What's Next For Lucas Bouchard?

Disclaimer: Just because I have this pic doesn't mean I have watched the promo. Lol!

    Welcome to 2021 Hearties! (Yes I realize I'm saying this about a week late, but better late then never right? :)

    What does this new year have to offer? I personally hope lots of love, peace, and blessings for you all! And....I would be lying if I said I didn't hope a certain school teacher picks a certain bearded man in a certain show.....(You catch my drift.)

    And it is that certain "bearded man" I'm hear to discuss today! Yes, that right! Today's blog post is all about Lucas Bouchard! (Yippee! One of my favorite topics!) Throughout the off-season I've been going through WCTH's large cast of characters stating what I think could/what I hope could happen for them in Season 8. And now I've finally come to my man, Lucas Bouchard. (Or rather hopefully Elizabeth's man come Season 8....Lol!)

    Okay, so....confession time. In this blog post you will discover I actually know a bit more than you may think I do about some things that happen in Season 8 for Mr. Bouchard. By seeing a clip shown at the beginning of the Christmas Special, and social media I have managed to see snippets of Lucas in Season 8. (Go ahead. Roll your eyes and laugh at my failure to avoid spoilers. Lol!)

    Anyhow it would be sort of weird if I didn't include them here and so henceforth my explanation. This also leads me to a very odd favor to ask of you, and that would be please don't tell me any spoilers you know. If you know more about something I'll share please just remain silent and take that moment to bask in pride knowing that you know more than I do about Lucas.😂 As I said. It's an odd favor to ask, but it would be very appreciated. :)

    Alright! Let's get to it, shall we? (Yes, I absolutely had to do that. It's a post about Lucas! Lol!)

The Oil Company


    So I'm going to start with this first and leave the obvious topic of "Romance" for last. I have a LOT of questions when it comes to Lucas and his new business. Things were really ended just so abruptly last season when it came to the oil company, and I really don't know what is going to happen. I do have a few ideas however.

    So first off I'd better reveal somethings I know, just for connecting the dots sake. First off I know that Lucas has been seen driving a car, and it appears to be a new one. It's bigger then Lee's and not blue like Henry's so that's how I've come to that conclusion. And so I now wonder if he's actually gotten his own car. That could be pretty neat!

    Secondly I've seen the two second long clip of Elizabeth opening her door and being absolutely shocked to see Lucas on the other side. I mean like, total and complete shock. I saw this when I'd started the Christmas Special Christmas night, and then in further detail after going to a friend's Twitter page. (Oops....Oh, well...Lol!) Watching those few seconds doesn't get old, and brings so many questions!

    So why am I explaining all this? Because I can't help wondering if it all goes together. This season Lucas has an incredibly longer beard, possibly a car, and Elizabeth is shocked at the sight of him. I wonder if Season 8 will start up with Lucas having been out of town for a substantial amount of time tending to "oil company matters." 

    Now this is completely me speculating, but the idea sounds really fun and dramatic! Perhaps after the hug, Lucas was so devastated he left to find an investor for the oil company. (And to have time away from Elizabeth.) That would also help with the passage of time since Season 7.

    Again this is all me just making guesses, but I really like the story idea.

    As for what I hope to see this coming season with Lucas and the oil company, I really hope him and Henry are able to patch things up. Henry was so proud of his company and obviously knows a lot when it comes to the business world. It would be really nice if him and Lucas were able to put the past behind them, become friends, and work together again.

    I also bet that the oil company will be saved if it hasn't been already. (Who knows what happened during the time from the finale to when Season 8 will start.) The big question is will Lucas keep the oil company or will he sell it back to Henry? Lucas is really a "people person" and not so much a "sit behind a desk all day" kind of guy. He really seems to enjoy his work at the saloon, and I really have no idea if he even likes working for the oil company.

    And so I'm left to wonder if he'll stay the owner, have an equal partnership with Henry, or even give up the entire business to Henry or someone else who knows more about the oil business.

    I also wonder if something quite bad will happen with the oil company, but that's for a later topic. :)


Lucas' Mother

    This is a topic I have discussed possibly more than once before, but I think there is a chance that Lucas' mother may come to Hope Valley this season. (If you already know she's coming, please just laugh quietly at this topic, and don't tell me. Lol!)

    His mother has been discussed multiple times in Season 7, and she's also now credited with helping Elizabeth get a publishing deal. So it stands to reason that Helen Bouchard could come to town, not only to see her beloved son, but also to meet the talented writer Lucas has told her about.

    I've already discussed who could play her in a previous blog post, (Here's a link if you'd like! https://whencallstheheartblog.blogspot.com/2020/10/who-could-play-helen-bouchard.html) as well as what kind of a personality I hope she has. We've already had the upper-class Mrs. Thatcher and the crazy/odd Mrs. Thornton (AKA Jack's Ma) and so I think it would be nice to see Helen Bouchard as a quiet and sweet woman. She might be more sophisticated depending on her up-bringing and how well off her and her husband are. (Which they sound very well off from what Lucas has said.)

    I can see her as a gentle and intelligent woman who loves books, and her son very much. She would be be very sweet and kind, yet have this bit of spunk and determination about her. And she would love Elizabeth and Little Jack.

    As for plotlines, I think she could come and help Elizabeth along with her writing, perhaps giving her some encouragement. Or maybe Elizabeth has finally finished her novel and Helen will come and celebrate it being published. I'm sure she'd love to finally meet Elizabeth.

    I also think (Depending on how this crazy love triangle goes) that Helen could provide some very needed encouragement for Lucas who has just been sucker punched in the heart by that crazy finale in Season 7. Who knows? Maybe Lucas' father will come to Hope Valley as well and help him clean up the whole "oil company disaster."




Lucas' Past

    Along with Lucas' parents possibly making an appearance, I would LOVE to finally learn more about Lucas' past. Where he grew up, what was his childhood like, how he feels about his parents, what he did before he came to Hope Valley, etc.

    So should his mother or both parents take a trip to Hope Valley, I think we'll learn something about him. Even if it's just a very embarrassing story from his childhood. Lol!




    Another thing I would love to see, and think needs to happen, is Lucas getting a best friend. And by best friend I mean a best "guy friend." You know, like Lee was Jack's best friend, and Rosemary is Elizabeth's. Lucas has a bunch of friends in Hope Valley but he still hasn't gotten a best friend just yet.

    Honestly right now Elizabeth is his best friend, which just saying that makes me, "Aww!" inside. It's adorable! She really is the one he turns to all the time whether the situation is happy or sad.

    However, Elizabeth is obviously not a guy. Lol! And so I think this next season Lucas needs to form at least one close friendship with one of the guys in Hope Valley. Perhaps Lee, or even Hickam.

    Maybe Lucas can be best friends with Joseph Canfield! Viv Leacock has such a fun personality, and his sass makes me laugh. It could be so fun to see him and Lucas become best friends.

    Also....(And this may not be the most popular opinion) but I would absolutely love to one day see Lucas and Nathan become friends. Kevin and Chris are so fun together, and it would be great to see their characters form a close friendship. Almost sort of brotherly.

    I think it would be so neat if they were sort of forced to be friends due to one of them falling in love with a friend or family member of the other. Like if Lucas had a sister or a friend that Nathan fell for. Then they'd have to be friends for the sake of everyone involved until eventually they become real friends.

    I'm sure they'll eventually be able to put their differences behind them. I just don't know how long that may take....


Moment's With Little Jack 

    Alright people. I know a bunch of you agree with me on this one. We need more Lucas and Little Jack moments! Stat!

    Now Lucas has had quite a few little moments with Jack throughout his time on the show. He's talked to him directly, shook his hand, shown him a book, and even called him one of his favorite people. (Aww!) However Lucas has yet to really interact with Jack. He's never held him, or really had some one on one time with him.

    And so this season I hope to get some really sweet moments between these two! I want to see Lucas sitting on the floor with him playing with Lincoln Logs, or reading him a story with the little boy right in his lap. Not only would it be adorable, but would show us Lucas' "father abilities" so to speak.

    Now the fact that Lucas isn't an expert with children (As far as we know anyway) makes for a great plotline. It would be so fun to watch him find his way in the world of parenting should Elizabeth chose him. And so I believe some time with Little Jack is a must for next season! (Again, should Elizabeth chose him.) It would show us his heart, and that he really could love Jack like his own son, and wants to have a family.



    You know me. I can't list what I hope to see in a future season without hoping for danger! Lol! And it would appear that I may get my wish.

    Again I'm referring back to that infernal picture Jack Wagner shared of the Hope Valley men staring at what appears to be something possibly on fire. And Lucas' appearance says a lot.

    So I can't help wondering if something involving the oil company catches on fire. Who knows? Maybe there's a crazy explosion! 

    Either way I'd love to have some drama and even see Lucas in danger this coming season! Maybe there's a fire? Maybe more criminals come to town and Lucas helps to catch them. Maybe they'll catch him! Lol!

    I mean, this is WCTH after all. And what would a season of WCTH be without some drama and someone's life being in danger?






    And now last but absolutely and positively not least.....(Please, oh please...) I. Want. Romance. 

    During this off-season I have gone from being sad and confused, to hopeful, to being actually too confident. Lol! I really need to bring myself back down from my Team Lucas cloud and prepare myself for the worst. (While continuing to hope for the best. :) But after reading comments, and talking to fellow Team Lucas fans, and just piecing everything together (Including what I've seen for this new season) I just really think that Lucas has a shot.

    And this is just my opinion of course. I don't know what's going to happen. Maybe the season will start and I'll find out that Elizabeth's going to pick Nathan in the first few episodes. (Gulp!)

    But for now I'm so hopeful and feel very good going into Season 8.

    So, should I get my wish and Elizabeth picks Lucas, there is still the question of what I hope to see happen/what do I think will happen? I'll answer the later question first.

    I think Elizabeth and Lucas are going to deal with the most tension they've ever had this season. So far things have been pretty easy for them, which helped them form the sweet friendship they have now. But after that hug....Yeah, I don't know how easy things will be for them.

    As for what I hope to see....Sighs happily....romance! Lol! Duh, right?

    Now of course they aren't going to become a couple overnight. Things will still probably move along at the normal WCTH molasses pace. I think Elizabeth and Lucas will have some struggles to face and obstacles to overcome. But I also think plenty of romance can happen in between!

    I'd love to see them go on a Sunday afternoon picnic, or a walk through the woods. Lucas has yet to ever step foot in Elizabeth's house, and I think it would be fun if she had him over for dinner for one reason or another. It could be romantic, or dubbed as a "friendship thing" that turns into something more. Or maybe Elizabeth never even planned for it and had the Coulters over for dinner when Lucas just happened to stop by.

    Either way they HAVE to have dinner. :)


    I also hope to see Lucas do something special when/if Elizabeth gets her book published this season. He could host a celebratory party in her honor but I'd also like to see him do something really sweet and thoughtful just for her. You know, like when Jack got Elizabeth her typewriter or wrote her short stories down into a leather bound book. (Seriously, Jack was too good to be true. Lol!)

    I'd also like to see Lucas gift Elizabeth with something special. Something straight from his heart. Maybe a locket that will become a new staple in her wardrobe instead of her wedding ring. It doesn't even need to be a piece of jewelry. Just something super sweet, that shows just how much he loves her.

    I really could take up this entire blog post with all the romantic and fun moments I'd like to see happen with these two. But all in all, romance for Lucas and Elizabeth is the main storyline I want to see in Season 8.


    And there we have it! A nice (long) list of my hopes and dreams for Lucas Bouchard in Season 8! I really can't wait to find out all it has in store for us. It's looking to be one of the best seasons yet!

    Well, that's all for now! Be sure to come back Friday for the next chapter of my fan fiction! (You're not going to want to miss this one!😉)

    Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to comment your hopes for Lucas in Season 8 below or on my Twitter page! (But no spoilers please! :) Have a wonderful day, and God Bless!

    P.S. Feel free to stop by the Heart and Family Mercantile and get some merch for the big premiere! https://shop.spreadshirt.com/heart-and-family-mercantile



  1. Thank you Hope for writing about our favorite man in Hope Valley!

    You kind of make it difficult to comment like I want to as we are total polar opposites in how we feel about spoilers. I search for them, you avoid them like the plague. But I see that you have seen a few things so I will try not to ruin anything for you that you obviously don't know about. ;)

    First of all, I'm wondering if his beard is longer later in the season. That pic of him dirty, his beard is short, and of course we have no way of knowing the order. I have my reasons for thinking he starts off with a shorter beard and for some reason (?) grows it longer. I don't have anything to base it on, and it could certainly be the opposite, I just have a feeling.

    I think the oil company is going to be possibly the big story of the season. And I'm not sure that I am looking forward to it if it is, I just have to trust the writers on this one. They will most likely win me over.


    This is me totally skipping over the section about Lucas' mother... ;)

    I also think we need to know more about his past. Perhaps that will happen this season.

    As for friendship, I would love for L to have a close friend. I have to believe that perhaps in a couple of seasons that he and Nathan might be close, but I don't think that could happen in S8 because of the triangle. Joe Canfield might be a great choice! I am so looking forward to meeting that family and seeing what the writers have done with them.

    As for moments with LJ, they are some of my favorite things to write in my stories. I wonder if we may be able to foresee E's pick by possible moments with him and L/N during the season. Not a spoiler, I have nothing to base that on, just a speculation.

    I think we may see some excitement regarding that pic with Lucas dirty. Danger or no danger, I am really curious how that plays a part of the show.

    And to my favorite topic, romance. sigh...

    I have been completely Team Lucas from the day he handed the coin to Abigail. Every scene with him since then only solidified my choice. I am very excited- and curious- to see how they handle romance on the show after the hug. I have to also be honest, the closer we get, the more nervous I am that it won't end the way I would like. But we will just have to wait and see.

    You can probably tell I tried hard not to say a few things but, like you, I am looking forward to this new season in 47 days- not that I'm counting.

    Thank you so much for the post! I always appreciate reading your work.

    Go TeamLucas! ;)

    1. Yes! Go Team Lucas! :) And thank you, Sue! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

      I know my methods are sort of odd when it comes to writing about spoilers. Lol! I enjoy seeing some spoilers, but I like to keep major plotlines and events a surprise. And yet I can't help always finding out something. :D (I guess I'm just too curious... Lol!)

      And you make a very good point about Lucas' beard! I'm really curious what the "order of beard length" really is. They seem to film the episodes in order to a degree, and the first pic of Lucas we ever got was him with a long beard. But we don't really know for sure. I'm really excited to find out!

      And you may be right about the oil company being a big storyline this season. That's kind of a good thing if it means we get lots of Lucas screen time. ;) But I'm very curious how it all will play out.

      I believe your silence speaks louder than your words about a certain man's mother, but I had my speculations anyway. Lol!

      I totally think Lucas and Nathan will be friends! One day. Somewhere in the future. Possibly the far out future.... But if Elizabeth and Rosemary can be best friends, I believe they can too!

      And I'm so excited Joe Canfield has come to Hope Valley! I'm very curious what stories the writers have for him and his family this season!

      That's a very good point about LJ possibly indicating who E will pick. That makes a lot of sense.

      As for romance, I think I need to start being more anxious. Lol! The writers have really left things so they could go either way. Well, I guess we'll find out soon enough. Lol!

      Thank you so much for reading and the comment! I always enjoy hearing from you! God Bless! (And GO Team Lucas! Lol!)

  2. Que texto incrível! Desculpa,vou escrever em meu idioma nativo rsrsrs...

    Mas sério, você tem uma percepção incrível das cenas e do enredo! Eu estava lendo e pensando: claro! Como não pensei nisso ... rsrsr

    Não podemos te dar spoiler mas posso lhe dizer que pelo que vimos nos vídeos há grandes emoções a caminho.

    Sobre L&E.... Eu também estou crendo que ele sendo o escolhido, veremos muito romance , não em quantidade de cenas, mas em qualidade nos momentos. Desde que L começou a se interessar por ela, percebo que ele sempre investiu nisso : Tempo de qualidade com ela e Atos de serviço também rsrs( Parafraseando o livro as 5 linguagens do amor , Sorry!)
    E na temp 8, acho que ele seguirá assim... O que me leva a crer que ele fará coisas lindas para ela _ Oh Deus, por favor!_ rsrsrs

    Bom, até sextaaaaaa rsrsr ☺️

    1. Aww! Thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I can't wait to find out what's in store for Lucas and Elizabeth in Season 8! This season is looking to be one of the best ones yet! Here's hoping for lots of romance for our favorite team!

      Thank you so much for reading and the comment! Have a wonderful weekend! God Bless!

  3. I loved everything you wrote. I would elect you to be a counselor or co-author if i were one of the writers of the plot. You have great ideas that would make the show exciting. In addition, it is Team Lucas that makes it even more special... lol

    1. You're so sweet! Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed the post!


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