WCTH S8 Episode Review: Welcome to Hope Valley


    Welcome Hearties to another Wednesday and another blog post! I hope you're all doing splendidly today! I'm back once more to re-cap the latest WCTH episode! And what an episode it was! We got some laughs, we had some tear-jerking scenes, and some heart fluttering moments!

    This also was my favorite episode for Lucas and Elizabeth thus far. (And I think you'll know why no matter what team you're on. Lol!) I really have been enjoying the direction John Tinker has been taking the show in terms of how animated the characters feel, and some of the storylines he's added. 

    And just in case you don't know yet, I've decided that unless I have a particular topic I want to discuss, I'll just be doing one post a week every Wednesday. So this week I only have one post. Sorry!

    Well, let's get right to it!



Where. Was. LITTLE JACK?!? He just vanished!

Where. Was. HENRY?!? I suppose he left town or something? 

Gustave came back! And his comment to Lucas about wearing two hats...Lol! That was good!




    This is just me jumping to conclusions, but it would appear that Fiona might disappear for an episode. I have absolutely no evidence, but she claimed she wanted to go visit her family, and so that would lead me to believe she might not be in the next episode. I guess we'll see.

    But aside from that, her and Clara's friendship is sweet to see. Honestly there are not a whole lot of women Clara's age in town other than Fiona and Faith, and it's sweet to see them all as this little group of friends. Each woman is in a different stage of life. Clara is a newly-wed, Faith is in a serious relationship with Carson, and Fiona is still single and hasn't found her man yet. So there is always something one girl can share with another and someone who probably has advice they can give to one woman or the other. 

    While we're rabbit-trailing, I would like to bring up Fiona's single status, and the fact that Kevin has seemingly disappeared off the face of the earth. I wasn't ever sure that those two would develop into something serious, and am currently in fear that she is destined for whoever Elizabeth rejects. I do know that some Hearties would be happy if Fiona stayed single for awhile. This is perfectly fine as everyone is completely entitled to their own opinion. But I on the other hand would like to see her fall in love with one of the men in town eventually. I just don't know if I see that happening this season, which is another indicator that she very well may end up with the rejected man. 

And now is a good time to state that I still am a fan of the idea of Hickam and her becoming a couple. Hickam and Jesse are already good friends, and the four of them would make such a fun group. I can see double dates, and the men coming to each other for advice when they get put in the dog house. Lol! 

    Either way, I'm very curious to see what's next for Fiona.

The Inquiry


    Nathan is just down in the dumps for almost this entire episode and understandably so. The woman he claims to love (Yes, claims as until I see something concrete for either guy I will never know for certain exactly how they feel.) has rejected him and now his job and honor are on the line. This Hargraves guy is relentless, mean, cruel, and I don't like him very much. He just hammered into Nathan so bad making him start to question if he could have done more.

    Honestly it just felt like Nathan gave up this episode. He didn't even seem to care if he lost his job as a Mountie, nor did he even try at first to defend himself from Andrew's harsh reprimand. My question is, does this only have to do with his despair over Elizabeth's rejection or is there more to this? And of course I'm relating this to his big secret... (Which I will get to later.)

    I loved Bill's involvement in the inquiry, mainly when he thumped his chair trying to interject while not objecting. Lol! That was one of my favorite things he did in this episode. (I'll talk about the other thing later.) But Bill really was Nathan's cheerleader here, backing him all the way and doing everything he could to prove Nathan's innocence. He's also clearly onto Nathan's secret past, and is trying to pull it out of the man. But Nathan isn't budging. (Again I'll get to that later.) But there was one more person who stood by Nathan and cheered him on...

    I believe I found the big reason Brian Bird told us we'd be needing tissues this episode. And yes, I would be referring to the tear-jerking moment when Allie came to defend her Uncle. This young lady has been through so much in her life. She's lost her mother, been abandoned by her father, and now is watching her uncle under fire and his job being put on the line.

    It was so sweet and touching to hear Allie say that Nathan is more like her father, and he truly is. I can only imagine how big Nathan's heart swelled to hear her say that, and to his superiors no less. And of course I caught the twitch of his lips as Allie mentioned how Elizabeth thought he was "impeccable." I'm sure that lifted his spirits. Lol!

    I give kudos to Jaeda Miller for her acting in this scene.👏 She showed us Allie's sweet love and devotion to her Uncle Nathan and brought tears to the Hearties watching. And thanks to Allie's wonderful tribute to her uncle, that nasty Mountie Andrew couldn't go through with his original plan to sack Nathan. (Come on. We all knew that was his intention.) And the whole thing ended with that precious moment of Allie leaping into Nathan's arms, and being lifted off her feet as he hugged her close. The uncle/niece relationship they have is really sweet and brings such touching moments. :)

"That's Some Dress."


    And the Bill and Molly romance escalates. Now, I'm not going to lie... The idea of them as a couple may have grown on me just a tad. (Emphasis on tad) 

    Molly has set her sights on Bill, and isn't backing down. This woman is on a mission. Get herself a husband. (Or get Bill a wife) And she is relentless. Lol! (Does this qualify as a "Mission Impossible?")

    The whole dynamic between Bill and Molly is funny if I’m being honest. This woman has her work cut out for her though, I’ll say that much. She just had to pick the most difficult bachelor in town to catch as the man she wants as her future husband. Bill is a difficult fish to catch but if there is any woman who can do it, it’s Molly.

    As to her dress… wow. Hope Valley is moving up in the fashion world. Her dress was very 1920’s, almost bordering on “flapper.” But the style and color suited her well. And I’m not the only one who noticed….

    Lol! My favorite line of Bill’s this whole episode was his sly little comment to Molly. She thought Bill hadn’t even noticed her, yet still held her head high knowing she looked beautiful even if Bill didn’t seem to think so. Florence was so sweet, supporting her friend and telling her how beautiful she is.

    And then… old Bill comes walking along, and with barely a glance at Molly says, “Molly, that was some dress.”

    Oh, boy! I think Mr. Avery is quite intrigued. Lol! And Molly’s comment was the cherry on top of the whole thing. “Twenty-three dollars well spent.” Indeed!


Jesse & Clara

    Well, Jesse… I could say I told you so. Lol! These two never cease to make me laugh this season. Their little squabbles are hilarious, but I was glad to finally get a sweet moment between them this episode.

    Clara gave Jesse quite the cold shoulder, even refusing to give him a proper kiss. And she was clearly enjoying how she was punishing him. Lol! But in the end they worked everything out. Clara made a lot of sense. They're currently trying to build a house for their future family, and then Jesse just runs off and buys a motorcycle. (Places hand to forehead) But she gently let him know that she simply wants him to talk to her first before he makes decisions like that. And then they sweetly shared an ice cream! (Aww!)

    However.... I'm not sure about Clara working at the barber shop... Oh boy.... :D

The Canfields

    And Hope Valley's newest family has finally arrived! Wow! This town finally has a complete family. Not a widow/widower with their children, no this is a whole family. And it's very odd to realize they are the only "complete" family in HV. Lol!

    Anyhow, you guys already know I'm a fan of Joseph. His wife is a bit tougher to crack. That woman has some sass, guys! But she is just a loving mother looking out for her precious daughter. Her comment of how she's known cruelty hints at a potentially very sad past, and I wonder if it will be further brought to light later this season.

    And then we have the children, Angela and Cooper…. Who are both Viv Leacock's kids in real life!!! Isn’t that just the sweetest thing? And both those kids are so sweet and kind. Cooper is a sweetheart telling all the kids at school about his big sister. He’s so proud of her. As for the young lady herself….

    I had no idea one of Joseph’s kids would be blind, and it came as a complete shock. And I’m glad the writer’s added that storyline! One of the things I’ve been wanting on the show is to have some really good, and deep storylines with Elizabeth and her students. Season 1 had so many powerful, and heart melting stories, and I wanted to see more like them this season. And now it appears I got my wish.

    I’ve seen a few “blind storylines” through watching Little House on the Prairie and re-runs of Bonanza. (An oldie but a goodie for sure!) And yet the story never quite gets old. And then… (Places hand to heart) and then I discovered she could play piano! (HUGE gold star to the writers) I love that! And she plays like a boss! It was such a beautiful moment. (I’m getting emotional just thinking about it!)

    Angela climbed all the way up in the wagon to get to her beloved piano. And then her parents, and soon Elizabeth, Jesse, and Cooper all stand around listening in awe. Elizabeth was moved to tears, as I’m sure many Hearties were. 

    Afterwards Elizabeth tries to convince Minnie to allow Angela to attend school. Minnie then confesses that she's known cruelty before, but she didn't realize just how cruel people could be until she had Angela. Elizabeth assures her that Angela would never face that cruelty in her classroom and that she would never tolerate it. She then passionately assures Minnie that she will never stop trying to understand. Never stop trying to help. And while the two women have a ways to go still, I believe this is a very good start to an eventual friendship between these two ladies.

    I'm not sure when, but I truly believe Angela will one day join Elizabeth's class. Elizabeth never gives up on her students and she's not about to start now. I'm looking forward to seeing her possibly study to become certified to teach a blind student and hope to see Minnie teach her how.


Lee & Rosemary's New Family

    And suddenly all my questions have been answered. Or at least one of them anyway. Finally we know how Rosemary and Lee are going to have the family they've always dreamed about. They are going to be fostering their niece, Rachel! I'll confess this is not the way I saw it happening, but I am very intrigued to see what happens next! 

    First off.... Oh, Susannah... (I will now refrain from singing the rest... Lol!) She is still just as stiff and strict as ever. I mean, poor Rachel. I think the only thing her mother didn't tell her to do was how to breathe. Lee's sister is quite the character, I'll say that much. Lol! 

    As for Rachel, she is a very sweet young woman. She seems so excited to get out in the world and begin her life as an independent adult. She has such an excitement about life, and the big wide world around her. I also get the sense that she's quite the romantic. BUT I will say this.... You better not set your sights on Jesse, young lady. Lol! Oh, boy. I can picture such trouble coming in the future from her forming a crush on him. And it would be hilarious. :D

    I loved how awkward their dinner at the saloon was. "Delish....ious." :D Oh, Lee you are a riot! The thing that really made me laugh out loud was when Lucas came back to ask how they were doing not knowing they'd just had a very awkward conversation. Their response? Dead silence. Lol! Kudos to the cast and crew on that scene as it was played out perfectly!

    As for that fight between Lee, Rosemary, and Susannah.... Ouch! I say well done Rosemary, hurrah for Lee, and a great big finger wag for Susannah. I mean...wow. Rosemary is simply trying to help, clearly seeing what Susannah is doing to her daughter. But that woman wouldn't hear any of it, and began raising her voice to Rosemary. Something Lee will absolutely not have. (And this man just keeps winning the husband of the year award.) He comes and stands right beside his wife, and tells his sister that she cannot talk to Rosemary like that. And of course Susannah takes that to mean Lee is taking Rosemary's side. (Which he should!) Susannah then makes a very bold and wrong statement. 

    Basically she said she thinks she has more priority than Rosemary, Lee's own wife, and that he should be listening to her more than Rosemary. The nerve of that woman! But Rosemary handled herself very well, and decided to go for a walk to help clear the air.

    In the end.... Lee was right. He knew his sister wanted something from them, and she indeed did. (His little whisper, "I knew it," was great! Lol!)

    And she only wanted a little, teensy tiny favor. Just for Lee and Rosemary.... to foster her daughter! Whoa, now! Say that again? But it's true. Susannah believes that Bellingham isn't a good place to raise a child (Even though Rachel is far from a child) and asks if she could come and live with her Uncle and Aunt. And without a second thought Rosemary says yes.

    This is what she has been yearning for. A deeper purpose in life. A family, with a child to raise. And while Rachel is a grown young woman, I think this arrangement is going to suit everyone so well. Well.... Lee might have a hard time at first. Lol! His face was far from confident, and it was quite something that Rosemary agreed to take Rachel without consulting him first. But in the end I think this was the right choice for everyone. Rachel can now spread her wings and fly under the loving care of her uncle and aunt, and Lee and Rosemary have someone to love and care for. It may not be the family they first expected or wanted to have, but I think this is the start of so many wonderful things to come for all three of them!


The Most Romantic Gift 

    Guys.... I know I've given these two a hard rap in the past, but.... Oh my goodness! That was one of my favorite Team Infirmary moments ever! Guys, I was swooning! That was literally the sweetest things ever! Period. I mean, man Carson! Could you get anymore romantic?

    Things between Faith and Carson have been... rocky to say the least these past few episodes. Faith summed it up so well by saying things seem to change between them by the minute. It's so true! One moment they're fighting and bickering, and the next Carson is serenading Faith, and they almost kiss. (Thanks, Molly....)

    Carson then came back from his trip, and brought a big gift box to boot. I wasn’t sure what it was at first, and then when Faith opened it… I melted. It was a doctor’s bag with her name right on it! (Excuse me while I swoon.) And of course he’s like, “It’s not a very romantic gift.” Dude! That was one of the sweetest, and most romantic things you’ve ever done! And Faith felt the same.

    Not only was it such a sweet and thoughtful gift, but it held so much meaning. It shows Carson supporting Faith now that she’s a doctor, while showing her how much he loves her. Not to mention I think it’s really sweet that every time Faith uses that bag she’ll remember how it was a special gift from Carson.

    Well, it appears the air between these two has been cleared for the time being. But as Faith said, it tends to shift every few minutes. Who knows what next week’s episode may hold for them?


I Guess We'll Just Have to See...

Warning: This section turned out quite....long. :D Team Nathan be warned there is a lot of gushing down below. Lol!

    And the sparks are flying!!! (Eeeeeek!) This was my favorite episode for Lucas and Elizabeth so far! (For obvious reasons...Lol!) Alright, alright. Let me start from the beginning.

    First off.... Oh my goodness! Lucas could you get anymore pitiful. and pathetic? And I mean that in the best way, because I absolutely loved that first scene! Like LOVED it! Oh, Lucas! You poor overworked, heart broken soul! I'm also enjoying his more ruffled appearance this season. You just gotta love the floppy hair. Lol!

    And the tension! Oh, my goodness! I have never felt tension like that before between these two. And I love it! Things were so easy for these two in Seasons 6-7. It’s about time I saw some good tension between them. And it was great!

    Elizabeth comments that he’s up early, and Lucas then confesses that he is actually up late as he never made it to bed. (The poor man. Sniff!) He then comments how he was in his office “stealing from Peter so he could pay Paul.” This oil company seems to be really taking it out of Lucas. Before all he had to do was provide Henry with necessary funds to run the company, and then sit back and watch his investment roll in. But now… Now he’s in charge of it all.

    And as it turns out the oil derrick was able to be salvaged so all wasn’t lost. Again I was disappointed by the lack of a response from Elizabeth. His life was in danger. He was literally blown up, and "Thankfully no one was badly injured," is all she can say?

    Any who Lucas then comments that Elizabeth is up early. She then says that a new family has moved in and that everyone else is bringing pies and casseroles so she started to say that she was bringing the books.... And Lucas finished her sentence for her with... "Food for the soul?" (He finished her sentence! Okay, I really need to stop gushing...😊)

    She then looks back at him, soft piano music begins to play, and you can just feel the connection they share. This may sound cheesy but Lucas and Elizabeth just really seem to get each other. Elizabeth didn’t even have to explain herself, because Lucas already knew and understood without her saying anything. (Isn't it sweet? :)

    And then… (Sighs contently) And then even though you could cut the tension with a knife, and even though things are still rough between them…. Lucas goes and opens the door for her. AND as if this wasn’t the sweetest thing ever, he then helps her load the books into her saddle bag. And I melted into a big old puddle on the floor. I mean…He just… Augh! That was the most romantic and sweetest thing! The man is such a gentleman, and truly adores Elizabeth. So even though they were not on great terms, he still went and helped her. (I’m sorry, but even Team Nathan has to admit that was so sweet!)

    We then had a very brief moment between them when Elizabeth went to talk to Joseph, who was currently talking to Lucas. Elizabeth asks can she borrow Mr. Canfield for a moment, and Lucas excuses himself. Her eyes then follow him as he walks away, before she has to shake herself out of her daze, so she can talk to Joseph. Now I could totally go on and say how it's because of her deep feelings for him that she looked after him, but I'll restrain myself. The truth is that there was still so much tension between the two of them and they both could feel it. And so her feelings here could just be due to the tension she knows is there.... or it could be because of her feelings for him.... or it could be both. I really don't know.

    But I will say that I'm glad to see Lucas talking with Joseph, as I may have a dream of them becoming really good friends. (Just maybe... ;) I guess time will tell.


    We then come to a very interesting scene, that has me and I'm sure a lot of you asking questions. And that would be how the writers made a point to show Lucas watch the whole scene with Elizabeth, Allie, and Nathan. First off.... why is this guy just meandering outside with his teacup? It's like he just knows when something is going to happen with Elizabeth and Nathan, and stands in the perfect place to look on in despair. Lol!

    Anyhow, Elizabeth seemed caught in a cross-road at this point, as she looked from Lucas to Allie before choosing to go with Allie. Now I re-watched that scene and I don't know that was her making some kind of choice for say. It seemed more that she was taking note that Lucas was there and watching, before going off with Allie. Now she did choose to go with Allie, but that's just natural. She's the teacher and she always goes with her student, not to mention it really would have made no sense at all for her to go to Lucas in this moment. Her and Lucas weren't on good terms and she'd be abandoning Allie in her time of need. Something she never does. So if anything she was thinking about how things may look to Lucas if she went with Allie, or she was simply taking note that he was watching.

    The big question is really this. Why did the writers make a point of showing us that Lucas saw Elizabeth with Allie and Nathan? In my opinion this could be used to either man's advantage in this triangle, but I will explain what I think may have happened here.

    So far this season (And the end of last season) everything Lucas has seen points to Elizabeth having feelings for Nathan, and not him. Honestly at this point he may believe that she's already chosen Nathan with all that he's seen. And so this scene just seems to show him even more that Elizabeth is with Nathan. His face said it all. He believes Elizabeth loves Nathan, and he walked away in resignation. There was such a pain-filled look on his face. And I wonder if him seeing that moment made him do what he did next.

    The final scene for Elizabeth and Lucas.... (Sighs...) Well, it's got me asking all sorts of questions. It starts with Lucas walking out of the saloon, clearly looking for someone or something. Elizabeth then approaches him, and says that she decided to take her own advice and be the one to reach out first. (And the crowd erupts with applause.) I'm so glad she said that, and didn't wait for him to come to her. I know what Lucas said was far from nice, but she's put the man through a lot of pain. (Although she never meant to.)

    She apologizes for not being more forthright with Lucas, realizing that in trying to honor Helen's request, she hurt Lucas, something she never meant to do. I'm not sure that she needed to apologize for keeping Helen's secret, so much as she needed to for hurting Lucas' feelings. Keeping Helen's secret wasn't really her fault as Helen really thrust it upon her, and she was trying to not break Helen's trust. Not to mention I don't know that it was Elizabeth's place to tell Lucas that his parents had separated. That was for Helen to do.

    Anyhow, Lucas clearly appreciates Elizabeth's gesture and apology, and thanks her. He then says that despite all that happened it was no excuse to talk to her the way he did. He also says he had no right to question what she knew about love. And I say amen and amen to that. 

    It was no surprise to me that Lucas apologized for his actions, and to be honest it was necessary. While I totally understand why he said what he did, and believe Elizabeth needed to hear it, that doesn't give him an excuse to be mean. Also knowing she lost her husband, it was quite an insult to question what she knew about love. It's even more so since I know just how much Elizabeth loved Jack, but of course Lucas has no idea.

    Anyhow, I was very pleased to hear Lucas actually say the words, "I'm sorry." He was so humble and sincere, and I was very happy and proud of the way he thoroughly apologized. Elizabeth then becomes a bit nervous saying that she's not sure if Lucas wants anything to do with her. (Which is understandable at this point.) But then she drops the bomb and tells Lucas that she rejected Nathan, and won't be seeing him anymore.... ("Seeing him?" Did you consider yourself "seeing him" before? You didn't even go on a date with the man!) And suddenly a light turns on inside Lucas.

    His eye brows raise, and he takes a small step forward. I honestly was like, "He's walking closer! What's going to happen? What is he going to do?!?" It's funny because the whole time Elizabeth was saying, "I'm not sure if you want anything to do with me," Lucas' mouth kept working like he was trying to say something. Inside he's probably like, "Of course I want something to do with you!" Or he may have been trying to tell her he just wants her to be happy. Anyhow...

    Lucas steps toward her and asks tentatively, "What could that mean for us?" He was so hopeful in this moment, his mounting joy so evident on his face. His words then elicit this sweet, and excited smile from Elizabeth. It was like she was surprised he was still interested in her. She then shyly shrugs her shoulders and replies... "I guess we'll just have to see." And instantly Lucas' face lights up like a Christmas tree. 

    There was so much hope and joy in both of their expressions, and the music playing during the whole scene just made the moment even more monumental. And then of course Gustave had to come out and ask about those blasted mushrooms. Lol! It was so cute as his words seemed to jolt both Lucas and Elizabeth out of the trance they were in. Lucas was so focused on Elizabeth that he didn't even hear what the Frenchman had said. 

    And with the happiest school-boy grin, Lucas excuses himself to go to the mercantile. That man looked like he wanted to go run down Hope Valley's streets shouting for joy. He was so, so happy, and it was just adorable. And the whole time Elizabeth had the sweetest smile on her face. There was such excitement in her expression, like there were butterflies dancing in her chest. If that doesn't say something as to her feelings, I don't know what will.

    BUT.... (There's always a but, isn't there.) I am not convinced that this was her making her final decision. Not at all. We are only on episode 4 out of a 12 episode season. Honestly, her making that statement to Lucas only seems to follow the very predictable storyline I'm fearing this season may go. She rejected Nathan, and now is going to be pursued by Lucas. Will she realize in the end that it's really Nathan she loves, and Lucas was the safe choice? I have no idea. But I am still very hopeful that Lucas may indeed be the endgame. It would honestly make sense with all the time him and Elizabeth have spent getting to know each other these past two seasons. I could honestly go on and on about that, but I'll restrain myself. Lol!

    Anyhow, I'm most excited for this next episode! I'm sensing romance is in the air!

Nathan's Secret


    Oh, my..... GOODNESS!!! This guy met Jack! I know it! I just know it! For the past two seasons I've brought up the idea of Nathan having known Jack, but he always said he didn't and I didn't have any evidence to disprove him. But now... Oh boy! I am onto you Mr. Mountie! 

    Now I have two theories here. Either Nathan is a big fat liar (Excuse my bluntness, Team Nathan) or he is sort of telling the truth about "not knowing Jack." He didn't have to know Jack in order to have come in contact with him. Namely... during the landslide that killed him. Now I have no evidence to back me up, but I totally get the sense that there is something Nathan isn't telling everyone. Something he clearly doesn't want to come to light. What could have happened that he is guarding so closely? What happened at Fort Clay that changed him so?

    We already know that he got suspended for disobeying direct orders... but was that all? I don't think that that's enough to change a man so drastically. And I also think Hargraves may be involved in this as well. But just what was it that happened?

    Did Nathan find Jack in the landslide while chasing those cattle rustler? Was Nathan the Mountie Jack saved? Did he somehow cause the landslide? Did he pull Jack out of the landslide, and hear his last dying words? I HAVE to know!!!

    And then Allie tells us that Nathan asked for a transfer afterward. Could he have possibly requested Hope Valley on purpose? Did Jack make him promise to look after Elizabeth before he died, or Nathan felt like he needed to because he feels responsible for Jack's death? I have SO many questions!

    Whatever Nathan's hiding must have been something big if it changed his whole personality. And every time Nathan says he never met Jack things just get more and more mysterious. All I can say is.... not telling Elizabeth is a bad idea. Because depending on what happened, he would either get sympathy from her, or she'll become incredibly heartbroken and angry once she finds out. Either way, it's totally in his best interest to tell her. Or at least someone! But from the way Nathan is acting about it.... it must be something pretty bad. Something that possibly brought him a lot of guilt. Something that he's been keeping inside for awhile now. Something that is most definitely going to come to light soon.

    And there we have it! Overall this was once again a fun and enjoyable episode! I actually am really a fan of some of the things John Tinker has done to the show. The characters have just broken out of their molds and come to life in a way that is so fun to watch. This season also feels a bit deeper, and a little grittier, which is a very good thing in my opinion.

    Thank you all so much for reading this very long post! :D Feel free to share your thoughts about this episode below or on my Twitter page! I love hearing everyone's opinion! (Please just don't tell me any spoilers. Thank you! :) Have a wonderful week! God Bless!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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    1. Hi Shelby - loved your write up! i cannot tell you how many times that it seems like Lucas is going to have his heart broken before this is said and down. I keep looking for the clues. Jack/Lucas encouraged her, danced with E, Chemistry, the Library, L cares about the community of HV, thoughtfulness, gentleman, the non dates (romantic ones - picnic). These are valid clues that i hope Elizabeth was talking about. Hold on to hope! I love spoilers, please forward to me. Thanks :)

    2. Auntied, Thank you, but I deleted my comments and rewrote them slightly. I am trying to find clues that give me hope that it will be Lucas. I was hopeful, and there is still time. LOL! Can you tell me how to send the information to you Auntied. You will have to have Instagram to see it.

    3. Auntied, I can give you the name of the Instagram account and tell you what row it is in if that will help. :) It's a page I only started following a few weeks ago, and they are Nathan's fan, but they still post clips of the others. :)

    4. Shelby, I do have an Instagram account, so that would be fine. Thank You :)

    5. It is under this link: https://www.instagram.com/starwatchbyline/ It is 8 rows down and the second video over. The part you will like comes up very quickly and if you blink you will miss it. :) I hope that helps.

    6. Auntied, this fan page for stars makes a lot of posts, so the video will move from the row and position I said fairly quickly.

    7. No problem! I will go spoiler hunting on Instagram. Have a good day! Thank You :)

    8. You are welcome, Auntied! They added another one that is just plain fun! Hope you have a great day as well.

    9. Shelby, I bought season 7 collectors addition because i missed out watching last year. I noticed that Lucas was on the left side of Elizabeth on the cover. Probably means nothing. I realize that the hallmark picture for season 8 shows Nathan on her left side. I really thought season 8 would end the the triangle after the Nathan hug, but nope. Hallmark is predictable, but would they pick Nathan. Nathan does not compare to Jack at all. Lucas seems to me like the safest move. 73% voted for Nathan compared to 33% Lucas. I know they needed to keep the audience watching after Jack/ Abigale left the show. Elizabeth is out of character, and this is not her style. I blame the writers not her. Why do we have to wait for episode 11 or 12 to end this? Meanwhile emotions run high and disappointment continues to set in. Anyways time will tell. I would like to see Fiona with Nathan. I saw the red herring, but did not see the one with your comment. Not to sure what the writers were thinking! it was actually raining in NJ today as i ran around on errands. I do like listening to the sound of rain when inside. Hallmark needs to play the series back to back instead of making us wait a week. I do not get the Hallmark channel, so i watch it on itunes on Tuesday. Have a good evening!

    10. Auntied, I have wondered about the position of Lucas and Nathan. I thought it might mean something, too. I would have rather that Lucas had been on the left for this season. From what I heard Erin Krakow say, she did have some input into the choice for her new made for her new love. So, it looks like we will have to give her a little credit for the outcome. I am holding onto hope that with all the red herrings that we are over analyzing things. Elizabeth and Lucas are going to date more and they are going to have some fun and I am not sure if there will be any feelings.... but I have seen some of the fun. Yes, time will tell. On that post I pointed you, too, I go by shelbysbest. I like Fiona with Nathan as well, and since they are seeing each other in real life, it works for me. Rain can be soothing if you don't have to be out in it. I hope you have a great day!

    11. I need an edit button. LOL!

    12. Hi Shelby,

      I just watched this video again, can you tell me if scene 25 was in season 6?

      There is a video on You Tube that someone did of the 50 reasons to ship Lucas and Elizabeth. It's not a spoiler but I love watching it. :) Here is the link if you are others want to watch. https://youtu.be/94Znp9kfhes

    13. Hi Auntied, I believe that scene was from season 7. It's one of the best!

  3. Hope, I am amazed at all the time you must spend writing your posts. I'd have to take a vacation each week. LOL! Thank you for all your hard work and insightful posts. I look forward to your input each week.:)

    As it relates to Fiona, and I hope you don't consider this a spoiler. If you do, I hope you will forgive me. Kayla Wallace (Fiona) said in the interview done by Deidre Behar with some of the women of Hope Valley that we will continue to see more of her with her friend, Hickam. She said that she believes they would be cute together because he is so humble and quiet, and she is the opposite. Kayla also said she needs to come up with an abbreviated name for them. It sounded like she was making them a couple, but the writers may see it differently.
    What's not to love about the Canfields. Love Joseph and the children, and Minnie is loving and spirited, too. I am glad to see that Joseph reigns her in from time to time when she becomes too overprotective of Angela. Also, Angela's piano score leaves me in tears every time I watch it. I felt it let us see a large piece of her heart and yearning to live more freely. Hope, I hadn't realized until you mentioned it that the Canfields are the only whole family in Hope Valley.

    Hmm... I am not thrilled about Lee's niece coming to live with he and Rosemary. I hope it is a short-lived situation, because while I think she needs to learn to live independently from her mother's control, I don't think she is what I would have chosen for the Coulters for the long term. If they do manage to help her find her much needed freedom, I hope she will help them to see what great parents they would be. I liked Rachel's character well enough, but I want Lee and Rosemary to experience more of the joy they have had with little Jack -- the joy and sweetness of a little one.

    (Continued below)

  4. (Continued from above.) I must admit that I am not a fan of Molly's approach to Bill. It seems a little too in your face, but he's a strong-willed man, and he may need another strong-willed woman to catch his attention. Although, it almost seems Molly is trying to lasso him. Maybe they will grow on me as a potential couple.

    As to Elizabeth and Lucas, I am looking forward to the next two episodes because it appears they will have more fun time together. I hope to enjoy all of it because it may be all we get to see of them exploring love. I was quite disappointed Sunday evening, analyzing their relationship. I still believe the writers are swinging the pendulum towards Nathan. As to his secret, i believe he is trying to protect Elizabeth. I definitely believe the secret is tied to Jack's death. It is quiet possible that because Nathan's disobeyed his orders from Fort Clay that he could have indirectly caused Jack's death. Or, I thought it might be that he arrived to the scene with Jack's accident and heard him calling out Elizabeth's name right before he died. SIGH!!! It would have been extremely painful for Elizabeth to have known this information in the beginning, and it will still be devastating for her even now. I think if it is the latter, Elizabeth would be grateful to Nathan for his heroic attempt to save Jack. Although, I don't know what it would do to help quiet her raging fear of loving and losing another Mountie.

    I believe Lucas watching and observing Elizabeth's reactions with Nathan will allow him to perceive more quickly that Elizabeth is drawn to Nathan and not him. He may even help her realize that she cannot run from love. I think he would tell her because he wants her to be happy. Lucas is a very intuitive person and a creature of the soul. So, we shall see. I am trying to prepare myself for a Nathan outcome. I value Nathan as a person, and I am glad to see how much they have allowed him and Allie to bond. I only want the best for them always, but if the writers choose Nathan, I will miss the fun banter, the shared love of books, and the big smiles between Elizabeth and Lucas. The writers may have not chosen true love for Elizabeth with Lucas, but in my opinion they would have been a blockbuster couple. It's possible their love could still win, but I don't think it's likely. I wish someone else commenting would prove me wrong. :)

    Oh, and if anyone except Hope would like to know about a spoiler, I can direct you to it on Instagram. It's a tiny one, but it is oh so special and I have probably watched it 50 times. LOL!

  5. Hope your write ups have been wonderful to read. Loved the one about Does Lucas have a chance. So encouraging and you give the key factors that Jack/ Lucas share. I really believe these are the clues the Erin was talking about, but no one knows for sure.

    We are only on episode 5 and so i am sure E will talk with Nathan again. I am starting to believe the writers took this course of writing so that at the end although one man will have a broken heart eventually friendship is coming. HV is such a small town and you would see each other quite often. It looks to me that Elizabeth has made her choice but this is just the process of getting there. I am rooting for Lucas 100%. They danced together, They have the library together, Lucas encouraged her with her writing, E meet Helen (Lucas mom), and they have had a few non dates, and he makes her smile. Time will tell😀

    I would like to see Fiona with Nathan. Not sure about the Bill an molly only time will tell. I miss not seeing baby Jack in more scenes. (They are so cute!)

    My heart breaks for Lee & Rosemary. I know infertility well and not much feels the void. Yes, we try but there's always a feeling that something is missing. Not sure if Lee's niece will fit the bill. Maybe for a short time. Time will tell!

    Once again thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on WCTH.

    1. Auntied, I like how you summed up the positives for Lucas and Elizabeth. There is a whole lot they have shared, and it was meaningful to many of us. There is a video on You Tube that someone did of the 50 reasons to ship Lucas and Elizabeth. It's not a spoiler but I love watching it. :) Here is the link if you are others want to watch. https://youtu.be/94Znp9kfhes

    2. Shelby i watched that awhile back and loved it! Thanks for sharing so others can view.

    3. I am so happy to find a forum of people who love Hope Valley and When Calls the Heart as much as I do!

      I may be being a bit naïve but I believe Elizabeth when she says she can't be with Nathan.

      One theme that I noticed in WCTH and it was spoken by Lee when he was giving Jesse advice, is that love is a choice. I believe the words spoken by Elizabeth, she chooses not to be with Nathan. I believe that Elizabeth's spoken word is truth. She is not flighty and says one thing but does another.

      In the last episode, Elizabeth told Lucas that she will not be seeing Nathan anymore. The episode before that she told Lucas' mother that Nathan is not a suitor and she told Rosemary that she knows she made the right decision not to be with Nathan.

      I don't think she is "protesting too much". I think she is telling us her decision loud and clear. Nathan is a no and Lucas is a maybe.

      Now she may not choose either one, I think that Lucas is a possibility but I believe the door has already closed on Nathan.

      Besides, what woman wouldn't want to be swept away in the romance that Lucas brings? That man has some mad game! :-)

    4. Anonymous, I see your point of view, and I so hope you are right. I love that you took it back to Lee's conversation with Jesse. Truly I do! Someone on another Heartie blog wrote a very good post, making the case that Lucas and Elizabeth's relationship is based primarily on their love of books. Therefore, they believe that is the main thing that bonds them. I agree with that part, but I don't know if I agree with the conclusion they outlined. The wrote that Lucas and Elizabeth are romanticizing love and it's more of a fairytale type of love versus the day to day type of loving. I guess time will tell.

  6. Hola!soy #TeamNathan pero eso no me impide decirte que fue una hermosa y conpleta publicación!♥️♥️♥️💪💪💪🙌🙌🙌😍😍😍asique Nathan pidió ser transferido?creía que lo habían transferido pero no que él lo hubiera pedido! 😮

    1. Maruvi, I wanted to see what you had to say... From what little we know about Nathan's secret, it must have been a painful time for him and so he asked to be transferred.

      I guess you can tell a few of us are hoping for Lucas, but it is good to have others share about Nathan and why they are drawn to him. I agree that Hope writes beautiful posts. :)

      I used Google Translate to see what you said. I hope it was this:
      "Hi! I'm #TeamNathan but that doesn't stop me from telling you that it was a beautiful and complete post! ♥ ️ ♥ ️ ♥ ️💪💪💪🙌🙌🙌😍😍😍so Nathan asked to be transferred? I thought he had been transferred but not that he had asked!"

  7. Hello Hope! Thank you once again for the beautiful analysis. I always look forward to reading your posts ❤️

    My favourite part of the episode was the Canfields. I already love the new family and I am excited about their storylines. Also, I am happy because we saw Elizabeth actually being herself, being that teacher who is confident that she will help them and she will show it. The only part I was annoyed with was the piano playing 😂 I am a musician and I played Clair de Lune so many times...they could have directed it to at least look somewhat real because she was playing a completely different piece. Haha but that's just me I guess! No one really notices these things. Nevertheless, I look forward to seeing how Elizabeth will help a blind student and the relaitonship she will develop with the parents and the whole family.

    My least favourite part of the episode was the love triangle. I was so disappointed by the end. I don't understand why they were talking about a roller coaster season and Elizabeth going back and forth. It's pretty obvious she has made up her mind that she wants Nathan. And this was clear when they had Lucas watching the scenes between Elizabeth, Allie and Nathan. This season, all Lucas does is watching N&E and observing and trying to come to terms with the fact that Elizabeth is mostly drawn towards Nathan. It's as if Lucas is a different person from the past 2 seasons. He's become just an observer in the background and I think he carries some baggage that will never be explored.
    Also, the actress who played Allie gave an interview with Kevin after the end of the episode and she pretty much gave it away.
    I think that Nathan's secret will be what makes Elizabeth realize she wants Nathan. This is sad because, eventually, Nathan being connected to Jack or to Jack's death and him being a mountie will be the reasons for them getting together. In my point of view it's like replacing Jack. I am trying to understand how Nathan's character is superior than Lucas' when it comes to Elizabeth and one major difference is this connection to Jack. I also think Lucas will push her towards him. Lucas is very smart and he can read people well. I just feel so disappointed that he will get hurt in the process. I still don't understand WHEN and WHY and HOW Nathan fell in love with Elizabeth. And I don't understand how she fell/will fall for him either.
    Lucas has always shown why he loves her, how she excites him.

    I just feel so bad for Lucas. I think he was looking for her to apologize and say it's ok for her to be with Nathan. And then he got his hopes up when E told him she stopped seeing Nathan. When was she ever seeing him? Lucas was written for Elizabeth, no one else. And it's sad that he won't end up with her. I know the next 2 episodes will have romantic scenes of E&L, but I don't even know if I want to watch that because at the end it will go the other way. At least we got other interesting storylines to watch!

    1. Georgia, I love that you are a musician. That is wonderful! My husband noticed that Angela's hands were not in sync with the music. I believe that part could have easily been edited.

      I feel your frustration. It seems to me even from day one that Elizabeth was drawn to Nathan as she asked Lucas to dance. I guess it is his down to earth style. Some people are just drawn to others. Although, when Elizabeth and Lucas went out of town to Union City, she told Rosemary that her trip with Lucas was perfect. PERFECT! I don't know why they had to continue the love triangle. The hug at the end of season 7 could have ended it. It's very hard for perceptive Lucas fans to keep watching, knowing that as much as Elizabeth may want to move away from Nathan, she can't. The dates with Lucas are going to make it even harder.

    2. Exactly. It's super obvious...I mean what exactly should we watch for anymore regarding this "love triangle"? It makes me think that maybe they should have replaced Jack with a different actor. I feel bad for saying this, but Kevin hasn't won me over. He seems like a great guy in real life, but on the show whenever I watch his storylines I feel so bored. His acting is not that great for me in comparison to the actors next to him. Even in the last episode, we just knew what was going to happen with his story before there was a resolution and be wasn't that convincing. Allie made it more interesting. I also dislike the fact that N&E were never given any time to get to know each other. It's been drama the whole time and just about everything that Nathan's been hiding. And just because he has that connection with Jack (which he always did because he's a mountie) they are going to be together.
      Also, maybe one more season should be enough for this show, just to complete all the storylines. I honestly cannot see it going further than a season 9. I think the next 2 episodes will be done just for the Team Lucas fans to get something out of this season. They divided their audience for no reason. And they could have made Lucas shine with other storylines instead of this mess.

    3. Georgia, I believe that being a Mountie doesn't allow for him to have much of a part unless there is real danger. Although, once he and Elizabeth are a couple, they will spend more time together to explore their love. Most people don't fall in love with someone unless they have been on a date. That is how it works in real life. LOL! It's possible that Nathan may give up being a Mountie for Elizabeth. However, I am not sure what else he would want to do or who have an available job to employ him. Perhaps, he would want to run the saloon and let Lucas continue running the oil business. Lucas seems to need help. The last thing I will say is that if Lucas is not the one for Elizabeth, I hope they will let him find love with another much sooner than three years.

    4. Falling in love without going on a date only happens in Disney movies, in arranged marriages if they are lucky and on WCTH 😜 I honestly do not understand this. Usually, this is explored before getting together. With Jack, it took 2 seasons, numerous conversations and dates and travels, etc.

      I cannot imagine Nathan doing another job and I hope they won't have him quit. I don't know if Elizabeth would allow that. She wouldn't want him to regret it. Even if he does something else, it has to be something extremely interesting because he will need a storyline other than getting married and having children. I can already see Elizabeth having storylines with Allie for example, I don't know what they will do with N.
      I can't imagine him running the saloon. He's not the most talkative guy. 🙄Also, I get the feeling that the town doesn't really bother with him. He hasn't really been interacting with the people of the town the past 2 seasons, except last episode with the explosion.

      I hope they do give Lucas a love interest. Obviously it won't be right away because first he needs to get over Elizabeth. But, people fall in love without getting to know each other on this show, so anything is possible. I just hope it's not Fiona. I want them to bring someone new for him, for whom he will be enough and won't hurt him like Elizabeth is doing. And someone who wants the same things as him. Also, he stayed in Hope Valley for Elizabeth. They will need to give him a reason to stay.

      Lucas deserves the best. He gives so much and gets back so little.
      Even in the preview he could have gone to the graduation and rub it in Nathan's face that he's dating Elizabeth (I think N wouldn't even think of Lucas' feelings if it was him) , but he is considerate and doesn't want to make anyone feel uncomfortable. He even thinks of Allie regarding this whole triangle mess, something that neither Elizabeth or Nathan have done, which by the way is also so strange: if I had asked someone out with our children and they cancel on me the last minute in front of my child (who was disappointed because she was really looking forward to it), I would think twice before trying again with them.

    5. I agree completely about the dating. LOL! I also agree that Elizabeth wouldn't want Nathan to give up being a Mountie. Mrs. Tinker, (Ronda) said that most women who have lost a husband in an accident, (She has known a few NASCAR drivers who died, and she said their wives and others like them such as firemen, policemen, etc., are usually not wanting to marry or get involved with someone who is in a similar profession. I am sure there are exceptions, though. She pointed that out to her husband during one of their earlier live Facebook events. Then he switched it to how much Nathan is willing to give up for Elizabeth. Hmm...

      I like Fiona a lot but like you, I would like to see them bring in a new love interest for Lucas. Lucas is thoughtful, and I believe Nathan cares about the town's people, but you are right that he hasn't interacted with many of them. I don't think the writers have given Nathan much of an opportunity to be with anyone other than Bill, Lucas and Elizabeth. I do think Kevin McGarry would do well in a part where he talks a lot because he seems to be rather outgoing and spontaneous in real life in the interviews I've seen. I believe he and Chris McNally have both been bartenders, so that saloon job might work.

      Georgia, I wish you could see that 2 second clip I have seen on that Instagram page. I would like your opinion about it. Although, spoiler clips are generally misleading.

      There is a part of me that hopes the writers know that WCTH fans are engaged and the current storyline with the love triangle is rather easy to see the outcome. I would so like to be proven wrong. One of the reasons I believe they may have chosen Nathan is because he is a Mountie and there appears to be more Nathan fans.

    6. What you said at the end is exactly why they are choosing Nathan. Also, Kevin is more popular than Chris.

      What Instagram page are you talking about?? Today is the first day that some of our lockdown measures were lifted so I was out for half of the day 😂 I have to say it was refreshing until it became windy and it started raining a bit. I haven't really seen or searched for anything new. I don't mind the spoilers. When I first started watching WCTH I already knew Jack was going to die 😂 I wanted to read first about the show before watching it. Lol. I feel sorry for the people who weren't prepared!

    7. I only came across this page quite by accident a few weeks ago. It is https://www.instagram.com/starwatchbyline/ Now the video is 12 rows down and the last one on row 12. The video begins with Fiona and Clara. The next 2 second scene is the one I want you to see. It's all of 2 seconds, and I commented on the post. We've got to make sure we don't spoil anything for Hope. I think it's a red herring but I have enjoyed watching it. LOL! As I said above, I have probably watched it 50 times. If you blink, you'll miss is. I was able to stop the video to get a good look. LOL! If you watch it, maybe you could comment to me and let me know what you think. We'll have to use code to discuss to protect those who don't like spoilers.

      I wasn't prepared for them to kill off Jack and it was hard. I hadn't been watching it but that year and I couldn't believe it. I had not watched it because I didn't want them to kill off the leading character and they did. Of course, we know he wanted off the show.

    8. Ummmm all I have to say is....WOW! I think it will be a red herring and it won't happen in the end. Even though I hope it does so that we can at least have something nice to remember them by😄 Also it looks hot...I mean...it's WCTH. When do they ever do these scenes??? 😏😏 Also, E looks completely into it. I'd be too...Lucas/Chris is so dreamy🥰 I hope I am wrong about N&E ending up together and there will be a nice surprise for us Team Lucas fans in the end. What if I just watch this one episode with this particular scene and not the rest and just convince myself she chose Lucas? 😂And then I'll just have to wait a whole year for the new season and I'll forget about it. Sounds good to me.

    9. Georgia, I am so glad you were able to get out for a while, even if it was windy and began raining. I know it felt great for you to be outside. :)

    10. Thank you, I hope you guys have it better over there. Also, it seems like we weren't the only ones caught in the rain 😄 However, ours was mostly about running towards the car to leave 😜

    11. I hope you can see my comment on the scene you told me to watch! ❤️

    12. It was a WOW!!! for me as well. I share your other sentiments, too. LOL! Your plan sounds great to me!

    13. Filmul ar deveni o telenovelă jalnică dacă alegerea finală va fi Nathan. Nu ai putea, femeie fiind, să accepți să fii cu un om lângă care e posibil să retrăiești aceeași dramă. Dar nu ai putea să fii cu el întrucât ți-ar reaminti tot timpul de fostul soț, ar fi dureros. Nathan nici nu împărtășește aceleași pasiuni cu ea. Nathan nu i-a citit cartea. Cu el nu a existat romantism. În toate privirile ei către el văd durere, amintiri despre Jack, nu iubire. Cu Lucas e altceva, el este exact omul de care are nevoie după o mare suferință. Alături de el, niște scenariști buni și mai puțini comerciali ar putea scrie povești fantastice. Iar Nathan, ca personaj, e plictisitor, e limitat. Filmul ar fi slab cu adevărat dacă alegerea scenariștilor va fi Nathan.

    14. Există o speranță însă și o variantă. John Tincker a spus că alegerea va fi la începutul sezonului si că vom urmări prin ce trece ea pentru a alege între cei doi. Dar după cum am văzut, în mod cert ea va avea ezitări. Se va mai întâlni cu Nathan, va da impresia ca va fi cu el, probabil Lucas se va supăra și ea va realiza în sfârșit că Lucas e alegerea. Aceasta e varianta ideală. Dar nu știm ce au ales scenariștii. Însă Nathan nu ar fi alegerea realistă.

    15. Thank you Georgia! I'm so glad you enjoyed the post! I don't watch the interviews, or the promos as I don't want to spoil anything, but all I can say for now is, "It ain't over, until it's over." Things really seem to be leaning towards Nathan, but I haven't given up all hope just yet. (But I'd really better brace myself for that very possible Nathan ending. Lol!)

      Also that's so neat that you play piano! I play very, very little and not that well either, but I love to listen to piano instrumentals. I actually play guitar more than piano. Nothing super great, but hey. It's music. Lol!

      I too am looking forward to seeing Elizabeth try and help Angela, and I'm sure E and Minnie will be good friends in the future. I hope Minnie will help Elizabeth learn how to teach a blind student as it would make for some great scenes!

      Thank you so much for reading! God Bless!

    16. Well said! You really make excellent points. :) I hope your insight proves to be what the producers and writers had in mind.

      I hope Google Translate says what I wrote above. Here is their version: Bine zis! Chiar faci puncte excelente. :) Sper că înțelegerea dvs. se dovedește a fi ceea ce au avut în vedere producătorii și scriitorii.

    17. Hope, I didn't see your comment sitting here until I hit publish. Mine was to Anonymous. :)

  8. Shelby, mulțumesc si eu. Mulțumesc, totodată, și celui care scrie pe acest blog. :)

    Sunt uimit câți fani are Nathan și nu pricep de ce. Nu pricep de ce mulți oameni din Canada îl vor pe Nathan. E absurd! Ar însemna să fii masochistă ca femeie. Așa cum am spus, nu văd sclipire în ochii lui Elizabeth când îl privește pe Nathan, ci mai degrabă o durere surdă legată de tragedia ei, de moartea lui Jack. Mai degrabă vinovăție că nu-i poate răspunde iubirii. Da, ține la el, dar îl poate considera prieten, nu iubit. Aici însă decit scriitorii. Sau publicul, din păcate. Biblioteca, editarea cărții sunt lucruri durabile clădite cu Lucas. Lucas i-a citit scrierile, el a încurajat-o, iar ca femeie apreciezi rezonanța mentală, mai ales când ești scriitoare. E o rezonanță care amplifică atracția, mai ales că Lucas e și fermecător și romantic. :) Și, literalmente, cu Lucas e sclipire în ochii ei.

    Încă sper că scriitorii vor depăși ce vrea mulțimea, și vor alege calitatea. Adică Lucas.

    Gânduri bune de departe! :)


    1. Anonymous, I agree! I don't see a twinkle in Elizabeth's eyes when she is with Nathan, either. However, this big secret he has is supposed to push her even more towards him. I know love triumphs fear, but Elizabeth's loss and fear to love another in the same profession seems very relatable and justifiable. It doesn't make sense to me that she would choose Nathan, unless they plan to write in a new profession for him. I guess we will just have to wait and see how the writers and the producers let this play out. Thank you, Anonymous! Best wishes to you as well.

      Google Translation:

      Sunt de acord! Nu văd nici o sclipire în ochii lui Elizabeth când este cu Nathan. Cu toate acestea, acest mare secret pe care îl are ar trebui să o împingă și mai mult spre el. Știu că dragostea triumfă frica, dar pierderea și frica lui Elizabeth de a iubi pe alta în aceeași profesie pare foarte relatabilă și justificabilă. Nu are sens pentru mine că ar alege-o pe Nathan, dacă nu intenționează să scrie într-o nouă profesie pentru el. Cred că va trebui doar să așteptăm și să vedem cum scriitorii și producătorii lasă acest lucru să se desfășoare. Mulțumesc, Anonim! Cele mai bune urări și vouă.

  9. Hope, I will try to wait to comment next time. I'm seeing may name too much. Yours is the only WCTH blog that is more Lucas fan centered, although everyone is welcome. :) Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to express our hope for a Lucas outcome.

    1. Hi Shelby, It's ok! Our emotions are running high! Guess we all need to close our eyes and take a deep breath :)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Hello Hope!

    And I used to always be the first comment! (You snooze you lose)

    Enjoyed it as always.

    I will start with- I love the Canfields! All of them! I think they are going to fit right in to our little town.

    Fiona and Clara were so cute with their 'jinx' scene. I look forward to seeing their friendship blossom.

    The Bill and Molly scene at the end was my favorite of the episode! Well, other than the LucaBeth scenes, of course. ;) I was hesitant about them at first, but this episode won me over. Curious how things will play out going forward.

    I also love Rachel. I can see that she has been sheltered and she is such a romantic! I am hoping they keep her on the show and that she has a good storyline as we move along.

    I think there is more going on with Nathan than what we saw. Personally, I think perhaps he either had something to do with Jack's death- not purposefully of course- or somehow he feels responsible for it. It would explain a lot with his character. If indeed he feels liable, then he most likely came to HV to keep an eye on Elizabeth who he would also feel responsible for. I am hoping- fingers crossed- if this comes out, that maybe he will realize what he feels for her isn't love but guilt. Of course, this is coming from a LucaBeth perspective, as I really want them as endgame, but I also don't want to see either man hurt by Elizabeth. But, like you, I can see HM and WCTH going the predictable route and putting her with Nathan in the end. But for now, I can have my hope until we know for sure.

    The two scenes with Lucas and Elizabeth stole my heart. He looked so ruffled and tired in the library- we got a library scene!- that I just wanted to hug him. Both he and E looked a bit sad, but he helped her with the door and the books, even though they hadn't made up yet. He is such a doll. He always puts her and her needs above everyone and everything else, and that is why I would hate to see him get hurt should she pick Nathan.

    Then the apology scene- swoon. I was so happy she apologized first! He stepped closer and said what could that mean for us. Hope you could see the hope in his eyes- lol. (Please choose Lucas, please!)

    Until next week, thanks again!!!

    1. Hey, Sue! So glad you enjoyed the post!

      I too believe the Canfields are going to fit right in in to Hope Valley, and I'm curious to see what the rest of this season holds for the entire family!

      I loved Bill's comment to Molly toward the end was hilarious! Lol! Loved it! I'm very curious as well to see where things go from here.

      I believe I need to see more of Rachel to get a sense of how she'll fit in, but I'm already picturing a bunch of fun and hilarious storylines for her and the Coulters! (Oh, poor Lee... :D )

      And I'm totally with you about Nathan. I know he's hiding something, and it very well may have to do with Jack's death. I don't think he caused it, as I feel he would act very different. But I actually see this whole plotline as a good thing for TL. If Nathan was there when Jack died, and feels responsible than he may feel the need to protect E, like you said. Who knows? What if he actually asked to be transferred to HV so he could look after E? Of course that's my hopeful TL mind thinking but you never know. :D

      For now I'm going to keep hoping for the best like you. :)

      I absolutely LOVE the library scene! Lucas was so disheveled and sad looking. And there was such a tension between him and E, which I consider a good thing actually. I've been wanting to see some tension between them. He was such a sweetheart the way he helped E with her books! (Swoon...)

      And that ending... They are just so sweet together! There was such an excitement in both of their expressions. Such a happiness. (Oh please oh please pick Lucas....)

      Thank you so much for reading and your lovely comment! As always I love hearing from you! (Whether you comment first or last. ;) Have a wonderful weekend! God Bless!

  12. Hi! I heard Erin Krakow say that there would be a lot of clues to tell us who Elizabeth will pick. Someone pointed out the Anne of the Island book given to Angela in the episode. In the book Anne picks Gilbert over the worldly guy who showers her with poetic gifts. I'm team Lucas and haven't really seen any clues in favor of Lucas. Also, when Elizabeth exits the scene at the end of episode 3 she exits to the left, Nathan's side instead of going up the middle.

    1. Hi Unknown, I have been wondering what exactly are the clues? Is it the book that Lucas gave to her like jack did? Every time i think it might be Lucas it seems that i feel its going towards N. Although they have had no date. Is it an emotional connection because of his Mountie status? I can understand that E can be drawn to the idea N because of the connection, but does that make her in love with him. Even Jack and E had dates and spent real time together. Wish they could play all of the series back to back.

  13. Well, I was happy for like all of three seconds, and then the preview came on and my TeamLucas heart was crushed. All the posts and comments have meant a lot to me. I think what you said that has had the biggest impact is about Hallmark. I was really intrigued when you implied Hallmark wanted the show to be about a teacher and a Mountie. The preview showed Kevin all over the place. That did not seem right to me if a choice had been made. I guess the writers can fix this in the end if Lucas is happy and gushing over some girl other than Elizabeth, but I am still going to struggle with it a little. If Hallmark is true to itself and puts the teacher with the Mountie, then how is Hallmark true to itself if a really good guy gets crushed in the process?? I have seen plenty of Hallmark movies and sure there is often another guy in the background, but rarely is it a great guy who is behaving like a really good boyfriend. The audience always seems to understand that the new romance we are witnessing is better for the heroine than her current BF or the guy in the background. Oh well, it is almost Sunday, and we will see what happens. Looking forward to everyone’s thoughts on what will surely be an excellent post from Hope.

  14. Hi CamLeo, You are not the only one feeling this way. I feel that Hallmark is a creature of habit. What i do not understand is why would they let Lucas become so invested in E life. The library would be an awkward place for them both if Nathan is picked. I have read so many comments and it's sad that some are threatening to give up the show if Lucas is picked. Some other nasty things have been said about Lucas. I do not care for N acting in this character but do not wish him bad. i actually think he looks better without a uniform. Anyways time will tell! It's not over until season 12. I also noticed that show 9 says Elizabeth will be distraught over something Nathan tells her. Finally the secret will be revealed.

    1. Funny, I have also thought Nathan looks bad in red and better in casual dress. I know people talked a lot about color schemes when I was younger or seasons like you are a winter or a spring. I expect the Hollywood experts would be all over that. Could they have really picked Kevin and ignored that important detail?

    2. You're right about the fans! I have to search hard for comments relating to Lucas on twitter, 99% are for Nathan or feeling sorry for him. I completely agree. If it's Nathan she picks then we've been taken around the block far too many times. This season would have worked so much better had she turned Lucas down early in the season and let the rest of the time pass to figure out if she's ready to move on, the graduation, Nathan's secret and can she forgive him. I wish the show runners and producer had just said she breaks Lucas's heart right out the gate, but stick around to see if she can work things out with Nathan. Im team Lucas, but i would have watched that show anyway. I know its just a show, but the producers wanted a love triangle to intentionally engage the audience. Why do that only to disappoint some and waste everyone elses time! Everyone knows Nathan is her pick. Which is a little unfortunate because since Elizabeth is the lead character, we will of course see much less of the guy she doesn't choose. In other words, Lucas might stay in HV, but we won't see as much of him as we do now. The show will become completely weighed down with Nathan mountie business, Elizabeth and Nathan mountie business, Allie troubles, Elizabeth, Nathan Allie troubles, Nathan helping townsfolk, Elizabeth and Nathan helping townsfolk. The rest of the cast could easily get squeezed out with Nathan and Elizabeth storylines alone. This is why I am more so for Lucas and Elizabeth and baby Jack situation. It'll allow Elizabeth to take center stage, since we dont see much of Lucas anyway if hes not with Elizabeth, and will allow Nathan and Allie who are very attention getting characters to help another part of the cast shine (mystery love interest) I think breaking up the characters will allow us to really enjoy the ensemble and not just Elizabeth, Nathan, Allie, Baby Jack and oh! The other people.

    3. Hello Dolly, I agree with everything you are saying. It's exactly the way I feel. Also, they wrote Lucas to be E's love interest. He is not really involved into anything else. He even decided to take over the oil company because of Elizabeth. He has been so invested in her during the past 2 years, and I can't see it not being awkward between them if she chooses Nathan.
      Also, it is pretty obvious and predictable that they will go with Nathan. I am not looking forward to those stories that you are talking about and L fading into the background. With Lucas, E has more potential for interesting storylines. For example, becoming the published writer she always wanted to be. When has she ever really discussed with N her dreams and desires? Also, Nathan is so different than Jack. Jack was always more laid back, interacted a lot with the people of HV and everyone really loved him. Nathan doesn't have that effect on the town's people and he's been there for 2 years now. He is just awkward and tense to be around. I hope that changes if she does indeed choose him because it's going to be really tiring watching him in the future.

      Nathan is the popular choice because he is a mountie. Also, Kevin is a more well known actor than Chris. So it's normal for Nathan to be the more popular character. I just feel weird about it...if she was destined to be with a mountie why not just replace Daniel with another actor? Why write Lucas this way? Why not give him something more other than Elizabeth?

      Ugh! It's so annoying!

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Finally watched this morning. Frustrating! It looks like they are writing a flat surface romantic story with Lucas and giving Nathan all of the deep stuff. He could have helped her clear the dishes, the dinner was filled with silence and no meaningful conversation. If the writers wanted to make the choice less obvious they could have written Lucas with more depth. It seems they really want to show a clear difference between the guys going the more obvious direction. No fan of Elizabeth's character would want her to have a conversationless relationship devoid of meaning. Unfortunately Lucas could have depth if they had written it.

    1. Have to add on to my comments. The competition is over in my opinion. At the very beginning of the season, Luca shows up at the door to see Elizabeth and she did something very odd to me. She invited him inside. To me, that was a random and very intimate for the very first episode of the season when she had made a decision. It was important. In this episode, Nathan actually shows up and enters her house. Lucas has dinner with Elizabeth at her place, but out back. We never actually see him in her home. The motto of the show is "Home is where the heart is". Lucas has not made it inside Elizabeth's home. Nathan has. This is definitely the major clue we are looking for.


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