A Moment in Time: Humble Pie

    Happy Wednesday my fellow Hearties! I hope you all are doing wonderfully this November day!

    I am back to sort of continue my last "Moment in Time" post, and do the next scene in line. Yes, I'm talking about that adorable mercantile scene between Lucas and Elizabeth. The scene where Lucas admits that maybe....he hadn't been as right as he thought he'd been about Elizabeth's character Luther...Lol!

    If you missed my break down of the previous scene (Titled "A Moment in Time: Luther Brant) you can click here to take a look if you'd like! (But be sure to come back and read this post too! Lol!)

    Now first off, I have to give props to the WCTH writers, as the whole idea of having Lucas and Elizabeth talking through the mercantile shelves was absolutely adorable! But secondly this scene showed us more of Lucas' character, and possibly gave us some foreshadowing as to who Elizabeth might pick! (Oooo!)

    Let's get into it!


    So, the scene starts up with Elizabeth and Little Jack in the mercantile. Little Jack is being cute, as always, and playing with the toys on the shelf. Then in walks Lucas....


    Now (Fangirl alert) one of the (many) great things about Lucas is the fact that he always addresses Little Jack. Whether it's just a little comment, or a full on handshake he acknowledges that Jack is there and even engages with him. This time he actually bent down to get more on Jack's level and said, "And hello, young man." 😊

    Moving on, Lucas then proceeds to walk over to the other side of the self Elizabeth was looking at, and starts searching for something. Elizabeth bends down to look through the shelf at him and asks, "What are you looking for?"

    And here comes the banter! :)

    Lucas then replies, "Humble pie. I'm hoping Ned has some in stock."

    Kudos to the writers for that one! 😂 

   Elizabeth then realizes that Lucas had finally read the rest of the chapters she'd given him, and had  discovered that maybe....he wasn't totally Elizabeth's inspiration for Luther....

    Lucas admits that aside from Luther being a handsome, charming, restauranteur, who enjoys a game of cards.... he is also a widower with a young daughter....who also once worked as a Pinkerton. (Boy, how does Elizabeth think up these completely original characters?) And Lucas face says it all.

    Lol! Oh, Lucas.... I'm sorry, Mr. Bouchard, but you have no one to blame but yourself for this mess. :D He was so clearly embarrassed, and probably disappointed that he wasn't the inspiration for Elizabeth's leading male character. (Although he totally was up until the widower/Pinkerton part.) Elizabeth just is so blind when it comes to the characters she creates. Lol! Everything she writes about comes from her heart, and the world/people around her as well as her own life experiences.

    Now another thing I wanted to point out here is the fact that this scene showed us even more of Lucas' sweet and kind character. He assumed a lot of Elizabeth when it came to her character Luther, and he was half right. But upon reading further he realized that he had been wrong, and was able to humble himself and admit it. (Despite how bad that pie might taste.) 

    One of Lucas' great traits is that he is capable of admitting when he is wrong. Maybe at first he'll deny it or won't see that he was, (Like when he sent Elizabeth's chapters to his mother) but once he does realize it, he's quick to apologize and make amends, taking full blame for his error.

    (Okay, Team Lucas lecture over. :D ) 


    So after Lucas admits he was wrong, Elizabeth smirks, realizing Lucas' embarrassment, and comments that Luther is a "man of many talents," to which Lucas agrees. And then comes the biggest line of the whole scene. The one that could possibly be foreshadowing the results of the love triangle. 😱

    Elizabeth gives Lucas this cute little smile, and says, "Well remember..." She then scoops up Little Jack, and looks back to Lucas with a gleam in her eye, saying, "It is just fiction."

    Alright now! Hold up just one cotton-picking minute! First off, that was SOOOO flirty! I mean, come on, girl! That totally sounded like you were telling Lucas that you're interested in him! Like, what else would he take that to mean?

    They are discussing Luther, a character that Lucas was so sure was based off of himself, and now is coming to sadly admit isn't. Obviously he really wanted Elizabeth to be writing Luther after him because, (duh), he likes her and wants her to like him too. So to find out that not only was Luther not completely based off of him, but actually resembles his rival Nathan as well, it may come as quite the disappointment.

    So he tells this to Elizabeth (In so many words) and she tells him to remember that "it is just FICTION." Why on earth would she have to tell him that her story of Elsa falling for a man that now resembles Nathan is just fiction? She didn't say that when Luther resembled Lucas.

    Either Elizabeth was just trying to be playful, or this could actually be some foreshadowing for the love triangle. (Oh, please, please, please, please, please, please, please....)


    Anyhow, Elizabeth leaves with Little Jack on her hip, and we watch Lucas give this adorable little smirk as he thinks on her words. (Aww!😍) And that's the end of the scene!


    This was yet another fun and bantery scene, and one that makes me smile every time I watch it. It showed what a cute relationship Lucas and Elizabeth have, and that Lucas can admit when he's wrong. (Although in my opinion he wasn't.)

    Well, that's all for today's post! Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to comment your thoughts on this scene below or on my Twitter page! God Bless!

    P.S. Only 44 days until Christmas! Feel free to stop by my shop to find some fun WCTH inspired gifts for your family and friends! (And maybe something for yourself.😉) https://shop.spreadshirt.com/heart-and-family-mercantile


  1. What a fun post!

    One of my fav scenes and you did it justice. I also thought she was a bit flirty with him here. And he is just so darn cute!

    Thank you once again for your posts. They always make my day.


    1. Thanks, Sue! I can't help but smile at Lucas during these scenes. Lol! He was so confident...until he wasn't... :D

      Thank you for reading and the comment! Hope your day has been amazing! God Bless!

  2. Great post! I love the banter between these two in this scene. It reminds me of her banter with Jack about "Mountie Theodore". And I agree about her being very flirty in her delivery and looks. I truly hope that we get to see more between these two in S8. I love your blogs. Please keep them coming. - Lis

    1. She was so playful with him there and the whole scene was so cute! Their friendship/relationship is so sweet! Here's hoping for even more wonderful scenes between them in Season 8!

      Thank you for reading and commenting! God Bless!


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