WCTH S8 Episode Review: No Regrets
Two words.... Oh. My.
Hello, hello Hearties and welcome to Wednesday! As always I hope you all are doing wonderfully! Well, we've had another Sunday, and another episode of WCTH premiered! Per usual I definitely enjoyed it, and wow... Were there some plot twists! (Jumping jelly beans, were there some plot twists...)
I do feel like a lot of this episode was the characters simply reacting to the previous episode. I also feel like... well... maybe Lucas needs more screen time. And maybe an actual plotline that doesn't involve Elizabeth entirely. But that's the Team Lucas in me coming out. Lol!
I also feel like this season is moving at a slower pace, at least when it comes to the triangle. Each week we get little snippets of things moving forward, but it's only just enough to move things a little bit each time. But hey. It's keeping me coming back each week, so the writers must be doing something right. Lol!
Alright let's get to the review!
Fiona has still not returned. (Mysterious music begins to play...)
Little Jack was again absent, but I know why. (Thanks Covid...) Just thought I'd mention the little man. :)
Hickam got a raise! Yay!
Team Infirmary
Ummmm.... Well, (Cough!) things don't seem to be going so well for these two, do they?
Carson has decided to turn down the surgical fellowship... and now Faith is telling him to accept it. These two just can't seem to catch a break. Here's my thoughts on them.
My biggest problem is that Carson doesn't seem content in Hope Valley, something I thought was the opposite way around. All through season 6 and 7 Carson was just patiently waiting for Faith to come back to him so they could be together. And now that she finally has, he wants to leave.... and she's not willing to go with him.
Now I really do agree with Faith here. He needs to take that fellowship. If he's really as discontent as he seems to be, then his sacrifice will only cause him regret and even more discontentment in the future. Right now he may not care, but in a week to a month he will. And he'll be back to square one, and filled with what-ifs and regret. He's spent so much time encouraging Faith to chase her dreams. Now he needs to do the same thing. He'll never get the answers he's seeking if he doesn't.
However... The fact that Faith won't go with him is a problem. And I'm not exactly saying she should. If she knows she won't be happy in Baltimore than she really shouldn't go. But... the fact that she's not willing to go just for Carson's sake kind of speaks to how much she cares about him.
And now we have the whole incident with Ned. Yes, I believe this will reveal something to both us the viewers and to Faith and Carson. About their dreams, and how they feel about each other. I have three scenarios in mind.
#1: Carson saves Ned, realizes that he wants to do more work like this, and goes to Baltimore. Faith may or may not go with him, but that would be the end and exit of Carson from WCTH.
#2: Carson saves Ned, goes to Baltimore, (This time without Faith) and then realizes that his home is Hope Valley, comes back, and proposes to Faith.
Or #3: Carson saves Ned, and then realizes that he can do the meaningful work he feels called to do right there in Hope Valley. Him and Faith stay, fix their relationship, and it all ends with a proposal. Maybe even a wedding!
All in all, I believe something is going to happen with them soon. What that something is? I'm not sure yet.
Young Love
Lee and Rosemary's niece is falling for Henry Gowen's estranged son.... What could go wrong? Lol! (More on him later) At least Rachel can see that this guy is trouble. But then again... that may just make him even more alluring.
We only got to see so much of Rachel and Christopher together, and I do believe I need to see more to get a better pinion of them. But they seem cute so far. The sheltered, romantic girl meets the bad-boy with a dark past... Sounds like the perfect grounds for a good scandal...(Cough!) I mean romance. Yeah. That's totally what I meant. ;)
I'm not sure how this is going to go just yet. I can see some good in Christopher, much like I can with his father. (Again more on those two later.) Rachel's mishap with the lipstick was funny. I think I would be rolling my eyes and banging my head for a week if that had happened to me. Lol! I'm intrigued to see where this goes, and think this new plot twist makes Rachel's story so much more interesting.
However... The cast is already quite...full. And so another storyline is going to make this juggling act a bit harder. But still I'm very curious to see where this goes.
All Things Ned...
Alright. These two are perfect for each other. Period. My goodness, Florence was so bold, and yet so incredibly sweet! She's quite worried about Ned, even telling him straight to his face. They start to have a moment when... low and behold Elizabeth shows up. Lol! Elizabeth's response was hilarious! Sweet, but hilarious. :D
Then we see FloYo together again as Florence gives Ned his birthday present! (Even though it's totally not his birthday. Lol!) She was so excited for Ned to see his present! Okay, wait... Backup a moment. She got him a present! How sweet! And even though it wasn't what she ordered, (I wonder what she had ordered...) Ned was elated!
Ned wonders how did Florence know that he had developed an interest in all things bee keeping? And Florence's response? "Because I have developed an interest in all things Ned!" Oh my goodness! That was just gold! And then they took each other's hands, becoming lost in the moment when suddenly...Ding! A small bell Ned had installed goes off signalling someone had just then intruded on their special moment. Ned actually installed the bell! And Florence's response to that fact was perfect! (Have I mentioned how perfect these two are together?)
And then... AUGH!!!! Oh my goodness! He fell down the stairs!!! I should have seen this coming, and yet... ugh! Oh, poor Ned...
Now I totally believe that he is going to be alright. (It's Henry that I'm worried about.) However I do believe that this incident is going to serve as a turning point for Carson and Faith. Where it will lead them, I'm not sure just yet. But I feel that Ned is going to need surgery... and there is a certain surgeon who's been feeling that his talents aren't being fully utilized... (Do you get where I'm going with this? ;)
The Coulters
So... the whole dress shop mess is Lee's fault! Yeah... that actually makes a lot of sense. And of course as always he had his wife's best interest at heart. He even realized the error of his ways and undid what he had done. (Trying to buy the dress shop.) But unfortunately... all of it couldn't quite be undone. Thanks to him the wheels started turning in Dottie's mind to sell.
But in the end it all worked out. Rosemary has decided to give up working at the dress shop and wants to pursue something new. If only she could figure out just what that something is... What I was most happy about was seeing her and Lee talk things out. You know, like a real couple that loves each other... (Hint, hint...)
Team Classe
🎵Won't you come home, oh, Jesse? Won't you come home?🎵 (Yes. I had to do that.)
Oh, Jesse.... Why? Why?!? How could you have been so... reckless. Now I know I was pretty hard on Clara last time, and while I was still not thrilled with her this time, I do want to clarify that I do believe she had every right to feel angry, and betrayed. What Jesse did was honestly unacceptable. He took out all their savings, everything they'd worked so hard to save for their future, and just gambled it away on some investment.
Oh, Jesse... But that's not to say I don't feel bad for him. The poor man looked like he was going to cry while he was talking to Lee! As to his wife....
Why isn't Clara tracking her husband down? I know he has completely betrayed her trust, but... she loves him. And he hasn't been home for almost two days. I just feel like I would be wondering where on earth has my husband gone?
I also was SO not happy with Faith's comment that she wouldn't let Jesse come home just yet. Wow. That was really cold, and really did not make me like her character.
But one of the best parts of the episode came when Joseph Canfield gave Jesse some incredibly wise and beautiful advice. (Which I'll get to in a minute.)
But it looks like Clara is finally missing her husband. Hopefully this next episode we'll see them finally reunite, talk things out, and be a happy and in love couple again! (Hopefully using Joseph's words of wisdom to guide their relationship.)
I also wonder if Clara is going to seriously start working with Fiona at the barber shop. That would be... interesting. Lol! All I'll say for now is this... I'm sure glad she didn't take Hickam's money. Lol!
The Canfields
Joseph Canfield is an angel. Plain and simple. That man... I LOVE his character. I mean, wow! I haven't heard God spoken of like that in Hope Valley for so long. Honestly I'm surprised that was allowed on television, but wow! That was some golden stuff!
So Angela fell off the swing Joseph had built for her and her brother, and ended up hurting her knee. It wasn't broken, but the incident just served as a reminder to Minnie that in one instant her baby girl could get seriously hurt. This then led us to see Joseph...(Sighs happily) on his knees in the woods, praying out loud to God. I mean... Have I mentioned how I love this guy?
love that he just talks outright to God. It's such a beautiful attribute of
his character. Honestly the man just has such a wonderful peace about
him, and he showed us why. He puts his trust in God. He trusts God to
take care of his daughter, and encouraged Minnie to do the same. (While sitting on her new "swing." Lol!)
We then had the scene with Minnie, Angela, and Elizabeth where Elizabeth brought them a braille book. Now Elizabeth and Minnie can learn how to read it, so they can then teach Angela. All the woman are so excited at the possibility. Apparently Minnie had tried before to find a braille book, but wasn't allowed to check it out. (Which is just terrible!) But thanks to Elizabeth, Angela may finally learn how to read!
And finally we had one of the best scenes in the whole episode. Yes I'm talking about that beautiful scene between Joseph and Jesse. I mean... wow! Jesse revealed him and Clara had been struggling and Joseph explained to him that when it comes to marriage you need to two legs, and a crossbeam to hold them together. The legs are Jesse and Clara. And what's the crossbeam? Well, Joseph believes that crossbeam is God. (Amen and Amen!) And then Joseph said these incredibly wise words....
"Now, most couples, they leave God at the alter the day of the wedding. But if you keep Him with you, He's there to hold you up, together."
and applauds) That was some hard core truth right there, and I give
some major kudos to the writers! Guys, this is so true! Joseph has learned he and his wife can't go through life by their own strength. They need God to hold them up. This was just such a beautiful thing and I thank the writers for it!
I'm Not Giving Up
Alright now... Who lit that fire under Nathan's butt? Oh wait. That would be Allie. (Thaaannkkss Allie...You're such a great niece... ;)
So I did enjoy watching Nathan this episode... and he also made me disappointed. (And I think the reason why is quite obvious. :D
But I shall start with the positive. I once again really enjoyed seeing him so playful and happy. His antics with Allie were cute and brought a smile to my face. The dynamic between those two is sweet to watch. It's like a father/daughter, uncle/niece, and best friends relationship all rolled into one.
And with that comes deeper conversations... Sigh... Allie just had to bring up Mrs. Thornton, didn't she?
And it's clear Nathan still has feelings for Elizabeth. Just like Allie still has feelings for Robert. But apparently Robert likes Anna. (You know I never quite pictured Anna as the squirting water through her teeth type of girl.) All I can say is Robert is missing out.
As for Nathan... Well it may have taken him 4 episodes, but he finally figured out that he's not giving up. And... hehehe... I'm not nervous at all... (Gulp!)
Honestly it's about time he came to this conclusion if he really does indeed like (or as he claims) loves her. I'm still kind of waiting for him to prove his love. It's funny as Nathan has said he loves her, yet has not done a whole lot to prove it. (At least when compared to Lucas.) While Lucas has never said the words, but has shown Elizabeth how he feels time and time again by his thoughtful and sweet actions.
But it all comes down to Elizabeth and her feelings in the end. And I could tell she had some thoughts and emotions going on at the sight of Nathan. I'm not sure what they are, but I could see those wheels turning, and there is a definite tension between them. (I mean, duh. She turned him down after he said he loves her.)
Now I wasn't thrilled with Nathan's choice of words at the end of the episode. (Although him and Carson's little pep-talks to themselves were quite humorous. Lol!) Nathan is just assuming that Elizabeth is going with Lucas because he's the "safe choice" basically. Now this could be true (I have to wait until the end to find out what is really going on inside Elizabeth's head.) but either way, I wasn't the happiest with his statement. Then again... I am Team Lucas. :D
The huge whopper of a question I have is this... Will Nathan actually follow through with his words? I've heard him say something similar before (Anyone remember his words, "I'm not afraid of competition?") and he failed to follow through. And I have a feeling if he found out Elizabeth and Lucas had had an "almost kiss" moment, I feel that fire may get a little dimmer. Yes sir, Mr. Mountie, I am going to be watching you. (Mostly so I can tell you to shoo if you get too close to Elizabeth.😉😂) Will he follow through? I guess we'll find out soon.
Oh, the sparks! Oh, the romance! Oh, my heart!
My Lucas has returned! I mean... Lucas has returned... The Lucas I know anyway.... (Cough...)
As you probably know, I found Lucas and Elizabeth's scenes lacking in episode 5. Oh, the setup was absolutely beautiful and romantic. There was just something missing for me personally. But this time... BOOM! Sparks were flying and I felt them!
Oh, the hopeless romantic in me is SO happy at that rain scene! (Places hand to heart!) I mean, I LOVE that kind of stuff! Lol! I was disappointed in the lack of Lucas this episode however. He was in about 4 scenes and they were rather short sadly. But he felt more... more like Lucas this time around.
Alright, let me start from the beginning.
First off, I love how Lucas left that note for Elizabeth. Boy, that man must have knocked and ran to have disappeared that fast. (Or he was holding his breath around the corner. Lol!) I was actually hoping it would be Lucas at the door, and that he would have finally stepped inside Elizabeth's house when she said come in. Of course he may have been inside her house when they had their first date, but we just didn't get to see it.
Anyway, he left Elizabeth a little note telling her to meet him at Heath's pond at sunset. Eeek! How romantic! And this is actually quite reminiscent of Jack and his notes he would leave Elizabeth. (A friend pointed that out to me and I thought I'd share it... You know who you are. ;)
So after Elizabeth had a run in with Nathan and Allie (As I mentioned above) she met Lucas at the pond. And there she discovered that Lucas had set up a romantic picnic for her. Alright guys... That man knows how to woo a girl.
They sat and chatted about Elizabeth's book, or rather all the notes Helen Bouchard continues to leave. Elizabeth is overwhelmed by how many the woman continues to leave, and Lucas laughs, telling her that's his mother's "hallmark." (Mmmm... Yeah. I see what you did there. :D )
Elizabeth says that he could have warned her, but Lucas says the life is more fun with surprises. She then comments, "The kind you seem to be full of, yes."
Lucas then confesses that he felt he needed to make it up to her after their date didn't go as planned. Elizabeth then turns thoughtful, and says.... "I don't know. Dinner in the backyard under the stars. It was pretty nice."
Lucas agrees, saying it was. And then... (Sighs contently) Then the Lucas I know came back as he said he was glad they were in Elizabeth's backyard in case Little Jack needed her. YAY! He mentioned Little Jack! He actually acknowledged him! That's the Lucas I know! Always thoughtful, and acknowledging Little Jack. Lucas said that and I just stuck my hand out at the TV like, "There it is!" Lol!
And his words seemed to spark something in Elizabeth. It was like things started to become real in that moment. Her face seemed to show that, as well as some fear and hesitation. (Which is a good thing in my book.)
She then raised her glass in a toast, and to what did she toast? To her and Lucas!!! Woo hoo! Very sweet, indeed.
Afterward, they had just locked eyes, when low and behold... thunder rolls overhead. Elizabeth smiles and suggests they pack up, but Lucas says that maybe it will pass... and immediately the rain comes down in buckets. And with huge smiles, and lots of laughter they run to the refuge of Lucas' covered car.
Side note: That sounds like some hurricane level rain for them to have gotten that soaked in all but a few seconds. But I find rain romantic, and so who am I to complain? Lol!
And then... (Places hand to heart) we got one of the most romantic, spark flying moments in all of Team Lucas history. Honestly this may have been my favorite moment they've ever had. And it was.... the almost kiss. Guys... I felt it! The sparks! The chemistry! The romance! It was so there! And I loved it!
Now I have watched this scene over a few times. (For research reasons...of course...Cough!) I wanted to figure out who initiated the kiss first, as that's kind of important considering Elizabeth's fear of falling in love. And so with the help of a friend I have come to this conclusion.
Elizabeth suddenly realized just how close and intimate things were as they were sitting in that car. Her face went from laughter to a more breathless/serious expression. We then see Lucas' face and his eyes lowered to her lips.
HOWEVER... As far as I can tell... Elizabeth was the one who seemed to lean in first. It was pretty close between them, and they almost did it at the same time. But it looks like she may have started to lean in first. And of course this gives Lucas the green light to follow through.
I will avoid too much gushing here, but... I just really loved this scene! The rain. The breathlessness they both had. The shyness and cautiousness of almost sharing their first kiss. Even just their facial expressions as they both leaned in. It was so romantic! And I loved it! Period!
Now of course it was an "almost kiss," as Elizabeth got scared at the last second and pulled back. She then quickly blurted out, "I can't." But then she ended it with... Not yet. Hmmm... Not yet? That sounds promising. She then apologizes, to which Lucas assures her that he understands. And I believe he does.
That was a very sweet and gentlemanly thing for him to do. He didn't pressure her. Didn't try and convince her otherwise. He simply told her he understands, and left things at that. He's being the patient man he said he would be, and I applaud him for it.
The thing is, it's like I see that Elizabeth really does want to fall in love. She wanted to let herself go in that moment, but at the last second her fear got the better of her. And I understand that completely. This is a big step for her. Going out with someone new, experiencing all these emotions for another man other than Jack. And she hasn't even taken her rings off yet. IMO those will probably come off first, before she kisses him. But... I wouldn't object if it happened before. Lol!
The last time we saw them together in this episode was when Nathan was watching them talk together in the street. (Which apparently their conversation was about tuna melts, according to Chris McNally. Lol!)
All in all, while I wanted Lucas to have more screen time... this episode holds one of my favorite, if not my all time favorite scene Lucas and Elizabeth have ever gotten! Sigh...
Some Theories...
So... I actually have two theories at this point as to how this triangle could end. One in Team Nathan's favor, and one in Team Lucas'.
Theory 1: Nathan will start to fight for Elizabeth, maybe making her question her feelings for both guys. Then Nathan's Fort Clay secret will come to light making Elizabeth break down and maybe get mad at him. Then I feel like something big would happen to Nathan, maybe dangerous and it would make her realize she really loves him, and decide to move on She would then take the rings off, go with him, and we get a Nathan ending. Yay.... (Said in a very unenthusiastic tone of voice...) Also whether she breaks thinks off with Lucas or he tells her to go to Nathan is debatable.
And then there is Theory 2: Nathan is going to try and win Elizabeth over, making Elizabeth think she feels something for Nathan because he's a Mountie and will be overwhelmed because she so firmly believes she can't love another Mountie. Tension then may grow between Elizabeth and Lucas, possibly resolving in a break up. Then something will happen toward the end that makes her realize who she actually loves, she removes the rings, and we get a Lucas ending. Yippee!
I'm sure I could come up with a few more, but I'll leave it at this for now. With only half a season to go, each episode is pretty much a ticking time bomb for each guy. I almost wonder if I'll be pretty sure I know who she's picking after just a few more episodes. It all depends on what happens with each guy, and how their scenes with Elizabeth are portrayed.
So far I feel things are looking really good for Nathan, but you never know. The writers could surprise us. Honestly I'm kind of torn at this point and could see things going either way. And so for now I'm hopeful! :)
Henry's Son!!!
Henry Gowen... has a son... and is dying...
Yeah, I'm going to just let that sit there for a minute....
(Screams into pillow)
Oh. My. Goodness. Henry has a son!!!! And he's DYING!!! (Henry, not his son.) Okay I'm really jumping to conclusions here, but... Yikes!
Wow. Talk about a great plot twist! (His son, not so much the dying part.) And that was some great acting! Can we all just stop right here and give a round of applause to Martin Cummins for his superb acting? Bravo! Man, that guy is so good at showing emotion!
So finally I got my question concerning that letter answered. But now... I have a thousand more.
Who is Henry's wife?
Does he have a wife?
Did they divorce?
Why did Henry stay away from his son?
Why isn't Christopher's last name Gowen?
And the list goes on and on. But two things have become quite clear.... The first being that Henry and Christopher have some issues to work out. Their whole interaction confused me a bit. If Henry was indeed writing to his son, why did he want him to leave? And then why was he so fine, and not that surprised when Christopher told him he was staying? I'm just a little confused at this point.
As to the second thing that just keeps seeming more and more likely every episode... It sounds like... Henry's dying. And... it also sounds like he knows it. (Sniff!) NOOO! How can Hallmark do this to me? To all the Hearties? Now like I said, I know I'm jumping to conclusions, and that I could be very, very wrong... but... but...
Henry's words to his son seemed to say it all.
"I've learned that life is devastatingly short and fragile. And that I will never have enough time left here to make amends or fix all the things that I have broken. In just one moment, one moment without awareness or thought, that I can crush something of such beauty, and such potential. Cause such pain. And in that moment, well, it feels like it's something I will carry with me forever."
Oh. My. Goodness. There is such a double meaning here. Honestly that whole conversation could make for its own blog post. Huge kudos to the writers for that whole scene! Wow...
Basically in a nut shell I can gather two things. One being it sounds like Henry made a mistake in his past, which resulted in this current strained relationship with his son. And the second... sigh... It sounds like Henry knows he doesn't have as much time as he wanted to fix the things he had broken.
And typing that just made me realize something. That's why he wants to fix the oil company all of a sudden. He doesn't care what it takes. That company was his pride and joy, and he was devastated he broke it. Just like he seems so devastated about how things turned out with his son, and possibly with his wife. (Should he have one.) And now he has a sudden urge to fix what he has broken. Because he's learned that life is short. Oh, wow....
Now I have no idea if I'm right. I could be dead wrong. Really I'm just assuming things. But things are NOT looking good for Henry.... (I better keep some tissues near by for these last 6 episodes.)
And that bring us to the end of this review. Overall, once again I enjoyed the episode. I laughed, I swooned, and I was surprised at certain revelations. I do wish Lucas would get more screen time and a plotline that didn't totally involve Elizabeth, but that's just me. :)
I would also like to give Derek Thompson the writer kudos for this episode! Thank you!
Only 6 more episodes to go, Hearties! Who knows what could happen, and I for one am excited to find out!
Thank you so much Hope for your review! You are such a great writer. I for one felt, the triangle was actually over when Elizabeth told Nathan she can't be with him in Episode 2 or 3. I think this chapter, at least for Elizabeth, is to determine if she really could open her heart to love again. I don't feel that Lucas' competition is Nathan, but that it is actually Jack.
ReplyDeleteWe all know that Jack will be a tough act to follow for ANY man. My concern is that like you mentioned. Lucas' character is so one dimensional. I do hope he gets other storylines that are not surrounding Elizabeth. I very much wonder what will happen in Season 9, how will those stories go? Hopefully, things will be much deeper for all the characters and hopefully we will still have both Henry and Carson as well as Lucas and Nathan... and of course Mr. Yost!
Appreciate your blog. Hope you all have a wonderful week!
Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed the post!
DeleteYou're so right that Jack is a hard act to follow. I can tell E is really trying to move on, but I still feel she needs to come to terms with truly moving on, and fully opening her heart. As to Lucas, I agree he needs some more storylines, not involving E. He had some last season, so I'm sad I'm not seeing too many this year. Maybe this next episode will fix that.
I'm so curious to know if Carson and Henry will stay on the show or not. Both are so beloved by the Hearties, it would be sad for so many people if they left. I guess we'll see!
Thank you so much for reading and the comment! Have a wonderful day! God Bless!
Very good blog and will I agree with the first comments made. I have felt for a while, that the triangle wasn't just Nathan or Lucas, but included Jack's memory, which really makes it a square. With Lucas being the frontrunner here, ( which I always thought he was) I would say the triangle is now Lucas/Elizabeth/Jack memory.
DeleteYes they need to give Lucas some other story lines. Hopefully this will begin to happen.
As for Nathan secret, I am sure it isn't a good one and will bring angst to Elizabeth, but what is bad is that he repeatedly said he did not know Jack nor that he was at Fort Clay. I believe his suspension is what resulted in Jack's death.
Thank you
Hello Hope! Thank you for this post. I'm only going to focus on a couple of points- one being the triangle. (Surprise)
ReplyDeleteLike you, I believe the triangle could go either way at this point- which I'm actually happy about right now as last week I thought it was totally going to be Nathan. But that scene- in the rain... was that steamy or what? On HM no less! I heard it may have won over a few Nathan fans...
I believe Nathan has a secret that has to do with Jack. What exactly it is we have to wait and see. When it comes to light, I have to wonder if Elizabeth will be able to 'overlook' or forgive him for keeping it from her. As I said, depends on what it is. It could be the catalyst that throws her into his arms, or it could make her see he has been deceptive for a long time. Time will tell.
Allie. I'll be honest, I'm really not a fan of what it appears may happen with her. I'm sensing a 'parent trap' situation coming along with her setting up E/N. Sometimes these shows like to show how much wiser children are than adults, and that is a possibility. I hope I'm wrong. I actually cringe thinking they may go this direction- it doesn't appeal to me AT ALL. I can see me now, my shaking head in my hands if they do this.
I would hate to see Elizabeth go to Nathan after all the sweet romantic scenes with Lucas. I will have a real problem with her character if that is endgame.
So most likely we are getting a big cliffhanger this season. I believe this because I think the writers will have to do some damage control for the 'losing' team. Since you brought Henry up, yes, I have thought he is probably going to die. And maybe at the end of season. His son is here, maybe Lucas will become his mentor. Would be in interesting story. That being said, I hate to see Henry die. I have had hopes since season 1 of a HenryGail endgame. We just have so many new characters, it seems maybe some are leaving- maybe Henry and Carson. Maybe not.
Only 6 eps left to find out...
Hey, Sue! So glad you enjoyed the post!
DeleteI'm actually feeling a bit more hopeful lately. I know things are still heavily leaning Nathan's way and he may be endgame, but I do feel that things could still go either way. Yay!
And I'm so with you! I think Nathan's secret totally has to do with Jack! And I can imagine it very well may shock and possibly crush E. But again it really could make her choose him as well. (And the roller coaster continues... Lol!)
I too agree that I am NOT a fan of the idea of Allie playing matchmaker. Just not my cup of tea.
I had been thinking this season wouldn't have a cliffhanger, but I'm not sure. So long as the triangle is resolved I'll be more okay with that. And... sigh... Oh it would be SO SAD if Henry died! And it really looks like he may. Goodness, what a dramatic moment that would be! It would be really sad to lose him. I too was a fan of him and Abigail, so it was sad when she left as I never got to see what may have happened between them. But as always, maybe we're wrong.
Can't wait to find out what happens next! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me! I love to hear from you! I hope you're week has been great so far! God Bless!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHope thank you for writing about all Hope Valley. Your joy about it shines through! You make me chuckle with your out-loud expressions. LOL!
ReplyDeleteI believe Carson will realize how much this small town and the surrounding area need a gifted surgeon. Hope, I am choosing your option 3.
Hmm... I don't believe Rachel has experienced enough interaction with young men to know how to handle one like Christopher. However, a caring young woman might help Christopher want to let go of some of his bad-boy behavior. He's probably used to negative attention and might enjoy the positive he's getting from Rachel.
I was prepared for Ned to be in dire need of medical attention. He was hurting so much and kept sweeping it under the rug. Hope I also believe he will recover. I love how Ned and Florence's relationship is so sweet and loving.
I was surprised that Rosemary wasn't happy that Lee wanted to buy Dottie's dress shop for her. However, Lee explained the why quite well. I am a little confused as to why Rosemary is ready to give up the dress shop when she is unsure of what she wants to do.
Hope, I am with you in recognizing how important communication is in a marriage or a relationship. If Rosemary continues to ponder how she can be useful, I believe she might still become pregnant in the season finale.
I agree that Clara is missing Jesse. No matter the hurt, if you love someone, you miss them. I was glad to see that Jesse told Lee the worst thing he did was break the trust with his wife, Clara. It always helps to admit when you have messed up. Also, I loved that Joseph Canfield shared how important it is to have God as the crossbeam to help you in your marriage. Amen and applause, applause!
Thank you, When Calls the Heart and Hallmark for allowing God to come to our screens. Hope, I was surprised that it was allowed, too! He was praying from his heart on his knees. It was huge! I believe Minnie is still finding her way like many of us. Also, Minnie understandably has every right to be overprotective of Angela, but I believe she is going to need to realize that Angela will in time need to learn how to care for herself with the help of God and others.
I'd rather not talk about this part. LOL! I think having Carson and Nathan together saying this holds more weight. SIGH! I think they both mean it, but I hope their outcomes are different for the sake of Lucas.
Loved the picnic and agree that his mentioning little Jack was so important, and it points to his understanding of Elizabeth and Jack's close bond. Although, I have always seen Lucas acknowledge little Jack in the last two seasons. WOW! I don't care if it was just the "almost" kiss. It seemed Elizabeth wanted it at the beginning, and Lucas was ready. LOL! However, the timing for a kiss for Elizabeth would be epic and I believe that kiss will seal the end game. She said not yet and that door is still wide open. I thought Elizabeth and Lucas were both so sweet in their dealing with it. Give Lucas an A+ for his understanding, and even though the kiss didn't happen, I am smiling whenever the scene is over. Their laughter afterward was wonderful and just right for the scene, and the way it was handled gave me a lot of hope. :)
Hmm... I am all out of them, Hope, so I will embrace yours. I think the key is will Nathan's secret be what brings him and Elizabeth even closer or will it be a painful memory for all that she went through, and how she doesn't want to revisit it.
I had briefly thought that Henry might be dying because of words he spoke to Carson in an earlier episode this season. I believe that Henry is dying emotionally because of all his mistakes and it is affecting his health. He needs a compass. God, send Joseph! I am sure they brought in Christopher, Henry's son, to help tie up many loose ends.
I had headings when I wrote this and it was too long, so I had to remove those. So, some of it may not make sense. Next time, I just need to focus on the most important part that moved me.
DeleteNo worries, Shelby! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me! And I'm so glad you enjoyed the post!
DeleteI'm curious to see where this whole Rachel/Christopher relationship goes. Could be quite interesting.
I so hope Rosemary becomes pregnant in the finale! It would make for such an emotional and happy finale!
I'm really hoping Jesse and Clara will finally talk things out in the next episode. Things have been so strained between them this season. Part of me wonders if the whole plotline about Jesse losing their funds was so the crew didn't have to build a whole house this season. Lol! Just a thought.
And wow! It's amazing to see characters actually talking about God, and in such an honest and open way. Especially on TV nowadays. Joseph is such a kind and peaceful man. I really think he may become HV's new pastor. Something this town has been lacking for so long.
Lol! I too hope Carson and Nathan's outcomes are different. I have a bit more hope now for Lucas, but still have to admit that things really seem to be pointing toward Nathan. I really hope I'm wrong. But wow! I loved that "almost kiss in the rain" scene. I think Lucas is definitely way more ready for a kiss than Elizabeth is. Lol! But he was the gentleman he always is and told her he understood.
I'm so curious what Nathan's secret is! And I agree with you. The question is will it bring E&N together or just bring up some really painful memories. Maybe it will give her the motivation to finally and truly move on and love again.
And poor Henry...Sniff! It would be such a sad, and emotional thing if he died. I definitely think he needs to have a good talk with Joseph. Maybe he could help him find some desperately needed hope.
Thank you for reading and for sharing your thoughts with me! I hope your week was been wonderful so far! God Bless!
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ReplyDeleteI have a question about Elizabeth telling Nathan she couldn't be with him in episode 2. If she knew she couldn't bear being with another Mountie, then why was he ever in the love triangle for her. I don't mean why did the writers put him there. I mean why did she include him in her life as much? Does that make any sense? I know she admires all Mounties and she taught Allie at school, but the rest of it doesn't quite seem like a good fit.
ReplyDeleteIf you recall her conversation with Rosemary after the hug she said she didn’t realize until then how much he meant to her. Possibly after that she began to realize she did care but could not risk her heart to another Mountie. So she did the honorable Elizabeth thing and told him she couldn’t give him what he wanted.
DeleteI had already forgotten she told Rosemary that. Thank you, Treymom! She also told Nathan that she sensed he wanted to be more than friends and she couldn't give him more. So, she did make a choice, but we will have to wait and see if it holds. Also, she is awfully happy with Lucas and isn't sitting around moping about Nathan. At least that is my observation.
DeleteI just watched the episode....the comments on Twitter made me think I was missing something. I stand by my thoughts on the ending and hope to be surprised. After all, a writers job on a show is to be unexpected. If we guess their hand so early in, it’ll be apparent they haven’t done their jobs well. I know there is a fan base with Lucas, but the number of people who hope Nathan will end up with Elizabeth is far greater. I really don’t see how showing Nathan deciding not to give up and getting Allie involved in their story can easily go unanswered without angering fans. It really does have the makings of an underdog getting back in the race kind of situation and people love to root for the underdog. Although I do think it’s clear from a writing standpoint that Lucas is in fact the underdog especially with so many fewer fans interested in him ending up with our heroine.
ReplyDeleteI watched the picnic in the rain scene and shouted in repeated succession : “They’re so cute! They’re so cute! I can’t take it they’re so cute cute cute!!!!!! Lucas’ “I understand” was so sweet. He really is happy with whatever Elizabeth will give him as opposed to Nathan who is still withholding information about Jacks death (possibly) and about Allies father; not to mention turning to Lucas for money and not telling him or Elizabeth when she directly asked him who the visitor was. All of this and Nathan is still perusing Elizabeth trying to initially force her hand. In reality this would be bizarre unhealthy behavior!
HelloDolly, (One of my favorite movies when I was younger)....love your comments on this and other forums. I have found these type of venues are so much more considerate when discussing WCTH. Kinder. I find it very interesting how the TN and TL sides respond to the episodes. On the blogs, each side is anxious and see the connections E has with their team and then why their team is not EndGame. On the surface, it appears she has decided. She told Nathan she couldn’t give him what he wanted (Translation for TN she loves him but is afraid and can’t risk her heart. Translation for TL...she chose). She approaches Lucas and lets him know she is ready then Nathan rides by. (Translation for TN she watches Nathan and that is her heart. Translation for TL, she got Lucas to ask her out) Nathan comes around and decides to not give up. (Loved this scene with Carson) (Translation for TN, Nathan loves her and Love is worth fighting for. Translation TL, Nathan is a stalker). And so it goes. I guess the different perspectives from the teams means the writers are doing their job. It is keeping me focused on coming back each week. I know there has been more time and story telling with Nathan, especially with Allie. I do think more is coming for Lucas outside Elizabeth. I think TN fans would like Nathan to have had the same amount of (screen) time with Elizabeth. It is Hope Valley.
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DeleteI originally felt that Elizabeth had chosen Nathan in her heart when she rode off in the field, and I felt it would take her until episode 11 to realize it. Then I felt the finale would highlight it. After watching the last episode and the sweetness of it, even though it was only a short picnic scene, I convinced myself there was still a lot of hope because Elizabeth seemed to want to kiss Lucas, and she is always happy with him. So, yesterday, I went digging and found a lot of clues in reading and watching video clips of the show that pointed back to Nathan. The clue that seems to have stuck is that Erin Krakow put up one of the original promos showing words she has spoken a couple of times about fighting for love. The next time they are spoken, it won't be by her. She also retweeted someone else's post that Lucas's mom already figured out the triangle. Her reply was "Mothers know." So, I can only conclude that Nathan is the end game. There are no doubts in my mind now. SIGH!
DeleteI think we are all so anxious we are guarding our own hearts. LOL. I try to find clues for my favorite and then worry those are the red herrings. Then look at the positives of the other “suitor” as the clues to who she will chose (if she hasn’t already chosen). I think I am trying to prepare myself that my favorite will not be chosen so I can embrace the one who is. LOL
DeleteI understand completely, Treymom! I've certainly done that, but I keep find clues that only point to Nathan. I found another just a few minutes ago. I like Nathan and he has a lot of positives, but my heart wanted Lucas for Elizabeth. I am sure I will accept Nathan, if Elizabeth is happy; but it's hard. I will still be watching to see how they develop a role for Lucas. If it is satisfactory, I will probably continue watching. However, I haven't liked how I have allowed the show to be in the forefront of my mind.
DeleteLoved: (Translation for TN, Nathan loves her and Love is worth fighting for. Translation TL, Nathan is a stalker).
DeleteNo matter what team you are on, that has to make us all chuckle! Thank you Treymom!
I have pretty much given up on L & E getting together - to me the writing is on the wall.
ReplyDeleteI just have a real problem with them basically having L court E for the last two seasons
and now we are supposed to believe that she is going to be with Nathan. I keep reminding
myself that this is Hallmark and the ending will be E & N. I just wish, as others have mentioned, that they had not had L be so involved so that he gets so hurt at the end. When
L mentioned in several interviews that he only wanted "E" happiness in the end - they told
be right there and then how it would end. Also - Brian Birds latest tweets to me, also point
in Nathan's direction. I have to say - that I really have not been a fan of the writing this season - so much jumping around - with all the characters.
Regarding Rosemary - I have a thought that perhaps with all her "thinking" of what she
wants to do with her life - that maybe she will be surprised with the news that we will
have a little Coulter on the way!! At least that would make me happy.
Anonymous, I understand how you feel and you may be 100% right. I am not certain that Nathan and Elizabeth is the end game. I also agree that it would be hard on Lucas if Elizabeth continues to encourage him with their dating. However, I also see how much Elizabeth enjoys being with Lucas, and she wanted to kiss him, IMO. I think she wanted to but wasn't quite ready. I know a lot can happen in the last 6 episodes, and I think we will see a little more bonding between Lucas and Elizabeth. Also, if she chooses Nathan, she will have more responsibility with Allie and parenting. I know she is a teacher and she loves children, especially little Jack. However, I sense that she needs time to relax and has enjoyed those times with Lucas. She smiles, she giggles and she has fun. I also saw her looking at Lucas at the picnic and appreciating their previous date. It meant a lot to her that he spoke about her being nearby in case little Jack needed her. So, I will be looking for more clues and I am not giving up just yet.
DeleteHi Shelby -
DeleteThat is exactly the problem that I have - E & L have such wonderful chemistry and
besides her time with Jack - I have not seen her so relaxed and connected with
another character in the show. The cute banter back and forth. Even - little things,
such as the episode where E told L that she would no longer be seeing N and
Gustaf came out and reminded him about the "mushrooms" - which was a funny
conversation that they both had during their date in Union City. Also - Brian
Bird's past tweet about romantic settings with candlelight - showing E's time with
Jack and L. I have to stay positive, but it would be so exciting to see the story-line flow back to L once again - I can dream!!! Thank you for the pep talk!!
Hi Anonymous, I have tried to figure out the clues that Brian Bird keeps dropping on Twitter, but he appears to be giving out mixed signals each week. I think he enjoys stirring the pot, but clearly some of his tweets point to a good outcome for E&L. At least that is the way I am interpreting them. :) When Nathan professed his love for Elizabeth, he said she rode to the same open field when Jack died. I didn't quite know how to interpret that.
DeleteHi everybody, I am new to this blog and to this Community. I have not been a fan of WCTH. Honestly, for quite a long time I found it to be too soapy for me and even boring, to some extent. I saw the first season some years ago but I stopped seeing the series somewhere at the beginning of season 2, I think. I was not invested in the love story between Jack and Elizabeth and although I liked them both as characters, I was not crazy about them either. And as for them as a couple, I found the whole story too romance-soapy for me. Not dinamic enough, not spicy enough.. Anyway, some weeks ago, I started seeing the series again. I guess this time around, with the pandemic and everything, it was ok to see a series that was just cozy and feel good. I knew that Jack was going to die and therefore I was even less invested in the JE love story than before, but I liked the kids and their stories, I absolutely loved Rosemary-she cracks me up every time- and her story with Lee, and I enjoyed other characters and their little romances too. (Bill started to crack me up at some point, too, I liked reverend Hogan for a while, and I liked Faith and Carson, as well as Elizabeth's sister). So all in all it became enjoyable. And then Lucas appeared, with the twinkle in his eyes and his misterious air, and his good looks. And suddenly I became invested :) The love story became much more interesting, much spicier. I was entertained. Unfortunately with my newly found interest has come also a lot of angst and all this drama of the two ships and of whom is Elizabeth going to chose. I could have done without all this angst and honestly, if in the end Elizabeth choses Nathan, I wish I had not seen the series past season 5. The last thing I want or need right now is to ship a couple that is not going to end well. And I see you all (or almost all) so negative and convinced of the bad ending. And of course, given my lack with this sort of things, you may very well be right... However... I believe an ending where Elizabeth choses Nathan will not make sense in the context of the development so far of the story. Which does not mean that it could not happen. There are so many writers of TV series which, for some reason or the other, at some point sacrifice the story they have told so far and the characters they have created so far. So of course, an ending where Elizabeth choses Nathan is more than possible. But it would not make sense. Neither in the context of season 6 + season 7, nor in the context of season 8. I explain myself in a different post:
ReplyDeleteIf we take Nathan out of the equation, pretend that he does not exist, the story that has been told so far, both in season 6+7 and in season 8 (which I understand has different writters or producers or something of the sort) is a Elizabeth + Lucas Story. If we take Nathan out, the relationship between E and L no longer appears just bubbly and superficial or friendzone like. On the contrary. Their story looks to be the classical romance story. From mistrustfull strangers, to intimate friends who share a lot of interests (books, culture) and support each other.. to lovers. They have had quite a journey in these 3 seasons. And Lucas has been the one who has supported her, who has helped her fulfill her dreams (both with the library and with the writting novels part) and who has managed to make her laugh, and smile, and be playful, and flirt, and basically be almost ready to move away from Jack and to open her heart to love again. Lucas has been the one who has done all that. So if Nathan did not exist, there would be no doubt in our mind that Elizabeth and Lucas will be a thing. To some extent their relationship even progresses as the one between J and E and there are a lot of similarities between the 2 stories. Not only this, but there is also the fact that Elizabeth is quite obviously attracted to Lucas. It was obvious in the scene from season 6 with the Dangerous Liaisons, when E gets weak in the knees because of L. It was obvious in the scene where E cannot find the doorknob because she gets agitated due to L's presence. And it was obvious in the almost kiss scene. Lastly, L and E are the ones who got to know each other, who can laugh, smile and have a good time together, who share a lot of interests and who have the trust and the connection necessary to be open with each other and appologize when they are wrong.. etc
DeleteThen, why do we doubt E and L? Because all the time the showwritters throw in Nathan, as well, and have E look all troubled at Nathan while she is with Lucas. And they have Nathan looking at L and E or shouting out his love all of the sudden etc. However, given how this story has progressed, the normal thing would be for Nathan to be the red herring. And the normal thing would be for the showrunners to throw in Nathan just to keep their audience engaged.
Normally, Nathan should just be the symbol of E's past. He is the symbol of Jack and of the life that E could have had with J, the life that was stolen from her. So, when E dances with L and sees Nathan and becomes serious all of the sudden, it should not really be because she has feelings for Nathan (although it is the perfect opportunity for the writers to mislead us) but because she is reminded suddenly of Jack and she feels that she betrays his memory by dancing with L and trying to move on. When she runs into Nathan's arms is because she is reminded of Jack and his death etc. This is how it should normally be. The tension between E and N should not be because of undieing love and attraction, but because Elizabeth is reminded of Jack whenever she sees Nathan. And, therefore, on one hand she is atracted to him as a replacement for Jack and on the other hand she runs away from him because she is reminded of all the hurt she had to endure with J's death. And all the way she feels guilty because of what she starts to feel for Lucas.
DeleteThe red herring should be Nathan. Because the opposite does not make sense. Because the showrunners have gone to too much trouble to develop the relationship between Elizabeth and Lucas (not only in season 6 and 7, but also in season 8) in order for it to just be a red herring. Why create all these connections and amazing scenes, and dates and non-dates, and flirting and everything else just to mislead? When apparently they can mislead us much more easily by having Elizabeth stare at one of the guys while she is with the other? It would be too much trouble, too anticlimatic and too hurtfull to go to all this trouble to create the E + L relationship just to have her go with Nathan in the end..
So yeah, the logical thing is that they have always wanted for E to be with Lucas, even now, in season 8. But of course, it does not mean they they will not chose to be ilogical (although I haven't seen any real indication that they are going this way; we had E and L almost kiss the last episode afterall, holding hands, talking of us etc), especially since I understand that there are more E and N fans and E and L fans :( And for the life of me I cannot understand why. I don't see much potential in this story. More of the same E and J relationship and E with kids relastionships. Whereas L and E have a loooot of potential..
Unknown, I love your analogy, and it makes perfect sense. The dating will make it harder for Lucas fans if he is not the one, but the writers may allow it to be the narrative. However, as you aptly pointed out, why create these sweet, romantic scenes to have Elizabeth choose Nathan. I also think most women would date someone before falling in love. Also, the fear of losing another Mountie wouldn't just go away because you love them. Anyone can be killed or die from anything, but to return to another Mountie with a dangerous job seems like it would expose Elizabeth to more worry and concern. I've mentioned this previously, but a few chats back, John Tinker's wife (Ronda Rich) said that she has known women who lost their husbands due to the danger of their profession, and they never chose to date someone in the same profession. However, right after she said that, John Tinker came in and said you have to see what Nathan is willing to give up. So... I don't know.
DeleteEu realmente gostei da sua análise, Anônimo. Espero sinceramente que seja Lucas e Elizabeth no final e que os escritores não quiseram apenas nos segurar por 3 temporadas para um final previsível, do ponto de vista que se esperava que eles gostariam de continuar a estória entre uma professora e um Mountie. Fui atraída pela estória emocionante e empolgante entre Elizabeth e Lucas, parece que tem muito potencial.
DeleteHi! I'm not convinced that a Nathan Elizabeth ending is a negative ending actually. The producers and writers encouraged the audience to pick a side and try to guess the ending. That's the mistake I think they've made. If the end was going to be Nathan and Elizabeth, this could have been tastefully done at the end of season 7/beginning of season 8 and in a way that maintained continuity of Elizabeth Thornton's character. Since we AND LUCAS �� saw her "pick" Nathan by running to him. We all assumed the triangle had been resolved. Since most of the fans want a Nathan Elizabeth ending, and Nathan's story seems to support Elizabeth and his popularity is through the roof with the fans it would stand to reason that the show would have more to lose by going with a Lucas Elizabeth ending. Simply, they could in my opinion lose more of their viewers by writing Elizabeth with Lucas. I feel concerned that this was largely kept in mind when writing this season and that Lucas fans will have to get a consolation prize at the end. I would have watched with a more accepting attitude had they just come forward and stated that Nathan and Elizabeth will have to find each other through season 8. Let's see what role Lucas has in this and how he and Nathan can even become friends in the end. I might not have tuned in regularly, but I might have watched with less expectations of what the ending should be.
ReplyDeleteHmm... I went back and listened to the interview that Deidre Behar did with Erin Krakow, Chris McNally and Kevin McGarry right before the season 8 premiere. One thing I learned from listening a second time was that Erin said, that Nathan "has experienced a similar kind of loss, so I think these people connect on a very deep level through their shared experiences. It's a very beautiful connection and I think there is a lot of love in that as well." So, if the connection is tied to the loss of Jack, then it seems Elizabeth finds it loving. I think Chris McNally said in one part that he believe there is a lot fighting for.... I couldn't find his exact words, but I am not sure what any of it tells us. I wanted to listen to the interview again to see if I viewed it differently in light of the what we know now versus before the premiere. It helped some.
ReplyDeleteHi Hope! Thank you once again for your lovely review <3
ReplyDeleteHonestly, after this episode I feel somehow relieved. I have hope again! I know we've been very negative about this whole situation, but the picnic scene had so many nice moments that made me feel like E might be choosing L after all (even though I'm still not sure, but who is? :P )!
She is loving being around Lucas, she didn't even want to be late for their date. It was so cute! All the looks she was giving him...she made that toast "to us!" and then she looked at him that way and he looked back at her. Aaaaand the almost kiss moment...that was everything! She was totally leaning in, Elizabeth WANTED that and everything else Lucas had to offer that day. And about Lucas, you are right! He is back. His "I understand" just shows the kind of man he is and the respect he has for Elizabeth and her feelings. He cares so much about her, he keeps showing her that and showering her with his love. He even mentioned Little Jack that Team Nathan keeps saying he doesn't care about. How are they going to convince us that E&L don't belong together??? Sparks are flying between them! Erin & Chris are doing such a good job together. It's going to be really heartbreaking for Lucas and for the TL fans if she doesn't choose him after all these scenes.
I believe that Elizabeth will figure out who she wants by the end of episode 10. Nathan has to do maaaaaany things in order to convince Elizabeth by then. I don't know if his secret will be what might push her towards him. But, it frustrates me how they have never spent ANY quality time together that doesn't involve talking about Allie. His dialogue at the end with Carson was way too weird for me. He said some problematic things...for example, "she needs to get to know me" (something along these lines). He was so sure that Elizabeth was in love with him in episode 2 ("I know you feel the same way" during the irrational love declaration), but now he believes she doesn't know him. Dude! You had more than 2 years! And when he said that she prefers the comfortable relationship...that made me a bit angry too. No woman or man wants to feel uncomfortable in a relationship. Maybe Elizabeth is actually falling for Lucas and wants to be with him and he's not just the safe choice...because that's what it looks like it's happening. The looks E is giving N I think are because she doesn't like hurting anyone or feeling like walking on eggshells around him because that love declaration is always the elephant in the room.
The Nathan & Allie scenes were sort of cute...but they keep talking about the same things. And it does feel a bit like Parent Trap. I started missing the other kids of the show, especially Opal. I hope we see them soon.
Rosemary & Lee ---> WHEN will they give them a baby???? I keep thinking every time there's a new episode "it's going to happen this week". I think this is what Rosemary is looking for and what would finally fill that void she's feeling. They need it. It's the one thing that annoys me that they haven't given her yet.
About Christopher: I am very interested to see where that storyline goes. However, has anyone else noticed that Christopher and Rachel look alike? :D Hahaha...I don't know but the moment they were together on the screen that's what I felt. I wish we'd get more Lucas scenes instead of them too. There are soooo many characters and storylines right now, they're taking up precious time that could be given to more important things.
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ReplyDeleteHello Hope. I'm just testing if this gets posted here. If it does, then I will post my comment.
ReplyDeleteThank you. Thank you. Thank you. To Hope for always writing an insightful blog to bring us together and for all the wonderful comments. I have come to look at this as love triangle therapy. So many wonderful thoughts are shared that make me feel better. Some examples are: L&E are a classic romance. N&E do not make sense in this context. Nathan is the red herring. Nathan is the past. Nathan reminds her of Jack so that is hard when her feelings for Lucas are growing.
ReplyDeleteKeeping with the therapy metaphor, I need to vent. I was fine with the love triangle until this season. Sure I think Lucas is better for Elizabeth so I’m Team Lucas for sure. But for me the big draw for the show has always been Elizabeth. My wife is a teacher. Both our sons are teachers, and one daughter-in-law is a teacher. I like stories about teachers, and I cringe when there are news stories about crazy teachers. So if Nathan is endgame, then to me, Elizabeth is acting crazy and has taken things too far with Lucas. If she can be so certain that proper decorum required her to tell Nathan he didn’t have a chance, then wouldn’t the same sense of decorum compel her to friend zone Lucas and tell him they can only talk about books and do friend things?? I remain hopeful that this love triangle can be resolved with all the characters involved retaining their dignity and thereby my sanity. If not, at least I know you will all be here next week to talk me off the ledge in true Philippians 2:4 fashion by not merely looking out for your own interests but also the interests of others.
CamLeo, I agree about the big draw is Elizabeth, and I cannot envision Lucas with anyone else. I have no trouble seeing Nathan with someone else. LOL! I loved your comment about teachers, love triangle therapy, Elizabeth needing to friend zone Lucas if Nathan is in her heart and the end game. I haven't watched all of the seasons, but Elizabeth has always been thoughtful and caring, not wanting to hurt anyone. Although, we have a new showrunner who is known for drama, and I thing he enjoyed bringing in all the angst. A little is all right, but I had gotten used to the style of the previous showrunner... Alfonzo??? I am amazed by the insight of all of you bring to the table.
DeleteAnonymous, That is one my favorite Lucas & Elizabeth videos. Thank you for sharing it!
If you watch this - in my opinion - it is no contest!!
That is an excellent clip clearly showing his deepening feelings and her growing feelings. I don't recall a combined 10 minutes of tender moments that Elizabeth had with Nathan, and they wonder why we don't see it their way.
DeleteI went back and listened to a few video Facebook chats with John Tinker and his wife Ronda Rich about WCTH before it premiered. We may or may not get the outcome that some of us want, but he said the suitor chosen was done by a unanimous group decision made by himself, Erin Krakow, talks with both suitors aka McNally & McGarry, and the two other writers. He also said they wanted to remain true to the history of WCTH, and he said he had spoken a few times with Janette Oke. Tinker and his wife also mentioned numerous times in different videos how he lost sleep over the difficult decision. He said a lot of were Christmas present shakers. LOL! I don't think our gracious host, Hope is. :) I guess I am. I hope everyone has a blessed Easter.
ReplyDeleteI’ve commented about this elsewhere. If we really look at the writing, it’s obvious the story supports Nathan and Elizabeth. They’ve really intertwined their characters. We see all the lightness with our guy Lucas, but all of the depth with Nathan. I understand the outcome being Elizabeth realizing her love for Nathan. I don’t understand however the writers and producers creating the team situation, having people take sides when Elizabeth technically made her choice at the end of season 7. I really do think that Nathan is the choice if we’re being true to the history of WCTH, and seeing how they’ve given Elizabeth and Nathan so much tension and those deep moments, it’s understandable how the entire creative team and Krakow herself would have to choose Nathan and Allie. I don’t feel the writing was even, and I wish they hadn’t gotten team Lucas hopes up. My opinion as always, but Elizabeth could have chosen Nathan without dating Lucas. We’ve seen amazing scenes with them last season. To me a library and a trip out of town were enough for her to see Lucas’ intentions and she could have turned him down when he acknowledged the embrace at the beginning of the season. If she could be so certain in refusing Nathan (initially) she could have refused Lucas because she was fully aware of her deep feelings for Nathan. She shared them with Rosemary.
ReplyDeleteI know it’s not the popular train of thought among Lucas fans. I’m taking a break and coming back at the end when there’s multiple episodes I can watch for context. That said, it’s a show based on a book and the main character has to make the decision we know she would make. It would harder for her to walk away from Nathan and Allie than to walk away from Lucas who hasn’t put it all on the line by telling Elizabeth he loves her. I think he may even help her end up with Nathan at the end.
It’s so odd that they would want us to be surprised by the ending but also want the ending to be easily understood. We would have to in some way predict, based on good understanding of Elizabeth’s character what her choice would be and why. This has a lot to do with the groundwork the writing has laid.....and we’d have to accept that....if possible. ( : I’m team Lucas all the way and would love for the story to turn around in favor if the smaller group of us Lucas fans!!!! But I know in my literary mind that this is a Nathan and Elizabeth story. It has been so since season 6 when he held baby Jack, decorated the tree together, fought in the woods because neither wanted to lose the other...Really all the heart has been given to their storylines. Now how to be supportive in the case Lucas doesn’t win out! Lol
No, Lucas wins! The depth is with Lucas, not Nathan. Nathan is from the past dimension, the apparent depth is related to her pain for Jack. Lucas is the new love, and the producers said they want something new, a new great love.
DeleteI agree with Anonymous! ( I am Anonymous #2). Lucas wins!
DeleteI know this because my best friend Elizabeth (I've known her for 7 and a half seasons, lol!) is very careful with her words. She doesn't say things she doesn't mean nor is she flighty. Elizabeth told us how things are going down time and time again.
For example: 1. Elizabeth told Nathan that she can't give him more than friendship. 2. Elizabeth told Rosemary that she knows she made the right decision not to be with Nathan. 3. Elizabeth told Lucas that she will not be seeing Nathan any more. 4. Elizabeth toasts "to us" during her picnic with Lucas. 5. Elizabeth told Rosemary she is enjoying her time with Lucas.
Other indications include getting cold feet and calling off her ONLY date with Nathan. Then when she has a very legitimate reason to cancel on Lucas (her kid needed her) she just moves the location instead of canceling. Even Nathan admitted last episode, that Elizabeth has to get to know him. She is not falling for a man she doesn't know and I doubt that she will get to know Nathan in 6 episodes.
That's pretty clear to me, the true "red herrings" is all this Nathan stuff and such.
I am double downing and sticking to my guns on this and at after the last episode of Season 8, I am sending out a big TOLD YOU SO! :-) But if I am wrong... I will never write again! Lol!
Enjoying the ride!
Anonymous 2
Can't we just end the season now??????!!!
ReplyDeleteIt works for me. :)
DeleteSo hard not to burst! YouTube is currently very unpleasant regarding last nights episode....a lot of mud slinging at Elizabeth.
ReplyDeleteI feel like the writers finally put Lucas in contact with so many of the HV residents, he seemed to be on his way to really belonging. I loved the fact that his jokes didn’t land with Bill and Lee. That Allie, and to a degree, Nathan sidelined him over the adoption ceremony...I think the use of the characters finally allowed for some interesting discussion regarding Elizabeth and her choice over these men. Firstly, since we haven’t had a lot of development character wise for Lucas, do we just accept that he is a genuinely good person with no ulterior motives? The writers seemed to understand the way most of the audience interpret Lucas as we see Allie ask the question: Why does she even like him!? This honest question really does bring to fore some interesting points about this triangle. That Allie asks such a question (reflective of the Nathan fan dominated audience) suggests the writers are aware that Elizabeth and Nathan belong together on paper. They must be aware of the amount of time put into building up Elizabeth and Nathan as the main couple in HV. It’s still a possibility that this will come to fruition. But, I’m happy they’ve pressed the pause button to make us think. Allie isn’t dreaming. Every moment spent with Nathan and Elizabeth suggests a deep connection based on mutual respect and understanding between these two characters.
If Elizabeth belongs with Nathan, what happens when the lead character in a popular tv show breaks the status quo? What if Elizabeth doesn’t want to make a perfect party of four with the Grants? Is it possible for Elizabeth to care about Allie and Nathan and not be apart of their family the way they’d like? Is it possible for Elizabeth to understand Nathan on such a deep level and not be in a romantic relationship with him? And, if Elizabeth really did chose Lucas, what would it take for the audience to believe her?
I’m not sure how this season will end, but I do feel after watching this episode as if Elizabeth and Lucas were introduced as a couple and that we’re meant to ask what we’ll do about it. Will we accept that she’s happy and let her be so as Nathan alluded to? Or will we pull an Allie at the altar and try to force Nathan and Elizabeth together because we believe they belong together. For a change, I have no preference either way. The writing of this episode was that good to me. All I ask, is that if she’s going to be with Nathan, that these interesting dynamics be explored especially regarding Elizabeth. I don’t care if she turns around and chooses Nathan at the end. But, we are drawn to what we are most familiar with. I know I’ve seen what HV could be like if these two got together in the end. It’s seriously interesting to me to see how HV is affected by Elizabeth choosing Lucas instead . If Allie is the audience to a degree, then it’s obvious the writers would have to work hard to make a story we could all accept. This would mean more creativity, and that is what you’d need for a show that doesn’t feature fighting sequences, kissing instead of conversation, or headache inducing CGI.
I am certain people are not understanding some of Elizabeth's choices. I've seen comments myself on Instagram and some people are being rather rude. A few seemed to have given up on her and believe she has changed. I don't think she has, but even if she has changed, we all change a little with life-changing events.
DeleteHowever, one of John Tinker's stated goals has been to allow more of the cast airtime and to let us see them a little more messy and/or vulnerable in season 8 -- to show that our favorite WCTH characters are human.
Also, I listened to The Bubbly Sesh today and their guest was Kevin McGarry. He did tease twice something possibly unknown about Lucas and Christopher. Jacks, one of the Hallmark hosts, said you are "throwing Lucas under the bus" in regard to what he said.
Kevin answered, "No." In my opinion, it did seem a bit unnecessary for him to plant those seeds, but I guess he wanted it out there. I sincerely believe regardless of the man that Elizabeth chooses, many will still tune in to see their favorite program.
Here's the link if anyone is interested.
I much prefer Lucas still for many reasons, but I do like Nathan. I have other thoughts about episode 7, but I will wait to voice them only after Hope puts up the new blog on Wednesday. Hello Dolly, You ask a lot of good, thought-provoking questions. One I will answer is that I do believe the vast majority of fans of either suitor will accept Elizabeth's choice eventually, when more is known and has come into the light and dust has settled. JMO
The reason I was a little vague about what Kevin McGarry said is that I know that Hope does not like spoilers. McGarry did not give details, either.
DeleteI just found your blog in looking for people who have written about Henry. XD I'm a major WCTH fan and was also dying when I found out Henry had a son!!!!!!!! (I mean I kind of called it but I was so excited) I really don't like his son at the moment. Kind of gives me Tom Thornton and Nate Toliver vibes. But if Henry can slap some sense into him I might like him later. :) I've honestly been super intrigued by Season 8 overall and am really excited to see how it ends!(Also LOVE Joseph Canfield! His advice truly was gold!!) Thanks for the fun blog post!
ReplyDeleteHi Shelby -
ReplyDeleteI listed to the interview as well and Kevin really did throw Chris' character under the bus -
twice, as you mentioned. You can just read between the lines with the almost over-confidence, when Kevin speaks - that his character comes out on top. I also was not very fond of his put-downs of the "picnics" that E & L shared. Perhaps I do not get his sense of humor.
Maybe I am missing something - but I really do not see the depth of N & E relationship that
everyone is talking about. All the time and effort that L has put into his connection with
E - thoughtful events and encouragement - and others put him down because he "can" (as
he as the funds, etc.). E to me also responds to L - with and ease and contentment that I have
not see with her since before Jack passed.
I just find it hard to take that we are all supposed to believe that within the last few
episodes - everything will miraculously change to N. The writers did not really do the
L fans any favor by how they have had L be in the forefront for most of the last 2.5 seasons just to knock us down - not a fan of the formula.
Hi Anonymous, I listened to Kevin's interview twice, and I thought just the opposite. Kevin loves to tease from the interviews that I have seen with him, and he said something in the interview that made me think he would not be with Elizabeth because of her having been married to a Mountie previously. It's just a little something, but I am looking for anything. :)
DeleteEven though I will always be #TeamLucas, I do see that Elizabeth is drawn to Kevin and they seem to have a "natural at home" connection, but I feel some of it is because he is a Mountie. Also, the writers made his character a little more relatable, and he wears his feelings on his sleeve. Those are his words, but he does do that. I like him, but I didn't like that he put that little nugget about Lucas and Christopher out in the Bubbly Sesh interview. In a way, I guess it helps me be more prepared.
I'll share my other thoughts about Elizabeth, Lucas & Nathan after Hope puts up her new blog post tomorrow. Take Care!
Shelby -
ReplyDeleteI understand what you are saying and as I said, perhaps I do not understand his humor.
I did not mean for it to sound harsh, as he seems like a very fun person to be around - that is why it seemed out of place for me. It was so much easier with Jack - we only had
to cheer for their relationship to come together - not pick one suitor over the other - as one side is going to be very much let down. Thank you!!
Anonymous, I didn't think you sounded harsh at all. Nope, not at all! You know I am one of the few that didn't start watching WCTH until the wonderful and then tragic season 5. Because of knowing that Janette Oke's books usually had bittersweet stories in them, I waited until the wedding season because I thought it would be filled with a lot of joy. It was until the terrible ending that season. My husband and I did watch an episode here and there, but I had strong feelings about not wanting to lose a main character. I agree that one side is going to be very disappointed, and I am trying to prepare for that. Erin Krakow said in the interview with Chris & Kevin that the one not chosen "takes it like a champ." I was glad to hear that, and I want to have that attitude. It may be a little hard if it's Lucas, but I will also be sympathetic if it is Nathan. I want to see both men happy.
DeleteThey were wrong when they created the triangle. They did not think about the magnitude of the consequences. It is obvious that they will lose spectators in both situations. The love story was important here. I won't see the show if the end is with Nathan. And I know a lot of people who won't. I don't like the character Nathan at all, he's repulsive. And the interview with Kevin McGarry was ugly. I'm starting to see that I don't like the man behind the actor either.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, I agree that the love triangle wasn't the best choice for the fans, but Erin Krakow expressed it was the only choice they had. If you think about it, she had just lost her husband and had a baby. They had to create an extended journey for her to find romance to give her a long time to grieve for the loss of the love of her life, and they had to give her time to enjoy and grow as a single parent. I would rather there had not been a love triangle, but I am not sure one man would have waited for almost three seasons for her to find love with him.
DeleteI think you might be right up to a point about the magnitude of the consequences created because by the love triangle. I can imagine that a "some" die-hard fans may think they want to pull away now, if their character doesn't get Elizabeth. I am not sure the more casual ones will care that much. I hope for the good of the show and for all the wonderful people who enjoy it, that they will get over the outcome eventually. It may take some time, though.
In this interview, I think Kevin was just wanting people to know there is more mystery coming, and that there is more than just his secret. I didn't particularly care that he revealed that, but I think he was just having a little fun with the his rival, Lucas. You know he helped Lucas and Lucas helped him this season, and I think the writers are laying groundwork for them to be good friends in season 9. He and Chris joke a lot with each other in the interviews I've seen. It also seems that Kevin and Chris might be casual friends in real life and they both even hope that their characters will become good friends on the show if there is a season 9. Every interview I've watched with Kevin McGarry, he's funny, entertaining and he sometimes even has a bit of a self-deprecating manner, IMO. However, we all see people differently, and we are all entitled to our viewpoints.
Erin Krakow believes that people love the show because of all the characters and the community of Hope Valley. She believes that is the strength of the show. She may be right. I don't know. However, I do believe that many people tuned into see her journey, her love story with Jack and now with the one she chooses -- so we shall see. I do want the show to succeed because we don't have a lot of shows with good family values.
Please excuse my not proofreading what I wrote. I tend to get in a hurry.
DeleteI think it's bad that the producers care so much about what their fans want. A good movie is not made that way. What would it be like for Tolstoi or Dostoievski to write their books based on what people wanted to read? To change the ending according to the desire of the "fans"?
ReplyDeleteHi Anonymous, It's hard to know exactly what went into their complete decision-making process for Elizabeth's next true love. I believe they tried to remain true to the character of Elizabeth and give her the best possible love for the rest of her life; one that would share her values, wants and desires. Also, from watching many of the Facebook chats with John Tinker and his wife, Ronda Rich, I know that they include the input and ideas of cast whenever possible. Erin Krakow, the two suitors and the writers were all in agreement on how to proceed. Although, it was a difficult decision. So, it was a collaborative effort. I've learned a lot about the show from watching those chats.
DeleteSo, ive watched this episode a number of times. Im an empath and can pick up on emotional queues easily. This is a little challenging when it's a show and everything is super controlled and edited. I could be wrong, but I do believe this episode was about the writers trying to communicate to the audience, gently, that Elizabeth is choosing Lucas. Again, I could be wrong, but the writers played around with the cast in such a way that it felt like they KNOW Elizabeth and Nathan should be together. But life isn't perfect, and sometimes things swing differently. Lee and Bill don't understand Lucas's jokes: Code for Lucas is misunderstood by the audience. They don't get him. Allie questions why Elizabeth likes Lucas Code for: They dont get what she sees in Lucas. The audience isn't going to accept Elizabeth's decision easily. Allie follows up with "Shes supposed to care about us!" Code for: The audience is going to feel betrayed by Elizabeth choosing Lucas over Nathan. How can Elizabeth pick Lucs when we want her with Nathan?
ReplyDeleteIve completely been turned upside down over this, but everything about Elizabeth in this episode suggests a coming to terms with her decision to be with Lucas both privately and publicly in front of others. Her transitions away from Lucas to Nathan are no longer dreamlike and pining. She smiles immediately at the sight of Lucas coming towards her in the end. If her issue were Nathan, we might not have seen so much of Lucas in this episode. We'd maybe see more of them having a good time in the midst of Flo and Neds situation. We instead see them partnering up separately to support the town. Elizabeth even took the gift from Lucas to Allie's adoption. Maybe an oversight? Meaningless gesture? Maybe. Anyway thats my two cents. Im okay with her ending up with Nathan, I just think she'd have been better off breaking up with Lucas earlier in the season. At this point people need to stop imagining and see whats "before their very eyes" . Nathan may be perfect for Elizabeth. So what?
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteOh, how I hope you are right, Anonymous! Your logic and reasoning are much more pleasing to me. I have done loop de loops analyzing and trying to figure who she chooses. I love, love, love your analysis and Lucas outcome. I am going to wait to share mine until Hope puts up her new blog post tomorrow. I hope you will share some of these same thoughts and opinions under it, so I can answer a good point you made. :)
DeleteAnonymous - I love your thoughts. For the first time i have peace that Lucas was chosen and that she is fighting with her past which Nathan represents. I loved how Nathan said that she was a good friend. That spoke volumes to me. Can't wait for Hope review. I have talked to many people who feel she has chosen and some people who feel she has not chosen yet. My light bulb came yesterday. Hope i am not wrong. I slept really well last night.
DeleteI mean her transitions away from Nathan to Lucas. She had a conversation with Nathan and immediately after lit up when she saw Lucas.
ReplyDeleteDestroying a romantic love story between E and L and putting an abrupt N-E ending doesn't make sense. And the love between Elizabeth and Lucas is so pure, full of light. Nathan brings back sad and painful feelings, and Lucas, smile, peace. And at the same time the depth.
ReplyDeleteI so agree with you Anonymous (Hello Dolly). Now we know why Nathan has his niece. I feel this is the best win/win they could come up with. Nathan will still have a big part in the show because he protects the town and is raising Allie. Unfortunately TN probably will not see it that way and my heart goes out to them. I really am hoping for a season 9 and beyond.
DeleteSorry the long anonymous comment above is actually mine Shelby. Feel like ive been tied in knots and trying not to be obnoxious! But I have changed my mind since last week. Nathan is definitely the red herring...Ill share under Hopes review (so excited to read) I can't believe Im saying this but a Lucas ending at this point makes the most sense. If they want everyone in a good place anyway. Alot of clues are adding up.
ReplyDeleteHelloDolly, Trust me... I understand! I am looking forward to Hope's post to see how she is viewing it. I must admit that I am confused by everything I am reading and seeing, but I do have my own opinion. I am glad you told me that you were the Anonymous above. I am still in awe of how some of you express yourselves and make your points.
DeleteYup, the only love triangle is between Lucas and Jack's ghost.