What's in a Name?


    Well, hello there Hearties, and welcome to this Wednesday's blog post! Can you believe we only have 32 more days until WCTH Season 8? I mean that's like four and half weeks! Wow!

    So if you saw my last post you'll know I promised you guys a post pertaining to Season 8. And if you've read today's title then you've possibly already figured out what it's about. Lol!

    Over a week ago the episode titles for Season 8's first two episodes were revealed! Now I only caught the first one, but it's got me very curious as to it's meaning. (Please don't tell me the second title as I purposefully didn't go seek it out. Lol!)

    And so today I will be discussing the first episode title, and what it could possibly mean for Season 8!

    First off I think I should start with the dictionary definition of the term, Open Season. Now I have looked at a few different sites as sometimes different places will word things differently or give multiple definitions. But every site said pretty much the same thing.

open season

1. The period during which it is legal to hunt or catch certain game or fish.

 2. Informal A time of unrestrained activity, often criticism or harassment


    Now, I don't know about you, but I don't believe Lucas or Nathan are game or fish.😂 And truth be told, the title may have nothing to do with the triangle. (But it's always fun to relate it to that. Lol!)

    Anyhow, I will now proceed to ramble about all the possible different meanings of this very unique episode title. I kind of feel like I'm grasping at straws and that my ideas are silly, but oh well. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Lol! I hope you at least get a good laugh out of them.

Open Season on Elizabeth


    So this first option would be quite the doozy. :) Obviously the words "open season" mean that a previously set list of rules and restrictions has been lifted for a period of time. And I know a certain lady who has a very strict "no dating" rule in place. (Hint, hint...)

    So one of the first ideas that came to mind when I heard about this title was Elizabeth's "no dating ban" being lifted. After all, it's been over two years since Jack died, and she's known Lucas and Nathan for quite a while now. Maybe she finally gives in and decides it's time to date again.

    Now the thing here is that, this is only the first episode in a twelve episode season. I really, really don't think Elizabeth would be going on a date in the first episode. However, perhaps in this first episode she makes strides toward that. Maybe she has an internal revelation that she is finally going to "do romance" and allow someone to pursue her. Nothing romantic has to happen. It can just be her realizing that she's ready for things to "get real."

    On the flip side, maybe this is more related to Nathan and Lucas pursuing Elizabeth even more. Not quite sure how that would work, but I thought I'd throw it in there.

Open Season on the Hug


    This option would be using the second definition of "Open Season." So, you remember Season 7's finale, right? What am I saying? Of course you do! Anyhow a certain teacher kind of flung herself at a certain Mountie....in front of a lot of people.

    And so perhaps this first episode will be about the repercussion of Elizabeth's actions. I mean, after all, like half the town saw her run and hug Nathan. I know I have a lot of questions, and I know you do, but what about Elizabeth's friends and neighbors? They all knew about Lucas and Nathan's rivalry over her, and so no doubt they'd be talking about that hug for awhile. It would really make it look like she's in love with Nathan, (Especially to poor Lucas' eyes.😢) and you know all the town gossips would be whispering about it. I mean, goodness, that would make the non-gossips whisper. Lol!


   And it doesn't even have to be just about the hug either. This last season left multiple characters in not the best of places emotionally. Poor Henry and his failed attempt at running the oil company, Nathan and the Mountie who was shot (And of course there was that hug), Lucas with the giant burden of taking over the oil company, and believing Elizabeth loves another man... You get my drift.

    I mean, we have quite a large cast of characters with all kinds of storylines going on right now.

    Maybe "open season" relates to Lucas and the oil company. Perhaps something bad happened, or the company even shut down, and now he's being blamed for its fall. Or maybe Henry is, as he's truly the one to blame due to his poor business choices. (Sorry, Henry. Just stating the facts.)

    Maybe "open season" has to do with Nathan blaming himself for that Mountie's death. That was such a traumatic thing for him to go through, and he no doubt has all the "what-ifs" going through his mind.

    Or maybe, flipping this thing on its head, open season has a much more hope-filled meaning. I mean this season is nothing but new beginnings for everyone. 

    Faith comes home to Carson which first off gives Carson his girl back, but also can allow Faith to start training to become a doctor. Jesse and Clara are a newly married couple exploring that whole new world. Fiona has quit her job (And her terrible boss) and now has so many possibilities before her. Lee and Rosemary are still navigating their infertility issue, and I would think either become pregnant or at least talk about adopting if they are indeed going to become parents. Lucas who now has to learn how to run an oil company, along with the saloon. And of course we have Elizabeth raising her now two ear old son, and opening her heart to love someone new.

    Perhaps the term "Open Season" is a metaphor for the whole season. Old restrictions and limits being removed, and a whole new world of possibilities being opened. (Wow, this got deep.)

    Or finally....perhaps this riddle of a title, this mind twisting opener simply means....the season opened. Perhaps it just means this first episode....is the first episode therefore..."opening the season." (BOOM! Brain explodes!😂) I mean, we have to consider all possibilities right?

    Anyhow, I hope you enjoyed all my silly ramblings. I honestly don't know that any of my ideas are right, but it's fun to list them anyway! :)

    Thank you so much for reading! Please feel free to list your ideas for this episode title in the comments below or on my Twitter page! (But no spoilers please! After all we only have 32 more days to go. Lol!) Have a wonderful day (Or night depending on when you're reading this) and God Bless!

    P.S. Stop by my shop and pick up some fun WCTH inspired merch to wear as you cheer your favorite guy on! Click here to shop now!



  1. Well done, Hope!

    I kind of think it has a double meaning. I think it's a cute play on words for the season opener, but I also think perhaps it means that Nathan and Lucas plan to pursue Elizabeth unrestricted- so to speak. I think we will see more from both of them before she ultimately decides.

    Perhaps the title has nothing to do with the triangle, but I highly doubt that since it's been the main topic of conversation for Hearties for two years now. Most likely it refers to that.

    Thanks for the post, it was very entertaining.

    1. Thank you, Sue! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

      And I have to agree with you. I don't think this triangle is going to end in the first episode. Honestly it could carry on the whole season if the writers wanted it to. (Oh, my poor heart! :D )

      I think your idea for what the episode title means is a good one. It would be like it's tell all us Hearties, "Buckle up! The ride is about to begin!" Lol!

      Thank you for reading and for sharing your thoughts! God Bless!

  2. Wow. I am seriously impressed at how much you gleaned from the title! And I think you could very well be right about quite a few things. We shall see!


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