What's Next For Fiona?

     Hey, Hearties and welcome to another Wednesday! I hope you're all doing well!

    So among all of the Lucas vs. Nathan debates going on and whether or not the triangle has been resolved or not (It hasn't IMO. Lol!) is another looming question among Hearties. Who should Fiona end up with? So far she doesn't seem to have a permanent guy in her life and things have been left wide open with her getting fired from her job. And so I thought I could do a post listing a couple options for her future in Season 8. (Romance and non romance related. :)

Career Options

    So it would appear that running the telephone in Hope Valley is out. This is sad as she is a good fit for that job. It's too bad she can't just keep running things with Florence and Molly

    Anyway, there are a couple options open to this girl.

The Cafe

    Someone NEEDS to help Bill and Clara out! I'm sure they'd definitely be willing to hire Fiona, and as we've seen she can at least cook pancakes so maybe she has some cooking skills under her belt too. Now Fiona seems a bit more city-like to be working in a western town cafe, but I think she could do it. I can see her working with Bill in the kitchen, and serving food with Clara. Maybe this could be a starting job. Just something to help her pay the bills while she figures out what she really wants to do.

The Dress Shop

    She seems to know what she likes in a skirt, and actually inspired a whole new line of them at Dottie's Dress Shop. Maybe she could join Rosemary and Clara and become a clothing designer. Of course we don't know if she can sew yet but I can absolutely see her knowing how. After all she has a LOT of siblings, and so I can see sewing being a skill she was either taught or picked up out of necessity. She would fit right in as Rosemary and Clara are the woman she's the closest with other then Florence. She could bring her city flair and help design new cutting edge fashions for the women of Hope Valley.

The Saloon

    Lucas has got his hands completely full now that he owns Gowen Petroleum. It's going to be a full time job figuring out how to save that company and help everyone keep their jobs. He's definitely going to need some people to help run the saloon. Now I have two thoughts on Fiona working at the saloon.

    First off, that definitely seems more her style than working at the cafe, and I think she could do well at the saloon. She's got that spunk and fire for it, and could keep things fun and entertaining. But....

    Lucas owns the saloon, the love triangle is undecided at this point, and Fiona is still single.... I do not, let me repeat, do NOT want the writers to set up a future romance for those two!!!! Even if my hopes are dashed and Elizabeth picks Nathan I still DO NOT want Lucas and Fiona as a couple. Period. (Clears throat.) So while I think Fiona would definitely work well helping out at the saloon, it can only happen if her and Lucas remain strictly friends IMO. They can even become like brother and sister if the writers wanted (Which actually could be cute) but please, oh please no romance for them!

Her Own Hair Salon

    This is an idea that Hearties may have had since Season 6. Ever since she taught Clara how to style hair it's been a thing that she could go and open Hope Valley's first hair salon. And I have a feeling the ladies would definitely use it! Plus combine Fiona's rather.... curious nature I'll put it...with some of these HV women's love of gossip and that place would become the place to get the scoop on the latest happenings around town. (As your average TV salon is. Lol!)
     I can see this idea working for Fiona. I mean it's not too often that the ladies talk about their hair, or we see them doing their own hair, but I think it could be fun to watch them gather and chit-chat. Lots of fun and humorous moments would ensue for sure!

The Oil Company

    Different Hearties have brought up this idea of Fiona helping Lucas with the struggling oil company as he has no idea what to do. I can see her helping yet at the same time...I don't know about this one.
    First I have the same issue with the writers possibly using this to put Lucas and Fiona together. (NO!) And secondly I have no idea if that girl knows squat about oil. I mean obviously she's somewhat mechanically minded since she's installed the telephones in town, but other than that I have nothing to prove she'd be any help. Of course that doesn't mean that she couldn't have a wealth of knowledge about oil. Who knows? Maybe her father is in the oil business too and she learned a thing or two from him. I just don't know at this point. But either way, it's not my first choice for her as a potential job, mainly due to Lucas being the one who she'd be working with. :)

Potential Love Interests

    Along with her career options there is also a list of potential love interests for this girl. (Boy, her horizons are wide!) And so lets take a look at her prospects...

Side Note: Pastor Zeke did not make this list, but until I see some proof that he's actually coming back it may not matter anyway.


    Alright, I'm just going to get him out of the way. It's kind of a thing right now that if your Team Nathan you want Fiona with Lucas and vise versa if your Team Lucas. Whether it's just natural as they want all competition away from their guy or they genuinely want that guy and her together, it's just kind of become a thing. You by now know my response to a potential Lucas and Fiona romance. (NO!) And as I said earlier even if Elizabeth doesn't pick Lucas, the idea of him and Fiona does NOT thrill me.

    Now it's possible I could like Chris McNally and Kayla Wallace in their own Hallmark movie playing the leads, but when it comes down to their characters in WCTH...no. Just no.

    Fiona just isn't what I imagined for Lucas. (Of course I am Team Lucas so that doesn't help....) If I should have to watch Lucas go with someone other than Elizabeth I'm picturing this sweet, innocent, and fun girl to come in who Lucas would fall madly for. Now I'm not saying Fiona isn't sweet or innocent, she just doesn't have the personality I'm thinking of. A friend of mine once described the girl I'm thinking of as Maria from the Sound of Music. Lol! But that helps paint the picture of what I have in mind. (But only should Elizabeth not pick Lucas of course!) Either way, my answer regarding Lucas and Fiona as a potential couple is just no. (Feel free to disagree with me, as this is just my opinion!)


    I may puzzle some Hearties with my next statement, especially if they're Team Lucas, but I'm not really a huge fan of this potential match either. (Sorry, I don't have a pic of them together) It's just my own personal opinion, but I'd prefer to see both Nathan and Fiona with someone else. But I'm WAY more open to them as a couple than I am for Lucas and Fiona!

    Fiona hasn't had very much interaction with our red serge wearing man, and so that doesn't help my opinion on the two. They could maybe be cute, but again personally I'd prefer someone else for both of them. Once more Fiona just isn't what I had in mind for Nathan, but to be honest no one in Hope Valley is exactly what I have in mind for either of them. Lol! Anyhow, I'd much rather see her with Nathan than Lucas. :)


    We've already gotten some moments with these two this past season, but it didn't really get too far. He's still in the running though. All isn't lost for this fella. However the writers have really left things open for anything to happen really.

    As for Kevin being a potential match for Fiona....yeah I'm going to say no again. I'm sorry but none of these guys are exactly who I want for her. There is a sea of single guys in this town and NONE of them fit the bill for me! (Sigh....) Anyhow, as for my reasons for not wanting Kevin it's pretty simple. He just wasn't very interesting to me. I mean he's a nice guy no doubt, and would probably try and lasso the moon if Fiona asked him to, but he was just a flatter character to me. Of course the writers could totally transform him for next season, but again he's just lacking that spunk and interest to make me root for him. (Sorry Kevin!)


    Maybe this guy would become more of a main character if him and Fiona had a romance. I don't know how many people have thought about this guy for her or how many people would be open to them as a couple, but he's single and ready to mingle so why not add him. :D

    In my honest opinion there are two different types of guys I can see her with.

    1. The lovable goof-ball

    2. A rugged man with a quick wit

    The first one fits more with our Hickam. Fiona would keep him on his toes, wouldn't she? We've already seen how he acted around Rosemary. (Total puppy-dog. Lol!) And I can see him acting the same around Fiona. Again is he my first pick for her? No, but I just thought I'd throw him out there.

    As for the second personality I brought up, no one in Hope Valley really fits the bill for me yet. I'm picturing this tall rugged guy (Either a lumber guy, or a cowboy of some sorts) who comes in and has this instant attraction to her. He'd be someone who would challenge Fiona and she could challenge him.
    Now did I just create one of the most cliche storylines of, "city girl meets country boy?" Yes. Would I watch it and root for them? Yes, if done right. Now I of course don't know the exact guy for Hallmark to get for the role. Maybe someone like Nick Bateman from Hallmark's, A Brush with Love, or a young Greg Vaughan type guy. (Saw him as Aaron in Love's Christmas Journey and so that's the character I'm basing him off of.) Or maybe a cross between them? Just someone tall, dark, and can give her some sass. :)

    And this last suggestion is sort of random but while looking through actors he caught my eye. What about Benjamin Hollingsworth? He was in A Godwink Christmas: Meant for Love, A Wish Come True, and is in the upcoming Hallmark premiere, Love Under the Olive Tree. I've seen him in multiple movies, and know the type of guy he usually plays. They could maybe work. I'm not sure what his character would be in WCTH. Maybe a lawyer, or he could become a permanent employee of Ned Yost? Either way, it was just a thought. :)

    So there we have it! Just a few thoughts on what could be (And what I hope isn't) in Fiona's future! Feel free to tell me your thoughts on what you hope is next for her!

    Thank you so much for reading! God Bless!


  1. Well, here I go. I know you haven't read my fanfic yet, but I will throw a couple of things from it here to give you my perspective.

    First of all, I had Fiona open a hair salon. I see you listed that here, and I think it's the best option. I did have her originally working at the dress shop for a bit before doing so.

    Secondly, its a big no from me for Lucas and Fiona as well. Absolutely no chemistry there. Did you see his response to her leaving town? It was basically nothing.

    I had high hopes for Kevin and her. Again, nada.

    Never thought of Hickam, that actually might be sweet.

    My thought is they will put her with Nathan. Yes, we only had a couple of moments in the train station to see them together, but I think that was put there for a reason. I mean seriously, why have them interact at all like that when they haven't before? I don't know if I will love them or not, but I would like to see more scenes together to make a better determination. I believe I heard they might possibly put Fiona with whoever Elizabeth doesn't choose, so there's that.

    Here's what I don't like. Whether you are team Nathan or team Lucas trying to push the other character off on Fiona like she is some kind of consolation prize. Fiona should be second to no one. She is a strong character. And if you think the man you don't like for Elizabeth is boring, or shady- why would you want that kind of man for Fiona?

    In my fanfic, I am putting her with Nathan- eventually. I just think that he really came out of his shell when talking to her at the train station and was totally comfortable. Could be a cute match. And I love Nathan, just not for Elizabeth.

    Great blog, as always. Thanks!! :)

  2. Thank you! (And you're welcome! :) I can just totally see the Hope Valley woman getting their hair done together by Fiona and just chatting up a storm about all the gossip around town!

    And I know! Lucas finding out that Fiona was leaving was totally an opportunity for the writers to at least plant a seed for a future romance between them. And they didn't. Of course they have to keep the suspense going for the triangle, but still that scene at the train station with Fiona and Nathan gave more hope for them to be a couple then the scene with L and F.

    As you read I would like a new guy for Fiona but I definitely like the idea of Fiona and Nathan better then her and Lucas. (Please don't do this to us writers!) I'm just not sure about her becoming a mother figure to Allie, but can see her more as Aunt Fiona. (Which is technically what she'd become if she married Nathan. :) I really need to see more of Fiona and Nathan together to get a better opinion. Maybe next season?

    Thank you for the comment! I enjoy hearing your thoughts! God Bless you and your fanfic writing! I haven't read it yet, but it looks like Hearties are enjoying it so far which is great! Congrats!

  3. well i would like to see Fiona with Kevin i think they would make a good couple or Lucas they seem to match to it would be nice if she helps Lucas with the oil company i cant see Lucas with Elizabeth he just dont seam to be good around kids he never even held little jack or really talked to him like Nathan Lucas seems to be more in to him self and money matters to him alot just my thoughts cant wait for season 8 god bless

    1. Yeah, Kevin just seemed to disappear toward the end of Season 7. People seemed to like him and Fiona as a couple too, but I'm doubtful if he's the one the writer's will pick for her love interest. I'm not sure what Fiona's job will be. She could try one or two different ones before realizing what she really wants to do.

      As for your thoughts on Lucas, I think we'll just have to agree to disagree here. :)

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts! God Bless!

  4. Here's my 2 cents. If the show hadn't been renewed for Season 8 that last episode would have been the SERIES finale... says a lot about who the writers see as endgame. Also, have you ever noticed whose picture is the last one in the opening credits? Nathan (Used to be Jack & then Abigail after he died). I think that says something too. And I will take Brian Bird's word for it that the triangle ended in Season 7. (Besides, why would Lucas fans WANT him to keep wooing Elizabeth when after all the dinners & gifts she goes running to another man in the middle of the street for all to see? Don't you think he deserves better than that? She didn't even glance at him.) Honestly, I kinda think he will bow out. Didn't Chris say in an interview Lucas needs to 're-evaluate' things?

    I adore Fiona's character! She has brought a lot of life & spunk to Hope Valley. I think it's no coincidence that just as she needs a job, Lucas finds himself with 2 businesses. It makes sense that the writers are setting the stage for Fiona to work for Lucas. (I don't see her working in the cafe, dress shop & there's already a barber shop. I agree the oil business doesn't make sense for her, unless she has a family member with experience in that field.) But my guess is we will see Fiona using her spunk & sass to manage the saloon for Lucas.

    Lucas & Fiona have quite a bit in common... speak French, love books, enjoy darts, San Francisco, spend a lot of time in the saloon & an appreciation for modern amenities. I thought I saw a spark when they met in the mercantile, until Fiona mentioned she wasn't sure how long she'd be in town & then brought up San Francisco, which made Lucas nervous for some unknown reason. And I've seen admiring glances he gives her direction when teaching her card tricks or as she's walking away. It wouldn't surprise me if that's the direction the writer's take things.

    Nathan & Fiona have next to nothing in common. We never even saw them meet (which is a pretty big deal in TV romances, no?) The ONLY conversation they've ever had was pretty much Nathan hinting for her to leave so he could do his job. (Can't remember her ever talking to Allie before either.) Not exactly the stuff of epic romance.

    Kevin & Fiona were a really cute couple & I'm not sure why he has been absent the past several episodes... except to make us speculate about who she ends up with. I'd be thrilled if they move forward next season... but we'll see what happens. Fiona is definitely no one's consolation prize! I'm sure the writers will have a lovely arc for her character.

    One thing I would really love to see happen is for Jeanette to make an appearance so we can learn more about Lucas' backstory. Or his Mother, the editor. Either one could be enlightening! And I hope Lucas gets a dog... that was adorable when he stopped to pet the dog in the street! Anyway, these are of course all just my opinions... but I thought it might be good for you to hear from the 'flip-side' of this crazy triangle. Blessings!

    1. I actually believe at this point it could be either man. I mentioned on the last post here about what I called 'faux foreshadowing' and was shot down by another commenter that there was no such thing. So, I decided to do a little research. It actually is a thing and it is called 'fauxshadowing' and writers use it frequently to throw the readers off track of their end game. (as a writer I am ashamed I didn't know it had a name)

      From the beginning I have believed Hallmark would go the predictable route and put Elizabeth with Nathan. I hate predictable, it tends to get a bit boring. Until the last few episodes that is what I believed even though I have firmly rooted for Lucas from his first scene on the show.

      The writers gave me hope- whether false or not (fauxshadowing or not) that perhaps- just maybe- they might not go with their usual suspect and put her with Lucas. Of course, only time will tell which direction they decide to go. Most likely they would have to turn Lucas dark, which I don't like at all and couldn't watch if they did that.

      The scenes you speak about with Lucas and Fiona were way back in season 6, and we have seen nothing with them since. If they choose to put Lucas with Fiona, I would give it a chance, but I think they are a fizzle. My opinion of course.

      I have to wonder about the train station scene. Nathan and Fiona both lit up when they saw each other. Whether that means anything or not, as I said, time will tell. And it seemed to come out of nowhere (more fauxshadowing? or foreshadowing?)

      As for putting Nathan last, it could be because he is the Mountie, not necessarily because he will end up with Elizabeth (Abigail certainly didn't and she was last in the opening credits for a bit). But you could be right.

      I enjoy a hearty (pun intended) discussion about who will end up with whom, each side seems to be pretty certain that their guy will win. I think the production team has to be quite pleased with themselves that two months after the season finale we are still batting this around on social media. And I am sure it will continue until we find out who they probably chose from the beginning and aren't affected at all by what we think.

      God bless.

    2. #GrantUsAFamily, yes I definitely think it could be fun if the writers brought in Jeanette or Lucas' mother! It could make for some dramatic and mystery filled plot lines! I'm not really sure if Nathan's clip being at the end means he's the guy E is choosing, but it is worth pointing out. At this point I still say either guy has a chance. It's all up to what the writers decide, and I am left to do as last year and wait through the terribly long off-season to see what happens next. Lol! If only the wait wasn't so long! :)

      I do agree that Lucas and Fiona have some things in common. She just isn't who I wanted for Lucas personally. But she definitely deserves better then being some guy's second choice, and I believe that whoever she ends up with will truly love her, and not just be settling for what they think is second best.

      And yes! It could be so fun to see Lucas get a dog! I'd actually like to see him get a puppy! Imagine all the fun scenes that would ensue with him trying to train it and keep it from tracking mud all over his saloon floor! Lol!

      God Bless!

  5. Hi SueMarie. I'm an editorial assistant so I have actually heard of fauxshadowing. One possible example might be when the hotel desk clerk called Elizabeth, "Mrs. Bouchard" as opposed to Archie calling Elizabeth, "Nathan's wife." One instance was asserted by a family member & the other by a complete stranger... but one instance is foreshadowing and the other must be fauxshadowing.

    I'm a little curious if the majority of Lucas fans have been Hearties from the beginning (like me) or perhaps started watching when the triangle started? Was it predictable or boring when Elizabeth chose Jack instead of Billy Hamilton or Charles? I admit I expected it both times and hoped for it... but never found her life with Jack boring. And I certainly don't think creating a new family with Nathan, Elizabeth, Allie & Jack could possibly be boring either. (Whenever I hear the 'boring' or 'not another Mountie' argument... it honestly makes me feel like people are grasping at straws.) Imagine the possible scenarios & story-lines for a blended family! Plus, I bet the writers have some surprises & plot twists up their sleeve.

    Glad you enjoy hearty (LOL) discussions about who Elizabeth will choose. Discussions like these stress me out, to be honest... so I will say 'God bless' & may the best Mountie, I mean man, (haha) win in Season 8! ;)

    1. Ah, but you misunderstand. I do not see Nathan as a boring character at all, and I am sure the writers could make it interesting with Elizabeth and Nathan as a couple, that is what they do. I happen to really like him, just not with Elizabeth. My point was that the decision to put them together is the predictable option. The choice itself being boring, not necessarily the relationship. That is all I meant. I probably should have used the word safe, not boring. :)

      The only issue with what you just said about "Mrs. Bouchard" as opposed to "Nathan's wife" is that at the time both were complete strangers to Elizabeth when the words were said.

      I have been watching the show since the beginning, like you. I can't speak for anyone else. But I find it hard to make a comparison between the Jack and Elizabeth romance and Elizabeth with either man this time. It was obvious from the beginning that E would end up with Jack, no matter how many obstacles- men or women- were thrown in their direction. And I was okay with that because I knew that was the end game.
      This time around, they purposefully put her in the middle of two men who could possibly be the one she chooses. I have to wonder if Kevin McGarry hadn't already had a fan base if he would be so loved by so many as opposed to Lucas. And, of course, many use the uniform itself as the reason she should pick Nathan. Something I don't like.

      Ok, I won't stress you out anymore, just wanted to clarify that I do not find Nathan boring at all. He is one of my favorite characters on the show.


  6. Yay! A post on Fiona! :) She's quickly become one of my favorite characters. Love the spunk and sass she brings to Hope Valley.

    I must say THANK YOU for not mentioning Carson as a potential romantic option for her. I've seen that theory floating around and don't like it one bit. I need Team Infirmary to stay intact!

    I think you already know this, but I've shipped Lucas and Fiona from their first meeting, before Nathan even came on the scene. Still do. So does that make me Team Lucas...for Fiona? ;) Their interactions just screamed instant chemistry to me, though the show threw Kevin in as a red herring this season to confuse us all. If Brian Bird is to be believed, Fiona is likely destined for the guy who doesn't win Elizabeth's heart.

    I don't think it's coincidental that Fiona lost her job right as Lucas gained an oil company. My guess is she will be working either at the saloon or the oil business. Personally I'd like to see her at the oil company. I think it could be a lot of fun watching her, Lucas, and Hickam try to figure out what in the world they're doing, lol.

    Great post, per usual. God bless!

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it! To be honest I forgot that some people were talking about Carson as a potential love interest for Fiona. Probably would have mentioned it if I had remembered, but as I told another Heartie he's not in the "single bin" anymore. Lol! Right now he's with Faith and he's VERY committed to her and in love.

      And technically I guess you are Team Lucas for Fiona! :D You already know where I stand on those two, but I do agree that Kevin may have just been a temporary thing, perhaps to throw us off. I haven't heard BB's comment but someone told me that he had said something having to do with putting Fiona with the rejected guy. No matter what happens I just want her story to be engaging and believable. Not to mention I want to see that the guy who goes with her truly loves her and that she's not his second choice. (Which the writers can totally do. :)

      I'm not sure where Fiona will work. I can see her being Lucas' secretary at the oil company....but that's a bit too close for comfort for this Team Lucas fan. Lol! The saloon or a hair salon would be a good fit for her tho, but as always we have to wait and see. If only we didn't have such a long wait every year! :D

      Thank you again! God Bless!


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