What's Next For Elizabeth Thornton?


Thank you Erin Krakow for the great pic!

    Greetings Hearties, and happy Wednesday! 11.....days.....Just...ELEVEN DAYS.... (Pauses for impromptu dance session)

    I say this nearly every blog post, but we are so close to the premiere of Season 8! And I'm so excited! (I mean, let's be honest, who isn't by now? Lol!) And speaking of Season 8 that's exactly why I'm here!

    Throughout the off-season I've been giving my thoughts on what this new season could/what I hope it could bring different characters and couples. I started way back in June of 2020, and now have one final character to discuss. And of course I saved the star of WCTH for last. Yes, today is all about Hope Valley's beloved school teacher, Elizabeth Thornton! (Which you already knew....But hey! Let me have my fun! :)

    What's next for Elizabeth? Let's be honest. That is what we've all been asking throughout this entire off-season. Actually we've technically been asking this question since Season 6. Elizabeth's storyline is probably the most talked about storyline in the entire show right now, and we all know why. We all want to know who she's going to pick. Lucas or Nathan?

    But along with that hair-pulling, scream-into-a-pillow question, this young woman has some exciting stuff in her future!

Note: I know that there are multiple promos out now, and as you've probably guessed I haven't watched any of them. So please keep that in mind as I list these things below and please don't share any spoilers you know. Thank you!




Finishing Her Novel


    Last season Elizabeth's main storyline (Other than the triangle) was her writing, and I completely believe that it will continue into Season 8. I think in this next season we may not only see Elizabeth finish her novel, but actually see it get published.

    For too long Elizabeth's life seemed to be put on hold as Jack came and went. And then when he died, her dreams seemed to die with him. But now she's finally pursuing and seeing one of her dreams come to life. And I hope Season 8 allows her to continue that journey.

    I want to see her finish that novel, and actually hold it in her hands after it's been published. There may be some challenges along the way. Perhaps some difficulty with the publisher, or maybe Lucas' editor mother will come to town and tell her she needs to make a bunch of changes. 

    I also think there could be some really sweet moments that come from her writing journey. Mainly involving Lucas....Lol! Maybe he tries to help her when she gets writer's block, or maybe he'll throw her a celebration party once it's published. (Or maybe even set up another private date in the library...:)

    But all in all I feel pretty confident that S8 will continue her writing journey, and that come episode 12 she very well may be a published author.



Sweet Little Jack Moments


    Alright if this picture doesn't melt your heart, I don't know what will. One of the things I'm excited to see this season is just how much Little Jack has grown. Last season he was already walking and talking a little, but now....let's just say he isn't so little anymore. 

    While this post is about Elizabeth, I can't very well mention her without mentioning her son as well. He is her life, and I'm excited to see what Season 8 has in store for these two! I want to see Little Jack running around, and his poor mama trying to keep up with the rambunctious two year old. I want to hear him talking up a storm, and playing with his Uncle Lee, and petting horsies, and just being a happy little kid. 

    But bringing Elizabeth back into the picture, I want to see just how close mother and son are. I mean just look at that picture! Aside from it being flat out adorable, it says so much about how much Elizabeth loves her son. Her face makes me wonder what is going through her mind. Is she still conflicted over Lucas and Nathan? Or could she possibly be thinking about Jack? Maybe a special day came like her and Jack's anniversary, or the day he passed. And so maybe she huddled on the couch with a blanket, holding her son close as she deals with trying to move on.

    Which brings me to my next topic.


Moving On

    Another huge storyline for Elizabeth has been her trying to move on from Jack's death. Season 6 showed us how she was able to smile and find joy again, even accepting a dance from another man. Then Season 7 showed us how her heart has begun to open again, and she actually could admit she has feelings for someone....or rather someones...Lol!

    This next season IMO has to finally show her accepting that she can indeed move on and love another man. But that doesn't mean it will happen just like that. I actually might like to see (As I mentioned earlier) a special event come, that makes Elizabeth have to stop and think. It could be something like Jack's birthday, their anniversary, the day he passed, etc. Just something that shakes her world a bit and makes her have to pause and have to deal with all her emotions inside.

    But in the end, there is truly one main thing I want Elizabeth to do. And I think it's something we've all been waiting for. I want to see Elizabeth finally admit to herself that she has feelings for ONE guy in particular, have peace about moving on, and.....remove her rings. Yes, this has been a long time coming, and it's made sense that it's taken her this long. Jack was the love of her life, and losing him was the hardest thing she's ever had to go through. But I think this season is finally the one where she'll realize that she's ready to move on, and take off her rings. And it will be such a huge moment when/if she does.





    And we now come to the main attraction. (Which I hope will be Lucas...Lol!) I of course had to save the best topic for last, and that would of course be romance! These past two seasons have given us a taste of what's to come, and I think this season should finally just let the sparks fly!

    I want to see plenty of romance this season for Elizabeth, and I'm sure you know by now who want that romance to be with. Lol! Yes, it's no secret that I'm Team Lucas, and my absolute biggest hope for this season is that Elizabeth would pick him.....and have some swoon-worthy romantic moments with him. :)

    Of course I have no idea if she is actually going to pick him....(Remembers to breathe...) But I definitely believe that Lucas has a shot here, and should my Heartie dreams come true and she does....

    I. Want. Romance! 😍

    Now of course I absolutely believe that there is going to be tension between them at some point this season. And this is regardless if she picks him or not. Lucas saw that hug, after trying to romance her for the past two seasons. Henceforth a very awkward conversation is a must with these two.

    However should Lucas be the man in her heart, I want it all. (Please stop singing Queen.) I want big heart melting romantic gestures, and little sweet awe worthy moments. I want a candle lit dinner. You know what? Scratch that. I want a lantern lit moonlight picnic!

    I want to see them hold hands for the first time. I want them to go for a horse ride together. I want Lucas to throw a party when Elizabeth's book gets published. I want them to have another dance. I want to see them argue about something silly, and then both try and make up for it. (Yes, that's romantic!) I want Lucas to give Elizabeth a super thoughtful and sweet gift. (Preferably a locket) And then I want Elizabeth to finally give Lucas a gift. I want them to work their problems out together while having the cutest banter going on. I want to see them truly become each other's best friend. 

    And....(Takes a much needed breath) I want...to see...their first kiss. (Sighs happily at the thought...) 

    I want it all. (Stop singing! Lol!)

    And now to dampen the mood...(I apologize in advance for the words that are about to leave my finger tips.) 

    I have to be honest here and admit that no matter who Elizabeth picks I want there to be romance. And before you light the fuse to that Looney Tunes style stick of dynamite you're about to chuck at me, let me make something clear. (Finds rabbit hole to jump in, just in case.)

    I will be crushed if Elizabeth picks Nathan. I mean, it won't be the utter and complete end of the world as both Kevin and Chris are good-looking and fun guys. (Even though it may feel that way.) But don't you think it would be really, really boring if Elizabeth did pick Nathan and the romance fell flat? It truly would only make me feel even worse, and ruin my favorite show. I mean, let's be honest here. A huge reason we watch this show is purely for the romance. And so whoever she picks I hope to still see some sweet and swoon-worthy romantic moments.

    BUT, (Raises pointer finger out of the rabbit hole) just so we're clear.... I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really...(Into infinity and beyond really...) hope that Elizabeth picks Lucas! Just so we're clear.😁

    And that brings us to the end of this post! Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed my ramblings. :D Please feel free to share your hopes for Elizabeth in Season 8! (Just please no spoilers!) Have a wonderful day! God Bless!

    P.S. If you really want to get into the team spirit, and let all of your friends and family know without a doubt what team you're on, (But if you're anything like me they undoubtedly already know) then stop by and pick up some merch! These fun team designs are two of my favorites so far! (I even have a shirt of my own!) Click here to shop now! https://shop.spreadshirt.com/heart-and-family-mercantile


  1. Hello Hope!!

    Well written post! The only problem is, I can't comment on much of it without giving away the spoilers that I diligently search for! (total polar opposites)

    I will say that I am hoping for some sweet LJ moments with E and the man of her choice- hopefully Lucas. And of course romance is a must!

    I continue to hope that the hug was mostly a flashback to Jack's death in her mind. Relief that Nathan was alive. I will believe that until and unless I see otherwise.

    We are so close now! Thank you for continuing to entertain us with your posts and your story. (I just posted my last two chapters today)


    1. Thank you, Sue! (Sorry for the late response!) I know it's a bit awkward reading this and not being able to comment what you know. But I thank you so much for respecting my "no-spoilers" request. (How crazy I must sound being a WCTH blogger who doesn't like spoilers. Lol!)

      I too have to believe that Elizabeth had some kind of flashback to Jack death before and/or during that hug. And while I hope that she doesn't love Nathan, I know she truly cares about him. So I'm left to hope the hug was due to her having a flashback and/or because she really cares about him. But not love. (Please WCTH writers....Please....)

      Thank you so much for reading and commenting! Have an amazing weekend! God Bless!

  2. I agree with Sue, there's a lot I want to say but can't because I don't want to spoil anything for you! So I'm going to piggyback on two things you said - E's moments with LJ and a possible serious note regarding Jack.

    I want to see lots of sweet moments between mother and son. That has been one of Elizabeth's best storylines since he was born - becoming a mother and growing into that role. She is so good at it and so clearly loves her son. Now that the Taylor twins are a little older and have apparently become quite the little actors (according to Brian Bird, more so than the Olsen twins when they were small!), I'm super excited for whatever storylines might be coming down involving little Jack! Precious moments, sweet moments, challenging moments...I want to see it all!

    Love the idea of Elizabeth thinking back to Jack on a special day. He presumably died around May, since they were married in March and he was gone a couple months later. And it's possible the seasons starts around that time, so I could see her holding little Jack and thinking about her late husband, especially if she's about ready to actually move on. That would be a hard moment for her, but it could be very beautiful and well done.

    And yeah, romance is a must, lol. We might be opposites on teams, but I want to see allllll the romance too! (Just, y'know...with Nathan :D)

    Hope your day is going well!

    1. WHAT?!? You're Team Nathan? How did I not know this??? (I tease...I tease...Lol!)

      I'm really curious what's in store for us with LJ this season! The twins are adorable and I think it would just be so fun to watch LJ run around and babble about anything and everything. :) I agree I want it all! Happy moments, challenging moments, silly moments...you name it!

      I think S8 is the perfect season for Elizabeth to think back to Jack. I mean, not that she hasn't in seasons 6-7 as she totally has, but you get what I mean. :) She's going to finally pick someone and move on, and so I think that will make her remember her time with Jack more than ever! That would also make for some incredibly touching and emotional moments!

      And despite being Team Lucas I have to agree. There MUST be romance for Elizabeth no matter what! (But...y'know... Lol! ;)

      Thank you so much for reading and commenting! Have an amazing weekend! God Bless!


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