WCTH S8 Episode Review: Open Season


    Well...It happened Hearties!!!! 

    Finally the day arrived and the first episode of WCTH Season 8 premiered! And all I can say is.....wow. 

    I had the wonderful privilege of watching the episode in real time last night, and it was quite something. I do have to admit that it wasn't exactly what I was hoping for or expected. It felt different than Seasons 6-7. Honestly there was a lot packed into one episode, but I believe it is helping set up future storylines.

    Anyhow, while I was disappointed in some aspects, I really enjoyed others. And so I will now attempt to cover this episode in my first episode review of Season 8 and 2021! Buckle up, as this is going to be quite the ride.

    FYI this turned out to be an incredibly LONG review, but there's just so much to cover! Lol!


Faith & Carson



    Faith has FINALLY come home! And my goodness, what an entrance! She just blazed right on in driving a buckboard and....wearing pants! Now I have some questions concerning those...Not that they don't look good on her, as they do. I also like the personality they give her, and they go perfectly with her new "woman doctor" role. But I'm left to wonder how on earth she didn't even get a second glance, seeing that Fiona was scoffed at just for showing her ankles.

    Anyhow, I sort of like this new version of Faith. She has never been a favorite character of mine, so seeing her so adventurous and chatting with all the other young ladies was fun. As for her and Carson....

    Why Carson? Why?!? Your girl comes back to you after SO long, and you don't even kiss her? Honestly that was a really bad reunion for Team Infirmary. Now I have two conclusions about this. One, maybe the writers tried to condense the kissing due to Covid, or two....Carson was really scared about him and Faith's relationship. (And jealous.) 

    Things were pretty rocky from the get-go. But Faith made it very clear that there is no where else she'd rather be than Hope Valley. And then Carson actually serenaded her at the dock. I didn't even know Carson knew how to play a guitar let alone sing! (I knew Paul Greene could, but not Carson.) But it was sweet, and I'm very curious to see how Faith's new role as a doctor in training, and her relationship with Carson goes in the coming episodes.

Jesse & Clara


    Oh, boy! Looks like there is trouble in paradise. (Or paradise disappeared completely. Lol!) Wow! I have never seen Jesse or Clara quite like they were in this episode. They were yelling, avoiding each other, and crying. (Clara reminded me of Mary Tyler Moore from the Dick Van Dyke show with her sobs. Lol!) 

    But anyhow I actually did enjoy this plotline. Both of them weren't shown as perfect people, or the perfectly in love newly wed couple. They were real people dealing with the realities of married life. Each of them have their flaws, and are a bit stubborn, but still love each other to pieces.

    Also listening to Jesse yelling about his missing boot was just fun. Lol! Speaking of the man....Jesse stole Lee's pants!!! 😂 I just laughed out loud at that scene! So good! I also never quite pictured Jesse as a reader, but it's kind of funny. (Terrifying Tales? Really Jesse? :D )

    To be honest this is not how I pictured Jesse and Clara would be going into the season. I mean, they just got married last season. But again it was a fun twist. I just hope that they don't stay like this all season long, as that could get quite tiresome.

    AND! I better see that tandem bicycle come back! :)

    Note to Jesse: I'm not sure Hope Valley or the Hearties can deal with two plaid pants wearing men. :D


Fiona's Barber Shop


    Well, what do you know? Fiona is actually going to start her own business! During the off-season many Hearties had the idea for Fiona to open a hair salon, now that she's not with the phone company anymore. And it turns out she almost, sort of did. She's opening her own barber shop!

    Naturally I have a LOT of questions. When will it be opened? What may transpire as she's running it? What are her grand plans for the future?

    Now I will be very honest here, and say that I really am not a fan of how business driven Fiona is. However I do believe that her actions have very much been driven due to her horrible ex-boss. He made her feel small and like she couldn't accomplish much. Now she wants to prove to herself that she can. Which I totally believe she can. I just wonder what her real dreams are, as her comment about why she's opening a barber shop instead of a salon leaves me wondering if she has bigger plans. She wants to hear all the men talk about business, indicating that she may have grander goals in life than just a barber shop.

    I will be very interested to see how everything plays out.


    Okay....I'm going to start off this man's topic with a very important question. Who is this red serge wearing man, and what did he do with Nathan?!? Lol! I mean....wowza! Talk about a drastic change in personality! And....I like it!

    (Audience gasps, as Team Lucas raises their pitchforks) Now, now...I am absolutely not saying I have switched sides. In fact the amount of Nathan/Elizabeth scenes this episode scared and disappointed me. (More on that later) But Nathan's whole demeanor actually impressed me quite a bit.

    I loved how happy he was, and wow! Did that man have some confidence! Nathan had two main storylines this episode and so I'll break this topic into two parts.

Nathan's Brother-In-Law


    Ooooooo! That dirty, low-down, disgusting cad! I had wondered if we'd see Allie's father show up in town, but I wasn't sure what kind of a man he would be. I mean, he couldn't be that great of a guy if he's willing to abandon his own daughter! As it turns out....he's horrible! Yuck! And Nathan obviously doesn't really like him either.

    He became positively furious that the man called Allie "his little girl." Nathan had it right. Allie is NOT his anymore! And then the man (Dylan) truly showed his real colors and demands Nathan pay him a thousand dollars, before he'll leave. (Again, yuck!) Nathan obviously realized that Dylan was not going to leave without that money, as he found him trying to talk with....(Works to keep form gagging) Little Jack! Of all people!!! Hurrah for Nathan dragging that slime-ball away.

    And so realizing he has no other option, Nathan goes....to Lucas. As Lucas put it, Nathan was obviously desperate if he was willing to go to him for help. 

    So then he went to meet up with Dylan and...wow. Oh poor Nathan! That horrible man just lassoed him to the ground, kicked him in the stomach (Ouch! The poor brave Mountie!) and then took Nathan's hat to top everything off!


    But in the end justice was served! I like how proud Nathan was when he told Dylan that he had to let him ambush him. That way Nathan would have grounds to put him away. Lol! And so the disgusting man was arrested! But I really get the feeling that this isn't the last we'll see of him.

Nathan & Elizabeth


    Alright...(Takes a fortifying breath...) There was a LOT of Elizabeth and Nathan in this episode. Like, a lot. Once again Nathan's new personality really made his character shine. And he wasted absolutely no time in asking Elizabeth out. I was just like..."Woah! You sure didn't have any problem with your words this time!" But he was respectful and told her to let him know when she was ready. And honestly she needed to hear that. Elizabeth really just seems so unsure about going out with Nathan, and I'm not exactly sure why.

    She has clearly admitted that she realized in hugging Nathan she cares for him more than she originally thought. But there's still just this unease whenever things get serious between them. It honestly could go either way. She could be acting like this because she really does like him and is scared of her feelings, or because she's just unsure of her feelings....(And maybe really loves another man....)

    She also genuinely cares that he's safe, and was quite relieved/concerned when he showed up after arresting Dylan. Her face, and her words all showed how worried she was. She could clearly tell that he'd been in danger, and was not pleased.


    Nathan however refused to tell her about what had really happened. As he had earlier in the episode. Now I'm not going to rag on him too much for this as I sort of understand why he did what he did. Why would he want people to know about his terrible brother-in-law, and maybe he was trying to protect Elizabeth, physically, and mentally. After all he knows what's she's been through with Jack, and to come right out and tell her that, "Yeah, I got ambushed, kicked in the stomach, walked for miles before finding my horse, and then almost got shot, all by Allie's father," would have terrified her.

    But I do believe that if he continues to do this, him and Elizabeth are going to be having a rather...unpleasant conversation in the future. I do believe that Nathan needs to better communicate with her. Keeping things a secret, even while trying to protect her, isn't going to fly well with this lady in particular. I do believe she would have been understanding and not told anyone should he have shared about Dylan being his brother-in-law. But I'm sure Nathan had his reasons.

    This then brings me to my favorite line from Nathan in this episode. He asked Elizabeth out for the SECOND time in one episode (Again, wow.) and at her comment about his ruffled appearance he assures her that he would "bathe and change" before taking her to dinner. Lol! (I like funny Nathan!)


    Anyhow he asked for her to go to dinner with him again. He's being quite persistent, and Elizabeth is really, really unsure about the whole idea. She gave a very sorry excuse about not having Laura to babysit. (When she has neighbors who have been gone forever, and would love an evening with Little Jack.) So then Nathan brings up a very smart idea....what if all four of them (Him, Elizabeth, Allie, and Little Jack) went to dinner? This is actually a very clever move on Nathan's part and it worked, as Elizabeth accepted. (Reluctantly, but surely.)

    But it all goes out the window once Elizabeth meets Helen Bouchard. After that she immediately tells Nathan she doesn't feel well, and asks him to walk her home. And they're literally a few feet from the cafe. I'm sorry Elizabeth but that was not your finest moment. That was quite rude of her honestly, but in the end may have been the best choice for everyone. Because if she was going to be uneasy and unpleasant the whole dinner anyway, it was probably better that she went home.

    All in all....I still don't like Nathan and Elizabeth together. Lol! I love how happy and fun Nathan was. His character was brought to life and was a joy to watch....I just...(Sigh) I just still am not a fan of him and Elizabeth as a potential couple. But there was a lot of "Nathan vibes" in this episode which actually made me nervous. I guess time will tell.

The Coulter's Marriage Counseling Service 

    And the dynamic duo has returned from their fabulous cruise! And oh how Hope Valley has changed. Okay, more like its citizens. Lol! The Coulters have remained their wonderful, loving selves and now have become Jesse and Clara's marriage counselors. And they have their work cut out for them. :D

    But one of the best things Lee said the entire episode was during his conversation with Jesse. He said, 

"Love isn't just a feeling or an emotion. It's a choice." 

    Amen, Lee Coulter! This is so, so true. He really hit the nail on the head. Feelings and emotions are fickle and fleeting. True love is choosing to love every single day no matter what we feel like, or what the circumstance. That's the love that lasts, and makes a strong marriage.

    And in the end Rosemary and Lee did a great job coaching Jesse and Clara. They even gave them a  cute bike! (Honestly the Coulters are just the sweetest and kindest couple!)

    Now of course everyone is still wondering if these two will ever become parents. Honestly, I'm not sure, but I feel like they would at least adopt a child if not have one of their own. They really deserve to be parents, and so I'll just have to wait and see what happens!



    Oh, Lucas! You poor, heartbroken, miserable soul! (Sniff!) So, I will not lie that the lack of Lucas in this episode came as a great disappointment to me. I just kept waiting and waiting, but he got so little screen time. But it is the first episode out of twelve and so I don't have to worry just yet.

    Anyhow, as for the scenes he did have.....He's just a sweetheart! Alright, alright...let me start at the beginning.

    So first we have now learned that Lucas left Hope Valley after seeing "the hug." And he did so without so much as a good-bye to Elizabeth, and understandably so. At that point I think she was the last person he wanted to talk to. Just look at the poor man's face!


    Moving on, just as Elizabeth finishes writing in her journal, a knock sounds on the door. And it's Lucas himself!!! Elizabeth is so shocked yet....happy. I mean she wasted literally no time asking him to come inside her house, and was quite eager for him to do so. Lucas then very sincerely apologizes for how he left, without even saying good-bye. (One point for Lucas!) Then Lucas drops the bombshell....he tells her that he saw the hug, something she hadn't known. Oh, poor Lucas! He had such a hard time just getting the words out.

    And then he did something quite substantial. He actually admitted to Elizabeth that he was jealous! (Jaw drops, while giving Lucas another point.) I mean, you go man! Nathan could never admit to anyone that he was jealous, but Lucas? He just came right out and spilled it all, even telling Elizabeth that he's ashamed of how he acted and how his jealousy got not "the best of him" but "the worst of him." Bravo, Mr. Bouchard! That small scene  said so much about his character.

    After this, him and Elizabeth have only two more scenes together, but before that we learn that the oil well is dry! Okay, hold up one quick moment....WHAT HAPPENED WITH THE OIL COMPANY??? 

    It was never explained. Lucas left after New Years and it wasn't even concerning the company. What on earth happened? Did he get things fixed? Did he shut the company down? And how on earth is Henry willing to help him? I guess the man finally swallowed his pride, but so little was explained. Anyhow, may I just give Lucas a little advice? DON'T USE EXPLOSIVES!!! I like you the way you are, not well done and crispy! #CrispyNally (Hickam, whatever happens I hold you responsible!)

    Lucas also loaned Nathan a LOT of money but I covered that in Nathan's section. Again another point goes to the man in the suit. 

    And so we got two more scenes with Lucas and Elizabeth. The first one he shows up in HIS NEW CAR! (He so needed that.) And after scaring the incredibly pure white rabbits away (Hope Valley is just that amazing) and making an incredibly obvious comment about there being no "daddy bunny" (Wow, Bouchard. Smooth. Lol!) he then tells probably the saddest childhood fact he's ever told. After reciting with Elizabeth some lines from Mother Goose, Elizabeth asks "Helen Bouchard taught you Mother Goose?" To which Lucas replies, "Helen Bouchard taught me to read, and after that I was on my own." (Places hand to heart) Oh, you sad miserable thing! What kind of mother makes her son have to read Mother Goose to himself? And now I'm stuck with that incredibly heartbreaking picture....

    But Lucas then tells Elizabeth where he went. Grand Isle, Louisiana. Why? To sort his feelings out after seeing the hug....while rebuilding a school that had been leveled during a hurricane. (The points are racking up, people.) 

    May I now just take a moment and point out that another jealous, conflicted man chose to go and build a school while the woman he loved was far away with another man....(Yeah, I'm just going to leave that right there...)

    In the end however Lucas came to a conclusion....whatever Elizabeth decides. All he wants is for Elizabeth to be happy....and if that's not love I don't know what is. This man went away sad and depressed after seeing the woman he possibly believed was his soulmate run and hug another man. And after thinking everything over he realized that he cared about her that much, that all he wanted was for her to be happy. Even if it meant Elizabeth being with another man.

    And I of course cannot end this section (This long section) without mentioning...Helen Bouchard's arrival. First off I had kind of assumed that she would show up, but I did not know that she would be played by Teryl Rothery (Someone I have seen in many Hallmark movies) or that she would be so...persnickety. I mean, wow. I've seen less than a minute of her, and I already have a bad opinion of her. But I do believe that she will redeem herself in time. I mean, she did greet Little Jack with a smile. That's worth something.



    Finally...FINALLY Elizabeth addressed that hug. She just came right out and said that when she hugged Nathan.....(Cough...) Maybe I'll just skip that part...

    Yes, yes...She said that she realized she cares for Nathan more than she thought she did. Did that makes me nervous? No....(Laughs nervously...) But it's great to finally get some answers. And yet we still are left in the same position we were last season. She has still not made a decision. 

    However I am glad to hear that she realizes that she cannot keep seeing both men as romantic interests. (Amen, and amen!) The only question is...what is she going to do about this? And when?

    We also learned that she has finally finished her book! Yay! But she did it at her own pace so she didn't meet her deadline with Helen Bouchard....And now what do you know? The woman is here. I'm a little torn between Elizabeth's decision to write at her own pace. On one hand that would be much better for her. She's a busy woman, and making time for the people she cares about is very important and a very sweet thing for her to do. It also makes for a better book. But....

    Helen Bouchard loved her first chapters and believed in her writing. She also set up the whole thing with the publisher, and really is the reason Elizabeth is being published at all. If Elizabeth took her time, knowing she wouldn't make her deadline, Helen possibly has to take the fall for that in front of the publisher.

    HOWEVER....that did NOT give her the right to be rude. And after one scene with Helen I can tell she's going to be a giant pain in the....side. (Anyone remember that line? ;)

    All in all....I need the next episode. Now.😂


The Triangle Goes On

    I could have saved this topic for a Friday post, but I decided to just combine everything into one post, and skip this Friday. (Sorry!) As we can clearly see...this triangle is far from over. And from what I saw on Facebook I can tell that everyone is sick of it.

    I'm going to be the odd ball here, but aside from the constant worry of "Will she pick Lucas?" I actually enjoy the triangle. Now I'm sure your eyes are probably bugging out right now, and you may be wondering what I ate for breakfast, (It was banana bread if you must know.) but let me explain. Actually I can sum it up in one sentence. 

    The triangle has brought excitement. 

    It's made me so invested, and so curious, and in need of more and more episodes. It's brought drama, and romance, and like I said, aside from the constant worry, has been fun. Not that I want it to go on forever though. Yes, this season absolutely HAS to put an end to it. Elizabeth needs to finally figure her feelings out, as right now both guys may still have hope that she'll pick them. (Nathan more than Lucas right now.) And this current episode has actually brought me a bit of a revelation.

    Season 7 started with a very Lucas and Elizabeth heavy episode, while Nathan was quite absent. Then the next episode was completely Nathan centered with all the troubles of his father coming to town, and Allie's big sleepover. Nathan and Elizabeth had a lot of time together while Lucas and Elizabeth had one single scene.

    Why am I telling you this? Because Season 8 seems to be doing a reversal of Season 7. This first episode was very Nathan and Elizabeth heavy, while Lucas was barely seen. Now Lucas' mother has arrived and Lucas is dealing with a dry oil well. My thoughts? This next episode may be very Lucas and Elizabeth themed (Or at least Lucas themed) with Lucas dealing with his mother in town.

    Now, call me crazy but this seems very similar. I mean, both second episodes have the two guys dealing with a difficult parent. (At least Helen seems quite difficult so far.) It really appears like things may be going in reverse from last season a bit. At least for right now.

    And we all know who Elizabeth hugged in the end of S7. (Hint, hint...)

    Another thing that stuck out to me is just how much Nathan really tried to pursue Elizabeth. And this is only the first episode! I mean she almost went to dinner with the guy....and it's only the first episode. This fact once again gives me hope that perhaps Lucas may just be Elizabeth's final choice. 

    The tables have turned, folks. Instead of Lucas pursuing Elizabeth like in S7 and Nathan being distant, we now have Nathan pursuing her while Lucas has backed away. As always I have no evidence that this means anything. But I just found these facts quite interesting, and thought I'd share them with you all. Who knows? Maybe I'm wrong and Lucas is just totally going to back away and fall in love with someone else? Or maybe...just maybe I'm on to something... :)

    Overall this episode was quite different then I had expected/hoped it would be. And no this doesn't just have to do with all the Team Nathan vibes/lack of Lucas. (Although I will admit it plays a big part.) It just felt a bit off compared to Seasons 6 and 7, but we do have a new show-runner so that makes sense. No one writes the exact way someone else does. It makes us all special and unique!

    However there were a lot of things that I did like. Sometimes I'd burst out laughing, and sometimes I'd gasp, "Oh my goodness!" I also liked how alive the characters felt. Once again just like I said for Season 7's "An Unexpected Gift" episode, it was like the characters stepped out of their perfect molds and just came to life. That's something I'd like to see more of this season.

    But I will admit that I am very anxiously awaiting the next episode! I can't wait to see what happens next!

    Thank you so much for reading this incredibly long post. Lol! Feel free to tell me your thoughts on this first episode below or on my Twitter page! God Bless!

    P.S. Stop by and get some fun merch to wear during the episodes! https://shop.spreadshirt.com/heart-and-family-mercantile



  1. I literally just spend about 45 minutes typing out a long comment that disappeared when I hit publish. Silly me, I didn't copy before doing so. I am not sure when I will get the time to respond again, so I will just apologize for now that it didn't post. :(

    Enjoyed your post, Hope! Thank you!

    1. No worries, Sue! I believe sometimes comments won't publish if they're too long. Maybe try posting it again (Whenever you have a minute. Please don't feel rushed.) but in two parts. If it doesn't work let me know so I can see if I can help!

      I'm glad you enjoyed the post! God Bless!

  2. I was actually a little disappointed with episode one. The fact that they tried to tie together last season’s finale with this episode was a little bit of a stretch. I realize that Elizabeth is supposed to follow her heart. But she also wants a father for a little Jack. How can she decide if Lucas has had very little interaction with Little Jack. I look at it this way. If she just wants a father for a little Jack she’ll pick Nathan but if she wants a father for a little Jack and a lover for herself she should definitely pick Lucas. He is simply a much more interesting character. And it is clear to anybody that Lucas loves Elizabeth deeply.

    1. Yes! The fact that Lucas has backed off, and told Elizabeth that he wants her to be happy is true love! He cares about her so much that he'd even be willing to let her go be with someone else just so she would be happy.

      But the fact that he did that, and is more distant now actually gives me hope that maybe he'll be the one she chooses! Have an amazing weekend! God Bless!

  3. Olá! Gostei muito de seu texto e me.deu até um pouco de esperança... mas tenho que desabafar... Estou incomodada com Elizabeth ainda dando esperanças para os dois...
    Eu senti Lucas distante, parece que ele realmente desistiu de lutar por ela. Doeu no fundo do coração ver ele dizendo: Quero que seja feliz e ela simplesmente : Obrigada. poxa Elizabeth, você tinha a chance de dispensa-lo de uma vez ali ou não.
    Bom, sobre os outros personagens também achei que tinha muita história... Mas como vc disse, novo showrunner né... Acho que ao longo da temporada , as histórias e cena se encaixarao mais ...

    Bjs !

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

      I think both sides were not the happiest with Elizabeth in this episode. I do agree that she seems to still be giving both men hope, but I think she's also still very conflicted. I think she needs to be very careful how she handles things in the coming episodes.

      But I actually take Lucas being distant and backing off for now as a good thing. It shows that he truly cares about her, enough to step back and let her do whatever makes her happy. As he truly wants her to be happy.

      Thank you for reading and the comment! Have a wonderful weekend! God Bless!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I saw true excitement with Elizabeth when Lucas came to see her to apologize. In my opinion, she seems happy when he is near. I agree with your assessment about how she acted with Nathan in the first episode, and I genuinely hope she is not suppressing her feelings for him. It may be that she is doing that, and doesn't want to be in love with another Mountie because of the dangerous job they have. I don't know. For the most part, I am not troubled by episode one. I believe it left the door wide open for Lucas and Nathan, too. Yes, I am rooting for Lucas to be the one. What troubles me is the clips I have seen in coming episodes. I could elaborate, but I think it might be a spoiler for a few. My bigger concern is that if Lucas is not the one she chooses, we'll see less of him just because he won't have the attention of Elizabeth. Nathan can always remain important because he is the Mountie, the law to guard the town. I am sure in Hope Valley fashion that they will write an interesting part for Lucas, but I will be disappointed if he loses a lot of air time. Thank you for your hard work with writing your blog for WCTH.

    1. Aww! Thank you! :)

      I agree with you. Elizabeth always seems happy to see Lucas. Even when things are more strained between them. I also agree that I believe the writers have currently left the door wide open at this point. Honestly things could go either way, a fact that is exciting yet terrifying at the same time Lol!

      Thank you so much for reading and the comment! Have a wonderful weekend! God Bless!

    2. You are welcome, and thank you for your good wishes! I hope yours is blessed as well. I also want to add that in the interviews with the two leading men and Erin Krakow, it was told that Elizabeth and Nathan have a deep connection and something they share in their past. (I am paraphrasing because I cannot remember exactly what they said.) I believe one of two things; either, Nathan knew Jack and watched him die in the rockslide. Perhaps he might have even had a conversation with Jack about Elizabeth. Perhaps he lost a good friend who was a Mountie, but it would seem more likely that it was Jack. If so, I believe that may give Elizabeth more of an incentive to choose someone who knew Jack. She also said her ideal choice would be someone who could ride a horse. Lucas has, but prefers a car. SIGH! Like everyone else, I'll be watching for clues.

  6. Great review, Hope! I loved reading your thoughts.

    You know I love Team Infirmary, but I agree with the nature of their reunion. It just didn't cut it for me. I am glad they had that little talk where Faith mentioned he didn't seem happy to see her, and he admitted he was jealous. Then that serenade at the dock was a sweet moment, but I definitely wanted to see more of it. That's my only concern with the size of this cast - some stories will feel rushed and incomplete. Someone suggested they take a page from Heartland's book and have the main characters' storylines in each episode, and then focus on one or two B storylines, just so everyone gets the attention they deserve. Putting them all in one episode just doesn't give time for good, solid development. That's my only gripe with the massive cast we have. Love them all (though if certain people left town...*cough Classe cough*, I wouldn't be heartbroken).

    I loved Lucas in this episode. He was humble, kind, generous, and just all-around amazing. I don't think I've ever liked him more. I was watching this episode the second time around with my mom, who has always been TL, and she commented on how he's such a gentle spirit and she really wants him to be happy. I agree with her on that. I won't say what it was she meant by him being happy, because...well, let's just say it's the same as my hopes for his happiness, lol.

    Teryl Rothery was the perfect choice to play Lucas's mom! I squealed with excitement when I saw that she was coming onto the show a couple months ago. Always wanted to see her in Hope Valley, and I'm verrrry interested to see what kind of character she is. That initial introduction was both promising and worrying. Her reunion with Lucas was sweet, but her iciness with Elizabeth...not so much. This ought to be interesting!

    Once again, your little aside comments made me laugh out loud, especially where Nathan was concerned. I loved his newfound confidence in this episode. I guess a brush with death gave him a hard smack of reality! His confidence as a Mountie is now translating to Elizabeth, and it's about time! It'll be interesting to see if he keeps that confidence, or if Elizabeth breaking their date pushes him back into tongue-tied mode. We shall see!

    Thank you for a great post! It was fun to read. Have a lovely weekend.

    1. Thank you, Lauralyn! I'm really glad you enjoyed it!

      Boy, oh boy, are there a LOT of characters now! Lol! I think we tend to be opposites when it comes to Team Classe and Team Infirmary. I like Jesse and Clara more than Carson and Faith and you're the opposite. Lol! But I agree Carson and Faith seem to be on rocky ground right now. I'm curious where things will go from here.

      I also agree that there are a lot of characters and it's a stretch to try and give each one a substantial amount of screen time in each episode. Each character would have way more time for development and some good solid storylines if each episode would have a select group of characters to focus on. (Not that we don't have some good storylines now, but you know what I mean. :D

      And Lucas is so pitiful right now! The poor guy. He was so sincere, and honest with Elizabeth. I'm so curious (And anxious) to see how this triangle plays out, as so far things seem like they could go either way. (Gulp!)

      (And I believe your hopes for Lucas' happiness match my hopes for Nathan's happiness....Lol! ;)

      I really didn't know who would play Lucas' mother. And after seeing the small clip of her that we did I think she'll work quite well. I really, really hope we learn more about Lucas' past and childhood since she's arrived in town!

      And whoa! Nathan was like a different man in this episode, and I really liked it! It's funny. You really liked Lucas in this episode and I really liked Nathan. Lol! Honestly it was so nice to see him so happy, and confident. I agree it will be really interesting to see if this confidence stays or not.

      And I have now probably commented your ear off. Lol! Thank you so much for reading and the comment! Have an amazing weekend too! God Bless!


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