WCTH Fanfic: Making Sure: Chapter 17


    Well hello, and...Oh my goodness! It's only 2 days until WCTH!!! (Gasps, fighting for breath...) Sorry. I had to get that out. :D Happy Friday Hearties!

    I could go into detail here about how it's so crazy that Season 8 is almost here, and how we'll finally, FINALLY find out what happened after that hug, and how soon we'll know who Elizabeth is going to pick....But you're all pretty aware of all of that by now. Lol!

    Anyhow I am here with excitement! I have written the last chapter of my fan fiction, and am here to share it with you today! Eeeek! This is a major accomplishment for me, as this is the longest story I have ever written, and....I never finish stories....Lol! (I'm great at starting them, but not finishing them.) And so I'm so happy to share this with you guys today!

    I could say more, but I'll save the speech for the end of the post. Lol! So here it is! The final chapter of this Team Lucas story! I hope it's a blessing to you!



One week later…


Elizabeth placed a final book in her basket when a knock sounded on her door. Her stomach flipped as it had every morning the past week, and she moved to answer it. Lucas stood on the other side, a smile across his face.

“Good morning, Elizabeth.” His eyes sparkled as he looked at her, and she felt herself blushing under his gaze.

“Good morning.” She smiled back, feeling the urge to giggle for no reason. Suddenly she saw the two leashes in his hand. Looking down she laughed finding Sawyer and Annie running circles around each other.

“And good morning to you too.” She squatted down, and reached a hand to both of them. The pups greeted her excitedly, shoving their heads under her hands, and violently licking her fingers. She giggled with joy, eliciting a chuckle from Lucas.

He crouched down with her, petting Annie and then Sawyer.

“Jeanie’s at work and Gustave has threatened to quit unless I keep them out from under his feet.”

She caught the amusement in his voice and couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her.

“Well, I certainly don’t mind the company.” Looking up she found him watching her, his eyes darker than normal. He held her gaze, and she found herself caught in a trance, unable to look away. Something that had been happening regularly.

After a moment he cleared his throat nervously, before turning a smile on her. “Are you ready?”

She shook herself, unable to stop the grin that surfaced. “Yes, I just need to grab my things.” Quickly she stood, and went for her basket. She took a breath, trying to stop the butterflies twirling in her chest. Although she knew it wouldn’t do her any good.

Every time she simply heard his voice her heart went to fluttering. Honestly, she couldn’t help feeling she was behaving like a schoolgirl. But she didn’t care.

Placing a final kiss to Little Jack’s head she walked back to Lucas who stood at the door, her coat in his hands. She turned and allowed him to help her into it, something else he’d done every day the past week. Always the gentleman.

She turned to him, flashing him a smile. “Thank you.”

He grinned back, his dimples deepening. “Of course.” Taking a step back he motioned for her to exit ahead of him. “Shall we?”

She smirked, and stepped out the door, Lucas following behind.

Slowly they started down the road, the early morning sun warming her face. She breathed deeply, feeling the beauty of the newfound peace in her heart. As well as the overwhelming excitement she felt walking next to the man she loved.

She glanced over at him, and found him staring back. She bit her lip against a nervous yet happy giggle. “You know you don’t have to walk me to school every morning.” She quirked, just wanting to hear his response. “I know the oil company has you pretty busy.”

Lucas smirked, his eyes dropping to his feet. “I know.” His eyes then found hers again, a playfulness in his gaze. “But maybe I want to.”

Her eyes dropped to her feet, a grin pulling at her lips. “Well in that case.”

They continued on slowly down the road. Suddenly she felt his hand brush hers, before he slowly slipped his fingers through hers. Her heart sped, his touch sending a tingling sensation through her arm. He’d never held her hand before.

The past week they had agreed to take things slowly as they navigated this new chapter in their relationship. They both knew how the other felt, and she honestly was pretty sure how they’d end up. But for now, they were just taking their time, enjoying each other.

She dared a glance at him from under her lashes. He met her gaze, smiling shyly, before his eyes dropped to his feet. Inside her chest swelled, as she spotted his ears turning pink.

They continued walking, hand-in-hand down the road. No words seemed necessary. Just being together was enough.

Eventually they reached town, and started toward the school. People stopped and stared as they walked by, and Elizabeth looked to her and Lucas’ joined hands. They had been the talk of town ever since their rather public declaration of love. She was sure everyone was whispering about them as they passed, but she didn’t really care.

They then walked by the Gowen Petroleum office, and a question presented itself.

“Did Henry ever agree to your offer?” She asked curiously. Henry had taken his time in getting back to Lucas, and she wondered if they had talked yet.

“He…” Lucas started when suddenly Annie and Sawyer started running circles around him, tangling their ropes around his legs. Elizabeth couldn’t help but laugh at their antics. She looked to Lucas who seemed equally amused.

“He told me yesterday,” He started with a chuckle, attempting to free his legs. “That he would only agree to be my consultant for now.”

“I see.” She worked to hold the pups still, and untangle their leashes. “And are you happy with that?”

“It’s a start.” He answered, finally managing to step out of the ropes. “I am hoping that he’ll eventually come around and agree to be my partner again.” Reaching down he lifted Sawyer into his arms, giving his belly a scratch. “I never meant for things to end up the way they did.” He sighed sadly.

She looked to him softly, placing a hand on his arm. “I know. But this is a good start. For both of you.”

Lucas looked to her with a smile, simply nodding. Suddenly Sawyer squirmed and gave a kick, trying to leap out of his arms. Lucas winced, before gently lowering him to the ground. Elizabeth’s chest tightened.

“Your rib?”

He exhaled, before shrugging her worry away. “I’m fine.”

She raised a brow at him. “Are you sure?” Over the past week he seemed to be healing slowly but surely. Although she worried that her dramatic leap into his arms last week had caused him further injury. But if it had, she knew he’d never tell her.

“Yes.” He answered, before placing a hand to her cheek. His lips turned in a loving smile. “But your concern is very sweet.”

She felt herself blush at his compliment, his touch sending a spark through her skin. Unable to find something intelligent to say she simply scrunched her nose at him before slipping her hand back into his. They then continued on their way.

It didn’t take long before the school house came into view. A few children had arrived already and were playing happily in the field next to the building. A slight wave of sadness washed over her as it always did after arriving, knowing he was going to leave.

Goodness, she really was a lovesick schoolgirl.

He walked her up the stairs, allowing Robert and Allie to play with Annie and Sawyer for a moment. Elizabeth turned toward him, a sad smile on her face.

“This is me.”

Lucas sighed with a smile, a slightly mischievous look in his eyes. “Then I suppose you’ll want your hand back?”

She laughed lightly, looking down to their still intertwined fingers. “I’m afraid so.”

Again he sighed, with a shake of his head, his lips pressing tight. “I was afraid of that.”

She bit back against a laugh, seeing the playfulness in his eyes. Gently he raised her hand and placed a soft kiss to her knuckles, before finally releasing it back to her. Instantly she missed the warmth of his fingers over hers.

She then remembered the stack of papers at the bottom of her basket. “I actually have something for you.”

Lifting a few books, she gently slid them out, her heart speeding at the sight of them.

Lucas’ eyes widened, as he reached to take them from her offering hand. “Is this…”

She nodded eagerly. “My latest chapters.” The past week the words had seemed to simply spill out of her, faster than her fingers could type. It seemed finally figuring out the confusion in her heart, had freed the words from her brain.

Lucas looked happily at the pages, before turning a smile on her. “Thank you. I look forward to reading them.”

Her heart flipped, as she remembered the words she’d written. “I think you may be especially interested in the last one.” She couldn’t help the teasing in her voice, giving the pages a light tap.

His brows rose, as he cocked his head at her. “Is that so?”

She simply smirked, and turned to enter the church. “Bye.”

He grinned back, giving a little wave as he watched her go. “Bye.”

Inside she closed the door, unable to stop the smile spreading across her face. She didn’t think her heart could take anymore happiness. And then she turned around….

Her mouth dropped open with a gasp, her hand coming to rest on her face. Before her a beautiful arrangement of white and pink wild flowers sat on her desk in a sparkling glass vase. Behind it the blackboard had been decorated with roughly drawn flowers, and hearts with a single sentence in the middle.

Stepping closer she read the curly letters.

“For the most amazing woman I know.”

“It turns out I have something for you too.” She turned back with a start to find Lucas walking slowly toward her.

“Lucas…” She breathed, her chest swelling with warmth. Stepping toward the bouquet, her fingers tentatively brushed over the delicate petals, before she found his gaze. “They’re beautiful.”

He came to stand before her, his eyes darkening. “Not nearly as beautiful as you.” He whispered, and she felt her face flood with heat.

Suddenly his eyes fell, his face twisting slightly. “Elizabeth…” He started nervously. Finally, his eyes found hers again, a sparkle in his dark depths. “I was wondering if you’d do me the honor of joining me for dinner tonight?”

Her heart sped, as she realized what he meant. Slowly she took a step toward him, her lips quirking. “Are you asking me on a date?”

Lucas’ eyes danced, as he laughed lightly. “Yes. I am.”

She laughed with him, her heart fluttering. “Then yes. I would love to go on a date with you.”

He nodded, flashing her a heart-melting smile. “Good. I’ll come by your house tonight at seven then?”

She beamed back. “Seven sounds perfect.” Their gazes locked for a moment before Lucas eventually turned to go. She watched as he strode to the door, when he suddenly turned back to look at her.

“And Elizabeth…” He smiled, a hint of mischief in his eyes. “This evening requires formal attire.”



Jeanie bustled back into the café’s kitchen, a stack of plates in both hands. “Two orders of fried eggs and biscuits.”

Bill nodded, grabbing two eggs. “Coming up.”

Jeanie set the dishes down into the sink, feeling rather pleased with her “dish maneuvering” skills. She then turned and checked on the pan of biscuits in the oven. They just needed a few more minutes.

Closing the oven door, she then turned to the table behind her and began slicing some bread for toast. As she sliced the fresh loaf, she’d just baked that morning, her mind couldn’t seem to stay focused on the task at hand.

It had been over a week since all the chaos had ensued with Mr. Spurlock and…Harvey. Inside her stomach twisted, her face wincing at the memory. She thanked God every day that she’d finally been saved from Harvey’s blackmail, yet her heart still weighed more than ever.

How could she have let things go on for so long? And how could she have deceived these wonderful people?

And Lucas…Oh, how her heart broke over the sight of him in so much pain! And yet he’d never once blamed her. All he could say was how happy he was that she was safe, and things were finally straightened out. Although she knew the real reason he was so happy.

“Jeanie, the biscuits!” Bill’s voice snapped her back to reality. She gasped as she spied the smoke coming out of the oven. Quickly Bill opened the oven door, and pulled the pan out, revealing the blackened lumps. Quickly he crossed to the sink and chucked the biscuits into it.

Jeanie felt her entire face burn with heat. “I’m so sorry sir…I mean…Bill.” Her heart began pounding, her hand going to her forehead. What must he think of her? She could be such a scatterbrain at times.

Suddenly Bill turned to her, his brows furrowed. “Why do you do that?”

“I know.” She winced, wrapping her arms around herself. “I tend to daydream far too often. My mother says I couldn’t stay focused on one thing for five minutes.”

“Not that.” Bill interjected. She couldn’t help but fidget under his intense gaze. It was like he was trying to see inside her brain. “Why do you call me, sir?”

Nervously she bit her lip, shrugging her shoulders. “Habit I guess.” Suddenly a rush of memories came spilling before her. Harvey’s cold, hard glare. The insults. The blackmail. Tears stung the back of her eyes, and she worked to keep them at bay.

“Harvey always made me call him that.” She finally managed. “I guess it made him feel empowered or something.”

She couldn’t quite bring herself to meet Bill’s gaze at first. When she finally did, she was taken back at the gentleness she found there. “Well, I’m not Harvey.” His words were firm, but not harsh. More like he was helping her realize a fact.

She tried to give him a smile, but her lips felt too stiff to move. “I know.” Quickly she turned back to the table to spoon a new batch of biscuits into another pan.

Bill’s footsteps sounded behind her as he came to stand next to her. He took another knife and began chopping a pepper. “How have you been handling things?”

Her chest swirled inside her, as she fought how to answer his question. Lucas had been asking her the same thing all week. And every time she hadn’t known what to answer. Honestly, she wanted to forget that anything had ever happened.

After the event with Harvey, word spread like wildfire about her. Now everyone knew the truth. The sad, ugly truth.

She was Lucas’ sister. She had been married to a murdering criminal. And she had put Elizabeth and the entire town in danger. Now everyone stared at her like she had the plague, and the people who had treated her with kindness, barely greeted her in passing.

But she deserved it. She’d deceived the entire town, trying to be someone she wasn’t. At least Bill had let her keep her job.

Glancing over she found Bill silently waiting for an answer. She smirked, trying to sound light. “Well, other than putting the entire town in danger, and now receiving an evil eyed stare from everyone I pass by….I’d say I’m good.”

As good as she could be under the circumstances.

Bill finished chopping and wiped the pepper bits from the knife. He glanced at her, his brow raised. “You know you can’t blame yourself for Harvey’s actions, right?”

Her brows rose in disbelief. Did he not blame her? Of all people she would have thought a judge would. And yet she couldn’t help but roll her eyes. If she’d had the courage to turn him in years ago, they wouldn’t be having this conversation.

She simply sighed, grabbed the pan, and shoved it into the oven. “Everyone else seems to.” Subconsciously her fingers went to the string about her neck. It seemed to perfectly symbolize the internal ropes that had been holding her back for so long.

“I think I just have to face the fact that no one is going to see me for anything else than Scottie McElroy’s wife.” Her heart sunk deeper as she said the words out loud. But it was the truth.

She found Bill simply watching her, his expression unreadable. Nervously she shrugged flashing him a sad smile. “But I’m used to it by now.”

Bill came to stand next to her, flipping some eggs over in the pan on the stove.

He finished quickly, before turning toward her. She was surprised as he then took her hands in his, his eyes softening. “Well, I can’t speak for the town, but I can say that’s not how I see you.”

Her eyes widened at his words, a lump suddenly forming in her throat.

“You’re more trouble than a fox in a hen house sometimes,” He continued, and she couldn’t help but chuckle. Didn’t she know it.

“But I can see that inside your intentions are good.” He smiled, his eyes showing the honesty in his words. “You have a big heart. That’s what really counts.”

Her eyes had glazed over with tears, and one rolled down her cheek. She stifled a sob, her heart so desperately wanting to believe he truly meant what he’d said.

“Really?” She whispered.

Bill smiled warmly, and nodded, giving her hands a gentle squeeze. “Just give everyone some time. I’m sure they’ll come around eventually.”

She couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her. “Ooo…I don’t know about that…” Things seemed pretty frosty right now, and she believed that she had a long road to go before everyone would forgive her. But the fact that Bill believed in her gave her more hope than she’d felt in a long time.

She smiled back at him, hoping he saw just how much his words meant to her. “But I appreciate you saying that.”

He simply nodded, and she felt he did. Scooping up the eggs onto two plates, he quickly grabbed a few pieces of toast and plated them as well.

“I’ll see to it Florence doesn’t complain.” He replied giving her a wink, before carrying the plates out to the waiting customers.

She smiled, before wiping her face, and turning to the sink to clean up her burnt mess. Suddenly two figures caught her eye, and she peeked out the window. Warmth spread through her chest, a smile spreading across her face as she found Lucas and Elizabeth walking hand in hand.

Lucas had been walking on air ever since him and Elizabeth had confessed their love that night in the street. She’d been cleaning up in the saloon when she’d caught their dramatic embrace out the window. Her heart had swollen with joy at her brother’s happiness. And yet there was a piece of it that had broken.

Scottie had never looked at her like Lucas looked at Elizabeth. Had never simply strolled down the street with her, holding her hand in his own. She supposed it was selfish to think like that, but something about seeing true love opened the hole in her own heart. The hole she desperately tried to forget was there.

“They make quite a pair, don’t they?” Bill’s quiet words brought her out of her wonderings again. She didn’t take her eyes off the happy couple, and simply nodded. “Mmmm.”

Her lips turned up, as she watched Lucas gaze at Elizabeth. Even from where she stood Jeanie could see the light in his eyes. The pure love and joy he’d found in Elizabeth. Again, the ache in her own heart surfaced.

“I’ve never seen my brother so happy.” She finally managed quietly. A laugh escaped her as she watched Sawyer and Annie run circles around Lucas, tangling their leashes around his legs. Elizabeth seemed to laugh, a beautiful smile spreading across her face as she stopped and reached for Annie.

“Elizabeth really seems like an amazing woman.”

Bill nodded, a smile touching his face. “She is.”

Jeanie sighed, wrapping her arms around herself. “To love someone again after all she’s been through must have taken an incredible amount of courage.” She shook her head softly, and she couldn’t help wondering how Elizabeth had done it.

To lose a husband who’d chosen wealth and crime over her had crushed her more than she’d thought possible. But to lose an honorable husband, one who had loved Elizabeth as deeply as she’d heard he had…She couldn’t even imagine how Elizabeth could have borne it.

Bill seemed to think for a moment before he finally spoke. “I don’t doubt that.” She could feel him staring at her out of the corner of her eye. “Then again I think it’s hard for anyone to move on after losing someone important to them.” His next words came softly, filled with meaning. “Someone they loved.”

Again, the tears sprang to her eyes. Oh, how she’d loved Scottie. She bit her lip, trying to calm her emotions. “Mmmhmm.” She sounded, not trusting herself to speak.

Scottie had been a lot of things. He hadn’t always treated her well. Hadn’t always shown her respect. He’d lied, stolen, killed, and then blamed her for the whole mess he’d gotten himself in.

But he’d been her husband. And she’d loved him, with every ounce of her being. And inside, she believed that to an extent, he’d loved her too. Just not enough.

Again, she felt the string around her neck. Could she move on too?

“But it can be done.” Bill replied gently, as if he could read her thoughts. “You just have to be willing to try.”

Glancing toward him, she found an encouraging smile on his face. Suddenly he seemed like the father she’d never had. Or rather, the father she wished she could have had. She hadn’t realized how much she missed having family around until she came to Hope Valley.

On an impulse, she wrapped her arms around Bill, giving him a quick hug. “Thanks Bill.”

She pulled back and Bill nodded, understanding in his gaze. Suddenly his brow rose. “Does this mean you’ll finally give me that secret muffin recipe?”

She giggled giving his chest a light pat. “Not a chance.”

The bell then sounded, telling her a new customer had arrived. She glanced down the hall, and her heart stopped cold. Nathan Grant stood at the door, removing his Stetson from his head.

No, no, no…She panicked. Suddenly his eyes rose to meet hers, and she darted for the kitchen door.

“I need some air.”




Nathan strolled down Main Street, after grabbing a quick bite from the café. He could have sworn he saw Jeanie back in the kitchen, but after looking closer she was nowhere to be seen. Maybe it was just his imagination?

Breathing deeply, he took in the town around him. It was a wonderful, happy morning in Hope Valley. It seemed that all the chaos of the previous week had finally subsided and everything had returned to normal.

His gaze eventually landed on the saloon, and his stomach sank. The saloon represented Lucas…the man Elizabeth had chosen over him.

During the passing week, he had been actively searching the conflicting feelings in his heart. He’d been crushed by Elizabeth’s rejection, and had avoided her ever since. And almost every time he did see her in passing, she was arm-in-arm with Lucas Bouchard.

His jaw clenched subconsciously, and he tried for the one thousandth time to make sense of it all. Inside he’d thought that maybe, just maybe Elizabeth felt more for him than Lucas. Then when she’d agreed to go to dinner with him, he’d dared to hope that perhaps she was falling for him.

Perhaps he should have paid more attention to her emphasis on it not being a date. But he couldn’t help it. He truly cared about her, even believing that he was in love with her. She was beautiful, intelligent, kind, and caring. What man wouldn’t fall for a woman like her?

Now he was left to wonder if he’d misread something. In her actions and his own heart.

Suddenly he found Lucas walking toward the Queen of Hearts.  A stack of papers were under his arm, and the puppies Jeanie had rescued ran ahead of him into the saloon. Again, Nathan’s jaw clenched knowing Lucas was returning from walking Elizabeth to school, something he’d seen him doing nearly every morning. And if he wasn’t mistaken the papers were probably Elizabeth’s latest chapters.

His stomach twisted. Why Lucas? Out of all the men Elizabeth could have chosen over him, why did she have to pick Lucas Bouchard? The gambling, risk-taking man, who’d put her life in danger twice. She could have died!

But even as the thought presented itself, he knew he had to dismiss it. After talking with Bill, he better understood the situation. And while he still fumed at the thought of anything relating to Lucas hurting Elizabeth, he realized Lucas had done the right thing and told Bill about Harvey. Even betraying his sister’s trust to do so.

Still, he’d wished he hadn’t been the man Elizabeth’s heart had chosen. How did he know if he could trust him? The apparent beating Lucas had taken for her greatly relieved him, as he’d proven he was willing to protect her to the end.

Yet, something still stirred inside him. Something causing a sudden need to talk to the man.

Taking a calming breath, he started toward him. “Lucas.” He called before Lucas walked into the saloon, causing him to stop and turn toward him.

“Nathan.” His eyes revealed his surprise in seeing him. Cautiously he took a step toward him, raising a brow. “Can I help you with something?”

Nathan could sense his unease, and to be honest he didn’t feel comfortable talking to him either. But he needed to say something. His heart just wouldn’t rest until he did.

“I just…” He fought to unstick the words from his tongue. “I just hope you realize how lucky you are.” He finally managed, each word bringing pain as he spoke it. “Elizabeth is a wonderful woman.”

Lucas simply nodded, an unreadable expression crossing his face. “Believe me, I do.”

“You know she’s been through a lot.” Nathan raised his hand to rub the back of his neck. How did he make him understand? “The last thing I’d want is to see her get hurt again.”

He knew he was being harsh, but he needed to know that Elizabeth would be happy and cared for the way she deserved.

Lucas eyed him, his expression stiff.  “I couldn’t agree more.” His tone told Nathan that he had received his message loud and clear.

Nathan breathed a slight sigh of relief. A moment then passed between them, the tension thick as they eyed each other. An understanding seemed to pass between them, each realizing where they now stood.

Finally, having said all that he’d set out to, he tipped his hat to Lucas, and started off toward the jail.

“Nathan.” Lucas called behind him. He stopped quick and turned back, finding Lucas’ face twisting nervously.

“I never had a chance to thank you.” He finally managed.

Nathan’s brows rose in question. “Thank me?”

Lucas shrugged, and took a step forward. “For saving my sister. She means the world to me, so…thank you.”

Nathan nodded, understanding dawning on him. And with one look at Lucas’ face he knew he meant it. Instantly Jeanie’s violet eyes flashed before him, the rush of emotion they brought taking him by surprise.

He’d been shell-shocked to learn that she was in fact Lucas’ little sister. But now he wasn’t sure how he hadn’t seen it before. They shared a few facial similarities, and both seemed intent on driving him crazy.

Yet, there was something about Jeanie. He wasn’t sure what, but all he knew was that she’d been on his mind far too many times the past week than he cared to admit. Surely he didn’t have feelings for her….

No. Of course not. That would be ridiculous. Wouldn’t it?

He then realized that Lucas was waiting for his response. Nervously he cleared his throat, hoping Lucas couldn’t read his thoughts. What would Lucas think of him considering if he had feelings for his baby sister?

“I’m just doing my job.” He finally managed stiffly. “But you’re welcome.”

Lucas then shifted the papers under his arm, and Nathan caught him wince. “How’s your rib?” He asked.

Lucas just shrugged. “I’ll survive.”

Suddenly a question presented itself, and Nathan found himself asking it before he could think twice. “How’s…uh…how’s Jeanie been?” He winced at how nervous he sounded. Come on. He chided himself. Pull it together!

Lucas seemed to eye him suspiciously for a moment, and Nathan felt his chest tighten. “She’s fine.” Lucas eventually answered, a bit stiffly. “A little more quiet than normal.” His brows furrowed, as he took a step closer. “Why?”

Nathan felt his palms begin to sweat and instantly regretted asking the question. “I just…wondered is all.” Why was he so uneasy?

“Is everything alright between you two?” Lucas then asked slowly, seeming to search his face.

Nathan felt like a rock dropped in his stomach, and instantly wanted to turn and run. He knew exactly what the look in Lucas’ eyes meant. He’d given his own sister’s suitor the same one years ago.

Suddenly he wondered what Jeanie had told Lucas about the…incidents they always seemed to find themselves in.

“Yeah.” He coughed, unable to look him in the eye. “Why would you think something was wrong?” His voice cracked on the last word, and he cringed inside. He needed to leave. Now.

Lucas’ eyes seemed like they were burning holes in him. “I just thought that maybe…”

“I’d better get to my rounds.” Nathan quickly interjected, and without another word, spun on his heels and walked away. He could feel Lucas’ eyes on him the whole way back to the jail.



Lucas watched as Nathan strode to the jail. Only once Nathan had closed the door, did he dare allow his lips to turn in a smirk. He wasn’t sure exactly what had happened between that Mountie and his sister, but he was pretty sure about one thing.

That man had a terrible crush on his sister.

He wasn’t sure how to feel about that. But the fact that Nathan had been as civil with him as he had, even asking about his broken rib was a good start. He knew that Nathan had been hurt by Elizabeth’s rejection, and truly cared that she was safe and happy.

Although his stiff comments had been rather abrasive. But he knew that Nathan did not think very well of him. It probably had something to do with his past with his father.

Still seeing how much Nathan cared showed him that he had a good and caring heart. A very good quality to possess. Now if only he could figure out how his sister felt….



Jeanie stood at the edge of a small stream running through the woods. Her eyes were closed tight, and she breathed deeply of the cool afternoon air. In her hands she clutched her wedding ring, feeling the smooth, golden surface.

Once a symbol of her undying love and commitment to her husband, now hung about her neck like a ball and chain. She knew inside that she would always love her husband, but the truth was Scottie wasn’t the man she’d thought he was.

She’d tried to be a patient wife, remembering her own parent’s love story. But she knew that she had to let him go.

Tears pricked the back of her eyes, as she remembered her promise to him. To love, honor, and cherish him until death parted them. She’d meant every word, she just hadn’t expected them to be parted so soon.

Yet no matter how much it had grieved her, maybe everything had worked out the way it was supposed to. She never could have stayed with him, knowing he was a murderer. And now she was reunited with her beloved brother, and had a beautiful new home in Hope Valley. She even had a few friends. Friends who liked her for the real Jeanie, despite knowing her past.

Again, she glanced down at the ring, knowing what she had to do. Which is why she’d taken the afternoon off, and had come out here to this stream. She had considered just locking the ring away as a memory, but couldn’t do it.

No, so long as she had this ring, she felt she would be held back. Tethered to the past. A past she so desperately wanted to forget, and move on from. Raising her chin she took a fortifying breath.

“I loved you Scottie.” She whispered, allowing the tears to flow. “But I can’t hold onto you anymore.” Her voice broke on the last words, as a sob racked her body. “Good bye, Scottie.”

And after placing a gentle kiss to the ring, taking one last final glance at it, she raised her arm and threw it into the rushing water. Instantly it disappeared under the blue ripples, as the current carried it far away.

She stared into the water a long moment expecting to feel….well she wasn’t quite sure what she was supposed to feel. Guilt she figured.

But suddenly a gentle peace seemed to sweep over her, filling her chest. Slowly the weight that had gripped her so long seeming to have vanished. It was like she could breath again, a feeling she hadn’t felt in so long.

A smile touched her lips, a fresh batch of tears filling her eyes. But this time they were happy tears. “Thank you, Lord.” She breathed.

After a few moments she eventually started back toward town, taking her time to enjoy the silence. Suddenly hoof beats sounded behind her, and she turned her head to find no one else than Nathan riding toward her. Her stomach twisted. Why did it have to be him?

She kept walking, hoping he’d ride on past her. He seemed to be pretty good at ignoring her anyway. And yet she soon found herself standing right next to his horse as he stopped beside her.

He looked down at her, tipping his Stetson. “Afternoon.”

Inside her chest tightened, and she worked to keep her eyes from meeting his. “Afternoon, Constable.” She answered, trying to sound light and casual despite her stiff lips.

She had avoided seeing, or speaking to Nathan ever since he’d saved her from Harvey. Inside she wasn’t even sure why. Her emotions were such a mess. All she could remember was the way he’d took care of her. No one besides Lucas had ever shown her such genuine concern and care. And then his eyes had looked so deeply into hers as he’d draped his coat over her.

Her heart had sped at his closeness, and after analyzing her feelings she’d come to the conclusion that…maybe…just maybe she was attracted to him. But she was in no place right now to entertain those thoughts. And besides, maybe it was just because he was such a polar opposite of Scottie. She really wasn’t sure.

Then she’d remembered that he was interested in Elizabeth. Not her. Her face twisted, the familiar shame causing her stomach to sink. An honorable man like him would never be interested in someone like her.

So she just kept walking, forcing herself not to look at him. Maybe he’ll ride away. She told herself, but instead he just followed her, keeping Newton at a slow walk.

“It’s a bit chilly for a walk, don’t you think?” He replied casually.

She just shrugged. “Not for me.” Yet even as she said the words, she subconsciously pulled her coat around her tighter. Nervously she cleared her throat. “I’m actually on my way back so…” Her words trailed off, unsure what to say next.

“I can…give you a ride to town if you’d like.” He answered, a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

She bit her tongue against a retort, feeling quite certain he didn’t actually want to give her a ride. “No thank you, Constable.” She smiled stiffly, kicking a rock in front of her. “I enjoy walking.”

She winced, feeling her big toe pulse with pain. She really needed better shoes for walking. Or at least for kicking rocks.

He shrugged. “Suit yourself.” And she figured that was the end of it, breathing a sigh of relief. But suddenly she found him dismounting, and before she knew it, he was walking beside her.

Again, her chest constricted, and she worked to hide her emotional turmoil. An awkward tension filled the air between them, and she wondered if he felt it. They walked along silently for a moment, before his mouth moved as if he’d speak.

“I…haven’t seen you around much lately.” He finally replied quietly.

Her eyes snapped to him for a moment, before looking back to the road before them. “Yes well, I’ve been…. very busy.” She winced inside at how nervous she sounded. What was wrong with her?

“Yeah.” Nathan answered, his eyes not meeting hers. “Me too.”

Again, they settled into silence. She racked her brain for something intelligent to say, but all she could come up with was a dozen reasons for her to run. Finally, she found one that didn’t make her sound as uneasy as she really was.

“Well, don’t let me keep you from your job.” She worked to sound calm, and collected.

“Actually, I just finished my rounds.” He answered, looking to his feet as he walked.

Her stomach sank. “Oh…” Inside her chest constricted, and suddenly the plan to hide her feelings went straight out the door. She needed to go. Now. “Well, I think I’ll take the long way around…” She started.

“Jeanie…” Suddenly his hand grabbed her arm, gently bringing her to a stop. Her heart stilled at his forwardness, her eyes widening as she turned to look at him.

His face no longer held the calm façade it had before. Now he looked at her straight on, his eyes searching. “Have you been avoiding me?”

Her brows shot up. “What?” Her stomach started turning in knot after knot. “No.” She answered far too quickly, starting down the path again. Her arms wrapped around herself, as she fought to regain control of her emotions. “Why would you think I’d be doing that?”

Nathan took a quick step forward to catch up with her. “I don’t know.” He shrugged. “Just a hunch I guess.” She could feel his eyes on her as they walked, and she couldn’t ever remember feeling this uncomfortable. What was it about this man that unnerved her so?

A moment passed before he spoke again. “You…turned down Allie’s invitation to go fishing this week.”

She winced, remembering how she regretfully rejected Allie. Honestly, she’d really wanted to go, but was just too emotionally unstable at the time. Allie seemed to understand, but now Jeanie was left to wonder if she actually had.

“I know.” Jeanie sighed. “I’m just too….too busy this week.”

“I see.” He nodded, before raising a brow at her. “What’s keeping you so “busy?”

She blew out anxiously. “Lots of things…” Helplessly she looked up, trying to find something to say. “Bill’s got me baking like there’s no tomorrow.” She quickly answered. “He’s still trying to figure out my secret muffin recipe.”

What else could she say? “And…and…” She stuttered. “And I’m taking care of Lucas. He’s such a terrible patient.” She rolled her eyes dramatically. Her brother was a sweetheart, but sometimes could be a pain in the rear.

She stole a glance at Nathan, who still didn’t seem convinced. Why did she even think she could fool a Mountie? Still, she stammered on. “And…and I have puppy duty…”

His brows suddenly furrowed. “Puppy duty?”

“Lucas and me take turns looking after Sawyer and Annie.” She explained quickly, letting out a tired huff. “They’re such a handful and Gustave hates having them around, and they’re not exactly house trained…” Oh, why did she have to go and say that? Now she was just rambling and making herself look like a fool.

She sighed helplessly, turning to find an escape through the trees. “Listen I really need to go. Bill’s probably….”

“Jeanie….” At the sound of Nathan’s voice, she stopped quick, daring a glance at his face. The emotion there took her by surprise. Suddenly she found herself feeling anxious, wondering what he might say next.

After a moment he sighed, removing his Stetson from his head. “I’m sorry.”

Her eyes widened, her brow quirking. “Excuse me?”

He fidgeted uncomfortably, looking down the road ahead of them. “I came out here because I wanted to say…” Finally his eyes came back to her. “That I’m sorry.”

Well, she hadn’t expected that. She tilted her head in confusion. “For what?”

His mouth opened, then shut as he seemed to be fighting for the words to say. “For…how I treated you. I…I didn’t know…”

Slowly she sighed, rolling her eyes. “You’ve been talking to Bill, haven’t you?”

His eyes widened. “No…” He spat out quickly. She just raised her brow at him, crossing her arms over her chest.

Finally he shrugged, seeming to know he’d been caught. “Okay a little, but that’s not why I’m here.”

Her heart tensed. So, he’d come out here looking for her? Why would he do that?

“I understand why you did what you did…” He continued. “….And I want you to know that I don’t blame you for anything.”

His words had the force to knock her off her feet. He didn’t blame her? Her mind started racing. How could he, a man of the law no less, not blame her for the whole disaster? Women with less reason than he had, had blamed her to utter shame and rejection. Suddenly she realized that he was still talking.

“It took a lot of courage…coming out here like you did.” He stumbled, and she wondered if she caught a hint of red in his ears. “Especially knowing what kind of a man you were dealing with.”

Her eyes shot wide open now.  Was he…complimenting her?

Suddenly his expression fell, his voice low. “I also know what it’s like to…lose someone you love…” His final words came out near a whisper, and her heart pulled at the pain she saw in his eyes. A pain she knew all too well.

He’d lost someone too? She’d had no idea. Instantly she felt a kinship with this man, and a desire to help him.

She was then surprised to see his jaw then tighten, a determination filling his gaze. “And I know what it’s like to love someone who’s…not who you wanted them to be.”

Tears welled in her eyes, as she caught a glaze over his own. There was so much more depth to this man than she’d realized. Instantly she scolded herself for her behavior towards him. She’d been being so selfish and only thinking about herself. She knew so much better than that.

A moment passed, as she fought for something to say. He then stopped walking, and she found his lips quirking into a lopsided smile.

“I guess what I’m trying to say is…” He stumbled. “Welcome to Hope Valley.”

Her heart swelled inside her at the honesty she saw in his eyes. She’d had this man all wrong.

Suddenly feeling shy, she gave him a soft smile, swallowing the lump in her throat. “Thank you, Constable.”

“It’s Nathan.” He answered, and her heart stirred inside her.

He wanted her to call him by his first name? She nodded, wanting to try it out. “Nathan.” The name had a nice sound to it. It suited him well.

They walked on quietly, each seeming lost in thought. She couldn’t help noticing how nice it was just taking a stroll with him. Even in compatible silence.

“Maybe….” She turned her head quick, as he started speaking. He hesitated, the words seeming stuck on his tongue. “Maybe….you could come fishing with me and Allie sometime.”

Her eyes widened, and she worked to hide her shock. Was he asking her out? “Maybe I could.” She tried to sound witty, even as her stomach fluttered.

His eyes glanced to her, before he coughed nervously. “I mean, I know Allie would really like you to come.”

Oh…Her heart sunk a little. He was either really nervous about asking her out, or was just doing this for Allie. But that was okay. She still wasn’t ready for something like a date. Even a fishing date.

Raising her chin, she flashed him a smile. “I’d like to go with her too.”

Nathan smirked shyly, a light chuckle escaping him. “Great.”

She couldn’t help but notice what a nice laugh he had. Quickly she shook her head. One step at a time. She cautioned herself.

Still, she was going to enjoy getting to know this man.




Elizabeth stood in front of her mirror looking herself over one last time. Again, Rosemary had acted as her fairy-godmother and had given her a stunning dress to wear. A smile touched her face as she admired herself.

It was a beautiful light pink, with sheer sleeves that draped over her shoulders. The skirts fell down in gentle waves, just covering her shoes which were a matching pink. She’d considered adding a necklace or a ring, but had decided against it. She was fancy enough as it was.

With a final spin she grabbed her wrap and bag, and headed down the hall. She descended the stairs, and found Rosemary sitting quietly with Jack on the settee. Her friend’s eyes rose at the creak from the steps, and her face lit up.

“Oh.” She gasped, placing Jack into his pen. Her hands went to her face, her eyes shining. “You look absolutely stunning.”

Elizabeth smiled, looking down to her dress. “Thank you. But are you sure it isn’t just a little too much?”

“Nonsense.” Rosemary scoffed gently, batting her hands. “If you can’t dress up for a first date, what can you dress up for?”

A very good point Elizabeth decided. Her chest fluttered at the word, “date.” This was her and Lucas’ first true date, although she had to admit their previous dinners had been quite romantic as well. But this time it was different. She was different.

Heat filled her face as she wondered how this evening might go. What would he think of her all dressed up?

Again, she looked up to her dear friend, and smiled. “Thank you for loaning me this dress.”

Rosemary walked to her, waving her hands once more. “Loaning nothing. It’s yours to keep.”

Elizabeth’s eyes widened. “Rosemary…” She started to protest, but Rosemary held a finger up to silence her.

“No buts.” She then took her hands in her own, a smile spreading from ear to ear. “I’m just so thrilled for you Elizabeth.” Suddenly her eyes took on a shine, her face almost glowing. “You deserve every happiness.”

Elizabeth felt her chest swell at Rosemary’s sweet words, but something seemed off. Were those tears in her friend’s eyes? Suddenly her heart tensed.

“Is something wrong?” She gripped Rosemary’s hands tighter, searching her face.

“Oh, no.” Rosemary quickly shook her head. A soft smile surfaced, her tears threatening to spill over. “Quite the opposite actually.”

Elizabeth’s brows furrowed, confusion tightening her chest. “Rosemary?”

Rosemary sniffed, stifling a sob, as she laughed nervously. “Oh, Elizabeth…”

Elizabeth’s eyes widened with worry, and she placed her hands to Rosemary’s arms. “What?”

A tear slipped down Rosemary’s cheek, a wobbly smile breaking across her face. “I’m pregnant.” Her words were barely audible, yet were filled with such joy.

“Rosemary…” Elizabeth breathed, tears filling her eyes. “Is this why you haven’t been feeling well?”

Rosemary nodded. “I thought it would never happen. I…”

Instantly Elizabeth grabbed her and pulled her into a tight hug. Tears streamed down her face, as she felt Rosemary’s body shake slightly against her. “Thank you, Lord.” Was all Elizabeth could say.

They embraced each other for a moment, each crying for joy. When Elizabeth finally pulled back, her friend was practically glowing.

“Oh Elizabeth,” She gasped, wiping her tear-soaked face. “I’m so happy.”

Elizabeth took Rosemary’s hands in her own, her heart feeling like it would break for the joy she felt. “Words can’t begin to express how happy I am for you and Lee.” She replied. Truly no words could explain the happiness she felt inside, and she praised God for the amazing miracle He’d worked for her friends.

Rosemary squeezed Elizabeth hands, her eyes shining. “Thank you.”

Suddenly a knock sounded on the front door. Instantly Elizabeth’s stomach started summersaulting. But in the best way.




Lucas stood at Elizabeth’s front door, trying to calm his swirling emotions. His heart raced with excitement, yet his palms couldn’t seem to stop sweating. He was taking Elizabeth Thornton on their first “real” date.

For the hundredth time he readjusted his tie. He wasn’t sure why he was so nervous. His pulse sped thinking what may transpire that evening.

Suddenly the door opened, and all the breath was sucked from his lungs at the sight of the woman he loved. She was simply stunning.

She smiled shyly, her eyes sparkling. “Hi.”

“Hi.” He breathed, working to summon moisture back into his dry throat. “You are… absolutely breathtaking.”

Her lips tipped in a sweet smile, her cheeks turning a pretty pink. “So are you.”

He suddenly remembered the small bouquet he was holding, and held it out to her. “These are for you.”

“They’re lovely.” She breathed as she reached for them. Electricity shot through his hand as her fingers brushed over his. She seemed to feel it too, as her eyes raised to his.

He found himself staring for a moment, their eyes locked, before he spotted her wrap over her arm. Quickly he held a hand out to help her. “May I?”

She nodded, handing the bouquet to Rosemary, before gently handing the wrap to him. His fingers trembled as he raised the soft, white fabric and draped it over her shoulders. What had come over him, tonight?

Slowly she turned back toward him, her eyes shining. “Thank you.”

He grinned, his heart pounding so loud he was scared she’d hear it. “You’re welcome.”

His eyes then caught Rosemary smiling behind Elizabeth. “Have fun you two.” She called.

Lucas nodded to her with a smile. “Thank you.”

Elizabeth then turned and gave a final wave to her son. “Bye, Sweetheart.” And with that they started off into the night.

Slowly they walked down the dirt road, her one arm securely tucked under his. Her hand gripped him tightly, and he couldn’t help covering it with his other free hand. His breath billowed before him in an icy cloud, the night air holding a chilling bite. Yet he was far from cold.

A gentle silence settled between them, the only sounds being their soft footsteps and the swish of her skirts. He couldn’t help but steal a glance at her every few seconds, the breath leaving his lungs each time just at the sight of her. She was so beautiful.

Most often she’d catch his stare, and reward him with a heart melting smile, a light laugh escaping her lips. He laughed with her, feeling like a nervous schoolboy.

People may have stared as they passed by. May have stopped and whispered to their friend. He honestly didn’t know. His eyes were focused on one woman, and only her.

Eventually the saloon came into view, and his heart sped a pace faster. Butterflies danced in his stomach as he thought of what he’d prepared. He wondered how she’d react.

He stepped up to the saloon door, and opened it for her. “After you.”

She eyed him puzzledly, as she entered ahead of him. He followed immediately behind, and heard her sudden intake of breath.

“Oh, Lucas…” She breathed, staring with her mouth open at the room before them.

He’d closed the saloon early that evening, and with some help from his sister had worked to transform the large room. The Victrola played a soft, romantic tune, while the whole place had been decked with candles. The tiny flames flickered, casting a soft warm light across the floor.

All the tables were pushed to the side except for one that he’d furnished with a white cloth, two candles and a bouquet of red and white roses. He’d also scattered a few red petals over the table, a few laying on the floor around it.

He closed the door behind them gently, before moving to stand next to her. Inside his heart tensed with a variety of emotions. Did she like it? She stood there silently, her eyes fixed on the room before her.

He glanced at her, trying to read her expression. “I know it’s a bit much for a first date, but….”

“It’s perfect.” She quickly interjected, a soft smile playing across her face.

He sighed, smiling with relief. Moving to stand in front of her he held his hand out to her.

“Dance with me?”

Her eyes dropped shyly to her feet, before she looked back to him with a soft smile. “I’d love to.”

Slowly she came to him, raising her hand to rest in his. He placed his other hand on her waist, and gently began swaying to the music. His eyes never left hers, and he found himself becoming lost in her blue depths.

How had he gotten so lucky? Yet inside he knew it wasn’t luck. God surely was good.

Suddenly Elizabeth’s brow quirked, a soft laugh drifting between them. “What?”

“Nothing.” He smirked, a laugh escaping him. “It’s just…” How did he even begin to explain how she made him feel?

The way she rendered him speechless with one look at her smiling face. The way her thoughtfulness and concern for the people around him made his heart swell. She brightened every room she entered and he found himself counting the minutes every time they said goodnight until he could see her again.

He sighed happily, looking to her softly. “I can’t help but wonder if I’m dreaming sometimes.”

Her eyes locked on his, her voice soft. “Me too.”

Her breath brushed across his face in a warm caress, drawing him in. Unable to help himself he leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss to her cheek. He pulled back slightly, and was tempted to place a another to her lips. But he restrained himself, reminding himself of his promise to take things slowly.

So instead, he simply smiled at her.

“Elizabeth Thornton you take my breath away.” He couldn’t seem to speak above a whisper.

Her eyes dropped beneath her lashes, and he fought for something to say to take his mind off her pretty lips.

“So…” He stumbled, clearing his throat. “I read those chapters you gave me.”

Quickly her eyes snapped back to his face. “Oh. I see.” She waited a moment for him to speak, eventually raising her brows when he didn’t. “And?”

He couldn’t help the laugh that escaped him, knowing full well he was teasing her. “They were wonderful. Some of your best work, if I’m being honest.”

That produced a happy grin from her. “Thank you.” Her eyes then dropped, something crossing her face. Finally, she looked back to him, a hint of mischief in her gaze. “What was your favorite part?”

He smirked, realizing where she was going with this. “Hmmm…” He furrowed his brows in mock seriousness. “My favorite part….” He paused, pretending to think it over. “Oh, definitely when Luther saved Elsa from that bear.”

“He didn’t ‘save her.’” She countered, her nose scrunching in the most adorable way. “She was doing just fine without him, thank you.”

He snorted. “Really? Was it Elsa who shot that bear?”

Elizabeth just rolled her eyes. “Okay, Luther may have helped a little.”

“Please.” He retorted, holding back a smirk. “Elsa would have been completely lost without him.”

Elizabeth sighed exasperatedly, although amusement danced in her eyes. “I highly doubt that.” She was then quiet for a moment, seeming to search his face. “So that was your favorite part?”

Lucas bit his tongue, turning serious. “Yes.”

Her expression fell slightly, seeming disappointed in his answer, and he worked hard to keep from laughing. He knew what she wanted him to say, but he couldn’t help teasing her. Just a little anyway.

After a moment he smiled, placing a gentle finger under her chin. He raised her eyes to meet his. “Because if Elsa had never seen that bear, and Luther hadn’t saved her…” Slowly he stopped their gentle swaying, raising his hand to her cheek. “Then Elsa never would have realized that she loves him…and they never would have done this…”

Her eyes widened, realizing what he was about to do. He searched her eyes for any hint of fear, but all he found was a longing that made his pulse race. Gently he wrapped his other arm around her back, pulling her to him, before lowering his mouth to hers. His pulse sped at her response, and he forced himself to keep the kiss gentle.

So much for taking things slowly.

With a final lingering taste, he forced himself to pull back. Her eyes fluttered open, before focusing on him. Her lips pulled in a smile. “That was my favorite part too.” She whispered, and it was all he could do to keep himself from pulling her back for another kiss.

He cleared his throat, putting a little distant between them. Not much, though.

“I..uh…have something for you.” His fingers trembled as he reached for the small cloth pouch in his jacket pocket. Pulling it out, his heart pounded as he loosened the pull string and spilled it’s content into his palm.

He heard her gasp as a small golden locket fell into his hand. It was shaped into a heart, with delicate roses engraved onto the outside.

“Lucas…” She breathed, tears glazing over her eyes. “It’s beautiful.”

“I know this,” He motioned between him and her. “Is new.” Carefully he then unclasped the locket’s chain, and moved to place it around her neck. She leaned toward him in compliance. His pulse sped as he clasped it in place, moving back to find her eyes again.

“And I know we agreed to take things slowly.” Her eyes locked on his, never leaving even as he brushed her hair back over her shoulder.

“But I wanted you to know…” His breath caught in his throat at the rush of emotion that swept over him. “You have completely stolen my heart.”

His heart swelled as she smiled up at him, so much love in her gaze. Suddenly tears flooded his eyes, and he worked to speak around the lump in his throat. “So, this is my promise to you.” His voice rasped. “My heart is yours.”

A tear rolled down her cheek and he reached to brush it away with his thumb. She then raised her hand to cover his, leaning into his touch. Her eyes looked deep into his own. “And mine is yours” She whispered, her voice catching. Gently her thumb stroked over his fingers. “I love you, Lucas.”

His own tears now threatened to spill, his heart feeling as though it would burst. He then raised his other hand to cup her face. “I love you too.” And throwing caution to the wind he slowly drew her to him again, and took her lips in a tender kiss.


The end.


    Yay! I actually got to write, "The end!" Lol! Wow. This has been quite the writer's journey for me, and its been such a rewarding experience. And that is so largely due to your absolutely wonderful feedback! I am just so, so grateful for your encouragement and kind comments. It has meant the world to me and I thank you from the bottom of my heart!

    I also thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as He is the One Who truly deserves all the praise. He is the reason this story could even happen and I'm so grateful it did.

    Thank you all a million times over for reading and your lovely feedback! Feel free to comment your thoughts on this final chapter below or on my Twitter page! Have an amazing weekend! (What am I saying? WCTH comes on this weekend! Of course it will be amazing! Lol!) God Bless!



  1. Hope! You did it!! I am so proud of you, my friend.

    Your story brought so many emotions as I read it- excitement, happiness, sadness- more than I can even think of as I write this comment. Your writing is exceptional and you need to write a novel. :)

    This chapter gave me all the feels. I love how Bill treated Jeanie with such love and respect. And the hint of a future romance with her and Nathan was simply perfect!

    The way you tell Lucas and Elizabeth's story is something I really want to see on the show. You show them gazing at each other with such love, and then the shyness that comes with it- I want that so badly!!

    The date at the saloon was perfection!! I can so see him doing that for her! I am hoping we get a lot more romance between the two of them this season and that she sees that everything he does is for her. Mostly I want her to realize that she can't live without him and that he owns her heart- like in your story.

    Thank you, thank you again- you have filled my last few months with so much joy by using that talent that God gave you to help the days pass by until season 8. And we only have 2 more sleeps!

    My shirt is ready for Sunday and I can't wait to wear it!

    You have an amazing gift and I appreciate so much you sharing it with all of us.

    :) <3

    1. And you have brought me so much joy as well, my friend! Thank you so much for everything! For reading my blog/fanfic, your amazing feedback, your comments that make my day, and for all your support and love! I'm so grateful and so blessed to have you in my life. (Even if it's over the internet. :)

      I SO want romance for L&E this coming season! Like a lot of romance. Lol! They're so sweet and I simply can't wait until tomorrow night! (I'll be wearing my shirt too! ;)

      As for a novel....I may have an idea in the works.... ;)

      Thank you once again for all your wonderful support! Have an amazing weekend! God Bless!

  2. I've enjoyed this story so much! You are an excellent writer and have really stay true to the characters - I can really see this story playing out on screen. I'm actually now hoping we meet Jeanie one day and she turns out to be Lucas' sister, haha! I really hope we see just as many sweet and tender moments with L & E this upcoming season just like in this final chapter.

    Also, I'm really loving Nathan and Jeanie together. I wouldn't be opposed to reading a sequel that includes their budding relationship as well as Lucas and Elizabeth's new adventures together - hint hint! :)

    1. Thank you so much Amy! I really appreciate that! I would love it if Lucas had a little sister on the show too! It would be so adorable!

      As for a sequel....maybe one day... ;) I really have to watch this coming season first though. After that I may have a whole bunch of new ideas or.....I don't really want to think about the other possible outcome. Lol! I guess I'll just have to wait and see how I feel after S8!

      Thank you so much for reading and the comment! God Bless!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Eu amei cada capítulo dessa história!
    Você tem dom e habilidade incrível!

    Foi um final digno de Lucas e Elizabeth .

    Cada detalhe e gestos descrevem como Lucas ama Elizabeth. Lucas escolheu uma ótima parte da história para ser sua favorita rsrsrs....

    Parabéns! 💕

    1. Aww! Thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed the story!

      Thank you for reading and the comment! Have a wonderful day! God Bless!

  5. I cannot remember when I have been more engrossed in a "book". 17 chapters were just not enough for me. The world you created ... I inhaled it. I was transported and was with all of them thru this entire journey. If you wrote 2000 chapters I would read every single one of them. Thank you for sharing your love of WCTH and Lucas & Elizabeth with us. Your gift is from God and you sharing it with us is our blessing.

    1. You are so kind! Thank you so much! That means a lot to me, and I'm so happy you enjoyed the story! I give God the credit for every word. :)

      Have a wonderful day! God Bless!

  6. The Heartie ObserverNovember 12, 2022 at 1:48 PM

    I'm curious, do you still see Nathan the way you wrote him in this story?

    1. The Heartie ObserverNovember 12, 2022 at 6:02 PM

      Just to clarify, I really enjoyed the story

    2. Thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed the story. As to Nathan's character in general, I actually like him (And Kevin McGarry) much more now then I did when I wrote this fanfic. To be honest Nathan has become one of my favorite characters on the show, and Kevin has become a favorite Hallmark actor as well. (I love his sense of humor!) I think Nathan is a fun, yet flawed character, who cares about Elizabeth a lot and wants only the very best for her. He also wants her to be happy and is happy that she found that happiness with Lucas. (Even if the two guys still aren't "buddy-buddy" yet. Lol!)

      Thank you so much for taking the time to read my fanfic! Again I'm very glad you enjoyed it! Have a wonderful day! God Bless.


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