Movie Review: A Summer Romance

       This Saturday was the long awaited premiere date of the lovely Erin Krakow's latest summer movie. I had the pleasure of watching it live that night and enjoyed it! It was funny, romantic, and actually reminded me of some scenes from WCTH!

       Me and a fellow WCTH blogger, Kami Clements, have both decided to review this long awaited movie, so be sure to keep an eye out for hers too! Here's the link to her blog! Hooked Heartie


       First off we have Erin Krakow's character Samantha Walker, but you can call her Sam. Sam is definitely a cowgirl. She's a determined, hardworking girl who's not afraid to get down and dirty to get the job done. She's got this sort of spunky, wont take no nonsense thing when it comes to Richard, yet she has a big heart for others. She cares for the people around her and they take care of her.

       Next we have Richard Belmont or JR. (AKA Just Richard.) For me, as much as it may make some Hearties gasp, he stole the show for me. He kind of broke the city slicker mold. He wasn't disgusted with the outdoors or getting his hands dirty. On the contrary, he embraced it all and loved it. He was so laid back, and fun, yet still was a business man. It was refreshing to watch.
       One of my favorite things was the fun boyish ways he would have at times. Like when they were at the carnival. He was like a kid in a candy shop. He was all excited to get some cotton candy and then his sugar rush on the Farris Wheel! LOL! So funny! And then later when he asked if they had a chocolate cow, because he likes chocolate milk. I just truly enjoy his fun easy going character and was my favorite in this movie!

       And of course I can't forget to mention Ava Grace Cooper's character, Annie! Cute as always, it was neat to have her and Erin in a movie together. One of my favorite lines of hers was when she asked her Mom, "Who are my people?" Lol!



       I can understand why Sam didn't want to sell the ranch. What a place! It would be wonderful just to spend a day there let alone live there! The house itself looks like a million bucks, plus is surrounded by God's Creation. Forests, mountain views, and of course it has a friendly small town to boot. Now if the fireflies really exist there, they would be the icing on the cake.

       The Carnival was actually better then other fairs and festivals I've seen in Hallmark movies because they had some talented people there. The juggler was amazing and the girl on the spinning hoop was neat to watch as well. And Sam and JR actually went on a ride!



        The story itself was nothing new.
       The ranch is in financial trouble, a city slicker comes to buy it and turn it into a resort, falls in love with the place, (and the ranch owner) and eventually helps save the place, and stays in the country.
       This is a story I have seen more than once, yet I still enjoyed it. The characters helped to set it apart from the others and the ranch was a nice place to imagine yourself being at.

       That being said, as per usual, there were many almost kiss moments yet we still had to wait till the end of the movie for the "grand finale". Now, from a writer's perspective I understand why this is done. It builds romantic tension, and makes the kiss at the end all the more anticipated.
       For me I'm not a huge fan of this move, unless it's done right. I'd prefer there to be one almost kiss moment and then an actual kiss more towards the middle or 3/4th into the movie. If this doesn't happen then I want the end kiss to be amazing and for it to be more than "they kiss for five seconds and the camera pans to the sky." I like a little extra story afterward followed by another kiss. It leaves me with a more satisfied ending and...yeah another kiss. (Yes! I know I'm a hopeless romantic!) It's just nicer that way after waiting through the whole two hours for this moment. 
       You guys know what I mean, right? Right?

       With ALL of that being said, there were plenty of romantic moments and lots of fun to be had in this movie, and even some WCTH vibes going on! More on that later!



       I have never seen Erin Krakow and Ryan Paevey paired together in any form so this was a new experience for me. It's always interesting to see a character from WCTH paired with someone else, and to our pleasure, they worked well together.
       Sam put JR through the paces and he proved to her that he had more to him than your average city slicker. They both have a soft, sweetness to them, yet are able to hold their own. JR was so sweet and easy going, which helped Sam, who's been through a lot in her life, open up past her tough cowgirl exterior. And Sam helped show JR who he really wanted to be, and pushed him to do things he may never have thought he would. She help him discover himself and his true calling.


WCTH Vibes

       This may not have been a WCTH episode, but there were definitely more than one moment that reminded me of one!

       First off we have the bean bag toss at the Carnival. If that didn't totally remind you of Elizabeth and Lucas at the ring toss, then I don't know what to say! It was SO similar! JR scoring every toss and Sam gasping at his skill. And then on top of that he won her a plush animal! Ring any bells?

       Then we have the infamous wood chopping scene. You just gotta have one of those right? And just like with Jack and Elizabeth, Sam couldn't help staring as JR used his strength to sever those chunks of wood in half! (Only this time she didn't have some paper to cool herself down with!)

       And then last of all we have when JR offered his hand to Sam and asked her to dance. Take a walk with me anyone? (Oh, Jack...)

       In the end, it was not my all time favorite Hallmark movie, but I did enjoy it. I laughed through JR's humor, waited though every interruption for that kiss, and found myself wishing I could ride a horse!
       Thanks so much for reading! Don't forget to keep an eye out for Hooked Heartie's review on her blog! Feel free to drop a comment below or on my Twitter page! God Bless!


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