WCTH Fanfic: Making Sure: Chapter 1

    Hey Hearties, and happy Friday! I hope you've had a wonderful week so far. Well, if you've read the title for today's post then you know by now what this post is. Yes, it's my first attempt at posting some fan fiction for my beloved show. If I said I'm cool as a cucumber right now, I would be lying. But as a certain man once said, "Sooner or later you're going to have to show somebody unless you want to keep it hidden in your desk drawer forever." Lol!

    Thank you so so much to everyone for all the love and encouragement you've given me! I really appreciate it!

    (Gulp!) Well....here goes nothing. Now feel absolutely free to tell me your honest opinion. It's helpful to me when I can receive feedback on my writing of what people liked....and what they didn't. So please feel free to let me know your honest opinion!

    Alright, without further ado.....here's Chapter 1 of, Making Sure. Enjoy!

(Side Note: This takes place around a week after the hug Elizabeth gave to Nathan.)

Elizabeth jerked awake as a crash sounded from downstairs. She stilled the creak of the rocking chair, barely drawing a breath, as she strained for any sounds below her. Rain pelted the nursery window, creating a frustrating barrier between the downstairs and her ears.

Her back ached from the sitting position Little Jack had made her sleep in all night. He’d been going through a phase of waking up at 1:00 a.m. and requiring her to rock him back to sleep which usually took until 3:00 a.m. But it didn’t matter as she hadn’t been able to sleep for the past few nights either.

Thunder cracked over head, causing her to jump. The wind powered the rain into the side of the house creating an even louder downpour. Maybe that’s what had awoken her. Slowly she exhaled and leaned back into the chair.

Lately everything made her jump. Her thoughts were caught in whirlwind of emotions that didn’t seem to have an end or make sense. And they all had to do with that moment last week.

Why had she felt the need to throw herself into Nathan’s arms? Heat filled her cheeks. Nearly the whole town had witnessed what she’d done, including the last person she’d wanted to.


She stirred restlessly, while trying not to wake her sleeping son. She couldn’t get his face out of her mind. The hurt she’d seen in his dark gaze after letting go of Nathan. They’d locked eyes for a single moment before he’d turned away and walked over to Carson to inquire about the Mountie who’d been shot. But Elizabeth had felt the well of emotions inside him, just as she had for Nathan.

The tears glistening in his eyes as he’d stared at his fallen comrade spoke louder than words. As did the light squeeze he’d given her arms as he’d looked at her with concern and care. Neither he nor she had been able to say anything to the other as Bill had walked up and needed to speak to Nathan concerning the whole situation.

She hadn’t spoken to either of them about it since. And here she was caught in the circle again. Would it ever end? She shook her head, and sighed, leaning farther back into the rocker.

“Please help me.” She prayed, her free hand clenched on the arm of the chair. “I never knew I’d be in this situation. I thought I knew how my life was supposed to be.” She fought the familiar rush of tears as Jack’s sweet face flashed through her memory. Slowly she released a breath.

“But I trust You.” The spoken words filled her with strength. “Please help me not to hurt them anymore than I already may have. You will show me in Your own timing what I’m supposed to do, and I thank You for it.”

With her “amen” a gentle peace slowly began to fill her chest and she felt herself relax. A soft smile touched her face. God would lead her. She could rest easy in trusting that He would work everything out the way it was supposed to be.

After all there was nothing she could do about any of it now, especially at this hour. So there was no point in stressing herself out.

She finally started to drift off to sleep when…creeaaak. She jerked forward again, causing Jack to squirm.

“Shhh,” She placed her cheek to his. “It’s alright.” Slowly he calmed and settled back down, but inside her heartbeat raced.

That wasn’t thunder, and if her ears hadn’t deceived her then that was the distinct squeak of her back door. She’d been meaning to get it oiled, but now she was glad she hadn’t. At least she’d locked it before retiring for the night. Or had she? Was that really thunder that had woken her?

Rising as quietly as the floor would allow, she tip toed to the crib and laid Jack down. Brushing her hand over his angel soft hair, she watched his sweet face snuggle into the blankets. His mouth formed a small O, as he gripped his toy dog in his hand. So precious, and fragile. She’d do anything to keep him safe.

Clenching her fists, she strode across the room and grabbed the baseball bat lying in the corner. It had been a gift from Robert, even if Jack was a bit young to use it. But she wasn’t.

Closing the door securely behind her, she found herself in a pitch-black hallway. Maybe she should have lit a candle? She could retrieve one from her room, but by then it might be too late. Gripping the bat in both hands, she pushed forward.

She moved slowly, walking on the tips of her slippers. If someone was down there she didn’t want them to know that she was awake.

Thunder clapped above her in an incredible BOOM! She jumped, muffling a scream and bumped a small table sending a vase to the floor with a crash. She froze in place as a shuffling sounded below. Like a cold breeze, she felt goosebumps run up her arms, eyes popping wide as once again…creeaaak sliced through the air.

Her hands tingled as sweat coated the smooth wooden bat under her white knuckled grasp. Right now was another of the thousands of times she wished Jack was still with her. There wasn’t anything he couldn’t handle, and he wouldn’t have even needed the bat.

She swallowed hard, her eyes burning. She missed him so much sometimes it hurt. It wasn’t just his companionship, or his wonderful laugh, or the way he made such a mess every time he’d tried to cook for her. It was how safe he’d made her feel. Safe in his presence, safe in his arms, and safe in his unconditional love for her.

Suddenly, her son’s beautiful smile flashed before her. She could hear his precious voice echo in the back of her mind. Closing her eyes tight, she took a breath. “You can do this.”

After sending up a quick prayer for protection, and accurate bat swinging abilities, she surged onward. Reaching the staircase she paused. Should she announce her presence, hopefully scaring off whoever, or whatever was down there? Or maybe she should use the element of surprise to her advantage. That’s what Jack would have done she decided and started down the stairs.

One wobbly step at a time, she descended. The moon shone through the curtains with a white glow, casting their shadows across the floor. Her heart pounded in her throat as the room slowly came into view.

Nothing seemed out of place. All the chairs were upright. No drawers were hanging open.

Reaching the last stair she raised the bat. Her eyes strained through the dark as she scanned the entire floor. Everything looked alright.

Lightening flashed. She jerked as a figure in the far corner caught her eye. Her breaths came in rapid gasps. Her knees locked in place and her hands ached from their grip on the bat. She tried to speak but the sound caught in her throat.

“Who’s there?” Silence followed, her voice seeming to echo into the darkness surrounding her. The form didn’t move. Tears began to surface as thunder rolled above her. “Show yourself!”

Again her words vanished into the dark without an answer. Without movement.

Her legs shook hard now, and she could barely hold the bat upright anymore. What was she even doing? “Please help me.” The breath of a prayer seemed to barely leave her lips. She didn’t know what to do next.

Suddenly she raised her chin, strength pouring back into her. She would not let them win. Little Jack was counting on her.

With determined steps she moved towards the figure. “Come out right now!” The closer she got the bigger she realized the figure was. She grit her teeth. “I’m warning you I am armed and…” What else should she say?

Lightening struck, followed immediately by an enormous BOOM! 

She screamed and swung as hard as she could. The bat hit the figure straight on with a loud…CLUNK! Suddenly it fell on top of her and she screamed as she was tackled to the floor by the coat stand.

She squirmed and kicked to free herself, until she finally realized it was her brand-new blue coat that she was fighting. She laid there for a moment, and worked to calm her rapid breathing, not sure whether she was amused or embarrassed with herself. Most likely a bit of both.

Finally she gave way and released a light laugh. She was crazy to think someone was down here. Why would anyone be? There was no one like that in Hope Valley.

Removing the pile of coats from her, she freed herself from the clutches of the wooden stand. She moved the mess to the side to deal with in the morning.

Going to the stove she threw a few pieces of wood in so the house would be warm in the morning and walked towards the stairs. She started to climb the first step when another bolt of lightening flashed. Something on the floor caught her eye, and she stopped and turned toward it. The glow of the stove revealed a shape on the floor, and she moved closer to get a better look.

More lightening struck and she gasped as she made out the dark prints of someone’s boots leading out her back door.


“Someone broke into your house last night?” Rosemary’s eyes nearly shot out of their sockets, as she dropped her teacup, liquid splashing the table cloth. Elizabeth jumped forward to dab it up, and quickly began to regret bringing up last night’s mishap.

“I didn’t say that.” She sighed, working to catch the spill before it poured down the table. “I said I thought I heard a noise last night…”

“And then you found some random man’s footprints in your kitchen?” Rosemary squeaked, her hands flying out. “And you didn’t even come and get me or Lee?”

“Rosemary, I wasn’t sure about anything.” Elizabeth countered. “Besides I wasn’t about to leave Jack and run out into the pouring rain just to wake you both up for something that could be nothing.”

Rosemary grabbed her hand, stilling her clean up work. “Elizabeth, never ever hesitate to come to us for help no matter what. Night nor rain is no barrier between friends.”

Elizabeth smiled. Rosemary truly was an amazing friend. She gave her hand a playful shake. “Thank you. But we’re fine.” Gathering the wet tea things, she headed toward the kitchen, mentally trying to convince herself of her own confidence.  “If someone was here last night I probably scared them off anyway.”

Rosemary stopped, the cookie she held midway to her mouth. She turned quickly toward her, brow arched. “And how do you figure that?”

Elizabeth hesitated, her back to Rosemary. Did she dare say more? She really didn’t want what happened to get around to anyone else. After all she wasn’t sure about anything. After losing Jack it was far too easy to listen to every creak in the floor and bang on the roof.

But after all Rosemary had said, and with her and Lee living next door maybe she should tell her. After all she trusted her friend to be discrete with the information she shared with her. Slowly she turned to face her.

“I thought I heard my backdoor close after I knocked something over.” She watched Rosemary’s face for a moment, before hurrying on. “But I’m sure it was nothing. It was really windy with the storm last night, and it probably….”

Elizabeth stopped mid sentence. She had never seen Rosemary’s eyes grow so wide.

“You thought….” Her friend seemed at a complete loss for words. She just stared at her with a blank stare, before a spark of determination lit her eyes. “Lee!” She jumped up, charging for the door. “Lee Coulter!”

Elizabeth watched Rosemary leave in horror, her mouth hanging open wide. What had she gotten herself into? Now the whole town would soon know that she may or may not of had a break in.

Quickly she dashed after Rosemary who was still shouting for Lee, catching her on the front porch. “Rosemary wait!”

But Lee was already running up from their house. He must have caught his wife’s shaken demeanor, as his face immediately became serious. “What? What’s wrong?”

Elizabeth tried to cut Rosemary off, but she should have known better then to try. Rosemary grabbed Lee’s arm, pointing back at Elizabeth with a stiff finger. “Elizabeth and Little Jack are staying at our house until further notice.”

Lee looked from Elizabeth back to his wife, his brows furrowed. “Why? What’s happened?”

“Nothing.” Elizabeth sighed putting her hands to her hips. She loved Rosemary, but sometimes she wished her friend had an off switch. She was blowing everything way out of proportion, but her causal “nothing” only threw more wood on the fire.

She stared back at her in disbelief. “Someone breaking into your house in the middle of the night is far from nothing, and I will not have any arguments about this.” Her voice wobbled like jelly, rising an octave on the last few words.

Lee turned quick to Elizabeth, his brows shooting up his head. “Wait. Someone broke into your house last night?”

Elizabeth held up her hands, taking a glance down the street to be sure no one was around. Although it didn’t really matter as everyone in town could probably hear their conversation at the level they were talking. “I don’t know for sure….”

“Yes.” Rosemary cut in quickly. “She heard someone open her back door, and found these big horrible muddy boot prints in her kitchen.” Her face scrunched in disgust as she said the words, her hands seeming to place those “horrible footprints” right in front of her face.

Lee turned back to Elizabeth, throwing his arms wide. “Why didn’t you come and get me?”

Rosemary nodded firmly toward her, tapping her husband’s coat. “That’s what I said!”

Elizabeth wanted to argue the fact that if there had been someone in her house who’d ran out her back door, the last place she wanted to go was outside. However she bit her lip.

“Well, was anything stolen?” Lee asked.

“I don’t think so…” Elizabeth tried to answer, but both of them were too busy with their own thoughts to hear.

“Who cares about material things.” Rosemary scoffed, giving Lee a shove. “There was some abominable man in Elizabeth’s house last night, and all your worried about is did he steal anything!”

“I’m just trying to get all the facts.” Lee insisted, causing his wife to huff in frustration. By now Elizabeth had had enough. They were getting all worked up about a creak she’d heard during a stormy night. She hurried down her porch steps to them.

“Please stop, both of you.” Both Lee and Rosemary went silent, turning with a start toward her. Elizabeth took a steadying breath. “I don’t know what happened last night, but the last thing I want is everyone in town believing there’s some terrible man out there that doesn’t exist. ”

Rosemary still wasn’t convinced. “Elizabeth you can’t just ignore this.”

“I agree.” Lee responded evenly. “If you think there’s even a chance that someone was in your house last night then you need to report it.”

“Exactly,” exclaimed Rosemary. “Come on, Elizabeth.” And she grabbed Elizabeth’s arm, pulling her back in the house.

Elizabeth looked at her, unsure of what this woman would do next. “What are doing?”

“We’re going to see Nathan right now.” Rosemary headed straight for Little Jack’s play pen. “Get your coat, I’ll get Jack, and Lee you can start moving her things to our place.”

Lee looked at her incredulously. “Whoa, wait a minute. I have to get to work.”

“Lee!” Rosemary turned and looked at him sharply. “What’s more important? Your dear friend’s life or a measly old pile of wood?”

Lee sighed, raising his hands in defeat. “Alright. You’re right.”

Elizabeth ignored their bickering, as at Rosemary’s earlier mention of seeing Nathan her stomach started to twist. He’d been gone the past few days witnessing at Elias and now his sister Jenny’s trial, and then had attended the fallen Mountie’s funeral. All in all she hadn’t spoken to him since….since she ran and hugged him in the middle for the entire town to see.

“Maybe we should tell Bill instead.” Elizabeth nearly spit the words out, causing Lee and Rosemary to turn toward her with a start. Elizabeth felt her cheeks flush. “I mean I wouldn’t want to bother Nathan. He’s been so busy with the trial, and the funeral, and I wouldn’t want to worry him about this. Especially if it turns out to be nothing.”

Rosemary shot a look at Lee, her brow raised, and motioned toward to door. Lee took the hint.

“Right. Well, I’d better start clearing out the spare bedroom.” He raised his fists playfully as he moved toward the door. “Yay.”

Rosemary waited until Lee had left, before turning toward Elizabeth. She took her hands, her gaze softening. “Elizabeth, I know what’s really bothering you, but you can’t let it stand in the way of you and Jack’s safety.”

Elizabeth opened her mouth to protest, but Rosemary stopped her with a raised hand. “And don’t say that nothing is bothering you because clearly something is. You’ve been acting strangely ever since you leapt into Nathan’s arms last week.”

Elizabeth gasped, her face turning hot. “I didn’t leap into his arms. I just…I…”

Rosemary laughed gently, taking Elizabeth’s hands in her own. “I’m sorry Elizabeth, but there’s no other way to put it. I’ve been walking on pins and needles around you all week trying to avoid the subject, but so have you.” She stopped and looked at her gently. “And you can’t avoid it anymore. Eventually you’re just going to have to face the truth, and talk to both of them.”

Elizabeth realized the honesty of her friend’s words, yet couldn’t help but feel frustrated. “How can I face the truth when I don’t even know what it is that I’m feeling?”

Rosemary laughed giving her hands a squeeze. “Well, you’re not going to figure it out by hiding from them.”

Elizabeth sighed. “I know.” Her eyes drifted to one of the photos of Jack she’d placed on the small table beneath the stairs. Again that twinge of pain emerged in her chest. “I’m just not sure if I’m ready for that yet.”

Rosemary smiled at her softly. “Elizabeth, you’ll know when the time is right for you to move on. But you can’t go on pretending that nothing has happened.”

“I’m just afraid that I may have given Nathan the wrong impression. And then there’s Lucas…”

“Wait,” Rosemary scrunched her brows in confusion. “What does Lucas have to do with all this?”

Elizabeth hesitated, feeling her stomach tighten. “He saw the whole thing.”

Rosemary gasped, her hand flying to her mouth. “The whole thing?”

Elizabeth reluctantly nodded, remembering his hurt expression. It had stirred something inside her that she couldn’t explain. Like she’d wanted to go explain everything to him, yet run for the safety and seclusion of her house at the same time. Not that she could have explained why she’d done what she’d done, as she still didn’t know. Instead she’d done nothing, and just stared as she’d watched him walk away. She mentally scolded herself for the thousandth time.

Rosemary winced. “Oh, dear. That definitely poses a problem.”

Elizabeth exhaled. It certainly did. Her uncertainty about her feelings scared her. Just what was she feeling? And what would she do when she found out?

Rosemary shook her head, reaching for Little Jack. “Well, one problem at a time.”

    That's all for now. Feel free to comment what you thought below. Now my original plan is to try and post a new chapter each Friday, but I'll have to see how that works out. Thank you guys so much for reading, and for all your encouragement! Have a wonderful weekend, and God Bless!


  1. Oh my gosh! Girl! I was on the edge of my seat! Totally hooked!!! How dare you hold out on us for so long!! Can't wait for the next chapter!!!! Love love love it!!!!

  2. Aww! Thank you so so much! That's great for this writer's nervous heart to hear! Lol!

  3. you absolutely have a gift for storytelling...a beautiful imagination. hallmark channel might reach out! but...i respectfully disagree with the events. i think there is no longer a question in elizabeth's mind about her heart. nathan is the one she loves. i suppose she would feel awkward about what lucas witnessed...but in her gentle tender way she will help him understand. and...hopefully lucas will move on w/o a fight and find love with fiona!! imho. have a fabulous weekend.

    1. Aww! Thank you so so much! I really appreciate it! I do believe that we'll have to disagree here, but that's perfectly fine! Just a heads up though, this is Team Lucas fan fiction so you probably will disagree with a lot of things, but that's absolutely fine too!

      Thank you so much again for all your support and encouragement! Have a wonderful weekend! God Bless!

  4. Well surprise, surprise, you're an excellent writer with a knack for storytelling! This was wonderfully written, and I could see it playing out in my mind. You really nailed Rosemary and Lee! They made me laugh, just like they do in the show. And now I'm wondering who in the world would break into Elizabeth's house and why. Great job!

    1. Thank you so much! I so appreciate all your feedback! It's also good to know Rosemary sounded like Rosemary. Lol! She's quite the expressive character. :)

  5. Thank you for giving us Lucas & Elizabeth fans another story to enjoy! That was a fantastic start! I expected nothing less from you. I am now completely dialed in and waiting to find out who this boot-wearing mystery figure is!

    I like that you detailed Elizabeth's internal struggles in terms of the triangle (I do agree that it's become more of a 'circle' though.) I also like that we got a brief glimpse into how both Nathan and Lucas reacted to the hug. My ever-loving L&E heart can't wait for these two to come face to face and interact with each other. Very much looking forward to the next installment!


    1. Thank you so much for the encouragement and feedback! I really appreciate it!

  6. I loved it! You captured the characters so perfectly! I could hear their voices come off the page. Excellent job! I appreciate all the time and effort you put into your writing. Please know that there are so many of us who enjoy reading your thoughts/perspective. I’m so thankful to have more L&E content to read!

    I know that Elizabeth is still trying to figure out where her heart is leading her, but I am confident that she will realize what so many of us already do. I believe she already knows, she just wants to be sure. Lucas is absolutely the best choice for her and Little Jack. I can’t wait to see where your story takes them. I’m looking forward to reading the next chapter. Keep up the great work!


    1. Thank you so so much, Jessie! I truly appreciate all your support and encouragement!

  7. omg i loved this cant wait to read more very good writing i still am Nathan fan but Elizabeth running into nathans arms at the end i think hallmark is just throwing everyone off letting Nathans team think it is him she picks i think we are all going to be in for a shock team Nathan and team Lucas fans but could be wrong just a feeling i have keep writing love it god bless

  8. Thank you, Gracie! I'm glad you enjoyed it! I agree that the hug could have just been to throw everyone off. I'm just not positive. The writers have done an amazing job keeping us all guessing and on the edge of our seats! I'm very interested to see what happens next season, especially if we get a Christmas Special! God Bless!

  9. I loved this. I agree with others it is well written, and I could vividly imagine and hear the whole thing! Well done - I can't wait to read more!

    1. Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I appreciate all your support and feedback! God Bless!


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