You Didn't See This Coming!


    Surprise! Happy Tuesday Hearties! I have some great news to share with you all! So where do I begin?


    First off, I have decided to do away with the "exclusive" part of the monthly designs. So Lee and Rosemary's design as well as Lucas' design are here to stay! Click here to take a look!

    So for the second part of my surprise I have something very special for you guys! (Particularly Team Nathan!) May I present a special brand new design....(Drum roll please.....)

    Ta-da! The Heart and Family Mercantile now has a brand new surprise design, and its no one else then Nathan and Newton! I bet you didn't see this coming! Now both Team Nathan and Team Lucas can have a t-shirt with their favorite guy on it!😁

    The idea for this one was to go more with a wintery theme, and show Nathan's bravery as Hope Valley's Mountie. And of course Newton had to be in the design as well. (I mean, duh. Its Newton! He had to be included!) So whether you're a Nathan fan, a WCTH fan, or just want to show your support for the brave Mounties out there, this design is for you! I hope you guys enjoy it! Click here to take a look!

    And finally, for the last part of my announcement....

    My shop now carries coffee mugs with all the previous designs of the month! (As well as the newest one!) And to top everything off, my shop is having a 20% OFF sale today and tomorrow! Click here to take a look!

    Boy, that was a lot of announcements! Lol! I hope this news has been a blessing to you!

    BTW, to throw in one last little announcement, if you've grown weary thinking of or addressing me as "WCTH Blog" I have come up with a pseudonym which should fix that problem. My name is now Hope! I "hope" you like it. (Okay, that was worthy of a forehead slap. :D ) Obviously I got the idea from "Hope Valley" itself, but I think it works well. Feel free to let me know if you agree in the comments!

    Well? Why are you still here listening to me ramble? Go check out all this amazing stuff! (Or not....I mean, that's okay too....😉) Click here to take a look!

    Thank you guys so much for reading and for your support! Feel free to comment your thoughts below or on my Twitter page! God Bless and see you tomorrow for Wednesday's post! (You Team Lucas fans are going to like it!)


  1. I like the Nathan design! Mountie mode 😁 And nice to call you Hope instead of WCTH Blog!

    1. Thank you! As I said on Twitter I was hoping you'd like this design! I also like how it includes Newton. I mean, it just had to! Lol!

      I'm also glad you like the name! Thank you so much for your support, girl! God Bless!


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