WCTH Fanfic: Making Sure: Chapter 13


    Hey there Hearties and happy Friday! I hope your week has been going wonderfully so far! Can you believe it's only 44 days until WCTH Season 8 premieres? Crazy, right?

    Anyhow, moving onto today's topic I'm back with another chapter to share with you guys! Thank you all for being patient with me while I took my holiday break. I'm so grateful for your support and give glory to God for anything my fingers type out.

    This is actually my longest chapter yet. It really is more like two chapters with how long it is, but I couldn't bring myself to slice it in half. Lol! And so you all just get a really big chapter this time. :)

    I hope you enjoy it!💗

Elizabeth sat on the settee, her own settee in her own house, hugging her knees to her chest. It felt wonderful to be back in her own home now that James Jenkins, whoever he was, had been arrested. The whole thing just didn’t make sense to her.

Never in her life had she ever heard of the man, not even from Jack. Perhaps Jack had arrested him in the past or someone close to him, and now this “James” was out to get his revenge by hurting her? Sadly, she was left clueless, and would just have to wait until Bill or Nathan got to the bottom of it.

Either way she was just glad this terrible nightmare was over, and she could be back in her own house again. Lee and Rosemary had begged her to stay with them an extra day, just to be sure everything was safe. The offer had been tempting, but she really needed space right now.

With Little Jack sleeping soundly in his crib upstairs, she pulled her knees closer to her. Laying her head on top of them she sighed deeply. Through all the chaos of the previous night, through all her worry, doubt, anger, and fear, one thing had become crystal clear.

She knew. Finally, she knew what the swirling feelings inside her chest meant. Finally, she knew what was in her heart, or rather who.

And it was Lucas.

It had happened so suddenly, catching her completely off-guard. This James had pulled his gun at her, and at the loud blast she’d almost fainted. For a split second she’d thought she had been shot.

Then she’d seen the man drop his gun, falling to his knees. Turning back she’d found Lucas with his pistol out, smoke rising from the end of the barrel. And then he’d come to her. His strong hands had gripped her arms sending a comforting warmth and strength surging through her. His eyes had captured hers and she’d found herself speechless at the emotion she’d seen there.

Her heart had been flooded by the deep and soul shattering fear she’d seen in his eyes, and for a split second she’d almost launched herself into his arms. Honestly, she had wanted to. She longed to feel his arms around her, pulling her close. The realization startled her, and she was surprised at how strongly she felt.

A quick rap on her door jerked her from her thoughts. “Yoo-hoo?” Rosemary’s voice sounded, as she popped her head in. “Elizabeth?”

Elizabeth didn’t move, laying her head against the settee. “Come in.” She wasn’t sure she was ready to talk to Rosemary, yet at the same time longed to share the flood of emotions that were welled up inside her.

Rosemary bustled in like usual. “There you are.” She flashed a bright smile, as she closed the door behind her. “Now I know you probably want some quiet time, but I just had to be sure you….” Suddenly her smile dropped at the sight of her friend curled up on the settee. “Oh, dear. What’s wrong?”

Elizabeth hesitated, but couldn’t hold the words back. Not anymore. “I know, Rosemary.” Her words came out in a whisper.

Rosemary looked at her, seeming confused. “You know?” Suddenly her eyes widened, her hands going to her face. “Oh, Elizabeth.”

Elizabeth’s eyes dropped, heat filling her face. “I think I’ve known for a while now, but I was just too scared to admit it.”

Rosemary came and sat next to her on the settee, her brow raised. “Too scared to admit….”

Elizabeth avoided her gaze at first, the words stuck on her tongue. Finally, she lifted her eyes, unable to help the ever so slight curve of her lips. “It’s Lucas.”

Rosemary smiled, a gleam in her eye. “I know.”

Elizabeth didn’t have a doubt about that. Rosemary always seemed to know somehow when it came to matters of the heart.

Elizabeth shrugged her shoulders, thinking back to her dinner with Nathan the night before. “Nathan is a wonderful man, and we have so much in common….” She stopped, thinking over what had made her choose one man over the other.

Rosemary seemed to read her thoughts, and lovingly rubbed her hand over Elizabeth’s arm. “But you’re not in love him.” It was a statement, not a question.

The “L” word startled her, feeling too strong of a word for the moment. “I don’t know about love…” She stammered.

“But…” Rosemary raised her brow waiting for her to finish.

Elizabeth shook her head softly, the truth washing over her in a powerful wave. “No. I’m not.” Somehow Rosemary could see the truth that had been hiding deep inside her for a long time.

Her decision hadn’t come because Nathan wasn’t a good man, or that Lucas was a better choice. It wasn’t even due to the fact that Nathan was a Mountie like Jack had been. Her heart had simply fallen for one man rather than the other.

The thought hit her smack in the face, sending a shiver down her arms. Was she really “in love” with Lucas? Just yet anyway? She shook the question from her mind. Thinking about it now would only complicate things.

Rosemary beamed, wrapping her arms around her in a warm hug. “Oh, Elizabeth. I’m so happy for you.”

Elizabeth looked to her friend helplessly, feeling numb with this new realization. “What should I do?”

Rosemary giggled with a shake of her head, patting her friend’s shoulder. “Well, you talk to Lucas for one.”

Suddenly Elizabeth’s stomach dropped. Panic reached its strangling hands up around her throat. “I…I can’t….” She choked. Somehow this fact had completely slipped her mind.

Rosemary was taken back, her brows shooting up. “And why ever not?”

Elizabeth scrambled through her racing mind for a reason, but couldn’t find one. “I…I just can’t.” She finally fumbled, her palms beginning to sweat. How on earth would she ever be able to bring herself to talk to Lucas? Let alone try and explain what was in her heart?

Rosemary reached for her hands, looking her straight on. “Yes.” She said softly, yet determinedly. “You most certainly can.” At Elizabeth’s fear filled gaze, she gave her hands a loving squeeze. “Elizabeth you owe it to yourself, and to Lucas.”

Elizabeth bit her lip. “We had…words…”

Rosemary’s eyes widened. “What kind of words?”

Elizabeth faltered. How did she say this? The words seemed stuck to her tongue. “He… thinks I’m with Nathan.”

Rosemary sank a little into the settee, and Elizabeth felt her friend’s eyes might pop from their sockets. “Then you absolutely need to talk with him. As soon as possible.”

Elizabeth sighed deeply, her head falling against her knees. “What would I even say?”

Rosemary leaned over and rested her head on top of hers, her voice gentle. “The words don’t matter as much as you saying them.”

Sadly, Elizabeth couldn’t argue with that. She ran her hands down her skirt, her stomach summersaulting inside. “I suppose so.”

“Then you’ll tell him?” Rosemary pressed.

Elizabeth raised her head, giving a soft nod. “I will.” And she meant it.

Her actions had caused Lucas so much pain and confusion, even though she’d never meant to. No matter how terrified she was of facing him, she had to make things right. If not for her sake, then his.

Rosemary stared at her for a moment, tilting her head. “When?”

Elizabeth sighed. Sometimes that woman could be really pushy. Actually, she was a lot of the time. “Soon.” Elizabeth answered, trying to sound more confident than she felt.

Rosemary didn’t seem convinced. “Elizabeth, time is of the essence.” She insisted. Her eyes winced with pity, her face becoming thoughtful. “The poor man could be deathly broken-hearted and buying a ticket to China this very minute.”

Elizabeth rolled her eyes at Rosemary’s dramatics. “I’m assuming you know someone who did this too?”

“Oh, Heaven’s no.” Rosemary swatted her words away. “The man I knew never made it to the train.”

Elizabeth’s brows furrowed. “How come?”

“Car accident.” Rosemary shook her head sadly. “Broke his leg the poor man. He ended up in the hospital for weeks.” She sighed, looking off into the distance. “Alone. Nursing his broken heart.”

Elizabeth shut her gaping mouth, and swallowed hard. She hardly believed Lucas would be buying a ticket to China, but Rosemary had made her point. “I’ll tell him.” She replied with as much determination as she could gather.

Rosemary squealed joyfully, clasping her hands together. “You can tell him tonight at the social. Oh, how romantic!”

Elizabeth tilted her head in confusion. “I thought it was canceled.”

Lucas had planned on hosting an Ice Cream Social that night, but after finding out about the break in, he’d decided it was best to postpone it for another night. He must have changed his mind after last night. She hoped that was a sign he wasn’t as hurt as he’d seemed the other night. Her stomach twisted remembering his pain-filled expression.

“Well, now that horrible criminal is behind bars,” Rosemary explained, “And we have no reason to ruin a perfectly good night of fun.” She smiled, her face becoming thoughtful. “Besides, I think we could all use one.”

Elizabeth agreed, although she wasn’t sure how much fun she’d have with a thousand butterflies flipping in her chest. She put on a brave smile, although it felt like a wince, and nodded. “Tonight then.”



Jeanette brushed past a waiter carrying a large crate of food, as she made her way up the saloon stairs. The whole place was in a flurry now that the Ice Cream Social had been reinstated, and with only a few hours left, everyone was working double time. Jeanette smiled as she watched familiar faces pitch in and get the place ready for the night.

Hope Valley was truly unlike any place she’d ever been. The people actually cared about each other here and willingly offered their time to help each other out.

Slowly she began climbing the stairs, when Florence’s voice caught her attention.

“Did you hear?” She said. “Elizabeth was having dinner with no one else then Nathan Grant last night.”

Molly, who was standing next to her, gasped. “You’re joking.”

“It’s true.” Florence replied. “I over-heard Bill talking to her in town today. Apparently, Henry drove them so no one would know.”

Molly’s eyes grew wider. “Really.”

“But that’s not the half of it.” Florence continued. She inched closer to Molly, her voice dropping a touch. “Guess who showed up later?”

“Who?” Molly breathed.

“Lucas.” Florence answered, seeming shocked herself as she said it. “And with no one else then that Jeanie Claremont.”

Molly’s mouth dropped open. “You can’t be serious.”

Florence’s chin came up, as she straightened her vest. “Apparently they are much “closer” than we thought.”

Jeanette couldn’t stand to hear anymore, and darted up the rest of the stairs as quickly, yet as quietly as she could. She walked down the hall, shaking her head.

What had she done? All she’d wanted to do was make Elizabeth a little jealous, so she’d realize she loved Lucas. After watching them together at the movie night, Jeanette knew that they were meant to be. Her brother had looked so happy and in love that night, and then so completely and utterly miserable the next morning.

And his heart-broken face last night had nearly killed her. And she was solely to blame for it all. Why couldn’t she just mind her own business? Lucas had asked her to repeatedly, and now everyone in town would soon think that she was his beau and not his sister.

In one foul swoop she’d managed to mar not only her reputation again, but now her brother’s as well. And all because she was too afraid to tell everyone the truth. The truth that she’d defied her parents, and married a man who’d turned out to be a dirty criminal.

She sniffed down the tears threatening to surface, and straightened her spine. Well, she wouldn’t hide it anymore. No longer would she pretend to be something and someone she wasn’t. Tonight, she’d tell everyone the truth, clear her brother’s name, and let the cards fall where they may.

Upon reaching Lucas’ room she gave a light rap on the door.

“Come in.” Was the quiet reply.

She steeled herself for the conversation ahead. She hadn’t spoken with him since her stunt the previous night. Would he even want to see her?

She creaked the door open a crack, and peaked in the room. The sight that met her eyes made her smile wide. Lucas sat on the floor playing with Annie and Sawyer.

He laughed lightly as the pups trampled over each other, petting one and then the other. Jeanette laughed, opening the door wider and stepping inside.

“Well, aren’t you two a picture.”

Lucas smiled, although he never took his eyes off the pups. Jeanette swallowed, sensing the tension between them. Slowly she sunk down to her knees, grinning as Annie scampered toward her.

She ran her hands over her puppy’s soft fur, smiling as she watched Sawyer turn over on his back so Lucas could rub his belly. “Sawyer seems really taken with you.”

Lucas smiled, before finally meeting her gaze. Instantly she was overcome with the deep sadness laden in his eyes. His face spoke of pure exhaustion, probably from too many sleepless nights.

“Lucas…” Her voice came out in a strained whisper, tears welling in her eyes. “I’m so…so sorry.”

A slight smile touched his mouth, a knowing look in his gaze. “I know.”

A lump formed in her throat, and she worked to push it down. “And it’s not just for last night. This whole time you’ve been nothing but a saint putting up with me.”

She shook her head regretfully, remembering everything she’d put him through the last few days. “I made you lie for me, I put the whole town in danger, I made you worry about me with all my crazy shenanigans….”

Lucas looked to her, sympathy in his eyes. “Jeanie…”

She sniffed, looking up helplessly to the ceiling, trying to hold her emotions in check. “I…I almost got Elizabeth killed last night, all because of my stupid idea.” Her voice broke on the last word, and she bit her bottom lip as a tear slipped down her cheek.

Lucas scooted toward her, placing a hand on her arm. His voice was soft. “That wasn’t your fault.”

She lifted her eyes and looked him straight on. “Yes. It was.” She knew it was.

Tears now flooded down her cheeks, and she reached out and took her brother’s hand in hers. “But you, being the amazing brother you’ve always been, put up with all of it for some reason like you always have.”

Her shoulders started to shake, her eyes dropping to the floor. The lump in her throat swelled causing a sharp pain to shoot down into her chest. “Even when our own father wouldn’t talk to me, you always stood by my side.” A light sob shook her, choking her words. “Lucas…I’m so sorry.”

A tear now trickled down Lucas’ cheek and he reached for her, pulling her into a tight embrace. She collapsed into him, breaking down into deep sorrowful sobs. She cried her heart out, everything from the past two years spilling out.

Her father’s ultimatum, her difficult marriage, Scottie’s death, Harvey’s blackmail, her old town’s spiteful gossip, running like a fugitive. And now she’d ruined her brother’s life. Why couldn’t she get anything right?

Lucas gently rubbed her back, trying to sooth her. He didn’t say anything, just held her close, and let her have her cry. After a long moment the sobs started to subside.

“All I wanted was for you to be happy.” She hiccupped, still clutching his coat.

“I know.” He whispered, brushing his hand over her hair.

She took a shuddering breath, finally pulling away. Looking up she found her brother’s face wet with his own tears. “I’m going to tell everyone the truth.”

Lucas smiled down at her, wiping her tear-soaked hair from her face. “I’m glad to hear it.”

Her heart swelled at his approval, but there was still one thing that needed to be fixed. “And I’ll explain everything to Elizabeth.” She quickly added with a loud stiff.

Instantly his face fell, his eyes dropping. “No.” He answered quickly. “Please don’t.”

Jeanette’s eyes widened with concern. “But she has to know the truth.” She pleaded, panic rising in her chest. “Once she does, I’m sure that…”

“It’s over, Jeanie.” Lucas interrupted, his voice below a whisper.

She felt her heart drop to her stomach. “You don’t mean that.” Surely he couldn’t.

Lucas looked away, and her heart broke all over again as she saw the deep pain in his eyes.

“Oh, Lucas.” She whispered, a fresh batch of tears threatening to spill over. “I’m so sorry.”

Lucas shook his head, his eyes on little Sawyer who had come to lay in his lap. “It’s not your fault.”

Jeanette grabbed his shoulder, finding his gaze. “Yes, it is. If I had just kept my nose out of your business like you’d asked me too…”

“It only would have delayed the inevitable.” Lucas sighed, running his hand over Sawyer’s back. His face twisted, and he appeared to be working very hard to hold his emotions back. When he finally spoke his voice was low, threatening to break.

“Elizabeth is…. in love with Nathan… And if he makes her happy…” His lips pressed together, as his eyes shut tight. “That’s all that matters.”

Jeanette shook her head, as she gripped his shoulder tighter. “What about you?” She gave him a light shake, trying to get through to him. “Don’t your feelings matter? Did you even tell her how you feel?”

Lucas’ mouth opened, then shut, words seeming to fail him. She raised a brow at him, unable to hide the slight bit of amusement she felt.

“I’ll take that as a no.”

He looked at her, his brows raised. “I believe I made my intentions pretty clear.”

She tilted her head, her hand going to her hip. “You believe. Pretty clear. Did you ever tell her that you’re in love with her?” She smirked, giving his chest a playful but loving poke. “Because I know you are.”

A smile touched the corners of his mouth, as he looked shyly down to little Sawyer. “No.”

Jeanette smiled, placing a hand to her brother’s cheek. He raised his eyes back to her face, a small grin spreading across his face. Her heart swelled inside her. “Then there’s still hope.”



Nathan slammed his fist down on the small table outside of the jail cell. “For the last time, why did you try to kill Elizabeth Thornton?”

James rolled his eyes, his head leaning against the cell bars. “And for the last time, I didn’t.”

Nathan pinched the bridge of his nose, his jaw clenching. He’d been questioning the man all night long, only stopping when Bill had forced him to. After catching maybe two hours of sleep, he’d started again that afternoon, and still the man refused to reveal anything.

Nathan exhaled slowly, working to keep his composure. “You honestly want me to believe that you were just “playing around” when you pulled that gun on her?”

James shrugged, plopping back onto the jail cell bed. “Hey, you don’t have to believe nothing. I’m just stating the facts here.”

A crooked grin spread across his face, making Nathan’s blood boil. He took a step toward the cell, his eyes narrowing.

“Who are you working for?”

James leaned back against the wall, crossing his arms. “Now why would you think I’m working for someone?”

Nathan’s hands moved to his hips, his brows raised. “You don’t seem like the type to think all this up by yourself.

James’ face twisted as the meaning of Nathan’s words dawned on him. He spat angrily in the corner, pointing a dirty finger at him. “Insults will get you nowhere, lawman.”

Nathan crossed his arms over his chest. “Neither will you refusing to cooperate.”

Seeing he was getting nowhere by asking questions or making threats, he decided to try a different tactic. He went and sat down in the wooden chair next to the jail cell. “Listen, I’m friends with the judge here. If you cooperate, I’ll put a good word in for you.”

James’ brow raised, as he slowly rose from the cot. “You think I need your help?” He sauntered toward him, an evil smile playing across his face. “You have no idea what you’re dealing with.”

A cold chill washed down Nathan’s spine, at his words. He stood, moving to stand in front of James, his voice low. “And just what would that be?”

A light lit in James’ eye, and he leaned forward gripping the cell bars. “That pretty teacher gal, you was having dinner with. Is she your sweetheart?”

Nathan’s blood boiled, and he worked to keep his anger from showing.

James let out a laugh, leaning his hip into the cell bars. “That’s too bad, as she seems mighty taken with that other fella.”

Nathan’s fists clenched, his words grating through his teeth. “Stop talking.” He knew James was just trying to get to him, but if that man said one more word….

“Course none of that matters.” James replied, looking casually to his hands. “She ain’t going to be around for neither of you.”

Nathan grabbed his shirt through the bars, pulling him against them. “You listen here.” Nathan’s jaw locked, the vein in his neck pulsing. “If one hair on that woman’s head is hurt, I’ll make sure you spend the rest of your life in a dark, stone cold prison with no possible chance at parole.”

Nathan’s hands ached from his grip on James’ shirt. And James hadn’t even flinched at his words, or the fire burning in his eyes. He just smirked, a snort escaping him. “Fear ain’t a good look on you, lawman.”

It was a good thing firm metal bars separated him and James or who knows what he might do to the crook. Nathan pulled James’ shirt harder, his voice low. “You’re going to have the same look if you don’t tell me everything you know.”

James’ smile only deepened. “It wouldn’t matter even if I did.” His voice lowered, a mischievous light filling his gaze. “You’re too late.”



Elizabeth stood alone in the beautifully decorated saloon, watching as couples danced across the room. Almost everyone she knew had attended the social, all dressed up in their fancy dresses and suits. Rosemary had insisted on her taking a beautiful silvery white gown she’d brought her from the dress shop.

Rosemary claimed it was a “celebration gift,” since she was finally safe and sound. She’d wanted to protest, but to be honest she really felt like dressing up that night.

And the dress fit perfectly. It hugged her body in all the right places, the skirt flowing down over her toes in little gathers. She felt like a princess.

Her eyes constantly scanned the crowd, searching for one man in particular. Her stomach was doing constant summersaults, her chest a flutter with a thousand butterflies.

She had no idea what she’d say to Lucas when she found him, nor if she’d have the courage to speak at all. Thankfully Nathan had sent word through Bill that he wouldn’t be able to attend the social. That was probably best for everyone, as she still needed to explain a few….things to him.


Jumping slightly, she turned to find Jeanie standing in front of her. She was taken back for a moment at her presence. They hadn’t seen each other since the “dinner incident” the previous night, and she had no idea what this woman had to say to her.

Would she tell her to stay away from Lucas? Yet with one look at Jeanie’s face, she didn’t get the impression she was there to threaten her. She seemed nervous. Her eyes went from her wringing hands to Elizabeth’s face, yet never quite met her gaze.

Taking a breath, Elizabeth determined to be kind to her, and gave her a soft smile. “Hi, Jeanie.”

Jeanie still couldn’t seem to bring herself to look her in the eye. She began looking around the room, her brows furrowed. “Where’s Little Jack?”

Well, she wasn’t expecting her to ask that. Jeanie must have seen her confusion.

“I’ve heard so much about the little guy.” She added quickly, her eyes going to her hands again. “I was hoping I could meet him.”

Her voice was low, almost sad. Elizabeth felt her heart ache for the girl, but wasn’t quite sure why. She motioned toward one of the food tables.

“Bill took him to get some cake.”

Jeanie’s eyes followed where she pointed, her eyes lighting up. “Oh, he’s precious.”

Elizabeth felt her chest swell at her praise of Jack. She could tell Jeanie truly meant what she’d said, and almost wondered if she saw a longing in her gaze as she looked to Little Jack.

Suddenly Jeanie turned back to her, her voice soft. “Elizabeth I’m sorry.”

Elizabeth’s eyes widened, as she raised a brow in confusion. “For what?”

Jeanie’s arms wrapped around herself, as her eyes dropped to the floor. “For last night.”

Elizabeth was taken back at her words. Was Jeanie actually apologizing for the previous night? And just what was she apologizing for?

“I really meant no harm at all.” She quickly blurted out, her words tumbling over each other. “I thought it would be a good idea at first, but I didn’t know you’d get so mad, and then there was that guy with the gun…”

Elizabeth’s mind was spinning at this point. What on earth was she talking about? “You thought what would be a good idea?” She cut in quickly.

Suddenly Jeanie’s face dropped, her foot drawing circles on the floor. “I…may have known you and Nathan were having dinner and….well…”

Elizabeth’s brows rose, disbelief filling her gaze. “And?”

Jeanie shrugged her shoulders, her mouth quirking. “I brought Lucas to make you jealous.”

Elizabeth’s mouth dropped open, and she worked to suck her eyes back into their sockets. Why would Jeanie do such a thing? She didn’t look like the kind of girl who would purposely set out to hurt someone like that.

“But it was all my doing.” Jeanie quickly added. “Lucas never would have gone if he would have known you and Nathan were there.”

Jeanie’s eyes begged for her to believe her story. Elizabeth felt pity rise in her heart for the girl as Jeanie bit her lip, tears welling in her eyes. “I’m so sorry, Elizabeth.”

Elizabeth sighed, feeling sympathy for her. She truly seemed sorry, but it still didn’t answer the question of why she’d done what she had. She looked to Jeanie gently, her voice soft.

“Why would you want to make me jealous?”

Jeanie sniffed, avoiding her gaze. She took a moment before she responded. “Lucas is….like a brother to me.”

Elizabeth was taken back at that revelation, although she couldn’t help but wonder at the difficulty Jeanie had in saying it. Still she continued.

“I thought if I acted like his date then maybe you’d…”

“I see.” Elizabeth sighed, finally getting the whole picture. Jeanie didn’t see her as competition. She actually wanted to bring her and Lucas together, out of the sisterly love she had for Lucas.

Elizabeth shook her head lightly, her emotions tumbling over each other. Jeanie gave another sniff, messily wiping her tear-filled eyes.

“He’s just been so sad lately with the oil company shutting down and the break in….”

Elizabeth snapped to attention at her words. What had she just said? “Wait.” She looked to Jeanie in confusion. “What about the oil company?”

Suddenly Jeanie’s eyes widened, her face paling. “You don’t know?”

Elizabeth’s brows furrowed. “Know what?”

Jeanie swallowed hard, her pupils shrinking. “Oh boy…” Again she began wringing her hands, looking nervously around the room. “You know what?” She smiled nervously, batting her hand. “Just forget I said anything.”

Quickly she turned on her heel to leave. Elizabeth grabbed her arm, pulling her to a stop.

“Jeanie.” Her mind was racing, her heart pounding. What could have happened to the oil company? And why hadn’t Lucas told her about it? Then again she had been quite….preoccupied these last few days.

Jeanie sighed, and turned to face her. “It’s not my story to tell.” The sadness in her gaze made Elizabeth’s chest tighten. Gently Jeanie laid a hand on her arm. “You should ask Lucas yourself.”

Elizabeth swallowed, giving a light shrug. “I haven’t seen him anywhere.”

A sparkle flashed in Jeanie’s eyes, as she gave a small smile. “Try the pond.”

The butterflies started flipping again in Elizabeth chest, but she couldn’t help the warmth that spread there as well. She’d been wrong about Jeanie. So wrong.

Jeanie gave her a final smile before she turned to leave.

“Jeanie.” Elizabeth called after her, making her turn back quick. She flashed Jeanie a smile. “Thank you.”

Jeanie’s eyes lit up, a sheen of moister glossing over them. Suddenly she skipped back quick, and enveloped her in a tight embrace. Elizabeth felt her own eyes water as she hugged her back.

After a quick moment Jeanie pulled back, a small grin on her tear-stained face. “Go get him.”



Elizabeth walked the short distance from the saloon to the pond next to the church. Hope Valley nights had come to be quite chilled, often accompanied by an icy breeze. She pulled her white cape around her, as the pond finally came into view.

Her heart stopped as she spotted Lucas standing on the dock, his elbows propped on the rail. Should she do this? Could she do this?

In her heart she already knew the answer, but it only made her stomach flip harder. Drawing a fortifying breath, she slowly started toward him. Her footsteps sounded against the wooden dock, making him jump, as he turned to face her.

His eyes widened slightly at her presence, and she felt her chest swirl with a tornado of butterflies. She tried to flash him a smile, but it came out feeling very weak.


Lucas’ stance seemed to stiffen, his lips moving but it wasn’t quite a smile. “Hi.”

Silence settled between them, and his eyes dropped to the ground before he turned back to face the pond again. Elizabeth sighed gently, cautiously coming to stand beside him. An icy breeze blew, and she pulled her cape tighter around her, leaning to rest her elbows on the rail next to him.

She looked out over the water, the full moon reflecting brightly over its surface. Sighing her breath clouded before her, followed by a sigh from Lucas.

“You’re missing the social.” His voice was low. Sad. She dared a glance toward his face, trying to read his expression.

“It’s okay.”

He looked to her, and for a moment his eyes locked on hers. She tried to read his face. To see what emotions laid beneath his quiet façade. A deep sadness creased his eyes, as he looked to her softly. No doubt there was pain hidden in those dark depths, but was that all? Was there also….a longing?

His eyes then dropped suddenly, and he turned back to the water. Inside her twisted with confusion, as she wondered what had been behind that dark gaze.

“You look beautiful.”

Her heart jumped at his sudden comment. He’d never taken his eyes off the water, his words barely a whisper. But she’d heard them.

Her face filled with heat at the unexpected compliment. Inside her chest fluttered, filling with emotion that seemed to cripple her voice. “Thank you.” She couldn’t seem to speak above a whisper, feeling a sudden sting of tears.

She needed to talk to him. To set everything straight. But how did she start?

How did she not only explain the fact that she hadn’t chosen Nathan, but also try and voice the crazy feelings stirring inside her? Especially since she was still trying to come to terms with them herself.

There was only one way, she decided, and that was direct and honest. Lord, give me the words to say. She silently prayed, swallowing hard.

“Lucas,” She tried to keep her voice even, not wanting her nerves to show. “I owe you an apology.”

Lucas turned toward her, his brows raised in question. His brown eyes on her made her throat seem to close up, but she tried to push past it.

“I know how things looked….” Her voice seemed to wobble and she tried to summon moister back to her dry mouth. “But I assure you it wasn’t what you thought it was.”

Maybe not her most convincing choice of words, but she meant them. To be honest the entire dinner with Nathan had felt off to her. Like something just hadn’t clicked. And she hadn’t expected the café to be completely empty, creating such an intimate “date-like” setting.

Lucas shut his eyes, like the topic pained him. He sighed, shaking his head slowly. “Elizabeth, you don’t have to explain yourself to me.”

Elizabeth struggled, trying to find the words to say. Slowly she opened her mouth to speak when his words cut her short.

“About Jeanie…”

“She already explained everything.” Elizabeth quickly cut in, trying to save him the pain of explaining.

Truthfully, she should have trusted him when it came to Jeanie. He’d never given her a reason to doubt his honor or intentions before. Just something about seeing him with another woman made her blood boil.

At her words he turned to her, his eyes wide. “She did?”

Elizabeth nodded, unsure why he was so surprised. He seemed to search her face for a moment, before looking away.

“I’m sorry.” His hands gripped the railing. “I meant to tell you…”

At a sudden impulse she placed her hand gently on his arm. “Lucas, you don’t have to explain.” Turning her head, she tried to catch a glimpse of his face. Slowly his eyes raised to meet hers, stealing her breath. She gave him a gentle smile. “I believe you.”

His gaze lingered on her, as he seemed to weigh her words. Suddenly Jeanie’s comment from earlier replayed in Elizabeth’s mind. Now didn’t feel like the perfect time to bring it up, but she had to know the truth.

“Why didn’t you tell me about the oil company shutting down?”

His brows shot up, clearly shocked that she knew. “Who told you?”

Elizabeth shrugged, not wanting to get Jeanie in trouble. “Does it matter?”

He straightened, stuffing his hands into his coat pockets. “I was hoping it wouldn’t have to.” A sadness filled his gaze as he turned to look out over the shimmering water. “The truth is I was in over my head the day I bought the company from Henry.”

His eyes shut for a moment, his lips pressed tight. “I tried to find an investor, but everyone said that it was too big of a risk. I don’t blame them.”

He took a breath, again gripping the dock’s rail, as he slowly exhaled. “I guess I just didn’t want to admit that I failed.”

Elizabeth felt her heart twist, as his head dropped. His shoulders slumped and it seemed like the weight of the world rested there. She’d had no idea he’d been struggling with this. Yet he’d still managed to put a smile on his face, taking time to put on the movie night for the town.

He’d even spent all night out in the cold guarding her and her son from an unseen danger. Yet he’d never complained. He always was willing to lend a hand and be there for her no matter his situation.

Tears welled in her eyes, as pain formed in her chest. Cautiously she raised her hand and placed it over his. A spark ignited as her fingers rested over his.

Instantly his head came up as he turned to look at her. His eyes went from her hand on his, to her eyes. She looked into his dark gaze, her voice filled with the emotion flooding her heart.

“Lucas, you didn’t fail.” She spoke softly, willing him to believe her words. “You did everything you could to save the company.”

He sighed, shaking his head. His eyes dropped to the dock beneath him. “Not enough.”

She gripped his hand tighter, bringing his eyes back to her. Determination filled her, as she looked deeply into his eyes. “It’s not your fault.” Suddenly a new thought struck her, and the words flew out before she could stop herself. “I’m proud of you.”

His head came up quick, his brows deeply furrowed. “Why?”

She tilted her head, eyeing him. How could he not see why? “You cared enough to buy out an entire company, one you knew nothing about, just to try and save your employees jobs.”

Just saying it out loud made her chest swell. He truly cared about the people of Hope Valley and had given so much to try and save those men’s jobs.

Suddenly Lucas’ eyes dropped to his hands before looking back to her face. His voice dropped just above a whisper. “I did it for you.”

Her eyes widened, as she tried to comprehend his words. “What?”

“It’s true I did it to help.” He replied. “I didn’t want to watch all those men lose their jobs and not be able to provide for their families. It wasn’t their fault things fell apart.”

Elizabeth felt her breath catch, as he hesitated a moment before continuing.

“But….you…” A gentle smile played across his face. “You were so worried and cared so much about the men and their families. Some of them people you barely know.”

Elizabeth felt her face fill with heat at his praise. His eyes then darkened, his voice soft yet determined.

“You inspired me, Elizabeth. You made me think twice about what I was doing, and challenged me to do more than I was.” His mouth quirked in a sad smile. “I wanted to save it for you.”

Elizabeth’s heart felt three times its normal size. “Lucas…” No words could express the emotions coursing through her at his act of love for her.

At sudden impulse she went to him, and wrapped her arms around him. “Thank you.” She had no other words. Just a need to show him how deeply she felt.

Lucas stiffened at her touch, undoubtedly shocked by her actions. She was shocked herself by what she’d done, yet she wasn’t ready to let go yet. Slowly he relaxed, his arms tentatively wrapping around her shoulders.

His chin came to sit on top of her head, before he turned his cheek down to rest against her hair. She breathed deeply, relishing the warmth and strength she felt nestled against his chest. Sighing he held her closer for a brief moment before he gently unwrapped her arms from around him, and pulled away.

She was confused that he’d drawn back, a spark of worry forming in her chest. Searching, she looked up into his face, the emotion she found there stealing her breath. A sadness filled his eyes, as he raised his hand to her cheek. His thumb just barely touched her skin as he traced down to her jaw, leaving fire everywhere he touched.

“You’re missing the dance.” The words came in a hoarse whisper. His thumb came back to stroke her cheek once more. Perhaps as a final indulgence? He then turned and began walking away.

Elizabeth felt tears sting her eyes, as she watched him leave. Her mind raced a hundred miles an hour, as a pain struck her heart. She couldn’t let him go. Not yet.

“Lucas.” She called after him softly, emotion choking her words.

He stopped at her voice, his back facing her. What could only be identified as desperation gripped her, and she worked to speak around the lump in her throat.

“Dance with me?”

Fighting hard to keep her tears at bay, she held her breath as she waited for his response. She had no idea what she was doing. Didn’t know what she expected. Inside her brain told her to keep quiet, and run home. To stop this feeling that threatened to consume her.

And yet she was powerless to stop it. All she knew was that she desperately wanted him to stay.

After what seemed like hours, he slowly turned to face her. At the look on his face her heart stopped. An ever so slight sheen of moister glazed over his eyes. The moon shone brightly, and she found a glimmer of what appeared to be hope resting in his gaze.

Something crossed his face, his brows furrowing. “I’d hate to think I was dancing with another man’s girl.”

She knew that was a question, not a statement. Her heart fluttered, as she shook her head softly. “You wouldn’t be.”

Realization seemed to wash over him at her words, a spark lighting in his eyes. Slowly he started toward her with a determination that made her breath catch in her throat. Her heart pounded as he came to stand in front of her.

Slowly he reached for her hand. His fingers wrapped around hers as he raised her hand into a waltz position. Gently his other hand came to rest lightly on her waist.

His eyes then found hers, an intensity there that made her pulse quicken. Slowly they began swaying back and forth in a gentle waltz.

It was hard to breath at his closeness, and she found herself unable to hold his gaze. He seemed to be looking deep inside her. Searching for something.

Tentatively she allowed her head to rest against his chest. She relished the warmth against his heavy winter coat. Gently she drew her raised hand to rest over his heart, his hand still covering hers.

His cheek came to rest against her temple, and she felt him sigh, his warm breath blowing against her hair. Inside her thoughts tumbled over each other, whispering things in her ear. Part of her said she was crazy to be in this man’s arms, and to jerk away. Yet the other part told her this was absolutely perfect.

She hadn’t realized how much she’d longed for this moment. To just be held by this handsome and gentle man, who’s thoughtfulness and care made her heart swell. She felt so safe in his arms. So treasured.

They stayed like that for what felt like hours. Neither of them spoke, the intimacy of silence consuming them. Eventually their dance became slower and slower, until soon they’d stopped moving entirely. Still they held each other in a silent embrace.

A moment passed before Lucas pulled his head back slightly, bringing their faces inches apart.

“Elizabeth…” His words came in a husky breath.

His already dark eyes deepened to the color of smooth dark chocolate, as they looked deeply into her own. Her eyes locked on his, which then lowered to her lips. Inside her heart pounded as his warm breath brushed over her face. She found her gaze dropping to his mouth, unable to stop herself.

Ever so slowly she leaned toward him. Her brain screamed at her to pull away. To run and never look back. Yet she found herself powerless to stop the magnetic draw he had on her. Never had she wanted him to kiss her so much, and the realization terrified her, yet drew her closer.

Cautiously he lowered his mouth to hers. Her eyelids drifted shut, as his lips tentatively brushed over hers. Electricity shot through her at his delicate touch, and she felt herself melting into him. How could a kiss consume her so completely?



Was he dreaming? A spark had ignited in Lucas the moment their lips had touched. He forced himself to keep the kiss gentle, unsure how she’d react. Her kiss was so soft, yet filled with a surprising longing that brought him back for another taste.

He raised his hand to her face, cradling her cheek. She leaned into his touch, and he wrapped his other arm around her waist, pulling her closer. She came willingly, her hands coming to rest on his chest. He deepened the kiss, breathing her into all his senses. Everything about this woman exuded pure sweetness. It all felt like a dream he never wanted to end.

Yet, then it did. Suddenly with a gasp she jerked herself out of his arms. He blinked in shock, his breathing ragged. She stared back at him, eyes wide and gasping for breath. He felt his stomach twist.

Oh, no.

Absolute terror filled her gaze, her head shaking slowly. “I’m sorry.” She started backing away, her eyes covered by a sheen of tears. “I can’t…” Her lips quivered. The ones he’d just kissed.

It felt like someone was twisting a knife inside his heart. He knew what had made her jerk away. The look in her wide eyes told him everything.

She was terrified.

He dared a step toward her, begging her with his eyes to stay. “Elizabeth….” He didn’t know what to say, or rather he didn’t know if he should say what was really in his heart. She probably wasn’t ready to hear it, even though his feelings consumed him so.

She almost leapt backward at his advance, holding up a hand to ward him off. Her blue eyes glistened in the moonlight, as she again shook her head. “I’m so sorry.”

Again, she backed away, and began to turn toward the road behind them. Lucas’ heart pounded violently, his emotions swirling recklessly inside him. He couldn’t hold it in anymore.

He stepped toward her. His words came spilling out of him, breaking through the silence. “I’m in love with you.”

Even as the words left his mouth, he doubted whether he should have spoken them. Elizabeth stopped dead in her tracks, her back facing him. Her body stiffened, and he held his breath as he waited for her response. What had he done?

Slowly she turned toward him, and he saw the streams of tears running freely down her cheeks.

His chest ached inside him to run to her. To take her in his arms, and press her tight to his chest. He could see the pain in her eyes, and almost feel the torment she was battling. She looked back at him over the short distance that laid between them.

An array of emotions crossed her face within mere seconds. Shock perhaps over realizing the words he’d just spoken, followed by something that almost looked like longing. A glimmer of hope fluttered inside him at the prospect.

Could she love him with even a tenth of the love he felt for her?

But all too soon fear once again filled her gaze. Her mouth opened to speak, but no words followed. Her bottom lip quivered, as a fresh stream of tears flowed down her face.

“I….I can’t….” Her voice broke, as she took a step back. “I’m sorry, Lucas.” And with a sob she ran.

Lucas stood, his heart breaking inside him as he watched her run toward the row houses. His emotions were in such a frantic, tangled mess.

He’d gone from despair thinking she’d chosen Nathan, to shock over learning she hadn’t, to elation that he’d actually kissed her. His heart still raced inside him remembering the moment from only seconds earlier.

Had she chosen him? Did she actually feel something for him? She’d said she wasn’t taken, and then she’d kissed him with a passion that had made his head spin.

His pulse quickened as the realization hit him. She’d chosen him. That kiss had proved it. His heart sped, realizing the fact.

Now he watched her running as fast as she could away from him. Panic seized his chest. He couldn’t lose her.

Quickly he darted after her. The frozen air burned his lungs, as he ran as fast as he could. “Elizabeth!”

She kept running, refusing to glance back. He could hear her crying while she ran, and he pumped his legs faster. Quickly he closed the gap between them.

“Elizabeth wait.” Finally he caught up to her, and nearly slid to a stop, grabbing her arms. He breathed hard, his chest feeling like it was on fire from the freezing night air. “Please.”

She tried to pull back, but he held her gently. Shaking her head, she breathed hard, raising her hands to cover her face. “Please just leave me alone.”

It pained him so much to see her like this, and knew he should let her go. Yet he was so scared she’d never come back if he did.

“I can’t lose you.” He couldn’t help the emotion that choked his voice. “Elizabeth, please just talk to me.”

Slowly her eyes found his, tears spilling down her cheeks. “I…I can’t…”

She was crying bitterly now, her face flooded with tears. Sobs racked her body, and he tightened his grip on her arms to steady her. Again she shook her head.

“I can’t do this.”

Moister stung his own eyes, as he lifted a hand to cradle her face. “I know.”

Lovingly he lifted her head until he found her eyes, a hard lump forming in his throat. “I know you’re scared.” He whispered, wiping her tears with his thumb.

“You’ve been through more than I could ever imagine. And I know I’ll never be Jack, and that I can never replace him. All I know is how I feel about you.”

His voice caught on the last word. Elizabeth sniffed, her eyes glistening. “Lucas…”

His heart swelled with the love he felt for this woman. “I can’t make you any guaranties. But I promise you…” He raised his other hand to cup her face. “I’m not going anywhere.”

Her eyes locked on his, her sobs softening. He felt her gaze, trying to will her to see the truth in his words.

Suddenly a chill ran down Lucas’ back, as footsteps sounded behind him. The deep voice of a man sliced through the night.

“You shouldn’t make promises you can’t keep.”

Elizabeth gasped, and he felt her jump in surprise. His stomach sank as he watched her eyes widen, her mouth dropping open.

“Mr. Spurlock?”

    And that's the end of that (Very long) chapter! I hope this has been a blessing to you! 

    Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to comment your thoughts below or on my Twitter page! Have a fantastic weekend! God Bless!

    P.S. Feel free to stop by my shop for some fun WCTH inspired merch! https://shop.spreadshirt.com/heart-and-family-mercantile



  1. Hope, this chapter had me all over the place. I was happy, tense, excited, sad- excellent writing my friend! I have enjoyed every chapter but this one has been the best so far.

    I love how Jeanie told E the truth- well, most of it anyway. And I love that E finally realized her feelings for Lucas.

    But that kiss! Wow!

    And E being scared of her feelings, I love that.

    But bringing Spurlock back - genius!

    I can't wait to see what happens next week. You have me hook line and sinker.

    Well done and thank you!!

    1. I had to go back and read the last two sections. sooo good...

    2. You're so sweet! Thank you so much, Sue!

      It makes me so happy to know you enjoyed it. Believe it or not this chapter had a different ending at first, but then as I was working on it this brand new one presented itself and I had to go with it. Lol!

      I'm glad you liked E being scared of her feelings. I wasn't sure how people would take her running away, but she's just been through so much in her life. I think realizing she has deep feelings for another man would be quite a scary thing for her to deal with.

      And yes!!! So glad you liked Spurlock coming back! I would absolutely love it if he really did on the show! It would be such a fun and dramatic comeback, as he was one of the worst villains Hope Valley ever had!

      Thank you so much for your wonderful comment and support! Have a wonderful weekend! God Bless!

  2. I already commented on your Twitter thread, but since the characters are so limited, I wanted to expand on my response here.

    Thank you for another fantastic chapter! I felt Lucas and Elizabeth's emotions throughout their scenes. I get why Elizabeth ran away, but my heart broke for Lucas given how much he's poured into this woman. I hope she fully realizes how blessed she is to have another wonderful man ready to shower her with "unconditional love" the way Jack did :) I'm happy that she has acknowledged her feelings for him out loud...that is a huge step! The entire sequence at the dock was beautiful...OMG, that kiss! *sigh*

    I don't remember Mr. Spurlock too well, so my homework for this week is to re-watch the episodes he was in (I was planning to start a second re-watch in time to finish before S8 anyway). I'm looking forward to the inevitable conversation between Nathan and Elizabeth and how things progress between our favorite couple :) Wonderful chapter!

    1. I'm sorry my response is so late! Thank you so much! I'm really glad you enjoyed the chapter. There were a LOT of emotions to write for this one. Lol!

      I was worried people wouldn't remember Spurlock as he's way, way back in Season 1. But he was just such a good villain, and I've always thought it would be so neat if he somehow made a comeback.

      And don't worry. That conversation is definitely going to happen. ;)

      Thank you again for reading and the comment! Have a wonderful weekend! God Bless!


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