What's Next For Bill Avery?


    Hello, hello and happy Wednesday Hearties! I hope you've been having a splendiferous week so far! I'm back to continue my "What's Next" series, and today I'll be talking about no one else then good old Bill Avery.

    Bill has really taken on a new role these past two seasons since Abigail left. Now instead of her being the "mother of Hope Valley" in a sense, Bill has become what I like to refer to as the "father of Hope Valley." He's always got his friends' and even the town's back, and is such a sweet and caring guy underneath all that gruff.

So let's dive right in, shall we?





    This tends to be my response for every WCTH character, but I can’t help it. Lol! Bill has had his fair share of love interests during his time on the show. Abigail (That one’s weird to think about now. Lol!) Dottie Ramsey, and of course my favorite AJ Foster. (I'm not including Nora as Bill wasn't really in love with her when she showed up.)

    Now AJ hasn’t been seen in Hope Valley since (Wait for it…) Season 5! Boy! She hasn’t been seen since before Jack died! So I think it’s high time she came back. Now of course I have no idea if she will or not. We already have quite a lot going on in the romance department. (Cough…the triangle…cough…) So, I’m not sure how good her chances of returning are.

    However I think it would be such a fun plot twist if Bill got to see her again somehow, even if it was just for a couple episodes. After all it's been years, so her prison term could be up by now. 

    I don't know how this would happen, but I think it could be fun if she was somehow in some legal trouble (None of it being her fault of course) and Bill was called to be the judge over the trial. I can just imagine the scenes that would take place. Bill wanting to protect the woman he loves, while the bad guy accuses him of being biased because he's in love with AJ.

    However, should AJ not come back, the writers could mix things up a bit and maybe bring in a woman from Bill’s past. She wouldn’t have to be his new love interest. She could even turn out to be a villain! But I think it could be fun to bring in someone from Bill’s past, possibly intertwining them with Bill’s job as a judge.



More Judging


    I’d also like to see more of Judge Bill. We saw him take care of Gowen’s case with his “sour oil” mix up. We also got to see the idea of Hope Valley forming a jury. So maybe this season we could actually see that jury in action.

    Perhaps Bill could get a really big and complex court case that would take at least two episodes to deal with. He then could bring in a jury, and I can already imagine what would take place as the members of Hope Valley would have to decide if the accused was guilty or not.

    I can see the majority being convinced that the accused person is guilty while Lee and Bill think the opposite. There are so many story possibilities to be explored here, and could make for an interesting plot line.


More Comedic Moments



    Remember the time Bill babysat Little Jack with Lee, uninvited? And remember that time Bill had to team up with Lucas after badmouthing the saloon to save both of their businesses? Well, that’s what I’m hoping to see more of in Season 8! No, not Ned’s ulcer acting up. More fun, and comedic moments with Bill! Lol!

    The guy just has this fun, tough/dry sense of humor about him, and honestly he can be pretty cut-throat at times. I just re-watched WCTH S7 Ep. 2, and ouch! I mean, seriously Bill? Telling Archie that the saloon’s food is unsafe, right in front of Lucas? I wanted to kick that man in the shin right then. :D

    But seriously Jack Wagner has a great sense of humor and brings a smile to my face with his grumpy/mischievous ways. So I’m hoping to get some more funny moments with him in Season 8. Maybe he could babysit Little Jack again. The problem is he isn’t so “little” anymore, and he may give Bill a run for his money. Lol!



More "Father Bill" Moments


    Along with all the shenanigans I’d like to see, I’d also like to see some more heart-felt moments. As I said before, Bill has really become the "father of Hope Valley." We’ve gotten some sweet and touching scenes between him and Elizabeth since Jack died, as well as that tear-jerking moment Clara asked Bill to walk her down the aisle. He almost treats Elizabeth and Clara like they're the daughters he never had. He takes care of them, becoming their shoulder to cry on, and someone they can always count on for advice and support.

    So this next season I’d hope to see some more of those moments. Maybe he could tell Little Jack about his father, and what a brave man he was. Or maybe he’ll be the one to have a heart-to-heart talk with Elizabeth about the love triangle, since someone else can’t…. (No! I didn’t say it was Abigail! Opps…)

    Bill may act tough on the outside (Which he is, to be honest) but I think we can all agree that inside he’s a big old teddy bear. He cares so much about the people in his life, and would really do anything for them.






    And finally I would love to see some more bandits come to Hope Valley that Bill and Nathan would have to catch. I guess this is more of me wanting more danger and drama, but you all know that Bill may be the one to catch the baddies. Lol!

    The last robber was in Season 6, and so I think Hope Valley is due for another dose of criminal activity. Perhaps another bank robber, or maybe even someone else passing out counterfeit money. It's been awhile since we've seen that plot line.

    Honestly I would absolutely love to see an old criminal come back for vengeance! Someone like Ray Wyatt who's broken out of prison and is back to get revenge on everyone who caused him problems. People like Bill, Gowen, AJ, and even Elizabeth! That would make for such a dramatic plot twist!



    Well, that’s it! These are just a few things I hope to see happen next season for Hope Valley’s beloved judge. Feel free to comment your hopes and dreams for Bill below in the comments or on my Twitter page! I'd love to hear your ideas! Have a wonderful day and God Bless!

    P.S. Did you see the latest merch design? Feel free to stop by my shop and check it out, and save 15% on your order while the sale lasts! https://shop.spreadshirt.com/heart-and-family-mercantile



  1. Oh...Bill...

    As you may or may not know, I have had the hugest crush on Jack Wagner for decades now- Frisco Jones...sigh...

    So, of course I love Bill Avery!! The unkind moments with Lucas I could have done without, but he is so darn adorable and funny most of the time.

    I like your ideas, I have even used a couple of them in my new story, and one in my last story--I won't tell you which ones. :)

    I keep seeing folks want AJ to come back and I guess I must be the only fan of the show that never liked them together (perhaps that is just a bit of jealousy on my part...hmmm). Perhaps Nora had a child after they split up and never told him about it...( maybe that's a bit too soap opera-ish).

    Great blog! Any storyline with Bill is better than none. Won't be long now until we find out if they decide to do more with him this season.


    1. Ooo! Someone having a child they never knew about may be soap opera-ish but who cares! Lol! I actually think that storyline would be good for Henry Gowen, but it would be so dramatic and such a plot twist either way!

      AJ is one of my favorites when it comes to Bill's past love interests but I wouldn't be totally against the writers bringing in someone new. I originally was more okay with him being with Abigail (Then again that was back when I was watching Seasons 1-2) but then the idea became more weird as time went on. (Of course that's not a problem anymore)

      I absolutely did NOT want him with either Dottie or Nora. So my vote is either AJ or someone new.

      I'm so stinking excited to find out what Season 8 holds for us Hearties! Thank you for reading and the comment! God Bless!


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