If _________ Had a Pet....

    Hey, hey Hearties! It's Wednesday once again, and time for another post! This week I have something fun that I hope you all will enjoy! I've mentioned on Twitter before about Lucas getting a dog....BUT what if every character had a pet? It's kind of interesting that none of the townsfolk really have one. I mean we've seen farm animals, horses, and even that random dog that licked Lucas all over, but none of the main characters has even a dog or something. So today I thought it would be fun to imagine if they did!


    Now she already has Sergeant which he is already a great animal to own, but what if she got a pet that she kept around the house? Now my first thought is obviously a dog. Little Jack would love to have a puppy! (Probably more than his busy Mama...Lol!) I'm not quite positive on what it would be. She could get something like a lab or a beagle or she could get a Basset Hound like Rip! He would be her guard dog and Little Jack's loyal protector and friend.

    I can definitely envision Elizabeth getting a dog sometime in the future. I actually think it would be a fun story idea if Bill got Little Jack a puppy for a birthday or Christmas present. Lol! Can't you just imagine Elizabeth's surprised face after Bill gives it to him? (And the scary school teacher face she would give him afterward... :D )


    You may already know where I stand about this guy, but I'll say it again. DOG! He would totally have a dog!!! I mean, Chris McNally obviously loves dogs and probably would be all for the idea! But what would be even better would be if he got a puppy! Not only would it be SO cute but we'd get all the fun of watching Lucas train it, chase after it, clean up after it, and just watch the two of them become best friends! It could be SO fun and sweet!!! Or he could even have two! (Eeeeek!)
    Okay yeah, scratch what I said earlier. He's now getting two puppies. I can just picture them romping around together, Lucas playing with them, chasing them under the saloon tables, and letting them sleep in his bed. I even have names for them! Tom and Sawyer! (Okay, I'd better stop before all of me melts into a puddle on the floor...Lol!)

    I'm picturing two little hound pups like these.... (I wanted to post the picture here, but the pic wasn't free so I just copied the link for you guys!)

    Their name is even French! Basset Fauve de Bretagne! (Oo la la!)


    Just like Elizabeth this man already has an animal, Newton his horse. (Great name, by the way!) Now I could see him also having a dog or a cat, but what I think would be fun would be for him to have this fun camaraderie with Newton! You know, when he's upset about something he goes to take care of Newt and goes on and on about how much he doesn't like Lucas, or how Bill is being impossible. The horse could take on it's own personality of sorts, like Gabe from When Hope Calls' horse Apollo. I think it could be fun!
    Otherwise Allie would probably bring home a stray dog or a kitten she found and after looking into her pleading eyes Uncle Nathan couldn't say no. Lol!


    What would our beloved judge have for a pet? I have two animals in mind. First off, a cat. Yes, a cat. I mean he could totally have a dog but I'm going a bit more unique for him. And I'm not talking about just your everyday barn cat. No this girl would have some personality! I'm thinking a lazy, fat cat that could match Bill's grumpy exterior. She would just lie around Bill's office all day as he goes about his business, and Bill could talk to it when no one's looking, and vent about his problems.

    My second idea isn't exactly a pet. More like an animal (or animals) that just always hang around Bill's office. And those animals would either be birds, or one duck. Yes. A duck. I've watched all the Wedding March movies and Jack Wagner's character Mitch has a special friendship with the ducks there. Henceforth the duck idea. :) It actually is a fun idea to me. I see things starting like Jack and Rip. You know, Bill just keeps finding this duck hanging around all the time, maybe following him wherever he goes. At first he's annoyed but then slowly he grows to like the duck, names him, and BOOM! Bill's got a pet duck! (Makes me smile just thinking about it. Lol!)

    But if not a duck, then there could just be a select group of birds that sit outside Bill's office window that he talks to about all his problems. :)

Rosemary and Lee

    Lee already said what pets him and Rosemary were going to have while getting pre-marriage counseling from Pastor Frank. Two cats. That could actually be fun! I'm thinking a white one and maybe an orange or grey tabby. They would be Lee's reading, or sleeping on the couch because Rosemary's mad at him companions, and Rosemary would treat them like her little babies.

    And then one of the cats can have kittens! I can just imagine all the funny moments that would ensue because of that! Rosemary fussing over the expecting mama, Lee constructing the perfect little bed for them out of scrap lumber, and then hearing them meow in the middle of the night. Lol!

Jesse and Clara

    Once again I'm thinking a cat for this couple. Clara is totally a cat person. (Eva Bourne actually has one!) Besides, Lee and Rosemary are going to need to find good homes for their kittens. Jesse could give one to Clara for her birthday! (Aww!!) That would be so sweet! I can just see it hanging around the kitchen with Clara...Okay maybe not now that I think about it as that would be pretty gross seeing that this is a cafe. (Who likes cat hair in their food? Eww!) Maybe it can come in and out as it pleases.... :D

    Another idea would be a bunny! It's name could be Daisy! Clara could keep it in a hutch out by her garden, where Jesse would accidentally leave the door unlocked and the rabbit would go and eat all Clara's lettuce. Lol!

    The last animal idea is chickens! After all Jesse seems to want a farm, and how can you have a farm without chickens? I can just see Clara naming them all things like Betty, and Sue and then Jesse can chase them all over the place! (Yes, Jesse ends up with the worst of it in nearly every one of my ideas. Lol!)

    Of course with a farm they could have goats and sheep and cows, and pigs too! (Come on, Jesse! Build that house already!)


    I wasn't really sure what kind of pet this man would have, and then all of a sudden it hit me! Fish! He would totally have a bowl of fish! I can absolutely see them on a table to the side in the infirmary, just swimming around as Carson performs his doctor tasks. He could have two goldfish and name them Finwick and Carter. (For Faith of course!) He's kind of a busy guy, and I don't know that having a dog or cat would really fit work for him. Plus fish just suit him!


    I'm just going to lump her in and say she'll share the responsibilities of Finwick and Carter with Carson. She's even busier than Carson with her studies right now that she really doesn't need a pet at the moment. Otherwise I'd say either a cat or a bunny for her.


    Okay I'm going villain vibes with this guy for just a minute (Mind you I'm definitely Team Henry) but he could have a pet crow. Now hold up one minute before you start hating on this. Having a pet crow does not have to be a totally sinister pet. I've read that crows are very intelligent, and if you've seen, It's a Wonderful Life you'll remember that there was a crow or raven that hung around at the Building and Loan.

    Plus with that big black coat Henry wears with his cane and bowler hat....it just fits.  I actually think it could be a fun and sweet thing for Henry to have a pet bird. I can just see him taking care of his faithful friend, and watching the bird hop and fly around his home.

    But if that idea is too sinister for you another pet idea would be if he adopted an old dog. Maybe a mix or even a bloodhound that would just lie and sleep in a corner all day. It would be cute to see Henry form an attachment to a dog, and watch him talk to it, and scratch it's head as he passes by. It would let us see even more of that softness he has behind that gruff exterior.


    Now this girl really seems like she'd have a cat. A cat just like in the picture actually. She'd come home after a long day and cuddle it, talking about what went on that day. And it's name could be Louie!

    However if we wanted to be a bit more unique with her, she could have a ferret or a hamster. (His name would still be Louie! Lol!)


    Now clearly this lady seems like a cat person, but I have something else in mind. While this idea would probably never ever happen, a friend of mine thought this up, and it sounded funny so here goes nothing. What if she had a parrot? Can't you just picture all the humorous moments we would get from that? This gossip would have to start watching her tongue as her bird might just pick up on somethings and repeat them at very inconvenient times. Lol!


    This lady is definitely a cat person. (Man. cats seem to be the winning animal here. :)  But again a cat just suits her. She could treat it like a person, and give it an embarrassing name so when she asks Bill to watch it, (and he loses it) he can go around calling it for all to hear. Lol! But if we wanted to get more creative, what about a poodle? He/she could have a more regal name like "Something Something The Third."


    Are you read for this one? I first thought of this pet for Bill or Gowen but then I realized that it belonged to our sweet Hickam. You ready? (Drum roll please....) A squirrel!!! This guy could totally have a squirrel for a pet! Now before you start to wonder if I'm crazy, people actually had these little critters as pets back in the day. (Google it if you don't believe me.)

    That would be so fun! He could have a name like Buck, or Buddy, or even just Mr. Squirrel. Now true squirrels don't make the best pets, but if we're going by the time period it would make more sense. Once again I'll point back to, It's a Wonderful Life as Uncle Billy had a squirrel crawl across him as he sat crying over the money he'd lost which leads me to believe that it was his pet. Either way it's just a funny idea, and would have been even funnier if Hickam was still working for Lee at the lumber mill. Squirrels and trees just go together!

    Well, there we have it! I have given almost every WCTH character a pet! Thank you for indulging my silliness. It was so fun to envision different characters having pets, and quite frankly melted my heart at times! I think it would be fun if the writers gave a few characters pets sometime in the future. It would make for lots of fun and heart felt moments!

    Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to comment your ideas about different characters having pets below or on my Twitter page! God Bless!


  1. Oh gosh!! I laughed out loud at the Molly one! I agree with every pet! This blog is perfect!! Thank you for brightening my day!! :D

    1. Aww! Thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! God Bless!

  2. THIS IS GOLD!!!!!!!

    Oh my gosh, such a fun post! I was cracking up throughout it, but you hit every person spot on with the animal. Hickam and a squirrel! :D I'm a cat person myself, so love seeing all the kitties on this feed. And all those adorable pictures of animals....awwww!

    Of all of these, the one I want to see most is Lucas with his dogs. Chris McNally is such a dog person and is so stinking cute with pups, we need to see this on screen! 100%!

    Thanks for such a fun post! (I just realized I've been using a ton of exclamation marks, lol) Have a great day!

    1. Thank you so much! I'm so happy you enjoyed it! As I said on Twitter my heart just melted thinking about Lucas getting two puppies! It would be so stinking cute and SO much fun! (Looks like you're not the only one using exclamation marks! Lol!)

      You have a great day too! God Bless!

    2. this was great so funny thank you

    3. You're welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed it!


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