A Moment in Time: The Union City Trip (Part 2)

    It's that time of the week again Hearties! Friday! Welcome back to the second half of this, A Moment in Time, double feature! Wednesday's post left off at the romantic picnic Lucas had prepared for Elizabeth during their trip to Union City.

    Let's continue, (And as Lucas would say) shall we? :)

    So the lovely couple (Cough!) couple of friends I mean....has finally reached Union City and is checking into the hotel. (Sorry, I don't have any pics of it.) Elizabeth comments how it reminded her of a hotel her and her parents once stayed at in Brussels. Very interesting. I didn't know she'd ever traveled abroad before. Just another thing to add to the common interests bucket for her and Lucas.

    Anyhow apparently I'm not the only one who thinks they look like a couple as the hotel clerk mistakenly calls Elizabeth "Mrs. Bouchard!" (Sighs....If only....Lol!) This does NOT go over well with Elizabeth and she very quickly tries to correct the man. But it is actually Mr. Bouchard himself who steps in immediately and corrects him. (Very nice!) He could have laughed along with the mistake and then corrected it, but he didn't. Instead he quickly put the mistake to rights, and then on top of it all informs the clerk that he has booked a SUITE for Mrs. Thornton and just a single room for himself. (A round of applause erupts from the crowd.) How thoughtful is this guy? I take two main points away from this.

    First off, he's treating Elizabeth like royalty. He has gone out of his way to make this outing so special for her, and he's paying for everything. He could have just rented her a normal room, therefore saving himself a bit of money, but he didn't. He treated her like a princess and got her her own suite. In a very nice hotel none the less!

    But secondly it shows that he doesn't require the highest standards for himself. (Yes, I'm going to rant again.) Some people pin the fact that Lucas appears to come from a high society life against him, saying that he represents everything Elizabeth left behind. BUT when given the chance to treat himself to the luxury of a hotel suite he doesn't. I'm sure he had the money to do it, yet he was content to just stay in a normal room. I have more to say on this subject, but I'll save it for later on in the post. :)

    So anyhow Lucas corrected the man, very much to Elizabeth's relief. He then turns to her and just says, "An honest mistake."

    And then we come to "the moment." "What moment?" you say, as this episode has many "moments." I'm talking about that signature Hallmark moment when the guy and girl see each other all dressed up for the first time. Lucas is standing in the lobby waiting for Elizabeth (I will not mention the pocket watch again.) and she tentatively walks out. You can see the nervousness in her face before he turns around. It's been a very long time since she's gone out like this, let alone have a man waiting for her. And lets be honest, I'm sure she wanted to impress him.

    And impress she did. Lucas turns around, and just stares, a smile spreading across his face. He's enraptured with her, and Elizabeth can't help but give this sweet smile at him. He then walks over to her slowly, and says, "You look....beautiful." And Elizabeth smiles and thanks him.

    Lucas then asks can he help her with her wrap, which she allows. And in this silent, breathless moment the sparks fly, and we get one of the closest and most intimate moments between these two. This whole scene actually reminds me of Jack and Elizabeth's first date when they saw each other for the first time. There was just this romantic spark flying breathlessness between them, where they barely had words for each other. The same sort of thing happened here with Elizabeth and Lucas. They just stared at each other not saying much. And then Lucas helped her with her wrap like Jack helped her with her corsage. All in all it just truly made things "date like" despite Elizabeth's protest that it wasn't. (Come on, girl! Just say it!)

    Lucas then offers his arm to her, and asks, "Shall we?" And Elizabeth smiles, takes his arm, and they walk off together to attend the reading. :)

    Afterwards they go to what I'm assuming is the hotel's restaurant for dinner. They sit at this very fancy little table right next to a fire place (Nice!) and Lucas orders them some champagne stating that he feels they have plenty to celebrate. (Using his French none the less.) Elizabeth gushes that she can't believe that they just met Virginia Woolf, and Lucas smiles saying that Elizabeth and Mrs. Woolf had quite the conversation. Elizabeth feels she must have talked the woman's ear off, and Lucas laughs lightly telling her that they were "thick as thieves." Elizabeth then laughs and admits that she honestly can't remember what she said to her, eliciting a good hearted laugh from Lucas.

    It's nice to see them just having this casual conversation, and smiling and laughing with each other. Kind of gives you a little glimpse into the future of what it would be like if they were really a couple, you know? They just have so much in common and truly enjoy just being around each other. Add all the romantic sparks, glittery eyes, happy sighs.... You get the picture.

    Then Lucas' true feelings are revealed. He asks Elizabeth did she enjoy Mrs. Woolf's latest book, to which Elizabeth responses that she did. She then goes into detail over it explaining how it felt different from her short stories with the excitement of life, and the fear of death....And she then discovers that she's been rambling with a smile from Lucas. Lol!

    And then she starts to open the can of worms by asking what Lucas thought of the book. He smiles admitting he actually hasn't finished it yet. Elizabeth then asks how far did he get, and he reluctantly says that he only has finished the first chapter....the night before. Elizabeth is quite surprised, and figures that he must he a fan of Mrs. Woolf's short stories. Lucas then claims that he's not particularly. Elizabeth then realizes that Lucas did not buy those tickets for himself....or not in the way she first thought. She looks at him and says, "So you bought the tickets....just because..."

    And Lucas just smiles, and says, "Yes. Just because." And Team Lucas begins to swoon. Lol! Elizabeth now understands everything. Lucas only bought those tickets because he thought she would really enjoy the reading, and....because he wanted to spend time with her. Truthfully I think he wanted that whole trip to be a date, but he knew that Elizabeth needed time. So he agreed to go just as friends, because no matter the label he just wanted to be with her. (And maybe try his hand at winning her heart a little...:D )

    We now come to the final scene. The scene that had one of the biggest foreshadowing moments of all Season 7. (Or at least I hope it's foreshadowing. :)

    So first they both gush over the fact that the food is so good that even the mushrooms (Which, happy coincidence, they both don't like :) actually taste good. And then Lucas brings up a fact that Hearties have been using against the poor man. He asks Elizabeth does she miss her old lifestyle of the theater and fine dinning that she left in Hamilton. She admits that after an evening like they'd had it's hard not to, but that now that she has Little Jack there's really nowhere else she could picture raising her son then Hope Valley. And Lucas makes the revolutionary statement, "I know what you mean." What now? He does? Continue Mr. Bouchard...

    He says that after traveling around so much he just really wanted to find the perfect place to finally stop....and raise a family!!!

    Okay, before I get into that great statement I wanted to finish my earlier rant....I mean point about Lucas. One of the big arguments that people make against Lucas is that he represents the world Elizabeth left behind. But the big point I want to make is the fact that his statements that I just listed above about why he came to Hope Valley blow those arguments out of the water. Yes, I very much agree with other Hearties that it seems like Lucas came from a very "comfortable" lifestyle. BUT he left it. Hmm...Now who does that remind me of.... Yes, Elizabeth herself. They actually have similar stories in a way as they both left the lives they knew of comfort and finery, and came to Hope Valley. And Elizabeth didn't become the frontier woman she is now over night. No, it took seven seasons for that.
    I guess the main point is that while Lucas does enjoy fine dinning and such, he made his choice, just as Elizabeth did. People like to give him a hard time for his "fancier" ways and call him shady, dishonest, and even slimey. But does that mean that Elizabeth is all those things too just because she came from a ritzy upbringing as well? Just making a point is all.

    Any who, back to this business of wanting children. Wow! That was a big statement from Lucas and Elizabeth knew it. Especially as she has a son, this was super important for her to hear. She could absolutely never even consider dating a guy who didn't want a family. But Lucas has made it clear that he does, and that's actually part of the reason he chose to settle down in Hope Valley. Now of course he clarifies that he is in no hurry, and I wonder if that stems from his past.

    He tells Elizabeth that his father used to stress the importance of patience....especially when finding your soulmate. Whoa, man! Hold up one minute! Did you just start talking about finding your soulmate??? Yeah, Elizabeth's face showed her surprise, and she seemed interested yet nervous. After all they are sitting at an intimate candle lit dinner, and he starts talking about finding his true love. That would definitely make me stop and pause.
    So he continues to tell Elizabeth how his father courted his mother for five years! Elizabeth shows her surprise at such a long courtship....(Begins to snicker...) Girl, how can you even be that surprised? You are the queen of long term courtships in Hope Valley. You didn't even marry Jack until...wait what was it...oh Season "5" you say? Hmm... So she asks what took them so long, and Lucas shrugs his shoulders saying, "You know life. Things get in the way." Really? I didn't know that....I can't think of anything to even compare that to...Lol!

    Then we get to the good stuff! (Here comes the foreshadowing. Here comes the foreshadowing...) Lucas claims that his father always knew she (Lucas' mother) was the one. And that his mother says that she got tired of turning him (Lucas' father) down. And then here's comes the big one...Lucas then says,

    "But she loved him. I think she just wanted to be sure." And Elizabeth's face says it all. Truthfully, if Lucas is the writers choice, then his statement may just outline him and Elizabeth's current point in their journey. Lucas possibly already sees Elizabeth as his soulmate, and may even be in love with her already. (I can't put words in his mouth.) But Elizabeth is very cautious when it comes to opening her heart to love again, and may not be sure how she feels just yet.

    She then tentatively asks, "So you plan to be patient....like your father?" A huge playful smile forming on her face as she says it. Basically she's asking is he willing to be patient with her, as she figures things out. Lucas looks at her smiling, and says,

    "I have always had faith that I would know the perfect woman for me when I met her. And I will wait as long as I have to....to win her heart."

    Good-night! Okay, that was hands down one of, if not the most romantic thing he has ever said. I mean, first off he said that he's always had faith that he would know the perfect woman for him when he met her....and now it is his burning desire to pursue Elizabeth. I mean, just look back at the moment that he first saw Elizabeth. He didn't even know her name, and instantly at the sight of her he was trying to offer her a job, and complimenting her.

    And then he assures her that he will wait as long as he has to for her. Awww!! I mean he was speaking indirectly yet directly to her. I watched him, and he wasn't saying that to some random woman in the corner. He looked right at her. And Elizabeth knew it. Her face went to this instant nervous/shy smile as she looks timidly away then back to his face. And that sweet smile never leaves her face for the rest of the scene.

    Well, there we have it! Lucas and Elizabeth's Union City trip from beginning to end! I hope you guys enjoyed the ride! I know things are still in the air as to what really happened in the finale, but it's always fun to go back and watch these romantic scenes! They give some hope to this sweet potential couple, and I so want to know what's next for them in Season 8!

    Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to comment your thoughts on these scenes below or on my Twitter page! Stay safe, and God Bless!


  1. Once again, you are right on point. Lucas comes from money, and obviously has money, but he also likes simplicity. Exactly like Elizabeth! I agree that there was foreshadowing in this moment, but the confusion lies with the writers giving us 'faux foreshadowing'- (I don't know if that's a term or if I just made it up)- with Nathan and E. (the wedding pic?, etc)

    The two of them are perfect for each other, and the writers have done a great job of showing that to us. I love the show and all the other characters too, but should they take all this beautiful romance and ditch it, it would be hard for me to get on board. Not saying I would stop watching, but I definitely wouldn't be as involved as I am now. It would hurt to see Lucas pushed aside and the predictable chosen. For whatever reason.

    If I get the time I will post more later, but gosh girl, you nailed these last two blogs. Well done!

    1. That's a awful lot of foreshadowing for it to be "faux" foreshadowing. There is no faux foreshadowing for either of them. Everything the directors and writers put into the script from the most minor of details is done on purpose, everything, including having him look at his pocket watch. The pocket watch has meaning as well, it cannot be brushed under the run because people don't want to read into it. So I disagree with your comments about that. There have only been two romantic scenes between them. Next season Nathan will get his chance and I think they will release Kevin to show his romantic side. Back to the foreshadowing, every piece of foreshadowing counts and if you really look at all of it, from the music to the books being mentioned and what those books are about to the apples that randomly show up between Nathan and Elizabeth (yes, it is a thing) and examine it carefully, although there are a few nuggets for Lucas, you will see that it heavily favors Nathan.

    2. Aww! Thank you Kelley! I'm glad you enjoyed them! And I'm with you. It's not like I'd stop watching the show if E picked N but it definitely would make me very disappointed. Elizabeth's story has always been one of the main plot lines, and I want to see Lucas have one too and not just become a side character. But as always we'll just have to wait and see. God Bless!

  2. Also, I am pretty sure 'shall we' is going to be Lucas' catchphrase much like 'let's take a walk' was Jack's. I think he has said it 3 times now? They simply have to put them together. His character wouldn't make sense anymore if they don't...

    1. ........yet how many times have Nathan and Elizabeth reciprocated each other's phrases. I can tell you it's been several.

    2. I think his character would still fit fine into Hope Valley without Elizabeth, probably one of the reasons he is taking over the oil business there. My guess is he will have Fiona and Hickam help him and that's why they had her character written out of her phone job. It makes complete sense, especially in light of some of the things BB said in a post interview about the triangle.

      I guess for us Team Nathan people it wouldn't make sense for him to not end up with Elizabeth after she practically begged him to stay in Hope Valley and not take the promotion. If she doesn't have feelings for him then why would she even care if he takes the promotion and moves on? Her reasoning was not solely about Allie because she questioned him about the friends that he had made there too and she walked out of his office with her eyes watering up. She was truly affected by it and upset that he hadn't told her sooner. She always seems to be questioning him about where he's going and he always lets her know because he knows what she has been through already and can relate to her better than Lucas can.

    3. True, Kelley. That could become Lucas catchphrase, as he's said it multiple times. And those writers better have a good plan for Lucas should he not go with Elizabeth. I mean, he's ALWAYS thinking about her and what he can do for her. It would be sad to see him rejected, and have to watch E with someone else. (But hopefully things will never come to that! :)

  3. Again nice write up, but I have to disagree with you on the part of that being the biggest foreshadowing of season 7. I think it definitely had some elements of that between Lucas and Elizabeth, but I think the biggest piece of foreshadowing came during the wedding when Carson took Nathan and Elizabeth's photo and said it was a keeper. I like Lucas and I like his character, but I do not see him and Elizabeth winding up together and I definitely think that there have been more foreshadowing moments for Nathan and Elizabeth than there have been for Elizabeth and Lucas. I feel like the whole season has been a set up for the angst between Nathan and Elizabeth to come to a resolution where they wind up together. The apples were also a huge symbol between Nathan and Elizabeth for foreshadowing. The red apple is a symbol of love (you can google it). Those apples and the theme of the apples show up multiple times throughout the season between Nathan and Elizabeth, starting with the Christmas episode where the apple shows up twice, and Nathan's horse is named Newton. Sir Isaac Newton was the discoverer of gravity, another thing symbolizing their gravitational pull to one another. None of this was done by coincidence. I have counted about 8 or 9 times that those apples are shown as a symbol between the two of them. It is uncanny really and very witty of the writers to throw that in there. When talking about foreshadowing it is not only the words that are said between characters, but everything else from the music being played in the background to the color scheme of their clothes (Elizabeth wears a lot of purple which is a complimentary color to red on the color wheel, BB even tweeted a response to someone noticing this on Twitter), to all of the other symbols. Did you know that the music being played in the background at the pond scene was also the music being played in the background at Jack and Elizabeth's wedding? Coincidence? Probably not.

    While I do think you make some very good and valid points and do point out some definite foreshadowing moments between them, I don't really think of it as the biggest piece of the season. I truly think that picture that Carson takes trumps anything said between Lucas and Elizabeth in this non date. She can go with Lucas because Lucas is an easy choice for her to make, she is curious about him and even says so in the first episode of the season, but if her level of feelings for him is not the same as Nathan than it makes it easier for her to accept his friendship whereas those feelings for Nathan will make her hesitate because of how real they are, but I think in that finale she could't deny them anymore when she thought that he had died. While I think there was relief there and a flashback to Jack as well, I think she was also very well aware that it was Nathan she was clinging to and that was definitely not a friends only embrace. She was holding on to him for dear life and perhaps it was even an answer to that question he had asked her in that very first episode, "What's in your heart?" To which he said, "Let me know when you figure it out." Well I think that embrace was her letting him know. I also think that Lucas taking over the oil business is set up for his character to go in a different direction as well (something I think that Chris alluded to in that post season interview and wants for his character), but we will see as we come into season 8. Ugh...why does it have to be so far away?!

    1. Thank you! You make some interesting points. I haven't dug that far into things, but it does make make me stop and think for sure. As for the potential foreshadowing of this scene, to be fair I did say it was "one of" the biggest, and then said I hoped it was foreshadowing, as I really don't know right now. It really just comes down to what the writers want to do. Maybe it will mean nothing for E and L, or maybe it will turn out to be one of the biggest foreshadowing moments of the season. I just don't know right now. But there have been plenty of potential foreshadowing moments for both teams for sure. And yet with all that I still don't know who Elizabeth is going to pick. Lol! I honestly think it could go either way, but we'll just have to wait and see. Once again you make some interesting points and you could be right on. I just don't know yet. Man, where is Season 8 when you need it? Lol! God Bless!

  4. Loved Part 2 as much as Part 1! There was one underrated moment that took place as Lucas and Elizabeth walked through the hotel lobby to check in. Elizabeth mentions the hotel that her family stayed at in Brussels and Lucas responds with, "It had old world charm?", to which she happily nods. They GET each other. I loved that he booked her a suite and a single room for himself -- all of this just reveals his character and just how well he treats this woman he has come to care so much for.

    What I loved about them seeing each other in the lobby is that Lucas was obviously besotted, but Elizabeth seemed taken by him too. Her expression when they walk towards each other and when he's looking down and unfolding her wrap; she just looks at him and you can see she's completely smitten. She holds on to the wrap a few beats too long because she's caught up in the moment with him. The sparks absolutely fly as he covers her shoulders with the wrap. We see how his closeness affects her -- the library scene from the previous episode is an example of how she reacts to him now that things are "real."

    The dinner scenes were glorious! They seemed so at ease with each other. It was a glimpse of what future meals would be like between them. I just cannot get over how much he cares for her and his sincere desire to make her happy. When she's about to figure out that he's not a Virginia Woolf fan, the "not particularly" he utters is said with so much honesty and vulnerability; it's so endearing. And who can forget her reaction?? For all her insistence that it was "not a date", her joy at this trip being "...just because..." completely contradicts her claims. She was thrilled at his intentions and my heart was happy!

    The amount of foreshadowing we got was wonderful. I agree that this notion of Lucas trying to whisk Elizabeth away to the privileged life she left behind is ridiculous. He seems to have done the same and wants to raise a family in a small town. The writers made sure to address what Lucas's intentions were for his future and mentioning the family aligns him with what Elizabeth has (and wants.) The parallels to his parents was great (I loved learning a little more about the Bouchards), but like you said, the biggest moment of foreshadowing, in my opinion, was the "She loved him. I think she just wanted to be sure." That was most certainly pointed at her and where they are now. He knows she needs to figure out what she wants and he's pretty confident it'll lead her to him. This "hug" might complicate matters, but I'm not giving up on Lucas & Elizabeth. A whole season's worth of foreshadowing and this episode alone, validates my belief in them.

    One last thing I wanted to mention. One of the beauties of a Lucas and Elizabeth relationship is that Lucas can give her the best of both worlds. He seems to come from a similar financial background as her, so he knows/understands the ways of that upbringing. He can engage in conversation about that lifestyle and even show her a night like this one every once in a while if/when either of them miss it (there's nothing wrong with that). BUT, they both chose to leave that lifestyle behind and set up roots in a small town and want to build their lives there. He can give her both -- he can take her out for a fancy outing that is akin to their former lives or he is content to spend time with her in their little town. He understands every part of her (including the fact that she doesn't like mushrooms like him ;) )

    Amazing write-up! I love these two so much!! #TeamLucas <3

    1. There is way more foreshadowing for Nathan and Elizabeth. One conversation of foreshadowing does not make an entire season's worth. You make some valid points, but I do believe it will be Elizabeth and Nathan in the end and I believe that the majority of the foreshadowing points in that direction along with a lot of comments that were made to indicate the show taking a certain direction from the post interviews, both with BB and with the three main actors. None of that can be dismissed. Chris kept talking about wanting things to get messy for his character while Kevin was talking about his relationship with Elizabeth progressing with his character. It totally felt like they were on completely different though processes.

      The red apple is a symbol of love between two people (google it, it's quite interesting). That apple shows up multiple times throughout the season between Nathan and Elizabeth, starting with the Christmas episode. The first time is right after Rosemary tells Elizabeth that Jack just wanted her to be happy, camera then pans to a single red apple sitting on the table in Nathan's house and then up to Nathan coming down the stairs. The second time, there is a red apple ornament hanging between them on the Christmas tree while they talk. 3rd time, Taffy Apple conversation between Allie and Elizabeth in the Mercantile; number 4, on Nathan's coffee table in Heart of A Father; 5th time, Family Matters at the end of the episode while Nathan is saying goodbye to his father. Elizabeth is talking to two women, one has a basket of apples the other one is playfully holding one up to Jack. The camera shifts back and forth between Elizabeth and Nathan with the apples in plain view. After his father leaves there is a woman walking up the street by Nathan with a basket of red apples while he starts to playfully talk to Allie and watch Elizabeth. Episode 6, Unexpected Gifts, apples are mentioned in passing by Elizabeth's students while she and Nathan are talking. It is also mentioned that his horse's name is Newton, as in the discoverer of gravity, another apple connection. Number 7, there are red apples at the fruit stand at the end of Heart of A Writer when Nathan walks past her and says, "Welcome back." 8. Red apple's on Elizabeth's table in Into The Woods right before the scene where she checks out Nathan using Lucas' binoculars. Yes, she was so into Lucas that she was checking out Nathan with Lucas' gift to her. Her eyes always find Nathan when he is around. Oh yes and the biggest one of all, number 10 when he brought the apple to her as a simple gesture in the Heart of a Writer.

      I can also track the music, there are a lot of similarities between the music being played for Elizabeth and Jack and the music being played for Elizabeth and Nathan. All of this is purposely done by the show to make connections. The music at the pond scene is the same music that is being played during Jack and Elizabeth's wedding. That is not a coincidence. There are other similarities as well.

      (Continued blow)

    2. Her conversation with Lucas in Union City was the most deep conversation she had all season with Lucas other than about her book and all of it was talked in around about way and nothing directly said, Nathan is the only who has said anything directly to her about how he feels about her. She knows Nathan better than she knows Lucas. She knows and understands his struggles as a single parent and vice versa. They understand each other's grief and the sacrifices that have had to been made. She knows his background and knows about his dad. She has more in common with Nathan, single parenting, love and loss, community service, wanting to make the world a better place (another line thrown in there on purpose), Emerson. I believe that their story came full circle from the first episode when Nathan asked her "What's in your heart," and then said to her, "Let me know when you figure it out." How many times throughout the season have they reciprocated phrases like that to one another? A few times, including the being safe phrases. Rosemary tells her she will know when the time is right. Well, I think she did know and she flew right into his arms and she let him know what was in her heart. Her brain isn't there yet and it will take some time for it to catch up, but I can guarantee you that Nathan will also be creating some romantic moments for her next season. They aren't about to keep him hanging for long and I have yet to watch a Hallmark show or movie where the underdog or tortoise, if you will, has not come back and won the girls heart in the end.

      (Continued below)

    3. I think the Don't Go in that last episode was twofold and had a deeper meaning than just with Fiona. Her heart was telling Nathan not to go after she thought he was dead and then when they were embracing was another Don't go moment. I can point out tons of other things that would indicate the outcome as well, including the picture that Carson took at the wedding and said it was a keeper. That photo is going to show up again and it will probably show up on Elizabeth's table. The quote on the plaque was huge, the fact that Nathan has a niece who needs a mother (why have his character have a niece other than to emphasize the need for a mom. There is no other reason for that and if it isn't going to be Elizabeth then why have the two of them get close to one another and develop a relationship), Nathan's interaction with Little Jack at the Christening and at that Christening Nathan is the only wearing Baby's breath on his jacket (go google the symbolism for that), the dart in his beer (bullseye), Nathan chops wood and that's a huge plus in Hallmark land (You probably will not see Lucas do the same, it is not in character for him and the would not have both of them do that), she can't call her outings with Lucas a date and is always concerned with what Nathan will think, she seeks Nathan out. They have asked each other for help over 40 times (yes it has been counted) throughout the season and it was not one-sided with Nathan doing all the asking. The conversation while they were looking for a tree and the fact that they decorated the tree together is another sign, the cardinal ornament another symbol with multiple meanings. They have been in each other's houses, Lucas has never been invited to step inside her house and he has been to her door 5 times now (including twice during the Union City trip) and she has never been in Lucas' home.

      I believe that she feels safe to go with Lucas because her feelings for him are not the same and do not run as deeply as her feelings for Nathan do and that makes him a safe choice for her. She is curious about him and is flattered by his advances and that confuses her, but her feelings for Nathan run deeper and that scares her, but when she thought he was dead she couldn't deny them anymore. Lucas could never raise Jack either to understand what his dad did and how honorable of a man he was, but Nathan can convey that to him and that is also a big plus in his favor. There is tension and angst between their two characters, something that does not exist between Lucas and Elizabeth and that is not a good sign in Hallmark land either. Lastly I cannot picture the writers going against what the majority of fans want when almost every poll out there favors Nathan by about 60/30 with a small margin of about 10% undecided.

      Everything from the colors they wear to the music and other symbols used are chosen on purpose, even the books used. Room With A View (book mentioned after N and E's fingers touch in the library) is a book about a love triangle. One guy is rich and the other a commoner, the girl chooses the commoner. Here is the kicker about that one the one she chose was named George Emerson (I don't think that is another coincidence either). All of these details matter. There are parallels with those books as well.

      Lastly I cannot picture the writers going against what the majority of fans want when almost every poll out there favors Nathan by about 60/30 with a small margin of about 10% undecided. I have nothing against Lucas, his character has a good heart, but what he has to offer Elizabeth is not exactly the type of things that speak to her heart and I truly almost 100% believe that Nathan is end game. All of the classic signs of a hallmark love triangle are there and his favor. He has not had his chance to romance her yet, but it's coming in season 8 and I think it will surprise a lot of people.

    4. Thanks Divya! I'm really glad you enjoyed it! Elizabeth and Lucas just truly enjoy each other's company. Elizabeth gives such sweet/shy smiles while she's with Lucas and after he leaves, and Lucas...Oh boy! He's is just showering that girl with his thoughtfulness! I agree with you that they both enjoy a fancy night out, (Who wouldn't?) but have chosen to make their lives in Hope Valley. Lucas has traveled the world, and has been to some amazing places, but he chose Hope Valley specifically to stop and make a home for himself and his future family. That shows his character. I also agree that this episode gave us an idea of what future meals would look like between them. They can converse on an array of topics from literature on a more deeper level, and yet talk about raising a family in a small town. I could go on but, I'll stop for now. :) Thanks again for your thoughts and your support! God Bless!

    5. Anonymous - I'll keep it simple: We're just not going to agree. This back and forth is pointless.

    6. WCTH Blog - Well said! Thank you for taking the time to write about both *non-dates*. It's been such a help for those of us who are having major Lucas & Elizabeth withdrawals. You put so much thought and effort into each entry - please know that it is very much appreciated :)

  5. I think it's their connection with her dream of writing that keeps me hoping for a Lucas/Elizabeth ending. He has totally entered that dream with her, and done everything he can to make it come true. Nathan, until the last episode, had really been standing on the sidelines of her writing, rarely mentioning it and her being hesitant to share with him what she has shared with Lucas. She eagerly talks with Lucas about it. Nathan was more interested in the last episode as they spoke in the stable area. So that was encouraging for him.

    I have seen the foreshadowing/faux foreshadowing- whatever it turns out to be- with her and Nathan. I have actually believed from the beginning she would be with Nathan, he is the obvious Hallmark choice. (not mine) But, also a very predictable choice. As an analyst, the last few episodes gave me pause, and hope, that perhaps they would go against the predictable this time. We shall all have to wait and see what happens, and hope for our favorite to win her heart.

    1. Actually Nathan has asked her previously at least twice about her writing and if it hadn't been for him she would have given up on it. She was frustrated and throwing papers in the trash bin. She is then hanging at the pond and he then shows up asking her about being a writer and what's in your heart. That line gave her the inspiration to continue trying and to come up with a new idea. Nathan is not the type to push her and so he isn't going to continuously ask her about her writing. He figures if she wants to share it with then she will, but he won't push her to.

      I have a theory on why she hasn't shared her book with Nathan and of course its debatable and just a theory, but my theory is that she hasn't shared it with him because it reveals too much of what her feelings are for him. The main guy character is a cross between Nathan and Lucas and is modeled after both of them. There might be moments in that book that only reflect the two of them that Lucas would never know about if he read them, but if Nathan read them he would pick up on them. My guess is that when the book is complete and they have a relationship started he will then read the book. If her feelings for him run deeper than she realizes then she would have a difficult time revealing that to him because they would have scared her and I think that they have scared her up until that final scene when she couldn't help herself and embraced him in the middle of the street when she realized he wasn't dead. Yes, just a theory, but I think it might be a good one.

      There is no such thing as faux foreshadowing. It doesn't exist, everything is done on purpose for both Nathan and Lucas.

  6. As always, this was an excellent blog post! Thank you for taking the time and energy to write up great content and share it with all of us. I can't say much more about this episode that hasn't already been said, but I'm still going to say a few things. :) I echo everything that other #TeamLucas fans have written. This episode was so amazing for Lucas & Elizabeth! I especially loved the dinner scene and how comfortable they were with one another.

    There have been so many amazing moments between E&L over the entire season. I love the way that they move around each other when they are together. Elizabeth's reaction to Lucas when he is near her is undeniable. The writers have done an excellent job painting a picture for E&L to be together with Jack. I am looking forward to season eight to see how our couple will continue to move forward with their relationship.

    Again, thank you so much for writing the blog. It is a little piece of love for those of us who are #TeamLucas. I look forward to reading more. Keep up the excellent work! <3

    1. Aww! Thank you! I really appreciate the support! And yes. Lucas and Elizabeth truly enjoy each other's company. They give such sweet smiles at each other! I wonder what the writers have in store for these two next! God Bless!

  7. If there is no such thing as faux foreshadowing, then she will end up with both men, and that can't happen. The writers have done a splendid job keeping us guessing and yes, there have been moments that look like foreshadowing with both men. Therefore, one is a ruse to throw us off track, that is why I call it faux foreshadowing- my term. One of the men is a foil, we just have to wait and see which one.

    I've enjoyed the discussion, have a nice day!!


    1. Nope that's not true. If you listen to her conversation with Lucas nothing he says is directed towards her. It is all talked about in generalities, not once does he come out and forwardly say that she is the one he is talking about. Sorry, but it is all connected and faux foreshadowing is not a thing.


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