A Look Back at Baby Jack

       Hey everyone! This will be a shorter post this time. I have a project I'm working on that requires quite a bit of work, but I hope to be able to share it with you some day. 

       For now I thought we'd take a look at one of Hope Valley's newest arrivals. No it's not Lucas, Nathan, or Fiona, but the lovable and precious Baby Jack!

       Played by the wonderful Taylor twins, the arrival of Elizabeth's son marked a whole new chapter in our beloved school teacher's life. Not only that, but he's adorable! I love his smile and the expressions he makes. He's got such a personality and the Hearties have fallen in love with him!

       And so I've collected some pictures to share with you all showing him from infancy to more recently.

       All photo credit goes to the Taylor Twins Instagram!

       If you're heart hasn't melted into a great big puddle by now, and you can pull your eyes from the adorableness, there are more photos and even some videos on the Taylor twins Instagram! Give them a look if you have some time!

       Thanks for reading, or in this case looking! Feel free to comment below or on my Twitter page! God Bless!


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