WCTH Fanfic: Making Sure: Chapter 15


    Hey everyone and happy happy Friday! I hope you've had a wonderful week so far! We are getting so close to Season 8's premiere! Eeek! I can't wait!!!

    As you already know by now, I'm here to bring you the next chapter of my fan fiction! As always thank you so, so much for your amazing feedback! You guys are so sweet, and I'm so blessed to have you as friends and readers!

    Also thanks for sticking with me after ANOTHER cliffhanger. Lol!

    Alright, alright, I'll stop talking. :D I hope you enjoy Chapter 15!



A small figure appeared in the distance as Nathan rode over a hill. Sure enough it was Jeanie slowly walking along. He urged Newton toward her.

A sense of urgency had gripped him ever since he’d spoken with Bill. He couldn’t figure out why exactly. Inside he still believed he should be going after Elizabeth. And yet every time he thought of Jeanie his gut told him he needed to hurry.

He rode up next to her, and pulled Newton to a stop. Stiffly he nodding down to her.


She looked up to him, and raised her brow in surprise. Slowly she dipped her chin in response. “Evening, Constable.” The moon shone bright that night, making her violet eyes shine. They really were breathtaking.

Quickly he shook himself from the thought. Focus, Nathan. He cleared his throat.

“What are you doing out here?”

She simply shrugged, looking around her. “Just taking a walk.”

He raised a brow. “In the dark?”

Suddenly her hand went to her hip, her head cocked to the side. “You’ve never taken a moon lit walk before?”

Why did she have to look so darn cute, even when she was being smart? Again he mentally chided himself. What was wrong with him tonight?

He dismounted Newton, keeping the reins tucked in his hand as he walked in front of her. “I need you to come back with me.”

Her brows pinched, worry creasing her eyes. “Is there a problem?”

“I don’t know.” His lips pressed tight, suddenly feeling annoyed. How could she act so innocent after hiding her identity from him? From everyone. He’d even offered to help her and she’d turned him down flat.

His jaw tensed and he looked off into the distance. “Why don’t you tell me.” He then turned back to her, his brows raised. “Mrs. McElroy.”

Her eyes went wide, terror filling her gaze. He cringed inside, knowing he’d stepped a little too far. But something inside him longed for her to trust him. Why did she feel the need to hide everything?

Suddenly a fire ignited her eyes, and before he knew what had happened, she slapped him right across the face. His eyes shot wide in shock, his cheek smarting. For such a small woman she really packed a lot of force in that little hand.

Irritation burned inside him, as he raised his hand to rub the spot. “What was that for?”

Her lips pressed tight, her hands flying to her hips. “You’re such a snoop. You know that?” She spat the words out, each filled with a burning rage. Quickly she spun away from him, crossing her arms over her chest. “Why can’t you just mind your own business?”

Nathan took a step toward her. “Protecting this town is my business.” He didn’t like how harsh he sounded, but he couldn’t help it. Why did she have to be so stubborn?

She suddenly spun back to face him, bringing them less than a foot apart. “And you think I’m a threat?” Her eyes popped wide in disbelief.

“No.” He stumbled, his words tumbling over each other. “I’m not saying that. I…”

Oh, he was making a mess of this. Looking up to the sky, he sighed. “I think you should have just been honest with me in the first place.”

Suddenly Jeanie’s eyes dropped to the ground, as she wrapped her arms around herself. His heart twisted inside as he caught the glaze over her eyes. What was he doing?

“Jeanie…” He softened his voice, looking to her gently. “I want to help you. But I can’t do that if you won’t just tell me the truth.”

Quickly she shook her head, turning her back to him. “No.” She sniffed. “No you don’t.”

His brows furrowed, as he stepped around to face her. “Why do you keep saying that?”

Her face twisted, as her eyes raised to meet his. “Because no one wants to help a McElroy.” She half shouted, half sobbed.

He was taken back by her outburst, when suddenly her eyes shut tight, a sob racking her body. Tears streamed down her face, as her voice shook.

“Not even another McElroy.”

Nathan felt his heart break with her pain. Guilt poured over him, as he winced internally at his earlier behavior. 

“I…I should have known Scottie was lying about where he got all that money from.” She sobbed.  “But…but I didn’t want to believe he was a….”

“A thief.” Nathan finished for her quietly. He hadn’t meant it to sound harsh in any way, but it only produced more tears from her. Again he kicked himself.

“He said he was an insurance sales man.” Jeanie rolled her eyes before rigorously wiping her hand over her tear stained face. “And I…I was so stupid and believed him.”

Tears poured down her face, as she wept. Slowly she started teetering, as she hunched forward, and Nathan worried she’d fall over. Against his better judgement he went to her, and wrapped his arms around her back.

An odd mixture of guilt and warmth filled him, as her face pressed into his chest. It felt wrong to be hugging her. After all it was Elizabeth he was trying to pursue, not her. Yet, somehow it felt right. And he was just doing it because she was so sad and heart-broken, he decided. He owed her that much after his poorly chosen words before.

She didn’t hug him back, keeping her hands over her face. Yet she didn’t resist him.

She felt so small in his long arms. So fragile. Instantly the need to protect her filled him, its intensity surprising him. Her shoulders shook up and down, as she continued to cry her heart out.

“You loved him, Jeanie.” He tried, wanting to bring her some measure of comfort. “We always want believe the people we love.” His voice caught in his throat. Suddenly moister pricked the back of his eyes, his own past playing before him.

“I hate him.” She stomped her foot, sobs shaking her. “He blamed me for everything. His arrest, for losing the lawsuit, for being….”

Nathan winced, knowing the picture playing before her eyes. He’d read two years ago how the judge had sentenced Scottie with one of the worst punishments possible. Hanging.

Realization hit him with a hard blow at the trauma Jeanie had endured. Again guilt flooded his chest at how he’d treated her. He knew better than anyone what it was like to love someone who was…less than honest. He also knew what it felt like to lose someone he loved dearly.

His breath caught in his throat as his sweet sister’s face flashed before his eyes. She was so young, with so much life left to live. But she hadn’t been his wife, and he didn’t have to watch her die a death so miserable as hanging.

A chill crawled down his spine at the thought. Suddenly a new respect for Jeanie sprouted in his chest. She’d been through so much hardship, and yet she still greeted each day with a smile on her face. She was one remarkable woman.

Eventually her sobs died down to a few sniffles, and hiccups. Pulling back, she wiped her red rimmed eyes, refusing to meet his gaze. “I’m such a mess.” She sighed, seeming embarrassed at her outburst.

Inside he ached knowing the burden she’d been carrying. He felt the need to say something. But what?

“Jeanie,” He started, his tongue seeming to stick in his mouth. “None of what happened was your fault.”

Jeanie simply sniffed, looking off into the distance. How did he make her see what he did? Suddenly words came to him, and he opened his mouth before he knew what he was doing.

“Look, I didn’t know Scottie, but what I do know is that he didn’t deserve a girl like you.” Instantly he winced at his boldness. He wasn’t sure what had come over him.

Suddenly her eyes darted to his face. Those entrancing purple bulbs widened, a sense of shock seeming to come over her. Her mouth fell open slightly, and he found his eyes dropping to her parted lips.

Pull it together. He shook himself mentally. This was absurd. He wasn’t interested in her. Elizabeth was the woman he wanted.

But he’d be crazy to deny that Jeanie was pretty woman. It was just natural for him to notice that, he decided. Nervously he cleared his throat.

“We need to get back to town.” He turned back to Newton who had stood faithful behind them this whole time. He needed to put some distance between him and Jeanie. Slowly she walked up behind him.


Suddenly his chest constricted as he remembered the whole reason he’d come after her in the first place. What was he doing lollygagging out here, when Elizabeth could be in serious danger? Mentally he smacked his forehead.

He took Newton’s reins, not quite meeting Jeanie’s gaze. “Lucas, and Elizabeth are missing.”

“What?” He heard her gasp. Turning he found her eyes popping wide. “No.” She shook her head, taking a step backward. “No, they’re just down at the pond.”

Her face seemed to pale, terror filling her eyes. Before he knew it she turned quick and raced toward the direction of the pond.

“Jeanie wait.” He called after her, dashing to mount Newton. Somehow he never knew what that woman would do next.

Suddenly a shriek sounded from the trees. Nathan’s heart stopped cold. “Jeanie!”



Elizabeth’s head jerked up off Lucas’ shoulder as the cabin door was thrown open. Spurlock nearly stomped in, throwing his Stetson at a sleeping Denny in the corner. He jerked awake with a snort, his eyes wide.

“Well?” His face held a question.

Spurlock seemed to ignore him, glancing toward her and Lucas. She shivered at the evil ladened in his gaze.

“Johnny pack up.” He ordered, his eyes never leaving hers. “We’re leaving in five.”

Elizabeth’s eyes widened. Five minutes?

Johnny came toward his boss, his brows raised. “Is someone following us?”

“And what about Harvey?” Denny added before Spurlock could answer. “He’s gonna be awful mad if we don’t find out where that girl is.”

Spurlock smirked, looking from Elizabeth to Lucas. “We will.” His jaw then locked, his eyes turning to steal. “Now pack up.”

Johnny and Denny jumped to do as they’d been told. Johnny instantly began gathering their supplies and shoving it into a saddle pack, while Denny headed out the door. Where the third man had gone Elizabeth had no idea.

Suddenly her heart stopped as Spurlock eyed her. His fists clenched as he started toward her. Absolute terror gripped her soul.

She shrunk back against Lucas, trying to hide behind him. Lucas leaned forward and placed himself in front of her, trying to shield her. Her heart pounded as Spurlock’s footsteps thundered through the wooden floor boards.

He stopped in front of her, and drew a knife from his pocket. Squatting down he grabbed the rope around her ankles, and in one quick motion severed it in two. Instantly her feet thudded to the floor, slight relief filling her at the freedom she now felt.

Her chest then seized as he stood and reached down for her.

“No, no…” Panic seized her as he grabbed her arm, his fingers squeezing her skin like a vice. With a jerk he attempted to rip her from her position behind Lucas.

“No!” She screamed fighting to resist his strong hand. Lucas leaned back, attempting to shield her even more. With a grunt he gave a kick with his tied feet into Spurlock’s legs. Spurlock only staggered a minute. He then raised his own foot and kicked Lucas over onto the floor.

Lucas landed with a groan, as Spurlock then yanked her onto her feet. Fear consumed her, tears springing to her eyes, as she fought desperately to pull away. Spurlock nearly dragged her forward, digging his nails into her arm.

“Lucas!” She dug her heels into the floor, pushing back against Spurlock.

Glancing behind her, she found Lucas frantically fighting to sit upright again. “Let her go!” He yelled, his arms and legs squirming to free himself.

“Denny stand guard.” Spurlock shouted, and Denny poked his head in the door, giving him a nod. “Johnny get our guest ready to ride.” A hint of amusement laced Spurlock’s voice, and Johnny grinned in agreement.

A tear escaped her, trickling down her face.

“Lucas!” She screamed, and swinging her foot as hard as she could she launched her shoe’s heel into Spurlock’s shin. Instantly he let out a yelp, stumbling over. With a forceful yank she pulled her arm free from his grasp and nearly dove back next to Lucas.

Her heart pounded as she realized there was nothing she could do. The knife she’d seen earlier was gone, three ruthless men with guns surrounded them, and her arms were tied tightly behind her back. All she could do was cling to the man who meant more and more to her with each passing minute.

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she used her shoulder to push Lucas back into a sitting position. Still, he fought furiously to free himself, twisting his wrists and struggling with his feet. But inside she knew it wouldn’t help.

Her voice caught in her throat, her words barely a whisper. “Lucas….”

Instantly he sat still, his face turning to hers. He breathed hard, his eyes widening. Something crossed his gaze. A deep realization seeming to sink inside him.

This was it. This may be the last time they ever saw each other.

Suddenly he leaned forward and brushed a kiss to her lips, spreading warmth through her chest. The fiery contact only lasted a mere second before Spurlock yanked her away. He jerked her to her feet, this time wrapping his other arm around her waist as he dragged her toward the front door.

“Elizabeth!” Lucas voice broke, terror filling his eyes.

She wriggled with a vengeance, using every bit of strength she possessed to try and free herself. “Let me go!” Spurlock’s arm only squeezed her waist tighter.

“Shut up.”

“I’ll pay you!” Lucas called after them. “I’ll pay you ten times what Harvey is!”

Spurlock only smirked, as he pulled her out the door.

“Spurlock! Spurlock do you hear me?” Lucas’ voice sounded behind them. “I won’t tell you anything if you hurt her!”

Elizabeth craned her neck back, catching a final glance at Lucas, before the door shut.



“Let me go!” Jeanie squirmed against the man’s strong hands, attempting to jerk herself free. It was too dark to see his face, and frankly she didn’t care who this jerk was. All she wanted was to be set free.

“Did you really think I wouldn’t find you?” An all too familiar voice rasped next to her ear, making her stand still. “Did you think there was any place you could run where I wouldn’t find you?”

A chill ran down her back, causing the hairs on the back of her neck to stand upright. Harvey. He’d found her, just as she’d feared he would.

Oh, why hadn’t she listened to Lucas? Why hadn’t she just reported him, like a normal human being would? But deep down she knew why.

Despite her absolute disgust for the man, she could never bring herself to imprison her husband’s father. It would feel like such a betrayal. But it would feel better than him killing her, something he’d promised he’d do if she tried to escape again.

She’d hoped he was bluffing. But at the sound of a metal hammer clicking, she realized he wasn’t.

“Drop the weapon!” Suddenly Nathan leapt in front of them, his pistol outright. Never had she been so relieved to see his face.

Harvey laughed, his chest wheezing. “So, you finally did it.” He quipped, clearing his throat from a cough. “You finally squealed to the law about your conniving old father-in-law.” His tongue clicked, as he shook his head. “I have to say, Jeanie. I’m actually impressed.”

“Let her go.” Nathan commanded, not looking amused with him in the least.

She continued to squirm, anger filling her. “Why won’t you just leave me alone? What have I ever done to you?”

“You took my son away from me!” Harvey suddenly shouted, making her jump. He panted hard, his breath whistling through his clenched teeth.

Her stomach twisted, tears pricking her eyes. “I didn’t.”

“Yes.” He breathed. “Yes, you did.” His voice seemed to break on the last word. He sniffled loudly, a strained cry escaping him. “My Scottie wouldn’t hurt a flea on a dog’s back. He used to nurse sick kittens back to health, and help his mama with the dishes.”

She felt her heart ache with his grief. She knew he loved his son beyond words. He just couldn’t bring himself to believe Scottie was capable of anything illegal, let alone murder.

Suddenly Harvey’s voice hardened. “No,” He shoved the barrel harder into her head. “The only thing strong enough to change a man like him would be the love of a wicked woman.”

She would be insulted if fear wasn’t crippling her. Her lip quivered involuntarily, her voice straining weakly. “He wasn’t the man you or I thought he was.”

“Silence!” He roared, throwing her to the ground. She hit the dirt with a grunt, landing on her back. He then pointed his gun at her head.

“Don’t move!” Nathan barked, his eyes and pistol dead set on the man. Something crossed his face, and she hoped he was formulating a plan. A second passed before he spoke.

“Harvey,” His voice softened a touch. “There were multiple eye witnesses that saw your son kill the Benson Hills bank teller, as well as two innocent bystanders.”

“Lies!” Harvey spat, his face turning a burning red. “They’re all a bunch of lies!”

Nathan shook his head sadly. “But they’re not.”

Jeanie felt her body shake uncontrollably as she watched Harvey’s face twist.

“Harvey your son made his choice long before he ever married Jeanie.” Nathan continued, inching ever so slowly toward him. “And now you have one to make too. You can drop the gun, come along quietly, and I’ll put a good word in for you with the judge.”

Harvey seemed to mull Nathan’s words over, but never moved his finger off the trigger.

Toe by toe Nathan slid toward him. “You don’t want this, Harvey.”

Jeanie watched Harvey’s face, as an unreadable expression crossed it. His chest heaved, as his lips pressed tight. The pistol shook in his hand, still aimed at her head.

She barely drew a breath, as Nathan came within feet of him. His one hand still clutched his own pistol, while he held up the other out in front of him. “Just put the gun down.”

Harvey squinted his eyes shut tight, his face twisting as if he were in pain. And then they opened.

The blood drained from her face as she saw the evil in his gaze. His eyes narrowed on her, his voice low. “There’s always a third option.”

His pistol then suddenly swung toward Nathan. Jeanie felt her chest seize.  No!

Without thinking she leaped off the ground, flinging herself at Harvey. His gun fired into the air, as he worked to regain his balanced. And then Nathan darted at him.

Jeanie dove out of the way. Nathan grabbed Harvey’s hand that held the pistol. Twisting it, he shoved Harvey down to the ground before the man fired a second shot into the dirt. Pressing his knee into Harvey’s back, Nathan finally wrestled the gun out of his hand.

Harvey only struggled for a moment, before he finally gave up, collapsing into the dirt with a groan. Jeanie felt her eyes must have looked as big as saucers as she took in the scene before her. She panted hard, an odd mixture of guilt and worry filling her.

Harvey had been caught. She was finally free. She didn’t know what to think or feel about this.

Nathan worked Harvey’s hands behind his back, and secured them in a set of handcuffs. He breathed hard, sticking the man’s gun under his belt. Then he turned toward her, his eyes finding hers.

“Are you alright?” His words came in a gasp.

“Yeah.” She shrugged, wrapping her arms around herself. “I’m good.” As good as she could be after nearly dying. And he’d barely escaped too.

Suddenly fear twisted her stomach. Had he been hurt? Oh, she’d feel terrible if she caused him so much as a paper cut. She scanned him closely, looking for any signs of pain.

“Are you…okay?” She managed, her words seeming to stick in her throat. Suddenly a shiver ran through her, and she gripped her arms tighter. It was probably shock setting in.

“Yeah.” Nathan answered, his gaze narrowing on her. And then within an instant he was unbuttoning his red serge jacket. Quickly he shrugged it off, and came to stand in front of her.

He draped it around her shoulders with a gentleness that made her breath catch. His hands came to rest on her shoulders for a moment, his eyes landing on hers.

She found herself unable to look away, his blue eyes piercing through her. “Nathan…I…” She breathed, unsure what or if she should say anything.

A strange warmth swirled inside her, and she felt herself blushing. What did it all mean?

Something crossed his face, what exactly she wasn’t sure. Quickly his hands then fell to his sides, his gaze dropping. Stiffly he motioned toward the opening in the woods they’d come through earlier.

“We…uh…” He stuttered, his hand going to the back of his neck. “We’d better get back.”



Spurlock dragged Elizabeth across the short distance from the cabin to the shed. A lantern hung against the shed, its light and the full moon the only source of light.

“Help somebody!” She attempted to scream, when Spurlock’s hand cupped her mouth.

He stopped a foot from the place he’d tried to kill her before. The place he’d burned the whale oil can, to frame Cat Montgomery. He then jerked her in front of him.

Pulling out his knife he cut the frayed rope binding her wrists. Her hands fell apart, but he quickly grabbed them. Then with a giant shove he pushed her forward so she fell to the ground. She grunted at the sudden impact, her hands pressing into the cold earth beneath her. Quickly she rolled onto her back, looking up.

The light of the nearby lantern illuminated Spurlock’s dirty grin. Instantly she felt déjà vu, her mind recalling the moment he’d tried to kill her eight years ago. This couldn’t be happening.

Her heart pounded as if it would explode, the cold air burning her lungs. “Please.” She begged, warm tears spilling down her cheeks. “You don’t have to do this.”

His mouth quirked, a wicked gleam in his eye. “But I do.” His face twisted, as he raised his pistol. “For eight years I sat in a filthy, cold prison cell.” His words grated out. “And all because you couldn’t keep your nose out of my business.” His voice rose with every word, his pistol aimed straight at her face.

She shook her head, sobs overtaking her. “Please, don’t.”

Slowly he pulled the hammer back until it clicked. “Say hi to Jack for me.”

A cry escaped her. “No!”

And then a gun shot fired. Her entire body jerked hard, her heart stopping.

But the shot hadn’t come from Spurlock.

His head jerked toward the cabin. Denny, who’d been standing on the porch, suddenly raised his rifle. He aimed off into the woods, his eyes wide with worry. Spurlock turned toward the trees, his pistol outright.

Suddenly a THACK sounded, and he gasped, hunching over. Elizabeth blinked through her tears, looking up. And there stood Lucas, a rifle in his hands.

He breathed hard, his chest rising and falling rapidly. His hair dangled messily over his forehead, his face tense. Instantly he raised the butt of the rifle to his shoulder, aiming at Spurlock.

“Don’t move.” He ordered. His eyes darted from Spurlock, to her face. ‘Are you alright?”

Elizabeth nodded her head, unable to speak. Her body shook, fresh tears surfacing as her lips quivered. A wave of relief rushed over her, leaving her breathless.

And then another gunshot sounded. Lucas jerked, dropping the rifle as his left hand grabbed for his right arm. Elizabeth’s eyes darted back to the cabin where Denny stood with his own rifle outright.

Suddenly Spurlock launched himself at Lucas, tackling him to the ground. Lucas grunted as he landed with a thud. His face twisted in pain, as he looked to her.

“Elizabeth, run!”

Instantly she scrambled to stand, her feet slipping under her long silky skirts. Spurlock grunted, as he grabbed his pistol. “Denny! Get her!”

Denny darted toward her, when suddenly another gunshot sounded. Instantly he stopped, and crumbled to the ground, his hand clutching his chest.

Elizabeth looked toward the trees where the shot had come from. Suddenly a horse charged out. A sob escaped her as she made out the familiar form of the man riding it.


A pistol fired, the bullet sending shards of wood off a tree. Bill leaped off his horse, ducking low. “Elizabeth, get out of here!”

She glanced helplessly toward Lucas who was wrestling Spurlock on the ground. Was that a gun Spurlock held? Another shot then sounded, and she turned and ran behind the shed.



Pain tore through Lucas, sweat flooding down his temples. His hands shook as he fought to keep Spurlock’s pistol from passing over his chest.

Out of the corner of his eye he caught a glance of Bill running toward him. Another gunshot sounded from behind him, sending Bill diving for the dirt.

Lucas gripped Spurlock’s hands tighter, gritting his teeth. Spurlock shoved the gun harder, his face drenched in sweat. Slowly the barrel moved toward Lucas.

Panic began to consume him. Please, God, give me strength. He silently begged.

Suddenly a rifle shot sounded, followed by a loud thud. Spurlock’s head came up, and found his third man lying on the ground clutching his shoulder.

This was Lucas’ chance. Summoning all the strength he had left, he shoved the pistol upright. The back of the gun smacked Spurlock in the face, causing him to loosen his grip on the handle.

Twisting it in a quick jerking motion he finally ripped the pistol out of Spurlock’s hand. He then hurled it as far as he could away from them. Spurlock dove toward it, scrambling on his hands and knees.

Lucas rolled over, and jumped to his feet. His legs wouldn’t quite carry him, and he stumbled forward. He launched himself into Spurlock, pinning the man to the ground. Spurlock grunted angrily, fighting to throw him off. Raising his fist, Lucas grit his teeth and laid a final punch into Spurlock’s face.

Instantly the man's head lolled to the side. Unconscious.

Silence fell over the place. Lucas rolled over onto his back, pain shooting up with every rapid breath he took. Everything hurt. His chest burned with a roaring fire. His arm stung from where the bullet had grazed him earlier. He sent up a prayer of thanks that it hadn’t embedded itself in his arm.

Suddenly fear shot through him like a bolt of lightning. He leapt to his feet, his eyes wide as he turned around. His heart pounded in his throat as he scanned the area around him.

“Elizabeth!” His voice rasped, his lungs fighting for air.

He looked to Bill. Hunched on his knees, he tied one of Spurlock’s men’s hands behind his back, his eyes searching the area the same as he was. Lucas spun around, panic threatening to overtake him.

And then he saw her. Running as fast as she could toward him. His breath caught in his throat, as he ran to her.

She launched herself into him, wrapping her arms around his neck. He gasped as pain shot through his chest, but he held her close anyway.

Quickly she pulled back, and he saw the tears threatening to spill down her already damp face.

“Sorry,” she whispered. Her eyes grew wide as she began inspecting him for injuries. And his heart felt like it would explode inside him.

Grabbing her he pulled her right back against him. His chest burned like fire, but he sucked it down. All that mattered was having this woman safe and in his arms.

Her arms came up and wrapped around his neck, holding him tight. Her whole body began shaking uncontrollably, a hiccup escaping her. He held her tighter still.

She panted hard, matching his own heavy breathing. Ducking his face down he pressed a kiss to her cheek, then another to her temple.

His hands came up her back, and he ducked his face down into her hair. Breathing her in. Her face turned up to rest in the crook of his neck, and she breathed in deeply.

“I’m sorry.” He whispered, his voice breaking.

She shook her head against him, her words muffled. “It’s not your fault.”

His heart twisted, as he brushed another kiss to her hair. Inside told him differently.

Glancing up he found Bill approaching them, an unreadable expression on his face. Lucas wondered what was going through the older man’s mind at the sight of Elizabeth wrapped in his arms. Would Bill disapprove? Did he blame him for this whole mess? He wouldn’t blame him if he did.

But all Bill said was, “Let’s get you two home.”



The ride back was quiet, with only the sound of horse hooves trampling the leaf covered ground. Bill led the way since Lucas wasn’t too familiar with this part of the woods. Traveling at night hadn’t done him any favors.

Behind Bill four horses were strung together, each carrying one of the dirty criminals they’d just faced moments ago. Finally, him and Elizabeth rode together bringing up the rear. She sat in front of him, his one hand gripping the reins, while the other circled around her waist.

He wasn’t sure how she’d feel about that, but he felt the need to keep her close right now. Thankfully she hadn’t resisted. If anything, he wondered if she’d leaned into him.

Now they rode silently along through the trees. Before mounting he’d removed his coat and draped it over her, attempting to stop her violent shivering. She was still wearing her silvery white gown from the social that night, with only a long white cape to keep her warm. Although he figured that her shivers were more from shock than anything else.

The wind now whipped at him with a chilling bite, only aggravating his pain. However, her shivers had died down, and so he would endure the freezing night air.

His chest still burned like fire, the bumping of the horse only making it worse. But he bit it down. It was worth it, if it meant he could keep her close.

Eventually her head had come back to rest against his shoulder. Now it bobbed gently with the rhythm of the horse. Had she fallen asleep? He wouldn’t blame her after everything she’d been through this week.

His stomach knotted just thinking about the danger him and Elizabeth had been in. By a miracle from God, he’d found the smallest end of a nail poking through the cabin’s wooden wall. Using it he managed to saw the ropes around his wrists, and untie his ankles, without Johnny noticing. He’d then managed to knock the man out, before stealing his rifle.

By the time he’d made his way around the back, Spurlock had his pistol pointed at Elizabeth’s head. Bile rose in his throat as he realized once again just how close he’d been to losing her. The thought was more than he could stand.

Never had he been so sure of his feelings for her. She was the one. Without question. Without doubt.

And now he knew that she felt something for him. First from that kiss, and then after she’d nearly popped his already broken ribs from that hug. He couldn’t help the smile that tugged at his mouth remembering both events.

But how would she feel now after all they’d been through. They’d both come inches from death’s door. Would she pull away now, or draw closer?

Gently he brushed a kiss to her cheek, praying it would be the later. He didn’t even want to think about a life without her.

Finally, the small town of Hope Valley came in sight. Relief washed over him, a warmth filling his chest. He was home.

It was an odd yet, wonderful feeling. In all his travels he’d never found a place that felt so much like home, than Hope Valley did. It was a beautiful thing really.

Slowly the long train of horses walked past the water tower. In the distance he could make out the saloon. And all the town’s folk that were gathered in front of it.

He should probably wake Elizabeth up.

He gave her arm a soft nudge. “Elizabeth.” He whispered against her hair. Slowly she stirred, a yawn escaping her. Lucas smiled, his chest swelling.

He wished they could stay like this forever. But he knew she’d probably rather not be seen sleeping against his shoulder. He’d already made that mistake once.

Raising her head, she craned her neck so she could look at him. The sight of her sleepy face made his heart melt. She stared at him, her blue eyes shining in the moonlight. Her lips parted slightly, and he had to resist the temptation to take them in a kiss. Now wasn’t the time, or the place.

Lucas reined his horse to a stop in front of the jail next to the others. A crowd of people rushed up behind them as he dismounted. He moved to help Elizabeth down, but raising his hands above his head sent a bolt of pain through his chest.

Instead, he raised his right hand, since it was his left side that burned like fire, and took her hand as she dismounted. She slid down next to him, surprising him by not immediately removing her hand from his. He looked to her, finding her eyes.

She stared back at him, an unreadable expression in her gaze. Slowly she then slid her hand from his. Disappointment rose in his chest, but he pushed it aside. She’d been through a lot these past few days. There was no reason to push her beyond what she was ready for.

He could wait.

Suddenly a woman burst through the crowd, and threw herself into his arms. “Lucas!” Jeanie gasped, holding him tight.

Lucas sucked in a breath, unable to hold back a groan. Oh, how he hurt! And yet a powerful wave of relief washed over him.

During him and Elizabeth’s entire ordeal worry for his little sister had consumed him. He’d had no idea whether or not she was being tortured by some merciless brute. But here she was. Safe and sound.

Thank you, Lord. He silently prayed.

At his sudden intake of breath, she pulled back. Her hands flung to her face as she took in his disheveled state.

“Oh my goodness!” She looked from him to Elizabeth, tears immediately springing to her eyes. “What happened? Are you two alright?”

He attempted to give her a reassuring smile, gently gripping her arm. “I’m fine.”

“No.” Elizabeth answered softly as she looked to him, her eyes filled with concern. “You’re not.”

Quickly She turned to the crowd, searching for someone. “Carson.” She finally called, and the doctor came running over. Carson’s eyes scanned over Elizabeth, and then him, as if he could see every bone and muscle in their bodies.

His face then tensed, apparently not liking what he saw. Lucas then remembered the place on his forehead where Johnny had smashed that piece of kindling. That must be the reason his head was pounding.

Finally Carson nodded stiffly. “Let’s get you over to the infirmary.”

At the sound of a door opening, Lucas turned to find Nathan bounding out of the jail door. His eyes landed on the one person he didn’t want them too, his gaze widening.

“Elizabeth!” He nearly jumped down the stairs, running toward her. Then it was Lucas’ eyes that widened, as Nathan suddenly engulfed her in a tight embrace. Lucas caught Jeanie rolling her eyes, and felt like doing the same.

Elizabeth seemed shocked herself at Nathan’s action, her body going stiff. Her arms stayed in place, just barely tapping his arms. Lucas couldn’t help the smile that pulled at his lips, relief pouring through him.

She’s not interested in him. He silently comforted himself.

“Thank God you’re safe.” He heard Nathan whisper, and he couldn’t help the spark of fire that his words ignited. Just because she didn’t care for Nathan that way, didn’t mean he was okay seeing her in the man’s arms.

Finally Elizabeth pulled back, her eyes refusing to meet Nathan’s. Nathan still seemed to be examining her, looking for any injuries. “Are you hurt?” He breathed.

“No.” She shook her head, pulling Lucas’ coat tighter around her shoulders. Suddenly her head came up, her eyes wide. “Where’s Jack?”

Nathan motioned backward with his head. “He’s with Lee and Rosemary back at their place.”

Quickly Lucas stepped forward, not giving Nathan a chance to offer anything. “I’ll take you.”

Nathan’s eyes darted to him, a fire burning there. “You’ve done enough.” He snapped, and Lucas couldn’t say he was surprised at his anger. Nathan probably blamed him for the whole ordeal. Even he blamed himself.

Suddenly Bill walked up beside them. “You’ve both done enough.” His voice was firm, but not quite angry. “Henry already volunteered to drive Elizabeth home. He’s getting his car as we speak.”

He then turned to Nathan. “I need you back in the office.”

Nathan was taken back, his face tense. “Surely that can wait for just a…”

“Now.” Bill ordered, and his face left no room for argument. Nathan’s brows furrowed, his mouth opening and closing before he started back toward the jail.

Bill then turned to Lucas, his eyes going to his head. “You’d better let Carson have a look at that.”

Lucas nodded, praying Carson would have something to take the throbbing away. “Thank you, Bill.” He hoped the older man saw just how deeply he meant it. Without Bill, things would have turned out a whole lot worse.

Bill nodded back, his mouth turning in what almost looked like a smile. “Don’t mention it.” He clapped him on the shoulder, before starting up the jail steps.

Lucas then turned back to Elizabeth. She looked up at him, her expression unreadable. “I’ll walk you over.” She replied softly.

Warmth filled him, and he nodded, a smile spreading across his face.

Jeanie took his hand giving it a squeeze. “I’ll go make you something nice and warm.” And after a quick hug, she darted off toward the saloon.

He sighed as he watched her go, again relived filling him that she was safe. Carson then put a hand to his shoulder. “Let’s get you checked out.”

The three of them, Carson, Elizabeth, and him then started off toward the infirmary. Glancing back Lucas found Nathan staring after them, his mouth hanging open slightly.

He felt sympathy for the man, and continued to feel his eyes following them until they entered the infirmary. A single lantern lit the otherwise dark room, and Carson immediately went about lighting another.

Suddenly he then turned to his medicine cabinet. After looking through it he sighed deeply, turning toward them.

“My medical shipment was late, but I think Ned may have the pills I need.” Without even slipping his coat back on, he headed for the door. “Just sit there, and I’ll be back in just a second.” And just like that he darted off for the mercantile.

An awkward silence fell as Lucas and Elizabeth’s eyes met. It was the first time they’d really been alone since earlier that night at the pond. Somehow that seemed a lifetime ago after all they’d been through. And yet the memory of that kiss burned bright in his memory.

Feeling the need to distract himself, he slid his jacket off, and walked toward the other lantern Carson had lit. Turning his upper arm toward it, he attempted to see the damage that bullet had caused. Dry blood crusted over the spot, a dark gash larger than he’d like in the center of his arm.

Shuffling sounded behind him, and soon Elizabeth appeared next to him. Her one hand held a bottle of cleaning alcohol, while the other held a roll of gaze. His heart swelled at her concern, but she had been through enough for one night. She didn’t need to nurse his injuries on top of everything else.

Quickly he twisted his arm away, trying to shield her from the ugly sight.

Her brows then furrowed, her nose scrunching. “Lucas.”

He worked to hold back a smirk, not quite succeeding, before he relented. She was quite the determined one. Her face twisted at the bloody gash, and she set the medical supplies aside. His eyes then widened, from pain and shock, as she grabbed his arm, turning it toward the light.

They now stood inches apart, and he couldn’t help but stare.

She was so beautiful. Her hair had come loose from it’s fancy half-updo, and now hung around her face in soft curls. Her dress, now dirt-stained, shimmered in the soft light of the lantern. Blinking to see his arm better, her long lashes fluttered, her nose wrinkling in the cutest way.

He really was a goner.

She then looked up and caught him staring. Her eyes widened as they locked on his. Her cheeks were flushed in a light red, whether from the cold or a blush he couldn’t tell.

Her lips parted slightly, drawing his eyes to them. Tempting. So tempting.

His head told him he shouldn’t, but he couldn’t seem to help himself. Slowly he leaned toward her, brushing his lips over hers.

She pulled back, her voice a whisper. “Lucas…”

He should have listened to his head.

He looked to her face, finding her eyes lowered to the ground. Her face was withdrawn, and it appeared a battle raged inside her. His stomach twisted, a mixture of fear and concern swirling there.


Finally she looked to him, her voice soft. “It’s not you. It’s me.” Her eyes seemed to implore him to understand. And he did.

She winced, seeming to try and find the right words. “I just….I just need…”

“Time?” He finished for her softly.

A sense of relief seemed to fill her, as she nodded. “I hope you understand.”

“I do.” He answered, trying to make her see that he truly did. So much had happened in such a short amount of time, even he was struggling to comprehend it all.

In response she smiled softly. “Thank you.”

Silence fell for a moment, bringing an awkward tension with it. There was so much he wanted to say. So many things he needed to tell her.

Suddenly Carson walked in, a bottle in his hand. He looked to Elizabeth, motioning behind him. “Elizabeth, Henry just pulled up.”

She nodded, and Lucas felt his heart sink realizing she had to leave. Her face seemed to say the same thing. Or he at least hoped it did anyway.

She looked to him, her expression unreadable. “Thank you.” She replied softly.

Lucas’ brows furrowed. “For what?”

Her eyes shone as they looked deeply into his. “Everything.”

And with a final glance, she disappeared out the door.



    That's all for this chapter! I hope it has been a blessing to you! Now just FYI, I do plan on taking a week off from posting fan fiction next week. I still plan on posting a blog post, but I'd like to just give myself a break and some extra time to write up this next chapter. 

    Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to tell me your thoughts below or on my Twitter page! Have a great weekend! God Bless!


  1. Such an action-packed chapter -- I'm surprised I have any fingernails left!! LOL. Those action sequences were so full activity - I applaud you for taking us through every detail! It was flawless.

    Even in the midst of the fray, you gave us some really sweet tender and romantic moments between Lucas and Elizabeth - thank you for that! These two are realizing more and more what they mean to each other and I love seeing Elizabeth inch closer to the truth. I rolled my eyes along with Lucas and Jeanie when Nathan hugged her, but I can't wait for the impending N/E conversation to happen *rubbing hands with anticipation* :) Hopefully Nathan will realize he is better suited for a girl like Jeanie who is sweet, beautiful, and will keep him on his toes!

    Wonderful,wonderful chapter! Enjoy your week off. Looking forward to more when you are good and rested :)

    1. Thank you, Div! I'm so happy you enjoyed all the craziness as well as the romance. Nathan better realize soon that Elizabeth isn't the one for him, as he simply cannot hug that girl anymore. Lol! And I promise that conversation is coming. (Snickers maniacally to self. ;)

      Thank you so much for your lovely comment and feedback! Have an amazing weekend! God Bless!

  2. Hope!

    Where do I start?

    First of all, why don't you have a bestselling novel? And no, I'm not kidding. Your thought process is crazy good! Your imagination is something I dream of having. Seriously, you need a book deal, pronto.

    Ok, I am loving how Nathan is drawn to Jeanie and doesn't realize what is happening because he thinks he loves Elizabeth. But I think that will change soon. And what the heck with the hugging Elizabeth at the end like they are a couple?! I was thinking, how dare he? Serious eye roll.

    Now the action scenes had me girl. I could not read fast enough! And the scene where Lucas leaned over and kissed her in the midst of danger...omg, swoonworthy stuff...

    And I love that you had Lucas save Elizabeth, regardless of him being hurt and tied up. He told her in season 6 he wouldn't have let anything happen to her and he totally proved that in this story. That made me love him even more.

    I can not wait until the next chapter. And I plan to reread this one a bit more slowly to enjoy every little word.

    Bravo! Your story is perfect!!

    Thank you so much for writing it!

    1. Girl, I've said this before, but you really make my day! :) You are so sweet, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart!

      It would be my dream to just be published one day, let alone have a best seller. I've actually thought about starting something "non-fanfic" related after I finish this story. I have a few ideas, but have to finally pick one and stick with it. Lol!

      As for this chapter, I'm with you. How dare Nathan hug Elizabeth like that! ;)

      And I'm so glad you enjoyed the action as well as the romance. I kept pestering my friend who pre-reads my chapters for me asking, "Was it too much? Was it too much?" Lol! So I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed it!

      And I totally had to, like HAD, to make Lucas save her. In the name of romance! Lol! And you make such a good point about this proving Lucas' words from Season 6! I didn't even think of that! (Smacks forehead) :D

      Thank you so, so much for your amazing support and feedback! You're such a blessing! Have a wonderful weekend! God Bless!

  3. The Heartie ObserverNovember 12, 2022 at 2:23 PM

    Great Chapter! Sorry for the delay, I'm catching up 😂

    1. Oh no worries whatsoever! And thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! :)


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