Nathan & Lucas: Pros & Cons


 Photo Credit: Crown Media

    Alright now....this is quite a risky topic.😬

    Hey, hey, and hello Hearties! I hope you've been having a wonderful week so far! I'm back today with a post that could go well....or really bad.

    As if I need to tell you guys this, but the love triangle has been THE most talked about subject probably in WCTH history. It's been a source of fun and humor mixed with anxiety and stress. Everyone has their reasons why one guy is better than the other (Including me) but when it comes down to it both men have a mixture of virtues and flaws.

    In my personal opinion, both men are good guys. They are both handsome, kind, generous, and sweet. I also know both would love Elizabeth very much and would take good care of her. This is why Elizabeth has such a tough choice to make.

    So today I thought I would explore a couple of pros and cons for both men should Elizabeth pick them. Did you hear that, Team Nathan? Yes, I'm actually going to list some less then perfect things about Lucas. (Gasp! 😂)

    I'll be picking three pros and cons to explore for each guy and how they would relate to Elizabeth should she chose them.

    I'll start with Nathan first, and I've decided to list the cons first so I can end with the pros. :)

Nathan Grant


Mountie Issues

    So obviously this is at the top of the list. Now before you roll your eyes and scroll through, let me explain. Being a Mountie doesn't have to be a deal breaker, and honestly should Elizabeth pick him or not I don't want Nathan's job to be the reason for either choice. Being a Mountie is actually a pro and a con to me personally. (I'll explain later.)

    There are a few problems that come from Nathan's job. First is of course the danger he gets involved in, which poses the threat of him not coming home one day. (Something we all discovered with Jack. Sniff...) There is also the problem that his job can take him out of town, like we've seen when Nathan had to go to a trial, or escort a prisoner. Elizabeth then would be left alone with Allie and Little Jack. (Not that she couldn't handle it, but she'd miss him.)

   The final problem is by far the biggest, but doesn't have to be a deal breaker. It very obviously would have to be the fact that Elizabeth has already loved and lost a Mountie husband. Now she said so herself that if she could go back and relive her time with Jack, even knowing how it would end she would do it anyway. Therefore I believe that if she truly loves Nathan she would choose him. However nobody can deny the challenges both Nathan and Elizabeth would face due to her past with Jack.

    She would have to constantly face her fears of possibly losing Nathan, the stress being heightened by the fact that she did lose Jack. She knows what can happen to a Mountie, and has lived through and experienced the worry, stress, and pain that came with loving one.

    Now of course, like I said, this is not the reason I want Elizabeth to not pick or to pick Nathan. I want her to chose him because she truly loves the man in the red serge. Or I want her to not pick him because she just isn't in love with him, not because she's scared of losing another Mountie husband. I just can't look over the fact that Nathan is in fact a Mountie and there are going to be a lot of fears/worry/stress that come with that.



Communication Issues

    This runs a bit deeper as it's a personality thing, and not an occupation. And no I'm not just talking about the fact that Elizabeth makes him get tongue tied, as that's cute. (To a point, anyway.) I'm talking about the fact that Nathan is not the best when it comes to expressing his thoughts/emotions. He tends to keep everything bottled inside, and refuses to acknowledge that they're there. It sometimes takes a lot of poking and prodding before everything comes spilling to the surface.

    Now again, this doesn't have to be a deal-breaker. It's just apart of who Nathan is at the moment, and a flaw that needs to be worked through. However so much tension could be resolved if Nathan would learn to open up more, and express his feelings.

    For some things, I get that he wouldn't want to talk about or acknowledge that he feels a certain way. (Cough...Jealousy...cough) But I can just tell that this issue isn't just love related. He has a past that he wants to forget, yet still clings tightly to. And I can see that he just isn't comfortable sharing his feelings with anyone. He tends to wear his heart on his sleeve, yet refuse to talk about the emotions he is clearly showing everyone he has.

    This does not have to be why Elizabeth doesn't choose him, but it's just something that I believe Nathan needs to work on. So should Elizabeth pick him, that could cause some problems for them as a couple. (But it is totally fixable!)

Glass Half Empty Outlook

    The last con I'm going to mention is something Elizabeth called Nathan out on in Season 6. When it comes to how Nathan views the world, he tends to be very biased at times and prejudice.

    Now this is totally a reasonable thing for Nathan to be dealing with due to his past and his job as a Mountie. He's been through some really tough stuff, and probably seen a lot of criminals doing some terrible things. However when all this is combined it tends to make him very suspicious of others, and assume the worst of people sometimes.

    Obviously his treatment of Lucas is a prime example. Even before the whole love triangle kicked off, Nathan automatically assumed that Lucas was a cheating gambler like his father.

    Now I sort of tie this into the fact that Nathan hadn't really forgiven his father yet. At all. And so there may have been a combination of his bitterness toward his father's gambling, and the fact that it was his niece that had gotten into trouble that caused the outburst. However it's no excuse for his behavior.

    Anyway, Nathan just hasn't had the "sunniest" outlook on life since he came to Hope Valley. He made a fuss about crowds at Christmas, and tends to assume the worst at times. Again this isn't a deal-breaker, but it is something that I believe Elizabeth and Nathan would have to work through together. But then again, who better than Elizabeth to help him, right?

    The thing is that I know Nathan has so much more to give. I believe he really just needs to open up, let his wounds be healed, and have his new life in Hope Valley just bring him alive. I want to see that big, sweet smile shine, and that fun sense of humor come out.


    Alright, Team Nathan, you can put your pitchforks away, as I'm done dissing your man. I'm now going to look at Nathan's pros. (Yes, I can admit that he has those. Lol!) Despite the fact that I am not rooting for him to be with Elizabeth, Nathan does have some good qualities. Qualities that Elizabeth would really appreciate.

He's a Mountie

    So, here’s the explanation I promised you. As I said before I’m listing the fact that Nathan is a Mountie as both a good and bad thing, especially when it comes to Elizabeth. There are some good things that come with Nathan’s occupation that earn him some Brownie points here.

      1. You gotta love that red serge. (And obviously Elizabeth likes a man in uniform.)

      2. It's a profession that they both understand. Due to Elizabeth’s past relationship with Jack she is very much familiar with a Mounties’ duty and the calling they feel to protect the people around them and the country they live in.

    Elizabeth summed it up well when she asked for Nathan’s help with Robert. She now understands being a Mountie is about wanting to make the world a better place. What could be wrong with that? And that’s a very good point indeed.

     3. It shows us Nathan’s heart and character. Now obviously Nathan’s past ties into his choice of profession. He didn’t want to be like his father, and maybe even wanted to protect others from gamblers like his father was. But I can also see that Nathan, just like Jack, feels that being a Mountie is his life calling. He loves what he does, and wants to protect the innocent, and put the bad guys behind bars. That is a very honorable, and respectable thing.

     4. Nathan can protect his family. Now before Team Lucas starts chewing me out, I am not saying that Lucas could not or would not protect Elizabeth and Little Jack. In fact I believe he 100% would, even if it cost him his life. But I’m not talking about Lucas right now. :)

    I think even Team Lucas can admit that the fact that Nathan is a Mountie comes with the added bonus of knowing how to kick peoples’ butts better than other people do. (Again, not saying Lucas is better or worse at this.) Nathan is a trained professional in catching the bad guys, which includes knowing how to protect innocent people who get in harm’s way. So this is just an added point for Nathan. It doesn’t have to serve as the reason Elizabeth should pick him. It’s just another pro. 


Experience With Children

    Now I am not going to pretend that I am a fan of the whole “blended family” idea. Nor am I saying this is the reason Elizabeth should pick Nathan. In fact that is one of my least favorite reasons out there. However, putting ourselves in Elizabeth shoes, the fact that Nathan has experience in raising a child can’t be overlooked here. Elizabeth has a son, and so having someone who wants children is a HUGE requirement. The fact that Nathan was willing to raise his niece speaks volumes about his character, and earns him some major points. (In my book anyway.)

    And since he’s been raising Allie since she was four, he has quite a bit of experience as well. Now of course he didn’t raise Allie from infancy, so taking on the responsibility of caring for a two year old little boy is a bit different. But no doubt he would have the same determination to give Little Jack the best life he could, just as he has for Allie. I believe he would love LJ as his own son, and do all he can to be the best father he could to him.


 Qualities He Can Offer Elizabeth

    The last thing I’m going to talk about is sort of all his good qualities sandwiched into one. It has been said that Lucas makes Elizabeth a better person while Elizabeth makes Nathan a better person. I do have to agree with that, as it would seem that while Lucas challenges Elizabeth and pushes her out of her comfort zone, I think Elizabeth does the same for Nathan.

    However, with that being said, Nathan has some great qualities to offer Elizabeth. He's strong, and determined, yet shy and quiet. He's obviously smart, and is very good at working with his hands. (Okay, and he's good looking...😉)

    Nathan is a sweet guy, and while he can be shy, and awkward sometimes, he has a good heart, and lots of love to give. And that is one wonderful quality to possess! (Yes, I just said that, and no I have not switched sides. Lol!)


Lucas Bouchard



    So let's move onto Lucas Bouchard. Now it was not easy for me to find three cons (Being biased as I am) and it was actually nerve-racking to try and write about them, knowing that I have a bunch of Team Lucas readers. But nobody is perfect, and I'm glad, as it would be really boring to watch a flawless character. Feel completely free to disagree with me on any of these points. Again I'll start with the cons so we can end with the good stuff! :)


His mysterious past

    I think every Team Lucas fan can admit that we know very little about Lucas' past. What was his childhood like? What kind of relationship does he have with his parents? Why did he have such a hard time making friends? Why did he never fit in? What did he do before buying the saloon? How did he know his friend Jeanette who he saved from the fire?

    You get the picture. Now this totally isn't a reason for Elizabeth to dump Lucas at all. In fact it makes Lucas' character more intriguing. However as we saw when Amos came to town, we have no idea what may arise from Lucas' past next. It could be something huge and crazy like he was jilted by a woman he thought he loved, or his father hasn't spoken to him ever since he left the family business. Or it could be something on a more personal scale like he always felt like people wouldn't like him for himself, so he always felt like he had to amaze people to earn their friendship. 

    There is just so much we don't know about Lucas still, and what it could mean for Elizabeth should she choose him. Now again this absolutely doesn't mean she shouldn't. It's just something to consider. (I honestly think it makes him more exciting, but that's just my opinion. :)

He's a Risk Taker

    Feel free to disagree with me on this one, but you have to admit that Lucas has taken a couple risks or "gambles" since he's come to Hope Valley. 

    Lucas very much is a spontaneous guy, and I like that about him. He likes to jump in, and take a risk sometimes, being bold in his decisions. Like when he agreed to invest in Henry's oil venture, barely knowing the man, and knowing there was only a 40% chance of striking oil. He was also bold when he decided to play poker with Amos, knowing what kind of man he was, to try and help his friend. And of course he very much took a risk when he agreed to buy full ownership of the oil company, knowing next to nothing about how to run it.

    All but one of these things was done out of good intentions to make someone happy and to help people out. (Him investing was more of a gamble for himself.) Now before you start telling me how terribly wrong I am about this being a con, I am not saying that Lucas is some compulsive gambler. He's actually a mature and smart man, with morals who wants to be a totally honest business man and friend. It's just that sometimes he'll make a bold and more riskier move, not knowing how it will turn out.

    This in turn, if we relate it to Elizabeth, could potentially cause some tension between them. In fact it already has to an extent as he took a major risk and sent Elizabeth's chapters to his mother without asking. This in turn caused Elizabeth to have some doubts as to whether she could trust him.

    Now this of course is just one of those things they would have to work through as a couple. I honestly really like the fact that Lucas can be so spontaneous and unpredictable, and I even like the idea of him and Elizabeth working through any issues that may come from that. As I said before, no one is perfect, and I really like that, in this aspect, Lucas is not.

Inexperienced with Children

    Alright, I have to be honest here. I really couldn't think of a better con to put here, and so I went with my fall-back answer. The thing is these pros and cons need to not only be legit, but also need to relate to Elizabeth. Just like I can't start listing off all these reasons I like Lucas or don't like Nathan, I want these reasons to be, well, reasonable.

    And so with all that being said, it is just the truth when I say that Lucas falls behind when it comes to experience with raising a child. I really don't know how much knowledge he has unless this guy has a past being around lots of younger cousins or playing with the children where he used to live. For this post lets just assume he doesn't.

    Now before you Team Lucas fans sentence me to hang, please know that I am not at all counting this as a reason Elizabeth should not choose Lucas. In fact I think his inexperience with kids could make for some great stories this season and into seasons beyond. It sounds fun to watch Lucas figure out how to be a dad, having these cute little adventures with Little Jack.

    However, if we take both Lucas and Nathan into account, Nathan does come out ahead in this category. (I'm sorry, Team Lucas! Please have mercy!)


    Alright now! Onto the good stuff! Now obviously I could go on and on listing all the wonderful qualities Lucas possesses. Lol! But for this post I'm going to focus a little more on the pros that relate to Elizabeth.

Similar Pasts/Interests

    I believe I've talked about this before, but Lucas and Elizabeth seem to have a similar story. Both obviously have come from families who are well-off, both have traveled, and both of them have decided to make Hope Valley their home.

    Lucas telling Elizabeth that the reason he came to Hope Valley was to settle down and raise a family is a big thumbs up for Elizabeth, as she can rest assure that her and Lucas have the same goals in life. They both appreciate a fancy night out, but when it comes down to it, they both agree that Hope Valley is the perfect place to live and raise a family.

    The fact that Lucas was so open about this really earns him points. He laid it all out for Elizabeth. He wants to live in Hope Valley, he wants a family, (I'll get to that in just a moment) and he's looking for his soulmate. Not a summer fling, or some pretty girl to hang on his arm, but the woman he's meant to be with and he'll spend the rest of his life with. (Aww!)

    Another thing is that they share similar interests. Literature, providing better education by giving the town a library, and a love of family. All these things they both wholeheartedly agree on. And while they don't have to agree on everything to be a perfect match, being able to connect over the things that matter most to them is important.



He Wants a Family

    This sort of ties in with the previous pro, but the fact that Lucas has clearly stated he wants a family is yet another big point earned in his favor. This is perhaps one of the biggest pros as Elizabeth does not have just herself to consider when it comes to finding a husband. She already has a son, and he has to come before herself. So for Lucas to tell her that his intentions when coming to Hope Valley were to settle down AND start a family, that should cause a big green light to go off for Elizabeth.

    This also speaks to Lucas' character, as wanting a family obviously means he likes kids. (A HUGE requirement for Elizabeth.)

    The thing that sticks out to me is just Lucas' attitude on family in general. From the little comments we've gotten about his childhood and past, family seems to be something that he not only wants, but treasures. He loved Christmastime not just for the gifts, or the amazing places he got to see, but because it brought him and his parents together. Apparently his parents worked a lot and that didn't allow for a lot of family time, something Lucas seemingly wishes he could have had more of.

    He also claims he was a bit of a loner as a child, and so combined with the previous facts we now have a man who truly knows the value of family, and wants to have one of his own. This is so perfect for Elizabeth in a few ways.

    Obviously, first is the fact that she already has a child, and she could never be with a man who didn't want a family. However the second fact goes a bit deeper. I have already touched on this topic, but Elizabeth has already been through so much in her life. Her greatest dream was marrying the love of her life, and raising a family in Hope Valley with him. Then....that didn't happen.

    But now we have Lucas, someone who not only values living in Hope Valley, but wants to be a part of a loving family and have children of his own. All these things go very far when it comes to finding the perfect man for Elizabeth.



He Makes Elizabeth's Dreams His Own 

    The last pro I'm going to list is perhaps one of the sweetest. When it comes to Elizabeth, Lucas has pretty much proven that he would move Heaven and earth for her. In fact, Season 6-7's showrunner, Alfonso Moreno, actually used those exact words on Lucas himself. He states in this article from ET...

Grand gestures are important when they come from the heart – and this one (The floating lanterns) from Lucas definitely did, which Elizabeth appreciates. Of course, “the end” hasn’t been written, but I will say that whenever someone shows another person that, they will move heaven and earth to make them happy, it leaves a good impression.

Here's the link if you care to read the article for yourself.

    Amen, Alfonso! Lol! Anyhow, Lucas has shown us that Elizabeth's dreams matter to him. The most obvious example would of course be her writing. Upon learning that Elizabeth once attempted to be published, and that her dream is to be a writer, he not only inspired her to pursue her dream, but was there every step of the way. And he didn't stop at just supporting and encouraging her, but went the extra mile. He read her chapters and gave feedback, he sent them to his mother (Which he shouldn't have, but we know it was with the best of intentions) and even made the smallest of gestures in bringing her a snack while she was writing. (Which is still the sweetest thing, even though the scene was literally mere seconds long.😍) And of course he was there when Elizabeth's dream came true, and she finally got the publishing deal she'd been dreaming of.

    And the thing is, Lucas was just as excited as she was. He, in a way, made Elizabeth's dream his own and was there the whole way through. This is something that matters when it comes to Elizabeth choosing a man to share the rest of her life with.

    Sure he doesn't have to like everything she likes, and share all of her interests. (Even though the fact that they do have common interests is an added bonus.) But it's important that whoever Elizabeth chooses supports her. He needs to be someone she can lean on, and trust. Someone who encourages her, and cheers her on, and Lucas has done all those things, and even more.

    (Please know Team Nathan that I am not saying that Nathan doesn't support her dream of being a writer, and wouldn't do the things I just listed. But I'm talking about Lucas here.)

    Well, Hearties, there you have it. Just a few pros and cons for both contenders who are fighting for Hope Valley's lovely school teacher's heart. (This turned out to be quite the long blog post, didn't it? Lol!) By now this whole triangle has been chewed up and spat multiple times, and has been analyzed to death. But despite the fact that the season ended back in Spring, it is still the most talked about topic for WCTH right now. And honestly it's one of my favorites to talk about. Still. Lol!

    I hope you enjoyed today's post, even if you didn't agree with everything. Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments below or even a few pros and cons of your own! (But pretty please be polite and respectful. :) Thank you so much for reading! God Bless!

    P.S. Feel free to stop by and find some fun and unique WCTH inspired merch for yourself or a Heartie friend!



  1. Talking about this triangle is what has gotten me through this stupid pandemic! I'm sure I'm not the only one that has need something to focus on to keep my sanity- WCTH was it for me.

    As I have said before, I don't dislike Nathan. I like his character in every scene he does- except for the ones with Elizabeth. They seem strained when they converse most of the time. Their conversation doesn't flow like it does with she and Lucas. Nathan and Allie's relationship is so sweet, and I enjoy watching them. But, it's obvious Elizabeth isn't the one for him.

    I could talk all day about how wonderful I think Lucas is, but I won't. The writers have written him with mostly non-existent flaws- so far. I think we will see more of his past next season. I can't wait to meet his parents if they decide to bring them to town. I think this may be the best season yet. (if we get a LucaBeth endgame that is)

    Thank you once again. I really do appreciate your writing. Looking forward to a new chapter on your story when it's ready- no rush!


    1. Thank you so much, Sue! I was kind of nervous posting this one. Lol!

      Nathan really is a well developed character. He's got depth, and emotions, and I love the whole idea of a Mountie raising his niece! Yet when it comes to him and could say I'm not the biggest fan. :D

      Elizabeth and Lucas just click, you know? They can talk about anything with ease, and are just really cute together! Elizabeth and Nathan tend to be really awkward around each other, which doesn't have to be a bad thing at first for a couple. However they still are, and we've yet to have the same level of intimate scenes that L&E have had. And it's been two seasons.

      I so can't wait for Season 8! It really could be one of the best seasons yet!

      Thank you so so much for your amazing support! (I actually got some writing done on my fanfic today! ;) God Bless!

  2. media breaks mean I lose track of the blogs I read. Sorry for the late response!

    Loved your post! It's so true that both men possess legitimate pros and cons, and I love that you laid them all out. And your little side comments always make me laugh!

    One of the things I love about Nathan is how flawed he is. That was something I felt was lacking with Jack. He put his foot in his mouth sometimes, but he wasn't really flawed. Nathan is, but he's working through it, and I'll admit that's part of why I was so intrigued with him from the get go. He's multifaceted. That and he's a fellow introvert...I feel compelled to root for him 😂 And he's the kind of guy I would fall for in real life...yeah, everything was stacked in his favor from the beginning (for me).

    Obviously I'm completely in Nathan's camp, but I really do love Lucas. I was watching some WCTH clips recently, and he is so adorable in the scene where he's telling Allie he knows what dowels are...and then basically asks for her help with that charming little smile of his. So cute! I truly want to see him happy and see him get a good story. I'll stop now before I say who I want to see that story happen with 🤐😉

    Thanks for a great post! Happy Friday!

    1. Oh, I had no idea you want him with Fiona....I mean...someone else then Elizabeth. Lol! And no worries about the late response! (Actually my response is kind of late too.)

      You make a good point. Jack was a pretty perfect guy, other then his jealousy of Billy. (Which was pretty funny if you ask me. :D ) A friend of mine thinks that Jack's flaw was that he believes he has to sort of be the hero of the world in a sense. That he always felt he had to do everything himself, and help everyone.

      And yes, the fact that Nathan isn't perfect actually makes him a better and deeper character. I mean, what fun would it be to watch both these guys be perfect all the time?

      Thank you so much for the comment! I hope you had a great weekend! God Bless!

  3. I loved their pros and cons, mainly, because we can see that these two guys are imperfect. Ufa! So they become more real. I'm Team Lucas.
    Nathan is not my favorite, and I confess I have a certain implication with him (lol). I see that those who like and root for him have justifiable and noble reasons for that. He has flaws and qualities and I agree with you in his statements. I would add a defect that is very big for me, he is jealous. It's a trait that I don't really like in a relationship. Jealousy arrests, suffocates, is lack of confidence and desire for possession. Some say "oh how cute, it is because he loves her", but for me there is nothing beautiful, jealousy undermines you, your joy, your life and your dreams. The first thing that someone who loves you must do is give them freedom, without putting a weight on his shoulder.
    The cons, which you mentioned to Lucas, what most intrigues me and what I really would like to know, is about some of its mysteries, (like you, this contra excites me too ... lol), what is behind the words that Lucas quoted “don't fit anywhere”, “having trouble making friends” to me these words were loaded with pain, although he seems like a totally positive person.

    Lucas and Elizabeth have great communication and love is born from communication, from dialogue. They can talk for hours openly and Elizabeth would already have all the answers, if she had asked the right questions . Maybe he really has nothing to hide, he just wasn't asked . lol

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I don’t know if you’re still active on this website, but I hope so!

    I absolutely hate that they broke Lucas and Elizabeth up. They were ADORABLE and perfect together. I think it’s dumb that she is going back to her feelings for Nathan when she already moved on from him. I think she has more chemistry with Lucas too.

    Also, their engagement was adorable! Lucas loved Jack Jr. and treats him like his own. They’re buddies!

    Do you think there’s a chance at all that Lucas and Elizabeth will get back together? Is that even plausible?


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