Honestly, Elizabeth....

    So.... Elizabeth. Are you maybe just realizing what a pickle you're in? I believe I caught Nathan and Lucas sitting in the cafe talking about you. They're saying something like, "So quickly Elizabeth's gone from suitable...to questionable." Oh, and then Lucas offered Nathan a cookie.😂

    Hey Hearties, and welcome to Friday! As promised I'm back to finish up my thoughts on this past episode, From the Ashes, and talk about.... the ending. (Dum, dum, DUUUUuumm!)

    I am at a loss when it comes to Elizabeth's current mindset. After episode 2 it seemed pretty clear that she had feelings for Nathan. Now this episode came and she's saying how she knows she did the right thing by rejecting Nathan. And with such calmness and surety. 

    Now I in no way am saying I believe her, as it was quite obvious that she indeed does have some sort of feelings for him. In fact I think this episode was still very much leaning in Nathan's direction as far as the triangle goes. The way she stared at him, and so firmly and quickly stated how he's not a suitor. And of course we had Little Jack playing with that wooden Mountie. It all tells me otherwise. However I am not at all saying that he will be her choice. I actually think this episode leveled the playing field a bit. And it all came with that sucker-punch of an ending.

    Lucas gave Elizabeth quite the zinger and it has everyone talking about whether he was (As Chris McNally put it) cruel or justified. 

    Let me go through it play-by-play and then I'll give my over all thoughts on Elizabeth.

    So Lucas said good-bye to his mother and away she went on the stagecoach. Elizabeth saw and came to stand on the platform beside him, clearly confused by Helen's sudden departure. Lucas explained that his mother was adamant about catching the last stage out, that she apologizes for leaving so suddenly, and that she would be in touch about Elizabeth's manuscript. He then explains that his family has never been gracious about goodbyes. 

    Elizabeth then asks if Helen is on her way to San Francisco, and Lucas answers that she is actually on her way home. He knows that something happened, as suddenly Helen has decided that she wants to reconcile with her husband. (Yay! I hope she does!)

    He then starts to walk away, clearly still upset with Elizabeth. His whole manner as he explained everything to her was very stiff and cold. In fact he refused to look at her the whole conversation. Like he just couldn't bring himself to do it.

    Elizabeth then calls him back, knowing that there is something wrong. Lucas then explains that what upset him wasn't just the fact that his parents had separated and that she hadn't told him. It was the fact that he believed that his parents loved each other. His romantic bubble has been burst and he now thinks he's been believing a lie. He's probably questioning his entire childhood, and everything he thought he knew for a fact about his parents and even love in general.

    Elizabeth, clearly unaware of exactly just what is hurting him, tries to comfort him. She says that maybe his parent were in love for a time, or maybe even still are.

    Lucas simply shakes his head sadly, and asks, "How do you lose that?" Once again this shows his entire idea on love has just been broken. He can't fathom the idea of how two people can fall out of love. But I think Lee summed that up pretty well this season. Love isn't always a feeling. It's a choice. One we have to make everyday. (Maybe Lee should have been the one to talk to both Bouchards this episode. Lol!)

    Anyhow, Elizabeth then decides to tell Lucas what she told Helen. She says, "Love has to be fought for." Okay... let me repeat that. 

    Love has to be fought for. (Are you even listening to yourself, Missy? Lol!) But wait! It gets better! 

    She then says that maybe Helen needed to be the one to reach out first. And that little sentence lit the fuse for Lucas' internal struggle to come spilling out. His lips press tight, before he finally just breaks and says...

    "What would you know about it?"

    Ouch! That was my initial thought. And I believe Elizabeth's comment, "That was cruel," summed up what a lot of people were thinking at first. 

    I think she was shocked to hear him talk to her like that, as well.... he never has. I have never seen Lucas get mad at Elizabeth. Like ever. This man hates it when he's messed up and hurt Elizabeth, always apologizing immediately and sincerely. But this time... This time he allowed her to see just how much she'd actually hurt him for the first time. The past two episodes he's tried to keep this kind facade when he was around her. Telling her he just wants her to be happy. But in this moment he finally allowed his true feelings to show.

    Elizabeth hurt him, and very deeply.

    Now obviously there is the whole debate that happened on Twitter as to whether Lucas' comment was cruel or whether he was justified in saying what he did. I will now dare to give my opinion....

    I think it was both. True what he said was far from nice, and was cruel. But....(Takes fortifying breath)...Elizabeth had that coming. She really did. Now please don't think for one moment that I don't understand her struggle. She's so scared about loving someone again after losing her husband. A husband she loved with all her heart and soul.


    But, if I'm being honest, I don't think this season is doing Elizabeth's character any favors. I know she's conflicted, and so scared, but she really has been leading both men on. Both Lucas and Nathan thought that she had feelings for them, and now both have been left heartbroken believing she doesn't. And Lucas has been hit very hard.

    For the past two seasons Lucas has had his eyes on no one else but her. He's always thinking about her, and actually made two of her dreams come true. He gave her a building for the library and then worked with his own hands to make it a reality. He then became her biggest cheerleader when it came to her writing, reading her work, giving feedback, and even playing a hand in her publishing deal. Everything he's done has shown her just how much he cares for her. Honestly, he really just adores her.

    And now... (Places hand to face) now she has the gall to tell him that love has to be fought for, and that maybe Helen (The woman in the relationship) had to make the first move. I mean... honestly Elizabeth.😉

    As far as I'm concerned Lucas has every right to be angry, and while his comment was harsh, Elizabeth really needed to hear it. Therefore I'm dubbing him as #CruelYetJustified. Lol! The poor, heartbroken man... 

    I also find it interesting that Elizabeth has rejected Nathan, and yet Lucas has no idea. I'm very curious to see if he will ever find out, and what his response would be if he did.

    And so to finish the scene, Lucas then walked away, still very much hurt. It then looked like Elizabeth was going to go after him, and she may have started to when.... She spotted Nathan coming. And low and behold! The triangle was literally formed in the street. Lol! Elizabeth first stares at Nathan, who stares back at her, his pain very obvious. We then go to Lucas who stares back over his shoulder at Elizabeth, so much hurt and pain in his gaze. Elizabeth is lost for words.... and leaves. Just flat out leaves. A friend of mine put it so well in her own blog post. 

(Click here for the link https://heartstringsandhallmarkthings.blogspot.com/2021/03/wcth-from-ashes.html

    She said that Elizabeth proves Lucas' point. She didn't fight for either man, and ran away from both of them. As she's been doing this whole season.

    As I mentioned before, I don't think this season has done her character any favors. I mean S6 was totally understandable. Jack had just died over a year ago, and both men were new in town. S7 was also understandable as Elizabeth was getting to know the guys, and finally was realizing her heart is open again. But now... Now she needs to step it up if you asked me. 

    It's been around three years since Jack died, and she's known both Lucas and Nathan for around two. As Helen said, she has to have some idea of her feelings for them by now. Of course she's going to be scared, and have to face her fears, but she needs to do SOMETHING. Pick one of them, or tell them both she can't give them romance right now. Just something. Although... I feel it's almost a bit late for that as both men have already been very hurt by her actions. I know she never meant to hurt them, and that's the last thing she wanted, but... It's been done.

    I'm hoping that Lucas' words spur her on to finally do something about this triangle. To be honest I was disappointed at how little the triangle was touched on int his past episode. I mean, it definitely was to a degree, but it was a more round about way, and I can clearly tell the writers are going to drag this on for quite awhile. Like, perhaps the entire season. (Oh, my poor heart....)

    Thank you so much for reading!  Feel free to tell me your thoughts on last episode's ending down in the comments below or on my Twitter page! (But please no spoilers. :) Have a wonderful weekend! God Bless!

    P.S. Want some fun merch to cheer your team on? I got you! Click the link to shop now! https://shop.spreadshirt.com/heart-and-family-mercantile


  1. Here are my thoughts from what I have seen so far..

    First of all, thank you! Always appreciate your posts, Hope.

    I have to back up to last week for just a second. Right now- and this could change- I believe Elizabeth has already made her decision. Or she had before Nathan blurted out his declaration of love. I think she was planning to friendzone him and his declaration stunned her and confused her because she didn't see it coming. That's why her confusing, stumbling words. Now granted, I am Team Lucas, so I am viewing it from that lens.

    At the beginning of this episode, she said she made the decision not to be with Nathan. She seemed certain and not confused at all when she said it, but, as much as it could be fact, it could also be a red herring. (hard to tell this season which is which)

    Lucas is completely heartbroken right now. Everything he believed about love and soulmates is being basically thrown in the trash. He has to be wondering if he and E get together, would it last? Then she uttered those words and it all came boiling out. I did notice, while Lucas was upset and frustrated, he didn't raise his voice to her. Yes, the words were hurtful, but he said them calmly. He had to know she would be hurt, but in reality, so was he with the hug. Elizabeth needed to hear those words to spur her into action.

    The way I see the show as of now, if they want to keep the continuity of the storyline, she will choose Lucas. Seems there will be some back and forth this season and most likely we won't know until the end, or close to it, but as much as Nathan's outburst bothered me, I am back hoping and believing that Lucas is endgame.

    Elizabeth needs to step it up. She has hurt two men so far. I will be watching to see how her scenes with Nathan are compared to Lucas. As I said, I think she has already made her decision, but I'm wrong sometimes. Hopefully not this time.


    1. Thank you for reading, Sue! So glad you enjoyed it!

      I too was conflicted at E's certainty when she said she knew she made the right decision in not being with Nathan. But that could just be her trying to deny the feelings she has for him, even tho I'm really hoping that's not the case.

      I totally agree with you that Lucas is totally heart-broken right now. He so has to be wondering if he and E or any woman for that matter would last as all his previous ideas about love have just been chucked to the garbage. I really do appreciate L not raising his voice. He's such a quiet and gentle man, one of his many wonderful qualities. I'm so curious how both him and E are going to act in this next episode. Lucas knows full well that he hurt E, and I'd hope his words light a fire under E to finally do something.

      She really has led both men on, and now as a result both have been heartbroken. I so hope you're right Sue, and that Lucas really is endgame. It's so hard to know what is real and what is just a red herring this season.

      Thank you so much for your thoughts! Have an amazing weekend! God Bless!

    2. Sue, one day I talk myself into thinking it's Lucas, and the next I am back to thinking it's Nathan. I guess that was the intent of the writers. If it helps anyone feel any better, some of the ladies on their FB chat gave their response when prodded by Deidre Behar. Andrea said Nathan, Natasha (Minnie) said Luthan. Loved that one! Eva and Kayla said Elizabeth would choose Lucas, and Johannah (Molly) tried to sit on the fence until Deidre made her choose. So, she said based on the consistency of Lucas, she would choose him. Deidre also asked them to put on their best poker face and try to speak to the the finale episode. Johannah explained her reaction after reading the script and finding out who it was, and she said that Erin and Chris McNally were in the green room near her and she shouted out "Holy Hannah." For whatever it's worth, they all loved how the triangle is resolved. Hmm....

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I forgot to add that Natasha (Minnie Canfield) went on to choose Nathan, so it came down to 3 for Lucas and two for Nathan with the other ladies on WCTH.

  2. Your first paragraph!😂👏🏻🙌 Now THAT would be a funny scene to watch. You have such a way with words. I love reading your posts and recaps. Even though I am Team Nathan, I ALWAYS love hearing your perspective. And your humor is always on point.😉

    I know one thing that Hearties from BOTH teams are united on is that this 🔺 needs to resolve ASAP!😬 As much empathy as I have for Elizabeth and her pain from losing Jack the way she did, she really has hurt both of these men. This 🔺 has become too Elizabeth-centric. These 2 men and THEIR feelings, THEIR stories, and THEIR past pain/hurt, matter just as much as Elizabeth’s.

    Of course, being Team Nathan, I am hoping for a Nathan and Elizabeth ending, just as much as Team Lucas fans are wanting the opposite. But I am getting to the point where I am feeling like more of a “let’s resolve this 🔺already, it’s not all about Elizabeth, and ALL THREE people in this 🔺 matter and deserve true happiness” Team.

    I guess we should all be strapping ourselves in for the🎢 that it this rest of season 8.😂😬😭🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️

  3. Also, I feel like Lucas’ final words to E were definitely warranted. Yes, she is scared, dealing with past pain, but she MUST realize she is hurting 2 men who she cares for. They don’t deserve that. Either of them.

    1. Aww! Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

      I agree with you! Both men have been so hurt by Elizabeth's actions, and her indecisiveness is only making things worse. It's so true that this triangle is not just about E. Both Lucas and Nathan have their own feelings, pasts, and hurt. But a lot of the time the focus is on E.

      I truly understand that moving on for her is not an easy thing. She's so scared of loving someone again, and I really get that. But I do think she needs to figure things out, and probably have a talk with both men.

      And I'm with you. Elizabeth had those words coming, and neither man deserves to be hurt like this. They are both kind, with big and loving hearts, and I want both of them to be happy.

      Thank you so much for reading, and sharing your thoughts! Have a wonderful weekend! God Bless!

  4. Love your posts, Hope! I think the triangle began before Elizabeth was ready. LOL! I think she was ready for friendship but not love. Indeed, she has hurt both men terribly. I think she is drawn to Nathan because she respects his profession, he's down to earth, loves horses and riding and he's been keeping her a safe distance until the HUG! Lucas on the other hand has consistently pursued her and been so giving, perhaps too giving. Neither man has received much other than friendship, and Nathan got a hug. I do believe she knows who she is drawn, too, as most women do. I think her fear of letting go of Jack completely, choosing someone who might be a good father to little Jack, and letting herself love again is just hard. I feel for them all. I do think Lucas voicing his hurt and anger might force her finally realize she has to decide. Oh, and I don't think for one minute that her decision to not chose Nathan is final because she seems too interested in what's wrong with the Mountie investigation, and she seems to look at Nathan differently. Also, I don't see the same concern for Lucas no matter how hard I try. I believes she enjoys being with him, but I can't connect the rest of the dots to her heart. After the explosion, Lucas didn't even get a "How are you?" Let's just use some dynamite to help her get rid of the love triangle. LOL!

    1. Oops - Sorry, Hope and Shelby! I meant to post that directly to Hope :)

    2. I'm facepalming hard over here because I ended up pointing out one mistake and then made another lol. "Unknown" is me :)

    3. You did it just right, Divya!

    4. Lol! Dynamite would fix things really quick, Shelby! :D And thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed the post!

      You made some great points here and I agree. Elizabeth was totally not ready for romance in S6. In S7 she could finally admit her heart was open again, but still was so conflicted inside. Now I believe her fears are holding her back from allowing her to truly and deeply love someone again.

      I agree Lucas' comment may light a fire under her, and make her have to finally make a choice. I just hope it's not Nathan... I was really disappointed that we didn't get a response from her about Lucas and the explosion. Things still seem to be pointing at Nathan sadly, and I'm left really wondering what her feelings are for Lucas. I hope this next episode will provide some clarity.

      Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me! I hope your having a wonderful weekend so far! God Bless!

    5. Thank you, Hope! Many blessings to you as well. :) I am enjoying the photos from Episode 6, and I hope we get a better sense of Elizabeth's true feelings then. :) WCTH keeps you busy, and I am sure it's fun writing about all our favorite characters on the show.

  5. Great post!

    I'll be honest, I do not like the prospect of Elizabeth having romantic feelings for Nathan. At this point, it's not definitive. I have a theory on why she feels a connection to him, and hopefully it plays out that way. I just refuse to believe she has romantic feelings for two men. Ambiguous feelings she hasn't sorted out is about as much as I can begrudgingly accept. If they are planning to have Elizabeth choose the man she loves this season, then they have to be clear that she was only truly in love with one of them.

    I agree with Sue - I think she was about to friend-zone Nathan until his totally out-of-character and awkward declaration of love. I also agree with Sue that Elizabeth has already chosen...I think Nathan's proclamation has left her confused, and she's questioning what she feels for him. In episode 1, when Elizabeth saw Lucas, her reaction of "Oh, my goodness!" was one of happiness; but in episode 2, her "Oh, my goodness" when she sees Nathan riding in her direction is filled with dread. She knows what she needs to do and is afraid of hurting him. John Tinker touched on these reactions being written very specifically to show where Elizabeth stood with both men.

    I'm frustrated with Elizabeth right now. I agree that her feelings in S6 and (to an extent) her feelings in S7 were understandable...but at this point, like you said, she should either make a decision or let them both go. She had 4 months from Christmas to the present to search her heart for answers. I'm frustrated with the writers because they are taking advantage of the loyalty and devotion of the Hearties. They're stringing us along, but so many of us are so invested, we can't help but be masochists. Going back to Elizabeth...I hope they can justify her behavior in the end. I need to know WHY she has been acting like such a wishy-washy dimwit. I was proud of Lucas for finally saying something. He has held this woman up on a pedestal for far too long, and to see him give her a dose of reality, was satisfying to me. I feel like she has taken advantage of his patience and adoration for too long, and hopefully she has now woken up to the fact that it can't continue. I'm still very confident in an Elizabeth & Lucas endgame. It won't be easy and there will be times when it will look like she will choose Nathan, but I am confident based on the foundation and storyline created for L&E.

    #TeamLucas forever :)

    1. Thanks, Div! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

      I agree with you. Elizabeth can't love both men, and she needs to clearly state what she was feeling for the guy she rejects.

      And that is so interesting about E's reactions to both men! I never noticed that until you mentioned it, and John Tinker's statement just makes it even more intriguing! Thank you for sharing that!

      Elizabeth is always so happy around Lucas. Her face literally lights up. And yet I'm now not sure where she stands with him. I agree that the writers are stringing us along, and while it's making the fans incredibly invested it's also SO stressful.

      And it was so about time that Lucas said something. He's kept his feelings so close to his chest since the hug, so I'm glad he finally gave us a glimpse into his heart. And Elizabeth really had that coming. She's been leading both men on, even though I know that wasn't her intention. I'm so curious to see what happens next after watching last night's episode!

      Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts with me! I hope your week is off to a great start! God Bless!

  6. Hello and thank you once again for your beautiful post!

    My take on the ending of Episode 3 is that there's this constant factor that is similar to the endings of Episodes 1 & 2: Elizabeth running away from either one of the men or from both of them and from her feelings. What changed up until Episode 3 is that both men have been honest with Elizabeth, while she's not been honest with either of them or herself. I feel like she keeps giving to others the advice she should be giving herself. I'm happy that she helped Helen to realize that she needs to fight for love and she's going after it. BUT, Elizabeth needs to start believing in her own words more.

    Actions speak louder than words. You want to hear the words, but you also want the other person to show you that they care about/love/want you. I always saw Lucas as someone who is more about actions rather than words. He hasn't said it loud and clear like Nathan has, but he has definitely shown his love and care in direct and indirect ways. Lucas has always been understanding with Elizabeth, maybe too understanding. And when he made peace with himself that he would be patient and after he had made it clear with Elizabeth that he just wants her to be happy and he would just wait for her, his whole world comes crushing down when his ideal love story is not so ideal after all. The relationship he aspired to build with the woman he'd fall in love with is not real and as you said, Lucas was very much hurt. I think it was a wake up call for him, maybe that he's giving more than he's getting back. And Elizabeth saying those words to him was the cherry on top. I am actually very happy that the person who burst Elizabeth's bubble was Lucas and that he finally showed some hurt. I kept wondering when it was going to happen.

    I agree with you that Episode 3 felt like everything is still pointing towards Nathan. I hope we are both wrong about this and that Hallmark is not that predictable. But, I just keep thinking, if she does choose Nathan then what was the point of bringing Lucas into the show? What was the point of the triangle? Everything Lucas does revolves around Elizabeth. He acts with her on his mind. Even the oil company - which could have been a storyline just for him - he took it over because of Elizabeth. Also, he clearly said he stayed in HV for Elizabeth. Nathan came to town with Allie, so he already has his own storyline and he is a mountie, so eventually he was going to come to HV. It makes sense for him to be there. Ahhhh I don't know! I'm getting a bit frustrated. Anyway, I am sure the E&L argument will get resolved. I think that Lucas will apologize because he is a gentleman. I think he was going to do it at the end, say something when he turned around in that final scene, but then he saw Nathan and Elizabeth ran away. For all he knows is that Elizabeth has chosen Nathan.

    1. Love the way you express yourself. I agree with your sentiments, too! All of you could be writers.

    2. Thank you! I love reading the comments here too. Facebook can get so aggressive sometimes and I also thought Team Lucas was just me and maybe 2 more people. 😂 This blog provides calm and civilized conversations. I never did so much thinking over a tv show. I guess that's what happens in lockdown😜 Next week finally some of out lockdown measures will be lifted. I can't wait to step away from the tv and internet and just be outside the house. Nevertheless, reading the blog and watching the show are nice destructions from reality. I guess we all need that after all we've been through last year snd this year so far!

    3. Georgia, I am so glad Hope's blog is more calm for you. We all need calm right now and I am happy to hear that you will have more freedom next week. YAY! I will be glad to be able to be out in the fresh air a little more soon. Although, I wouldn't mind if they had WCTH on every Sunday night. One can dream! :)

  7. LOL!!! Your first paragraph made me laugh so hard! That was genius. Here's hoping they are good enough friends one day for something like that to pan out...just not over the triangle, hehe. Also, thank you for the shout-out! That was very kind of you.

    Great post. I agree that Lucas was justified in his reaction. I'm not sure cruel is the right word. Unkind, perhaps, but totally understandable. This season has been a rollercoaster already, and the triangle has been playing with all of our hearts, and not in a good way. I think the one thing that unites Team Lucas and Team Nathan is that we just want the blasted thing over and done with. I had triangle fatigue LAST season, and still it goes on, more intensely than in the past two seasons. The stakes are higher and the potential for the man who doesn't win Elizabeth's heart to get hurt is getting a lot higher too. Even though I'm 100% Team Nathan, I hate the thought of Lucas getting his heart broken. I've liked him since the beginning of S7, but I'm growing to like him more and more. I thought for sure he was going to start slowly backing off after his "I want you to be happy" comment, but clearly he's more hurt by her vacillating than he let on. This is getting messier and messier, and I'm having a hard time seeing how it resolves happily. I do have a theory, but I'm not going to say what it is because that would spoil *a lot* (and heads up on that...maybe don't read my next blog post...it's going to have spoilers galore).

    Thanks for your thoughts on this! I always love reading them, and you express them so well. I hope your weekend is off to a great start!

    1. Lol! Yes! I hope one day Lucas and Nathan are the best of friends! Chris and Kevin are just too much fun together! And you're welcome! You made some great points in your post, points I hadn't thought of before. So thank you for sharing them!

      Obviously you know I agree with you that Lucas was justified in what he said. It was harsh, but totally understandable. Almost necessary.

      And your spot on. Both teams can sympathize with each other as they just want this crazy, emotional ride to be over with. And I think it's only just starting.... (Braces heart for impact.) The stakes are so much higher this time, and I agree I don't know how on earth the writers are going to clean up this mess. I know we still have a lot of episodes to go, but I can also see the writers dragging this out all season long so.... (Sighs...) I'm just not sure. Hopefully this next episode moves things forward a bit.

      Thank you for the warning! I know I must sound crazy writing a WCTH blog and wanting to avoid spoilers. Lol! But I appreciate you not sharing any with me! :)

      Thank you so much for reading and the lovely comment! I hope your weekend is off to a great start! God Bless!

  8. Hello! New to the blog. Great post. I agree that Nathan and Lucas at least need a cookie...maybe chocolate cake...after episode 3.

    I was actually relieved to have the the triangle be put on the back burner for an episode because I know I am on 🔺overload and just want her to pick already and get on with the story, one way or another! I wish it was sooner, but it seems it will be later.

    For me, her choice was made last season and she is, understandably, scared and probably confused about moving forward. I think each team can speculate and hope on what she was going to say as Nathan rode up, but we really don't know. Nathan's excitement about Bill's land got the better of him and she backed off. His declaration, as honest and lovely as it was for me (ok, I am team Nathan, but that is really here nor there anymore, I think) it triggered Elizabeth's flight reaction and she rode away.

    I did feel bad for Lucas this episode, just as I felt bad for Nathan in the previous one. The platform on which he held his parents marriage had crumbled and it seemed everything he had believed had as well. Plus no one deserves to be treated like both men are at this point so to Lucas's comment, I think it was justified even if it was harsh.

    This ride we are on will swing back and forth, I think that is clear. And, whatever happens I feel that if Nathan and Lucas will be able to have that cookie, cake, or even pint by the end of this nutty business, then we (and Hope Valley) will be better off.

    1. Hi Valerie! I'm so glad you enjoyed the post!

      I agree, both men deserve a piece of chocolate cake after all they've been through. Lol! It really does seem that this triangle will be resolved later rather than sooner. I'm actually thinking it may not be resolved until the final episode. (My poor heart...)

      It will be very interesting to see how the writers handle this, because at this point I don't know how they can end things without one guy being sad in the end. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

      Thank you so much for reading and the comment! Welcome to the blog! God Bless!

  9. I think that you missed something important. In that final scene before she walked away from both Lucas and Nathan, she looked at Nathan on her left first and then Lucas to her right second. Watch it again.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.


    1. I didn't think Lucas was cruel, he just was very truthful and strict. He was irritated by that little phrase, because Elizabeth took no steps in any direction. I was touched as you described that he has only had eyes for Elizabeth for the past two years. I think he would dig from one side of the Earth to the other, if she asked him. I am still confident that Elizabeth and Lucas will continue this beautiful love story, but the plot is not solid for us to bet. There are a lot of loose scenes and missing scenes, like the encounter between Elizabeth and Lucas after the explosion, I would really like to see that instead of Jesse riding a motorcycle.

  11. Thank you for another great post. The comments are also helpful as I deal with the frustration that this love triangle is not ending as quickly as I had hoped. I just can't get the right mindset for the era. Was it that big a deal that Elizabeth and Nathan hugged? Can seemingly inappropriate reactions be forgiven when an emotional event has occurred? I don't know, but everyone is right to point out that Elizabeth owes Lucas a hug after he survived the explosion at the oil well. Having the show set in the past is part of the appeal, but it needs to be accurate and consistent. One of the first times I realized I loved this show was when Elizabeth and Jack were trapped in the mine, and there was a comment that he had seen her knees and there were implications for their future. It was funny and cute and shows how enjoyable it can be when two people are falling for each other and there isn't a third person creating a love triangle and causing everyone to act differently. Here’s hoping there is some movement toward closure tonight.


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