Who Could Play Helen Bouchard?


    Hello Hearties! Yes, I'm back after taking a week's break from blogging. It was nice to take a breather, and I also got some fan fiction writing done. (Yay!) But anyhow I'm now back and ready to get at today's topic!

    So, even if you're Team Nathan you may know by now that Team Lucas is hoping that Season 8 will bring Lucas' mother, Helen Bouchard to Hope Valley. Even our very own "Papa Heartie" has tweeted on the subject in response to a fellow Heartie who was talking about who might play Helen Bouchard should she show up.


    This raises a brand new question as to where Lucas and his parents are from, but that's not today's topic. However, along with hoping Mrs. Bouchard makes an appearance there has been several ideas stated about who could play the book loving lady. So today I thought I'd state my opinion on some of the popular actress selections and maybe give a suggestion of my own.

    I figured I'd start with the three most mentioned women who could play the part.

Roma Downey


    Now I have never seen Roma in anything so I honestly cannot give a fair opinion on her possibly playing Lucas' mother.

    However (Just from looking at the pictures of her) I'm not sure that she has the personality I’m looking for. People have made comments that she'd be too soft spoken, or that because she would be soft spoken that she would be great for the role. I'm only left to speculate here.

    So for me she's not really my top vote for who could play her, but since I've never seen her in any movie or series I'm totally not the best person to judge here. But I would like Lucas' mother to look somewhat like him, and so some hair dye might be needed here should she be cast. (IMO anyway. :)


Jane Seymour



    Jane has been one of the most advocated women for the part, as far as I've seen. I've seen her in a couple roles, which is why my opinion of her as possibly playing Lucas' mother has been mixed.

    First off, she’s more in the ranks with Brooke Shields and I’d be afraid that she might not return if she was chosen. 

    Secondly I’m not sure if she would have the personality and characteristics I’m hoping for in Helen Bouchard’s character. Now I haven’t seen a whole lot of Jane Seymour, and what I have she was usually playing a more snobbish or "uppity" woman, who didn’t have a lot of warmth.

    One of the movies I’ve seen is the Hallmark one she did with Lacey Chabert titled, A Royal Christmas, and her character was far from what I would hope to see in Lucas’ mother. However, that was only one role and absolutely doesn’t mean that she would be that way in WCTH. I also believe that she would be totally capable of playing a very sweet, warm, and kind mother with a polished edge. Not to mention she would also nail the editor part.

    The third problem is that she doesn’t exactly look like Lucas, but that’s not the biggest issue for me personally. Although I’d really prefer that she have the same dark hair that he does. 

    So my final opinion is this. If she comes as a cold, uppity woman who’s disgusted at the “quaintness” of Hope Valley, then my answer is no. But if she comes as this warm, and sweet woman who immediately becomes friends with Elizabeth, and loves Lucas to death then I'm more for the idea.



Andie MacDowell



    The last women of the three is Andie. Now I’ve actually seen her in a couple movies, so I have a very good idea what she would be like if she were to get the part. Once again she's not my first choice. I mean, I can definitely picture her as Lucas' mother, but I’m not sure that I want her to be. She does have that sweet and kind personality I’m hoping for, so that's good. I can see her just generally caring about everyone around her, being very supportive of Elizabeth’s writing, and really loving Lucas.

    This really just comes down to my preference in actresses for the particular role. Any of the women I've mentioned could possibly work in the role, but once again it all depends on how they play it.



Kristin Davis



    So recently I came across someone else who could work very well in the role. Kristin ticks a lot of boxes. Appearance, personality, and I definitely can see her as an editor. Now I have never seen her in a movie or series, however I did find that she was in a Hallmark Hall of Fame movie and so I watched the trailer and BTS video to get an idea of her personality. She seems kind and sweet, with a bit of spunk.

    I can definitely see her as this warm and inviting woman who just instantly becomes friends with everyone, and would love Elizabeth and Little Jack. Maybe Elizabeth would even inspire her to try writing her own novel, should that turn out to be a secret dream of hers. Then they could be writing buddies! (Yay!)


Wendie Malick



    The last woman I'll mention is one I've considered before, and while she isn't exactly my first choice, I do think it would be quite hilarious if she played Helen. (Or even just came to Hope Valley in general.) Wendie always tends to play the rough on the outside, soft on the inside characters. She also has a fun sense of humor, and I enjoy watching her in Hallmark's mystery series, Darrow and Darrow. 

    So some of you right now may be shaking your heads and saying, "Absolutely not." Which is totally fine as, like I said, she isn't my first choice for this particular role either. However I am flexible when it comes to who might play Helen Bouchard, and so should she be chosen I think it could be fun.

    The thing is we've already had the upper-class mother (Elizabeth's) and we've already had the "interesting" mother (Jack's) and so I think Wendie would kind of be a bit of a repeat of Charlotte Thornton. Either way as I said I am flexible on the subject, and would definitely have some good laughs if she were to be chosen, as I enjoy her sass.


    So there we have it. Now this of course is such a short list of the many, many women who could play Lucas’ mother. There are a lot of Hallmark actresses who’ve played mothers countless times in different Hallmark movies that I’ve not even attempted to list. Perhaps Helen Bouchard will be played by one of them.

    The biggest question right now is, will Season 8 bring her to Hope Valley? Brian Bird’s tweet could be hinting at it, and yet we all know how much he enjoys stirring that pot so we’re just left to wait and see. Lol!

    Thank you all so much for reading! Feel free to comment your ideas for who could play Lucas’ mother below or on my Twitter page! God Bless!

    P.S. Don't know what to buy that Team Lucas fan in your life for Christmas? Why not a Lucas throw pillow cover? Click here to take a look!


  1. Great post! I could easily see either Jane Seymour or Wendie Malick as Helen. Both would be excellent choices. No matter who is cast as her, I would love to see Helen visit Hope Valley.

    But something else I got from this blog...you haven't seen Roma Downey in anything, which means you haven't seen Touched by an Angel...girl!! You gotta watch it! So good and tugs all the heartstrings. Brian Bird was a part of that show and wrote episodes for it. I don't know if you watch Signed, Sealed, Delivered, but the writers for that series also did Touched by an Angel. Very much worth watching!

    1. Thank you! Yes, I'm so curious if Helen will make an appearance this coming season!

      And yes, I've never seen Touched by an Angel. Lol! I'm one of those people who been living under a rock when it comes to some popular TV shows. I just don't watch a lot of series, but that's pretty interesting to know that Brian Bird was apart of the production crew.

      Thank you for reading and the comment! God Bless!

  2. Olá!?
    Eu consigo ver a Andie como Sra Bouchard, doce, gentil, viajada, intelectual e decidida. Mas a Kristin definitivamente seria um sonho, ela é completamente elegante, e doce para interpretar a mãe do Lucas rsrs.... Que bom que voltou... Bjs 😊

    1. Thank you! I think both the women you mentioned could work in the role. They both are sweet and kind, and look more like Lucas then some of the other women I mentioned above.

      Thank you for reading and the comment! God Bless!


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