What I'd Like to See in Season 8

    Happy Friday everyone! I hope you guys are doing well, and having a fantastic day! Is anyone going insane yet without our weekly dose of WCTH? It's sad it's over, but at least we know Season 8 was confirmed! (Yay!) Now we can let our imaginations run wild with all the things we want to see happen next for these characters! Which is exactly what this post is full of!

    I thought I'd do a post listing lots of things I'd like to see happen next season! I'd also like to hear your ideas as well, so feel free to comment some to me here or on my Twitter page!

    Well as Lucas said, "Shall we?"

    A Lucas Plot Twist Ending! (Duh, right? Lol!)

    Lucas playing with Little Jack. It could be so cute! I have this scene in my head of Elizabeth trying to talk to Nathan but keeps getting distracted by Lucas playing sword fighting or cowboys with Little Jack in the background. (Come, on! We need to see Lucas' potential as a father figure to LJ. I know that out of the two guys Nathan seems the most fatherly, but I think it could be so sweet to see Elizabeth and Lucas raising LJ and I think Lucas could do it!

    Gowen and Lucas become like family! Can't you just envision Gowen thinking of Lucas like the son he never had? (Sigh! So sweet!) But aside from that I want Lucas and Gowen to finally work things out and run the company together again. Season 8 better end with them as friends!

    Student problems like in Season 1. That season had the best student stories! Little Rosaleen and her guilt over her father's death. (Makes me emotional every time!) Albert and his crush on Elizabeth, Caleb not wanting someone to replace his father, Bo Grady's difficulty learning to read...The more I think about it the more I realize just how good the student stories were in Season 1. Elizabeth would be so creative in her methods and the student situations were unique and deep. I would LOVE to see more stories like this!

    While we're on the topic of Season 1, another thing I'd like to see is Elizabeth returning a bit to her roots. No, not Hamilton, but I wouldn't object to a quick visit. I'm talking about the book loving, Latin speaking version of Elizabeth. What happened to those late night studying sessions trying to solve a problem? I just have this idea in my head of Elizabeth and Lucas working together, pouring over books at the library late into the night, while trying to solve a problem with a child or the town. They're both "book lovers" and seem to be on the same level intellectually. I just think it could make for a great story, and give us Team Lucas fans some great scenes between the two of them.

    Jesse builds him and Clara's dream house!!! (Please Hallmark! Please, please, please!) Hope Valley hasn't had a new building added to the town since the church back in Season 2! (Yes, I know we just got a library, but that building was already built and a part of the town.) I'm talking about a brand new house just outside of town on some nice land.

    Rosemary and Lee get a child of their own. Now I say "get" as the options are either they finally get pregnant or adopt a child. I still personally want to see Rosemary have a child. It could be so much fun to watch the Coulters go through that journey, and we've never, EVER gotten to see a husband's reaction to anything pregnancy related. Every time a woman has had a baby (Except for Robert's mom) their husband has been dead. We never really got to watch the husband fuss over their wife, or be grossed out by the weird cravings, or build the nursery, or panic during the birth, or cry over the sight of their child...(Sniff! No I am not just spouting off all the things we didn't get to see Jack do!)

    But after all this I would not object to the Coulters adopting a child either. I'm picturing this adorable curly red haired six year old boy. He'd be an angel and a sweetheart to everyone but somehow he'd always manage to find some sort of trouble or make a mess. He'd catch frogs and bring them home as pets, and make mud pies for his mama and drop them on the clean kitchen floor and himself. You get the picture, right?

    Find out what's next for Fiona, and see her get a permanent love interest. Not Lucas! No matter what happens with the triangle I still am NOT a fan of Lucas and Fiona. I'd prefer someone new for both of them! Speaking of which...

    For someone new to come for the guy that gets rejected. Depending on how long this triangle gets stretched out I don't know when she should come, but we definitely need someone for the guy who loses. I know there is Fiona, but like I said above I DON'T want her for Lucas and I'd have to see more of her with Nathan to get a better opinion of them as a couple. To be honest I think Bethany Joy Lenz could come for Nathan, and take over the cafe! She would totally work for him! She'd be spunky and talkative enough to complete the shy and quiet Nathan (While driving him crazy! Lol!) and yet motherly enough to help raise Allie. She could also come and work full time at the cafe, so Bill would finally have some constant help!

    For Henry to get a love interest. It's about time, Hallmark! Yes, yes, I know we had Nora and Abigail (Who was my personal choice for him) but he's never really had a beau who's just stayed. He SO needs someone who's just by his side and will love him no matter what. Someone who can challenge him to walk the straight and narrow, and will never give up on him, even when he has. He's never really had a girlfriend. I mean, Nora was the closest, but she left him when things got bad and never looked back. Then there's Abigail, but that was a very slowly building romance (Can I even call it that?) and it got cut short when Abigail left. For once I'd like to see him actually have a permanent girlfriend, and be in love.

    Little Jack. I want to see him running around, and talking up a storm! I want to see him playing ball, playing in the dirt, and being the precious little boy he is! It would be interesting to see an actual storyline around him as well. Whether it's dramatics like he got sick or lost, or just is being a handful for his mama by making messes and being a rambunctious little boy.

    For the town to start going to church. Now I'm not an expert with the 1910's but I think people would go to church a lot more then I see these people do. But even aside from that aspect I think that going to church could provide us with some fun scenes and storylines. We can have the guys staring at Elizabeth across the aisle and fighting to sit next to her, or Pastor Zeke figuring out how to best reach the people with his own unique ways, or even just Lee and Rosemary quietly bickering during a sermon and then everyone stops and stares at them. You see what I'm saying, right? There are lots of fun scenes that can be had from making the town go to church. Speaking of church...

    If Pastor Zeke truly is in Hope Valley then we need some kind of confirmation. Lol! Now I know that Hope Valley has a lot of characters to follow already, and I would rather see more of Elizabeth's story than Zeke's, but surely there's time to squeeze him in somewhere. After all if he's the new pastor then shouldn't he be getting acquainted with everyone, and seeing to the flock like Frank did?

    A baseball game! I LOVE Nathan's idea of a baseball game between all the men! That would be so much fun!

    Some criminal action!


    Clara finds out she's pregnant. This could happen during the beginning of the season and Jesse is racing to get his house done before the baby arrives, or more toward the end and the baby doesn't come until Season 9. (Should we get one of course, but I'm optimistic!) And the baby HAS to be a girl! HAS TO BE! Lol! Jesse is totally meant to be the father of a little girl!

    Lucas more down to earth and casual. Don't get me wrong, he looks good in a suit for sure! I'd just like to see him not so...polished? I kind of put it as I want to see him more frontier like, if that makes sense. You know, horse riding, getting his hands dirty, CHOPPING WOOD, playing with LJ, and just more down to earth. Maybe get a little out of his element, be a little unsure about things, and make some mistakes. (Not that he hasn't.) And I'm not just talking attire, but himself too. I just want him to loosen up a bit more. See him do some casual things like fix Elizabeth roof or something you know? My friend came up with this idea of him and Elizabeth planting a garden together and I think that could be so cute! And then LJ  can help and it could be cuteness overload!

    I would also like to see some of what Chris McNally had said in this ET article, and have a little mystery, and some danger with Lucas again. We've definitely learned more about this man since Season 6, but there's definitely more to learn about him. We've yet to learn more about his father, or his childhood. I have a feeling that he might have some sad stories about his past to share that would tell us more about his personality and why he is who he is.

    More funny Nathan moments. Whether or not this triangle ends with him as the victor or not I want to see some more of the fun good humored side of Nathan that I know is there. In When Hope Calls I saw this confident, witty guy, but then he came back to Hope Valley and it seemed to disappear. Now I did see it come back throughout this season, but I would just like to see more from Nathan. I want the writers to really let his personality come out and shine, and not have him be moody or sad all the time. Not that he didn't have some fun or happy moments this season, and I'm all for a good story to explain why a person is the way they are. I'd just like to see some more fun moments with Nathan next season. (Doesn't mean I want Elizabeth to pick him tho. :)

    More with Elizabeth's book deal. She's got the deal, now she's just got to write the entire book. Yikes! That would scare me, to be honest! Just knowing that there are people who have paid me good money to finish an entire novel that I may or may not know how it ends...(Gulp!) But anyways, I'd like to see where this goes, and of course have Lucas help her with it!

    People have been saying that they think that Lucas may have paid for Elizabeth's book to be published, which is total speculation at this point. I mean, everyone is allowed to have their own ideas and opinions, but we don't really have any proof of this.

    And finally....for the LOVE TRIANGLE TO END!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, please Papa Bird! Please let this end next season! Please! (Head falls on desk as tears stream down cheeks.) I'm happy Lucas still has a shot (however big it may be) but it could just be prolonging the inevitable. And should we somehow get that plot twist of a Lucas ending, Team Nathan is going to be crushed. Either way this ain't going to be pretty, and disappointment is pretty much unavoidable. But no matter the ending I just want a resolution in Season 8. I have no idea when it would happen. Hearties have been saying they want it by the Christmas Special (Should there be one) or Episode 1. (Which again could mean the Christmas Special should there be one.) I'm not so sure about that as things would wrap up really fast and after that cliffhanger I don't know if that's the best option. Should Elizabeth pick Nathan she's totally going to need time to finally allow herself to open up and overcome the obstacles of loving a Mountie again. And who knows what Nathan might do. He could pull away too, causing even more obstacles. As for a Lucas ending, I'm imagining that Lucas isn't too happy right now, and Elizabeth may have to eventually figure out that her heart is actually with Lucas. I'm picturing his, "I'll wait as long as it takes to win her heart," statement coming into play here. Elizabeth could explore her feelings for Nathan after almost losing him, but then realize that it was Lucas the whole time, and that he's always been there for her. Feel free to tell me your ideas for how this triangle could end in the comments!

    Well, there we go! I could write down SO many more things that I would like to see happen next season, but I'll stick with these for now. Maybe I'll do another post with some more ideas some day in the future. Please feel free to share all your ideas for Season 8 in the comments below! (Even if you think they're crazy or something only a hopeless romantic would think up. Cause you know I am! :)

    Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to comment below or on my Twitter page! Stay safe and God Bless!


  1. Oh this is so fun! Where do I start??!!

    Obvs we need a child for R&L. And I love your idea of coming back with one! The only thing is, we would miss all the fun of how it would happen. But if she got pregnant just after, that would be too fantastic! The more the merrier!

    Clara and Jesse, maybe a child there too? But I would like to see maybe another story, perhaps Jesse has depression? Dealing with a mental illness would certainly be something more along the lines of today, but I think it could be interesting. Especially after what we saw when Lee was hurt. Jesse was very torn up about that. And building the house would be wonderful!

    I wish they would bring some people of color onto the show. That was one of the things I loved about Little House and The Waltons, they both had people of color on at least some of the episodes. I love the salesman that came to town in the Christmas episode, he would be a wonderful addition to the show.

    Henry needs a storyline. Since Abigail left, he has kind of been drifting backwards- not totally bad, but leaning more that direction. He was so cute with Millie- I think was her name- so perhaps a widow with an older girl could come into the picture? If they don't decide to go that direction, they could just make him the 'bad guy' again and bring a little more conflict to the show (not counting the triangle, ugh). I am not sure what they will do with him after he sold the business to Lucas.

  2. FloMo on the switchboard! Oh my goodness, how much fun can we have with that??

    Would love to see some sports on there! (big sports fan here) A football or baseball game would be a blast! I can see a comedy of errors on the field- could be hilarious.

    Hickam working with Lucas on the oil business. Lucas turning over the saloon for someone else to run- Fiona perhaps? Maybe if he wasn't a 'bartender', the haters wouldn't have such a problem with him and E. I also want to see him playing with LJ. Or pulling him out of the way of 'danger'. We need to see some interaction with one of the men with LJ. We know E won't just pick someone for herself, he has to love Jack too. How about Lucas teaching E or even several of the women how to play poker? What a cute scene that would be? (Think Friends with less language and innuendo.) Poker gets a bad rap sometimes, but I love to play, so does the hubby. Went to Vegas and I won a small tourney there. So fun. I could see a cute episode with that, kind of like the darts episode. I would love to see the same as you with Lucas, less suits- but he does look awesome dressed up- and more casual. Chopping wood would be too cool. ;)

    Nathan. Gosh he has so much potential to be my favorite on the show (team Lucas here). His cute sense of humor is adorable. I am thinking perhaps he needs Fiona to help him in some investigation - I know she isn't on the switchboard anymore, but she helped Bill a couple of times in season 6. Maybe that would spark some interest with the two? Maybe we will find out a bit more about her and her family. Or maybe Nathan can help her out of some kind of trouble.

    More little Jack!

    And yes, the triangle needs to end. Hopefully long before the end of the season. Someone is going to be very hurt (along with their team). It is unavoidable at this point, so we just have to ride it out. Of course, being team Lucas, I want her to pick him. I believe both men will pull back, Lucas out of hurt, and Nathan out of fear of making E a widow again. I think she will have to figure out which one she misses the most and do a little chasing herself. I would love to see her confront Lucas to find out why he has been avoiding her and he just blurts it all out that he loves her. We need more passion from him, I love how excited he got when E told him yes to the publisher. We need more of that side of him. We need a dance in the library with L&E. And a potential kiss there too perhaps. That is their domain. We know he plans to be patient, but right now he is hurt. Would love to meet his parents, or at least his mom. Want to find out more about his background. Not all in that order, of course, lol.

    More kid stories, but I haven't thought that through.

    Pastor Zeke to actually be a part of the community.

    We need more intrigue and mystery. A little danger.

    I am sure I might be back with more ideas later, but this was fun.

    Oh, thanks for the blog! Always a great read!!

    1. You're welcome! Thank you for sharing you're ideas! There are so SO many different things I would love to see happen! (Most are with Lucas and Elizabeth...Lol!) But yes we so need to see Lucas and Little Jack! There are so many cute scenes those two could have!

      And a dance in the library? Excuse me while I swoon...Lol! Oh, but that would be SO romantic!!! I agree all three in this triangle may pull back at the start of Season 8. Maybe if Lucas' friend Jeanette showed up Elizabeth would be the one left staring. It would help her realize how she really feels about Lucas and would make for some humorous and tension filled moments!

      Thanks for sharing! God Bless!

  3. Oh, Lucas helping one of the kids with a book report! Would love that!!


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