WCTH Fanfic: Making Sure: Chapter 9


    Is it? Could it be? Nah...she hasn't posted fan fiction in decades.....but it is! 

    Hello Hearties and happy "day after Thanksgiving!" I hope you all had an amazing Thanksgiving this year filled with lots of love, and pie. :D Today I'm back with something special for you all! Yes, I'm talking about nothing other then the next chapter of my fan fiction!

    It's been quite awhile since I posted fanfic and I'm super excited to share the next chapter with you all today! In case you're new to my story, or you just want to catch up on what happened last, here's a link to all of my previous chapters. https://whencallstheheartblog.blogspot.com/search/label/Fan%20Fiction

    Thank you all so, so much for your patience, and amazing support of my story! You have been so wonderful, and I'm so blessed to have you in my life! 

    Also if you think the cover for my fanfic looks a bit different, then you would be right! I had wanted to do a new cover, and add a few characters to it, and my wonderful, and talented friend came and whipped this up for me. It looks so good, and even has my "made-up" character, Jeanie, in it!

    Alright enough, chit-chat. Here it is without further ado, Making Sure: Chapter 9! I hope you enjoy it!

The next morning Elizabeth opened her eyes feeling a bit groggy. Finally, she’d managed to get the sleep she so desperately needed, but something pulled at her chest. Like something was wrong, but she couldn’t remember what.

Slowly she sat up, stretching her arms out in front of her. Looking to the crib a few feet away, she smiled at the little lump of blankets, and figured Little Jack must still be asleep. Stretching her toes out, she then moved to rise when her fingers landed on a stack of papers on her night stand.

Her novel. She really needed to start writing again, but every time she tried the words failed to come. If only Elsa and Luther would be more cooperative.

And at the names of her characters, the events from last night came flying back, stealing her breath. Immediately Elizabeth’s hand rose to touch her lips, her mind whirling.

I almost kissed Lucas Bouchard.

The thought assailed her like a dart striking a board. She collapsed back onto the bed, her hands flying to her cheeks. The same place Lucas’ hand had rested. Even now she could still feel his thumb caressing her face, his lips nearly brushing her own.

How could she have been so….so…. She didn’t even have words for her actions.

Quickly she rose, shaking the picture from her mind. Crossing to the wash basin she poured the water from the pitcher into the bowel, and splashed the cold liquid over her face.

How could she have done such a thing? It was as if she’d lost all control of herself. Something that seemed to happen every time she was close to that man. Reaching for the towel hanging on the stand, she rigorously wiped it over her wet face, as if it could somehow erase Lucas’ touch.

She threw it down, collapsing helplessly into the chair next to the basin. Crossing her arms, she shook he head, lips pressed tight.

How could Lucas have been so bold as to try and kiss her? He told her he’d wait, and what took place last night was far from waiting. She found solace in that thought for a few seconds, yet even as the thoughts popped in her mind she knew that she was just as guilty as he was. She could have very easily pulled away, and yet she hadn’t.

To be honest, it was that thought that what scared her the most. And there was that word again. Scared. Suddenly Lucas’ comment from the night before surfaced. “I think she’s scared.”

Elizabeth knew full well, that he wasn’t just referring to her character, Elsa. She rolled her eyes, remembering their argument. “That’s ridiculous.” She commented to herself.

She wasn’t scared. Was she?

With a frustrated sigh she rose to her feet, and walked back to the bed. Rather pathetically she collapsed onto it again, shutting her eyes against her conflicted feelings.

What did all this mean? Her mind whirled a hundred miles an hour, her emotions swirling like a stormy sea. She’d felt so safe and secure against Lucas, and his touch had sent her pulse racing. And yet there was something in her that felt so unsettled and…. She didn’t even have the words to describe it.

Could she be falling for him? Had she already?

Then she remembered her engagement for that night, and her stomach twisted harder. How could she go to dinner with Nathan now? She’d feel as if she’d betrayed him, even though she’d made it crystal clear to him that this was not a date.

Oh, how did she get herself into this mess?

By being indecisive, that’s how. Her conscience chided her. And as much as she wanted to shove the voice away, she knew it was right.

She had to make a choice. For everyone involved she needed to finally sort through the crazy emotions in her heart, and actually make a decision. The problem was, she wasn’t sure that she was ready to.

Sighing she rose and crossed to Little Jack’s crib. With a happy smile she reached down to pull the blankets back a bit so she could see his face. Her heart then stopped as she found that Jack wasn’t under the blankets. The crib was empty.

Her heart seized inside her. She was about to dart from the room in a panicked frenzy, when she noticed a small piece of paper lying in the crib. Quickly she snatched it up and read it.

Heard Jack making noise, and wanted to let you sleep. - Lee

She placed a hand over her heart as she sighed with relief. Lee had Jack, not a criminal. Everything was fine.

Suddenly her eyes darted to the clock on the night stand. It was already ten o’clock in the morning! When did it get so late?

She raced to dress herself, fumbling through the limited wardrobe she’d brought over from her house. After dressing she dashed to the mirror above the wash basin, pulling her hair back quick with two hair clips, before rushing out of the room.

She descended the stairs nearly two at a time. She nearly tripped at the landing, before turning to descending the last few stairs. Half way down she stopped quick, and she couldn’t help but smile at the sight that met her eyes.

Lee and Jack sat on the living room floor, totally engrossed in a tall block tower they were building. Lee carefully placed another block to the top, seeming to hold his breath as he made sure to not knock it over. Suddenly Jack’s little hand tore through it, sending the blocks flying across the room.

“Nooo!” Lee exclaimed in mock agony, eliciting giggles from Jack. Elizabeth couldn’t help herself and laughed with him. They really made quite the sight.

Lee then looked up, and found her watching. A smile spread across his face. “Well, you look nice and rested.”

She ought to for how long she’d slept in. She winced descending the rest of the stairs. “I’m so sorry I slept so late.”

Lee batted her apology away, piling the blocks back in front of Jack before standing. “You have nothing to be sorry for. After the last couple of days, you needed it.”

Elizabeth looked back to Little Jack who sat playing contently with the blocks. “Thank you so much for watching Jack. I hope he wasn’t any trouble.”

“Nah.” Lee shook his head, walking toward her. “Don’t mention it. It isn’t often that I get him all to myself.”

Elizabeth grinned, as he smiled toward her son. She then realized that Rosemary was absent. She looked to Lee, her brows pinched. “Where’s Rosemary?”

Lee’s shoulders dropped, as if suddenly a large weight had fallen on them. “Still in bed sadly.”

A spark of worry rose in her chest. “Is she still not feeling well?”

“Yeah.” Lee sighed, beginning to pick up some scattered toys. “I don’t know what’s wrong. She felt fine yesterday morning, and now she can barely keep anything down.”

Elizabeth moved to help him clean, her concern growing. It was highly unlike Rosemary to be down and out with anything. Not even chicken pox could keep her in bed. Well, not at first anyway.

The frightening memory did nothing to settle her nerves. “Did you talk to Carson?”

“I called him.” Lee placed some toys in a small crate. “He said he had a few patients out of town to check on, but that he’d stop by afterward.” He looked to her, seeming to try and give her a reassuring smile. “I’m sure it’s just a stomach bug or something. Nothing to worry about.”

Elizabeth could see right through the brave façade he was trying to wear. He was worried, but she didn’t want to cause him anymore anxiety, so she just nodded. “Alright.” Surly she’d be alright.

She placed the remaining toys in the crate, before turning toward the kitchen. Swallowing down her shock she took in its disastrous state. Breakfast dishes still sat on the table, Little Jack’s food splattered on the table cloth and floor, and a pile of plates and pans stacked high in the sink.

Lee walked over clasping his hands together. “So, can I get you anything?”

Elizabeth wondered if he’d be able to find anything in that mess, but didn’t say so. Instead she pasted on a bright smile, hoping to hide her astonishment. “Oh, no. You and Rosemary have done more than enough for me and Jack already.”

Lee smiled warmly. “And believe me, it’s been our pleasure.”

Elizabeth looked around her, realizing just what amazing friends she had. They’d given her so much, asking for nothing in return. Even sparing their own home to make sure her and Jack were safe.

She gave a wobbly smile to Lee, unable to stop the sting of tears rushing to the back of her eyes. “You two have been so wonderful. I really have the best neighbors in the world.”

Lee nodded, his voice soft. “And me and Rosemary feel exactly the same way.” He looked as if he was trying to keep his own emotions at bay, although whether they were from the moment or worry for his wife, she wasn’t sure.

“Come on.” He tapped her arm. “Let’s get you some breakfast.” He started toward the kitchen, but then stopped quick. “Umm…just let me remember where I put the kettle.”

Elizabeth worked to keep from laughing. Poor Lee. Looking toward the bucket that usually held clean water, she noted that it was empty.

“Please don’t bother.” She walked and retrieved it off the table. “I’m not really hungry anyway.” Little sleep, a break in, her best friend being sick, and almost kissing Lucas really took a toll on her appetite. Her stomach swirled angrily at the very thought of food.

“No, no. It’s fine.” Lee scanned the room, scratching his head. “I just need to figure out where that pan got to.”

Elizabeth winced, and started for the front door, the bucket in tow. Some tea was all she could take for now, and that required water. Suddenly she stopped, her heart beginning to race. “Is….Lucas here?”

She’d forgotten the fact that he was keeping watch over the house. Was he still outside, or had he gone home by now?

“Uh, no.” Lee called over the clattering of dishes. “He left early this morning. Said he had to check on his friend…Jean something….”

The sigh of relief she expected to have at that news, seemed cut short at the mention of Lucas’ “friend.” “Jeanie?” The name seemed to stick to her throat.

“Yes.” Lee’s finger pointed up matter-of-factly, as he plunged into the pile in the sink. “That was it.”

Elizabeth smiled stiffly “I see.” She didn’t know anymore if she was relieved or disappointed that Lucas was gone. And for some reason the sound of Jeanie’s name only made her hand clamp the bucket handle tighter.

Could she be jealous? Even as the thought presented itself, she rejected it. That was just ridiculous. Jeanie was only a friend, just as Lee was a friend to her. Nothing more.


Lee’s voice broke her from her thoughts, and she turned to find him nervously tapping his fingers together. He’d apparently stopped his safari in the kitchen, and now approached her hesitantly.

“Look,” he started. “I don’t know what happened last night…and I know it’s none of my business, but….I’m here if you ever want to talk.”

Elizabeth was touched by his concern, yet the very thought of discussing what she was or wasn’t feeling in that moment was terrifying. Instead she flashed him what she hoped was a genuine smile. “Thank you.”

Lee tilted his head, his brow raised. “Are you alright?”

The question was simple, yet hit her harder than she’d thought it would. Glancing down to her left hand, the rings there stared back her, placing a heavy weight on her heart. She knew that Jack wanted her to find love again, and in all honesty, she found herself feeling more and more open to that possibility.

Yet something seemed to stop her. Uncertainty perhaps. Or maybe she just wasn’t ready yet. Or maybe she was, and it was that thought that made her heart stop cold.

Could that be the truth? Did her uncertainty arise because inside she knew that she was finally ready to love someone again? And could it be that she already did?

Stuffing her feelings down, she shrugged, turning back to the door. “I don’t really know anymore.”

Without waiting for an answer from Lee, she turned the doorknob, and stepped outside. Feeling something beneath her foot she stopped, and looked down. A small bouquet of wild flowers laid at her feet, tied off with a little red bow.

She stooped down and picked them up, finding a small card underneath. With trembling fingers, she reached for it, reading the small curly letters.

For the bravest woman I know.

Her heart swelled inside her, filling with warmth. Her fingers trailed over the letters gently. She knew exactly who the flowers were from. And that fact only made her even more conflicted about her “outing” for that night.



Jeanette strolled down the dirt path, her fishing pole in one hand, and a basket in the other. Despite her restless night worrying about her brother, the time off her feet had done her ankle a world of good. It felt nearly good as new. Now if only she could say the same thing about her spirits.

She had over-heard Nathan that morning asking Bill to reserve a table for him and Elizabeth. Apparently, the man had “plans” with the teacher for that night. Her blood boiled remembering the dumb shy smile that had been on his face.

She still kicked herself for not realizing that Nathan was the “other guy.” Well, that certainly explained his behavior during the movie night.

No wonder he wasn’t interested in a silly thing like her. He had his eyes set on the beautiful school teacher, and she didn’t blame him. She knew Elizabeth truly was a beautiful person, inside and out, though they’d barely had a chance to talk. She could see it in her eyes. A gentleness, and true concern for the people around her.

Yet despite the fact that Jeanette didn’t care a cent that that annoyingly handsome man wasn’t interested in her, she still grit her teeth. How dare this man interfere with her brother’s happiness! Well, he wouldn’t anymore. Not so long as she could help it.

Rounding the bend, Allie came into view skipping down the road toward her. Jeanette let her burning emotions slide, flashing the young girl a bright smile. Despite her current annoyance with the Allie’s uncle, Jeanette was thrilled to spend time with her. They’d hit it off right away during the movie night, and now had agreed to go fishing together.

“Hi, Jeanie!” Allie waved excitedly. Her eyes dropped to the basket Jeanette held in her hand. “What’s in there?”

Jeanette smiled, pulling it open for Allie to see. “Breakfast.”

Allie’s eyes lit up at the sight of fresh baked scones, and Jeanette couldn’t help but smile triumphantly. No matter how messy her life was, nothing would take away the satisfaction of making others happy with her baking.

A wide grin spread across Allie’s face. “We’re going to be great friends.” She then turned, and waved for Jeanette to follow. “Come on. I’ll show you my favorite fishing spot.”

They walked together through the woods, chatting about everything, and nothing in particular. Jeanette found Allie to be the perfect fishing companion. Children were so much simpler than adults. So much more forgiving, and less likely to judge. If only everyone was more like that.

Yet, she also found Allie to be very intelligent, kind, and fun. She had a wonderful sense of humor, and Jeanette soon wondered how such a wonderful child had been raised by that girl-stealing Mountie.

Suddenly a faint sound caught Jeanette’s ear, causing her to stop. She held up a hand, cutting Allie off mid-sentence. “Wait. Did you hear that?”

Allie stopped, seeming to try and hear what she might have. “Hear what?”

Jeanette strained her ears, attempting to hear above the rustling of leaves, and call of birds. She was so sure she’d heard it. Suddenly she heard it again. A small cry in the distance. Dropping everything she dashed toward it.

“Where are you going?” Allie called after her, and soon the tramping of leaves indicated that she was running after her.

“I think it’s coming from over here.” She called over her shoulder. Turning back, she gasped, sliding to a stop to avoid falling in the large hole that laid before her.

She breathed heavily, imagining what it would have felt like to plummet into such an abyss. What was it anyway? Giant holes didn’t just dig themselves in random parts of the woods.

A short pile of staggered stones curved around the other side, with a broken wood beam sticking up behind them. It must be an old well, she decided.

Kneeling into the cold, moist dirt, she peered down into the seemingly endless depths. Slowly her eyes adjusted, and she began to be able to make out what appeared to be the bottom. A small object moved there and she gasped at what her eyes saw.

By now Allie had finally caught up to her, panting hard as she came to a stop behind her. Jeanette turned and found that Allie had also brought the things she’d dropped in her frenzy. Before Allie even had a chance to speak, Jeanette reached a hand out.

“Hand me my basket.”

Still gasping for breath, she grabbed it and brought it to her. “Why?” Her eyes then popped open wide, as she looked down into the well. “Puppies!”

It was true. Two tiny little puppies waddled helplessly around in the bottom of the well, each crying out for help.

Allie kneeled down beside Jeanette. “How did they get down there?”

Jeanette busied herself, removing all the content from the basket. “They must have fell in there somehow.”

Allie looked to her helplessly. “What are we going to do?”

Jeanette stopped what she was doing, and turned to the girl, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “We’re going to get them out, that’s what.”

Allie’s brows pinched in confusion. “But how?”

Jeanette motioned back at their things behind them. “Go get my fishing pole.”

Allie seemed even more puzzled now, but retrieved the pole anyway. She winced as she handed it to her. “I don’t think that’s going to hold you.”

Jeanette smirked, pulling some of the line out. “It’s not for me.”

Quickly she took the fishing line and tied it to all four corners of her basket, eventually fastening it to the top of the handle. Giving it a good yank to make sure it was secure, she took one of the scones she’d packed, broke it in a few pieces, and placed them in the basket.

She smiled to herself. “No one has ever turned down one of my blueberry scones before.”

Carefully she began lowering the basket to the ground. Once she felt it hit the bottom, she watched to see if they’d take the bait. Immediately the pups found the basket and began cautiously inspecting it.

“Come on, little guys.” She coaxed. “I’ve got some treats for you.” Slowly one puppy began climbing into the basket.

Allie nearly bounced beside her. “It’s working.”

Suddenly the ground beneath Jeanette gave way, and she began sliding down into the dark hole. She screamed, pushing against the mud rushing beneath her, but still kept sliding. Finally, she landed with a thud onto the cold, wet ground.

She just laid there for a moment, still in shock from her fall.

“Jeanie!” Allie called anxiously. “Are you okay?”

Jeanette grunted, attempting to sit up. “Yeah.”  Her head spun, and her shoulder hurt, but nothing seemed too injured. She then looked back up from where she’d fallen, and winced. “But we may have a problem getting me back up.”

“I’ll go get my Uncle Nathan.” Allie called back, and immediately darted off.

“No wait!” Jeanette tried, but Allie had already gone. Sighing, she plopped back against the dirt wall behind her. Perfect.



Elizabeth clutched Little Jack tightly to her, as she strolled down the board walk with Carson. After examining Rosemary he’d agreed to escort her to the mercantile, since she was no longer allowed to go out on her own. Honestly, she was glad for the company, and felt much safer with Carson than she would have by herself.

Her mind still dwelled on his earlier diagnosis of Rosemary. “Are you sure there’s nothing we can do for her?”

Carson sighed, shoving his hands in his pockets. “I’m afraid not. Don’t worry though. I’ve already given her something to relieve the nausea. I’m sure she’ll be back on her feet very soon.”

Elizabeth gave a weak smile and nodded. She hoped he was right. They continued to walk on in silence for a bit, eventually reaching town.

They strolled down the road, when she spotted Kevin who stood next to the water tower. He smiled and nodded to them, but then she caught the rifle leaning next to him. She winced inside as her current situation refreshed itself in her brain for the thousandth time.

Everyone was going through so much trouble for her. She hated to be such a bother, yet at the same time couldn’t turn them down. Why was someone after her? What if they hurt Little Jack?

She had so many questions, with no answers in sight. It made her feel so helpless at times.

“You seem preoccupied.” Carson broke through her thoughts. “Any chance this has something to do with the break in?”

Was she that obvious? She sighed hopelessly. “I just don’t understand why this is happening to me.”

Carson’s brows pinched in thought. “Are you sure there isn’t anyone who might have a grudge against you? Maybe an old acquaintance from Hamilton, or a parent who disagreed with your teaching methods?”

Elizabeth shook her head. “No. That’s the problem.”

She’d been going over every possible person who she may have upset somehow. She’d even thought about anyone Jack may have offended while he was alive. After all, a Mountie’s line of work was bound to create at least a few enemies. Perhaps she should ask Bill to look into that.

Yet there was still the horrifying problem of her son being involved. She still got chills remembering Nathan handing Dog to her the other night. “Why would they target Jack?” She wondered aloud.

“It’s probably just a ploy to scare you.” Carson answered, clearly trying to ease her mind.

Elizabeth pressed her lips tight, pulling Jack closer to her. “Well, if that was their intention then they’ve succeeded.” She looked to her son, his precious face smiling up at her. Her stomach twisted. “Carson I’m worried.”

Carson looked to her gently, understanding in his gaze. “I know.”

Elizabeth looked back to her son, happily playing with his plush horse. “What if something were to happen to….”

Carson suddenly stopped, taking her arm gently. Elizabeth turned toward him, her brows raised. He looked her in the eyes, a soft yet confident gleam there. “Nothing is going to happen. Elizabeth you are surrounded by people who truly care about you and Jack. We are going to do everything in our power to keep you two safe.”

There was a quiet strength in his words, and Elizabeth wanted to believe him. Still her heart wouldn’t settle. How could she be sure?

He seemed to read her thoughts. “You pray every day for your son, don’t you?”

His question caught her off guard. “Yes.” She nodded. Of course, she did.

A gentle smile played across his face. “Then trust. I have complete faith that God will not let anything happen to you or your son.”

A gentle sense of peace began to fill her at his simple yet truth-filled statement. What would her worrying do? It was only making things worse, and robbing her of the peace that came from faith. Faith that God would protect her and her son as He’d done all throughout their lives.

She smiled gratefully up at Carson, feeling a bit silly that she hadn’t come to this realization a long time ago. Fear had a way of stealing a person’s common sense. “Thank you, Carson.”

Carson smiled back, his eyes telling her he understood. “Now I think a round of ice cream is in order for both of you.” He gave a wink. “Doctor’s orders.”

She couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her. “Well, I can’t argue with doctor’s orders.”

Carson chuckled. “No, you can’t.” They started off again, the afternoon suddenly seeming brighter than it had just a short moment ago.

They reached the boardwalk, and walked on into town. Carson lifted a hand, smiling at someone ahead. “Afternoon, Lucas.”

And immediately her stomach sunk again, as she found Lucas walking straight toward them. Oh, why did it have to be him? Just as she was able to let one problem go, another hit her smack dab in the face.

She still couldn’t help blushing as she again recalled what had happened the night before. The beautiful bouquet flashed before her eyes, as she remembered the sweet sentiment on the card. She had no doubt they both were from Lucas, which made the fact that he now stood in front of her even more awkward.

His shoulders sort of sagged a bit, as he gave Carson a rather stiff smile. “Afternoon.” His eyes then went to her. “Elizabeth.”

Elizabeth couldn’t quite bring herself to look him in the eye. He seemed to be searching her face, although she wasn’t sure what he hoped to find. Perhaps he was trying to figure out where they stood after….last night….

Carson looked curiously from her to Lucas, before graciously breaking the extremely awkward silence. “And where are you off to?”

Lucas turned to him, and Elizabeth felt she could breathe a little easier. He seemed hesitant to explain. “I have a…. business matter to attend to.”

Elizabeth’s brows furrowed, as she finally brought herself to look at him. “What kind of business?”

Lucas’ mouth opened, but his words seemed stuck to his tongue. She couldn’t help but notice the apprehension in his gaze. Finally, he spoke. “Where are you two heading?”

Elizabeth felt her chest constrict as he completely switched to a new topic. What was he hiding? Carson continued on, ignoring the fact that Lucas had failed to answer her question.

“Rosemary’s not feeling well, so I offered to escort Elizabeth to the mercantile to pick up a few things.”

Lucas’s eyes widened slightly. “Is she okay?”

“She’ll be fine after some rest.” Carson assured him. “I believe it’s just a stomach bug.”

Lucas nodded, concern lining his eyes. “I’m sorry to hear that. Well, I can come with you if you’d like.” His eyes glanced toward her and Little Jack, and Elizabeth caught the worry in his dark depths. Perhaps even a spark of hope rested there.

Yet she was in no way ready to interact with him beyond quick and awkward greetings as they passed each other in the street. Not to mention her engagement for later that night kept niggling in the back of her mind, making her stomach clench tighter and tighter.

“Thank you,” She quickly interjected. “But we don’t want to keep you from your…. business matter….”

His shoulders dropped in apparent disappointment, as he smiled stiffly. “As you wish.” He gave her one last glance before, looking down the road. “Excuse me.” He then started off again down the boardwalk.

Elizabeth watched him walk away, her heart feeling so conflicted inside. Carson looked from her to Lucas. “Is everything okay?”

She sighed helplessly. “I’m not sure.”



Nathan opened the jail door, tossing his gloves on top of a crate. He nodded to Bill who sat at the desk, cleaning his pistol. Somehow that man continued to find a reason to need that desk.

Bill raised his brows in question. “How’d it go?”

Nathan shook his head wearily, laying his hat down on the desk. “Not a trace.”

Bill nodded. “Me either. If this guy really is after Elizabeth then he’s not messing around.”

“Or Lucas scared him off.” Nathan couldn’t help the annoyance in his voice. Honestly what was that guy thinking? He could have been shot, not to mention he just showed the crook that people are onto him. Now they may never catch him. Obviously, Lucas Bouchard cared way more about impressing Elizabeth than he did about her safety.

Angrily Nathan paced the jail floor. “Did you know he showed up last night?”

Bill just continued cleaning, barely blinking at his words. “I figured as much.”

“Wait.” Nathan stopped, his eyes widening. “You knew he was going out there?”

Bill sighed, laying the pistol on the desk. “He cornered me last night after you left about the break in.” He grimaced, apparently remembering the conversation. “He wasn’t pleased to put it lightly.”

Nathan ran a hand back through his hair. “How did he even find out?”

“I saw him and Jeanie talking before he confronted me.” Bill replied.

“Of course.” Nathan rolled his eyes. That girl seemed to be a magnet for trouble. “I told her not to tell anyone.”

Bill rose from the chair, reaching for a rifle leaning against the wall behind him. “I get the feeling Jeanie isn’t the kind of girl who likes to take orders. Even if it’s for her own good.”

He walked over to the gun cabinet to put the rife away. Nathan slowly followed him, unsure how to voice his question. Jeanie had been a mystery to him ever since her arrival. It wasn’t just the fact that he knew nothing about her. She was hiding something. He could see it in her eyes.

Finally, he found the courage to ask his question. “What do you know about Jeanie, anyway?”

Bill stopped what he was doing, seeming almost startled by his words, and turned to look at him. “Not as much as I’d like to.” He grunted, before closing the cabinet. He then started toward him, his stance almost as if he was on guard. “Why?”

“I don’t know.” Nathan shrugged, suddenly feeling the need to be cautious. Why did Bill seem almost annoyed with his question? “I mean,” Nathan hesitated. “She just comes riding into town out of the blue, claiming to be some childhood friend of Lucas’…”

Bill crossed his arms, leaning back against the desk. “Just because she’s a friend of Lucas doesn’t mean she’s trouble.”

“No,” Nathan answered quickly, rolling his eyes. “I’m not saying that. I just….I get the feeling that there’s more to her than she lets on.”

Bill’s lips pressed tightly together, as he shook his head slightly. “Well, having someone burn your business down can leave a person scarred, if that’s what you mean.”

“Wait.” Nathan’s eyes grew wide. “Someone burnt her business down?” This sounded way too familiar. An event from two years ago flashed through his mind.

That was it. Suddenly It all made sense now.

“She’s Jeanette, isn’t she?” He didn’t know how he hadn’t seen it before. “The woman Amos was after.”

Bill refused to look him in the eye at first, his expression un-readable. Nathan watched carefully, trying to decipher his thoughts. Finally, Bill sighed, and began walking slowly toward him, his expression serious.

“Nathan, I can’t tell you why, but believe me when I say you need to let this go.”

Bill’s words felt like a stone sinking into Nathan’s stomach. So, he had been right about, Jeanie…or Jeanette…whoever she was. Nathan raised a brow, concern stirring in his chest. “Is she in trouble?”

“I’m not ready to say just yet.” Bill answered quickly, holding his hand up. “I need to do a little more digging first, but you can’t tell anyone what you know.” His voice was firm, his eyes telling him how serious the situation was. “Understand?”

Nathan had never seen Bill act this way toward him. The guy could be tough sometimes, but when it came to the law, and protecting Hope Valley they usually could come together and find a way to solve the problem. Now Bill was asking him to back off.

Nathan realized the situation must be really bad if Bill refused to tell him anything. But he needed to know more. What if Jeanie was in trouble? What if the whole town was?

Suddenly the jail door flung open, and Allie ran inside. “Uncle Nathan!”

Nathan nearly jumped toward his niece. “Allie? What’s wrong?”

“It’s Jeanie.” She panted, causing Nathan’s gut to twist. She hunched over, trying to catch her breath, yet started rambling on. “We were walking in the woods when she heard a noise and we found these puppies in a hole, and….”

“Whoa.” Nathan gently grabbed her shoulders, attempting to calm her.  “Just slow down. What happened to Jeanie?”

Allie took a breath, her eyes wide. “She fell in a hole.”

    And there we have it! I hope this has been a blessing to you! Feel free to comment your thoughts below in the comments or on m Twitter page! I love hearing from you guys! Have an amazing weekend! God Bless!

P.S. In case you didn't know....(Alright, alright...stop singing Brett Young Lol!) the Heart and Family Mercantile is having one of its biggest sales yet! 25% OFF EVERYTHING until tonight at midnight! You can find fun graphic designs, team merch for WCTH Season 8 to root your favorite guy on, and products to show your Heartie pride! Hurry on over before the sale ends! https://shop.spreadshirt.com/heart-and-family-mercantile


  1. Really enjoyed this chapter! When you tweeted on Wednesday that you'd have a surprise on Friday - I was really hoping this was it :) The new art looks great too!

    Elizabeth really needs to sort out her feelings and realize that she has the most ideal man waiting patiently for her. I'm hoping this dinner with Nathan helps her make progress in that direction. Will this dinner end up happening? If so, will Lucas find out about it? If so, how will he react? I'm so curious to see how this goes!

    Jeanie and Nathan seem like a really good potential pairing. I've always thought Nathan needs a more spirited girl to bring him out of his shell. Hopefully Jeanie can be that girl. I'm also dying to know what will become of the puppies :) Excited to find out what happens next!

    1. Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'm also glad you like the new cover! (I was excited to share it for the first time!)

      Elizabeth certainly has a LOT of emotions going on right now. Lol! She really needs to get some clarity.

      I'm also happy to hear you're enjoying Jeanie and Nathan's storyline. Adding my own "made up" character of sorts was a little risky, but Jeanie is just such a sweet and fun character! I also think it would be so fun to Nathan in a similar type of relationship on the show. Plus the fact that he'd become Lucas' brother-in-law if he married Jeanie is way too fun! Lol! I just love that idea!

      Thank you so much for the review and your wonderful support! Have an amazing weekend! God Bless!

  2. Ok...exhale...I was so excited when I saw your post and we had such a busy day running errands today I was upset I couldn't read it right away. But, I finally got to it a bit ago. And let me tell you- it was so worth the wait!!

    Elizabeth is sooo taken by Lucas! That girl just needs to open her eyes to what is right in front of her. And I wonder what his little business matter is...hmmm, perchance it has something to do with Elizabeth? Hopefully, we will find out soon.

    What is wrong with Rosemary? I was hoping she was pregnant, but we will just have to wait until you decide to tell us. Hopefully she will be just fine.

    Jeanie is just so darn fun! I can hardly wait until everyone finds out she is Lucas' sister- Nathan especially! I have added my own characters in both of my stories- it is using your creative license to make the story more yours, since the other characters already exist. It's also a way of using your writing talent to add character development since the other characters have already been developed. She is a great character, and I love that you added her to your art headline. It looks wonderful.

    So, now Nathan has to go save Jeanie- again. Those two belong together, if for no other reason than Nathan can keep her safe.

    I have wracked my brain trying to figure out who is after Elizabeth. You have me stumped!! And I'm a good analyst so that's something. Really excited to see who it is.

    Thank you for posting. I enjoyed every word. Looking forward to the next one. :)

    1. Aww! Thanks, girl! I'm so happy you enjoyed the chapter!

      Lol! Yes, if for nothing else Nathan needs to be with Jeanie to keep her out of trouble! (She just tends t find so much of it. :D ) And your so right! Adding characters allows us to add our own mark on the story as all the other characters already exist with their own personality, and history. (And it's just so much fun!)

      And Elizabeth sure does have a lot of feelings and emotions to sort through right now. Lol! If only she could see how perfect Lucas is.... (I mean in my story of course....I wasn't at all meaning the show.... ;)

      Thank you so much for reading, the review, and your wonderful support! Have a great weekend! God Bless!

  3. you have no idea how much time i hope for the continuation of your story! thank you ...
    the chemistry that we all see on the screen between Lucas and Elizabeth was all transcribed! rsrrsrr ... Br Bird that you take care kkkkkk ....
    I can't wait for their kiss !!! And the way Lucas treated her on the street in front of Carson was very funny and quite the face of them both, disguise and at the same time play a hint! kkk anyway, loved it!

    1. Thank you so much! I'm so glad you're enjoying the story! And I may already have E&L's first kiss plotted out.... (Wink, wink.) God Bless!


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