WCTH Fanfic: Making Sure: Chapter 14



    Hey everyone, and happy Friday! I hope you are all doing marvelously and have had a wonderful week so far! Sorry for the lack of a blog post this Wednesday. But please know I have one planned for next Wednesday! (And it has to do with Season 8. Oooo!)

    Anyway, I'm here to bring you the next chapter of my fan fiction. I'm so happy you guys enjoyed the last one so much. Once again this chapter came out on the longer side. Over 7,000 words. But I just have so much story to share! Lol!

    Thank you all so much again for all your sweet and thoughtful comments last week! You guys make my day, and I really appreciate it!

    Alright, let's get right to it! I hope you guys enjoy this next chapter!


Elizabeth’s blood ran cold, as she blinked in disbelief. It seemed impossible for Mr. Spurlock to be standing before her right now. He’d been sentenced to jail nearly eight years ago for attempted murder, along with the arson charges.

Yet there was no mistaking the man in front of her. His hair was longer, nearly brushing his shoulders. It had been slicked back in its greasy state, and a straggly beard covered his face. Just looking at him made her skin crawl.

“What are you doing here?” She finally managed.

“Come on.” He quipped, taking a step toward them. “Is that really how you greet an old friend?” He smiled an evil grin, sending shivers down her spine. Yet his words sent her blood to boiling.

She worked to keep her teeth from grating. “That is so far from the truth.”

Lucas had moved to stand almost in front of her, clearly sensing the tension. His hand gripped her arm, as his eyes went from her to Spurlock. “How do you two know each other?”

Spurlock eyed him, shrugging his shoulders casually. “Our paths crossed a few years back.” His eyes then went back to her, a mischievous gleam lighting his eyes. “I was sad to hear about the passing of your husband. He was a good man.”

Elizabeth’s nails dug into the palms of her hands, as she clench them tight. How dare that man speak of Jack! Her jaw locked, as she straightened her spine. “Jack was a hero.” And so much more.

Spurlock nodded, a slight smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Of course he was.” He put his arms out, motioning toward himself with a laugh. “He caught me after all. Then again I suppose he had you to thank for that.”

Elizabeth swallowed hard, as she watched him. Slowly, he circled around them.

“Such a shame about Jack dying in that land slide. I would have loved to catch up for old times sake.”

Another shiver ran down her. Whether it was the chilly night air, or Spurlock’s evil glare she didn’t know. Instantly Lucas’ arm came around her shoulders, pulling her closer.

Her throat had gone dry, her tongue sticking to the roof of her mouth. “What do you want?”

Spurlock ignored her comment, going on as if he hadn’t heard her.

“You know it worried me to think of his poor wife all alone out here. But I can see you snagged yourself a replacement pretty quick so that solves that.”

Her eyes popped open wide at his words. The audacity of that man! She felt Lucas stiffen beside her, pulling her closer still. Glancing at him she saw the vein in his neck pulse.

“I believe you’ve said enough.” Lucas’ words were stiff. Clearly filled with disgust for this man.

Spurlock only smirked, and continued pacing. He looked her in the eye, a wicked gleam lighting his own. “If only Jack could see you now.” He motioned with his head back toward the pond. “Out in the middle of the night smooching some rich bartender.”

Elizabeth gasped in absolute horror. “You were spying on us?” Heat filled her face, her stomach turning.

Spurlock simply shrugged. “Spying. Observing. Whatever you’d prefer to call it.” He smiled, clearly enjoying the little game he was playing. But she knew he wasn’t here just to talk about Jack and insult her dignity.

To be honest she had no idea how he’d even gotten back to Hope Valley. She believed his sentence had been set far longer than eight years. Either way, she knew that Lucas and her leave. As quickly as possible.

Lucas must have had the same idea. He cleared his throat, his back straightening.

“Well, if you’ll excuse us, I’d better escort Mrs. Thornton home.”

Spurlock’s grin only deepened. “And that’s where you’re wrong.”

Suddenly two men on horses appeared from the trees. Behind them two more riderless horses followed, being led by ropes. Finally, one more man on a horse brought up the rear.

Instantly they surrounded her and Lucas, all of them dirty, crooked looking men. One barely even possessed his own front teeth. They all smiled dirty, evil grins, as the two riderless horses were brought before her and Lucas.

Suddenly Spurlock drew his pistol, pointing it toward them. “You see, I have some business to settle with the both of you. So, I highly recommend you mount up quietly, and don’t do anything you might regret.”

Elizabeth’s heart sped, but she worked to keep her emotions from showing. “What business could you possibly have with Lucas?”

“I’ll get to that.” Spurlock assured her. “After we go somewhere a little more….private.”

Quickly Lucas’ other arm went around her. Grabbing both her arms, he pulled her back an inch. “She’s not going anywhere with you.”

Spurlock motioned to one of his men. “Johnny.”

Suddenly a man came up from behind them, sending a fist into Lucas’ side. Lucas gasped, hunching over in pain.

“Lucas!” Quickly Spurlock grabbed her arm, yanking her away.

She fought to free herself, watching in horror as Lucas turned to face the man who’d struck him. He laid a hard punch into his face, only to be met by a knee to the stomach from another man who’d ran to help.

Lucas collapsed to the ground with a groan. Wincing in pain, his eyes desperately searched until they found her. He clawed at the ground attempting to stand, when the first man laid a kick into his ribs. Lucas collapsed again with a sharp gasp, his eyes shutting tight.

“Stop!” She attempted to scream, when Spurlock’s hand covered her mouth.

“I wouldn’t.” He warned, pointing his pistol at Lucas’ motionless body.

Oh, God please no.

Tears filled her eyes, as she attempted to pull away from his disgusting grasp. “Why are you doing this?” Anger filled her words, her voice low.

Spurlock yanked her to face him. His eyes darkened, a fire burning deep inside them. “Maybe this will teach you to keep your pathetic little princess nose out of other people’s business.” He spat his words out between gritted teeth. Raising a finger, he pointed at one of the horses.

“Now get on if you want to keep your boyfriend alive.”

And she knew she had no choice.



They rode in silence, the wind swirling against their backs. Elizabeth scooted forward as far as she could in the saddle, trying to put some distance between her and Spurlock. Despite her protests, he’d insisted that she ride with him. And she knew better than to argue with him. Her shoulder brushed his sleeve as his arms circled around her, his hands gripping the reins. Her stomach rolled in absolute disgust.

How was this happening to her? Did he still hold a grudge over her discovering he was the one who’d framed Cat for the church fire? Eight years was a long time, but knowing what kind of a man he was, it came as no surprise.

But what on earth could he have to do with Lucas? She glanced over her shoulder, finding him slumped forward in his saddle. His lips pressed together, his face pulled tight with the obvious pain he felt. Her heart twisted inside seeing him like this.

And it was all her fault. Spurlock must be on a mission to completely destroy her life, including anyone he thought was close to her. That was the only thing that made sense.

Suddenly her heart stopped, her stomach churning as Little Jack’s precious face flashed before her eyes. Would Spurlock go after him too? Had he already and was taking her to him?

Please protect my baby. She prayed, tears springing to her eyes. Surely, he wouldn’t hurt her son.

After what felt like hours, a small cabin came into view. The place felt strangely familiar, although she couldn’t figure why. There were several cabins that surrounded Hope Valley. Perhaps this reminded her of one of them?

She then spotted a small shed across from the cabin, and she felt like she was going to be sick. Surely this couldn’t be it…

But it was. The realization hit her like a bolt of lightning. This was the very same cabin where Spurlock had lived eight years ago. And there was the very same place next to the shed where he’d tried to murder her.

Her heart started pounding in her chest, a cold chill running its icy hands down her back. Suddenly she knew why she was here. Blood drained from her face, making her feel lightheaded.

Mr. Spurlock wanted to finish the job he’d started eight years ago. Bile rose in her throat, and she worked to tamp down the fear that now threatened to consume her. She had to get away. But how?

Cautiously she glanced around. Spurlock had thought this through well. A man rode on both sides of them, with Lucas riding close behind, and another man brought up the rear. And she was sure every one of them was carrying a gun.

Lord, show me what to do. She fervently prayed.

Mr. Spurlock pulled the horse to a stop in front of the house.

“Remember this old place?” She shivered, as she heard the amusement in his voice. “It’s a shame I didn’t get to give you a tour last time we were here. Maybe we can rectify that now.”

Her stomach sank. Lord, You’re the only one who can help us now.



Jeanette took a breath, trying to stop the shaking of her hands, legs, and pretty much her entire body. This was it. She was finally going to tell everyone the truth.

She knew she had to. These wonderful people deserved more than a sneaky half-truth from her. But it didn’t soothe the sickening feeling caused by her churning stomach.

What would happen when they learned the truth? Would everyone hate her after they discovered that she was a McElroy just like everyone back home had done? They hadn’t cared that she’d had no part in Scottie’s crimes and that she hadn’t known where their income had been coming from.

She’d wanted to believe her husband. Believe the lies he’d told her about traveling from town to town to sell insurance. She’d loved him, and had hoped with all her heart that he had loved her just as much.

But everything had been a lie.

She straightened her spine, raising her chin determinedly. But she didn’t have to stoop to the same level of dishonesty he had. And she wouldn’t. Not anymore.

With determined steps she made her way to the front of the saloon where the Victrola played a lively tune. Turning to face the dancing couples and mingling crowd, her breath hitched in her throat. Nearly the whole town had shown up tonight.

She wrung her sweaty palms together, trying to summon moister to her throat. You can do this.

Raising a trembling hand, she moved the needle off the record, silencing the music. Quickly everyone’s eyes landed on the source of its sudden stop. She gulped, wringing her hands tighter.

“Hi.” Her voice squeaked hard, and she cleared her throat. “Hi everyone.” She tried again, relieved to find her voice had returned.

“Sorry to mess up your dance. I..uh…” Come on, chicken. She chided herself. “I had something I wanted to tell you all. Umm…”

Oh, Lord help me. She took a breath, flashing a wobbly smile. “You all have been so amazing since I came. Lucas told me that Hope Valley was different than most places, and he was right. Everyone has been nothing but welcoming and kind and….and that means the world to me.”

Tears filled her eyes as she looked at all the wonderful people she’d met. Bill, who’d given her a job even after her bold introduction. Sweet Allie who’d helped her rescue the puppies, and still wanted to go fishing with her. Despite the “well” incident.

Her eyes scanned the room for a certain man in red serge. Apparently, he’d not shown up tonight. Disappointment surged through her, but it was probably just because she’d have to explain herself twice. Raising her chin, she carried on.

“You’ve shown me that there are still good people in the world, when I had started to doubt there was. People who are full of grace, and kind…and honest.” The last word seemed to stick in her throat, hitting her harder than the rest. “And you deserve nothing less from me.”

She hesitated a moment, and an awkward silence fell. She could feel everyone’s eyes directed at her, burning holes in her resolve. She coughed nervously. “And so…”

Suddenly a shuffling came from the back of the crowd. Everyone turned to look at the Coulters. Lee was looking at his wife, concern in his eyes.

“Are you alright, Sweetheart?”

Rosemary’s face seemed a mixture of white and green. Her face twisted, as she quickly thrust Little Jack into Lee’s arms, and ran toward the back of the saloon.

A terrible retching sound soon followed, and Jeanie winced. Lee handed Little Jack to Clara before darting after his wife, who leaned helplessly over a metal pail.

Everyone gasped at the sight, all eyes now toward poor Rosemary, as they whispered to each other in shock. Jeanette sighed.

Well, there went her moment. Quietly she stepped down from the platform, and headed toward the door. Her determination had gone right out the window.

She knew she still needed to finish her speech. Still needed to tell everyone the truth. Her heart pounded in her chest, panic taking hold on her.

Maybe a quick walk in the chilly night air would help her regain her confidence. Then she could come back and finish. Silently she slipped undetected out the door.



A world of pain encompassed Lucas, as he was thrown into a rickety wooden chair. His chest burned like fire, a shooting pain nearly crippling him. Probably a broken rib.

Through his agony during the ride there, he’d thought of every possible means of escape he could. But there were simply too many men. Too many guns as well.

His brain swam in a hazy fog, panic suddenly seizing him. Where was Elizabeth? He attempted to stand, but his body screamed in protest, sending him toppling back into the splinter filled chair.

“Tie them up, Johnny.” The man Elizabeth had called Spurlock threw a rope to one of his men.

“Johnny” caught it, and went straight toward him. Lucas braced himself, when suddenly his eyes found Elizabeth. She stood behind Spurlock, another man holding her arms behind her back. Her face was slightly pale, and tense with fear.

Suddenly Johnny yanked his arms behind him, sending an explosion of pain through his chest. Involuntarily a groan escaped him, as he gasped in pain.

“Please!” He could hear the pleading in Elizabeth’s voice. “Whatever you want with me, it doesn’t involve Lucas.”

Lucas lifted his head in time to see Spurlock approach her. He smirked, reaching a hand to her cheek. “I’m afraid it’s not up to me, sweetheart.”

Fire shot through his veins, as he watched her pull her head back in protest. “Don’t touch her!” He jerked away, slamming the elbow that hurt the least to move into Johnny’s stomach. Johnny let out a yelp, dropping the rope he’d been tying around Lucas’ wrists.

Spurlock instantly drew his pistol, pointing the barrel at Lucas’ head.

“You do that again and I’ll put a bullet in your lady’s head.”

And with one look at Spurlock’s face Lucas didn’t doubt he would. Clamping his jaw down, he attempted to cool his temper. Anger filled outbursts wouldn’t help them.

Johnny then moved to resume his task. He sneered at Lucas, yanking his arms mercilessly into place. Lucas sucked in a breath against the pain.

“What do you want with us?” He gasped, eyeing Spurlock as he paced the cabin floor.

The corner of Spurlock’s mouth twitched, as he glanced at him. His head motioned toward Elizabeth.

“Well, me and Ms. Thatcher, or should I say Mrs. Thornton, have some unfinished business to settle.”

A sickening feeling twisted Lucas’ stomach as he watched the man look to Elizabeth with an evil grin. Her lips pressed tight, a mixture of hatred and fear filling her gaze.

“As for you….” Spurlock then turned back to him. His arms crossed over his chest. “Does the name Harvey McElroy sound familiar to you?”

And all at once Lucas realized his worst nightmare, the one he’d been working so tirelessly to avoid, had just come true. Harvey’s name hit him like a giant boulder, leaving him winded. His stomach churned, instantly feeling sick.

Spurlock must have read his reaction, as he carried on without letting him answer.

“Yeah, I thought so. Now listen up.” He pulled another chair in front of Lucas. Turning it backwards he straddled the seat, propping his arms on top of the back rest.

“You’re going to answer one question for me if you want to spare your girlfriend’s life.” He motioned back to Elizabeth. Lucas felt his stomach turn harder, as he saw her face tense. The man holding her smiled a wicked grin, making Lucas’ fists clench despite his tied wrists.

He then looked to Spurlock, who’s eyes had hardened. His glare was stone cold, as his words came out in a low growl. “Do not lie to me.”

Lucas held his breath, knowing what Spurlock would ask before he finally spoke. “Where is Jeanie?”

Lucas refused to make eye contact with the man. He knew this game would require his best poker face if he were to stand any possible chance of winning. Spurlock waited. Watching him carefully.

Movement from behind him brought Lucas’ eyes up. Elizabeth looked on in confusion, her brows pinched.

“Why do you want Jeanie?”

Spurlock turned toward her. “I’m sorry. Did I ask you?” Lucas’ teeth grated as he listened to Spurlock’s mocking tone of voice. Spurlock seemed to eye Elizabeth for a moment before turning back to him. “Apparently I need to clarify. Lucas, where is Jeanette Claremont?"

Lucas worked to keep his features straight, revealing nothing through his face or tone of voice. He looked Spurlock in the eye, knowing if he looked elsewhere it would be a dead giveaway. "I don't know.”

Spurlock eyed him. Mulling his words over. His lips turned in a devious smile, a snort escaping him. “Do you honestly expect me to believe that?” He stood from his chair, pacing the floor in front of him. “When was the last time you saw her?”

Lucas thought hard over his choice of words. He looked to the ceiling, shrugging his shoulders. "I don’t know. Maybe two years ago in Buxton.”

Spurlock scowled. “Wrong.” Suddenly he walked to Elizabeth and yanked her forward. Lucas’ heart pounded, a mixture of hatred and panic seizing him.

“Don’t touch her!”

Spurlock jerked her to stand next to him, holding her arms behind her back with one hand. Drawing his pistol with the other he placed the end of the barrel against her head. “Answer the question.”

Elizabeth’s entire body shook, her eyes going from the metal barrel, to Lucas’ face. Lucas shut his eyes, racking his brain for an answer.

“Three days ago. She came by and asked me to give her some supplies. Said she was heading to Cape Fullerton.”

“Wrong again.” Spurlock clicked his pistol’s hammer back.

Lucas felt all the breath sucked from his lungs.

“Wait!” Without thinking he gave a forceful kick into the chair Spurlock had placed in front of him. Pain exploded through Lucas’ chest at the action, as the chair flew at Spurlock. The shabby thing cracked as it crashed into Spurlock’s legs, and he collapsed backwards.

Elizabeth jumped to the side with a scream. Quickly she raced toward a table where a small knife laid, but one of Spurlock’s lackeys jerked her back.

Johnny, who’d been watching from a corner, frantically grabbed for something. He took a thin piece of kindling from the wood pile, and ran toward him, raising the kindling over his head. The wood crack as it collided with Lucas’ head, sending his brain rattling.

The room spun, his vision going in and out for a moment. Inside pain shot through his skull, making his stomach turn over. A shuffling sounded.

He thought he made out Elizabeth trying to free herself from Johnny’s grasp. Lucas shut his eyes tight, and then opened them, fighting fiercely to regain consciousness.

Slowly his vision cleared, and he found Spurlock rising. Angrily Spurlock shoved Johnny out of the way, yanking Elizabeth from his grasp. Again, he raised his pistol to her head. A fire blazed in his eyes as he glared at Lucas.

“Do you think this is a joke?” The words grated out of clenched teeth. “Do you really think I won’t shoot her right now just so you can watch her die?”

He shoved the barrel harder into Elizabeth’s head. She whimpered, tears filling her eyes. Lucas felt his heart being torn out of him as she looked to him. Her eyes begged him to help her.

“You have one more chance.” Spurlock spat out. “Now for the last time, where is she?”

A cold chill ran down Lucas’ spine, while sweat dripped down his face. His mind whirled, tears filling his eyes. “Stop please.” His voice broke, pure fear choking his throat. “I’ll tell you whatever you want if you’ll just let her go.”

Spurlock jerked Elizabeth harder. “No, you’re going to tell me right now.” His voice boomed. “Where is your sister, Lucas?”

“I don’t know.” Lucas shouted, everything inside him breaking down. “I saw her earlier today, and I haven’t seen her since.”

Silence settled over the room. Heavy breaths racked his chest, echoing in his ears. He shut his eyes tight, his jaw aching from his clenched teeth.

Inside his emotions tumbled like ocean waves, one crashing over the other. Fear twisted his stomach in knots, while guilt pierced through him. His head throbbed where he’d been struck, shooting pain down his temple with every pulse.

He looked to Elizabeth, finding tears trickling down her cheeks. Her eyes were wide, filled with questions. Her mouth opened, but no words came. Until finally they did. “Jeanie’s your sister?”

Her voice was barely audible, making him question if he’d heard her right. Yet the look in her eyes confirmed it. Another wave of guilt and dread washed over him.

Jeanie hadn’t told Elizabeth the truth yet. And now Elizabeth had heard it first from this brute. At gun point.

Oh, if only this was all just a horrible dream he would wake up from any moment.

Spurlock eyed him, his gaze like a hot iron. After a long moment he spoke, his voice low.

“So, you have no idea where your little sister is?”

Lucas sighed, his shoulders sagging. “No.”

Spurlock sniffed, shoving his pistol back into his holster. “Some brother you are.”

Didn’t he know it.

Suddenly the cabin door flew open. Spurlock and his men immediately drew their weapons. Lucas recognized him as the third of Spurlock’s gang. With a scowl Spurlock re-holstered his gun.

“One of these days I’m going to actually shoot you, Denny.”

“We have a situation.” ‘Denny’ panted hard, leaning a hand against the door post. “Someone’s following our trail.”

Hope sparked inside Lucas’ chest. Silently he prayed that Bill or even Nathan was coming after them.

Spurlock looked from Denny, to Lucas, to Elizabeth. His face twisted in a scowl, before he charged for the door. Quickly he turned back, pointing a finger to Johnny.

“Don’t let them out of your sight.”



Nathan nearly ran into the saloon, scanning the room for Bill. His heart raced inside him, James’ words still echoing in his ear. You’re too late.

He had no idea what that meant, nor had he been able to get anything more out of the man. All he knew was he needed to find Elizabeth. Fast.

As casually yet quickly as he could, he made his way past the dancing couples and chatting friends. He didn’t want to alert anyone. Not yet.

Finally, he found Bill sitting alone at a table eating a piece of cake. He hated to ruin his evening, but had no choice. With determined steps he approached him.


Bill’s eyes widened at the sight of him, his brows furrowing. “I thought you were staying with James.”

Nathan brushed over his question, fear gripping him. “Where’s Elizabeth?”

Instantly Bill’s expression dropped. He seemed to search his face, as he slowly stood to his feet. “What’s wrong?”

Nathan shook his head, scanning the room for Elizabeth. She had to be here. “I’m not sure yet.”

Suddenly a voice called from behind him. “Nathan.”

He turned to find Ned Yost pushing his way through the crowd, a piece of paper in his raised hand. He managed to squeeze past the last waltzing couple, stopping in front of Nathan with a gasp. “This just came for you.”

Ned bent over breathing hard, placing a hand on his knee, as he held the paper out to him.

Nathan took what turned out to be a telegram from his out stretched hand. His brows pinched as he opened the crumpled paper.

Bill leaned forward. “What is it?”

Nathan’s brows shot up as he read the telegram’s contents. “Jeanette changed her name.” His mind spun at the revelation. Why would she do that?

He looked up and found Bill staring at him. An unreadable expression crossed his face. Suddenly Nathan felt uncomfortable. Like he’d just disobeyed his father.

Self-conscious, he cleared his throat.

“A friend of mine in Buxton found documents of a Jeanette McElroy changing her name to Jeanette Claremont.” Again, he looked to the small words on the paper, running his hand back through his hair. “Why would she do that?”

He then heard a groan come from Bill, and looked up. At the look on Bill’s face, he felt like taking a step back. Bill’s lips pressed tight, as he shook his head, clearly irritated. “I told you to stay out of this.”

Nathan’s brows furrowed, unsure what he’d done or said wrong. “What?”

Bill seemed to be deciding whether or not to share whatever he was holding back. Finally, he sighed. “Jeanie was the wife of Scottie McElroy.”

Nathan’s eyes shot wide, feeling like someone had just slapped him in the face. “Scottie McElroy?” Saying the man’s name out loud only deepened the shock. Surely he’d heard Bill wrong. Yet with one look at his face, he knew he hadn’t.

A rock sunk to the bottom of his stomach. “She was married to the leader of the McElroy gang?”

Bill grimaced, seeming to not like the sound of it just as much as he did. “Yes, and apparently she’s in a lot of trouble.”

A twinge of fear shot through Nathan’s chest. Instantly his mind began racing, thinking up all the danger she could be in.

The McElroy gang had previously been known as the “Ghost Gang,” due to the fact that no one could ever identify them. They’d rob town after town, often leaving dead bodies behind. But it wasn’t until two years ago that the leader had been caught.

And it just so happened that the leader was Jeanie’s husband. Or rather late husband. Well, that solved the mystery of the wedding ring.

A thousand questions darted through Nathan’s mind. He looked to Bill, still half in shock. “Why didn’t you tell me about this?”

Bill glanced back over his shoulder, his voice low but firm. “Because Lucas asked me to keep things quiet.”

“Hold on.” Now Nathan’s head was spinning. “What does Lucas have to do with all this?”

Bill’s face twisted harder, like he’d just revealed something he shouldn’t have. Finally, he sighed. “Jeanie is his sister.”

Nathan’s mouth dropped open, and he felt it would have hit the floor if it could have. “What?” Jeanie Claremont was Lucas Bouchard’s sister? Blood drained from Nathan’s face, and he felt like he needed to sit down before he fell over.

Suddenly Clara approached them, carrying Little Jack on her hip. “Bill, have you seen Elizabeth?”

Bill’s brows furrowed. “No, why?”

“Lee had to take Rosemary to the infirmary,” she explained. “So, he asked me to watch Jack. But Jesse has to get up early tomorrow so we wanted to head home now…”

“And you need Elizabeth to take Jack.” Bill finished for her.

This wasn’t good. Nathan stepped in, looking to Clara.

“What time did you last see her?”

Clara scrunched her nose in thought. “Around six.”

Nathan’s heart sped. “What time is it now?”

Bill pulled out his pocket watch, his face falling. “Eight-thirty-three.”

“Uncle Nathan!” Suddenly Allie came bounding up to Nathan, a bright smile on her face. “I thought you weren’t coming.”

As fast as his heart was beating, Nathan tried to school his features in front of his niece. She didn’t need to know any of this. Not yet. But maybe she could be of some help.

Quickly Nathan sunk down to her level, placing his hands on her shoulders. “Allie, have you seen Jeanie anywhere?” He tried to keep his voice even.

Allie nodded, seeming a little confused. “I saw her a minute ago. She was trying to tell everyone something when Mrs. Coulter started throwing up.” She winced, obviously remembering the event. Concern rose inside him for the Coulters, and he made a mental note to check with Lee later.

“Where is she now?” He tried to sound casual, but knew he wasn’t doing a very good job.

Allie’s face fell with concern, as she began looking around the room. “I…I don’t know.”

Nathan’s stomach sunk to his feet. Everything started to link together until the whole mystery finally made sense. The break in. Jeanie suddenly showing up. The feeling he’d had about her hiding something. James’ threatening statement.

Suddenly Bill placed a hand on his shoulder.

“You find Jeanie, I’ll find Elizabeth.”

Nathan stood to meet Bill’s gaze. “Bill…”

How could he go after Jeanie, when it was Elizabeth whose life could be in danger right now as they spoke? And yet inside his spirit stirred, telling him had to find Jeanie.

Bill looked to him sternly. “No buts.” And he left before Nathan had a chance to argue.



Elizabeth twisted, trying to move herself into a more comfort position. She sat next to Lucas on the dirt dusted cabin floor. Both of them had their hands and feet tied, their arms pulled behind their backs. Again, she twisted her wrists, trying to loosen the rope binding her. The fraying cords dug into her skin, making her wince. It was no use.

With a sigh she leaned her head against the wall. She glanced across to the other end of the room where Johnny sat lazily in a chair next to the window. Every so often he pulled the stained and faded sheer back, and peeked outside.

Another man, whose name had never been spoken, leaned back in a chair in the other corner. His loud snoring echoed through the small room.

Elizabeth sighed, realizing the hopelessness of their situation. Again, she silently asked God for a miracle.

“I’m sorry.”

She jumped at Lucas’ rasped words. Her eyes darted to him, and her heart twisted at the sorry sight he made. He sat slumped against the wall, his eyes shut tight. His head had already begun to bruise where the kindling had hit him. However the small cut in the center had stopped bleeding thankfully.

She mulled his words over in her head. He was sorry? Her brows pinched, as she eyed him.

“For what?”

“For this.” He motioned around them, lifting his tied feet to make his point. His lips pressed tight, his voice dropping to a hoarse whisper. “I prayed so hard you wouldn’t become involved in this.”

Inside her brain swirled with questions. How was Lucas involved in this? And why had Lucas not told her that Jeanie was his sister?

This last question puzzled her the most. She couldn’t help but feel betrayed that he hadn’t told her. Didn’t he trust her? Yet if a man like Spurlock was hunting her down, he must have had his reasons.

And that brought a new question. What kind of trouble was Jeanie in?

She looked to Lucas, keeping her voice low. “Why didn’t you tell me about Jeanie?”

Lucas sighed deeply, then winced, the action obviously causing him pain. His eyes went to the ceiling, taking on a distant look. “I wanted to. So many times.”

He shook his head softly. “She told me that she was going to tell everyone the truth. And then when you told me that she had explained everything I thought she had.”

Understanding began to dawn on Elizabeth, and yet she was still so confused. “I don’t understand.” She looked to her skirt, shaking her head. Inside she fought to wrap her brain around everything. “Why keep it a secret? Why didn’t…”

“Because I promised her I would.” Elizabeth’s eyes came up to find his staring back at her. A sadness rested in his gaze. A heavy weight laden inside.

What was it? What was the burden he seemed to be carrying? Finally he sighed, his face telling her she may soon find out.

“Six years ago,” he began, “Jeanie married a man named Scottie McElroy, and moved out west to be with him and his family.” A smile touched his face, a shine covering his eyes. “She was so happy and so in love. Our father...” He hesitated, his face instantly dropping. “….Disapproved of him greatly. So much he didn’t even go to the wedding.”

Elizabeth’s mouth dropped open. “He didn’t attend his daughter’s wedding?” Instantly she felt her heart go out to Jeanie. Her own father had disapproved of Jack at first, but she couldn’t imagine not having him at her wedding.

Apparently Lucas wasn’t pleased with the outcome either, as a hardness filled his gaze. His jaw tensed. “He believed Scottie was unreliable, untrustworthy, and forbid Jeanie to marry him. But Jeanie was so in love with him and the adventure of starting a life together.”

He sighed deeply, his head shaking sorrowfully. “But sadly my father was right.”

Elizabeth’s brows furrowed, as she watched Lucas’ face become very serious. “What do you mean?”

His eyes dropped. “It’s not my story to tell.”

Elizabeth wanted to press more, but decided she’d better not. Lucas was trying to respect his sister’s privacy, and she respected him for it.

After a moment Lucas’ mouth moved as if to speak, but the words didn’t come right away. “Scottie…passed away two years ago.” Tears suddenly filled his eyes, and Elizabeth felt her heart ache with his pain. “And with no family around my little sister was left lost, and with a giant broken heart.”

“Oh, poor Jeanie.” Tears stung her eyes as her own loss rushed fresh to the surface. Instantly she felt a connection to the girl. Jeanie was even younger than she had been when she’d lost Jack. And yet she’d never have guessed that Jeanie had been through such a terrible tragedy.

Jeanie had such a light in her eyes. A love for life that just shone straight from her heart.

And with one look at Lucas, she had no doubt as to the love he felt for his baby sister. It made her heart swell, yet brought a pain to her chest at the same time.

But his story didn’t explain why he’d kept Jeanie’s identity a secret, or why Spurlock wanted her. Suddenly a name Spurlock had mentioned earlier came to mind.

“Who’s Harvey?”

Suddenly Lucas’ face tensed. “Scottie’s father.” Iron laced his voice, his jaw locking.

Still, she was confused. “What does he have to do with Jeanie or you?”

“Scottie stole a lot of money from his father.” Lucas explained, his eyes looking ahead at nothing in particular.

“After he passed Harvey demanded that Jeanie pay him back. It took her months but she finally managed to repay the debt.” Lucas shook his head, his lips pressed tight together. “But that wasn’t enough and Harvey continued to demand that she pay him more and more money.”

Instantly Elizabeth felt disgust for this ‘Harvey.’ What kind of father-in-law stole money from his recently widowed daughter-in-law? Still Lucas continued on.

“Finally, she decided to run away in the middle of the night to get away from him. She then wrote to me, saying she was in Buxton, and was trying to open a café there. So, I moved out there to help her get back on her feet.”

He paused for a moment, wincing as he attempted to move into a more comfortable position. Elizabeth wished she could take his pain from him. Or at least offer a supporting hand. He swallowed hard, exhaling deeply before continuing.

“It wasn’t until about two months later that I learned about Harvey. And soon after I discovered that he’d found her, and was blackmailing her into giving him nearly all her earnings from the café.”

Elizabeth’s eyes had grown wider and wider with every word from Lucas. “Lucas…” She breathed, her mind spinning with all this information. “What did you do?” She finally managed.

Lucas shrugged helplessly. “The only thing I could think of. I made a deal with him. I’d pay him two thousand dollars, and he’d never come near my sister again.” A fire burned in his eyes, as he nearly spat the final words out.

Elizabeth watched his face twist. “I thought it was over. But now he’s back, and….and I’m so sorry Elizabeth.”

His final words came out in a whispered breath. A lump formed in her throat, as she saw the tears in his eyes.


“I never meant to get you involved.” He shook his head, looking so miserable.

Elizabeth scooted herself closer, wanting to comfort him somehow. She didn’t blame him for anything, despite all he’d told her. In her heart she knew that he had done everything he could to protect her and his sister. Her chest swelled just at the thought.

If only she could place a hand to his shoulder, or turn his face to hers. Truthfully, she wanted to wrap her arms around him, but her tied wrists and feet prohibited her from doing anything.

Instead, she softened her voice, leaning forward so she could see his face better. “This isn’t your fault.”

Lucas didn’t meet her eyes, continuing to stare at the far wall. “But it is.” His eyes glazed over, his voice quiet.

”I tried to protect you. I figured you’d be safer not knowing anything, and so I let you think Jeanie was an old childhood friend.” His mouth quirked in a sad smile, as he shook his head. But then it fell, a deep sigh escaping him. “I thought I could protect you both, but in the end I did the opposite.”

Moister stung the back of her eyes, as she saw the guilt written on his face. She leaned forward, trying to catch his gaze.

“Lucas,” she whispered. “None of this is your fault.”

He didn’t look at her, his face tensing. How did she make him believe her? “You can’t blame yourself for Harvey’s actions.” She continued. “And you certainly can’t blame yourself for Mr. Spurlock’s.”

Finally, he did look at her, his eyes holding a question. “Why does he want you?”

Suddenly her stomach twisted. That was a very good question. Yet the thought of explaining the “incident” from eight years ago made her insides squirm. It really wasn’t a memory she liked to dwell on. But he’d shared so much with her, and her situation with Spurlock really required an explanation.

She took a breath.

“There was….an incident when I first moved to Hope Valley.” The words didn’t come easy, seeming to stick to her tongue. “He…um…burned down the old church, and tried to blame a widow who’d turned down his…advances…”

She shivered, remembering her conversation with Cat, the widow Spurlock had harassed. She mentally shook herself from the memory, swallowing hard. “But when I found out that he was the one who was behind everything he….”

She hesitated, the memory of Spurlock pointing his gun at her replaying before her eyes. Her palms began to sweat remembering just how angry and violent he’d become. He’d been relentless back then. What would he do now?

She could feel Lucas’ eyes on her, searching her face. “He what?” He asked softly.

Maybe it was better to skip the ending. It would only cause him more worry. “It doesn’t matter.” She shrugged, trying to sound as innocent as she could. “Anyway, he must blame me for….”

“Elizabeth.” Lucas’ quiet voice stopped her. She looked to him, and found his dark eyes looking deep inside her. His voice was gentle, yet determined. “What did he do?”

Elizabeth swallowed, summoning moister to her dry throat. “He…tried to… to shoot me.” She watched Lucas’ eyes widen, his face tensing. “Jack stopped him before he was able to.” She added quickly, trying to soften the blow.

Lucas’ lips pressed tight, his gaze dropping. “And now he wants to finish the job.” His voice was low, his words a statement, not a question.

She sighed, the realization sinking through her. “I believe so.”

Lucas became quiet for a moment, appearing to be deep in thought. She sunk back against the wall, lifting her eyes to the ceiling. Lord, please save us from this danger.

She then glanced over and found Lucas watching her. His eyes darkened, his voice husky. “Elizabeth, I promise you that I will get us out of this.”

A warmth filled her as she heard the determination in his voice. He meant what he’d said, and her heart swelled as she felt the depth of emotion in his words. For a moment their eyes locked on each other.

Her mind suddenly recalled his declaration from earlier that night. I’m in love with you. And with one look in his dark gaze, she knew it was true.

Her chest swirled, so many emotions tumbling over each other. Was she in love with him? The question startled her. Yet it was probably because she already knew the answer.

But she couldn’t think about that now.

Instead, she slowly leaned toward him, resting her head on his shoulder. She breathed in the warmth and safety she felt against him, the feeling covering her like a soft blanket. His head came down, his beard brushing against her skin as he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

“I promise.” He whispered.

And somehow, she believed him.



Bill pulled his horse to a sudden stop, straining to see the trees and shrubs before him. It was hard enough to ride through the forest during the day, let alone in the cold and dark of night. Suddenly, something caught his eye, and he nudged his steed forward.

A broken branch dangled from a tree. He sighed in relief, a small spark of hope igniting in his chest. Someone had come through this way. And from one look at the leaf trampled ground, he knew he was on the right path.

He’d learned from Clara that Elizabeth had stepped out to “take care of something.” Then after discovering from Gustave that Lucas had been gone for about the same time, he managed to put two and two together. He’d figured that either Lucas and Elizabeth had gone to talk things over, and lost track of time, or they were in serious trouble.

Then through a miracle from God Himself he’d found hoof prints a short distance from the pond. A lot of them. And his hopes that Lucas and Elizabeth were somewhere talking things out soon had died.

He pressed on, nudging his horse forward. He had to find them, and he silently prayed that God would keep them safe until he did.



    And that brings us to the end of this chapter! Don't worry. I promise I will not leave you hanging forever. 😉 Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to leave a comment below or on my Twitter page! Have a great weekend everyone! God Bless! 

P.S. My shop is having a sale! Find some fun WCTh inspired merch for Season 8's big premiere and save 15% on your purchase! https://shop.spreadshirt.com/heart-and-family-mercantile



  1. *standing ovation*

    Amazing job on this chapter! I love how the last one focused so much on romance and this one had a lot of action. Your narration moved flawlessly between both.

    I like how you tied Elizabeth's history with Spurlock and Jeanie/Lucas's history with Harvey into one connected storyline. This will probably sound sadistic, but as much as my heart broke over Lucas's physical pain, I like that his character had to undergo this hardship. We have never seen anything like it on the show (except for wrestling Amos to the ground), so this was a different situation and state of mind/body for Lucas that is new to us. I like that Elizabeth was there to witness it because it reinforced just how strongly she feels about him.

    That last tender moment between them was so beautiful. I can't wait for Elizabeth to vocalize what she knows in her heart is the truth!

    Again - amazing chapter! Can't wait for the next one!!

    1. Aww! Thank you so much, Div! I'm so happy you enjoyed this chapter!

      I'm also so glad you liked the connected villain storyline, as well as the danger. (I'm kind of a sucker for drama....Lol!)

      Thank you for reading and your wonderful feedback! I love hearing your thoughts! Have an amazing weekend! God Bless!

  2. Exhale....

    Why do you do this to me girl?! Don't you like me?

    I seriously wanted to kick some...rear end...when they started hurting Lucas. That was so hard to read!

    Your story has my emotions all over the place. This chapter was so good.

    I can't wait to see how you resolve this and I hope Lucas is okay!

    Well done, my friend!! and thank you!!

    1. Lol! Thank you, Sue! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I don't think you're the only one who wanted to kick some....rear end....Lol!

      Thank you for reading and the comment! Have a wonderful weekend, girl! God Bless!

  3. Oh My goodness!! Please get Elizabeth and Lucas out of that situation safely! And please keep Jeanie safe! What a chapter. I kept finding myself holding my breath as I read. Can't wait to read more!


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