WCTH S8 Episode Review: Honestly, Elizabeth


    Oh, boy! Has anyone seen my heart? First it melted, then it bounced in laughter, and then....then it got lost somewhere down in the pit of my stomach when it suddenly dropped there.

    Hello everyone and welcome to this marvelous Wednesday! How do I know it's marvelous? Because this is the day the Lord has made, and I will rejoice and be glad in it! (Psalms 118:24) This Sunday we got the second episode out of twelve for Season 8, and wow was it a roller coaster of emotions! This episode was written by the new show runner John Tinker just as last week's was, and I very much enjoyed it! It made me laugh, it made me gasp, and it made my mouth drop down to my toes.

    Now once again this episode wasn't perfect. There were a couple different things I didn't care for, and some storylines that were not my favorite. But all in all I think I was better suited to watch this episode since I got over the shock of the first. (The first time I had way too many expectations...)

    I shall now attempt to re-cap this episode, and just as last week it turned out to be an incredibly long post. There is just SO MUCH to cover! I also wont be posting anything this Friday again. I believe I will be doing just one post a week from now on, unless I find a topic that I really need to discuss. Lol! It's easier for me, and leaves me with more time to pursue my dream of being published!

    Alright! Let's get down to business!



How on earth does Robert not know how to ride a horse?!? Doesn't he live on a farm?

Pastor Zeke has been found! (More on that later. :) 

Faith is in a doctor coat! I'm sorry but I don't have a topic for her or Carson this time. They really didn't do much this episode surprisingly, and this post is long enough as is. Lol! So I settled for just a quick note this time.

Little Jack is adorable!!!


Lee & Rosemary

    Say it with me, Hearties... Poor Lee. Lol! Well, it appears Lee isn't as young as he used to be....He also seems to really like coffee. Like, really like coffee. :D

    I just laughed out loud during the scene where Lee threw his back out. (Sorry Lee!) Between his yelps of pain, and Jesse with his mouth full of bacon it was a pretty humorous scene. 

    Now while I did enjoy this storyline, I failed to see it's purpose. At first I really saw absolutely no need for it plot wise, and it appeared a bit random. However, after reading the definition for this episode, I got a better understanding of what the writer's intention was. Part of the description on the WCTH website states,

"When Lee gets injured, a newcomer's words of comfort cause Rosemary to reflect on what she wants in life."

    This helps the storyline make much more sense, although I really didn't come away with this in mind. But it does mean some exciting things may be on the way for the Coulters! And I believe that sweet yet sad little scene with Rosemary and Little Jack may serve as a big hint as to what may transpire! For so long the Coulters have struggled with their infertility issue, and while this is such a deep and heart-tugging story, I really believe that the time has come for Lee and Rosemary to make a decision. (And for all us Hearties to know what that is.)

    Thus far it appears that Rosemary may never become pregnant. Now I still believe it's a possibility, but Rosemary may not agree. Therefore I think her and Lee need to have a very important conversation. Will they just remain childless, and continue to love on Little Jack and their wonderful Hope Valley family? Or will they possibly look into adoption? I still would absolutely love to see Rosemary's dream come true and find out she's pregnant. I just think it would be such an emotional and fun storyline. But should that not be in the cards for them, I'd really just like to know what's next for this lovely couple.

Bill & Molly

    Alright now....Where on earth did this come from? Molly has been in Hope Valley since day 1. Bill has been here since the last few episodes of Season 1. And....they're just realizing now that there may be something there?

    I'm going to be completely honest here. (Seems fitting considering the title.) And honestly....I hate the idea of a Bill and Molly romance. I'm sorry. I know that some people probably love the idea, and I really do like Bill, and Molly can be fun but....no... Just no. I mean, it's funny in a way, but....no. Me no likey..

    My favorite love interest for Bill has been AJ, and it would appear that she's not coming back any time soon. But I really, really, really don't want him to end up with Molly. Like, really don't want him to.


Joseph Canfield

    Well, Joseph Canfield has finally made his debut into Hope Valley, and I have three words for him. I. LOVE. Him!!! Oh, my goodness! He didn't have an incredible amount of screen time, but guys... He's just a sweetheart!

    First off, he's got a 1910's version of a pickup truck. (Nice!) Second, he's just the sweetest guy! First he helped get Lee to the infirmary. Then he turns and says these beautiful words to Rosemary, "I'll be praying for your husband." And immediately after that I literally said out loud, "I love him!" 

    The other moment that just made me melt was after his car had ran out of gas along the road. He then gets out, grabs his gas can, and starts walking back to town....singing. Yes! That man started singing, It Is Well, as he walked back to Hope Valley. And that sealed the deal for me. (Not to mention that guy has a really nice voice!) It was such a beautiful little moment that spoke volumes about Joseph's character.

    He has now bought a cabin for his FAMILY (Yes. Hope Valley is about to have an actual family, complete with BOTH parents and two children! Yay!) and I actually wonder if he is to be Hope Valley's new pastor. And this is where I rabbit trail....

    FINALLY we now know what happened to the mysterious and elusive Pastor Zeke. And as it turns out he's not locked away somewhere in some random outhouse calling out for help. He has left town and become a missionary. I am very glad this was addressed and if I'm being honest I'm glad. He just wasn't what I was hoping for in a pastor for HV. (Sorry, Zeke!)

    But the idea of Joseph being Hope Valley's pastor sounds very intriguing, and I'm super curious to see if this becomes a reality. For now I just wish Joe (Can I call you Joe?) and his whole family a very big welcome to Hope Valley!

Helen Bouchard


   Okay, Helen Bouchard has won me over and instantly earned my deep sympathy. I really enjoyed her character this episode! She's definitely.... strict. At least when it comes to grammar anyway. (Which I find that humorous.) But inside she's a sweet woman who's actually come to Hope Valley seeking a safe haven from her own disastrous life. (More on that later.)

    The relationship between her and Lucas is really sweet. I love how he was so concerned about her and Helen clearly loves her little boy. (I love how she's still correcting his grammar. Lol!)

    I also enjoyed her and Elizabeth's dynamic, and can see them being very good friends in the future. Although I was actually taken back when Elizabeth went to see her for the first time. Oooo.... Helen was quite stiff, and ever so proper. But it just makes her a more interesting character.

    But I have to say that I was really not expecting the bomb she dropped about...wait for it....Mr. Bouchard leaving her!!! I mean, what? How could that cad do that? How could the writers do this to Helen? To me? (Hope, breathe...) Helen just seemed so sad and lost over the whole ordeal, as she should. Her husband of so many years just walked out on her. Really this instantly gave me so much sympathy for her character. It also gave me a lot of questions.

    Why did Mr. Bouchard leave her? Was he just a jerk and left? Did he cheat on her? Or did he find Helen too difficult to get along with, or they had a terrible fight? (Which is NO excuse to leave your wife, mister!!!) I also wonder if the reason why Mrs. Bouchard kept insisting on Elizabeth calling her "Helen" is because she no long wants to be called a "Bouchard." Just a thought. Not a fact.

    What I do have to comment on is the fact that Lucas' parents love story has been...well it's been ruined quite honestly. And it was such a big part of Lucas' storyline last season. Lucas even seemed to base his own life philosophy off of his parents. How he'd be patient like his father, and how he'd wait as long as he had to win his soulmates heart....like his father. And now just like that...POOF! It's gone. And I'm not sure how I feel about that.

    I believe it's too soon to judge. Who knows? Maybe Mr. Bouchard will realize the error of his ways and come back to try and sweep Helen off her feet again. (Because if he doesn't he will now have the pleasure of my eternal hatred.😠) As always we'll just have to wait and see.

Hair Clips & Ear Snips

    Well, the "Nichols & Dimes" barber shop is officially open! And yes, I get the pun. Lol! (I maybe wish she would have spelled Nichols like Nickles but oh well. :)

    Having Fiona as Hope Valley's "female barber" is a fun plotline, and has actually made me like her character more. The whole story with her trying to cut Hickam's hair was hilarious! Oh, my goodness I was laughing out loud when she accidentally cut Hickam's ear, and the poor man just jumped up and ran straight to Carson. Lol! "Don't faint! Don't faint!" (That was comedy gold!) 

    I do wonder what will come of this new business venture. I mean, it's great comedy, but I'd like to see something deeper come from it for Fiona. Maybe she hears something from one of the men that causes a chain reaction. Maybe this venture will spark something from her family, or a secret past we didn't know about. Or maybe this will actually bring some "permanent romance" into this girl's life. Speaking of which...

    I am now a strong advocate for Team Fickle! I mean, Team Hiller. Team Hiona? (Cough...) I mean Team Hickam and Fiona. I have never liked the idea of her with any of the men in Hope Valley....until now. (Dum, dum, duuuummm!) Yes, I have finally found a guy I can root for her to end up with. Guys...these two could be SO cute together! I felt chemistry between them and am now hoping to see some sparks fly between them in future episodes!


Henry's Health


    NO! No you did not! You did not hurt Henry! (Speaking to the WCTH writers) Oh, my goodness, guys! What on earth is going on with Henry? One moment he's happy and asking to partner with Lucas again, and the next he's yelling at Ned, and almost fainting! Alright, alright...let me start at the beginning. (A very good place to start... :D )

    So in the first episode Henry had mailed a letter. (Something I should have mentioned in my last review.) I was curious just who he might be sending it to. It could be anyone from an old work acquaintance to someone much more...personal. Anyhow, this episode we found out that the letter was returned to him...opened.

    To me this screams SECRET PAST!!! I'm not positive but this almost sounds like a secret lover of Henry's or even a relative of some sort. After all who opens a letter and then sends it back? Of course someone else could have, but I really am doubtful of that theory. Poor, Ned though. I really don't think he opened it, and now he's left to deal with Henry's back lash.


    During this episode Henry also made the surprising offer to be Lucas' business partner again! Wow. This also really makes me wonder about his health as well, which I will explain in a moment. 

    So Henry tells Lucas that he wants to be his business partner again. Now Lucas did turn him down, apparently not sure that he can trust Henry, or that things would be any different between them this time around. But Henry wasn't deterred, and tells Lucas that the oil business is a cut-throat thing and that should Lucas hire him, he would be willing to "get his hands dirty" for Lucas. That doesn't sound promising for Henry, as it sounds like he would get into a lot of trouble. He also made quite the proposal.

    He said that if Lucas hired him back he would double the oil company's production by the next year. If not he would walk away, BUT if he did....he would again become majority owner and run the company how he pleases. Wow. Talk about some ultimatum. I'm very curious to see if Lucas accepts this offer or not.

    And finally....we had that heart stopping moment when Henry almost fainted. He was so distraught over his letter being opened, and outright accused Ned of being the culprit. (Poor Ned...) Henry then stormed out of the mercantile, and collapsed on the step. My eyes just popped wide as he crumpled to the ground! (Kudos to Martin Cummins on his performance!) 

    It is clearly obvious that Henry has a serious health issue. Even with the stress of the oil company gone he is still suffering from high blood pressure. Now we have him trying to connect with someone through that letter, and he's even offering to go back into business with Lucas so he can make the company flourish. I really don't know what's going to happen but I can't help wondering if all of this is connected. Does Henry know his health is failing? Is he trying to fix past wrongs because of it? Is he going to....

    No! I'm not even going to go there. Again I really have no idea what is going to happen, but I am extremely intrigued to say the least.

    (Note to WCTH writers: Don't. Kill. Henry. Period. Thank you.)



    And Lucas' life continues to go down the toilet... (Sighs...) I was happy to see him get more screen time this episode, and he has some exciting plotlines going on. But....I was still left disappointed and wanting more if I'm being honest. I just don't know what happened to him and Elizabeth's relationship. Lucas seems to have backed off completely from pursuing her (Something that very much makes sense considering everything he's seen happen between her and Nathan) and Elizabeth doesn't even seem to consider him a suitor anymore. But more on that later. For now, let me attempt to give a rundown of Lucas' story this episode.

    So obviously I have to start with him and his mother. They are so cute! Lucas really seems like a "Mama's boy" which I find adorable. He was so concerned for his mother, and just kept constantly checking in on her. (So sweet!) She never wanted to leave her room, and so he took matters into his own hands....and gave it over to Elizabeth. Lol!

    I do find that he came to Elizabeth for help sweet. He figured that if anyone could get through to his mother it would be Elizabeth. Why? Because she's easy to talk to. (Aww!) That was a compliment right there folks!

    In fact all throughout this episode Lucas continued to keep complimenting the lovely school teacher from afar. Mostly when he's with his mother.

    First Helen comments that she believes she's going to like Elizabeth, to which Lucas says that, "She has that effect on people." (Very sweet!) Later on Helen then comments that Elizabeth seems special, to which Lucas replies, "She is." (Again, another point for Lucas.) Helen then says that Elizabeth must be the reason he decided to settle in Hope Valley, and he confirms her suspicions. 

    All I can say here is that Lucas is quite the gentleman. He's clearly in love with Elizabeth, but believes that she maybe loves another man. And so he's kept his distance, but still can't help admiring her from afar. His sweet little comments help boost my hope that maybe, just maybe Elizabeth will pick him.

    But, pushing the triangle aside for a moment, I have to mention the tragic story of his father. Lucas' huge moment last season was the Union City trip with Elizabeth, in which he gave that beautiful sentiment about how he'd wait for his soulmate. And his whole statement hinged on his parent's love story. A story which has just bitten the dust. And the worst part? He doesn't even know. You know what? Scratch that. The worst part is that the woman he loves knows, and he doesn't. 

    Yes, I sense stormy waters ahead for him and Elizabeth. What will he do when he discovers the truth about his father? Better yet, what will he do should he find out Elizabeth knew and didn't tell him? OR even better yet, what will he do if Elizabeth does spill the beans to him? 

    AND THEN to top everything off what if he believes Elizabeth has chosen Nathan? His whole life is just spiraling downward and quite quickly I might add. After all this his entire outlook on life and love may change. He may stop being a hopeful romantic! (Hope! Please breathe!)

    And while my hopes have been dashed some concerning a Team Lucas ending, I haven't yet lost all hope. I still think it's a possibility. Just...not before Lucas' life gets flushed away. Or blown to pieces....






    Guys! I think I finally figured this out! An alien has come down from the planet "Confidencia" and has possessed Nathan! 😂😉

    Honestly, though.... What happened to this guy? Last season he could barely express himself, and now? Wow.... But once again I really do enjoy seeing him so happy and confident. It's just such a dramatic change from S7.

    So, let us start from the beginning, shall we? I mean...(Cough!) alright? (How did a Lucas line end up in Nathan's section?)

    So first things first...

🎵Allie has a crush on Robert! Allie has a crush on Robert!🎵 (Sung in a playful and teasing manner.) 

    Well, it's about time girl! And you couldn't have picked a better boy. Oh, poor Nathan though. Lol! His little girl is growing up, and now is entering the world of romance, be it puppy love at that. It's actually funny that it was Robert who Nathan was mentoring just last season. Well, at least he knows the boy a bit, so I'm sure that helps his nerves some. Then again....maybe not. :D

    Anyhow, after telling Elizabeth that he may need to ask her advice since Allie is now noticing boys, he then brings up that dinner she turned down last episode. He then asked how she was feeling (A very thoughtful thing) and says that maybe they could try to get dinner again sometime. (Again there's that confidence.) 

    Nathan is also incredibly eager to get the adoption process for Allie completed since Allie's father is now in jail. (A very smart move.) Bill's a little cautious about it, but Nathan wants everything signed, and sealed. He then notices a particular piece of land on a map, and asks Bill who owns it. Turns out Bill himself does, and he is willing to sell.

    And since Nathan didn't give that money back to Lucas, he may have some extra cash on hand.... Lol! Bill's face said it all when Nathan admitted where he got the money from. Actually his words said it all. "You do love your niece." :D

    Oh boy, Hearties. Turns out Mountie Nathan Grant has finally decided to settle down in Hope Valley. And I mean really settle down! Like buy a piece of land and build a house settle down, and he told Elizabeth as much. He was so excited about that land, and could totally picture them living there. Him and Allie of course... Yeah...that's what he meant. (I'm on to you, mister! :D )

    Of course something else happened after that.... Something I'll get to in a minute....




    Wow. Wow, wow, wow, WOW. Honestly, Elizabeth....could you get anymore honest than this? (Yes, I had to say that. Lol!) Oh boy...Where to begin? 

    Obviously I have to start with that heart-tugging scene of Elizabeth telling Little Jack about his father. Really, John Tinker? You had to go right for the jugular? Just the sight of Little Jack staring at his father's picture is emotional enough, but to have Elizabeth come and ask him "Is that your Daddy?" and then have Little Jack utter such a soft and sweet, "Yeah," I mean... That was so sad yet so sweet! And it seemed very appropriate considering....the ending...

    Anyway, Elizabeth then has a run in with Nathan. There is still tension between them, and Elizabeth still seems very uneasy. I have to wonder if this is because she knows she really "like likes" him or just because she's so conflicted still.

    She also had some scenes with Lucas. Two to be exact. I believe I understand Lucas' actions more than hers. She doesn't really seem interested in him anymore, but it is only the second episode. There's still time for a lot of stuff to happen. But I did enjoy the bit of banter they had going about his mother, and was sad she turned his offer for dinner down. I got a little hopeful when she turned back toward him, but she was simply asking his help. (To which he couldn't refuse giving. :)

    I fail to see the point of Robert and the "horse incident" as not much came of it. This made it quite a random storyline, but it did add some excitement and drama. However a friend of mine said she believed it was to show how brave Elizabeth is, so maybe that was the point.

    As I mentioned before I enjoyed the dynamic between Helen and Elizabeth, despite Helen appearing a little cold at first. I really loved how despite their differences they were able to smile and laugh together. And then of course Helen just dropped that bomb in her lap. (Which I didn't find very considerate.) I'm so curious to know what will come of this between her and Lucas.

    Elizabeth was also very sweet in giving Lee and Rosemary that special Hawaiian treat. (Always thinking of others.)

    And then.... the last three minutes happened.

The Last Three Minutes....


    Oh, my chicken crackers! Did that just.... Did she just... did he just...WHOA!

    Guys...that ending. To be honest when Elizabeth first started talking I wasn't sure if she was going to accept or reject Nathan. Her words first indicated rejection, but then turned to something much closer to admitting that she loves him. (Much to my fear and worry) I will now attempt to give this scene a run down. (Even though it really deserves it's own post.)

    So Elizabeth is sitting all alone, presumably thinking, when suddenly Nathan rides up. Now I am curious why she said, "Oh my goodness," when she saw it was Nathan. My guess is that she was currently thinking about him, or what she was going to say to him and then what to do you know? The man himself showed up. And she probably realized that she now had to say what she'd been planning on saying.

    Nathan started off talking about how perfect the land was he'd gone to see, and how he could totally see them living there. Of course he quickly adds "him and Allie" to clarify, which I find pretty humorous. Smooth Mountie. Smooth.

    And then it started. Elizabeth's face dropped and she said that she had to tell him something...something that she's known for awhile now. (Really? And just how long have you known this?) She said that Nathan and Allie mean a lot to her, but that she knows he wants more than friendship from her. And after he was almost shot she's come to the conclusion that she can't give him what he wants...and that would obviously be love. She knows the dangers incredibly well of falling for a Mountie and knows how much it would hurt to lose him the same way she lost Jack.

    A very emotional back and forth then starts between her and Nathan. Nathan tells her that he wouldn't let her lose him the way she lost Jack. Elizabeth's response is very appropriate. He has no right to say that to her. He can't control the future, and he can't make promises that are out of his control. He then says that he would quit the Mounties, a very bold statement. This is a very noble thing in itself, as he'd be willing to give up his dream if it meant he could be with her. But I think both I myself and Elizabeth know that it just wouldn't work. 

    Being a Mountie isn't just a job. It's a calling, and Nathan knows inside that it's his calling. I believe that at first he would indeed give up being a Mountie, but eventually he would truly regret it, and long to be fighting for justice again.

    And so Elizabeth moves to leave saying that it would only be harder to go if she stayed. Nathan pleads for her not to go, and then makes an extremely bold statement. He grabs her arm, looks her in the eyes, and says that he knows that she feels the same way he does. Wow. That's quite an assumption there, Mr. Grant. I'm not a fan of him seeming to tell her how she feels, but then again she didn't deny it. She simply said, "she can't." Now I'm going to be honest. I was really wondering if they were going to kiss somewhere in this scene. The whole thing just really gave me that impression, but Elizabeth was SO not ready for that.

    She then mounts her horse to leave when suddenly.... Everything just came spilling out of Nathan.

    He said....(Exhales slowly...) Nathan Grant told Elizabeth Thornton that... he's in love with her. Correction. That he loves her. Whoa. Let me just....wow. And I'd like to now give Nathan a round of applause as that was so incredibly bold. (And...ugh... okay maybe romantic....Ouch! That hurt!) Although I don't know if that helped his case, as it only made Elizabeth even more overwhelmed.

    Elizabeth was speechless, and I believed just so overwhelmed at this point. What could she say after that? Truthfully nothing at this point. She was just too conflicted inside.

   She then rides off, and in slow motion no less. That gave quite the dramatic effect, as this show hardly ever uses slow motion. And it is Elizabeth's heart-breaking face that leaves me asking a thousand questions. What is it that is tormenting her so? Is it her true love for Nathan that she's too scared to admit? Or is it perhaps she's just overwhelmed with her conflicting feelings, not knowing if she's truly in love with Nathan or not.

    To be honest this last scene really threw me for a loop. Going into this season I had foolishly not set up a firewall of sorts, and was way too excited at the possibility of a Team Lucas ending. Now my heart has taken quite a beating these last two episodes. Nathan sure seems like he really may be the one Elizabeth chooses. But in my despair I turned to a fellow Team Lucas fan who has given me a measure of hope. They told me the writers have promised that not only would this season be a roller coaster, but have "red herrings." Now of course this in no wise means that this scene was one of those, because... let's be honest...Elizabeth was pretty real here. But it does help me breathe again.

    And there we have it. My incredibly long review of this Sunday's episode. Honestly... it was a fun and enjoyable episode. I actually think I enjoyed it more than the first episode.... until we got hit with the ending and my stomach dropped. But I am so excited and curious to see what happens next! I really could probably write a whole other post about this episode, as there was just so much to cover and talk about, but I shall leave things here for now!

    Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to comment your thoughts below or on my Twitter page! (Please no spoilers though!) Have an amazing week! God Bless!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I hope no one flames me for this, but I am not feeling the connection in many of the storylines this season. There are too many moving parts with not enough connections, but it is still early in the season. Please don't get me wrong, I love the show.

    Like you, I loved the scene with little Jack looking at his dad's photo and Elizabeth telling him more about his daddy. That was so loving and needed :)

    We've known for some time that Rosemary and Lee would love to have a child. They had such moving scenes together about this in season 7. I am not sure why the writers are not focusing a little more on it. Is Lee's bad back a sign that he's getting too old to enjoy a child? I hope not. Like Pascale Hutton shared last year, I think Rosemary would be a hoot and a half pregnant. Perhaps she did become pregnant on their trip to Rio de Janeiro. It's possible!

    I have been frustrated all along that the writers didn't allow Lucas more vulnerability in his character, but Chris McNally says we will see more of it this season. He said that in a recent interview. I wish I had not seen him play such a sweet, romantic lead in Hallmark's Sailing Into Love because that only adds to my feeling of what the writers could have written for him and Elizabeth. I can still envision a way forward for him and Elizabeth. I think their lives could be exciting, but I sense Lucas's guilt over his jealously over the "Nathan embrace" may have left him feeling like he has no right to come between the natural progression of love. That he thinks it is totally selfish.

    I am not sure how Nathan's feelings have developed into real love, since he and Elizabeth have not had a real date or even a real dinner. I know Nathan seemed like a natural with baby Jack in season 6, and his profession is certainly admirable. He's down to earth which I love, and I am sure he would be devoted to Elizabeth. Although, I don't know how they get past the ever present danger of his being a Mountie. If she chooses Nathan, I don't think they do. If I were a betting woman and I am not, my money would be on Nathan being chosen. My reason for this is that Elizabeth seems to be running from her feelings for Nathan. That means she cares more than she is willing to admit. I predict she will let Lucas court her and will keep him safely at a distance while she tries to continue to suppress her feelings for Nathan. I want, I want, I wanted it to be Lucas, but my instincts tell me that a woman would not ride out into an open field breathless if there were not very strong feelings deep within. (I'm not sure how all these feelings developed with all the dates and romantic interludes that she and Nathan have had (NOT,) but it appears to be where the storyline is headed.) Sigh! :( I hope I am wrong and that your Lucas friend is right.

    Thank you for all the time and preparation that you put into preparing this post, and I hope you have a wonderful week.

    1. I will leave my own comment but agree with what you said here. I am also Team Lucas and hate the direction the story has taken this season after basically leading us on for two seasons.

    2. I hope I am wrong, and I look forward to reading your comment. Perhaps the producers and writers felt that a Mountie was better suited for Elizabeth. I understand the appeal, and while I like Nathan, I think it would have been more fun to see Elizabeth fall in love with a non-Mountie type.

    3. I am Team Lucas too and I believe that Nathan will be the choice. But I think that's the case because Hallmark is so predictable on this, just like their movies. Plus most viewers just want Elizabeth to be married with a family and they believe that Lucas is not suitable for that because he is not raising a child and he is like the men from Elizabeth's past (none of the men from Hamilton would have stayed in HV for her. They'd rather have her follow them. I think Lucas is nothing like Charles for example). As if the only important thing in a woman's life is to be married with kids and live that life, especially this season that they couldn't film school scenes to have her do more than having to deal with the triangle.
      When I first started watching WCTH, Elizabeth was a lot like Fiona and I loved her independence. I feel this love triangle has made her lose some of her spark. With Lucas I think she has the potential to bring that female power out again because they could do great things together.
      I find Nathan extremely boring and even this season his actions just don't make sense to me. But, at least we know that he can somehow for coherent sentences this season, lol. And when did he fall in love? That's my question too. And when did Elizabeth get all these feelings for him? They barely had a meaningful conversation in the past 2 seasons. Was all this just from the hug? It took her 2 seasons to admit her love for Jack, after they dated, travelled together, talked....I just don't get it. She's just going to choose the boring life with Nathan to please the majority of the audience.
      This makes me angry too. Because she's going to lead on Lucas. And Lucas, he has always been honest and amazing to her and it's just so out of character for Elizabeth to use a very noble and kind man because she cannot admit her feelings. Lucas deserves so much more than that. I hope I am wrong, but I truly wish the writers would have given Elizabeth the time to find herself. After the ending of this episode I felt like Seasons 6 and 7 were just a waste of time for TeamLucas fans. Ughh I'm sorry for the rant...I'm in lockdown and the writers of WCTH are not helping 😂

    4. Georgia, I am sorry you are under lockdown. That has been hard for so many, and it's worse in some places than others.

      I agree that being with Lucas would allow Elizabeth more avenues to explore. If Nathan is her choice, the writers are going to have to work even harder to make her life with Nathan less threatening. I don't think many of the fans would want a large appetite of danger on a regular basis. Needless to say, times were very hard in the early 1900s, and I am sure there is more heartache to come. You know I didn't watch the first much of the first 4 seasons because I knew that while Janette Oak books, which WCTH is based upon, were well loved; they were also bittersweet with love but also heartache. I didn't wat to get attached to a character just to see them be killed off. Unfortunately, I waited until season 5 to become fully engaged in the show, and oh boy, that was the wrong season to tune in and become a fan. I know Kevin McGarry does humor well, so if he is the one, I expect to see some of that.

      I don't think Elizabeth has faced her feelings for Nathan, yet, and she probably thinks that moving on with Lucas or even someone else will make them go away. I don't think she wants to hurt anyone. Because there was not a whole lot of character development for either man, I don't think we know if Lucas is in love with Elizabeth. I suspect he is because he has put her first in many of his choices. My biggest problem with the triangle is that the one not chosen (IMO, most likely, Lucas) may have to take a backseat to the romance that will ensue with Elizabeth and Nathan. I think in time, the fans of the one not chosen will grow to love Elizabeth's new life. That is my hope, but for now, I am going to try and appreciate the time Elizabeth has with Lucas, whether it ends with joy or heartache. No doubt the team whose man is not chosen will be quite disappointed.

    5. I have always said Nathan was the predictable choice and hoped they were thinking outside the box by bringing Lucas in and Elizabeth choosing him. Hanging on to a thread of hope...

    6. Shelby, thank you for your response and I agree with you. Just to make a clarification: I only found out about the show back in mid November when our 2nd lockdown started in my country (I also live on the other side of the world from Canada). I love period dramas/movies/series, especially when they have strong female leads. I didn't know it was based on books, only after I watched the first 7 seasons on Netflix and did a little research. I sometimes hate it when the stories' origins are from books, because they usually don't do the books justice. But, you are absolutely right. The 1900s were a difficult period. There is still no mention of WW2, which I find a bit weird because it played an important role at that time and influenced the whole world, especially the Western world. And at the moment, it must be late 1910s in HV. I'd love to see a more realistic aspect of that time and the heartache you are talking about.
      But I just think that Hallmark won't go there because they mostly want to show happiness and love and . That's why they are predictable. I really hope that if they do go with Nathan they will make him more interesting. I haven't watched Kevin McGarry anywhere else, so he hasn't convinced me yet with his role on WCTH. I wonder how they are going to build it. I don't understand the way Nathan acts this season. It really shows that the writers changed. And as people are saying, Lucas seems lost in the first 2 episodes. I think there's so much left to be explored about his character and I really hope he doesn't take the back seat if they choose Nathan. It will be a shame.
      Also, one more thing about Elizabeth's character: I think they suffered a bit when Lori left. Because when Abigail was there, Elizabeth's character seemed to develop better. They never replaced Lori, so I think Elizabeth had to take over some of what Abigail was doing (e.g. Giving Henry advice).

      I can't say that I got super attached to Jack when I watched the first 5 seasons of the show, so I took his death as something that could happen during those times. Many women lost their husbands on the show.
      I always thought Lucas was more interesting than Jack (sorry!!! 😬).

      Anyway, I hope we get more Lucas on our screens. It's as if he doesn't exist.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Georgia, You are welcome. You know more about WCTH than I do. I watched only a few of the shows in different seasons, and it is quite different now than it was in its humble beginnings. It had a lot of heartache in the beginning or so it seemed to me. I am guessing they writers were following the book more closely in the beginning, and I suppose with the showrunner and the head writers being changed periodically so goes the storylines. It's just hard to know. I have never read Janette Oke books to see how closely the writers followed her Canadian Mountie series, which the show is based on. I do believe from the interviews I have seen with Erin Krakow that she has some influence in the storyline production and the writing of the scripts because she has been a co-producer for a few years.

      I did a little research and Canada does become more involved in the World Wars in 1914 and beyond. So, if the show continues, we may see some of that play out.

      I've only seen Kevin McGarry in a few Hallmark movies with the traditional outcomes, but he in those, he is quite humble with a good sense of humor. Many know him from the Canadian program, Heartland, but I have never watched.

      The shows producers may have changed Lucas's role to fit the upcoming narrative that leads him away from Elizabeth. We may like it when his turn to be with Elizabeth at least in the short-term. Surely the writers know that Team Lucas fans will still want to see a lot of him, even if Elizabeth does not choose him.

      Georgia, I believe Erin Krakow will be pushing hard for Lori Loughlin (Abigail) to return to WCTH. She fully supports her as her friend and former cast member and wants to see her return. She said that recently in interviews.

      I was drawn to the sweetness of the relationship that Jack and Elizabeth had, and I didn't want to see Jack die, but with Daniel Lissing wanting to leave, I guess there was no way for his character to remain.

      It's hard for me to compare Lucas and Nathan with Jack because in my opinion, the writers haven't developed their roles enough just yet. I am sure they will as time marches on.

    9. Thank you, Shelby! I'm so glad you enjoyed the post! I agree with a lot of what you said. I'm still holding out hope that somehow Lucas will be the one Elizabeth picks. I believe things could still go either way, as it's early in the season. But I have to admit things are not looking good for us Team Lucas fans. Elizabeth's face as she rode off was so full of emotion and heartbreak. I guess the question is she this conflicted over Nathan "the man" or Nathan "the Mountie?" Does she like him for himself, or does he just represent Jack and the life she wanted with him? I guess we'll find out.

      I also really, really want Rosemary to become pregnant! At this point I say it could still happen, but I'm not really sure if it will. I would just love to see a pregnant Rosemary! That would be SO much fun! Lol!

      Thank you so much for reading and the comment! I hope you're having a wonderful weekend so far! God Bless!

    10. You are welcome, Hope! I am so glad I found your blog. I enjoy it! I must admit that I saw the friendship and the caring that Elizabeth had for Nathan, but I didn't see that it rose to the level of "love" with him or Lucas. I know I have seen Elizabeth smiling a lot when she is with Lucas, and I guess she may have repressed some of her feelings for Nathan. John Tinker said in an interview that Elizabeth would make her choice early. Here's the quote: “I hope we don’t wring our fans into knots, but I think it’s an enjoyable and interesting, truthful pursuit of Elizabeth, and her trying to parse her feelings for these two men,” he said. “But, early on, she does make a choice.” I am not sure that quote tells us more than we already know.

  3. Great review Hope! Of course I always enjoy your posts. :)

    Okay, here I go. (And I learned my lesson. I am typing this in Google docs before I paste it in the comments. ;)

    I will quickly hit a few of the things you mentioned before getting to the last 3 minutes and my opinion of the writing so far this season- this may take awhile. And will probably be more than one comment before I’m finished. (It’s hard being so long-winded) lol

    Robert not being able to ride a horse was a bit unbelievable for me. The scene seemed misplaced, but I’m sure it was just supposed to be a boy showing off in front of a girl- go figure. Seems they could have come up with something more plausible.

    The Lee and Rosemary story definitely seemed like an afterthought. But, it introduced us to my favorite new character so far- Joseph Canfield. OMG, just like you I love this man already!! A breath of fresh air in the short scenes we saw. Can’t wait to meet his family.

    By the time we got to the Bill and Molly story, I was convinced that the writer’s are just throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks. (sorry writers) Now, I love both characters. I’ve basically loved Jack Wagner for decades (hello Frisco Jones, I’m looking at you). Would love to meet him one day. And Johannah is one of the most beautiful women on the show! I have always loved Molly. But suddenly she is jealous? I totally didn’t get that, so odd. I did enjoy Bill’s reaction later to it when he questioned her outside. Poor man, totally confused now. (he can join my club)

    Helen seems like a force to be reckoned with. I really wanted to see her’s and E’s relationship develop a bit, but it was really rushed. (more about that later) I feel really bad for her and wonder- like you- what caused the break-up. Perhaps the marriage was never what Lucas thought it was- parents can hide problems if they want to. Or...or...who really knows? But, I like Helen. She doesn’t mince words, very upfront.

    Henry! My poor Henry! I have my suspicions about the letter, but they have to do with a promo I have seen and you have not so I won’t say them here. But, like you, they better not....

    Fiona and Hickam were hilarious! I liked their scenes, but I doubt they would put them together. Mike isn’t a main character and it looks like Fiona is getting an upgrade. (maybe) I’m very curious by what she said last week about men talking about business being her reason for opening a barber shop instead of a salon. (I’ll address that more later too)

    I’m going to end this comment and post it and get to the meat of the matter in my next one. :)

  4. Lucas- what has happened to my Lucas?

    Since my comment last week didn’t quite make it, I will address both eps here. I think he was really hurt by the hug. More than we even thought. Leaving town without telling E where he went is not like him at all. The apology was sweet, along with the next scene, but when he saw E and N walking down the street like a family and barely flinched, I knew Lucas had changed.

    The first two episodes, he acts like he isn’t even interested in Elizabeth anymore. That is a sign that he has been hurt deeply. Right now, I believe he is guarding his heart against being hurt further- and I hate it. He doesn’t even act like the same man, the man I liked from his first scene and grew to love over the last two seasons. Normally when writers change the way characters act something big is going to happen to them- whether good or bad. Looking forward to seeing what is in store- and feeling a bit of trepidation as well. One concern I have is that something would happen to Henry and the show would need a new dark character. Should E reject L, and now with his mom’s secret, I can see that happening, much as I would hate it.

    Nathan and Elizabeth- here I go…

    Speaking of Nathan--What the heck?!

    Unlike some of Team Lucas, I don’t hate Nathan and never have. I don’t like him for E, and I was angry with him for the way he treated Lucas in s6-7, but I don’t hate the character. But the complete change in his personality is just a tad unbelievable. I understand that the risk of death can change a person, but...really? A 180? Unlike you, I actually don’t like this Nathan. And him blurting out his love for E just seemed a little abrupt. They haven’t gone out, they really haven’t spent any alone time together and he knows little about her hopes and dreams (unlike someone else) so his confession didn’t strike me as romantic like it did many others. I thought it was presumptuous and a little strange. And him saying he knows she feels the same- how in the world could he? The whole scene left me feeling unsettled. And he seems like hes suddenly in a big hurry to settle down.

    As for E, I have watched her scenes with both men the last two episodes. She constantly smiles around Lucas and seems pensive or uncomfortable around N. Certainly that could be chalked up to her fear of being involved with him because he’s a Mountie, but it is just something I observed. Especially after Lucas telling her unselfishly he only wants her happiness. If you go by her facial expressions, we know who she is happy around. But I have noticed her scenes with Lucas are very brief and I don’t see the chemistry I have for the past two seasons. Maybe as the season goes on that will change, Lucas has certainly pulled back for now. So much so he doesn't even seem interested in E right now.

  5. The last three minutes.

    E didn’t say she didn’t love Nathan, she said ‘I can’t.’ Could go either way with that, but it doesn’t sound good for TL especially added to the other things she said. I went into season 8 with a high certainty that Lucas was the guy because of all we have seen the last two years. In two episodes I am left believing E’s story arc this year will be overcoming her fear of losing N and choosing him. I realize I could be wrong, looks like a roller coaster of a year and I have no idea when E will finally make up her mind. But I have prepared myself for disappointment. I feel the show is taking an entirely different direction this season from what they have before. My suspicion is they changed who they planned to put E with, but I could be wrong.

    I wanted to address Fiona a little more before I shut-up. I heard in an interview last year that perhaps they might put her with the one that E doesn’t choose. It seems to me they are elevating her a bit this year on the show, we are seeing more of her. That could be a hint that she might be paired with N or L. She was in the street and saw the hug and most likely Lucas’ response. I have to wonder if perhaps it will come out that she has feelings for one of them. (even though onscreen we haven't seen any evidence of that) She said she wanted to hear the men talk about business, perhaps she has a certain man in mind. Of course, both men appear to be in love with E this season, so nothing could develop until season 9 if they go that way. Unless one of them realizes that what he is feeling actually isn’t love for Elizabeth.

    And we saw a scene with N and LJ but nothing with Lucas and LJ yet. I'm watching for that as I think it is important to who she picks.

    My final words-lol. I will admit I’ve been very disappointed in the feel of the show this year. I did enjoy the second episode more than the first- probably because my expectations were too high for the first one. The show is a lot different this year, partly due to Covid filming which is completely understandable. But the scenes feel rushed and don’t flow into each other like they used to. Many scenes don’t feel necessary but perhaps a time filler. I’m hoping that they begin to flow better as the season goes on. I am trying to give some grace since this season was filmed under a new show-runner and with stricter guidelines. But I kind of miss the old show.

    Thanks for letting me ramble on your page! I thoroughly enjoyed your review. Still hoping for a LucaBeth endgame, but my hope has faded quite a bit. Fingers crossed.

    1. kelley's girl, You have great insight into the characters. Last year when Nathan was looking for the criminal, there was a scene where Fiona bumps into him. I saw chemistry between them in that scene. I had hoped they would pair her with Nathan. I have a small ray of hope that Lucas may still be the one for Elizabeth.

    2. Yes, I thought they had a little chemistry in that scene too- and they are a couple in real life now. Thank you for the complement, I have spent many hours studying this show and written two fanfics about it. I also still have hope, just guarding my heart like a certain handsome gambler we know... :)

    3. Yes, I saw they had photos up around Christmas time. You are welcome. Love how you are guarding your heart. :)

    4. Thank you so much Sue! Okay, so I finally got around to commenting back. Sorry for the delay. :)

      I'm with you on some of the points you made. Some storylines this season feel random, or unnecessary. The show definitely has a new feel to it, and I agree with you that this may be due to the show having a new show runner and all the Covid restrictions. But this next episode (Which is merely a day away) was written by Derek Thompson and not John Tinker so I will be very interested to see how it goes.

      I too am disappointed at the lack of sparks between L&E. Lucas has completely pulled away, but his sweet comments make me think he's still in love with her. The interesting thing is that while Nathan has actually said the words, "I love you," he's failed to show it throughout the past two seasons. (Unless you count his emotional outburst in the cabin.) Meanwhile Lucas has never said the words but has shown his love for Elizabeth in so many ways. He's always thinking of her, and ways to make her happy. And the fact that he's stepped back completely now, (Apparently believing she possibly loves another man) shows even more how much he truly cares for her. All he wants is her happiness, so much so he's willing to step back and watch her go with another man. It's such a sweet yet sad thing to watch.

      I'm so curious what these next ten episodes will bring. I still have this hope for Lucas that stubbornly refuses to die, but things aren't looking too good for us Team Lucas fans right now. At least from my point of view. I really hope I'm wrong and we'll be pleasantly surprised in the end. But for now all I can do is buckle up, and just enjoy the ride the best I can. (While keeping my fingers securely crossed. Lol!)

      Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts! I love to hear from you! (Whether you type one or ten comments. :) I hope your having a wonderful weekend! God Bless!

  6. “It made my laugh, it made me gasp, and it made my mouth drop down to my toes.” Girl...same! This episode had so many funny, sweet moments, and it truly felt like an episode that was setting up for things to come. I was pleasantly surprised at the relative lack of drama...until THAT END! Holy cannoli!

    Robert not knowing how to ride a horse...at 16...in a frontier town...wanting to be a Mountie...riiiiiiight. Seriously, that whole scene felt very, very random. Unless there’s some deeper meaning to it (which a friend of mine actually has an excellent theory about), it felt unnecessary.

    Lee was hilarious in this episode! So were Hickam and Jesse and Fiona...so much fun! Loved the levity they brought to the episode. That part near the end with Clara and Faith dragging their men in for a haircut - I was literally laughing out loud!

    I’d been holding out hope that AJ would come back for Bill, but it seems that won’t be the case. I do like the potential between Molly and Bill, because I think they’re funny so far, but I’m certainly not invested in that particular relationship. I think it’ll be lighthearted and maybe not serious. But who knows?

    I know I’m going to love Joseph. Already do! He shines with the light of God...that’s the only way I can describe the otherworldly character about him. We’ve been missing a good, solid spiritual presence since Pastor Frank left, and here’s hoping Joseph fills that void! I loved Viv Leacock in the Hailey Dean Mysteries, so I’m thrilled that he’s now on the show (and made the poster! That’s huge!)

    I really like Helen, and I love how much Lucas clearly loves her. They are so sweet together. A little too formal in my opinion, but there’s no doubting their love and care for each other. Awww!!! And Helen was very vulnerable with Elizabeth. I was both impressed by that and felt sorry for Elizabeth for having to keep Helen’s secret. And poor Lucas when he eventually finds out! It totally throws out his theory on his father’s patience. What is that going to do to him??

    HENRY!!!!!!! Ahhhhhh!!!!! (Loved the Sound of Music reference, by the way). Whatever his secret past is, it has me intrigued! And his desperation and hopelessness brought tears to my eyes. Come on, Henry...your life does matter! The inbetween does matter! I have seriously wondered if they would actually kill him off. I don’t think they would, but with a new showrunner and the gritter feel this season...eeeek!

    1. Ahh, so you do think Lucas is in love with Elizabeth! Good to know. I honestly can’t figure that out one way or another. I wouldn’t be surprised if he is and I wouldn’t be surprised if he isn’t. Of course, I also thought Nathan wasn’t quite in love with her yet...but apparently I know nothing, lol.

      It was very sweet of Lucas to ask for Elizabeth’s help. And he was 100% right. Elizabeth got through to Helen very quickly. And I mean VERY quickly. That kind of shocked me. I thought there would be more drama there, but nope! And Helen didn’t miss a thing. She knows Lucas and Nathan are vying for Elizabeth. I wonder if she’ll mention that to Elizabeth in an upcoming episode?

      Hmm...okay...unpopular opinion. I’ve seen comments all over social media from both teams that the three members of the triangle have been acting totally outside their characters, and I personally don’t think that’s the case. Elizabeth seems the exact same to me. Lucas seems a bit more humble and subdued, but considering how confident he was last season, it makes sense that he would be this way after realizing Elizabeth cares more for Nathan than he thought. And Nathan is still Nathan. He was always a confident man, just not around Elizabeth. Remember Brookfield? The man was confident bordering on cocky! I’m seeing that confidence now being transferred to his interactions with Elizabeth because almost getting shot gave him a new perspective on life. But that is just my two cents on the topic!

      Did you just say chicken crackers?!?! LOL! That literally made me blink and then laugh out loud!

      Dang it, I should have known when we saw little Jack looking at his father’s picture that something Jack-related would show up later. Which it did in a BIG way in that final scene! And yes, I think Elizabeth just admitted she loved Nathan without actually saying she’s in love with him. This fire has been building between them for two seasons now, with all their slow burn interactions and sharing of their hearts, and now it’s come to a head. I believe they’ve been slowly falling in love in the ordinary, everyday interactions of their daily lives, and I think they’ve both been fighting it the whole time. Now Nathan is doing fighting it, and I think he’s going to start fighting for Elizabeth. And Elizabeth is going to keep running and pushing him away because she’s scared stiff to love him.

      I thought that end scene was beautiful, poignant, and heartbreaking. And I am so curious how things work moving forward between Nathan, Elizabeth, and Lucas.

      Wow...I just left you a book :D Very much enjoyed your post, and I always love reading your thoughts! Great job. I hope your weekend is off to a great start!

    2. Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I'm always happy when I can bring someone a good laugh. (Where does my brain go sometimes? Lol!) These first two episodes were just jam packed! So much drama, yet lots of funny, heartwarming moments as well.

      All of Lucas' actions so far show me that he loves her, but I don't think anyone will know for a fact until he actually says the words. But to me he clearly adores her. (But I'm pretty biased... Lol!)

      I think this triangle is revealing all aspects of these characters, their good sides and bad. But it doesn't mean it's out of character necessarily. I was quite surprised at Nathan's confidence, but you make a good point about him being confident in WHC. That confidence is a part of him, and I believe it really came out after his brush with death, and that hug. He now felt he had a shot with E and that she really cared for him (Which she does) and so he wasn't wasting time.

      I do have to admit that I don't think this season is doing Elizabeth any favors. I totally understand her overwhelming fear of loving someone again. It's completely realistic and I wouldn't expect her to act any other way. But.... I do believe she has led both men on and now is dealing with the repercussions of her actions. Yet again I understand her actions. I just think she really needs to deal with her current situation as both men have now been greatly hurt.

      But aside from that I really love just how expressive and animated everyone is this season. It's like all the characters have just really come to life, and it's wonderful! This season is bringing so much fun, yet a lot of nail-biting tension. Something I enjoy and yet.... makes me have to remind myself to breathe. Lol!

      Joseph is just the sweetest guy! I too love him in Hailey Dean, and may have squealed like a little girl when I learned he was joining the show. :D I'm curious what this season has in store for him and his family.

      Thank you so much for reading and the comment! I hope your week is off to a great start! God Bless!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Thanks for the post and all the comments. I really enjoyed seeing your insights, although I had not realized had bad things looked for Lucas. Boo new writers! I also have heard that Fiona might be the rebound girl for one of Elizabeth’s suitors. I thought when she quit the phone company she might join Lucas at the oil company and that would be bad for TeamLucas, so I am happy she started her own venture. I am still disappointed that a Season 2 has not been announced for When Hope Calls. I thought Rosemary & Lee might adopt one of those kids. A crossover seems more difficult with that show not in production. Many believe that adoption is often followed by a pregnancy because having a family removes the stress and worry for those hoping to get pregnant. Don’t know if there is science to support that idea, but it might be a great storyline for the Coulters. Love to see Rosemary & Lee happy, and it might soften the blow if Nathan is Elizabeth’s choice.

    1. CamLeo, I shared your opinion about Rosemary and Lee's path to parenthood, and I, too, was hoping When Hope Calls would continue.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I was listening to interviews done recently by the WCTH showrunner, John Tinker and his wife Ronda. I learned that his wife Ronda could empathize with Elizabeth and other woman who have lost someone they love because she has known many women who never remarried another in the same profession because of their fear. (I'm paraphrasing.) Ronda also said that the lines about Lucas loving Elizabeth's writing reminded her of the love her husband has for her writing. Yes, Ronda is a beloved writer, too. John Tinker added that Lucas adores Elizabeth, but then he said watch how much Nathan is willing to give up because of his adoration of Elizabeth. I am guessing that Mountie Nathan may changes professions. I enjoyed the 3 part interview with John Tinker and his wife. Mr. Tinker also explained why a few early scenes were a little lacking. He said they ran long with the first couple of episodes and few things had to be cut, but he said going forward for the rest of Season 8, that it will not be an issue.

    2. Sounds like a nice couple, but changing showrunners is a big deal. Let me know if you hear about an interview with the last one, Alfonso Moreno. I think he might have created the love triangle. I wonder if he envisioned a different pairing than the one they will eventually choose.

    3. I agree with you about the showrunner and I will have more to say about that when Hope puts up her new post. From listening to Alfonso Moreno's interview last season, I don't think he envisioned that he would not be continuing as the showrunner. He had also been the lead writer for When Hope Calls. Perhaps the executive producers were not happy with his vision for the love triangle. I don't know, but this season definitely is different. If Alfonso created the love triangle, I think he would have known how to bring it to an end. I believe they let it go on just a little too long and now it's quite painful for the characters and some of the hearties. Again, I will have more to say about it when Hope puts up her new post.


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