One Week Until When Hope Calls!!!

       Where did the time go? In 7 days we will get the excitement and fun of another period series and it's looking pretty great! This will be a shorter post this Friday. I still have that project to work on and I'm hoping to have done soon and be able to share it with you all!

       I just thought I'd put out a quick post listing some of the things I hope to see in When Hope Calls!

1. WCTH Season 1 vibes. This is the thing that's got me so excited for the show. The clothes, the look, the feel, all of it just has a great old time vibe going on.

2. Dramatic stories that move me. Remember Rosaline in the mine? Don't tell me you didn't cry because I know you did! I want more stories that touch me like that.

3. Great romance! I want to have my heart swell out of my chest as I swoon! I know it's a tough comparison, but Jack and Elizabeth had such amazing chemistry and I'm hoping to see some more like it through this new cast of characters.

4. Beautiful scenery. This once again contributes to the whole feel of the show, and from what I've seen, it feels good!

5. A bit more grit. Not that I don't enjoy WCTH as is, but I'm not against the idea of some more bandits. I'd like to see some dramatics like someone is deathly sick, or someone gets shot saving someone. (They wouldn't die though!)

6. Mischievous children! I want to see these kids be kids and get into scrapes. I'm hoping for tree climbing, mud stained children having fun and getting into trouble, like with Allie and the haunted cabin.

7. A great cast of characters. This may be last, but it's certainly not least on my list. I want to see a wonderful group of people, all with their own personalities and things that make them tick. Now I haven't seen a lot of the show compared to some, but like I said earlier, it's looking great. The characters sound fun with the sister's whole story and a new Mountie and all. It's most definitely going to turn into one of my new favorite shows!

       In the end, all I'm going to say is, I'm glad it's only a week I have to wait!

       Thanks for reading and I hope to share my special project with you soon! Feel free to leave a comment below or on my Twitter page! God Bless!


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