank you.”

She smiled back at him, and he thanked God again that his sister was here with him. He honestly didn’t know how he would have made it through the past week without her. Suddenly her expression changed, as she reached for his coffee cup.

“So…” She started. “Did you see Elizabeth yet?”

His stomach instantly tensed at Elizabeth’s name. He honestly was amazed his sister had held out so long before asking him anything about her. Then again, he’d been asleep most of the time.

Nervously he cleared his throat, beginning to stand. “I’d better get going.”

Jeanie’s brow raised, as she gave him a knowing look. “Lucas…”

He sighed hopelessly, knowing she wasn’t going to let this go until she got some sort of answer out of him. Slowly he dropped back into his chair. “Not yet.”

Her eyes widened slightly, but her voice was soft. “Why not?”

Lucas shrugged, trying to find some reason. Truthfully, he’d almost gone over to see her multiple times. He was beside himself to know how she was doing. Bill had told him that she was doing well, but he needed to see for himself. Needed to see her sweet face, and look into her eyes.

But she’d told him she needed time, and he planned on giving it to her. Even if it killed him.

“Things are really difficult for her right now.” He finally stumbled, unsure whether he was trying to convince his sister or himself. “I need to give her space.”

Jeanie seemed to mull his words over, taking a sip of his coffee. “Did you kiss her yet?”

Instantly his eyes shot wide, and he started choking on his own breath. “I beg your pardon?”

She looked at him, seeming unaware of how bold her question had been. “You heard me.”

Heat filled his face, and he began fidgeting in his chair. “That is none of your business.” He tried to sound firm and clearly disgusted that she would ask him such a thing. But his words only made her eyes light up.

“You did!” She laughed in triumph, far too loud for his comfort. “Oh, I knew it!” She gave his good arm a shove. “I so knew it!”

Lucas felt the need to shrink down in his seat, as he caught a few patrons’ heads turning their way. “Jeanie…” He sent her a warning glare, his face probably bright red by now.

She seemed to catch his meaning, biting her lip as she caught some stares. Still her eyes danced, as she lowered her voice to a hoarse whisper. “Tell me everything! Did she kiss you first, or did you kiss her?”

Lucas dropped his head to his hands, wishing he’d ignored her question and gone to work. Suddenly telling over a dozen men they were out of work didn’t seem so hard. “Can we please change the subject?” He groaned, hoping she’d relent for once.

But as usual she ignored his begging. “You have to go see her today.” She insisted, her face suddenly intense. “Guys who kiss and run are the worst.”

His eyes widened, feeling like he’d just been punched in the stomach. “I didn’t kiss and…” He stuttered, his words seeming tangled inside. He hadn’t done that, had he? He shook his head helplessly. Of course, he hadn’t.

“I didn’t do that.” He replied firmly. Slowly he sighed, trying to bring his emotions back under control. “Listen she told me that she needed time and I’m giving it to her. End of discussion.”

“Alright.” She smirked, seeming amused at his response. She nodded in mock seriousness, before raising the cup back to her lips. “If you say so.”

Suddenly she began coughing hysterically, setting the cup down with a thump. Lucas moved to help her, when she leapt from her chair and darted behind him. His brows furrowed as he turned toward her, when suddenly Nathan’s bright red serge caught his eye.

His chest tensed at Nathan’s presence, but still flashed the man what he hoped was a genuine smile. “Morning, Nathan.”

Nathan nodded stiffly, his eyes meeting his for a mere second before looking away. “Bouchard.”

Lucas’ stomach twisted. Well, that answered his question about where they stood. He hadn’t really seen Nathan since the night of the “incident.” He’d hoped that after some time Nathan might have cooled off, but the use of his last name said otherwise.

He knew Nathan blamed him for the whole mess, and obviously was furious thinking he’d put Elizabeth in danger. Inside he felt terrible about it too, and had gone over the situation so many times wondering if he could have handled things differently. But the result was always the same. He’d done all he could to keep her safe, and by God’s Grace they’d both lived.

The tension between him and Nathan was thick enough to cut with a knife. Still, he attempted to keep his voice light and casual. “Can I help you with something?”

Nathan shook his head firmly. “No. I’m just waiting for Gustave to finish my order.”

Lucas’ brows furrowed at the word “order.” “This town must be keeping you busy if you can’t even sit for lunch.”

It may have been his imagination, but he thought Nathan’s lips quirked. “Oh, it’s not for me.”

Lucas felt his chest tighten, but withheld his questions. He probably wouldn’t like the answers anyway. Finally a waitress appeared with a small basket, and handed it to Nathan with a smile. Nathan nodded his thanks before he turned and left without another word.

Lucas had a sinking feeling about where he was heading with that basket. Inside his mind raced with doubt. Had he waited too long? Suddenly he heard Jeanie scoff behind him, and remembered that she’d ducked behind him.

What was she doing?

She nearly stomped to her feet, nose scrunched as she looked toward the door. “Can you believe that guy?” Her hands flew to her hips, before she marched back to her seat. “I mean, who does he think he is?”

Lucas bit down a grin, as she plopped into the chair, crossing her arms firmly over her chest. Her eyes held such a fire to them, causing him to wonder. He had an odd feeling that something was going on between Nathan and his sister. He wasn’t sure what, but he just had a hunch.

Slowly he leaned back casually in his chair, raising his brows innocently. “And what exactly did he just do?”

The look she shot at him could stop a pack of wolves, and he had to keep himself from laughing. “Lucas, even you are not that naive.” She jerked her thumb in the direct Nathan had just left. “You know exactly where he’s taking that basket.”

Yes. He did. But he trusted Elizabeth, so he wasn’t too concerned. Not much, anyway. But it was too much fun to tease his sister. “The thought did cross my mind.” He quipped casually.

Jeanie blew a harsh breath, shaking her head stiffly. “That low-down, conniving, girl-stealing…”

“Did something happen between you two?” He looked to her, unable to hold back the question anymore.

Instantly her eyes widened in disbelief. “What?” She grabbed his coffee cup again, her eyes darting everywhere except his face. “What are you talking about?”

“Well,” He shrugged. “Ever since Nathan saved you from Harvey, I’ve heard you call him over a dozen names. Including a stiff-necked cad with no sense of tact or personal space.”

That last comment had made his chest tighten. He didn’t know Nathan very well, but he’d thought he was an honorable man at least. Jeanie only shrugged, and his stomach twisted.

He lowered his gaze, trying to find hers. “Did he do something that I should be aware of?”

Quickly she cleared her throat, nearly jumping out of her seat. “You know, you really should get going.” She darted behind him, tapping his shoulder in an attempt to make him stand. “After all you are the boss and the boss should never be late.”

She laughed nervously, and suddenly he was more worried than ever. He stood and turned to face her, his voice soft but firm.


Finally she sighed, her face falling. “No.” Her eyes found his, a calming certainty there. “I promise you. Nothing happened.” Her brows rose, and she playfully patted his chest. “Okay, big brother?”

Lucas smirked, grasping her hand in his. “Okay.” He still felt she was hiding something, but could see the honesty in her words. Squeezing her hand, he looked to her softly. “You know I love you, right?”

She smiled brightly, raising a hand to tussle his hair. “Yes. And I love you. Even when you’re bossy.”

Lucas laughed, swatting her hand away. She giggled with him, before shooing him away with her hands.

“Now go on, before I send you back to your room.”

He leaned down and planted a peck on her cheek, before raising a brow at her. “Now who’s being bossy?”

She crossed her arms, her lips pulling in a smirk. He simply smiled before heading toward the door.




Maybe he should have just gone back to bed. Lucas’ stomach summersaulted continuously as he stood in front of the Gowen Petroleum office. Before him were gathered over twenty men, all with worried and tense expressions.

They seemed to know this wasn’t just a normal pay day. And after putting them off once already while he rested, he really couldn’t keep things from them anymore. They deserved to know.

Nervously he cleared his throat.

“Thank you all for coming.” He started, causing the men to grow silent. “Now I know you’re all here for your pay checks, and I promise I’ll give them out shortly. But first there’s something I need to tell you all….”

How did he tell them that they no longer had a job? No income for their families. His chest tensed, and he took a fortifying breath.

“Due to situations beyond my control, I’ve decided….”

“Just a moment, Lucas.” Suddenly Henry Gowen made his way out of the crowd.

“Henry?” Lucas’ eyes widened. Had he been there the whole time? Lucas worked to keep his composure. “What can I do for you?”

Henry walked up the steps to stand beside him, his voice low. “You can step inside before you make a big mistake.”

Lucas’ brows furrowed. “I don’t understand.”

Henry merely shrugged, motioning toward the office. “I don’t expect you to.”

Feeling very confused Lucas turned back to the men. “One moment please.” He then followed Henry back into the office, closing the door behind him.

He eyed Henry who paced the floor in front of him. “What’s this about?”

Henry held up a hand. “Just let me talk.” His face twisted, his hands clenching then stretching out stiffly. “Now I am not going to pretend that I’m especially pleased with how things have turned out. Nor am I saying that we are on friendly terms again.”

Lucas’ chest constricted, as he saw the hurt in Henry’s eyes. The man would barely look at him, pacing uncomfortably back and forth.

“But this town,” he continued, “And these people are all I’ve got left. And I’m not about to watch them go hungry on account of my foolishness.”

Henry’s eyes almost seemed to mist over, and Lucas wished there was someway he could go back and rewrite the past. He’d never wanted things to go the way they had. But Henry had left him no choice.

Still, it hurt to see the man so riddled with guilt and hurt. “Henry…” He tried but again Henry held up a hand to silence him, his voice hardening.

“Just let me finish. I looked up an old acquaintance of mine. He invests in companies from time to time if he considers them a good risk. Now it took a lot to persuade him, but if your interested he’s willing to invest.”

Lucas’ mouth had dropped lower with every word from Henry. He blinked in shock, unsure whether he was dreaming. “Are you serious?”

Henry just rolled his eyes. “Would I tell you this if I wasn’t?”

It seemed too good to be true. Lucas stepped forward holding his hand out to Henry. “Thank you, Henry.”

Henry stared at his hand for a moment before finally grasping it in a light shake. Lucas smiled, feeling like a giant boulder had finally been removed from his shoulders. “Thank you.” He couldn’t quite get his words above a whisper.

Gowen Petroleum was saved. He didn’t have to shut the company down, and everyone could keep their jobs. It was a miracle really.

Something crossed Henry’s face before he started toward the door. “He’ll be here in an hour to sign the papers.”

Lucas’ heart stirred as he watched him go.

“Henry….” He started, causing Henry to stop. He turned back toward him, and Lucas worked to find the right words. “I’m not proud of how things ended between us.”

“What’s done is done.” Henry grunted, shrugging his shoulders. “We can’t change the past.”

Lucas nodded sadly. “True, but that doesn’t mean we can’t fix things.”

Henry eyed him cynically. “And what would you suggest?”

Lucas took a step toward him, taking a breath. “I want us to be partners again. I can’t do this on my own, and you know this business inside and out.”

Henry’s brows rose sarcastically. “Don’t I know it.”

“What would you say to a fifty-fifty partnership?” Lucas continued, praying Henry would agree. Not only did he want him back for his business knowledge, but as a friend. He didn’t know Henry incredibly well, but he knew enough to know Henry needed a friend.

Henry snorted, a slight smile turning the corners of his mouth. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.” He then started back toward the door.

“Please?” Lucas took a quick step forward, realizing how desperate he sounded. But truthfully he was desperate. Henry stopped just short of the door, his back to him.

Lucas sighed. “I know this company means a lot to you.”

Henry’s shoulders slumped, and Lucas held his breath as he waited for his response. Finally Henry spoke, his voice hoarse. “I’ll think about it. That’s all I’ll promise.” And with that he left without another word.



A knock sounded on Elizabeth’s door late in the afternoon. Quickly she finished the sentence she was typing, and rose to see who was there. She smiled as she passed Little Jack, who slept peacefully in his playpen.

She opened the door, and her eyes grew wide as she found Nathan standing on the other side. “Nathan?” She looked at him puzzledly, eyeing the basket he held.

“Hi.” He smiled weakly. His eyes fell for a moment and then came back at her, seeming very nervous for some reason. “I thought I’d…see how you’re doing.” He stuttered, his feet shifting beneath him. “I also thought you…might be hungry so…” He raised the basket, sending a delicious aroma to her nose.

Her stomach twisted. She was touched at his sweet gesture, yet couldn’t help but feel uneasy “Thank you.” She finally managed. “That was…really thoughtful of you.”

His eyes then looked past her into the house. “May I?”

Her chest tightened, feeling uncomfortable at the thought, but she forced a smile. “Sure.”

Nathan smiled back, and walked past her into the house. He then placed the basket down on her dinning table…right next to Lucas’ bouquet of flowers he’d left her the other day. Silently she held her breath and prayed Nathan wouldn’t notice the card next to them.

Thankfully he didn’t, and turned back to face her. “So, how are you doing?” His eyes held a genuine concern for her.

She nodded, unable to help how stiff the action felt. “I’m fine.”

“Good.” He smiled weakly, coughing nervously. “That’s uh….good.”

Silence settled between them. Nervously she clasped her hands together, unsure what to say. Thankfully she didn’t have to think long as he soon spoke.

“You know, I never got to tell you I’m sorry for how our dinner… turned out the other night.”

Instantly her stomach started turning, realizing where this conversation would be going. Quickly she held her hands up in protest. “You don’t need to apologize.”

He shrugged, looking very much discomforted. “I know…I just…pictured things turning out…differently.”

And she knew exactly what he meant by “differently.” Truthfully, she’d known from the start why he’d asked her out, and in a sense she didn’t regret saying yes. The evening had provided her searching heart with at least one answer.

However, she now felt incredibly guilty for giving him any false hope. But she had warned him that it wouldn’t be a date. Just friends.

She watched him shift his feet beneath himself, his mouth working. “I was wondering if you’d like to…maybe try again? Maybe sometime in the future?”

Her stomach suddenly dropped, her chest tightening. She’d had a sinking feeling that he would ask her that. She’d also been dreading this conversation, however needed as it was.

Ever since their dinner she had known that Nathan wasn’t the one for her. However, telling him that was a whole different story. She sighed, unsure how to start.


Instantly his face fell, his lips pulling in a sad smile. “I’ll take that as a no.”

Her heart twisted inside her at his obvious disappointment. “You are such a wonderful guy, and I’m flattered that you’d ask me….but…”

“But I’m not the guy for you.” He finished for her with a sigh. Suddenly his face tensed. “Is this because of Lucas?”

And this was exactly how she feared this conversation might go. She knew that Nathan did not have a good opinion of Lucas, but the truth was her decision had nothing to do with Lucas. Well, mostly nothing.

She shook her head softly. “This isn’t about Lucas…”

Nathan’s lips pressed tight. “I think it is.”

“Nathan…” She sighed hopelessly. Oh, how did she make him understand?

“Look,” His hand went to rub the back of his neck. “I know this is none of my business…but…” He hesitated and she found herself holding her breath. Finally he spoke, his words tumbling out.

“Are you sure about this? Like are you really sure?” He shook his head, his face twisting. “I know Lucas appears charming, and grand but…”

Her mouth dropped open at his accusations. Is that really what he thought? That she’d gone after Lucas because he was more charming, and “grand.” She tensed, working to keep her voice even. “Nathan this has nothing to do with Lucas.”

He ran his hand roughly back through his hair, his jaw locked. “He put your life in danger twice now.” His voice rose slightly, and she was taken back at his shift in temperament. “First with Amos, and now this.”

“That wasn’t Lucas’ fault.” Her hands went defensively to her hips, as she tried to keep her own voice from rising. “Whatever you have against him, doesn’t give you the right to blame him for someone else’s actions.” Honestly what was his problem with Lucas?

Nathan tensed. His eyes went to the far wall, before finally landing on her again. “But how do you know you can trust him?”

“Because he saved my life.” Her words came out softly, although they seemed to echo through the room. The realization washed over her, making her breath catch. She hadn’t needed to think about her answer. She just knew.

Even before their life endangering ordeal she knew she could trust Lucas. But now, she hadn’t a doubt in her mind. He would have given his life for her, and her heart swelled at the thought.

An awkward silence settled between her and Nathan. He appeared lost in thought, and she wasn’t sure what to say. Finally he spoke, his words catching her off guard.

“Is this because…I’m a Mountie?” His voice was soft, a sadness lacing his words.

Her heart pulled at his apparent turmoil. This was another thought that had crossed her mind. Had she decided she wasn’t romantically interested in Nathan due to his profession? But she’d eventually found that her choice had nothing to do with him being a Mountie. A revelation that had relieved her greatly.

“No.” She sighed softly, trying to will him to believe her. “I’ve thought about it and I can promise you my decision has nothing to with Lucas or your job.”

Nathan’s shoulders dropped, seeming to admit defeat. “I just don’t want to see you get hurt.”

And she could tell behind the hurt and sadness in his eyes, that he truly meant it. She looked to him gently. “And I appreciate your concern.”

Both of them fell silent for a moment, before he nervously cleared his throat. “Well, I guess I’d…better get to my rounds.”

He walked quietly to the door, and opened it to leave. Inside her heart played a game of tug-of-war. She hated to see him hurting, and knowing she’d caused the hurt only made things worse. But he needed to know the truth.

In her heart she wanted the best for him. He deserved to find true love. It just wasn’t her.

Quickly she stepped toward him before he left. “Thank you, Nathan.” She tried to give him a comforting smile.

His brows furrowed. “For what?”

“For everything.” She replied, truly meaning it. He’d been so sweet, and worked night and day to protect her and her son. And for that she would be forever grateful.

“And I truly wish you all the best.” She added, willing him to see she really meant what she said. “You deserve it.”

Nathan nodded, as he seemed to try and give her a smile. “Thank you.” He answered, his voice low, before turning to leave. His shoulders slumped as he walked down the road, and her heart pulled inside her at his apparent hurt.

After a moment she closed the door, before turning her back to rest against it. Slowly she exhaled, trying to calm her swirling emotions. Inside she was relieved that they’d finally had this needed conversation. Now only time would tell how he handled things.

She still wanted to be friends with him as well as with Allie. They had a lot in common, and understood the struggles of being a single parent. But she wasn’t sure if that was an option anymore.

Her insides squirmed, a feeling of frustration, and guilt wringing her stomach. If only she’d done this sooner, maybe she could have saved him at least a little pain. Things were just so confusing right now.

At least things between her and Nathan were finally resolved, and she knew who she actually had feelings for. But what did she do now? The answer seemed simple enough. Then why did it feel like there was a giant wall holding her back?

Suddenly Nathan’s words rang through her mind. Are you sure? The question assailed her like a dart to a board. Was she?

She already knew that she had feelings for Lucas, deeper than she would have first guessed. Watching him protect her, seeing him be put in such pain for her, all had revealed just how much she cared for him. And she was definitely attracted to the man.

Every time she heard his voice her heart skipped a beat. His smile lit up every room he entered, and he was all she could seem to think about these days.

But could she love him? Glancing down her wedding ring glared back at her, feeling heavier than before. She’d loved Jack with all her heart and soul. Inside she knew that Jack wanted her to be happy, and to find love again. But could she love someone the way she had loved him?

Lucas deserved more than half of her heart. He deserved every piece of it. But could she do it? Could she move on, and love another man?

A crippling pain rose in her chest, a lump forming in her throat. Slowly she walked back to the settee, before collapsing into it. She leaned her head back, moisture stinging her eyes.

“Lord, help me.” She prayed, a tear slipping down her cheek. “Show me what to do.”


Elizabeth wasn’t sure how long she’d sat, eyes closed, just trying to calm her spinning emotions. Her eyes fluttered open, taking in the room around her. The sun still shone brightly through the windows, so she couldn’t have been sitting long. Perhaps she’d simply dozed off for a moment.

She stretched her arms a bit before slowly rising. Looking over she found Little Jack still sleeping soundly in his crib. She smiled at the sight of his precious face, before looking toward her desk.

Maybe writing would distract her from her tumbling thoughts? Most likely not, but anything was better than wallowing in her confusing feelings.

Her heart still carried the weight she’d felt ever since her adventure with Lucas. Oh, when would she finally find some peace? An answer that would solve the disputes in her warring heart.

Slowly she walked past the stairs, when suddenly something on the small dresser next to them caught her eye. A small folded piece of paper laid there, striking her with a cord of familiarity. Her brows pinched as she reached for it, slowly unfolding it in her hands.

Her heart stopped cold as she saw the familiar hand writing. A lump formed in her throat, a sharp pain shooting through her chest. It was Jack’s final letter to her.

How on earth it had gotten there? Usually she kept it in a small box back in her top dresser drawer. Tears stung her eyes as she glanced at the curly letters, each one having been memorized and locked in her heart.

She looked away, shutting her eyes tight against the pain. When she opened them again, she found herself glancing over each picture on the table. Jack’s smiling face sent a tight pain right up through her chest.

“Oh, Jack.” She breathed, tears slipping down her cheeks. How could she let him go?

“I need you to promise me one thing, Elizabeth...” She jumped, the words seeming to have come from right behind her. She turned, her heart racing. Jack?

Of course, no one was there. Still her heart sped inside her. The voice seemed so…real.

“You will open your heart to love again.”

Again, she heard it. The words were barely a whisper, yet very real. Almost seeming to carry a presence with them.

She mulled them over in her mind. Jack had been very clear in his letter. He wanted her to be happy, and to find love again. Truthfully, she would have told him the same thing, if the situation had been reversed.

Could she? Could she finally let go of Jack and love someone else? More tears fell at the thought of letting him go after promising to love him forever.

Suddenly Bill’s voice sounded, echoing in the back of her mind.

Having feelings for someone new doesn’t take away what you had with Jack. He’ll always have a special in your heart.

Her chest constricted. She knew Bill was right, but it was easier said than done. Inside her mind knew all the facts, but her heart didn’t seem to want to grasp them.

What was it then? What was stopping her? Her stomach twisted and turned, as she fought to understand her own heart.

“I know you’re scared.”

She nearly jumped as Lucas’ soft voice drifted into her ear. Her heart suddenly stilled, her breath caught in her throat. Was that it?

Were all her confusing emotions, her unwillingness to let go, and the walls that seemed to stop her from moving all because she was….scared? A sob shook her, the answer suddenly becoming crystal clear.

Yes. She was scared. Scared of letting go of Jack. Scared of what it would mean if she did. Scared of allowing herself to fully open her heart again to someone new like she had with Jack.

His death had shaken her to her very core, and she hadn’t known how she could live without him. Now that she was healing the thought of loving someone again seemed too frightening even to grasp.

Suddenly Lucas’ smiling face flashed before her. She’d nearly lost him too. And yet…throughout the entire evening, the only place she’d wanted to be was in his arms. Instantly the thought of living life without him seemed too terrible to even consider.

Never had he left her side. She’d hurt him more times than she cared to remember by her actions, and yet he was always there. Waiting.

His words played through her mind. “I’ll be here no matter what.” He’d proven that. And inside she knew he would give her as much time as she needed to move on. But could she?

Again Jack’s words fell over her. Quietly. Softly. “Open your heart to love again.”

The slightest bit of peace slowly trickled in, acting as a light in her searching soul. She didn’t know how. Didn’t know why. But suddenly she knew in her heart that she had Jack’s blessing. His permission to let go. To move on.

Tears flooded her eyes, spilling down her cheeks. A feeling so strong wrapped itself around her heart. Like a warm embrace, filling her chest. Her breath caught in her throat as it slowly dissipated, leaving nothing but a beautiful and warm peace.

Instantly the weight she was carrying seemed to fall away. She breathed in deep, a refreshing breeze seeming to blow through her. A smile pulled at her lips and she found herself wanting to laugh for no reason. Maybe it was simply the joy of release. Of letting go.

Suddenly her eyes caught the vase of flowers on her dinning table. Lucas’ flowers. Slowly she walked toward them, picking up the small card on the table.

For the bravest woman I know.

She smiled, reaching a tentative hand toward the blooms. Her fingers caressed the delicate petals, her heart swelling inside her. Suddenly her mind went back to the other night as they’d danced on the dock. His face flashed before her, his dark eyes as they’d gaze deep inside her.

Inside a feeling so strong suddenly sought to consume her. Instantly it was as if she could feel his arms around her, holding her close. Nothing else had mattered in that moment. Only him.

Her chest swirled with emotion, as she realized how much he meant to her. How much she…. loved him. Her eyes opened wide, the air being sucked right from her lungs.

Immediately her first instinct was to deny it. But this time she couldn’t. It was like someone had suddenly struck a match, illuminating the truth that had been there all along.

She loved him. It wasn’t a question. There were no more doubts, or even the fear that sought to choke her. Just truth.




Elizabeth jerked awake, her breath caught in her throat. Quickly she took in her surroundings, finding herself still on her settee. Had it all just been a dream?

Exhaling she fell back, working to calm her racing heart. It all had seemed so real. The letter. The voices. Yet inside she knew that the feelings in her heart were. Moisture filled her eyes and she shut them tight, lifting her face upward.

Thank You. She breathed, not only thanking God for the clarity, but Jack for his powerful love. He wanted her to move on, and she was finally ready to.

Suddenly her eyes grew wide. Her heart stopped as three words hit her like a crashing tidal wave. “I love Lucas.” Her lips barely moved, her words hardly more than a breath. Yet they had the force to knock her senseless.

Her heart sped, the realization crushing her like a tidal wave. “I love Lucas Bouchard.” A laugh escaped her, tears springing to her eyes. Inside she felt such a surety, and peace that flooded her entire being.

She knew. Tears spilled down her cheeks, as a smile swept across her face. Finally she knew.

Again her gaze landed on her ring, the weight she’d felt before suddenly gone. Slowly she rose from the settee, and walked to the same table next to the stairs. The letter was no where in sight.

She held her hand out in front of her, a soft smile playing across her face.

“I will always love you Jack.” She whispered, her words catching in her throat. “And I’ll never forget you.”

Gently she pulled the ring down her finger until it slid off her fingernail. She held it in front of her, a soft smile forming on her lips. Tentatively she brushed her fingers over it, her voice below a whisper. “Good bye.”

And with tears in her eyes, and a bitter-sweet feeling in her heart, she placed the ring gently down on the table. A peace filled her soul, surprising her. Suddenly it was as if a giant weight slid from her shoulders, making her feel light as a feather.

Suddenly a sense of urgency filled her. Lucas. She had to go to him. Had to tell him the feelings that were bursting inside her.

Fear quickly slipped in, constricting her chest. She hadn’t seen him in nearly two days. What if he took her silence to mean she wasn’t interested? That she didn’t love him?

Her eyes darted to her son, who miraculously was still sound asleep in his pen. She hated to leave him, but the rapid beating of her heart wouldn’t let her wait

With a final glance. she then darted for the door, flinging it open to the dark night. Rain poured in a steady stream, the sun being long gone. Quickly she grabbed her coat off the stand, and held it over her head as she ran over to Lee and Rosemary’s house.

She knocked firmly, and instantly winced at her inconsideration. They very well may be asleep by now, especially since Rosemary hadn’t been feeling well. But it was Rosemary herself who answered the door.

Her eyes popped open wide, as she took in the sight of her friend. “Elizabeth.” She gasped, looking her up and down. “Is something wrong?”

“No, no.” She quickly assured her. A slight breeze blew, and she quickly shrugged into her coat.

Rosemary’s brows pinched. “Who’s with Jack?”

“Could you and Lee could watch him for an hour?” She looked to her friend hopefully. “If you’re feeling alright, of course.” She added quickly, searching Rosemary’s face.

“I’m fine.” Rosemary batted her words away. “But I’m not so sure about you.” She eyed her in confusion. “Where on earth do you need to rush off to, and in the pouring rain, no less?”

“I promise I’ll explain everything to you later.” Elizabeth answered quickly. She was in too much of a hurry, and not quite ready to explain herself just yet. But she realized she must look pretty frantic right now. How did she make Rosemary understand? “I just need to…”

Quickly she stopped as she saw a knowing look cross Rosemary’s face. Elizabeth wasn’t sure how, but inside she knew that Rosemary knew where she was going. With a gentle smile Rosemary took her hands in her own. “Lee and I would be happy to watch Jack.”

Elizabeth smiled back, tears forming in her eyes. “Thank you.” Was all she could manage. And after a quick hug she darted down the stairs.

She ran down the street as fast as she could. Her feet splashed with every step, cold water spraying her skirts. People may have glanced out their windows at her seemingly crazy manner, thinking she was insane to run through the pouring rain. In the dark no less. And maybe she was….But she didn’t care.

Her heart pounded in her chest, a mixture of nervousness yet pure excitement coursing through her. She couldn’t help the smile that tugged at her lips, despite the rain that pelted her face like little icy darts.

Finally the town came into view, and she ran even faster. She flew down the street, the sight of the saloon sending her stomach to flipping. Picking up her skirts she leapt up the saloon steps, catching a few heads turning her way.

She stopped in front of the door, leaning against it for a moment as she fought to catch her breath. Her chest burned with the night air, cold water dripping from her hair down her face. She was soaked through.

Finally she found the strength to raise her fist to the door knob. She attempted to turn it but found it was locked. That was odd for this time of night. “Lucas?” She called, knocking against the door.

Had he closed the saloon down, due to his injury? Was he worse than Bill had told her? Oh, why hadn’t she gone to see him sooner?

Panic gripped her, and she knocked harder. “Lucas?” Fear made her voice raise an octave, and a shiver ran through her. Whether it was her concern for Lucas or her soaked clothing she couldn’t tell. It was probably both.

Still there was no response. Maybe he wasn’t here? Had Jeanie taken him to the infirmary?

She wrapped her arms around her dripping self. Her mind raced, as she tried to decide what to do next.


A voice called gently behind her, making her stomach flip. Slowly she turned, and found Lucas standing in the street. The rain poured, pooling on the brim of his hat, and drenching his coat. He looked to her, his eyes filled with questions.

A sob caught in her throat. Lucas. Tears sprung to her eyes and she ran to him, without a second thought. Lucas started toward her, his arms opening wide to receive her.

She threw herself into him, wrapping her arms firmly around his neck. His hat flew off his head, and he embraced her tightly, pulling her against his chest. Tears rolled down her cheeks in warm streams, a smile curling her lips.

His hands came up her back, pressing her closer. He ducked his face into her hair, his breath ragged against her ear. Stifling a sob, she attempted to push past the lump in her throat.

“I missed you.”

He pulled back slightly so he could see her face. Tears glossed over his eyes, as he gently brushed her wet hair from her face. He smiled softly, his voice a whisper.

“I missed you too.” His hand rested on her face, his thumb caressing her cheek. She leaned into his warm touch, relishing the feeling.

His face then twisted slightly, concern crossing his gaze. “I was coming to see you...” He started, then stopped, seeming to fight for the right words to say. His eyes dropped, and he tighten his grip around her. “Elizabeth, I…”

“I love you.” The words gushed out of her in a soft whisper, unable to hold them back anymore.

Suddenly his eyes jerked back to her face. “What did you say?” He breathed, a sense of awe and disbelief in his voice. His eyes were wide, his mouth parting slightly.

Warm tears spilled down her face, as she smiled up into his dark gaze. She raised a hand to his face, his beard leaving an odd prickly sensation against her skin. “I love you, Lucas Bouchard.” Her words came softly, overflowing with love for the man before her. “With my whole heart.”

Her chest swelled as she saw tears glaze over his eyes. His lips pressed as if he was holding back a sob, before turning up in a heart-melting smile. “And I love you, Elizabeth Thornton.” His words rasped out in a husky breath, his eyes shinning with a love that shot straight to her heart. “So much.”

And standing in the middle of the street, as the rain poured down on them, he lowered his mouth to hers for a kiss. Her heart sped as his lips brushed over hers, igniting a fire with their gentle touch. There was no hesitation in his response this time. No doubt. Just a deep passion that surged through her. Stealing her breath.

His hand came to rest on her cheek, and she leaned into his touch. Sliding her hand up his neck, she curled her fingers through his hair. He deepened the kiss, and she melted into him. Breathing him in.

For the first time there was no fear holding her back. No guilt. Just love. And it felt so right.


Lucas’ heart felt like it would burst inside him for joy. His head was spinning, as a tear escaped him, rolling down his already rain soaked face. Elizabeth Thornton loved him. It seemed too good to be true.

With a final caress of her lips he drew back with a gasp. Not far. Just enough so he could find her eyes. She seemed as breathless as he was, her warm breath mingling with his.

She smiled up at him, a love in her eyes that could knock him off his feet. It all still felt like a dream. Elizabeth had just said the three words he’d dreamed of hearing her say for nearly two years.

But something inside pulled at him, causing him to sober for a moment. Suddenly there was one thing he needed to know. “Are you sure about this?” He whispered, searching her blue depths. “Because I will wait as long as you need me to.”

He held his breath, waiting for her response. He needed to know that she was ready. That she wasn’t just rushing things for either of their sakes'.

Slowly a smile spread across her face, her eyes shinning at him. Tentatively she reached up, taking one of his hands in her own. His breath caught in his throat as she brought his knuckles to her lips, brushing a kiss to his skin.

Inside his heart pounded violently, as her eyes never left his face. “I’m sure.” Her words came as a soft caress, her warm breath drifting across his skin.

A smile split across his face, his chest swelling so big it hurt like it would explode. That was all he needed to know. He then wrapped his arms around her again, pulling her back for another kiss. He felt her smile against his lips, as she kissed him back with a yearning that rendered him speechless.

His heart soared inside him with pure happiness. Tightening his grip around her waist, he lifted her feet off the ground. She giggled as he spun her around, and he couldn’t help the laugh that escaped him.

There was probably quite a crowd watching them by now. All most definitely standing with their mouths open, and eyes wide at their public display. He didn’t care.

After spinning her around twice he gently lowered her to the ground. With a final brush of her lips he pulled back, his breathing rapid. He raised his hand to cup her face, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

Looking down he found her eyes. She looked back at him unashamed, her blue depths shinning with a love that rendered him speechless.

She loved him. Elizabeth Thornton loved him. Was it possible a heart could break from happiness?

Her head came to rest against his chest, and he wrapped his arms around her. Pulling her close. And there, as the rain fell against them, and the entire town looked on, everything was perfect.



    And end scene! (Or chapter in this case. Lol!) I hope you all enjoyed it! It has been such a rewarding experience to write and share these chapters with you, and I give God the glory for everything my fingers have typed out. It's because of Him that this story exists.

    I would now like to inform you all that I have one more chapter to share with you guys, and then this story will be completed! (Which is a HUGE accomplishment for me. Lol!) I'm not sure if it will be out next week or the week after. I'll have to see how the writing goes. ;)

    Thank you all so much for reading! Feel free to comment your thoughts below or on my Twitter page! Have a great weekend everyone! God Bless!

  P.S. Did you get your team merch yet? Shop now and save 20% on your purchase! https://shop.spreadshirt.com/heart-and-family-mercantile



  1. Hope...

    Your writing skills impress me more every chapter. This one was ...perfection!

    You didn't disappoint. I felt all of Elizabeth's emotions as she was trying to figure it all out- in a dream no less. It brought tears to my eyes.

    And the scene in the rain no less! I had planned to have a rain scene in my newest story, but it didn't make the cut. (I had one in my first story) So, I am thrilled you did that! So romantic.

    I find it interesting that in my last chapter, which I haven't posted yet, I also used the word 'cad.' I have seen a few similar things in our stories, but just minor stuff. That's very interesting to me. I dream of being as good a writer as you are! sigh..

    Thank you so much for this story. I have enjoyed every word of it. I can't wait to read the finale.

    1. Aww, Sue! You're so sweet! I'm so glad you enjoyed this chapter!

      Call me a hopeless romantic but the idea of them kissing in the rain just sounded so romantic!

      And that is interesting about the similarities in our stories. What is it they say about great minds? Lol! And you are a talented writer! :)

      Thank you so much for reading my story and your amazing feedback! It means the world to me! God Bless!

  2. OMG - Where do I start??

    Such an emotional, beautifully-written chapter! It gave me ALL the feels!

    First and foremost, I'm glad that Elizabeth made herself clear to Nathan: it wasn't going to happen (PLEASE let this happen on the show as well lol). I didn't like his response, but it was very Nathan so it was par for the course. I like that her decision wasn't fully about Lucas and not about him being a Mountie, but her heart realizing that he just wasn't the one for her.

    You did an amazing job taking us through Elizabeth's emotional journey as she went through pretty much the five stages of grief to finally accept and embrace the truth. I felt for her as she struggled with letting Jack and their love go, as she removed that ring, and as the realization of her love for Lucas came shining through so strongly.

    I was really, really hoping she would come face-to-face with Lucas in this chapter - thank you for giving us that! I was cheering her on like she was Forest Gump to keep running lol. And that scene in the rain? I was swooning! The declarations of love, the passionate kisses, the ardent looks...you made it so romantic! Lucas deserved to hear those words and I'm glad Elizabeth made it clear that not only was she sure of what was in her heart, but that she loved him completely!

    Loved this chapter so much! Can't wait for the next one. Take your time in posting it...I'll just spend my time re-reading this one :)

    1. Oops - I meant letting Jack go...not their love lol.

    2. Gee! You're so sweet, Div! Thank you so much! I'm so happy you enjoyed this chapter!

      Yes, that Nathan needed to be told. It's funny as every time I'd finish writing his dialogue he'd open his mouth and decide to say something else. (And each time it did not help his case. Lol!) I also hope that E makes her decision in a similar way in the show, and let's us the viewers know that she picked one of them just because she fell in love with the guy. I don't want people to say (Should E pick L) that she picked L because she was too scared to pick N due to his job.

      And I'm so happy you enjoyed not only E's emotional journey (Which that took some thought on how to do. Lol!) but also when she finally told L how she feels. I'm sure my "hopeless romantic" side as well as my love for drama shown through crystal clear here. Lol!

      Thank you so much for reading not only this chapter but all the others, and for your wonderful feedback! I'm so grateful for your support and encouragement! God Bless!


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