WCTH S8 Episode Review: What the Heart Wants


    I may get some comments after this post.... Lol!

   Hello Hearties and welcome to another Wednesday and another review! I hope you all are having a great week so far!

    After watching this week’s episode…. I kind of have to recant my previous statement about liking the new direction John Tinker is taking the show. I love how alive the characters feel, and how the storylines have more grit to them but…. Oh, boy…

   All of the romance is just… gone. Carson and Faith, Jesse and Clara, and even…. Lucas and Elizabeth. (I will explain all this later.) Everything I loved about the last two seasons, all the love and romance that had been built, just seems to have been turned on it’s head.

But that's not to say I didn't enjoy the episode, as I did. Just... somethings made me... how shall I say... frustrated.

    And with that being said... Let's get to the review! 😁



Hickam likes Fiona! Hickam likes Fiona! Lol! Yay!

What's with Little Jack's absence? He was barely in the episode. And... WHAT'S WRONG WITH HIM???




     I love Ned delivering the mail! That is such a fun idea, and he's just so cute and happy as he does it! I hope to see a lot more of Ned's delivery service in the future. As for his romance with Florence...

    Yes, the man actually has romance in his life, and the woman is absolutely perfect for him. Just as he is for her. Ned and Florence are perfect together! Florence shows such a deep concern for Ned when she sees he's in pain. She's so sweet, even putting her hand over his! Wow! A very bold move for this woman! And Ned is just shocked, and stuttering like a school boy. Lol! And what do you know but for once Florence was interrupted! 😂 That's a first!

    I agree with you Ned. A bell would be a very good investment. Lol!



    Henry really didn't get much time this episode, which was sad. And yet the two scenes he did have left me with some big questions. It's a sweet thing to see Henry back in his office again. I'm glad him and Lucas have managed to work things out, and I'm really enjoying the lightheartedness between them. Their snarky banter is so fun to watch and brings a smile to my face. I too hope that Lucas won't regret bringing Henry back on board. (Come on, Henry! You can do this!)

    However... Henry looked terrible this episode! His first scene with Lucas his hair was a mess and he looked like he'd just woken up from a nap. The second scene in the office... He looked like he may never get back out of that chair. Wow, he looked so sad and depressed, and not in the best of health. Maybe it all has to do with that letter he received. I caught him holding one in this picture of him talking to Lucas. Did he receive another one? Or is it the same one he previously got? OR maybe he was sending ANOTHER one. I really don't know.

    Hopefully next week's episode will provide some much needed answers.


    Wow! That was some dramatic stuff with Bill! I give huge kudos to Jack Wagner on his wonderful acting in that scene! I mean, wow! He looked like he was going to cry! And now I find myself with some new questions...

    What is his emotional attachment to the red serge? Is it simply nostalgia? Does he miss being a Mountie? Will he... trade places with Nathan??? This is purely speculation, but it's worth noting. Nathan has shown multiple signs that he would give up being a Mountie. Part of the reason he became one was just so he would be the complete opposite of his father. Now I know he said he loves his job, and he feels called to make the world a better place. But... I'm not sure how attached he is to his career. Not at this moment anyway.

    Meanwhile Bill is clearly having a struggle giving up his red serge. Again this is all complete speculation, but I'm really wondering what may come of this. 

    As for Bill's "love life".... Lol!  It's hilarious that Bill knows Molly so well that even with a sheet covering her head he knew it was her. Lol! Oddly enough I am sort of enjoying the little game Bill and Molly's seem to be playing. Molly still is not my first choice for Bill, but I really am enjoying their antics. I'm interested to see where things go from here.


The School Ceremony

    And the school term is over! I partly believe this plotline may be due to Covid, and the writers wanted to avoid filming with so many people in the school house. However I do like how we got to see the school term actually come to a close as we've never gotten to see that before. Usually school is in session through the whole season, so this is a nice change.

    Wow, Robert how you've grown. He's really become such a young man, and I'm curious what the future holds for him. Will he leave and attend college, or follow his dream to become a Mountie? I'm fearful he may leave the show now that his school days are over, but you never know. Maybe he'll stay and find a job, and maybe even love someday right in Hope Valley. I guess we'll see. (But he learned a very important lesson... You're never too big or grown up to give your teacher a hug. :)

    Moving on, the performance he planned with the children was so sweet. The kids sang a whole song (To the tune of, When Irish Eyes are Smiling) praising Elizabeth as their teacher and sang it in front of everyone! That was such a thoughtful and sweet thing! Elizabeth just loves those kids so much, and does everything she can to help them succeed in life. The tribute was so special, and fitting for their beloved teacher!

    And what do you know but Elizabeth is winning Minnie over! That sure happened fast. I do wish there had been more "push-pull" for say, of Elizabeth trying to convince Minnie, and Minnie learning she can trust Elizabeth. But after seeing what a wonderful school Hope Valley has and how much the children love Elizabeth, Minnie can't help but re-consider putting Angela in school. And Elizabeth was so ecstatic! I can see how much Angela wants to be around kids her own age and make friends. (And she may have already!) Everything just seems to be going so well...until....

    Alright. Who on earth is this Mr. Landis? This guy just dropped out of the sky it seems, and yet Elizabeth seems to know him pretty well. I found his appearance a bit random, even odd. It's like we're supposed to know who he is, but yet we clearly don't. Either way, I don't like him. At all. That guy is proud, arrogant, and a first class trouble maker. I can clearly tell he is going to make Elizabeth, and possibly the Canfield's life miserable until he gets his way. And his way would be for the "Jack Thornton School" to not be an independent Now I don't know about you, but I think that would be terrible if that happened. This disgusting Mr. Landis would no doubt make all kinds of trouble. And so while I find this plotline very random and kind of just thrown in all of the sudden, I'm curious to see what happens.

Bye Bye Dress Shop, and the Disappearing Rachel Plotline


    Can nothing go right for these poor Hope Valley dwellers? Alright, first off I have to say... How dare Dottie consider selling the dress shop! I mean, I know she has every right to but... Doesn't she even care what she'd be doing to Rosemary and Clara? That shop has brought them so much joy, and has served as their occupation for years. And now with one tug the rug is being pulled out from underneath them. 

    Now for Rosemary this isn't as big of a deal as she was getting the itch to move onto something better anyway. Something more meaningful. Something more fulfilling. However.... Ooooo! That Lee! He really was no help to Rosemary. He didn't really show a lot of concern over his wife possibly losing the store he currently believes she loves working at. And... yeah he kind of had that, "Go stuff you're trout!" line coming. Lol! So good! My goodness, I don't know if I've ever seen Rosemary so miffed at Lee, and I understand why. I also think there was more to her outburst than she let on, and so I think she owes Lee and explanation. But goodness that was funny! :D

    As for Clara... I think she'd eventually be okay with losing the shop. She actually seems more interested in working at the cafe, now that Bill has offered her a partnership. (But more on her later.) 

    The person who actually was effected the most was Rachel. She was having such a great time working there, experiencing what it's like to be an independent woman in the world. And now she's worried that if the dress shop is sold that she'd have to go home. (To her suffocating mother....) All of this is understandable... However... (Sigh...)

    What was the point of Rachel getting lost? I understand she's new to town, and even just being out on her own. Maybe this served as a wake up call for both her and the Coulters. Lee and Rosemary really need to keep a better eye on her. But... It all ended very suddenly with the Coulters finding Rachel and... that was pretty much it. There wasn't a scene afterward of them at home discussing what had happened. It just... ended there. Maybe next week's episode will explain things more, and I'll get a better sense of why this whole plot was added. But for now... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Team Classe


    Alright. This is where I rant. What on earth happened to Team Classe? They have always had their share of troubles, and quarrels but this is a whole new level. These two used to show each other such a deep and beautiful love, I’m struggling to grasp what happened to them.

    They’re newly weds and should still be head over heels for each other. Now obviously every marriage is different and it’s not that arguments shouldn’t happen. But… Augh! They should still be feeling the excitement of being newly weds! Jesse shouldn’t be bored and looking for entertainment in Lee’s motorcycle. And Clara… well… that woman needs a talking to. She kicked Jesse out of the house! She didn’t ask him what happened. She didn’t show him any level of love or understanding. All she cared about was that all their money was gone.

    Now this is a huge, and devastating shock, and she has every right to be overwhelmed, and angry. And I am in no way letting Jesse off the hook. I mean, goodness Jesse! What did you do?!?

    I’m failing to understand Jesse this season. He seems to be acting out of character. Foolish, and even childish. He’s always been so level-headed, and responsible most of the time, showing Clara just how much she means to him.

    But despite everything, even if what Jesse did to their money was just outright wrong, and even dumb… I have more sympathy for him than Clara. He’s human. We make mistakes. Sometimes really big ones. But if he can’t find understanding from his own wife…. (Sighs….)

    Clara should know Jesse would never do something like that on purpose. The man was devastated, and instead of getting any kind of love and understanding from his wife, he was kicked to the curb.

    My problem is Clara didn’t even try and understand exactly what had happened. I still don’t even know all of what happened. She should have sat him down and started from the beginning, getting all the facts before making any rash decisions. But all she seemed to care about was the money. Not her husband.

    Now I’m left to wonder if Jesse was trying to save the dress shop or even buy it from Dottie. Just a thought, and I have no evidence to back me up. It was just a thought. If so…. Clara is going to feel HORRIBLE. Or maybe he was trying to invest his money so he could fix their financial troubles and build their dream house. Or maybe it was just a foolish mistake.

    All I can say is… This better get fixed. Quick.

    (On a happier note, Clara burning Molly's hair off was hilarious! Lol!)


Team Infirmary


    And now I move onto the other troubled couple. I figure it’s best to take care of both couples I’m mad about in one big swoop. Lol!

    Oh, Carson…. What’s wrong with you? I thought you loved working in Hope Valley. Now I find you’re struggling to find contentment and meaning? Now I totally understand his thoughts here. He’s a great doctor, and wants to make the world a better place. He wants to save lives. But…but… Oh, where has the romance gone? Where has the love for Hope Valley gone? This is two people I’m getting the feeling that they’d rather be somewhere else. (I’ll explain the other person later.)

    After all the time Faith has been gone, now Carson wants to leave when she’s finally back. And she doesn’t want to leave. Not even for the man she’s supposed to love. I have to be honest… I thought things would get better for these two, but now… I’m left to wonder if they’re even going to stay together. It would figure that once I finally start to like them together, they would split. Lol!

    Now I don’t know if they are. But it is distressing to me that Carson seems so unhappy in Hope Valley. Faith has a better understanding of the joy of being in Hope Valley as she’s been out in a big city for awhile now. Now she’s just so happy to be back home, helping the people she loves. I thought Carson was too.

    I don’t know. Only time will tell at this point. We still have 7 episodes left (Which is amazing!) and so a LOT can and will happen. Maybe things will get rough for awhile, but hopefully in the end everything will be okay.




    Oh, my GOODNESS!!!!! Abigail's name has been spoken!!! Three times!!! In. One. Scene. I outright paused the episode after Bill said her name the first time. I was so shocked. I didn't know if they were even allowed to say Abigail's name on the show anymore. I mean, Clara didn't even mention her not coming to her own wedding! But finally Abigail's name has been spoken. It was a bit odd how many times Bill said her name. It kind of felt like the writers were trying to make up for all the times people didn't mention her. But either way... Wow! I'm shocked. 




    Nathan's life seemed a bit sunnier this time around. Not completely rosie, but I saw that big happy smile of his again which was nice. He kind of went on his own little roller coaster ride this episode. He was happy and joking with Bill, then sad when he saw Elizabeth with Lucas, then mad and selfish when he didn't show for the meeting, and then... very sincere and kind when he apologized. Yes, I will admit I was impressed with him there. (More on that in a minute.)

    I really enjoyed Nathan's lightheartedness with Bill. It was fun to see him so happy and playful. I'm also getting the opinion that maybe...just maybe Nathan doesn't want to be a Mountie anymore. He told Elizabeth he'd quit, he really didn't seem to care if he lost his job, and now he's taking a vacation from crime fighting entirely and leaving Bill in charge. I'm not sure what's going to happen just yet, but it seems that a few of these Hope Valley men want a change in their professions.

    We then saw Nathan just happen to be passing by as Elizabeth accepted a date from Lucas... Because these guys just always happen to be around when Elizabeth is having a moment with one or the other. Lol! He didn't do much here, but the pain and disappointment he felt was obvious. It even may have contributed to his decision not to attend the teacher/parent meeting. Which makes sense.

    And so Elizabeth took matters into her own hands to get some answers from the man. She sent him a note and he showed up that night. He seemed very concerned, and worried that something was wrong with Elizabeth.

    Elizabeth then tells him that he missed the meeting…. And then Nathan started to get a bit… ???. He explains that he thought it was best that he didn’t show up considering their last encounter.

    He then started getting a bit irritating as he was like, “What do we need to do? Do I need to make an appointment or can we talk now?” At that point I was like, “Nathan… You better get a hold of that temper.” And Elizabeth clearly didn't appreciate his tone.

    He then entered Elizabeth’s house for the second time, something Lucas has yet to do once sadly, and very awkwardly sat down on her settee. (Couch, settee. Whatever it’s called. Lol!) He sure didn’t look too comfortable. :D

    Elizabeth then went though Allie’s school year saying what she excelled in most. Which unlike me was math. Lol! She even thought Allie should be put in an accelerated math program which would require Nathan’s help. 

    But it appears that whatever happened at Fort Clay is still weighing on Allie, causing her to become distracted in class. And this makes the perfect opportunity for Nathan to explain things...but what does he do? He says the same thing Jack said about the Northern Territories. "It's all behind me now."

    Hmmm... Yeah... I totally believe that. (I'm onto you, mister!)

    Elizabeth then says something very deep and wise, that really seemed to hit Nathan. She says…

"Nathan, you are Allie's world. You're the only father she's ever known. And as she grows up, you will always be the measure of the qualities she'll look for in a man as she chooses who to marry."

   This is such a true statement, and it really just helped break down some of his walls. He then comes right out and admits that he should have come to the meeting, and that it was hurtful and selfish of him not to. He even apologizes for his behavior, and I was quite impressed with him in that moment.

    Despite everything he was feeling, and all that had happened between him and Elizabeth, he was still able to admit that he was wrong. He humbled himself, and realized that no matter what Allie has to come first.

    Now for all you Team Nathan fans, no I am still Team Lucas. Lol! But even I can admit when Nathan has done something very honorable. And that's all I'll say for now. :)


Lucas & Elizabeth


    Okay.... So I feel I'd better warn Team Lucas that my opinion here is probably not going to be the most popular. (Like... at all...)

    Having been through 5 seasons of Elizabeth and Jack's romance I've come to understand the mood that is set when a very intimate and romantic event was happening. Maybe it's given me too high of standards, but.... I feel the writers didn't portray Elizabeth and Lucas in the best way they could have this episode. And I'm by no means saying the writers are not good writers, or that Elizabeth and Lucas aren't adorable together. (As they so are!) I'm saying rather that the writers chose to make the scenes feel the way they did for a reason.

    Throughout this season I have been able to weigh through Elizabeth's scenes with both men, and come to terms with how I interpret her to feel about each one. And..... (Takes a bracing breath) I'm just lacking something in Elizabeth's scenes with Lucas. 

    So before all you Team Lucas fans band together and raise your swords to charge at me.... let me explain.

    Throughout this whole season I have had a hard time figuring out where Elizabeth stood with Lucas. In the beginning they had very little interaction, and she didn't really seem to even consider him as a romantic suitor. Finally they got some scenes and I've come to a conclusion. (And it ain't pretty for Team Lucas.)

    I am more convinced than ever that Elizabeth is not picking Lucas. Honestly, I will be shocked if she does. There is certainly still a chance she could, and I will continue to hope, but for now.... It really seems her heart is with Nathan. I'm just failing to find the depth and intimacy I want to see between Lucas and Elizabeth. I feel that their scenes were played off a particular way that made them not feel as deep and connected as they did before. Things always feel too perfect, carefree, and light.

    I find more feeling from Lucas sometimes than I do from Elizabeth. He constantly shows us that he just absolutely adores Elizabeth, and would lasso the moon for her if she wanted it. But I'm failing to find that from Elizabeth.

    So once again, this has absolutely nothing to do with the actors. It's just the way the writers chose to have their scenes play out. (I'm now going to my fortified Hearties bunker to wait this out...)

    Anyhow, I have talked your ear off about this long enough. Let's get to discussing their scenes!


    So Elizabeth walked up to Lucas right after he had hired Henry back. I liked how she was actually looking for him for once. They start talking and he says how if someone can figure Henry out, he would be a better man then he is. Elizabeth says Henry isn't that hard to understand, and Lucas clarifies that he said a "better man." He wasn't including women in the equation.

    Lucas then says how he thought he could read people, hinting that he can't read her lately. And rightfully so. Man, Elizabeth has been a mystery to both men. Elizabeth then denies his insinuation and says that she's not that hard to read, making Lucas smirk in disbelief. She then laughs and says for him to try.

    Lucas then asks her to join him for dinner in the saloon to celebrate the end of the school term. In other words...he asked Elizabeth... on a DATE! Not a dinner. Not a "pretend date." A real date. It's so funny that Lucas literally made her spell it out for him. She first responds with a touch of hesitation, and says she would be delighted. Lucas then asks, "Delighted how?" Lol! She then tells him she'd be delighted to go on a date with him. And yet Lucas still feels the need to have her clarify if this would in fact be a "real date?" (The poor guy. :D ) And she assures him that this would be a REAL date.

    YAAAAAaaaay!!! Finally! FINALLY! They get a real date! And of course.... Nathan had to ride past in that moment and see them. (Go figure... Lol!)

    Very quickly I want to throw in here Lucas' conversation with Carson. Guys.... What have they done to my Lucas? First off his comment about wanting to be Robin Hood was great! Lol! But...

    Why does it sound like Lucas isn't happy in Hope Valley? His words almost made it sound like he was just settling because of Elizabeth, and that he'd rather be somewhere else. I thought he loved being in Hope Valley, and that his dream was to finally find a place that felt like home, settle down, and raise a family? (Then again I thought Carson liked being a doctor in Hope Valley...)

    Now I may totally be jumping the gun, but the way Lucas sounded... It didn't make me feel the best. He claims he never envisioned running a saloon or an oil company. Was he just hinting that he'd like a change in profession, or something else? 

    But as to Lucas' whole conversation with Gustave before that... Lol! That was gold! I could see just how important this date with Elizabeth was to Lucas. As for Gustave? Piff! Don't try and tell that guy about romance. He's a Frenchman after all, so he totally knows all about romance. Lol! (I love Gustave!)

    So... that horse ride... That seemed like something I could only dream of happening! That was so sweet and romantic! Just seeing them ride side by side through the country side.... Sigh... They really are so cute together! And it was SO romantic that they stopped at that beautiful bridge!


    As to their conversation there, I don't know how much debate there has been over Lucas not coming to the school celebration. Personally... I wished he would have gone, of course. It was sad he didn't take part, and spend more time with Elizabeth. But Lucas appeared very sincere in his explanation to Elizabeth. After all it's not like he doesn't want to spend time with her. He adores her. And if he truly was allowing Nathan to have this moment without his presence effecting what should be a happy moment for them... Bravo, Mr. Bouchard! That was a very thoughtful and noble thing for him to do! I don't know if his gesture was necessary, but it was sweet nonetheless.

    We now move onto... the date! Or we will in a moment...After I mention Elizabeth's choice of attire.


    What did I think about it? Well… Maybe Julie should have kept it for herself. Lol! It was just… just… not Elizabeth. And I know that was the whole point but… It just wasn’t very modest. Of course this is just my opinion, but that was one of my biggest problems with it.

    I just think the dress she wore during the Union City trip was much more appropriate, especially for a widow and a mother. Now I’m absolutely not saying that Elizabeth can’t get dressed up, and fancy, even wearing something a little different. This dress was just a bit much…  (More like not enough actually. Lol!)

    As to the date itself, I was so glad she didn’t cancel it! I was a bit scared that she was going to send a note canceling the evening, but she didn’t! In fact it turned out to be possibly even better than having it in the saloon!

    The whole setting was so intimate and romantic! From the candles lit all around them, (Yes, I like the candles.) the fancy dinner in the moonlight, to the slow music playing… SO romantic!

    For the first time Elizabeth just feels so free and doesn't have something weighing on her. A statement I find quite interesting. She always seems so happy and carefree around Lucas.

    Lucas was just ecstatic to be there. He didn’t care that it was in Elizabeth’s backyard. In his own words he put it so sweetly… “You have no idea how happy I am to be here with you.” I mean… Talk about swoon worthy! And the whole time I was wondering if he was going to ask her to dance. (Which I was really hoping he would, but oh well.)

    Lucas just absolutely, positively ADORES Elizabeth. It’s like he’s a high school boy out on a date with his crush. Honestly, all these two can do is gaze after each other and giggle. Lol! 😍

    And then…. (Silence falls over the room...) Lucas held his hand out to her…. And she very cautiously... placed hers in his!!! Eeeek! They held hands! They actually held hands! A step has been taken Hearties!

    But Elizabeth cautioned him, letting him know that they would need to take things slowly. And Lucas’ response? 

    “We have all the time in the world.” 

    First off… How sweet and romantic was that? Secondly…. I’m very curious to know if his words meant anything for their future, and if something will come into play concerning them.

    The way I see things, Lucas appears to want things to move faster than Elizabeth wants them to. Not that he would ever want to do anything to make her uncomfortable, that’s just the vibe I’m getting. And it makes sense. Lucas isn’t a widower, and he’s known Elizabeth for over two years already. And for all we know Elizabeth could be the first woman he’s ever felt this way about.

    But I believe Lucas understands her fears and hesitation, and will agree to take things at her own pace.

    However… despite all the wonderful scenes Lucas and Elizabeth got, and how romantic they were… I still… wasn’t satisfied. I’m sorry I’m such a Debbie Downer about this. I really wanted to like their scenes. I truly did. I just… there was something lacking in their scenes. A depth I wanted to see between them. An intimacy, and breathlessness. And sadly I just didn’t get that from them.

    Don’t get me wrong. The settings were beautiful and SO romantic. And I still absolutely love Elizabeth and Lucas together. Honestly they would make just the cutest couple. I just don’t know that they’re going to stay together, and I believe the writers have changed things between them. On purpose. Their conversations just lacked a depth that they had before. Which can only lead me to one conclusion... (One I shall not speak of... ;)

    In the end… Things were far from perfect for me this time. All the characters are acting so different and discontent all of a sudden. The connection and sparks Elizabeth and Lucas used to have is vanishing, no one is happy with their jobs, and all the romance and love just seems to be dying. I know we still have a lot of episodes to go, and I don’t want things to always be perfect. It’s just… characters seem to be acting out of character, and it’s not going over well for me right now.

    But yet with all of this I still found myself laughing at times, and wide eyed at the drama. And I got to see Elizabeth and Lucas ride horses together! Eeeek! And so I still definitely enjoyed the episode. I'm just kind of scared at the direction things seem to be going.


And now a note for my readers:

    I want to thank you all for sharing your thoughts with me in the comments as well as on Twitter. I’m so grateful that you’d take the time out of your busy day to share your thoughts and opinions with me. However I would like to ask a favor. 

    Lately there have been a lot of spoilers shared with me in the comments. I love that you guys feel that my blog is a place you can come to to get away from the drama of social media. And I always want things to be that way. But I would like to ask that everyone please not share any spoilers with me directly. I like to be surprised, even by the tiniest detail, so I'd rather avoid spoilers including promos, previews, and interviews. It also makes it harder for me to read and respond to your thoughts you share with me that I truly love to read. So thank you all so much for taking the time to comment to me. I love hearing from you! 💗

   Thank you all for reading! I hope you're having a wonderful week so far! Feel free to leave a comment below or on my Twitter page! Have a great day, and God Bless!


  1. Great review, Hope! I'm also more convinced than ever that Nathan is endgame (no surprise there, huh? ;)), but I'm wondering how they will play this out in a way that doesn't hurt Lucas. The writers have done a very good job making me like him more than ever this season, and I really, really, really don't want to see him get hurt. I'm wondering if the lack of depth between E and L is to show them (and us) that there isn't enough between them for a lasting relationship? I can see them mutually deciding to part ways and still be able to remain friends. But then again, as you mentioned, Lucas does seem to adore Elizabeth and would do anything for her. So who knows? And for the record, your side comments once again made me laugh out loud.

    I do like the depth and drama to the season, even though it has truthfully been rather hard to watch at times. I couldn't watch this episode live, but I did enjoy it once I got around to it. Life has been hard enough as is lately, and to add such angst from a TV show that used to be an escape...it's tough. But I believe John Tinker is known for drama/angst/etc, so maybe they decided to bring it to Hope Valley. I have every confidence that everything will work out in the end. I think it's hard for us from week to week not knowing what will happen, whereas the actors and producers and all have the benefit of knowing how everything ends. We're still in the dark. We can make predictions and guesses and such, but who knows how it will all turn out?

    Ugh...I am so bummed that Team Infirmary appears headed for a split. I'm half expecting Carson to leave town, and that makes me sad. He's always been one of my favorites, but he hasn't been himself this season. And I also picked up on the fact that Lucas seemed like he was "settling" for Hope Valley as well. Whaaaat?? I thought they both loved it there! *Especially* Carson! This sudden discontent on his part has me so confused.

    I am most curious about Henry. What is going on?! I literally have zero idea where they're going with his story. The other characters I can see paths for...but not Henry. He's an enigma to be sure.

    Thank you so much for this review! Brilliant job, as always. Have I mentioned how much I enjoy your writing? :D Have a great day!

    1. Great job on your observations! I definitely concur. Additionally, I have seen enough series to know that when they are coming to a closure, these things are typical. People are looking for other jobs, and so they take trips and miss a few episodes. Exactly what happened with Daniel Lissing. Fiona is away, Carson & Faith talking about separating, Jessie & Clara having problems, Bill selling the cafe, Rosemary wanting to do something else, etc. It all looks suspicious to me.

      The depth of the relationship between Lucas & Elizabeth is not convincing to me as yet, maybe they are giving us drip by drip to stretch it all out, and I believe that there is going to be some kind of resolution with Elizabeth & Nathan, but I would not be convinced that they are in love. Elizabeth shines so brightly when she is with Lucas, in a way that I don't recall her that much with Jack. Then again, her relationship with Lucas is not that complex, they are from similar upbringings and backgrounds. Seems that Lucas' parents are just as wealthy as Elizabeth, and looks like Lucas is an only child; therefore, he had all his parents' attention on him only, and will gain all that they have accomplished passed on to him.

      Nathan's & Elizabeth's relationship is put together to appease the TN fans. Nothing in the show indicated that Elizabeth wanted him as a spouse. I do remember her line when she said "cat got your tongue?" and wondered what that was about. Anyhow, that relationship does not have a foundation for marriage as TN fans are pushing. (I could go on and on, but I try to be brief, but still make the point that I am trying to, so that's all for now).

    2. Aww! Lauralyn, you are so sweet! Thank you so much for you're wonderful encouragement and kind words! I so appreciate it, and I'm so glad you enjoyed the post!

      I agree this season has just been filled with so much drama! It's fun, and yet... stressful as we have to wait from week to week to see what happens next.

      While I still have hope for a Lucas ending, I do have to agree that things seem to be pointing at Nathan right now. And like you, I have no idea how everything is going to be resolved. This season really needed those extra two episodes, didn't it? Lol! It's been such a ride so far, and I know it's only going to get crazier as we go.

      And of course Team Infirmary would look like their going to break up once I start liking them more... :D Honestly I thought things would be okay for them but now I'm not sure what to expect. I'm really disappointed Carson seems unhappy in Hope Valley. I thought he loved it there.

      And I'm SO curious about what's going on with Henry! I want answers! ;)

      Thank you so much for reading and your wonderful comment! Have I told you what a blessing you are? :) I hope you're having a great weekend so far! God Bless!

  2. Hello Hope! Great post. I will give you a short comment now and a longer one later.

    I honestly don't know what to think about this season. Everyone has changed so much. I heard that JT had spoken to each cast member before shooting the season to ask what they wanted to see with their characters. As the new showrunner, this initially sounds like a great plan, until you start watching the season and so many changes all at once. It really is like a different show. So many things seem very haphazard and misplaced.

    I will address the LucaBeth story in my longer comment later, but I will say that unfortunately, I see things much the way that you do.


  3. Thank you for your post Hope! It takes Courage to go against the flow with your opinion, so thank you being so brave and publishing this. Lucas deserves someone who adores him as much as he adores her, and I think that's the bottom line. Whether or not he ends up with Elizabeth or not, I think it's a win win situation for hin, since he will either be paired off with someone who loves him as much as he does, or will have a completely new love interest created just for him (as Team Nathan, that possibility almost makes me a little jealous 😂). But thank you again for your post and your honesty!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Here goes nothing...

    I was glad to read this post because I have been quite frustrated with the way things- and people- have changed this season. I knew things would have to be a bit different, but I never expected what I have seen so far.

    I am staunchly Team Lucas- and regardless of the outcome, that won't change. I have watched a lot of love stories, but never have I been drawn in to one like I have this one. For two seasons we have watched while Lucas tried to make Elizabeth's dreams come true. In season 6, I was immediately drawn to Lucas from his first scene. At that time, I knew in my mind that another Mountie would be the typical, predictable HM choice for Elizabeth. I kept this in my thoughts as I watched Lucas and Elizabeth become closer, and I loved the chemistry between them. (Apparently according to TN there is none) And like TN says about L/E, I see no chemistry between N/E. We really do watch through a different lens. :) I ended season 6 believing that regardless of what I wished would happen, that Nathan would be her choice.

    Then season 7 happened. I allowed myself to be completely drawn in to the possibility that just maybe, I would be surprised. Maybe this time, they would go with the tall, dark and handsome man that hangs on every word from Elizabeth's mouth and whose eyes twinkle when he looks at her. The man oozes charm and romance. Generous to a fault. At the end when the hug happened, I firmly believed that Lucas would be the one and the hug would end up being a flashback of her deceased husband. And honestly, I saw no sparks with Nathan and Elizabeth. Nothing showing that he was truly interested in dating her- an apple and some flowers which we didn't get to see delivered. Finally, he got up the nerve to ask her out in the last episode and was left hanging.
    To be continued..

  6. Then we started season 8 and so many things have changed. Someone decided to have Lucas leave town in a jealous huff and not say goodbye- I don't even know what to say about that. We saw his heartbreak during the hug, but to leave was completely out of character for our beloved businessman. And it was then I was pretty sure that things had changed, and not for the better.

    Nathan's outburst to E in ep 2 left me uncomfortable- and not in a good way. They have never had very many private moments together, and yet somehow he is declaring his love out of the clear blue. (I have firmly believed for two years the first one to declare love would be her choice, but I digress). He just seemed so desperate and needy in that moment. And he dared to tell her he knew she felt the same way. I would love to have seen this scene as romantic, I just didn't. It seemed quick and out of place. And awkward. And yes, had it been Lucas I would have thought the same thing.

    Hope, we think alike, suddenly Lucas and Elizabeth's scenes seem shallow. And I believe as you that they have purposefully been written that way because he is not her endgame. I loved the horseback ride and the date, but felt something was lacking. I didn't feel that way in season 7 when they had two 'non dates'. So, did they decide to go with Nathan after thinking they might go with Lucas for two seasons? Unsure. We have a lot of episodes left and at this point they could still go either way.

    I hate my analytical nature sometimes. This is one of them. I also got the impression that Lucas isn't happy in HV from the Carson scene- totally different than what he said in UC last season. The show seems to have entered the twilight zone.

    I want my Lucas back from the last two seasons. I still say he is the best choice for E. But right now it appears that HM may be going down the predictable path of E overcoming her fear of loving another Mountie. That would make Jack 'a' Mountie in her life, not 'the' Mountie in her life. And it would also make E not a nice person for leading Lucas on when she knows how he feels.

    Disappointing to this Lucas fan. Hoping I am totally wrong on this one. :(

  7. I would like to add, I am enjoying watching Elizabeth happy and carefree. She smiles so much around Lucas and always looks stressed around Nathan. Maybe, just maybe, it's Lucas.


    1. You are so right, Sue! Things just don't feel the same. Lucas has always been so sweet and thoughtful, interacting with LJ, and we could just feel the sparks and connection E&L share. But this season seems to have messed with all of that.

      Lucas is still romantic, thoughtful, and sweet, but something has shifted between him and E. In an episode that was all about them, I found their scenes lacking depth and found them pointing to a N endgame. I think just a little bit of personal conversation would have fixed those scenes some. Just something to show the connection they share, and show both of them feeling (Mainly E) the excitement of falling in love. As I've been saying, L clearly adores E, but I'm waiting to see the same from E.

      I felt more of a connection and sparks between them during that library scene in the previous episode. They just get each other and we could see it there. I don't know. I hope and pray that we are completely wrong. Maybe the writers are just trying to throw us off? All we can do is hope for the best, while bracing for the worst. After all we still have a lot of episodes to go. Maybe we'll get that L ending....maybe...

      But you're so right! E just lights up around L. He brings out such a playfulness in her, and when was the last time we heard her laugh like that? (Please, WCTH writers, please!)

      Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me! I hope you're having a wonderful day so far! God Bless!

  8. Hi Hope - I appreciate your honesty in your writeup! After watching the episode last night. For the first time i feel that Nathan is the end game. I am so disappointed at the dinner/ dress she choose/ lack of conversation/L not asking @ baby jack. At least 71% percent of the people will be happy. I for one will get through this season and never watch the show again. I am disappointed in the writers period. I am just not a fan of Nathans character at all. I actually think it's an insult to Jack to cast a Mountie with this demeanor. What were they thinking? I was so invested in Team Lucas. I actually feel bad for Chris McNally. I'm not sure Fiona is for him either. Every time E & L go into the Library can you imagine the thoughts that would go through there mind. I see Nathan as a needy person that will simply exhaust Elizabeth of all her energy plus she has to take care of little Jack/ Talkative/can't keep a secret ali. I really don't feel that Lucas had a chance, and once again Hallmark was drumming up audience participation. Hallmark forgot to think about although this is fiction, woman have real emotions. It has been overwhelming and hard to bare. I am not looking forward to the next episode, which i watch on itunes on Tuesday. They could have started the season with Nathan being E suitor. Erin told us to follow the clues, but what she did not say is that the clues are not what she used to do with Jack. So then what are the clues, other than that the Hallmark is boring an unoriginal. Ok! Time to get off of my soap box, before i explode! Oh! I already have :( Maybe this episode explains next weeks episode of them having a picnic in the rain. I do not see Lucas planning something like this. It's the writers putting them into a horrible situation. That's all Folks!

    1. I came to Social Media to learn what other people were feeling and saying about WCTH and it's current direction, and I have found the comments to be similar if not exactly, like my own feelings and perceptions. Thank you for sharing. @sherisa7

  9. Hope, My apologies please delete and i will repost without the last two lines. I am truly sorry for being so overwhelmed about this non fiction show that led me to dis obey your wishes :(

    1. Oh, please don't feel bad! I'm sure I sound pretty crazy being a WCTH blogger who doesn't like spoilers. Lol! I'll delete it for you if you'd like, but I think it's fine to leave it as it was just two lines. :)

      Thank you so much for wanting to respect my "no spoiler" request. I really appreciate it! I hope you're having a wonderful day so far! God Bless!

    2. Hope you are a ray of sunshine! Thank You and God Bless :)

  10. Good afternoon Hearties!

    Here's my 2 cents worth... the love triangle sucks!! The end.

    No, seriously as I watch WCTH my hope is that Elizabeth will choose Lucas. I say this because of all the screen time that has been invested in Elizabeth and Lucas building the library, her writing her book, having non-dates, and dates. If Lucas isn't the endgame, I will feel like a lot of time had been wasted.

    As it is, because this blackhole of a triangle, the romantic scenes have felt rushed and very surface. I totally agree with Hope on there not being any depth.

    However for good or bad, we have been on the relationship journey of the Lucas and Elizabeth . I hadn't seen any romantic notions outside an apple, flowers, or an almost date for Nathan and Elizabeth.

    Other than the big "I love you" scene a few episodes ago. What have we seen between Nathan and Elizabeth? 90% of the scenes had something to do with Allie and not anything concerning Nathan and Elizabeth as a potential couple. If Nathan was to be the next great love, there were many missed opportunities to have that relationship flourish. For instance, the whole storyline with Allie's dad. Elizabeth wasn't even involved at all. That could have been a great opportunity for Nathan/Elizabeth screen time. I mean in like 6 episodes, Elizabeth is going to decide/realize that Nathan is the love of her post-Jack life? That seems unlikely to me.

    I think this love triangle has taken too much energy. I miss the town story lines we use to receive. Like the kids mischief or the comradery and friendship between the town's citizens. Another thorn in my side, why is Rosemary Elizabeth's only friend? What happen with the other ladies of Hope Valley? What happen to everyone in town pulling together for a common purpose? I miss those storylines! The current non-triangle storylines I think are weak and sort of just thrown together.

    Despite my bah-humbug views above, I still love WCTH and I will likely watch till the end. I guess I just miss the days of old!

    1. I am so very glad you took the time to Express your observations and how this chaos makes you feel. These are my sentiments exactly. I hope these comments can be sent to WCTH producers and Hallmark. The actors are so very good, I wonder how they feel? Does anyone appreciate this feedback? It would seem so. @sherisa7

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I agree with all the posts. I was so drawn to the relationship of E/L from Day One.
    As many have mentioned, there have been so many comparisons to Jack - "Candles
    at the date last week" - even the producer, Bird sent a tweet out about it. Lucas always
    encouraging her - in whatever she wishes to do - just as Jack did. I also thought that it was cute in the last episode when Gustof came out and mentioned the "mushrooms" - they that was a major part of their discussion when they were in UC. The fact that they have
    been throwing E/L together for most of the past 2 seasons, with very limited interaction with Nathan - just makes your head spin if they are going in the other direction. Why invest so much time with E/L? I agree - E is so much more relaxed and she also has the biggest smile when she sees Lucas. Lucas (Chris McNally) just has this wonderfully romantic air about how he portrays his character - he just draws you in, unlike Nathan - I just find him so
    depressing/moody. Again - he has barely interacted with E and we are supposed to believe they are in love. I have my doubts that the kiss will happen next week. I would have
    loved for these two to get together and feel that they could lead the show for many seasons with very enjoyable stories. I also disagree with all the TN fans that say that Lucas is shady.
    E would be a very happy woman if she ended up with Lucas - but I feel that it was always
    going to be Nathan. Thank you!

    1. Hi Anonymous, I hear you, and feel your pain! We have to hold on and get through one episode at a time. I agree so much time invested in E/L but for what if it did not matter. Should we talk about feeling confused. It's amazing how the writers understand but we are still trying to figure out there logic to there madness. I have come to the conclusion that it's not Nathans character i do not like, it's just him as an actor. I did she him in signed sealed & delivered and i actually though he looked great, not uniform or hat. He dress pants/ dress shirt and clean shaving. so i realize that if this goes n way I'm out of a show. Oh well life goes on.

  12. Auntied, I just read your post. Don't despair yet! I think there is still hope of Team Lucas.

    The writers just have to throw some drama in. I believe that Lucas is still the end game. At least, I still hope he is.

    There just has been too much interaction between Lucas and Elizabeth. I can't see that being in vain.

    1. Hi Anonymous, I appreciate the encouragement! That last episode took me for a run around the track. So many Nathan fans feel that there is an emotional connection vs TL has been looking at the clues of what she did with Jack and more. I will hold on! Thank You Peace & Blessings:)

  13. Nu-mi place Nathan, nu știu dacă e vina lui sau a scenariștilor. Sau cred că uniforma aceea nu e comodă pentru el, cred că rolul nu i se potrivește. Are uneori un zâmbet de superioritate care îl face nesuferit, iar alteori este crispat și limitat. Plictisitor cu totul. Aparenta iubire dintre el și Elizabeth este o invenție stupidă a scenariștilor și asta pentru că mulți fani sunt TN. Declarația lui de iubire a fost forțată, venită de nicăieri, nu a existat romantism între ei, nu a existat deschidere, comunicare adevărată. Aici e vina scenariștilor. Doar pentru că are o uniformă roșie Elizabeth trebuie să fie cu el? Că așa vor unii fani? Ar însemna că Jack nu a fost unic, ea are nevoie de altceva,d e o altfel de iubire, nu de o altă uniformă roșie. E o prostie asta. Filmul e văzut de oameni din toată lumea, în țara mea nu am auzit pe nimeni să fie TN. Toți sunt TL. Și tot din vina scenariștilor Lucas nu mai are profunzimea care îl prinde atât de bine, el pare făcut pentru a întruchipa marea iubire, are acea sclipire în ochi, acea adâncime, acea căldură.
    Putea fi un film bun, dar care va deveni o telenovelă proastă realizată la comanda fanilor cu vârste înaintate. Însă filmul va fi văzut și peste mulți ani și va fi judecat de alți oameni, cu alți ochi. Și ei nu se vor regăsi în TN.

  14. Eek! I'm responsible for spoiling your Tuesday/Wednesday! I honestly wasn't aware of the times you get to view the show. Sincere apologies.

    I agree with you on Lucas. The writers seem interested in telling a different story. Nathan came into town with a kid and a Mountie uniform, it was incredibly obvious that he was written for Elizabeth as a replacement for Jack. I really don't understand why the show put the audience through a guessing game only to do what everyone believed they were going to do 2 seasons ago. The moment Elizabeth looked at Nathan while dancing with Lucas it was obvious. Maybe plot twists aren't their thing?

    In any case, I hope the writers will find a way to deepen up the Lucas story next season. They are already struggling to write good content for anyone other than Nathan Allie and Elizabeth.

    1. Oh, no, you're fine! I watch the show Sunday night. I'm just letting everyone know that I like to avoid hearing spoilers about future episodes through promos, previews, and interviews. It's hard to wait, but I love being surprised!

      And you are right. Nathan has been the obvious choice since he first showed up in Hope Valley. I've been hoping the writers would go a less predictable route this time, but the more episodes I watch the more N seems to be E's choice. I still believe there is hope for Lucas, as we have a lot of episodes left. But I should probably prepare for a N ending just in case.

      Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts with me! Have a wonderful day! God Bless!

  15. Hi Hope! Thank you for your analysis once again.

    I do agree with most of what you have said and what the others have commented on. To be honest, real life has been soooo difficult for more than a year now (where I live we are close to our 3rd lockdown...just when things are starting to look up then it's back to square one...I am so frustrated!) and tv shows are usually a good outlet just to be in a different space and time for an hour. You know...just letting go of the mess that life is and do something you enjoy while you're locked in the house. I always liked WCTH for the light-hearted, and beautiful stories and making me feel relaxed. This last episode, I skipped a few scenes when I watched it on Tuesday. I just couldn't get through some of the drama (e.g. Clara & Jesse. It's like they are a different couple). If I wanted to feel tired and annoyed I would just turn on the news channel instead :P

    Anyway...I'm just going to let it all out: I felt like they were going to choose Nathan since he blurted out of the blue that he loves Elizabeth and he was soooo sure she felt the same way. As the episodes progress I feel it even more. However, there still isn't anything to base his undying love for Elizabeth on. It was just the predictable route HM was going to take to please the TN fans; they are keeping up with their tradition and just look at social media for the popular opinion. I don't even know how they will bring them together in just 6 episodes. It feels like the love triangle is moving so slow and then they will just rush everything in the last few episodes. I'm still not convinced by Nathan...and being a mountie is a very important job, at least that's what we understood with Jack. But to him it looks like something he can just quit and move on from. I don't know..his character is not at all appealing to me.

    Now...for Lucas & Elizabeth. I loved their scenes...the bridge scene was my favourite. And I like that he challenges her, wants her to explain to him what she wants. They look so happy and carefree when they are together and when that happens I just feel like I should keep hoping that it might go Lucas' way. Also, Elizabeth smiling and laughing again was everything! How long has it been?? I expected more from the date. I'm sure they could have given them more to talk about. We did see the end of the date though...they had already had dinner and were done. So we don't know what the conversation was like throughout the dinner. I haven't really given too much thought as to how many times each suitor has been inside Elizabeth's house. Lucas DID get an ACTUAL date though at her house! I think it would have been weird to place all those candles inside. I also wasn't bothered by her dress. She wore a similarly revealing one when she was with Jack during that mountie ball. I was ok with that and I thought she looked beautiful. She went on her first date, after all, since Jack so it's nice that she wanted to dress up for the occasion. I definitely preferred the dress she wore for Union City because I thought it was nicer, but anyways. I loved that they held hands and she was rubbing his hand when they did that. They were so cute in that moment...and Lucas was soooo happy. I can't see him not getting broken hearted if she does indeed choose Nathan and that makes me feel really sad and disappointed in the writers. His last line was a bit worrying for me. Usually when someone says on a tv show "we have all the time in the world" something bad happens.....

    1. As a last note, I feel sorry for Chris McNally. I believe he is such a good actor and he plays his role so well and it's a pity that this season they just made him out to be sort of an outsider. Maybe they are prepping us for the future, who knows? Also, what worries me is that Erin has a say in the writing of the show and she also did that in previous seasons. I wonder if some of the storylines were her ideas. What is happening with the writers this season? What has happened to season 7?? Shall we just forget everything about it? And what is happening with the rest of the characters? Where are the female friendships? Good storylines for Lee and Rosie? Something interesting for the Infirmary? The community coming together for a good cause? What is it with people being unhappy in Hope Valley or thinking about leaving? I know it was difficult filming during the pandemic, but it feels like watching a different show. Also, I'm getting the feeling that the show is nearing its end and after this season maybe it should come to an end. Oh well, I'm sorry for all my rants and thank you once again for giving us a space to write about our feelings regarding the show <3

    2. Georgia, I read somewhere that John Tinker knows how to write for television, and that the last 2 seasons had been written like a movie. Hmm... I was enjoying that movie. LOL! As much as I would like to see Elizabeth with Lucas, I believe he will be the first one to bring up that Elizabeth's heart is joined to another. Georgia, Erin did say she had input into the final choice.

    3. Hi Shelby!

      Yes, I was enjoying that movie too. I guess it came to an end during the last episode of Season 7. Lol. Because what we're seeing now is something completely different. If Erin had an input to the final choice, I'm fine with that. I just don't like the way they decided to get to that final choice and how all the characters are not the ones they have been presenting us all these years. The way they are portraying Lucas so far this season is as if he would be better off if he left HV. They have made him into a background character that is just there to please the storyline of E getting to N. When did she ever ask him if he was ok after the explosion? He is clearly having problems with the business, he is tired and he is trying his best. But it seems like nobody asks him and nobody cares if he is ok. He is giving so much to the town and to Elizabeth. I don't know what they are doing 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

    4. I agree completely, Georgia. Clearly, there is more that L&E could have discussed. They were on such a tight time table, though. I believe there are too many plots in each episode and the writers are trying to juggle too much dialogue. In my opinion, it takes away from the depth and scope of the people we know and love in their scenes. I know Tinker is trying to write in more stories that are more inclusive to the whole cast. That seems reasonable, but perhaps they could rotate some of the plots to allow more time for really important scenes.

    5. Well, they are making sure to give Nathan and Allie enough storylines and things from their point of view. But still, even about Nathan it's as if some stories have loose ends and they just leave it at that. I hope it changes for everyone! I want to enjoy the show again ❤️ let's see!

    6. Georgia, maybe this why the other characters are lagging behind.

    7. Hi Georgia, i completely understand and feel so bad for Chris McNally. How could he ever go into the library and not have all of the emotions of him & E come up or vise versa. They are actors/ actresses but they are still human first. I can't imagine how this has affected them all. They are a family and work so closely together. The pain of it all and then all of the views hopefully they are not reading them. Some very hurtful. I blame the writers at the end of the day. if they knew they had to pick a Mountie then why the triangle. Let the show die and spare the feelings of the hearties.

    8. Hello!

      Exactly.. They divided their fanbase in the worst possible way. The show used to be enjoyable for everyone. It doesn't look that way anymore.

  16. Hello Everyone! Hope everything is good for you in your real lives. Now we can talk about the fictional town of Hope Valley. Thanks for the post and all the comments. I am the in the same boat, and it is not the Love Boat. Although as a proud member of Team Lucas, I am happy to see Elizabeth and Lucas together, but there is always the cloud of Nathan hanging around. Nathan as the first to verbally express his love seemed to jump ahead, but then Elizabeth shot him down but was obviously distressed to do so. I guess I am waiting for Elizabeth to kiss one of them. I believe her character would never kiss a man unless her heart was fully committed. She is the complete opposite of a Union City floozy. So while we wait for a kiss, the mystery of Nathan and Jack and a possible prior meeting remains on my mind. I did not like the look on Nathan’s face when he insisted he never met Jack. Kevin is a decent actor, and I think it could have been a deceptive answer. There were a lot of Mounties in the area. Did a formal introduction occur? Clearly not. I don’t think Nathan would lie to multiple people, but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t there when Jack died or witnessed the events leading to Jack’s death in some way. Any revelation of something like that would be so hurtful to Elizabeth and totally prevent the dreams of Team Nathan from coming true. On the other hand, the uncertainty around Nathan’s career could swing the pendulum in the other direction removing a major obstacle to a more serious relationship for Elizabeth and Nathan if he was no longer a Mountie. So we have the rest of the season to see what will happen. Sounds like a good reason to tune in every week.

    1. Agreed. Proud member of Team Lucas. It will be nice to see how the writing shifts next season if its in the wings. I feel like we have seen so much of Nathan and Allie apart from Elizabeth it would be hard to fathom seeing them all together with separate stories. I think it would take away from what is already a slightly underwritten ensemble. And they've added a new family! I felt that with Elizabeth being the main character, her pick will become front and center while the other guy will get less screen time. Since Lucas already gets a lot less screen time on his own and hasn't really had any interesting stories, I worry he'll sort of disappear behind the other characters who are amazing but can only get a few 30 second scenes per episode. The writers could have kept their audience who is clearly invested in Nathan and Allie. While it would be interesting to see where Lucas ends up, people are such big fans of Nathan and Allie that they would tune in just to see Nathan and Allie get a family as well. Nathan and Allie would still be heavily featured in the show. With Lucas on the outs with Elizabeth he's at a greater risk of not getting much attention writing and screentime wise.

    2. Hi Dolly - I am very concerned for Chris McNally. I think tis is so sad, seeing he was supposed to be the lead. My values and views of the hallmark channel are changing to a very negative disposition. They could have did better. I admit i do not remember this many issues with wcth 1-5. Maybe i was sleeping through it and there were. Why so many new writers? if you go to Wikipedia they show a different director and writer for each episode. I thought John Tinker was writing them all, they show him on the first 2 only. I remember Erin saying that both men will be in a good position when this is done. i have a hard time trying to swallow this. Being in the shadows can be a lonely place. Meanwhile Kevin has another show that he is already doing. They are not using the full potential of the characters like Bill, Gowen, Lee & Rosie. i even wonder how the actors are feeling reading all of the sad posts. Seeing the fans that have been hurt. Thinking about the fans that will not be able to watch there favorite show anymore because of who is picked. There is no win - win with this situation.

    3. Hi CamLeo, I agree Elizabeth will not be kissing Lucas. I hope that when Nathan finally tells E what she has been waiting for that she will be able to forgive him quickly. Woman have intuition and know when you are not telling them something. My concern is why did the writers allow Lucas to have so many connections of what jack did in the past. Hope did such a wonderful writeup about it. We can add the horseback riding to it now. Maybe it was to show us that E past is not her future. Her future is being written now. Does this even make sense?

  17. Hope, I think your post is spot on! You didn't miss a beat! I agree that Lucas & Elizabeth's time together was lacking. We know why! Thank you for working so hard to give us detailed posts. I thought the nighttime dinner with Lucas's dark beard, made it a little harder to see him. LOL! It was also a tad annoying that they had him rubbing his beard instead of having more conversation with Elizabeth. Sigh! I think their goal was to make L&E spicy instead of letting us see their sweet romance. A more conversational, personal dialogue would have made all the difference.

    1. I was very disheartened over that dinner. I wanted to hear him ask about baby jack(but nothing), why no conversation, when she said that a weight was lifted, i was waiting for Lucas to say something. She is bored gets up to clean the dishes. How awkward was that. Know that i think about it why did he take her hand with her wedding band still on her finger? TN was saying that the dress she had on was for the saloon. I thought did the writers have to go this low to make them seem so bad. Ok so L is probably not her choice, but was there not an easier way to get the message across. Shame on hallmark for allowing this triangle to go on this long they deserve to lose viewers. They pushed the envelope and have the hearty fans all up in arms. Woman are emotional creatures regardless of what team we chose for whatever reason. I personally wanted someone different than a Mountie, but i understand that is the only thing that is left from the book. I'm not even a book lover just like the story. Regardless people will be hurt. At the end of the day i no longer will loose sleep over this. What will be will be!

    2. Auntied I agree completely. It's consumed way too much of my thinking, and I am going to try and pull back just a little -- if I can.

  18. Hope, I hope it's all right for me to share a blog post written by a Lucas fan, who does an excellent job of explaining why Elizabeth has a "secure attachment" with Nathan. SIGH! Even if it is painful to read for some of you, it makes perfect sense. I read it because I never understood what they had or how they got it. LOL! Also, before today, I had never visited this blog nor did I know about it. Here is the link: https://writingwithaview.blog/?p=147

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. You are welcome, Auntied. I want Elizabeth to be happy, but I wanted to be happy as well. LOL! For the fans of the one chosen, they won't have to deal with another disappointment. I suppose that is why I am trying to come to terms with what looks like a N&E ending. Auntied, when you say you "will miss your favorite show;" does this mean you don't plan to watch if Lucas isn't chosen? Although, I hope they will give Lucas someone with whom he can have a real connection. The sad part is that I am afraid he won't get the air time he did while being part of the love triangle. I imagine WCTH will be renewed with their sky-high ratings, but we will see.

    3. Auntied, I think I misstated that the blog author, Cara, is a fan of Lucas. I quickly read a headline on another post of hers and assumed she was a Lucas fan. I believe she likes Lucas but she is certainly not Team Lucas. That makes a difference. :)

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. I think Hallmark and WCTH need to still have two leading men in Season 9 or their ratings may suffer. They have allowed both McNally and McGarry to have leading-men parts for almost 2 1/2 years. If one of them is forced to take a back seat, it won't work. I want WCTH to succeed, but they need to pay attention to the show's fan base. The producers and the writers MUST realize that McNally stills needs to not only find a great love interest, but he MUST also still have a leading role and as much air time. I think it can be done.

  19. I am also Grateful that Lucas was able to help Elizabeth to get her book deal. This is something that she really wanted, and i am hoping that the final manuscript is a huge success. I still have hope that Lucas could come from behind. Does that seem weird? Of course i just want was best for #teamElizabethto be Happy.

    1. Auntied, I still have hope, too, and I keep looking for clues and hoping for the best for Lucas and Elizabeth. For me, I will lose an important part of my connection to Elizabeth without Lucas. I love Elizabeth, but I was drawn to her connection with Jack and now Lucas. I don't know if they can capture my attention with a Nathan outcome. If he remains a Mountie, it seems the storylines would be predictable, but if he changes professions that might make it more interesting. I don't see him really wanting to give up being a Mountie, and we know Elizabeth would not want that for him, either.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Auntied, Thank you! I wrote it down. I might just take you up on it.

    4. Auntied, I don't have one set up for the show and if I decide to do that, I will let you know.

    5. No Problem! I just get tire of messing up! Hope has been so patient with me. I really believe they ruin the show.

    6. Auntied, I set up my email today. Sometimes I need to share after the show before Hope's post goes up. If you still want to correspond that way, let me know. I have your email. Thank you. By the way, I am sure Hope is mindful that we might sometimes forget to not talk about spoilers.

    7. Shelby, unfortunately i only watch the program on Tuesday night on itunes. So i would not be able to discuss until Wednesday.

    8. Auntie, I understand. Thank you for letting me know. I guess I'll just have to keep rehashing it with my hubby until Wednesday.

    9. Shelby, just jump on face book and you can interact with the many people discussing the show. I have found some really interesting points on social media. i have even visited TV insider does not have that many reviews. I like QC approval, but she did not enjoy WCTH and stopped reviewing after episode 3. Sad :( Sometimes before watching it i do jump out to read some reviews.

  20. Shelby, I am not so sure how they can do it. There is only 40-43 minutes to each show. how can they keep E, N, The school children, Bill, Lee, Rosie, lee's niece, the canfields, and on and on. I feel that have to many now. Molly, Ned &oh! his bride soon to be. It's an impossible task with the short time frame. Personally i don't feel comfortable watching for scraps, i would prefer the meat. It is really tough though. i have been on you tube/ Instagram to see how TL is feeling and it's not good. They knew we would find out eventually not even episode 6. Of course she can't kiss someone she does not love. know i know it's all fake just helping her to get to N. Maybe the writers thought TL would understand with the process, but they could have used the time to write better parts for the actors. Just my opinion.

    1. Auntied, The showrunner, John Tinker, said last night on his Facebook live with his wife that they could not continue to do as many plots due to the large cast. He explained how it takes away from the characters... so that was encouraging to hear. Tinker also said he was finding his sea legs this season in regard to the show's timing. I think it's going to work out all right eventually. I do agree with such a pivotal season that there should have been more time allotted to Elizabeth and her two suitors. Like you, I would rather have more than just a few tiny crumbs. :) I believe that Lucas will be able to take the disappointment of not being chosen better than Nathan. I truly believe Lucas does want Elizabeth to be happy. Erin Krakow did say the one not chosen takes it like a champ. So, if they can take it like a champ, I am going to give it the old college try. LOL! They have to know that the side not chosen will still be rooting for their fella to be happy and in love.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Auntied, I don't see it the way you do. Lucas is very perceptive, and we have to remember that he's been watching Elizabeth in the earlier episodes. In the last episode, Lucas was skeptical before their first date of how to read Elizabeth because he had been watching her with Nathan and Allie. He knows Elizabeth was torn. Of course, he does believe he has a chance now. However, he's still watching. I believe Lucas will know before Elizabeth is willing to accept her own feelings. She's running hard! If that be the case, I believe Lucas will accept it. Yes, he's a hopeful romantic on the show, but he will realize that you cannot make someone be happy and in love with you, if they are not. John Tinker gave an interview back in February to a newspaper in GA. He said the ending will bring satisfaction, and I believe it will. Sure, the the team that is not chosen will be disappointed, but I know we will be fine in time. For now, I am going to enjoy the romance we get to see between Lucas and Elizabeth. I think the writers are trying to give us a little of what we wanted. Romance with L&E!!! Besides, our fellow continues to live, and that is far better than watching Jack's funeral at the end of season 5. I wanted to turn the tv off then. It's going to be fine in time, Auntied. I promise! I would much rather see Lucas deeply in love and it returned, and if that is not Elizabeth, then I have hope he will find true love in seasons to come. Also, as much as I am Team Lucas, I know McGarry does romance really well and really sweet. McNally does even better, IMO. We just have to let the writers know that we won't both of our teams happy and in love. I am sorry you are disappointed Auntie. I went through that about 2 weeks ago. I was mad, too!
      I am trying hard to let it go. It does me no good to keep it there. I will still be disappointed if it's a N&E ending, but if Elizabeth and he are happy, I will learn to be happy with them. Although, I still want to see Lucas a lot! LOL!

    2. Auntied, My hubby and I are going to watch Chris McNally and Leah Renee in their movie, Sailing into Love, now. It's very sweet and very romantic. They also have great chemistry. We are not in the mood for Hallmark's Christmas movie tonight. I hope you enjoy your evening.

    3. Hi Shelby, I am still 100% team Lucas until the end no matter how disappointed i get along the way. At one point i thought maybe all of the things that reminded us of jack was her past but not her future. I do not believe that Lucas is anything like Charles. I feel that Lucas is a gem and really brings out more depth out of E acting. As much as E is challenged by L. I also think that L needs that warmth in his life that his mom was not able to provide him with as a child. Lucas would finally be able to settle down because he found a reason to be committed. I am sure the writers are doing there best to appease both sides, but only one man can be the lead. I would love to see more of Lee & Rosemary, find out if Gowen is sick, Hope Carson does not leave the show and i like how Bill should be promoted to mayor. I di not cry on the Allie seen although is was a nice gesture for her to stand up for her uncle. With the canfields E is going to be challenged in with her teaching skills. I sure hope Clara & Jesse can overcome there trust issues also. Happiness is coming to HV soon. I now understand why season 9 has not been approved it depends on the reactions of the outcome of season 8. Sad for the actors/actresses. I do not want them to loose there jobs. WCTH has to stay alive.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Auntied, I agree! I think I know who Charles is from watching a snippet of him dancing with Elizabeth. He certainly wouldn't have appealed to me. Glad Elizabeth chose Jack. You know I only came to watch WCTH in season 5. Oh, I might have watched a few episodes before that, but I didn't want to become attached to a series only to lose one of them to death. I knew Janette Oke wrote bittersweet stories because the women at my church loved them. I am more of a "please give me a happy ending type of girl." LOL! I waited until I thought happiness would prevail for a little while. Elizabeth had married Jack and that was wonderful and then he died. I love what you envisioned for Lucas as well as some of the other characters. Lucas may have been given things, but he certainly seems to have been deprived of warmth a child needs growing up. I know what you mean by one man being the lead and being with Elizabeth, but I hope the show can find a way to pivot and allow the one who is not chosen to still have a larger presence if there is a season 9. I believe some of the loose ends with most of the characters will be resolved in or near the finale.

  22. I am going to take a shot shower and hit the sack! Enjoy the show :)

    1. Auntied, I wrote down your email and I still have it. I am sorry what I wrote upset you. That was certainly not my intention. For whatever it's worth, I do know the show is upsetting a lot of Lucas fans. Count me among them, but I am trying to just let what will be, be. Thank you for your good wishes, and I hope you feel better about WCTH eventually. Please take care! :)

    2. Hi Shelby, I am definitely not upset over your post. I just decided to answer it today. i will definitely keep watching until the end. I am still Team Lucas. The dinner could have been a red herring. At least we know how Team N fans feel. All hearties love wcth and this triangle was dragged on to long. Hopefully both sides will be able to enjoy the show after this season is over.

    3. Hi Auntied, I have been up way too early (over 2 hours now) with one of our furbabies who is afraid of storms. I am so glad you are not upset over my post. I have enjoyed your input and conversation. I will always be Team Lucas, too, and I hope the show will bring a lot of happy moments for the characters. This season has had just a little too many squabbles among the couples for my taste. Some call it growing pains. Ha, ha! I agree that the love triangle has been pushed to the max, and we need it to end.

    4. I am trying to open myself up to understand what i really do not understand about widows. I remember that after 9/11 there were some people that could not even thinking about remarriage, while others found healing through becoming friends with someone who lost a love. Can't imagine 3 years of grief. We completely see why E can be drawn to nathan (because her late husband Jack was one). Season 7 episode 8 Into the woods. Nathan literally yelled with anger at E. ( I am watching it now) I do not ever remember jack yelling at E in anger. Am i wrong? Maybe i just can't remember it. I do not remember N apologizing, but telling E that she matters to her. Nathan also keeps secrets and does not want to share with E. I have become Team Curious! I still believe that it's Lucas, but i have been wrong before. Just the fact that Lucas has read her personal stories of her life with Jack. I was wondering if Lucas dated the widow for awhile that he helped out or were there just friends. Either way he certainly has experience with being gentle with E. Team Curious!

  23. Would definitely rather see Elizabeth with Nathan rather than Lucas. Really disappointed! 😞

    1. Hi Liz, Nevada, I hear your pain. Don't give up! Hallmark has hurt wcth fans by doing the triangle to long. They forgot that the hearties are human first and that we just love watching the show for entertainment. I was so disappointed after last weeks show. Now i am hopeful again! Thanks to all of the fans that keep encouraging each other to not give up, but prepare for either side to win. Which easy said then done. Remember there are many red herrings this year.

  24. Boy did I make a mistake. I looked at a TN blog and had to walk around the block just to cool off. I also had to re-watch scenes to confirm they are making stuff up to fit their scenario where E ends up with N. All the comments here seem to believe that E and N will end up together even though we have not seen anything YET to justify that relationship. In re-watching scenes, I remain convinced that E shines with L. The E character that I have come to know and love would not hang around L when it is obvious he adores her just to have something to do. That is just cruel. I guess E can be mistaken, but she has proven to be a pretty smart cookie as she matures so again it doesn't seem likely. Lee & Rosemary would also advise her to cool it with L if they thought she was fighting her feelings for N. I so wish they would end this love triangle in a believable way as they might be doing if L is the choice. Please let tomorrow night give us the clarity we deserve. The discussion with N on moving Allie to an advanced math curriculum meant nothing!!! E is a great teacher that needed to talk to a petulant parent because the change needed parental approval and would involve the parent possibly with additional homework assistance. That is a reasonable explanation that does not involve a desperate woman creating a reason to invite the man she truly loves but has decided she can't be with to her home so she can spend time with him despite her telling him they have no future.

    1. Hi CamLeo, I have looked at the TN blogs also. I find it's safer to stay in your own lane, but when i see something on a you tube post about l that is not true. i challenge them back in a kind way. Some have come back. There is no need for us to be biting each others head off over our favorite show. At the end of the day the hearties are all watching there favorite show for entertainment. We chose the man we truly believed will make E happy. One man will win and the other will become a friend, along with a broken heart. I still believe that Lucas is the man of her dreams. I believe with each episode things will become more clear for both teams involved. I hope at the end of the final episode they renew season 9 so we can see more of our favorite HV town. Keep on believing that you have picked the right person for E that will take this show to another level.

    2. I like the way you think CamLeo. I believe she is enjoying being with Lucas, but I am not sure Lee and Rosemary would know more if Elizabeth hasn't shared it. I am not sure she knows what she is feeling completely. I think she wants to be free of the heavy weight not just of grading papers, but also of the weight of her grief that she has borne for the last 3 years. I think she needs to enjoy her life again. I believe she only invited Nathan to discuss Allie because of her concern for Allie's grades. One thing does trouble me and that is Brian Bird directed Hearties to the new blog that I shared above. He pointed it out twice on Twitter. I am no longer on Twitter, but anyone can view his Twitter feed. I agree that we need more clarity tomorrow night, but I am not sure we will get as much as we need.

  25. I can see the writing on the wall that E will end up with Nathan in the end. It just
    hurts - to have watched the relationship with E & L for the last 2 1/2 seasons and Nathan's character has a minute here, a minute there and we are supposed to believe that they are in love. Watching back to E's relationship with Jack - they had this wonderful banter back and forth and to me - E & L have that same fun time together. Oh well, if by miracle I am surprised, wonderful - otherwise I think the drive up the hill has peaked for L's relationship and it will start moving in the opposite direction if they are going to make this in any way believable in the last few episodes. I will miss Lucas's character having a major spot on the show to be put in the background once this is all over. I thought E & L could have so many
    interesting stories - but I am sure they will back to the teacher/Mountie Story. Thank you.

    1. Hi Anonymous- This was me after last episode. I was on emotional overdrive and very disappointed. I am still team Lucas! I hope the writers go for a win win, but not sure that is possible. The good thing is that Nathan has Allie, and so he would have a lot of interaction when the school season is in, and of course he would be protecting and serving the towns needs. I feel that if Lucas were not chosen - it would be easier to fade into the shadows. It would have been nice to see N & E go on an official date so we could see how they communicated. It's sad because Nathan continues to shut E out. I believe the reason she looks at him while with L- Is cause her intuition knows Jack knows something about her late husband. I have become Team Curious! Don't Give up! Remember Kevin said there were more red herrings than a zoo. Each episode will take our emotions on a high.

    2. Hi Anonymous and Auntied, I am watching season 7 again on the marathon that Hallmark is airing today. As much as I hate to admit it, the writers did give more, tender, heart scenes to Elizabeth and Nathan even last year. That is only my opinion after watching season 7 again. I had forgotten. SIGH! Also, I didn't pay as much attention to Nathan and Elizabeth because I was and still am rooting for Lucas and Elizabeth. I never wanted Elizabeth with another Mountie because I didn't feel like it would be a good fit for Elizabeth after Jack. Like each of you and others here, I was looking forward to the new stories that could be told with Elizabeth and Lucas. I think at this point it will take a miracle for them to be the end game. The way tonight's episode goes could be one indicator. I am not giving up, but I am trying to prepare for a different than my much hoped outcome. Auntied, I do remember Kevin talking about all the red herrings. Also, I do see how Elizabeth lights up when she sees Lucas, but the writers haven't done a good job of giving them the tender moments. It could still happen!

  26. Hi Shelby, To me if Nathan wins. It means that Lucas was her past/ dream fulfiller. Does that even make since. I have seen the tender moments. i also remember the plaque that he gave her about do it afraid. That means Lucas would be in the Shadows or maybe even leave HV. Team Curious, does not know anymore.

    1. Hi Auntied. You might be right. I don't know unless she longs for the easier time of dating Jack and feeling all that easier life and romance. I feel Elizabeth is longing for freedom from all the sorrow she has had to work through. Also, to a lesser degree, the great responsibility of having to raise little Jack all by herself. Of course, she has had a lot of help in the Hope Valley community. I believe she enjoys the happiness and the fun that she has with Lucas. I am not sure she is ready for love with either man, but the show must go on. I think the impossible love triangle has complicated her being able to find love more naturally. In my opinion, I believe Lucas wants to stay in Hope Valley and will do just that. In the interviews, Erin Krakow and John Tinker in a separate interview said the one not chosen would still have love interests and would remain.. I know Lucas told his mom that Elizabeth was the reason for his staying in Hope Valley, but if Nathan wins Elizabeth's heart, I believe Lucas will find his way in Hope Valley without her. Erin Krakow said the one not chosen takes it like a champ, and Lucas has his business there and its important to the community. I believe he will find his way to true love if its not with Elizabeth. I think the producers and the writers should strongly consider the dynamic they created with the love triangle and should be able to easily realize how important Lucas is to many fans. They have to hear from us and know that by allowing us to have two leading men for 2 1/2 seasons, that we will still need that. I am not a fan of the shorter segments/scenes just to include all the cast. Season 7 flows much better, IMO, but I believe John Tinker has said he realizes that more character development is needed and that will require more time with longer segments. (I am paraphrasing what Tinker said in last Thursday night's chat.)

  27. I still go back to the interviews with E/L/N - where L states that his character only wants
    E to be happy. To me - that says it all - that will be his line when everything changes - just
    my 2 cents. Also - watching the interview with N/Allie - where she basically gives it away - saying that we will all see how it comes together in the end - saying it with a huge smile - again, that says it all. I just have a feeling that E will pull away tonight when they are in the car during the rainstorm. and the tide will change. Hope I am wrong!! I also agree with what everyone is saying that she lights up every times she sees L - not so much with N. Love hearing everyone's comments.

    1. Hi Anonymous, I would not be swayed by what the actors say in an interview. They are professional actors and are probably telling us clues that will throw us off the beaten path. Keep looking for the clues! Yes she does light up when she is with Lucas. That a good sign to hold onto. I have wondered how to get my emotions out of this. I am doing better. I am # Team Curious # Looking for clues # encouraging even TN not to give up. I do not want to see anyone heart broken, but i realize we cannot have to lead men. E will pick somebody. Maybe some dashing man will coming riding in on a white horse and sweep E off of her feet.


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