WCTH Fanfic: Making Sure: Chapter 2

    Happy Friday Hearties! I hope you're doing well, and have had a wonderful week so far! I'm back (After skipping Wednesday's post. Sorry!) and have the next chapter of my fan fiction for you! Thank you all so so much for all your kind words, encouragement, and feedback you gave me last week! I truly appreciate it, and I thank you all for taking the time to tell me what you thought! I also thank Jesus for bringing all of you wonderful and sweet people into my life, and for this story as without Him it wouldn't exist!

    Well, without further ado, here's chapter 2! (Yay! Rhymes! Lol!)

Rosemary nearly dragged Elizabeth the whole way to town. They would have taken the car had Rosemary gotten her way, but Lee insisted that he needed it to get to work after taking care of Elizabeth’s things. Elizabeth sighed inside. All this fuss over nothing, yet something prevented her from stopping them.

Maybe she was more startled by this then she knew. Either way it wouldn’t hurt to stay with them for one night, and if hiding all her valuables made them feel safer she wouldn’t stop them. To be honest it made her feel safer.

“I hope Nathan’s here and not traipsing around some farm somewhere.” Rosemary readjusted Little Jack on her hip who played happily with his plush dog.

Elizabeth smiled despite herself. Rosemary could be so dramatic. “It’s his job to make sure everyone’s safe.

“Lucas!” Rosemary suddenly called out, and Elizabeth felt her stomach flip at the sight of no one but Lucas himself coming down the walk. She felt her cheeks turn hot and instantly wished she could turn around and run the other way.

Her and Lucas had barely spoken two words to each other all week, and it wasn’t for her lack of trying. Okay, most of the time it was, but even when she had Lucas had responded differently than before. Their playful conversations were gone, and Lucas usually excused himself quickly claiming he had work to attend to.

Elizabeth knew she’d hurt him, and maybe the realization of why he was hurt kept her from explaining. Or maybe she was just plain scared.

By now Lucas had reached them, leaving no route for escape. He smiled to them, although the action seemed a bit forced. “Morning ladies.” He glanced at her for a second before looking back to Rosemary. “What can I do for you?”

“Have you seen Nathan?” Rosemary asked intensely. “It is of the utmost importance that we speak with him immediately.”

He looked to Elizabeth, concern in his dark eyes. “Is something wrong?”

Elizabeth felt warmth rise through her at his genuine concern for her, but spoke up before Rosemary could get carried away again.

“Oh, no.” She tried to sound casual and light. “Rosemary just had something she wanted to ask him, and was hoping to catch him before he left for his rounds.”

Lucas seemed to relax after hearing that, but something else still lingered in his gaze. His eyes dropped to his feet. “I see.”

Elizabeth felt her heart twist. Was that disappointment in his voice? But she didn’t have time to think much about it as Rosemary hurried on.

“Has he?”

Lucas looked up, shrugging his shoulders. “Sorry, but I haven’t…”

“Nathan!” Rosemary suddenly called, signaling to the Mountie as he dismounted his horse. She quickly grabbed Elizabeth and jerked her toward him. Elizabeth gave a helpless glance back at Lucas, who watched her go. An unreadable expression passed over his face before he turned and headed for the Gowen Petroleum office.



Elizabeth felt like the entire town was watching her as Rosemary dragged her in front of Nathan. She tried to hide the anxiety she felt, all the while stealing a peak over her shoulder to see if someone was watching. She felt like when she was a little girl standing in front of her father after she’d stolen a cookie from the kitchen.

Nathan looked at them curiously, his eyes drifting toward Elizabeth then to the huffing Rosemary. “Is something the matter?”

Again, Rosemary started talking before she had a chance. “Nathan!” Her hand went to her heart. “Thank goodness we found you.”

“Why? What’s wrong?” He tilted his head quizzically, seeming unsure whether to be alarmed or not.

Rosemary started off in a flurry, her one free hand flying. “Something terrible happened last night. Elizabeth…”

Oh, no she wouldn’t this time! Elizabeth grabbed Rosemary’s arm, pulling her for a change toward the jail. “Wouldn’t it be better if we discussed this in Nathan’s office?” She looked back at Nathan, who got the message, and followed along behind them.

Inside Nathan’s response to her story was much like Rosemary’s only his voice hadn’t squeaked the way hers had. At least the situation served as a distraction from what had occurred between them last week. Although she couldn’t bring herself to look him in the eye.

“So, let me get this straight.” Nathan leaned forward in his chair, folding his hands together. “You thought you heard someone open your back door, and you just went down and looked?”

What kind of question was that? Of course, she’d gone to make sure no one was stalking around her house. Elizabeth raised her brow. “Yes?”

Nathan stared in disbelief. “What if you’d found someone down there?”

Rosemary stuck her finger up matter-of-factly. “That’s what I said.”

Great. Now she had three people scolding her for protecting her son. She knew Nathan cared about her safety but there was no room for argument this time. At least in her mind.

She raised her chin determinedly. “I wasn’t about to let some stranger potentially hurt me or my son. Anyhow that’s beside the point.”

Nathan looked like he would have argued the case more, but after seeing the resolve in her face he seemed to swallow his words and move on. He looked down to his notes. “You say you thought you heard him leave?”

“I accidently knocked something over and if someone was there it must have spooked them because I thought I heard my back door close.” At least she thought she had. She’d been trying so hard to remember last night things were starting to blur in her memory.

Nathan looked at her straight on. “Are you sure about this?”

Elizabeth sighed. “To be honest I’m not sure about anything. All I know is I thought I heard something last night, and then I found some muddy boot prints in my kitchen.” Nathan scribbled some more in his notebook, while Elizabeth fidgeted, rearranging her skirts.

If only she could forget all of this and move on like nothing had happened. She hated the thought that someone might have been sneaking around while she was sleeping, and didn’t want to believe it. But for the sake of her son and her own sanity she had to, so she took a breath, and prayed for strength.

Nathan looked to her again. “Was anything stolen?”

That was one thing she was most sure of, which actually caused her to worry more. What thief broke into a house and didn’t steal anything? Maybe she’d scared them off before they’d gotten hold of anything valuable?

She shook her head. “No. I don’t think so.”

“Alright.” Nathan nodded, adding a final note to the paper.

Rosemary stirred impatiently. “Well?”

Nathan looked up at her, laying his pencil to the side. His brow raised in question.

“What do you plan to do about this?” Rosemary countered.

Nathan sighed, rising from his chair. “I’m afraid I can’t do very much right now.” He carefully gathered his things and put them in the desk drawer. “There’s not enough evidence for me to question anyone, let alone accuse someone of breaking an entry.”

Rosemary huffed to her feet, looking on in disbelief. “So, you’re going to just let that scoundrel run lose while…”

Elizabeth cut her off before she had a chance to finish her tirade. “Rosemary, he’s right. We have no way to prove someone was there last night.” Elizabeth sighed inwardly at the sad truth.

Rosemary rolled her eyes. “The giant boot prints beg to defer.”

Nathan put his hand up. “Here, I’ll tell you what.” He walked around his desk, looking to Elizabeth. “I’ll go over to your place while you’re at school and take a look at things. See if I can find anything that would give us a clue that someone broke in. Is that alright with you?”

Elizabeth squirmed inside. The idea of Nathan rummaging through her house while she was gone didn’t appeal to her too much. But if it helped keep Little Jack safe, she’d do it. “That would be fine.” She replied evenly, although she mentally sighed.

Nathan nodded, walking back around the desk. Opening the drawer, he pulled out a camera. “And I can take a look at those prints while I’m there.” Suddenly he stopped and looked at her, concern in his eyes. “You didn’t clean the prints, did you?”

Elizabeth shook her head, grateful she’d resisted the urge to wipe all evidence of last night’s event away. “No.”

Nathan breathed a sigh of relief. “Good. That’s the biggest clue we have for now.” He set the camera on the desk, and came to stand in front of them again, his expression turning serious. “Meanwhile I need this to stay just between us for now.” He looked from Elizabeth to Rosemary. “I don’t want to tip this guy off, or worry the town if this turns out to be nothing.”

Elizabeth nodded, solemnly. That was exactly what she was afraid of, yet hoped that’s what the outcome would be at the same time.

Rosemary still didn’t seem satisfied. “And that’s it?”

“I’ll keep an eye out for anything suspicious,” Nathan assured her. “And I’d like for you to do the same.  If something appears out of the ordinary please come and let me know.”

Elizabeth cringed. Maybe he shouldn’t have told this to Rosemary. She could just picture her friend making Lee walk to Nathan’s house in the middle of the night to tell him about some noise she’d heard. Elizabeth smiled to herself in pity for the man. Poor Lee.

Rosemary still winced helplessly. “But…”

Elizabeth took her arm gently. “Thank you, Nathan.” She looked at him, willing a small smile. “I appreciate the help.”

“Still isn’t there…”

“Rosemary,” Elizabeth cut in quick. “Don’t you have to stop at the dress shop before you take Little Jack to that lunch at the café you promised him?”

Rosemary opened her mouth to protest, but at one look from Elizabeth she stopped cold.

“Oh, well…yes. Yes, you’re right. I’d…I’d better be going.” She gave a quick smile at Nathan. “Thank you for your help.”

Elizabeth gave her son a quick kiss on the cheek, before Rosemary carried him off with her.

Nathan smirked, nodding to her as she left. “You’re welcome.”

Fear stirred in Elizabeth’s chest, and she prayed for her son’s safety as she watched them leave. God is watching him. She breathed. He will protect him.

A blanket of silence fell as Rosemary left, Jack bouncing on her hip. And this was the moment Elizabeth had been dreading.

She smiled awkwardly, not able to bring herself to look Nathan in the eye. He seemed to be at a similar loss for words, staring first at the wall, then his feet.

You’ll never know if you keep hiding from them. Rosemary’s words spun round her head. Oh, but it would be so much easier to keep hiding!

“So how have you been?”

Nathan’s words made her jerk toward him, eyes wide. “Fine. You?”


Silence again settled between them. Elizabeth took a breath. “Well, I’d better get to school.” She gave him a weak smile before heading straight out the door.

So much for not hiding. But what else should she say? By the way, about that hug I gave you last week… Elizabeth cringed inside as she made her way into the street.

“Elizabeth.” She turned around quick to find Nathan following after her.

He hesitated, his mouth opening but the words seemed stuck. “About what I said before…about having dinner with me.”

Elizabeth’s heart stilled. He was taking back his invitation. It made sense after everything that happened, and truth be told she probably would have turned him down anyway. She wasn’t ready yet. Still she didn’t know whether she was relived or disappointed.

She looked to the basket she held, trying to find the words. “Nathan, you’ve been through so much these past few days. I understand if you….”

“My offer still stands.”

Her eyes jerked to his face at the sudden statement. He smiled at her, a hopeful sparkle in his blue gaze. “If you’re interested.”

“Oh.” She breathed, gripping the basket tighter. She wasn’t expecting that. Not by a long shot. Now what did she do? Panic took hold as she fought for some sort of response.

Nathan must have sensed her anxiety. “You don’t have to decide right now or anything.” He added quick. “I just thought I’d let you know.” A gentle smile touched his face, and Elizabeth couldn’t help but give a small one back.

“Thank you.” She gave a nod, and slowly turned to head to school, a thousand and one thoughts swirling through her mind.


Lucas’ fingers drummed the top of Gown’s oak desk as he stared at the wall in front of him. Technically it was his desk now, as was the office, the chair he sat in, and the giant pile of ledgers before him.

His eye caught Nathan’s red serge through the window as he walked away, and he looked up to stare helplessly at the ceiling. Still the scene of Elizabeth running into the Mountie’s arms played over in his mind for the thousandth time. He shut his eyes trying to erase the stomach-churning thought, but instead it only became clearer.

He’d known that he and Nathan were both interested in Elizabeth, but he’d seen few to no signs that Elizabeth shared those feelings with the Mountie. If he was being honest with himself, he’d thought that Elizabeth seemed interested in him. At least she seemed to enjoy the outings they shared. He knew he had, but apparently he’d thought wrong.

All he knew was how he felt about her, which pulled the knot in his stomach even tighter. How close were those two anyway?

Begrudgingly he turned his attention to the many ledgers that sat piled before him. Flipping one open he ran through the numbers again. Still they hadn’t changed, and as much as he wanted to put it off, he needed to start plans to save the company. Which involved halting operations until he could find a way to clean up the giant mess Henry Gowen had created.

He’d tried to find a way to keep the company running the past week. He hated the thought of all those men without a job to provide for their families, but he just couldn’t hold off any longer. There would be no chance of saving Gowen Petroleum if he didn’t stop now, and figure out how to turn things around.

He sighed internally. What was he doing? He knew nothing about this business, let alone launching a rescue plan. He really needed Henry’s know-how. If only he hadn’t been so stubborn. Lucas knew he needed to have another conversation with the man, and he wasn’t looking forward to it.

Still anything was better than focusing on his personal life.

A light rap sounded on the open door, and Lucas found Hickam poking his head in. “Hey, Luca…I mean…um…boss?”

Boss. Lucas thought to himself sarcastically. If that’s what he was then he was officially the worst boss ever. “Yes, Mike?”

Hickam stepped closer, wincing as he caught hold of Lucas’ blood shot eyes. “Ooo…You don’t look so good. Rough night?”

Lucas rubbed the bridge of his nose. “More like rough week.”

Hickam nodded understandingly. “Yeah, I don’t blame you. The whole town saw what happened.”

Lucas’s attention jerked back to Hickam. “Saw what happen?”

Hickam shrugged hesitantly. “You know…Nathan and Elizabeth.”

And once again that haunting hug flashed before his eyes again. Would he always feel like this? If Elizabeth didn’t care for him like he cared for her, would he be able to accept it and move on? He didn’t want to think about it right now, or ever if he was being honest.

Still Hickam continued on. “I have to tell you I was just as surprised as you were, especially with how much time you two have been spending…”

Okay, now things were getting too personal. “Was there something you needed, Mike?”

“Oh, right.” Hickam began shuffling his feet, while rubbing the back of his neck. “I don’t mean to rush you or anything but…me and the guys were wondering…what exactly you plan to do?”

Wasn’t that the question on everyone’s minds right now. “I’ve been asking myself that all week.”

“Just how bad are things?”

Should he tell him? He really didn’t want to cause a problem, but he just didn’t see any way out of it. He looked to his hands. “We have to suspend all operations until further notice.”

Hickam’s eyes widened. “All operations?” Lucas couldn’t miss the panic in his voice. “You mean we’re shutting down?”

Lucas held up his hand. “Not permanently. Just until we can get back on our feet again.” Whenever that might be. Honestly Gowen had really dug them in deep.

“What about the men?”

At least he had a plan for that. “The men will get one final paycheck on Monday, but after that there’s not much more I can do.” Lucas hated how pitiful that sounded, but it was the truth.

The money would once again be coming from his own pocket, this time with an added bonus as he had no idea when things would be up and running again. Of course, he wouldn’t tell the men that, but he wasn’t at all looking forward to the morning he would hand those checks out.

Hickam nodded sadly. “Alright. I understand.” Lucas felt his stomach sink even deeper with the helplessness of the situation.

Hickam headed for the door. “Thanks Luc…I mean boss.”

Again Lucas winced at that word. “Can we just avoid the whole “boss” title? Makes me feel…”


Lucas smiled. “Something like that.”

Hickam gave a nod, smiling his understanding. “Sure thing, Lucas.”

A sigh of relief came at hearing his name, although he wasn’t sure why. Maybe because the name “Lucas” held less responsibility then the title “boss.” “Thank you.”

Hickam started to leave when a sudden thought struck Lucas. “Oh, and Mike?”

Hickam turned back quick on his heel. “Yes?”

How did he put this? “Can we keep this just between us for now? No use ruining the rest of everyone’s week.” Or starting a riot.

Hickam nodded, seeming to understand. “Sure thing.”

As he walked away, Lucas sunk back into his chair. He rubbed his hands over his eyes, fighting the growing headache. Again the question pounded through him. What am I going to do? Only this time he wasn’t sure which problem he was referring to.


    That's all for now! Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to leave a comment below or on my Twitter page and let me know what you thought! Good or bad. Don't be afraid to tell me what you honestly thought! Have a wonderful weekend! God Bless!


  1. I am totally loving your story! I really enjoyed the Mike/Lucas scene. And I am so curious who broke into her house and how Lucas will react once he finds out. Sounds like Nathan wasn't all that concerned.

    Good stuff! Keep it up!!

    1. Thank you! I'm glad to know you enjoyed it! Nathan isn't sure right now what happened, but never fear as he's on the case! :)

  2. Loved it! I was hoping for some Elizabeth and Lucas interaction and loved the short scene between them. I can picture those two sneaking glances at each other...as much as I love their dialogue, I adore their non-verbal communication when they just look at each other's eyes.

    I really liked the exchange between Lucas and Hickam and some insight into their working relationship. I'll never like Nathan as long as he's in Elizabeth's orbit, but I liked their scene as well (I just remind myself of the title of this story as to where this will go eventually.) Great chapter! Looking forward to the mystery unraveling some more and of course...more E&L :)

    1. Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoy it! And don't worry about Nathan. I have a plan for him.... ;)

  3. Aww, biscuits! I know where this love story is headed, but I could literally see the hope in Nathan's eyes when he said his offer still stood...oh, my heart!

    Very interesting with the mystery of who broke into Elizabeth's house. I'm curious to see where that goes. And what the reasoning behind it is.

    Love the conversation between Hickam and Lucas. Hickam cracks me up, and I love how much Lucas cares about the people in his employ and how hard it is for him to have to suspend the operation. He really does have a sweet heart. :)

    Your writing is so good! To be honest, I probably won't be able to keep reading once you have L and E together, but for now I'm enjoying your storytelling. You certainly have a gift for it!

    1. Thank you so much, girl! I really appreciate your support and encouragement! And yeah...the endgame here is pretty inevitable...Lol! And totally feel free to stop reading whenever you need to. I know L & E as a couple isn't exactly your cup of tea. ;) But I'm really grateful for the feedback you've given me so far! Thank you! God Bless!

  4. Thank you sooo much for your writing...sorry I gave Div the credit in the last chapter..but loving your chapters..they are so interesting..Rosemary is a force to be reckoned with(bless her heart)...I know Elizabeth is still struggling with her emotions...and the pain the Lucas feels touches my heart..I know he has a lot on his plate😢😢😢...looking forward to chapter 5 next week and staying on track!!!..God bless you ..great job💕💕💕💕

  5. No worries! I'm so glad that you're enjoying the story so far! Thank you so much for your support and encouragement! I truly appreciate it! God bless!

  6. I enjoyed teading thid but if I read correctly it is going to turn into an Elizabeth and Lucsd story. Can you please yell me. I don't wznt to reaf it if it gives Nztjan false hope and then she goes to Lucad like wcth fid on S8. I don't like them together at all and don't watch the sdcc how at all. I don't like watching either pf them on anything. If you could let me know I'll just stop and not trad anymore
    Thank you so mu h

    1. Yes, this is a LucaBeth fanfic. Sorry about that. This story was written after Season 7 and I didn't know who Elizabeth was going to pick. But I did give Nathan his own exciting storyline. Either way it's totally fine if you'd prefer to stop reading. Thank you so much for reading what you did. I'm so glad you enjoyed it! God Bless!

  7. Sorry for the typos.
    I couldn't see what I was typing and then couldn't edit. I hope you can figure it out.

    1. Just before chapter 1, there is a warning that this is a LucaBeth story. It was written in 2020 and one of my favs.

  8. I am glad to see this made clear. I cannot read anything Lucas, I really don't like him at all! I'm sorry. I must have overlooked the warning.


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