Episode Review: A Vote of Confidence

       And I'm back with yet another review for the next episode in line. After this I only have one more episode before I've done the entire season! I know I haven't done the best job of keeping them in order, but oh well. We still got there!

     This is Lucas' second episode, Fiona's third, and sadly, Abigail's last. All though, FUN FACT, after the hiatus Amazon accidentally put out the original version of "Heart of a Mountie" and so for me it wasn't her last. While it was confusing, it was still cool!

       Now without further ado, onto the review! (See what I did there?)

WARNING!!! SPOILERS BELOW!!!----------------------------------------------------------------------------





Jack's Legacy

       Despite the fact that Jack is no longer in WCTH, his memory will forever live on in Hope Valley. Elizabeth will always share stories with her son of his bravery and honor, and he will always be remembered by the towns people as the man who served and protected their community.
       Hallmark has respected the Hearties in the sense of keeping Jack's legacy alive through the comments and stories the characters tell. After all, he was the main male in this story for five years, and still to this day he is greatly missed by many. (WCTH characters and Hearties alike.)
       They also have respected the fans by not rushing Elizabeth onto a date with the first eligible man to arrive. They're taking their time, realizing Elizabeth is still a grieving widow, and that fans may not be ready just yet.
       (I personally am, but that wasn't until after missing him for more than half a year, and praying most nights that he would come back. What? You didn't?)


"Watch the Hours"

       I don't know...Lucas and those clever words. Despite his deceptiveness, I do have to give him some applause. He very tactfully gave Abigail a satisfying answer without having to close his business early. But again, he was still very deceitful with his choice of words.
Lucas seems to have a pretty good knack of knowing the right words to say. (Except when he talks to Elizabeth!) He never loses his cool, and takes all the arrows that are slung at him, all the while maintaining his composure. It definitely hints that he's used to these sort of comments and keeping his life a secret. The biggest question is why?

       As for the whole saloon debate, I'm sort of torn on the subject. Like Lucas said, there's no law against keeping his business open and he's doing very well with it. If he closes early, that's money he's lost and enjoyment gone for the people who go there. Yet, it's being a bit disrespectful to the other citizens who are trying to get a good night's sleep so they can work hard the next day.
       If I was in either ones shoes I'd be unhappy, and a compromise is definitely a must here.


Timmy Stands Up for Himself

       Good going Timmy! The way Cody and Robert treated him was really unfair. Having to make the waves and then losing his spyglass from his grandfather. Now friends can make mistakes and sometimes we just don't pay attention to those around us like we should, but it doesn't make it right.  Timmy did the right thing in standing up for himself and in the end it paid off when the entire school came to help him find the spyglass.


Calling The Gambler's Bluff

 Image Credit: Parade Magazine

       Henry spoke the truth when he told Lucas that Abigail has a tendency to get her way, and this time was no exception. She fought for her people to find a way for everyone to be happy. Lucas actually dug his own grave by saying that there was no law against the saloon staying open late. The after Elizabeth encouraged Abigail to call his bluff, those wheels started turning and before Lucas realized it, BOOM! Town meeting!

       Now, Lucas isn't one to back down from a challenge and he didn't! He hammered his sign right over hers, leaving a clear statement that he wasn't about to let her win. He even used the "No exceptions" at the bottom of her sign with his. (Clever Bouchard!)
       Now in this situation a compromise was truly needed. There was no way to make everyone happy by picking one side. Abigail did well, and even though Lucas didn't get  his "three nights" to stay open late, he learned something that day. He saw, in person, how Hope Valley treats it's citizens. They help one another, and they truly care for each other. It seems like he's never had that before and it was very different for him to be cared for by others. (Again, there's that mystery...)


Playing Dead

       Classic Rosemary! It's true Carson hasn't always taken the best approach to pursuing a relationship with Faith, then again neither has Faith with Carson. But that ended in this episode!
       Leading up to the "big finale," AKA the kiss, we've had a bit of a bumpy road with these two. We saw Team Coulter mentoring the potential couple like they do so well. (Well, Lee does it well. Rosemary tends to inflict fear while trying to be helpful.) And poor Mike! He was the Oreo cream sandwiched in between Faith and Carson as they creatively danced around the subject.
       But eventually Carson manned up and told Faith his true feelings. Now if only Rosemary had bit her tongue. Faith was just too scared of their relationship failing and their friendship being ruined forever. And she has good reason to be scared. She's already had one relationship fall apart with her ex-fiance Peter. She doesn't want to go through that again, especially not with a guy as great as Carson.
       But Carson didn't give up! He tried to fight for her by going on a "house call," but little did he realize that Faith had decided to fight for them too! And then the moment we'd all been waiting for happened! The kiss! It may not have been a slow gentle one like Jack and Elizabeth, but let's be honest. We've been waiting, they've been waiting, so....yeah. It was a bit over due. ;)


Meeting a Special Friend

       Once again, we see Jack's legacy lives on. It's a very touching and moving thought to envision Jack's son one day riding his horse. Jack's faithful steed who has never failed him. Sargent was there during the Toliver Gang, the Northern Territories, and even Jack's death.
       Now, through the precious gift of his mother, Jack Jr. will have a living memento of the father he never got to meet. He'll get to sit on the same horse that his daddy did, and imagine all the brave and wonderful things Jack did for the people he loved. It's a beautiful present and one of the best ways to feel close to his dad.

A Great Father 

       It's more than exhaustion that's got Rosemary down, and it's very sad. It may not have been said in so many words, but we all know what's on her mind. It has been around three years since the Coulters became the Coulters, and all the while Rosemary has never had a child. I have no idea of the pain and struggle she's having, especially as she watches her husband enjoy playing with Baby Jack.
       But the love they have for each other is undeniable and together they will figure this out. I'm looking forward to seeing how this plays out!
Side Note: How can you not tell chicken apart from pork? :)


Getting Justice (Bill's Way)

       And Bill is at it again! Bringing the world justice one fist at a time. It may be unconventional, and one day may get him thrown in jail, but hey! It worked didn't it? And I have no idea how else he would have been able to bring those horrible men to justice! Although the judge may go and find a nice piece of country to retire on after that "meeting."
       This case probably had a more personal sting to it because these were the men Jack worked so hard to catch. Now they're out and able to do even more harm.
       Now the man who helped Bill catch them had quite the entrance. Jerry came out with his gun and temper blazing.Of course he had his reasons. Him and Bill hadn't ended on the best of terms during their last case together, and he thought it was his fault that a murderer got away. But thanks to him Bill was able to catch those nasty guys and bring them back to justice. Again.


A Very Nice Trunk

       Once again, I'm left with a bucket full of questions and no one to give me answers.What was in that trunk? At least Lucas didn't lie and say he hadn't been in San Fransisco. He just simply didn't respond to Fiona's question.
       That, however, does not help make his identity as the man of mystery any weaker. It does the complete opposite.
       Will I ever get my answers? (Violins play in the background.) Will I ever truly know who the real Lucas Bouchard is? Oh tell me Lucas! Are you in trouble? Has someone hurt you? Were you neglected as a child? Please ease my weary heart and tell me! -End of dramatization  

       In conclusion, justice prevails! Whether it's the jailing of two murderers, or the stopping of a "provocative" saloon piano. 😂

       Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to leave a comment down below or on my Twitter page! God Bless!


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