A Moment in Time: Cookies For a Book

    Well, hey ya'll, and welcome to this Wednesday's blog post! (Where did that country twang come from?) We are getting so crazy close to WCTH Season 8! Only 25 more days to be exact! Where did the time go? (All 276 days....😐)

    For me WCTH time is like Christmas that lasts three months. Lol! It's always so crazy when I start watching the first episode of a new season and realize "This is new content! Not an episode I've re-watched for the gazillionth time!" Lol! (Not that I don't enjoy re-watching episodes for the gazillionth time.😊)

    I've also just discovered that Hallmark is playing a "sneak peak" for WCTH Season 8 on Feb. 14th! I have no idea what will be shown, but I just thought I'd let you know! For more info here's a link if you'd like take a look at the schedule yourself! :) https://www.hallmarkchannel.com/schedule?day=18&week=0&tz=EST

    (And no I will not be watching it, in case you were wondering. Lol!)

    Anyhow, getting back on track, today I'm continuing my "Moment in Time" series and doing another sweet #TeamLucas moment. I mean, after all I only have so much more time to cover all these romantic S7 moments before we get a whole new season of content. (Sighs happily at the thought....) 

    So today I will be covering that incredibly thoughtful and sweet moment when Elizabeth thanked Lucas for the trip to Union City with some cookies. And Lucas had yet another thoughtful gift up his sleeve....

    Shall we?😄 (And I just so happen to be wearing my new Team Lucas shirt! Perfect for today's topic!)

    So we'll start when Elizabeth walks into the saloon and over to Lucas who's standing at the bar. (He's getting Mike a tab after Henry couldn't pay him, but I'm not focusing on that in this post. :)

    Elizabeth then hands a surprised and happy Lucas a small basket, thanking him for the lovely evening in Union City. He then begins to uncover the basket's contents, and the cute thing here is that Elizabeth quickly begins to help him. It's as if she's so excited, she can't wait for him to do it himself. (Aww!)

    He then sees that the basket is full of, what appear to be, chocolate chip cookies. Now I don't know if you saw Pascal's tweet when the episode first premiered, but I have to agree with her about them being questionable. Those cookies certainly look....interesting. To say the least anyway. Lol! I just don't know why they look so splotchy. Here's Pascal's tweet if you'd like to see it. https://twitter.com/HuttonPascale/status/1249490140382105601

    Lucas then says that, "They look delicious," (The brave soul) but also states that it was not necessary for her to bake them for him. Now I could go into a full blown speech here about how kind, and selfless he is. How he's always thinking of Elizabeth, and treats her like a princess, and is so generous....But I'll restrain myself. 😏

    Elizabeth then says how he paid for the tickets, the dinner, and the hotel rooms. (Thoughtful, generous...) And so she states that the least she could do was bake him some cookies. (Even if they turn him purple with green polka dots. I mean, we don't know what's in those things.)

Side note: Am I the only one who smiles thinking about Elizabeth at home baking cookies for Lucas? Am I? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    And so Lucas thanks her, which brings me to another point. One of the things that someone pointed out awhile back in a video on Twitter, is just how many times these two say thank you to each other. I watched and counted around 5 thank yous and 1 your welcome. (How sweet!)

    So, after thanking her, he then says that he actually has something for her....Something more than the tickets, a fancy trip out of town, a picnic, an expensive dinner, and her own hotel suite. No, that wasn't enough for Lucas Bouchard. And Elizabeth's face says it all.

    She's knows how much he's already given her, and just when she makes an effort to thank him, he's giving her even more!

    And so he reaches behind the bar, and pulls out a book. He almost seems nervous as he gives it to her. The way his face became more serious, and the way he put his hands together. It's cute, really. :)

    Now the book is nice in itself, but then she opens it, and finds that it has been signed by no one else than Virginia Woolf herself! Elizabeth is in shock by it all. 

    She then smirks, and asks if that was what took him so long while getting them snacks during the reading. To which Lucas then admits he's guilty. 

    I'd now like to take a moment and just point something out. This one little snippet of conversation is really sweet, and shows that they actually have memories to share together. I can't remember Elizabeth and Nathan ever recalling something fun they've done together, and be able to laugh and smile about it. (Correct me if I'm wrong) Elizabeth and Lucas just have such a sweet friendship, which is a part of what makes their relationship so special.

    Moving on, Lucas then tells Elizabeth that he'd wanted to give the book to her the previous day, but thought it should be wrapped in something more special. And thus the leather cover. (Sighs....Oh Lucas you sweet little love-struck man.)

    Elizabeth then says that it's "very beautiful," and thanks him. We then get a bit of silence between them, as Elizabeth then realizes that she'd better get going. She tells Lucas she has a busy day tomorrow, to which Lucas asks about her teaching school.

    A thing that a friend of mine pointed out to me about this, is that it shows Lucas actually takes an interest in her life. He could have just said okay, and let her go without another word, but instead he actually inquired further about her "busy day." Which then prompted Elizabeth to share excitedly about the field trip she had planned, which then produces a happy smile from Lucas as he tells her to have a wonderful time. Again he shows that he actually cares, not just about the special time he gets to spend with her personally, but about her life and what's going on with her. (Isn't it sweet?😁)

    She then thanks him, and with one final "thank you" to Lucas for the book he gave her, she turns with a smile to leave. And then....(Sighs) Then we see a love-struck Lucas watch her as she goes, sighing like a little school boy who has a crush on his teacher and smiles to himself. (Places hand to heart, and sighs happily)

    And that brings us to the end of the scene. So I have some things I'd like to point out here....

    First off, these two are so sweet together!😍 I mean, they are just so cute!

    Secondly, and I know I keep coming back to this, but the way Elizabeth reacted to Lucas reminded me of when she'd talk to Jack. And again this doesn't mean that Lucas needs to be just like Jack. I'm relating this more to the fact that Elizabeth just has a particular way she responds to people depending on the situation. (As we all do.) And she had a particular way she would respond to Jack (Someone she loved) when he'd done something romantic and thoughtful. She even had a certain way she'd just look at him, including when she was just staring at him because she loved him.

    And I definitely felt her doing a similar thing here. Just the way she spoke to Lucas, the way she reacted to the book, and the way she got that glossy eyed stare at him. It all reminds me of her and Jack, which is a really good thing, considering she reacted that way because she was in love with him. So, fingers crossed! :)


    Well, that's all for now. Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to comment your thoughts on this scene or just gush about Lucas and Elizabeth below or on my Twitter page! :D Have a wonderful day, and God Bless!

P.S. SALE ALERT! Want to go all out this WCTH season? Shop now and find a large array of WCTH inspired products to wear or decorate your home with for the big premiere, and get FREE SHIPPING on your order! https://shop.spreadshirt.com/heart-and-family-mercantile


  1. Hello Hope!

    As for the southern twang I read, you must be hanging out with me too much online and picked up my Texas drawl.

    This scene was sweet and included the little bounce that Elizabeth did because she was so excited for him to open the -ahem- cookies. I have to admit, when I watched it, I almost thought this scene was just a little too much. Lucas is so generous, and I was concerned the writers made him go a bit overboard, especially with the binoculars scene shortly after. I love how he wants to give, give, give, but on television sometimes they use that to show a difference between the 'rich guy' vs 'poor guy' and we know who normally wins that battle in a love triangle..

    Nevertheless, we once again saw his generosity towards Elizabeth. He really just wants to do anything and everything he can to make her happy-- sigh...

    And the way he looks at her when she doesn't see it, totally a schoolboy crush look and makes me swoon a little. Of course, I am very much entrenched in the romance he shows towards her and how he wants nothing more than to make her dreams come true. (do they make men like that in real time? Asking for a friend..) ;)

    We have about 3 1/2 weeks until the fist ep- eek!!- and I will have my detective hat on looking for clues of who indeed our schoolteacher might choose. And I'll probably watch each episode several times, for analyzing purposes, of course. Nothing to do with watching our handsome, charming, restauranteur over and over again...

    Thank you for this blog, I enjoyed it thoroughly!!

    1. So that's where that came from...Lol! And thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the post!

      I totally get your point. I believe even Chris McNally himself tweeted about needing to "save some gifts for Season 8" during the live tweeting for this episode. Lol! That was why I was scared while watching their Union City trip. Not only did he get the first date but it was very fancy, and had some "Hamilton vibes" if you know what I mean. I was worried it meant she was going to reject him, and go with the "not so flashy Mountie."

      But anyhow, moving back to the scene. Yes! I totally saw her little bounce as she helped him unwrap the cookies! Lol! And the way he looks after her when she's not watching is so sweet! (Sigh...)

      I can't wait for Season 8! (Yep. Totally had to say it that way. Lol!) I think I'll use your excuse....cough...I mean reason to keep watching the episodes over and over and over...etc. (Totally what I meant to say... ;)

      Thank you so much for reading and the comment! Have a wonderful day! God Bless!

    2. Born and raised, my friend! Wouldn't live anywhere else. :)

  2. Another great blog entry!

    This adorable scene was the saving grace of episode 8 for me. They are in the middle of a lively saloon, but it's just Lucas and Elizabeth having another sweet moment where no one else exists and it's all about each other.

    After Lucas and Elizabeth come back from Union City, there are THREE instances where Elizabeth feels bad for hurting Nathan by going on this trip: at the fruit vendor stand ("welcome back"), when they pass each other on the street (at the beginning of the episode), and when she tries to be cordial with him and he rebuffs her outside the school. IMO, if she really cared so deeply for Nathan or felt guilty about/regretted the trip, she would have closed the chapter on it after she and Lucas returned and told each other what a great time they had. Instead, after seeing Nathan's reactions, Elizabeth still takes the time to bake cookies for Lucas and delivers them to him. That has to mean something.

    Lucas catches so much flack from the other side for his gestures, but honestly, he's just behaving like a man in love who is trying to court the "perfect woman" for him. He's not trying to buy her affections with jewelry or other frivolous materials; everything he gives her, comes from the heart. Lucas knows what Elizabeth enjoys and would make her happy and acts accordingly. Also, I could be wrong, but I think with the binoculars, he was just lending them to her.

    Anyway, I love his response when she starts listing everything he paid for during the trip. He looks humble and almost bashful. It's who Lucas is. There's even such a sweetness in the way he gently and shyly hands the book to her. L&E are adorable when they look into each other's eyes after she thanks him for the book. Elizabeth just gazes at him speechlessly for a couple of beats before she becomes self conscious and tells him she has to go. You can really see their feelings for each other spilling out in this scene even though it's a little subdued.

    Again - great entry!!

    1. You are correct Div, he was only loaning her the binoculars. In all honesty, I think they just ran out of episodes and had so much they wanted to get in. The beginning of that ep seemed very rushed to me and possibly it would have seemed smoother if they had one more to get everything in without it seeming rushed. Maybe that was just me.

      I love the way the writers have made our Lucas generous, and his looks as she walks away are priceless!

    2. Bravo, Div! You make some great points here! It's so sweet how despite being in a very public, and lively place it was like they were the only ones in the room. I never thought of that before! (Sighs happily...)

      Lucas has gotten a lot of ill comments about his "gift giving" but you are so right about how most of them are not just material "fluffy" gifts. Each one he puts so much thought and time into it, knowing it will bring her joy and happiness. It's beautiful.

      Honestly I feel Nathan hasn't done enough, and it's been two seasons. I know he cares about her, and maybe even considers himself in love with her, but why hasn't he done more? I just know if I were rooting for him to be with E I would have wanted to see more from him. It wouldn't have to be big or expensive. Just something sweet and from his heart.

      Either way, Lucas has been so sweet and just showered E with his time and thoughtfulness. I can't wait to see what's next for him and E this coming season! It's so close! Eeekk!!!

      Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts with me! I always enjoy hearing from you! God Bless!

    3. Sue and Hope - Well said!

      I've been following along with the thread on Twitter as well and I love the great points other Team Lucas fans are making!

      Honestly, when I read their reasons and really think about the L&E dynamic, I don't know how they couldn't be endgame!

  3. #TeamLucas has so many talented girls. The way you analyze this scene touches the heart and is very sweet.
    About Lucas' gifts to Elizabeth I like how everything he gave her demanded that he stop, spend time thinking about her and what would make her happy. “It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important.”(Saint-Exupery)

    1. Aww! Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed the post! It's so true! Lucas' gifts show us how he's always thinking of ways to make her happy! He's so thoughtful! :)

      Thank you for reading and the comment! God Bless!


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