Is It Me or the Job? (Exciting Bonus at the End!)

       Is it the job, or the character? The personality, or the clothes? That was what one Heartie wondered and it's a great question. If Lucas and Nathan switched jobs, would you switch teams?

       The question was raised by a fellow Heartie on my Twitter page and they asked me to do a poll/post about it.  The poll did very well and got 179 votes! Thank you everyone! The results came out to 76% of the people who voted said they'd stay on their team, and 24% said they'd switch.

       This right off the bat sort of answers the question, but there's still that 24% which I find interesting. There are some people who would actually switch teams if the men swapped jobs. There are a few reasons that I can come up with for this. We'll also have some fun and talk about what if the men actually did switch jobs!

       (Stay tuned till the end because I have some quotes from an article the two men did for Entertainment Tonight that you may find very exciting concerning the future of WCTH!)

       Also may I just say a huge thank you to everyone who participated in the poll on my Twitter page! You guys are wonderful! And thank you also for all the comments, likes, and retweets! I really appreciate it and love to read what you guys have to say!

Mountie vs. Saloon Owner

       This is one of, if not the biggest reason why people may choose one team over the other.
       For some Hearties they just can't picture Elizabeth with a saloon owner, and I get that. I was not thinking prior to S6 airing, "Yeah, I really think Elizabeth should fall for a gambling saloon owner!"  Now after watching the season, I could argue Lucas' case for the rest of the article, but I'll spare you the lecture. (This time...)
       Another thing is the gambling which actually sometimes trumps the saloon owning. It's just not considered the best character trait to love to gamble. I understand.
       Basically, people just don't want Elizabeth to date a saloon owner, so they pick the Mountie.
     As for Nathan, it's pretty simple. People just don't want Elizabeth with another Mountie. Especially after all we went through with Jack, I really understand that. It was a lot to deal with, and people just don't want to have to go through it again, so they picked Lucas. Which actually brings me to my next point.

Another Mountie Romance

       This is can be another make it or break it thing for some people. I've heard Hearties say that no Mountie will ever come close to Jack, and they feel Nathan just can't fill his shoes. Other people may just say that the story has already been done, and want to see something new. For these reasons Hearties may choose Lucas instead. 
       I do fall along this line of thought in that I feel Elizabeth choosing Nathan would sort of be like a repeat of a story I've already seen. Plus, I just like Jack better.

       However, some Hearties still love the idea of a Mountie/school teacher romance so they pick Nathan. After all, it was the foundation of the show, and even though I'm Team Lucas I still believe it's a great story line. The sweet innocent school teacher being saved by the brave Mountie? Who doesn't like that? And so, because of this, some people have chosen Nathan over Lucas.


       The last reason for Hearties choosing one man over the other is a simple straight forward answer. They just like one guy better than the other! This is my main reason for picking Lucas and according to the votes, it's also the main reason many other Hearties made their choices. This, in my opinion, is good. I believe it's better to choose based on personality than occupation. Not that you can't, and if you have, that's perfectly fine.
       Some Hearties like myself may have seen the actors in prior shows or movies, and just enjoy the characters they play. I saw Chris McNally in Sailing Into Love and LOVED it! Somewhere after that I made my decision and a very important one at that. I decided that it's Lucas or DEATH!!! Oh! I mean... extreme disappointment...Yeah, that's totally what I meant. :)


       Now, here's a fun fact for you! Chris McNally actually auditioned for BOTH parts. Crazy right? He even did a chemistry reading with Erin Krakow, which I find pretty interesting. Kevin McGarry might also have done the same, I just haven't read about it anywhere. But the truth is that this idea of the two guys swapping jobs might have actually been our reality. (Dum dum dum!!!)

       Now as weird as it may be to think of one of them as the other's character, neither one would play the character exactly the same. Chris McNally and Kevin McGarry are two totally different people with two totally different personalities. They tend to play certain types of characters and while this doesn't mean they couldn't switch, I just have a harder time seeing it.

Image Credit- Getty Images

       To be honest, when I first envisioned Chris as a bar owner, I did not see him the way he is in the show. I'd seen him in The Sweetest Heart and, as I said earlier, Sailing Into Love (Both Hallmark movies I recommend watching!) and I saw him as a quieter person. Sort of down to earth and shy. The kind of person people would come to for advice. I was way wrong, but that doesn't mean that's bad.
       Chris McNally has done his character justice and he's quite fun to watch. His witty words and book quotes are a plus in my book, and he just brings a breath of fresh air to Hope Valley.

Image Credit- Getty Images

       As for McGarry, I also watched him in other movies before seeing him as Mountie Nathan. (Autumn Stables and some of Love at First Bark.) Nathan isn't as dramatic of a change from what I've seen of him. He still has that easy going nature about him, and a fun sense of humor. I just believe his character now has a past and once he faces it and falls in love, I'll see a lighter, more humor-filled side of him. I can already see it when he's with Allie so I know it's there.

So in the end...

       After running the poll I can now state that 136 out of 179 people said they'd stay the same. While this in no way speaks for every single Heartie, it just goes to show that a large percent of people have chosen the team they're on because of the man and not the job. Question answered!

       However, I do find it interesting that there were 43 people who actually said they'd switch. That's quite a few.
       Now, sadly I have no way to know what team they started on. (Phooey!) But it does prove the point the Heartie was making. Some people may just have chosen a side, because they were unhappy with the occupation of the other. All of which is perfectly okay!
       Personally I think the current roles the men have fit them nicely. They both have played their characters well, and are fine just the way they are. But it is always fun to play "what if" and imagine if things had turned out differently!

       I am now going to give my impression of what Lucas and Nate could be like if they only switched jobs. Not personalities or back stories. All in the name of fun!😀

Mountie Lucas

       (You can close your mouth now.😀)
       Meet Constable Lucas Bouchard! Yeah, I know! It's a lot to take in. Lucas would ride into town with a flourish and charm everyone. He'd take his job seriously, yet on his time off would be in the saloon playing poker with the men, and doing magic for the women. He would care about the people of Hope Valley and want to keep them safe from all troubles. Including his own. He's not too good with sharing personal information, much to the agitation of Judge Bill, but he's got good intentions, and intends to do good by the citizens of Hope Valley.

Entrepreneur Nathan

       This one isn't as big of a shock on the eyes as much as it is on the mind.
       Saloon owner Nate would be a shy, down to earth kind of guy who's trying to earn a good living for himself and his niece Allie. He'd sit behind the bar, minding his own business, not always the most talkative guy. Yet if someone came in with a problem he'd offer them a drink and a bit of advice. He'd try and raise Allie to the best of his ability, but she'd definitely learn a trick or two watching the men gamble in the saloon. Even though people may look down at him for his job and raising a kid around it, people would come to find that he's nothing but an upright man trying to do right by his sister's daughter. (Maybe while hiding a secret or two!)

Final Thoughts and NEWS!!!

       After all of this I can say that for me, no matter what I'd still be on Team Lucas. His character is new and exciting and I see good chemistry with Elizabeth.
As for Nate he's a bit too similar to Jack for me and it would feel more like a repeat of the story we've already seen.

       Now for the fun bit! I found an article on where the two Mcs shared their thoughts on the future for their characters!  
       All credit goes to Entertainment Tonight for the article.

       (Please realize that this is just their opinions and not the words of the WCTH writers, but if you'd rather not get any ideas about next season please pass this by.)

       Kevin McGarry says he's looking forward to getting back to work on WCTH and talked a bit about the cliff hanger. He says that,
       "They've got lots of possibilities with storylines for next season, so I don't think the end is anywhere near sight right now," He also said, "I got the glance. She picked the other guy, but I got the glance." 
Very true McGarry! The article continued on to say,

       As he explained, there's always hope for Elizabeth and Nathan to reconnect -- even if it doesn't seem possible right now. "There might've been a connection. I don't know if she wished she [chose Nathan]. We'll find that out in season seven." McGarry shared that Nathan already has experience being a surrogate father, saying, "He's got his niece right now so he is kind of a father figure to his niece. But to have his own child, I don't know... I think his hands are pretty full. And some of the stuff I've heard that's coming up... his hands will be full."

       Oh my!!! What does this mean??? What will his hands be full with!!!

       Moving onto Chris McNally he says that it was the goal of the writer to have the Hearties be torn about which guy to pick. He's states that, 

       "We wanted it to be pretty divided -- half and half. If I do my job, half of the fans are going to be excited and half would be for Kevin [McGarry]." 
All I can say is, well done Alfonso! (He's the writer!) Chris was also asked about where Elizabeth's heart  truly lies and this is what the article stated.

       "Probably with baby Jack. I think her eyes might be wandering towards some guys, but her heart's with her baby," he (McNally) says, adding that, Lucas may be "willing to take chances" and become more of a father figure to Elizabeth's son. "He'll be open to that. It's something he's unfamiliar with, so why not?"
       Become a father figure to Baby Jack!?! What does this mean? Answer me McNally!!! 
       I don't know about you, but the sooner S7 comes out the better!!!

       Thanks so much for sticking with me this long! (I could talk about the love triangle situation for hours!) Would you switch teams if the men switched jobs? Please comment below or on my Twitter page, and if so please say what team you'd switch to and why. Thanks again for reading! God Bless!


  1. I would still be on the same team, which is Team Nathan. I just think he and Elizabeth suit each other very well, and I like his personality better (I actually like him better than Jack...I know, I know...not a popular opinion). Personally I don't think it would be a repeat of the same storyline. Yes, he's a Mountie, but he's totally different from Jack, and I think it would be interesting to see how Elizabeth would cope with the thought of entering into a relationship with another Mountie. She would have to face some serious fears, and I think that would be a better character development opportunity. Lucas seems like the safe choice. But that's all just my opinion! I do like Lucas and think he's a great guy...though I'm thinking he and Fiona would make an excellent pairing! I know you're Team Lucas, but is there any chance you could do one of your "if they were a couple" posts about Lucas and Fiona? Pretty please? :) Thanks for sharing your thoughts with all of us on your blog. I enjoy reading it!

  2. Great read! I recently watched the entire series and am 100% Team Lucas. I find it hard to believe Elizabeth would fall in love with another Mountie. She and Jack’s story was beautiful, but it’s over, and I don’t wish to see it with anyone else. I love Nathan, but something about Lucas is just perfect for Elizabeth to me! It doesn’t help that I’m a huge fan Chris McNally fan (I promise that has no influence on my decision, tho). That being said, there is only one Jack, so for me to be convinced she could fall in love again- it has to be someone new and exciting- exactly how Lucas is! I enjoy your blogs, keep up the great work!


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