What's Next For Henry Gowen?


    Hello and happy Friday everyone! I hope you've had a marvelous week so far! So I have to admit I was quite stumped for a post today. So after talking to a friend (You know who you are. 😉) I decided I would talk about Mr. Henry Gowen himself and what this new season could mean for him!

    This man has had such a rough go of things. I mean, he was walking on air after discovering oil. He was giving people great jobs, he was respected, he was making a very nice profit, and he'd finally done something he was really proud of. And then....BOOM! It all went away within the blink of an eye.

    Now I'm sure things aren't going to start with sunshine and roses for Henry in Season 8, but I do believe that things could turn around. So here are a few things that could happen! (And some things I hope to see happen. Lol!)

The Oil Company



    This has to be one of the biggest questions on every Heartie's mind when it comes to Henry. Will he go back to the oil company? As you may know, him and Lucas parted on....not the best terms to say the least. Who knows? Henry may even blame Lucas for his company failing, since he wouldn't give him anymore money. Or they'll just remain on bad terms as Henry is simply crushed inside, and his pride took a massive beating.

    Either way the man is going to need some sort of job. My personal preference would be for him to go back, fix things with Lucas, and for the two of them to work together again at the oil company. And I totally think this is possible.

    As we know Lucas knows next to nothing about the oil industry, and after trying on his own, I can see him coming to Henry and begging for help. However, I'm not so sure that Henry will be willing to give it. Not right away anyhow.

    He may give Lucas a hard time at first, but I could see him finally giving in and doing the right thing. For the town, anyway, if not for his old business partner. 

    The thing that's got me really curious is this picture of the Hope Valley men all staring at whatever it is they're staring at. Henry is right there with everyone, looking at something. (Something that doesn't appear to be anything good.) Now of course I'm totally left to guess what on earth they are staring at, but I can't help wondering if it has something to do with the oil company. 



    Not to mention there was also this pic of him next to some barrels.

    This just came to mind, but it would be crazy if we got a reversal of things, and something bad happened while Lucas was running the oil company, possibly hurting someone. Then we'd have Henry who would try and console the poor man, understanding completely what Lucas' is feeling due to the whole mine disaster. And Henry may possibly even feel guilt over leaving Lucas to run the company by himself. Of course this is just me rattling off ideas, but it would make for such a dramatic storyline, and could be the thing that helps Lucas and Henry form a deep friendship. Which brings me to my next topic.

Lucas/Henry Friendship



    I really, really want Lucas and Henry to become friends again. And not just friends, but I want them to have a deeper friendship. It would be so touching and wonderful if Lucas could somehow become the son Henry never had. I mean, Hope Valley is Henry's family, but I would absolutely love it if these two could become even more so like family to each other. (And then when...I mean IF... Lucas marries Elizabeth, Henry would be like Little Jack's Grandfather! Eeek!!)

    So I hope this next season Lucas and Henry can forget the past, work together, and become good friends.


Getting His Self-Worth Back



    All the things I've mentioned so far pretty much go hand in hand, and this topic would be the icing on the cake. Along with having a job again, and restoring ties with Lucas, Henry then would be able to heal more inside from all his past mistakes. Henry just constantly believes that he's not a good man, and isn't worthy of the kindness people show him. But should Lucas accept him back into the oil company, and develop a friendship with the man, Henry could finally find some self-worth. He could finally feel that he can trust someone to have his back, and not look down on him for his messy past.

    Henry truly needs to heal inside. His wounds run deep, and he may actually be in need of more healing than even Elizabeth herself. So along with possibly getting a job in this next season, and hopefully fixing things with Lucas, he may just find some of that healing he desperately needs. (And maybe learn a lesson along the way.)

A Love Interest



    Alright, it is high time this man got some romance in his life. I mean, it really looked like he was going to with Abigail, and should she have been in Season 7 we may have finally, FINALLY saw them start to become a couple. However, sadly, we will probably never see this happen. That honestly was the one of the biggest reasons why I was sad to see Abigail go. I was fine without her in the show, but was kind of bummed that I would never see a romance truly start between her and Henry.

    Anyhow, it's time for this man to finally get a girl. (#GetGowen'sGirl) And I have absolutely no idea who I want to be that girl. All I know is I want someone who is just an angel. Someone quiet and sweet, yet who has some spunk and determination, and would stay by his side no matter what. 

    Feel free to tell me your ideas for who could play his love interest in the comments below!


Playing With Little Jack



    And for a last final thought, I think it's totally about time that we got some Little Jack and Gowen interaction. I don't care if it's building a block tower together, letting LJ sit on his lap and pretend to drive his car, or simply saying hi to a horse together. Henry is overdue to have a quality moment with Jack. (How can the writers deny us this adorableness?)

    These are just a few things that Season 8 could bring for Henry Gowen. Honestly the man has had one of the most dramatic storylines, and one of the biggest character arcs on the show. Hopefully this coming season will bring the man some happiness, healing, and peace.

    Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to comment what you hope to see in Season 8 for Henry below or on my Twitter page! Have a wonderful weekend, and God Bless!

    P.S. Christmas is coming! Stop by and check out this fun sweatshirt to keep you (Or your Heartie friend) warm this holiday season! Click here to shop now!


  1. Great thoughts here! I'm also hoping Henry and Lucas patch things up and work together again. It might take a little time, because as you said Henry's pride has taken a serious beating, but they should be able to work things out again. Lucas is going to need Henry's help, and I really hope there's a good reconciliation between the two men. But I hope it's Henry who apologizes and recognizes where he was wrong, because Lucas didn't do anything wrong - he was trying to help, and he wasn't afraid to call Henry out on his questionable ethics. I really liked that, and I hope Henry realizes that Lucas was trying to help and do the best thing for the company while staying ethical.

    As for a love interest...gosh, I have no idea! I really thought he and Abigail were going to get together, but now I'm kind of thinking he'll remain single (sniff sniff!). The only other options are Molly and Florence right now, and I just don't see either of them working for Henry. *Maybe* Molly, but that just doesn't seem likely. And I can't imagine they would bring anyone else onto the show -- it's already feeling like a swollen cast. Unless a few people leave Hope Valley, I can't imagine another recurring character. I just get the sense either Bill or Henry (or both) are going to remain single for the show's duration, as much as I'd like to see both of them happily in a relationship.

    Mostly what I hope for with Henry is that, as you said, he gets his self-worth back. He was getting there, and then it all went to the dogs. Here's hoping Lucas is instrumental in getting him to see his worth and rebuild his role in the oil company!

    Great post! I enjoyed it very much :)

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it! Yes, I really hope Lucas and Henry can work everything out, and work together again. I honestly don't know what Henry will do if he can't work at the oil company.

      And I definitely agree. Henry was the one who was out of line. Lucas really tried to work things out and didn't want to take the oil company from Henry, but the man left him no choice.

      Concerning a love interest for Gowen, I agree with you. I'm pretty stumped. I really wanted him and Abigail together. You may be right that both Bill and Henry may remain single, at least for now. I'd like to hope AJ will come back for Bill, but I really don't know if she will right now.

      Thank you for reading and the comment! God Bless!

  2. Happy Friday, Hope!!

    Henry has always been one of my favorite characters on WCTH. I loved watching him go from the bad boy to being kind and a decent businessman.

    We saw glimpses of the old Henry in S7, and it was an interesting twist. Every show needs a dark character and Henry used to fill that place. We saw what looked to be a turnaround, and I believe Abigail was the reason for that. The man loved her for years, and I think that love finally turned him away from the dark side. Once she left, his story was left hanging a bit (I still believe she would have asked him to dance at the end of S6 had Lori not left the show).

    I don't know which direction they will go. Will they turn him back into the person he used to be? OR will we see a kinder, gentler man come out of the selling of his business to Lucas?

    I would love to see him find love, but I honestly can't see him with anyone except Abigail. I'm hoping the writers will explore that and change my mind.

    I also would love to see Henry and Lucas have a closer friendship. We will have to wait and see what happens next. As you said, in that picture Henry is there too. I can't wait to see what it's all about.

    One final thought, if they don't turn Henry dark again, who will fill that role? Something to think about.

    Thanks again for a great post! I missed you last week. :)

    1. I could not see Henry and Abigail.I always saw Abigail and Bill or Abibill as a couple.
      It seemed they were going with Henry and Nora in 3.
      I thought Henry and Nora.

    2. Happy Monday, Sue!

      Henry's story has been such a great roller coaster of a ride! It's really neat that he went from a villain to a man so many Hearties are cheering for.

      Abigail really was Henry's rock in a way, as she was always there to point him back in the right direction when he went off course. Plus she always kept believing in him when no one else would. (All of which just makes it even sadder that her and Henry will never be a couple.) But I'm totally with you in that I hope the writers change my mind, and find someone I like even more then Abigail for Henry.

      I don't know that Henry will do a complete turn around on us, but I do see him being quite "grumpy" to start off. Hopefully he'll get him oil company back in some sense whether him and Lucas go fifty-fifty with it, or something else. I just really want him and Lucas to work out their differences, and be able to work together again.

      And you make a very interesting point. If Henry isn't going to be the "villain" of Hope Valley anymore, will someone else come to fill that role? I'd honestly hope so, as it makes for great drama!

      Thank you so much for reading, the comment, and your wonderful support! I hope you had a wonderful weekend! God Bless!


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