5 of My Favorite Hallmark Christmas Movies


    Happy Wednesday Hearties! I don't know about you, but I think Fall is making its presence known as it is COLD!!! Yuck! Of course it makes for perfect "stay inside and drink hot cocoa days" so, who am I to complain? :)

    Any who, as for today's blog post I know that Hallmark Channel is in full on Christmas movie mode right now. As usual they're cranking out a ton of new movies every weekend. I'm currently watching A Timeless Christmas and very much enjoying it! (But no spoilers please as I haven't finished it yet. Lol!)

    So for today's post I thought I'd list a few of my all time favorite Hallmark movies for you guys! BTW this is a mixture of movies from Hallmark Channel and Hallmark Movies and Mysteries. Just so you know! :)

    Right! Let's get started! (Beware as there are a couple spoilers below.)




Debbie Macomber's Dashing Through the Snow



    Now this is such a cute movie, and comes from Hallmark Movies and Mysteries. First off we have Andrew Walker and Meghan Ory paired together. I am a huge Andrew Walker fan, so of course that scored this movie points right off the bat. I haven't seen a whole lot of Meghan Ory but she was SO good in this movie! 

    The story is about Ashley who is simply trying to spend the holidays with her family in Seattle. Through a series of events she ends up having to share a car with Dash Sutherland (A complete stranger) and they start falling for each other as they journey together. Of course little does Ashley know that she's being tailed by federal agents who think she's up to no good.

    This movie is so fun! I love Ashley's bubbliness and positive personality! She is so quirky, and brought so much humor when paired with the mysterious and sort of grinchy Dash. And the whole plot about the federal agents tailing her was such a fun plot twist. 

    I also loved the romance in this one, and Andrew and Meghan had great chemistry! They worked very well together, and I'd totally be up for them being paired again in another movie. And to top everything off we even got puppies in this movie! 

    The whole plot was lots of fun, and even had a bit of mystery weaved in.


Once Upon a Christmas Miracle 


    The next movie actually comes from Hallmark Movies and Mysteries as well, but like I said this list is a mixture. This movie right off the bat is different from the others as not only is it based off a true story, (Which is always a fun bonus) but it deals with a more serious issue. That issue being life or death.

    Aimee Teegarden plays Heather Krueger who finds out she needs a liver transplant to save her life. Her family then pitches in to find a "living donor" when in walks Chris Dempsey (Brett Dalton) a complete stranger who volunteers to donate half his liver to her. And let the romance ensue.....

    First off I loved that this movie had a bit more grit to it than some of the others. I mean, don't get me wrong I love a good rom-com but I also enjoy a more dramatic story just as much. And then we have the two leads....

    Guys, these two are just cute! They're both such sweet and caring people willing to sacrifice everything for the ones they love. (Or even complete strangers!) Chris is such a sweetheart! I mean, wow! I think everyone wants a person like that in their life! He was just so thoughtful, giving, and kind. And not to mention he has such a fun sense of humor. 

    Him and Heather had great chemistry together and made such a sweet couple! Add the whole storyline of Heather being sick, and both of them having to go through surgery, meanwhile becoming best friends! (Aww!) It really is such a sweet story!

A Cookie Cutter Christmas



    Now I'm going to be honest here. It took me awhile before I could bring myself to watch this one. And before you grab your pitchforks to defend Erin, please know it was totally not her that kept me from watching this movie. She actually is a huge reason to give this movie a watch as she was great! I just personally am not a huge fan of David Haydn-Jones, the leading male in this movie, and usually my liking of the leads is a big factor when it comes to my choice of movie.

    However last year I saw some Hearties talking about it on Twitter and finally decided, "What the heck? I'll give it a shot!" And boy am I glad I did! Oh my goodness, guys! It's hilarious! I am such a sucker for Hallmark's comedic movies and this one was so fun!

    The whole plot is about two best friends turned rivals (Erin Krakow and Miranda Frigon) who are both trying to get the attention of the new single dad in town. They then both enter a cookie contest and have to compete against each other....the only problem is Christie (Erin's character) has no idea how to bake.

    Now I won't spoil much about the movie, (You'll just have to watch it yourself. :) but it is such a fun one. Erin Krakow was on point! I love her sass and quirkiness, and she out did herself here! I also love watching Miranda Frigon in Hallmark movies, especially if she's playing the "other woman" so to speak. Her and Erin's rivalry was great, actually cringy at times, but in a good way. Like "I can't believe they're doing this," kind of way. Lol!

    And boy, oh, boy were there a LOT of WCTH actresses in this one! Obviously Erin is one, (Duh) but there was also Gracyn Shinyei who plays Emily, Jaeda Lily Miller who plays Allie (Oh, she was so little and cute!) as well as Genae Charpentier who plays Laura. (Who in this movie played David Haydn-Jones's daughter, Lily.) Like I said. There are a lot of WCTH actresses here.

    All in all this was such a fun movie, and I absolutely recommend giving it a watch!

A December Bride



    Now for those of you who know how I felt about Jack and Elizabeth, this movie may not come as a surprise to you. Yes, Daniel Lissing's debut Hallmark movie has made the list, and it's a good one guys.

    The story is centered around Layla (Played by Jessica Lowndes ) an aspiring interior designer who has to attend the wedding of her cousin...who's marrying Layla's ex-fiancé. (Ouch!) She then agrees to go to the wedding with Seth (Daniel Lissing and the man who introduced her cousin to her ex-fiancé) who then gets carried away and tells everyone that him and Layla are engaged. (Commence the lying and pretending to be a couple.)

    This is my favorite of Daniel's two Hallmark Christmas movies. It was cute, funny, plus Daniel and Jessica had good chemistry together. I am not a fan of Jessica Lowndes, but she worked well in this role. I also loved Seth's sense of humor. Lol! (Oh, Dan....Why has it been so long since you made a Hallmark movie?)

    This movie has your usual "pretend couple" tropes, but who doesn't love the fun of two people acting like they're in love while actually falling for each other? :) I loved the romance, as well as the added plotlines of Layla working to forgive her cousin, while competing with her old boss.

    Ever since this movie aired it has become a tradition for me and my friends to watch it every Christmas season. I totally recommend it!

Snow Bride


    And for my final selection I have this wonderfully funny and entertaining movie. I mean, honestly guys, Hallmark doesn't make them like this anymore. If you haven't figured it out by now, I am very much a fan of rom-coms, and this was definitely one of those. The humor was great, as was the sweet, though unconventional romance.

    The story is about Greta, (Katrina Law) a tabloid reporter who is challenged by her boss to get the scoop on the Tannehill's two sons, one of whom might be proposing marriage. She then, through a crazy sequence of events ends up posing as the older son, Ben's, girlfriend. (Played by Jordan Belfi, who has no idea that she's a reporter.) Oh, and she's competing with her rival reporter co-worker to get the story first. (No, pressure.) But the more she gets to know the family, the more guilty she feels about her subterfuge....How will it end?!?

    I actually started re-watching this movie just today, and I am re-discovering just how fun it is all over again. Greta is such a cute and quirky character here, with a cutthroat determination to beat her rival. You just can't help but smile as you watch her antics, and her fake relationship with Ben makes for such a great story. Obviously, I'm always a sucker for those kinds of stories, and this one was no different.

    There are lots of twists and turns to entertain, and make me wonder how is it going to end. I really enjoyed Greta and Ben's romance and they made such a sweet couple! Greta is so bold and adventurous, and you never know what she'll do next. Meanwhile Ben is more shy, and reserved, but lots of fun, and has a kind and generous heart. 

But above all else the crazy plotlines, and the wonderful humor is what really sets this movie apart from the others. Honestly I wish Hallmark would make more movies with this level of charm and comedy, as it is just a really fun, and sweet movie.

    And there we have it! Just a few of my favorite Hallmark Christmas movies! I definitely recommend all of them to you guys if you haven't seen them! Thank you all so much for reading! Feel free to comment your favorite Hallmark Christmas movies below or on my Twitter page! God Bless!

    P.S. Need some new holiday PJs? How about these? Feel free to stop by and check out the new WCTH inspired pajamas in my shop! https://shop.spreadshirt.com/heart-and-family-mercantile/women+pajamas?q=P58



  1. I haven't seen some of these. December Bride is one of my favs also. I also like Christmas Scavenger Hunt, probably my fav with Kevin McGarry. Many of Lacey Chabert's I like.

    Probably my fav from Hallmark is Christmas Getaway. The hubby and I used to love The Last Ship and the two main actors were on that show- not as a couple. So, we were excited to see they were in a Christmas movie together. We have seen it several times, and twice this year already.

    I was actually disappointed in A Timeless Christmas. I thought I would love it as I love both actors, but I just didn't like them together. Go figure.

    Great post!! :)

    1. Thanks, Sue! I have seen Christmas Scavenger Hunt, and some of Christmas Getaway. (It was one of those movies I caught the end of on TV.) I also enjoy a bunch of Lacey's movies as well, and I'm really excited for her new one, Christmas Waltz, with Will Kemp!

      I haven't finished A Timeless Christmas, but it's been the best movie I've seen out of Hallmark's new Christmas movies so far. The others have just failed to pull me in sadly. Hopefully Christmas Waltz will outdo them all! :)

      Thank you so much for reading and for the comment! God Bless!

  2. I actually haven't seen the first two movies yet. I'll have to check them out. December Bride and Snow Bride are two of my favorites as well. I like, but don't love A Cookie Cutter Christmas. I think one of the best Hallmark Christmas movies is Journey Back to Christmas. Very well done. However, the one my sister and I love watching at any time of the year is The Nine Lives of Christmas. Some of the lines in that movie crack us up no matter how many times we've seen it (i.e., "You're a double hero.") My sister has gone from thinking that Brandon Routh was a really bad actor to believing that his delivery makes for some very good dry humor and actually fits his character. It's certainly cheesy, but yet endearing as well.

    1. Oh, I love The Nine Lives of Christmas! Such a fun movie! It may be cheesy, but you gotta love it, right? Lol! I really love Hallmark's more comedic movies, and they have some great ones!

      Thank you so much for reading and the comment! God Bless!


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