A Moment in Time: Luther Brant


    Hello and happy Wednesday Hearties! Boy, it's a bit odd to see me posting two days in a row isn't it?😁

    Today I have a treat for the Team Lucas fans out there! I am doing another “moment in time” blog post, and this is one of my favorite scenes from Season 7! As you’ve already read in the title, it is the hilarious, and banter-filled scene between Lucas and Elizabeth as Lucas is reading her chapters for her new novel. (I didn't know how else to describe the scene other then, "Luther Brant." Lol!)

    This scene was so fun, and flirty, and I can’t help but smile every time I watch it. It’s followed by the scene later on in the mercantile where Lucas goes to look for “humble pie” which I plan to write about as well in a future post.

    So without further ado, lets get to it!


    The scene starts where we see Lucas happily reading Elizabeth’s new chapters for her novel. 

    Now first may I just say that this fact in itself is really sweet and significant. Elizabeth’s writing has always been such a special, almost fragile subject. One which she rarely tells anyone about, let alone allow someone to read. And so the fact that Elizabeth and Lucas are just going back and forth with this novel (She writes the chapters, Lucas reads them and gives his thoughts, she writes more, etc.) is just a very sweet, and big thing to be honest.

    It also gives them this unique bond, and has allowed them to develop this special friendship which, I think, is special and cute. (Okay, end of fangirling. Lol!)


    So Lucas is reading through the pages, clearly enjoying himself. He laughs multiple times at something, even wiping his eye as if it had been so good it had made his eyes water, before continuing onto the next page. Elizabeth then happens (Just happens) to come along, and finds Lucas reading. Naturally she’s curious what he thinks (I know the feeling all too well. Lol!) and approaches him. 

    That's honestly a bit opposite from my "giving someone my writing process." My thought is that if I'm present while someone is reading it will jar them from the story and the over all reading experience. So I tend to give my writing over and then not talk to them until they are done. Lol! 


    Anyhow, Elizabeth then says the obvious to Lucas, that she sees he’s reading, to which he agrees. He then compliments her saying that she has a way with words, bringing a delighted smile to her face. She then asks, “So you’re enjoying the chapters?” to which Lucas says he is.

    He tells her how her character, Elsa, is very strong and yet very vulnerable, showing Elizabeth how she has improved her writing since her short stories. He also says that she writes about Elsa’s son with so much heart, and passion, which is Elizabeth shinning through. (Aww!)


    Elizabeth is clearly very pleased, which I would certainly be with such praise. However Lucas then goes on to comment that he is especially intrigued by Elizabeth’s new character….Luther Brant.

    Okay. Hold everything. Luther Brant? Really?

    (Snickers to self.) First off, kudos to the writers as that was clever. And of course it just had to be a combination of Lucas AND Nathan's names. I laughed outright as I heard Lucas say the name. It was just like, "Of course they had to weave the triangle in there."🤣

    But aside from the name Lucas continues to describe the character of Luther... The...um...(Cough) handsome, charming, restaurateur, with a penchant for cards and travel.... (That doesn't sound familiar at all...)

    He then states, "I have to say, I'm rooting for him." 🤣 Yeah. I bet you are, Bouchard. Lol! And Elizabeth just down plays the entire thing by casually stating that, "That is what you want as a writer."

    I love how this whole scene goes down. Just his face makes me laugh, as he's clearly thinking that Elizabeth based Luther off of him. Which in turn would make Elizabeth writing a love story about her and Lucas. (I'm sorry, Elizabeth, but you are so clearly blind when it comes to your writing, as Elsa is totally you. Lol!)

    So as if he wasn't already being presumptuous enough, he then takes things a step farther, and asks, "Who was your inspiration for that character?" (Sirens blare! Red alert! Line has been crossed!) Oh boy, Lucas....Quite confident aren't we? But I don't blame him for wondering. I mean, a handsome, charming, restaurateur, with a penchant for cards and travel is VERY specific. But yet it was just the way he said it, and the look on his face that just makes me smile every time I watch it.

    Now of course Elizabeth's response was, "Oh, I just made him up," which Lucas totally....didn't believe. Lol! (I don't believe that either. :) 

    However Elizabeth fully knows what he's implying, and begins to call him out on it, coyly saying, "You didn't think that you..." And Lucas immediately denies it before she can even finish her sentence. Lol! His face is priceless! His expression is like, "What? No! Where on earth would you even get an idea like that?" 🤣

    He then ends his defense with a small shake of his head like, "Nope. The thought never crossed my mind." (I add that detail as I just think it's funny. :D ) Elizabeth then gets this little smirk, and says, "Well, I suggest you keep reading," before giving the papers a playful tap and walks away. And Lucas just quietly replies, "Okay."

    And we then got "the moment." Yes, I'm talking about that flirty head turn we got from Elizabeth. She turns back with a fling of her hair, and gives a final look at the man (A cute, flirty, and sort of mischievous smile on her face to boot!) before walking on. (Oooo!)

     Plus we then have Lucas who watches her walk away with a smile mixed with embarrassment on his face. That's one of the cute things about Lucas and Elizabeth. So often we just watch Lucas give these smiles and sighs as he watches Elizabeth walk away. Like he's a complete goner over her. Lol! 

    And then the scene ends.

    The whole thing was just really cute. Not only did it just show us the sweet friendship that they have but it had this fun banter going on. That's one of the things that I enjoy with Lucas and Elizabeth. Just this easy going, flirty banter that they have between them. Not to mention the smiles they get when they are around each other are adorable! And on that fangirl note, I shall end things here. Lol!

    Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to comment your thoughts on this scene below or on my Twitter page! God Bless!

    P.S. Did you see the brand new products in stock? Today is the last day to save 20% on your order so hurry before it ends! https://shop.spreadshirt.com/heart-and-family-mercantile



  1. I've just discovered your blog a couple of weeks ago and have really enjoyed reading your insights. One thing I have noticed, that I have not heard discussed, is that when Elizabeth talked on the phone and received her book deal, she looked to Lucas to tell Nathan about it instead of answering herself. This shows that she looks to Lucas for leadership which is something that is important in a relationship. I hope Lucas and Elizabeth get together eventually, but I have a feeling it is going to be a long stressful road for all of us!

  2. Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed the post! And you make a very good and interesting point here! I knew Lucas was the one to tell Nathan instead of Elizabeth herself, but you're right! She actually looked to Lucas instead of answering for herself.

    I sure hope they get together as well, but I'm not sure what the writers have up their sleeves. Lol! Thank you so much for reading and the comment! God Bless!

  3. Good afternoon Hope!!

    I just realized I haven't commented on this post, even though I read it a couple days ago. Having a two year old in the house for a week kept me busy!

    This episode is one of my favs from season 7. I love how L/E can banter with each other. His 'cocky' attitude when he is talking about Luther's character is just adorable! And later in the mercantile looking for humble pie, lets face it, the man is just a darling.

    As for Luther Brant. Elizabeth made his character and his name a mix of both men. But I did find it interesting that it seems he had more of Lucas in him by his description. And of course his initials are LB- foreshadowing? Possibly.

    Thank you for this post. I am always entertained by your writing.


    1. Yes! Lucas' attitude when he's talking about Luther is so fun, and I just can't help but smile and laugh!

      And you make such a good point about the initials! I mean, it could just be that Luther Brant was the closest name the writers could think of, but hopefully it's foreshadowing!

      Thank you so much for reading, and the comment! God Bless!


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