Movie Review: Snowkissed


    What's a dentist's favorite hymn? Crown Him! (Yep...That just happened...)

    Hello, hello and welcome to yet another Wednesday! I hope you all are doing wonderfully today! I currently am in I twisted my arm...on a tree...(No that is not another joke, and don't ask.) No worries though as it is a minor injury and I will be totally fine! Anyway...(Cough)...moving on....

    So, I'm sure most, if not all of you, are aware that Hallmark Channel debuted a new movie this past Saturday. It was the last in their "New Year, New Movies" lineup, and I think they saved the best for last. This was one of the best Hallmark movies I've seen in some time. It was sweet, and romantic, and...okay I'll be honest I laughed so hard I cried.😂 I am an absolute sucker for Hallmark's rom-coms, and the fact that I laughed that hard is a total win.

    The cast was so great and truly the reason this movie was such a joy to watch. (Other than all the hard work from the entire crew. Huge Kudos to you!) And it even started off with a song, and not just your usual Hallmark soundtrack! (Which may have had me raising my fist in triumph. Lol!) It just shows me that a movie is special and had more thought put into it when it starts with a song.

    Well, let's jump right in!


    As always in my movie reviews I'm going to start things off with the characters. And I shall begin with this movie's lovely leading actress, Jen Liley. (AKA: Kate )

    Jen is one of my favorite Hallmark actresses. She always plays such fun, and sweet characters and I love the quirkiness she brings. This movie was no exception. Oh, my goodness. Poor little Kate...What traumatic thing happened in your past to make you Lol!

    The poor girl was afraid of her own shadow, and while some people found her to be annoying I actually enjoyed her craziness. Kate is someone who has decided to embrace where she was planted, and accept that she needs nothing outside of her life in Manhattan. She eats the same foods on the same days, hates talking to strangers, and refuses to ever leave her city. Until one day she does...and her life will never be the same.

    Kate was such do I put this? A panic freak? Lol! Honestly some of my favorite scenes with her are just watching her freak out. She gets that look on her face and you know that inside she is literally screaming. But she's also a sweet and kind person, (And quite...intense at times) who learned it is okay to step out of her pot and experience what the world has to offer.

    We then move on to the leading man in this story and that would be (Drum roll please.....) Chris McNally! (AKA: Noah) I was so happy when I learned that he was getting another Hallmark movie. He is also one of my favorite Hallmark actors, and his last movie (Sailing Into Love) was my all time favorite Hallmark movie of 2019.

    As for his character Noah....Oh. Holy. Night. He came on screen and within a minute all I could say was..."Who is this, and what have you done with Chris?" He was so funny, and outgoing, and "punderful." Lol! And it was great! I mean, don't get me wrong I really enjoyed him in his other Hallmark movies as well, but this was just a new side of him that I have never seen before.

    Noah is such a sweet and fun guy, but also quite stubborn. (And doesn't know how to stop talking. Lol!) He's adventurous, friends with everyone, and tells incredibly bad jokes. Honestly he was the reason I laughed so, so hard throughout this movie. Oh, my goodness, that guy just continued to make me crack up, which is the sign of a good movie for me. Not a lot of shows or movies make me laugh as hard as I did while watching this, and it was such a joy.

    And guys....HE CHOPPED WOOD!!! (Check!)

    And I of course cannot leave out Kate's friend Jane played by Amy Groening. I don't know that I've seen Amy in anything before, and she played her part well. She was fun, and adventurous, as well as not afraid to go after what she wanted in life. Which in this case happened to be Simon. (More on him in a second.)

    This may sound strange but one of my favorite things about her was just her name. Jane. Why? Because it worked so well, as the name Kate would exclaim in panic whenever she was freaking out about something. Lol! Which brings me to one of my favorite lines of Jane's which would be, "I just had nine heart attacks." Let's face it. Kate did that to all of us.😂

    And finally, we have Simon, played by Rodrigo Beilfuss. You guys....I absolutely loved Simon! Again I don't believe I've ever seen Rodrigo in anything before, and he was an absolute delight to watch! He was just the sweetest, nicest guy ever! I loved his friendship with Noah, and how completely clueless he was. (Or rather seemed to be. ;) I even like his little giggle when he wins a game of chess. 

    Simon was just gold, and made this movie even better! (And now I need to start a petition that Rodrigo has to play Chris McNally's best friend in every Hallmark movie. Lol!)



    The scenery in this movie was a big deal, and was absolutely gorgeous! I mean, just take one look at that picture and you'll know what I'm talking about. The entire place was a winter wonderland with majestic mountains, beautiful snowy views, and miles and miles of trees all covered in snow. Truly breathtaking!

    Noah and Simon's Inn was also very nice and quite luxurious! Simon described it as not much, and I was just like, "Are you kidding me?" That place was beautiful!





    When I first heard of Chris and Jen doing a movie I wasn't sure how they'd work together. I'd seen both actors in plenty of movies, but the idea of them being a couple was....interesting. In my mind anyway.

    However, after watching the movie I found that they worked marvelously together! Really, they had great chemistry and did a wonderful job. Noah and Kate really were complete opposites. Noah could make friends with anyone, while Kate was stressed just to talk with a stranger for three hours. And yet with all their differences, all their stubbornness, they found that they actually compliment each other.

    Noah pushed Kate out of her comfort zone (Or pot if you will) and opened her eyes to a whole new world that she never would have known existed without him. Meanwhile Kate helped Noah see that he doesn't have to fake being himself, and that people just want him to be his own charming self. (Yes, Noah, when you're not being insufferable, you may be charming. Lol!)

    The romance in this movie I would actually say is more realistic in some ways than a lot of other Hallmark movies. They didn't fall for each other right away, and there wasn't your typical cliches. You know, someone spills coffee on someone, the guy catches the girl after she trips, and so on. These two characters couldn't stand each other, and it was because both of them are people with real flaws. (A huge thumbs up in my book.) It's so easy to have two perfect characters, or have the one guy who's being incredibly rude for no reason and we're supposed to think it's cute. (Rolls eyes very hard.) But these two characters were both non-perfect people who actually became better because of each other. (Awww!)

    There were also some lines that were just so sweet and...okay maybe made me swoon a bit. One would be when Noah confronted Kate and said, "You think I'm charming?" Lol! That part was fun in itself, but the whole little awkward/sweet response from Kate made it even better. And Noah added the cherry on top by adding, "You can say yes." Lol!

    Another one that totally made me swoon, was when Noah told Kate that she makes him smile. I mean, how sweet is that?

    And finally, as per usual, I have to talk about the kiss. But in this case it's actually "kisses." Yep! Hallmark broke the rules again and gave us an "early kiss." (Gasps in disbelief) The first happened on top of a mountain when Noah admitted that there was truth in not always wanting more. He then said the incredibly sweet line, "Especially when everything you've ever wanted is standing right in front of you." And then he kissed her. (Places hand to heart) And just how, Ms. Kate were you unsure how he felt about you? Hmm? I mean, come on, girl!

    Then there was the final kiss at the end when both Kate and Noah were making their "grand gestures" showing each other how they felt. Well....okay, Noah was in the process of making his. Kate just kind of did hers first. But it's the thought that counts! And then they kissed.... and I'm pretty sure Kate was standing on something. Lol! Let's face it the height difference between Noah and Kate is adorable, but she definitely had a little help getting up to his face.😉

    But the kiss was very sweet, and Hallmark didn't cut the scene after three seconds. (A big win in my book!) All in all it was a special and romantic moment that made for a sweet ending to a very fun movie.

    And yes. They the snow. Twice. 😂



    And now we come to the plot. Oh boy....I haven't laughed like that in some time.

    This movie was very entertaining.....and SO cringy. And by cringy I mean whenever Noah would attempt to be a tour guide....Or tell one of his terrible jokes.... I mean, wow....That was sink down in your chair, stomach twisting level cringe. And that's what made it great! Lol! (Thinks of "Hill-arious" and slaps forehead) 

    Over all the story was good. It started out more crazy in the beginning, and got very sweet at the end. Poor Kate had her entire life philosophy popped by her favorite author. In...person. Yikes! But it honestly was the best thing that could have happened to her. She learned to face her fears, go out of her comfort zone, and in the process found her true love.

    Also the whole story of Noah learning to be a tour guide was different than your average Hallmark plotline and I really enjoyed that.

    Now I'm sure you're dying to know what made me laugh so hard I actually was wiping tears away. Or I'm just dying to tell you....Lol! Either way, while I laughed at many things in this movie, there were two particular things that got me.

    The first was....the burger smash. Oh, my goodness. Whoever thought to add that gets a huge gold star. Now I have to admit that I had seen a gif of this moment prier to the movie, and so it didn't hit me as hard as it could have. (Just proving my point that it's better to avoid spoilers and be surprised. Lol!) However my friends who I was watching it with completely broke down into laughter, and I'll be honest I still laughed at it. That moment was absolute genius! I don't know if that really is a Banff tradition, but I don't care at this point. Lol!


    And now...the moment that completely broke me with deep laughter. (So much I was crying and kicking my recliner with my feet.) And that moment would be....(Drum roll please....) the moment Noah gulped that hot beverage. Oh, my goodness! That was just....(Snickers to self) In that moment I completely paused the movie, and rolled over in laughter on my couch. I died, guys.

    I'd now like to take a moment and thank some people. Thank you to the writer/s that wrote that moment. Thank you to the crew for filming it. And a huge thank you to Chris for executing that flaming gulp, and gasp so, so well. Thank you! (Stands from chair and applauds.) It was relatable. It was unexpected. It was...."hill-arious?" (Hehehe...)

    Along with those two moments, there were a few others that were particularly fun and sweet. One would be Noah trying to balance that stack of books on his head. Lol! The poor guy.

    Another would be Kate and Noah just doing the dishes together after following "tradition" and drinking hot cocoa out in front of a fire. It wasn't huge, but I just found it to be really sweet!


    I also really enjoyed the side character's story, which is a huge accomplishment as I don't always do. Of course that was really due to Simon, as he's just great! He was so clueless, and it was so funny to watch. And then....when he finally figures it That man sure does know how to romance a girl. He decked the whole room out in flowers and candles and I was in shock. That was so sweet!

    And that brings me to the end of this review. Overall it was hilarious, very sweet, and I will absolutely be re-watching it over and over again. I'm only left with one question....What happened to Harold the fish?!? 🐠

    Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to share your thoughts on the movie below or on my Twitter page! Have a punderful day! God Bless!

    P.S. Feel free to stop by the Heart & Family Mercantile for some fun WCTH inspired merch!



  1. Happy Wednesday Hope!

    Okay, that arm story sounds an awful lot like something Jeanette would do... ;)

    I hope it is all better soon.

    Confession time- I forced myself to watch this movie on Sunday because I was so excited about it! But, I felt absolutely horrible and couldn't get in to it. I thought Chris was adorable, but I can't comment much more about it at this time. I will try to watch it again soon, and if so, I will come and make another comment.

    I did think the scenery was breathtaking.

    So, unfortunately I have nothing to add, but reading your post made me realize I need to watch it again with a fresh brain. I am feeling much better than I did.

    Thank you for all you do for our enjoyment!! I appreciate it!

    1. Lol! It does sound like something Jeanie would do....(Hehe...) :D And don't worry, like I said it's a minor injury. I'll be fine! :)

      I'm so sorry you weren't feeling well! But I'm glad to hear you're feeling better! You definitely should re-watch it. It was "hill-arious!" (I've really got to stop using that pun. Lol!)

      Thank you so much for reading and the comment! God Bless!

  2. Okay, first of all, your puns were cracking me up! Second of all....WHAT HAPPENED?! (I know you said don't ask...but girl! Glad to hear you're okay!) Third - we share a favorite Hallmark actress! It's a toss up for me whether Jen or Jill Wagner is my top choice; both are so good!

    I loved this movie. It was so funny watching both actors play roles completely foreign to them, which I think showed their acting range. This is probably my favorite winter movie this year (toss up between this one and Two for the Win, mostly because Trevor Donovan is one of my faves as well). And Simon! I loved Simon! He was so sweet and adorable and clueless, but that scene with all the flowers at the end...swoon!

    Loved Noah and Kate. They were polar opposites but fun to watch. I liked how they pulled each other out. And my goodness...the scenery! Gorgeous! I totally want to visit Banff now. And I really hope that chocolate shop actually

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on such a fun and delightful movie!

  3. Sorry for such a late response! And no worries! I'm already back to normal! But thank you for your concern!

    And this movie cracked me up! It was so fun to see Chris in such a different role than I'm used to seeing him in. And Simon was the sweetest! Wow, he sure knows how to woo a girl!

    And the scenery was beautiful! Banff looks like an amazing place! (Take me with you? :)

    Thank you for reading and the comment! God Bless!


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