Just a Little Clarification


    Hey Hearties! I know it's odd to see me posting on a Tuesday, but I thought I'd write a short little post explaining some things.

    Ever since last Wednesday's post there seemed to be some confusion regarding where I stand on Team Lucas. Even questions as to if I still am Team Lucas.

    And so I'm here to clarify.

    Please rest assured I am....





                                                                                                 Team Lucas!!😊

    I love Elizabeth and Lucas together, and think they are adorable. Erin and Chris have such great chemistry together, and I love the sparks and spicy romance between them. 

    I love the sweet banter between them, the love-struck glances, and the incredibly romantic dates. I love how gentle, and kind Lucas is, and how lost Elizabeth can get in his eyes. She's so carefree and playful around him, and Lucas treats her like a princess. He only has eyes for her, and would jump through fire for her.

    I am more saying that this season I feel that things have shifted/changed between them, and that the writers are writing their scenes and story in general differently. And I believe this is being done on purpose. I also think, based off of the episodes I've seen so far, that things seem to be pointing to Nathan being the man Elizabeth will ultimately choose.

    I don't know this for a fact, and I hope that I'm very wrong. Like, 100% wrong. I love Lucas and Elizabeth together, and I really want Lucas to be endgame. But everything I've seen just keeps telling me that she's going to pick Nathan. That's not what I want. It's just what I'm gathering from the episodes thus far.

    It's perfectly fine if people don't agree with me. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and I fully believe that. I just have to be honest, and tell you what I see. 

    I haven't given up hope yet. That spark inside me refuses to die, and every episode I keep hoping to see things point toward Elizabeth choosing Lucas. I think they would make the sweetest little family with Little Jack, and hope to see this come to life. Maybe it will be Lucas she chooses in the end. Maybe I'm wrong. But for now all I can do is hope, while seeing how things play out.

    So please know that I am indeed on Team Lucas. And I will be no matter the outcome. :)


    Thank you so much for reading! I hope you're week has been wonderful so far! God Bless!


  1. Thank you Hope for this clarification. But even without it I know where your heart lies and why you wrote what you wrote. I totally agree with what you wrote in your earlier post. But I know many others don't but like you said, it's ok to disagree & everyone is entitled to their opinions. I'm in agreement with you because before your post, I've already seen the signs, heard the words said & unsaid, saw the body language of the actors & read certain comments. Like Lucas, I read people. It just comes with the job as a teacher of teenagers. But like you too, I'm hoping tt I'm wrong too. So I'm waiting to see. Just like everyone else. Thanks again Hope for your excellent posts. I look forward to them for your clear, unvarnished, balanced & intelligent insight. I really appreciate your hard work & sincerity. Please continue posting. Your posts make me feel less alone with my thoughts and feelings. Waiting to read your next post on episode 6.

    1. Aww! You're so sweet! Thank you! I'm so glad to hear you enjoy the posts!

      As you know, I'm right with you when it comes to E&L. I so want a Lucas ending, but so many things just keep pointing to Nathan as E's final choice. Hopefully I'm wrong, but like you said all we can do is wait and see. :)

      Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me and the lovely comment! Again I'm so glad you're enjoying the posts! God Bless!

    2. Hi Hope. Yes, you and me both. Hoping we are wrong & it will be E&L endgame. But I'm not confident & so I'm bracing myself for the impact. Not fun at all.

      Any way thanks for this clarification. I know you are solidly TeamLucas so those who know you will know. But it's so sweet of you to clarify for those who may need it. You're so kind, considerate, compassionate & thoughtful. 😃 Thanks again for the post & take care. God Bless. 🤗

  2. Hope, I never once doubted that you were still devoted to Lucas and are still Team Lucas. I love the way you write about Lucas and Elizabeth, and I see what you see when they are together. I was a little more hopeful about E&L after the last episode. Although, like you and others in here, I am very perceptive, and I see things going Nathan's way sadly. I'll wait to comment further until you put up tomorrow's post. I didn't need a clarification, but I enjoyed reading how view Lucas & Elizabeth.

    1. Thanks Shelby! I know you and I see things the same way, and it's nice knowing I'm not alone thinking this way. It seems there are quite a few TL fans who see things the way we do actually. Like you, I'm hopeful for a Lucas ending, but sadly can see things going Nathan way.

      I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this week's episode! I hope you're having a great week so far! God Bless!

  3. Would you mind sharing what you have seen that shows she is going to pick Nathan? I'm definitely Team Lucas.

    I LOVE the idea of Lucas as Jack's father! I think he has shown an appropriate amount of interest in a child that is not his own. I have felt like "how respectful!" that he admires Jack from a distance, and hasn't tried to get Jack attached to him. Because I imagine that he is doing as a good man would, and waiting for the mother to give permission for an attachment.

    I really think Lucas is being respectfully appropriate, in waiting for the mother to invite him to form a relationship with Little Jack!

    Nathan is allowing Allie to hope for Elizabeth becoming her mother, when that may never even happen. I think it's sad and bad judgment for Nathan to not explain to Allie that he and Elizabeth are not a couple, that she is dating Lucas, that Allie shouldn't hope for that.

    I also have to remember that this is the writer's first season writing with WCTH. I know the books were always about Elizabeth and a mountie, but Hallmark has changed the story with Jack's death and now the love triangle. I figure they can change who Elizabeth is married too. She's already been married to a mountie. So, I'm really hoping for Lucas!

  4. Hello! I agree with you!

    I don’t think you have to be TN in order to see that the writers are telling a different story. It is a story and it has to be a believable one. Viewers have to be able to see ahead or look back and see how Elizabeth and Nathan (likely) ended up together. The only way to do that would be to show what one relationship is “lacking”. We love Lucas and enjoy the possibilities his life with Elizabeth would bring. (Excitement, adventure, vacations outside of Hope Valley, Elizabeth shining more as the lead) But, the writers see fit to short change that relationship so that we miss out on deep meaningful conversations, interactive moments with little Jack....Elizabeth encouraging Lucas to drop the formality and be more open. Instead they place Elizabeth in situations where she is encouraging Nathan to open up, be a better parent, and in so doing, they make Nathan look more down to earth, more family oriented, more Elizabeth’s lane. This is hard for fans who see Elizabeth would be happy with a good honest romantic and thoughtful man, and find it hard to see the writers openly reject those qualities in favor of brooding, lying, but complicated Nathan. In the end, most of the fans want Nathan to be her guy and the producers can’t produce a story with an ending most people don’t want. Lucas fans should begin watching the show knowing Lucas will step out of the way at some point. Really there would be no “team” mentality amongst the fans if they had been more transparent about the idea of the Nathan Elizabeth direction. After all, it was widely expected initially anyway.

    You are following the story and that’s really all we should do.

    1. Why would fans decide when, in fact, it's stupid to be with Nathan? Why would he introduce romantic scenes, not a few, with Lucas? With Lucas she smiles all the time, Lucas is superior to Nathan because he is patient, empathetic, warm, attentive, respectful, romantic. There are common interests with Lucas, they fit together intellectually, but also emotionally. There is attraction. Nathan reminds him of Jack, of pain.

      I think the final choice will be Lucas. She will go to Nathan two or three episodes maybe, but in the end she returns to Lucas. That's what the screenwriters said. He makes a choice, goes back, then comes back.
      (Sorry for my English, I speak french)

    2. Hello Dolly, I am torn between what you wrote and what Anonymous wrote. I agree with you both. LOL! I am also torn about what I think the outcome will be. SIGH! I am looking forward to Hope's other post later this afternoon, but I did want to interject what Tinker said. Here's the link: https://www.forsythnews.com/life/arts-entertainment/showrunner-john-tinker-shares-insight-into-newest-season-of-when-calls-the-heart/

      "Choosing between Lucas and Nathan proved no easy feat. Tinker said the writers underwent a long deliberation process which changed as they delved deeper into the season. They had to not only write from Elizabeth’s perspective, but find an outcome that would beget more interesting stories. Tinker said the writers frequently posed the questions, “How would these characters behave given their seven seasons of history?” and “Who would she really choose and why?”

      “I hope we don’t wring our fans into knots, but I think it’s an enjoyable and interesting, truthful pursuit of Elizabeth, and her trying to parse her feelings for these two men,” he said. “But, early on, she does make a choice.”

      So if Elizabeth made a choice early on, then to me that points to Lucas. She ran from Nathan and she chose to pursue Lucas. That seems like a choice. However, perhaps my interpretation of it is not what theirs is. Also, Brian Bird is really stirring the pot with his tweets. If you go to his open twitter page, he retweeted a post that someone else wrote from the words of Molly that Lucas and Elizabeth are the "long game." So we shall see. I for one believe they are "twisting" those who follow closely into knots. SIGH!

  5. Hello again, Hope.
    I've tried posting this comment in the ep 6 review thread but I've been unsuccessful. So I'm posting it here to see if it can work because I could post my comment here before, under 'E&L fan'.

    Hello Hope!
    Thank you once for this super-fast review. I'm glad we don't have to wait long. I'm dying to know what you thought about the episode. I absolutely agree with everything. No surprises there. Especially about the lack of L in the episode. But at least we got the picnic & the almost-kiss. I would just like to share that I was moved more by L's voice & facial expressions before the near-kiss when he said the dinner was nice & he's glad they were there in case Jack needed E. His voice, eyes & facial expressions were so full of emotion - raw, searing, heartfelt! His voice especially was so captivating - low, soft, tender, even a bit gravelly/husky. I don't know why but hearing his voice in that scene just hits me in my guts & squeezed my heart into actual physical pain. And he punctuated it with his eyes looking up and down & at E with the kind of expression I could only label as soulfully soft, melancholic & tender. Then he gave the softest, warmest, tenderest smile for E with those eyes! Ah! My heart just melts! I mean how does such a man even exist? He's the epitome of elegance, gentlemanly, gentility, grace and patience all rolled into one. Especially when we see his reaction to his kiss essentially being rejected by E in the car. He immediately smiled at E and said he understands. Then he started to laugh at their drenched selves & what do you know, he made E laughed, breaking the tension. He's such a gem. He didn't show any anger, disappointment, resentment or desperation. He just takes it like a champ. He's a man of his word. He told E they have all the time in the world during the dinner under the stars & he's proven tt he can keep his word. And what's more wonderful? E didn't run off/ride off from the near-kiss (like she did after N confessed). Instead she stayed where she was shoulder to shoulder with L & just started laughing along with L. That's so beautiful!


    1. This picnic/near-kiss scene was short but so impactful to me. So much emotion in such a short scene. I think I can sum up the way Chris acted was portraying his vulnerability, humility & serenity in that moment. His vulnerability arises from not knowing what's really in E's heart and to where what they have will bring them; his humility is from the knowledge that he knows he is with an amazing woman who is a widow with a son and so he needs to make sure he treads carefully in order not to ruin what he has with E so far; & his serenity that comes from knowing that he's doing the best that he could to win E's heart at that moment & his heart is calm & at peace with what he's done so far to win E's heart & where he is at the moment. He's not in any rush or second-guessing himself. He's not expecting anything from E that E's not prepared to give. He's just going with the flow. He's just enjoying the time and opportunity that he has with E. Nothing more nothing less. He's allowing himself to follow E's pace in what they are experiencing & he's comfortable with it. He's not interested in dictating the pace of the courtship. He's interested only in trying to do things that he thinks can make E happy because all he wants is E's happiness. He's so selfless, so considerate, so perfect. I'm just so fascinated by Chris' acting in this scene that I'm having difficulty finding the words to aptly describe what I'm feeling. So those words are what I could manage to come up with. Haha!

      My heart is still feeling that gut-wrenching, heart-searing feeling that I felt hearing his soulful voice & watching his emotive eyes & tender smiles. It doesn't hurt that Chris McNally is drop-dead gorgeous but more than that is how Chris perfectly portrayed the emotions behind the writing. Words can only mean something when they are accompanied by the appropriate emotions & in this case, the emotions were visceral, searing, gut-wrenchingly raw & so perfectly portrayed. Ah...how I love when actors knock their role out of the park with such impressive acting skills. It didn't feel like he was acting to me. I can imagine him behaving like that with his girlfriend or future wife. That's how I felt watching him. So memorable. Of course Erin was fantastic as expected. But Chris' portrayal just hits me right where it hurts. Hurts in a good way. Amazing. Just amazing. I'm breathless just thinking about it. Phew!

      Well I think that's all I can say for now. My focus is on Elizabeth and Lucas. I like the other characters too (except for N), but I'll need to take my breath before I share my thoughts on them here.

      Thank you once again Hope for your expectedly wonderful insight. I'm never disappointed by your candour, sincerity, clarity & honesty. I look forward to reading your take on the next episode. Until then, take care & stay safe always.

    2. No worries! I'm sorry you couldn't post your comment on my other post. Not sure why it wouldn't let you. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      I'm so glad you enjoyed the post! And I too loved that "almost kiss in the rain" scene! So romantic!

      Lucas has been so patient and kind to Elizabeth these past 3 seasons. He knows she's been through a lot, and understands her need to take things slowly. He's such gentleman! I can't wait to see what's next for these two! I'm also hoping to see Lucas get another plotline that's a bit more separate from his storyline with E. Right now everything he does mostly pertains to the triangle and his relationship with E.

      Thank you so much for reading and your kind words! I really appreciate it! I hope you're week has been great so far! God Bless!

    3. Hello Hope. Thank you very much for taking the time to read my comment. I really appreciate it.

      I agree with you totally. L is the perfect gentleman. So kind, considerate, patient. And yes, he needs to have more interactions with the other characters so his character arc can be more nuanced & layered. I especially love his interactions with Henry and ladies like Molly and Florence.

      I'm waiting with bated breath for the next episode because we will have E&L holding hands! Finally! I wouldn't call what they did in the previous episode at the dinner as holding hands so much as touching and caressing fingers. Haha!

      I'm looking forward to your next review, Hope. Thanks again for all that you do!

      You are the nicest, warmest, kindest blogger I've ever got to know. I'm floored by your generosity of spirit displayed through your prompt & warm responses to readers' comments here and at Twitter.

      Thank you again for everything. Take care & stay safe always. God Bless. 🤗💖💐💞💕💝

  6. I wish I had found this blog weeks ago as I have been agonizing in silence and felt so alone (well not exactly alone as I have been driving my husband crazy talking to him about it). I am so relieved that Elizabeth was able to work through her feelings and that she realized Lucas was her soulmate. I am looking forward to joining in this blog and to read the insightful blogs of those who came before me. I told myself that I would stop watching WCTH if Elizabeth chose Nathan over Lucas, but the truth is I love the series and would have continued to watch with a heavy, disappointed heart. How wonderful to instead be able to look forward to Season 9. Thank you,

    1. Thank you for reading, and welcome to the blog! I'm so glad you enjoyed the post!

      Have a wonderful day and God Bless! :)


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