What Are They Doing in Season 7? And a GIVEAWAY!!!

       EEeeeeek! So much good news happening at once! When Calls the Heart Season 7 has begun filming, and the owner of Edify Films, Elliott Wallach, has graciously given me an item from his store to giveaway to one lucky person!!! Give the man a hand! What item has he bestowed to my giveaway? Well, you will get find that out later. For now let's focus on the subject at hand.

        I'm SO super duper excited for this season. More so than before, (If you can't already tell) and it's all due to the drawn out "love triangle" between Elizabeth and her two handsome suitors! This is the #1 story line that I want to see, as I'm sure most everybody else does. I'm also looking forward to seeing how big Jack Jr. has gotten and all the adorableness that will come with him!

       Now I'm more strict with how much I like to see before a show comes out. Especially when it comes to seeing trailers and such. Hallmark gives away TOO much stuff for my taste. But lately whether I stumbled upon it, or my curiosity got the best of me, I have found some behind the scenes pictures, and seen a few tid bits that are exciting!

      (If you want to be completely surprised and not SPOIL anything for Season 7, please stop reading now! You can find the giveaway pinned at the top of my Twitter if you'd like to participate!)


       So, according to this video I found on WCTH's Instagram, the garland on the church rails seems to indicate that they're currently filming the Christmas Special! This is exciting! I'm really looking forward to seeing Lucas' first Christmas in Hope Valley, and especially how things are between him and Elizabeth after that dance.
       I'm also hoping for a Christmas wedding for Jesse and Clara! We've never had one before, and it could be really pretty! Not to mention the fact that we wont have to wait till the middle or the end of the season to see it. They can marry at Christmas, and then return from their honeymoon once the season starts in February. (Perfect!)

       Now, I've seen enough to know that there is most likely going to be some kind of gathering going on! Paul Greene posted this in his Instagram story!

     What is this? Now at first I was thinking that it's very possibly a wedding, but then I saw that Clara is sitting in one of the chairs! (She's all the way on the right!) AND THEN upon further inspection I saw that there is a man standing behind everyone wearing a contraption that appears to be for serving refreshments! (You have to look very close!)

       What does this mean? Well, let's combine this with some other pictures. 

       First we have these lovely children who look dressed up to go somewhere.

       Then we have Elizabeth, who also appears to be dressed up for something, standing in the saloon. (Side Note: I compared the dress she's wearing to the one from the finale in Season 6 and I don't believe that they are the same. If it is then ignore this picture. :)

       Then finally we have this picture of Elizabeth and Rosemary. Now Rosemary is definitely dressed up for something! Putting it all together I can surmise one thing... They are going to have a show of some kind! Maybe Lucas will take Rosemary up on her offer and she will finally get to do a play!

       Now this is all pure speculation. I may be dead wrong about everything, but it's still very interesting!


Two Faiths?

       Another thing that I saw on social media is this picture of Carson, Faith, and a mysterious woman in the back dressed exactly like Faith. 

       Well, actually it's not so mysterious at all. My thought is that she's a double for Andrea Brooks due to her baby bump. They can film the top of Faith for the scenes with her face, and film the other woman when they show her hands while she's helping Carson. That would work well, and most people probably wont be able to tell a difference.

Less Spoilers

       Now before I get to the giveaway, I'd just like to let you know that I'm going to "attempt" to steer clear of big spoilers from now on. This is for myself because I LOVE this show, and I really want to be surprised. I'm not saying that I wont ever post about news for the show, or that I'm going on a social media hiatus. I'm just going to try and be more vigilant, and keep myself from spoiling everything. Now, I'm not perfect, and my curiosity may get the better of me, but I am going to try, and not see so many behind the scenes pictures. I hope you can respect this! 
      Now onto the good stuff!


       Mr. Wallach has agreed to sponsor me to do a give away for...(Drumroll) one of the brand new When Calls the Heart Soundtrack Cds! This is a great product idea and one that many Hearties (Including myself) would love to have! (Phooey I can't enter my own contest. :(

       But you can!

Rules To Enter

       I'm running this giveaway starting today and ending on Sunday at midnight! Any entries after Sunday will not be accepted!!! 
       All you have to do to enter is comment below on this post or on my Tweet for the giveaway (It will be pinned at the top of my Twitter) and tell me your favorite When Calls the Heart moment and use, #WCTHGiveaway. Then on Wednesday's post I'll announce the winner! 

       Now the soundtrack is only in the pre-order stage on Edify Films' shop, so it will be shipped to the winner once it's released.

       I'll be using a name randomizer to pick the winner!

      I will then contact the winner and ask for your name and address so your CD can be sent once the soundtrack releases!

      Thank you so much for reading and thank you Mr. Wallach for supplying this lovely item! Feel free to comment below or on my Twitter page! God Bless!



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