How I Write Fan Fiction


    Hey Hearties! It's October 23rd, otherwise known as Friday! And it's time once again for another blog post!

    I've had the idea to write about this for awhile now, and that would be how my writing process works! Or more specifically how I write my fan fiction. Now before you ask, yes I plan on posting more fan fiction, and yes I plan on doing it before this year is over. I don't have an exact date for you, but please know that more chapters are coming! :)

    So for the writers reading this you may find this post very interesting, as being a writer myself, I'm always interested to hear how other writers do what they do. If you're not a writer, well, maybe you'll find this enjoyable anyway. Especially if you like my fan fiction! :)


    So I've had the idea for my current fan fiction story, Making Sure, since last year actually. I had even started to write some of it, but, since I had only seen Season 6, it was set after the dance in the finale. Well.... obviously I never posted anything that year, and the story sat untouched for awhile.

    Then I watched Season 7 and eventually decided that I would jump back into the world of fan fiction and give it another try. I took the same basic idea I'd already started on, and just re-vamped it to take place after "the hug" instead of the dance.

Warning! Some spoilers below!

    Now obviously the idea for this story is to have Lucas and Elizabeth end up together. (Shocker, right? Lol!) But if you know me, you'll know that I love me some drama, and so I decided to add the whole plot of the break-in, and all the craziness that comes with it. And also I decided to bring in sort of my own made up character, Jeanie Claremont. (Who's supposed to be Jeanette, Lucas' friend he tried to save from Amos.) I absolutely love the idea of Lucas not only having a sister, but a little sister at that. It would be just so adorable, and I really hope it happens in the show! (Please, please, please, WCTH writers!)

    Jeanie honestly tends to have a mind of her own when I'm writing. Lol! She'll just up and decided to do something I did not have planned. And obviously I decided not to go the route of putting Fiona with Nathan, as the idea of them as a couple just isn't my personal favorite. (But that's just me.) This is also the first story I have ever written that focuses on more than two characters, and I'm really glad as it's been a great learning experience as a writer.

    So, now we come to my "writing process." If we were to get all nitty-gritty into the "writing world" I would identify as a plantser. "What on earth is that!?!" you say? Basically it's a cross between being a plotter, and a pantser. (For any of you who are unfamiliar with those terms, let me explain.)

    Plotters plan everything, and outline their stories so they know a lot, if not everything that's going to happen.

    Pantsers don't like to outline and plan as much, and like to "wing it" so to speak. They write by the seat-of-their-pants (So comes the term "pantser.") sometimes believing that plotting spoils the surprise of discovering what happens next while they write.

    I'm nicely seated in the middle. I do start with an outline of sorts. I like to know what's basically going to happen in each chapter, and in what order. It provides a guideline for me, and helps me see from point A to B to C, etc.

    However, I only know so much of what is going to happen. More like the main bulletin points of the story. Anything after that is just my imagination, and sometimes things just happen that I hadn't planned would. (As I said, my character Jeanie likes to do this to me often. Lol!)


    I have an outline I created which looks something like this.... (Warning! Spoiler alert if you haven't read chapters 7, and 8 of my fan fiction!)



Lucas holds another movie night, and J plays matchmaker

L and E hold hands

N gets upset and doesn’t pay attention to J

N asks to walk E home

J tells L about the break in

N walks E home

N tells E that someone did break into her house

N asks E if she’s thought about his offer

E explains that she can’t go on a date with him

N says it doesn’t have to be a date

E gets locked out and finds L

L + E argue about “her story”

Nathan ponders the day’s events

    Now all my outlines don't always look like this, but this time I decided to go a little extra. I switch back and forth from blue to green to separate the different chapters out, and I even list what day everything takes place. (I could show you Saturday, but then I'd be spoiling my story. 😉)

    From there it's all writing, and brain work to make sure everything makes sense, all emotions have been explored, (Oh, there has been so many emotions to write!) and that the chapters aren't too long or too boring. But things don't always go how I'd originally planned them, and sometimes a new scene idea presents itself while I'm writing or I find that something doesn't work so I have to re-write, or even cut a scene to make the story flow better. (Like I had to for the current chapter I'm working on. 😢)

    When it comes to the actual writing....I can be a bit scattered. (Laughs nervously to self) I can start a chapter off right from the beginning, but pretty much every time I end up writing so much of it as just dialogue. Yes. I'll have an entire scene from beginning to end but it's mainly just dialogue. I don't even show who's saying what. (I'm not crazy, right?)

    But that's the real meat of the story for me personally, and I guess I just take more of an interest in writing that part. It also provides the frame work of the scene for me. Sort of the bones of it, if you know what I mean. Then all I'm left to do is fill in before and after the dialogue, and BOOM! The scene is done! (Yay!)

    After that I give it to my friend (Who loves WCTH, and reading) who acts as my editor/focus group. She reads it, leaves some notes saying what she thought about different things, and points out some spelling errors, or sentences I forgot to finish. (Yes, I do that...)

    I then go back over the whole chapter and edit it. (Yay....) I mark it up with a whole bunch of yellow highlights, (Ick!) and then I go back over fix the highlighted parts. Or leave them be if I deem it fit. Lol!

    And then comes one of the best parts! Putting the chapter into a blog post, and sharing it with you guys! (Woohoo!) Honestly sharing my fan fiction with you guys (And my editing friend!) is one of my favorite parts about writing this story! I mean, of course I love envisioning and creating scenes, but its been so fun to let you guys read them, and hear what you thought! (And you guys have been so wonderful with your support and feedback!💗)

    And there we have it! Shoof! Hopefully I didn't bore you guys by bringing out the "writing nerd" in me. :) Writing is just something I've been passionate about for so much of my life. I love creating stories, sharing them with others, and then hoping and praying that they enjoy them. Lol!

    Thank you guys so much for reading! If you're a writer feel free to tell me your writing process below! (Or tell me how crazy you think mine is! Lol!) Have an amazing weekend, and God Bless!

P.S. Stuck for a Christmas gift, for that Heartie friend? Feel free to stop by my shop, and find a fun WCTH inspired t-shirt, mug, hoodie, poster, and more! Click here to check it out!



  1. Yay! Always fun to read about other writers' process for getting a story down! I'm totally, 100% a "pantser" :D I hate planning out a story, and the only time I start outlining stuff is when I'm stuck on a particular plot line. It gets me going again, and more often than not the outline goes right out the window, lol. So great to see how you write :) And just keep at it - I know those chapters can be pesky, but they'll come! You got this!

    1. Thanks, girl! I really appreciate your support!

      And thanks for sharing your writing process too! It's always fun to hear how different writers creative processes work! God Bless!

  2. Bom, o que dizer de sua escrita? Simplesmente, Maravilhosa!!!! Eu e minhas amigas sempre olhamos seu blog e sua fanfic... A gente leu ela bem devagar para não acabar hahahhahahs ... Obrigada pelo texto e por favor continue escrevendo ❤️❤️❤️❤️

    1. Aww! Thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoy it! God Bless!

  3. So happy to read this as a fellow writer!

    For someone who was an A student in English class (a couple of years ago ;) ), I have never figured out how to do a proper outline. Hate to admit that out loud- or in writing. My mind just won't wrap around 1) a) etc. I mean, what do you put after them really??

    I digress.

    So, outlines don't work for me, obvs. I have written an unpublished novel and my process was somewhat different for it than for my fanfics. But similar.

    In my novel, I had a beginning. I also had a few scenes I knew I wanted to be in it and they were all written down. I wrote my first chapter and stopped for awhile, because I didn't have my ending yet. In my mind, I couldn't write any further until I had a clear path. It came to me suddenly, and then I could write easily. I found character development to be something I struggled with.

    That was a couple years ago, long before I ever thought of doing fanfiction. When season 7 of WCTH ended, I felt a bit lost as to how I would spend my free time during this pandemic quarantine. Raising three grandchildren doesn't leave a lot of free time, but I had to have something to keep my sanity. Enter fanfiction. If I'm being honest, until this year I had only glanced at fanfics, never truly interested in how others might stray from what writers set in stone. The triangle changed that for me.

    I wrote my first fanfic similarly to my novel, I had a clear beginning and ending and a few scenes written out, much like what you do. I just had to figure out where to place each scene I wanted to do. I wrote it thinking about how each character would do or say a certain thing, and from the reviews, I at least succeeded in that. I wrote it as I would love to see the show do it.

    I am now writing a second fanfic. It came to me suddenly. I didn't have a clear vision for it, and as I am writing chapter 6, I am still not sure how it will end. I do have a few scenes written to put in there somewhere. I decided to add a bit more suspense than in my first one, and I am loving how it is going.

    As for dialogue, that is something I originally struggled with. I am more of a 'just telling the story and throw a bit of dialogue in there somewhere' kind of writer. That is where I shine. But when I wrote my novel I really had to work on the dialogue part. Dialogue is the meat of the story. I feel I finally overcame my issues with it. My fanfics have a good mix of both.

    As for the editing, I don't have a friend to do that for me- lucky you! So, I do all of my own editing and proofreading. I'm sure it is wonderful to have someone to bounce it off of. :)

    I guess you and I are a bit alike, a little planning, a little seat of the pants. I'm sure its my ADD that causes me to be that way. I also find that characters have a mind of their own and sometimes I sit down with nothing in mind and then I start typing and it just flows. It is so fun when that happens.

    Well, I have written my own little chapter here, lol. Thank you so much for sharing your process. It helped me to realize that I am not so different from at least one other writer out there.

    Always enjoy your blog!! :)

    1. Thanks so much for sharing your writing process, Sue! And believe me my outlines are much more like lists in a way. No I) A) 1) stuff. (That just makes things complex, and puts me back in school. Lol!)

      We are alike in a way! Some outlining to help steer us, and then lots of writing with some discoveries along the way! It's fun when the characters just decide to up and do something all of a sudden that wasn't planned!

      And that's wonderful that you overcame the issues you had with dialogue! I have my own issues to work out in my writing, as I've been told before more then once that I needed to "show more" and "tell less." (Something I still think I need to work on. :)

      I've heard nothing but great things about your writing from Twitter so that's wonderful! Congrats on not only finishing your first fanfic but on starting your second! AND on actually writing an entire novel! Huge kudos on that!

      Thank you again for sharing your writing process! Have a fantastic weekend! God Bless!

  4. I wanted to add, one thing I love about fanfics is that you don't have to work on character development as it is done for you! Except for your own characters you may add in. That makes it a lot more fun to write. For me anyway. :)


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