Answering Your Comments #14

    How are we doing Hearties? WCTH withdrawals subsiding yet? Getting worse? Well, the good thing about being a Heartie is that we can talk about our show FOREVER!!! Lol! So at least we'll have something to occupy our time. (And drive our friends and family crazy...Lol!)

    I'm back to answer some more comments! Again thank you guys for all the support and love! I enjoy hearing from you!

Kelley's Girl

Gosh I have so many thoughts they are tumbling over each other, let's see if I can actually put them down.

I'm glad that Lee and his sister reconnected. Family is so important. My son and daughter were estranged for a few years because of the choice of mate she made. They made up, but it wasn't until three days before she died of breast cancer. So, for me, the family estrangement was very personal. I have a feeling we might meet his niece and nephew in the future, or perhaps one of them will move to HV.

Fiona! I knew she wouldn't be leaving, she has become an important part of the show. I just didn't know how it would happen. Most likely she will be a love interest for 'the one not chosen'. The majority of the fans feel that will be Lucas. I seem to see more spark with Fiona and Nathan- I mean that train station scene was in there for a reason, no? Lucas didn't seem too upset that she was leaving in this episode, but of course, his attention is always focused on Elizabeth. I would love for Lucas to hire her to run the saloon for him while he figures out the oil business. She has enough moxie for that. And it seemed very rushed to me. Should have been spread out over more episodes perhaps.

So, the 'date' happened. Lucas opened that door and I verbally said, 'oh no', when I saw all the candles because I knew what the non-team Lucas folks would say regarding them. Don't we all use them for romantic dinners? Ok, did he trick her into a date? I don't really think so and here is why. He invited her to meet him at the library at night. She showed up. He immediately said it was as friends, then I love what happened next. He said if this were a date, I would take your jacket. She didn't take much time to think before unbuttoning and removing it, telling him that yes, this is a date. What I loved was that he has been unsure about asking her for a 'date', so he let her decide if it was or not. I love this guy!! Yes, the lines were a bit corny, but gosh, I was watching and thinking 'is it warm in here?' (probably just a hot flash) Lucas is falling for Elizabeth, if he isn't already in love with her. He did say he always believed he would know his soulmate when he met her, so why would he be spending so much time trying to please her and do things for her if he did not believe she was the one? Now, whether or not he wins her heart is another story for another season- yay! we get one!!!!

Since you didn't go into the end, I will leave my comments about that until your next blog. But I would like to mention a few things I would like to see happen next season. Lucas needs to loosen up, and step back. We need to see him casual a little more. We also need a scene where Elizabeth is asking him why he has become distant and he gets emotional and just flat out tells her how he feels- with all the passion he has all pent up. I think Chris could pull this off beautifully. His character is so even-keeled, a little too much so. We need more fire from him. I would also like to see some scenes with both men and little Jack. He will be older by then, so it would be really cute I think. It would give us more of a feel whether specifically Lucas is ready to be a father.

Ok, these are my first few chapters of the book I promised you, I will add more on Friday. Once again, great blog and thank you for writing it. God bless.

My Reply

Oh, yes! Don't we all have a LOT of thoughts about this finale? And wow! I can see how Lee and Susanna's storyline was very personal to you! I'm glad both sets of siblings were able to make things right. Also I'm very sorry for your loss. My words are so small, but I'm glad they reconciled before it was too late.

As for Fiona yes, I figured she wouldn't leave either. Of course now everyone is saying how her and Lucas are going to be a couple do to both their job predicaments. I however am NOT a fan of that idea, and haven't been for some time. Even if Elizabeth isn't the one for Lucas, I would want someone new to come for him.

And yes! It was such a nice surprise that we got that date/non-date in the finale! I sat there and was like, "He did it!" Before Lucas and Elizabeth had ever gone on the first "not a date" to Union City, I had envisioned him lighting up the saloon or library in candles for an intimate dinner for two! I sat and squealed like a hopeless romantic! Lol! Lucas' face at the end clearly showed that he was unhappy, confused, and hurt at the sight of Elizabeth hugging Nathan. He's done so many sweet things for her. Maybe we'll watch him keep his word next season, (Hooray for another one!) and "wait as long as it takes to win her heart."

I totally agree with you about next season. I want to see Lucas loosen up next season and be more down to earth. Maybe get an outfit or two of some casual attire, chop some wood, and finally confess to Elizabeth just how much he cares about her, maybe even loves her. And I absolutely want Lucas to spend some time with Little Jack too! By then he could be running all over, and talking up a storm! Imagine the cute scenes we could get of Lucas playing cowboys with him or kicking a ball around in the street! And it would help us Hearties see what kind of father he could be to LB.

Thank you for sharing your thought with me! I enjoy reading your "chapters." :) Thank you again for the encouragement, and you're very welcome! God Bless!


OMG that hug was seen all over the world. I have no words. I am on cloud nine. I hope it is Nathan but who ever E picks I am a Heartie and I will always be. And poor Henry. I feel so bad for him. Thank you for the blog. God bless. 

My Reply

Yes, like Papa Bird said, "That cliffhanger was heard around the HeartieVerse!" Despite being Team Lucas I do have to admit that that was some hug E gave Nathan. (Although it leaves me worried about getting a Lucas ending...) And yes it's very sad what happened to Henry, but it was his own fault IMO. He should have asked for help, and treated people with respect. But he's got a lot of pride. Hopefully next season him and Lucas will be able to work things out, run the company together, and become friends. You are very welcome for the post, and thank you for the kind words! God Bless!


Where DID Jesse go?? That was so weird that he wasn't in the finale, especially after such a big season for him and Clara. His disappearance was rather glaring.

Go Fiona! I was so proud of her! One of my favorite lines from the episode was something like, "I was fired. Or maybe I quit....No, I was definitely fired!" Lol! So much sass even in the face of so much uncertainty. I love her character! I have a feeling she's not going to be without a job for long, not with Lucas suddenly finding himself in need of help with a business he knows nothing about. They could work together and figure out how to run a business together and...y'know :D

Oh my gosh, Lee and Susanna! So. Many. Feels!! I was crying for Lee two episodes in a row! My goodness, Kavan Smith brought his A++++ game these past couple episodes. I am very impressed. And I loved Rosemary's reaction to Susanna, kind of a "oh no you didn't" feel. She's so protective of Lee, and I thought that was adorable. But she also extended a couple olive branches to Susanna in the process. I loved how they played out that relationship between the three of them, and I'm so glad they all made up! Also, did you catch that Lee and Rosemary are about to go on that big trip Lee promised her? They told Susanna they were going to be in LA next week, and my assumption is that's because they're about to start that LA - cruise to Rio - up to New York vacation. Yay! Rosemary finally gets her trip! :)

I'm not gonna say anything about that library date/non-date...because you won't like my thoughts, lol. I'll simply say Lucas gets an A for effort.

Ahh Nathan...FINALLY! Sheesh, man, it only took you all season to ask Elizabeth out!! (I was totally squealing throughout the stable scene BTW...SO CUTE!!!) Ya dang right we started singing hallelujah! Lol. And then, before she can give him an answer, we get that ending....hoo boy! Can I just say, I love hero Nathan, but WHY did he have to walk straight at a gun?! I have a sneaking suspicion he's going to have some form of PTSD going into next season, possibly even blaming himself for that Mountie's death. The emotions playing all over his face in those final seconds told me he's incredibly torn up about it. I've rewatched the scene where Jenny fires the gun in slow-mo, and Nathan's hand moves the gun slightly before it goes off. He tries to hide it, but the man has a seriously tender heart, and this is going to haunt him, and likely create some roadblocks between him and Elizabeth next season.

Great review, as always! Can't wait to see your post tomorrow! 

My Reply

Yeah, I don't know where Jesse went. He's had a role, like, all season long, and him and Clara's wedding was very anticipated by the Hearties. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

And yes! Fiona told him what for! Of course she lost her job, but there are WAY better people she could work for. And I know where you're going with this...Lol! Just not a fan of Lucas and Fiona. Even if Elizabeth goes with Nathan I'd prefer someone else for both L and F. But that's just me! (May not help that I'm Team Lucas either...)

And yes! Rosemary was like, "Nobody treats my Lee like that." Lol! Susanna gave Lee some ice, and Rosemary shot it right back! But your right. Rosemary came to the rescue for both siblings and everything worked out in the end. And it's so nice for Lee and Rosemary that they FINALLY get to take a trip somewhere! They tried to back in another season I think, and that didn't happen. I've had an idea for awhile about the main group of Hope Valley characters all taking a trip to the beach for around two episodes. I think it could be fun!

And thank you for wanting to spare me with the library date/not-date. You are free to tell me your thoughts, if you wish. (I just can't promise I'll agree with you. Lol!) I've already read some comments of people who REALLY didn't like the scene, and they are free to their opinions. I'm just way too easily swayed by people's comments.

And yes! Nathan may have taken all season long, but he FINALLY did it! Nathan is just so SO dang shy. And once he's interrupted, he may never recover. Lol! And he SO is going to have some kind of problem from that whole encounter. Whether it be PTSD or guilt over that Mountie's death, or both rolled into one, he was so emotional during that end scene. I wonder if this will make him pull away from Elizabeth. I think all three people involved in this triangle could pull away at this point. They all just experienced something emotionally disturbing. Nathan with the Mountie dying, Elizabeth thinking Nathan was dead, and Lucas seeing the girl he likes running to his competition right after having a romantic dinner with her the night before.

Oi! These writers have got some work to do! I just wonder how they're going to pick things up next season. This event stirred up a lot of feelings and picking things up at Christmas just would be weird. Oh, well. Nothing I can do but wait. (Only around 8 month till we might get a Christmas episode right?)

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, and for the kind words! God Bless!


Great review! As a fellow Team Lucas fan I of course I agree with you pretty much on everything you've said. I was SWOONING over the date - it was cheesy for sure but very romantic and very much something I would expect from Lucas. They have SO MUCH chemistry - I could feel the sparks flying!! The only thing I wish would have happened was Lucas actually asking her on the date instead of saying it was a celebratory dinner at first. Obviously she wanted to be there even after she realized the non-date was truly a date, but I would have loved to see him ask her and to hear her say YES. :) But since I know our time with them as a "couple" may be limited - *sad tears*- I'll take what I can get!

I agree with you on the Henry/Lucas business situation - Lucas has been completely honest this whole time. When Elizabeth was concerned, he immediately told her the truth of what was going on and didn't even fault her for jumping to conclusions. He didn't need to give her every detail because her concerns were more broad - she just wanted to make sure everything was put right and everyone would be okay, and I don't think he needed to worry her with all the fine details of the business offer. He's been doing his best to keep Henry from getting in trouble and to help the town, but couldn't do it forever. After talking to E, he tried again and although I know he cares about the town, it's obvious he did it with her in mind. And then at the end he bought out a whole business he knew nothing about, and honestly I think he did it for her. Which made me even more heartbroken for him for the ending scene, which I know you'll be talking about tomorrow so I'll save my comments on that for then! ;)

I think I've said this in a previous comment but I just love that she and Lucas have so much in common and have been there for each other for multiple things - the book deal, the library, and now discussing the Gowen Petroleum business. They are there for each other for the good things and bad and to me, their involvement in each others' lives is reminiscent of Jack and Elizabeth's relationship progression in the earlier seasons. On the other hand, she and Nathan don't seem to talk about much other than Ally and a couple lines about her book deal, which is partly why it's been so hard for me to be on board with them as a couple. I do think parenting is important and a valid topic of conversation but it's not the only one - and I REALLY wish both of the guys would have had more scenes with baby Jack! After all, one of these may not only be Elizabeth's future husband, but also Jack's stepfather. Something I think you mentioned last week and will hopefully happen next season!

It sure took Nathan long enough to get around to asking her to dinner - I thought it was a sweet scene but I wonder why Elizabeth didn't give a direct answer? Do you think she was just caught off guard or just unsure that accepting would mean making things real, since this is the first "official" date she's been asked on? Even after rewatching the scene, I can't decipher her look.

Last thing - I loved Rosemary telling Susanna to call her by her full name, haha! So funny and totally on point with Rosemary's feisty personality. I love that Lee got to reconnect with his sister in the end.

Sorry for the novel comment, haha. Can't wait to read part 2 of your review! :)

My Reply

No worries! There is SO MUCH to talk about with that ending! You make some good points! Lucas tried over and over to fix things with him and Gowen's company, but Gowen was so darn stubborn! It was like pulling teeth just to get the books, and then he flat out turned down Lucas' idea of shutting down operations until they could figure something out. Now of course I'm sure Henry has got his reasons, but like you said, Lucas could keep trying to fix things forever. Lucas has done so so much for Elizabeth, which makes the ending even sadder.

Like you said, Elizabeth and Lucas are just there for each other no matter the situation. Elizabeth wants a library for the town, Lucas gave his building for it. Lucas was in trouble with Amos, Elizabeth was there to get help for him. Elizabeth wants to be a published writer, Lucas does all he can to make it happen and support her every step of the way. I can just see them being best friends who are madly in love with each other. It sounds so sweet and romantic! (Sigh!) But again like you said, our time with them may be limited so I just have to enjoy whatever moments I get with them.

As for Nathan's dinner invitation, I think it could have been a little bit of both your ideas, nut I'm thinking more of the later. After practically begging him to ask her out, and him taking an eternity to do it, he just spat it out all of a sudden. I watched her facial expressions and she seemed to go from happy to unsure. I think the idea of going out with him may have scared her, as yes it would make thing real. With Lucas she always has the "were just friends" excuse to sort of shield her. With Nathan's invitation she knew exactly what it was, and the idea may have scared her. Not to mention she just had the date/not a date with Lucas the night before, and Nathan asked her to go to the cafe for dinner. The same place her and Jack had had their first date. I wonder how the writers plan to pick everything up next season? Should we get a Christmas Special this year, a LOT of time may have passed since the cliffhanger. Too bad the wait isn't 7-8 weeks instead of around 7-8 months. Lol!

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me! God Bless!

Kelley's Girl

The last few days were an eternity waiting on the second part! lol But seriously, I love the way you write and the way you think, thank you again for this blog.

First of all, I have to say I totally predicted that ending on the FB page! Nathan not being the one shot, walking up and Elizabeth hugging him in relief, and Lucas watching. Yay me! Maybe I should be a consultant or something. ;)

I have to agree with pretty much everything you wrote here, but wanted to add a few comments. A lot of people are wondering why Elizabeth didn't answer Nathan when he finally- FINALLY- asked her out. I think there were a couple of reasons. First of all, I think she might have been a little stunned that it finally happened. He has stumbled over it a few times- with interruptions of course- and I don't think she realized he was just going to spit it out like that. His little crooked smile was so cute (stop it, I'm a Lucas fan). The second reason is because- hello?- the date/non-date with Lucas the night before. Yes, the lines were cheesy, (Dangerous Liasons IS his favorite book), but it was a very romantic thing that he did. If she had any doubts of his feelings for her before, there is no way she could after the candles, champagne, etc. And yes, by taking off her jacket, she called it a date. I do agree it was a bit seductive for Hallmark, and think she should have had maybe a coat on over her outfit and taken that off instead. But, I loved every minute of it. I think she was probably still pondering it the next morning and perhaps that is why she didn't answer right away. Maybe she didn't think it was proper to be dating two men at the same time. We won't know until next year.

As for that ending, wow. I was surprised I hit it so spot on. I had a couple of other early predictions, but once I saw the preview, it was pretty easy to guess what would happen. I have watched it a couple of times to see if I can see what team Nathan is seeing in that hug. I was watching Nathan's face and to me he is a man in total shock. I am not even certain he realized who was hugging him- he probably did, but my point being, he really did not embrace her back. His hands came up her back a bit, but it wasn't the kind of hug she was giving him. He looked very upset and it made me sad for him. As for Elizabeth, I saw pretty much every emotion cross her face, from disbelief, to shock, to relief and yes, even love as she ran to him. I have no doubt that she loves Nathan, but I also believe she loves Lucas. The one she is in love with remains to be seen.

Poor Lucas! He had to be on cloud nine after their date and then to see that hug- I wanted to hug him myself! I know there are those that think he is hiding something, but in my opinion, he hasn't done anything to show that he is. We had that one incident last year, but he explained that and has been a model citizen since then. I do think he may have some past things come out, but I don't think he is a con-man, he is simply too generous. Everything he does seems to revolve around Elizabeth and what will make her happy. He even tried to go make things right with Henry because of her. I believe he is totally head over heels in love with her. And he thinks she is his soulmate. After their out of town dinner, we know why he does the things he does. He wouldn't spend so much time trying to please her if he didn't think she was the one. I also hope the writers don't plan to turn him into the 'bad guy' should he lose E's heart. That would make me sad.

So, where might they go with this? I can see Lucas backing away because he is hurt, and patiently waiting for her to come to him- he is very patient, as I recall. Maybe the pursuer will become the pursuee. Also, with the look on Nathan's face, I think we may also see him back away. He is more aware of his mortality and how his death would affect Elizabeth who already lost a husband who was a Mountie. I can see the writers going either way, they have written this so well. And I will be hurt for the one not chosen, as I like both. (just like Lucas for Elizabeth more)

What I would like to see next season? Some interaction with toddler Jack and both men- or at least with the one she will pick. The fans need to see that. I would like to meet Lucas' parents, or at least his mother. I think a sibling coming to town with mom would be interesting. I think we need to know more about both mens' pasts. Perhaps Nathan is the one with something shady in his past- wouldn't that be a twist? I think Fiona should run the saloon for Lucas. I am also one that thinks that Fiona and Nathan would be a much better pair. But should team Nathan win E's heart, Fiona and Lucas would be good too.

Probably a few other things I wanted to say, I will post another comment if I think of them.

Now we have 7 months to wait...ugh....

My Reply

Lol! Thanks for waiting for it! This cliffhanger totally needed it's own post! And after seeing the length of the post it's even more obvious. And aww! Thank you so much! But you can only be a consultant if you put in a good word for me. Lol! (Just imagine the Team Lucas scenes we could add! :)

As for Elizabeth stumbling at Nathan's invitation to dinner, you may be right. It was very sudden, and caught Elizabeth off-guard. And after going on that date with Lucas, she'd better be second guessing accepting another offer to dinner. (Sigh. If only I had her problems... :D )

Side note: The jacket part was a bit more "seductive" like you said, but he did say he'd take her "jacket" and not her coat. And under her jacket was her normal everyday shirt that she'd wear without the jacket anyway. But I totally get what you're saying! :)

Back to Nathan's dinner proposal, after watching Elizabeth's face I think she could have been unsure about just the  idea of going out with him in general. She was surprised, then happy, and then unsure, and maybe frightened. After all he is a Mountie, and where did Mountie Jack take her on their first date? Yep. The cafe. That would totally bring up some memories.

As for the hug, you've already read a lot of my thoughts. I do think E really cares for Nathan, but her expression on her face was so much relief! Not saying she didn't hug him because of her feelings for him, as I think it could have been that too. And yes, Nathan was dealing with a lot of emotions right there. He did hug her back, but not with the same intensity and desperation that Elizabeth was. He was probably in shock from the whole event, and maybe feeling guilty about the Mountie's death. Maybe, like you said, he realized that he almost died, and knew what that would have done to Elizabeth. Maybe he'll back away because he doesn't want Elizabeth to ever go through that pain again.

And yes! I think Lucas may very well back away. He was very upset, especially since things seemed to be going so well between them. I think that he should confess his true feelings for her next season and then Elizabeth will eventually realize that it's Lucas who she really loves and go running after him. (Ah! Romantic drama. Lol!) Thank you for sharing with me! God Bless!


Ugh...that poor rookie Mountie! I still can't believe he did what he did, putting literally everyone's lives in danger. He's the one who paid the price, but that was a stupid, stupid move! Nathan had the situation handled. Now he's going to feel guilty over that Mountie's death, since his hand moved the gun. *Sigh.* I totally think all this is going to play into him trying to push Elizabeth away next season, if nothing else because he doesn't want her to go through the possibility of losing another love to the Mounties. But I also think that "always do what you are afraid to do" plaque is going to come into play to bring them together.

I agree that Nathan was feeling all the emotions when Elizabeth embraced him. He looked like he was trying not to cry, and my guess is the combination of emotions from nearly being shot to losing a fellow Mountie to having the woman he loves in his arms was all overwhelming.

I do have to say, I really hope the writers have resolved this thing. That comment from Brian Bird in his interview this past summer, "the triangle will resolve itself in season 7. I won't tell you how, but I'll tell you that much," tells me it's done (if I'm taking him at face value. I don't trust anyone's words connected to the show when they're in misdirect mode, which all of them seen to be after this finale. He wasn't in misdirect mode in that summer interview). Elizabeth chose unconsciously, and they'll have to figure out how she's going to make it a conscious choice in season 8. I also think there was foreshadowing with Nathan's words from episode 1: "You let me know when you figure it out" - what's in her heart. I think she let him know. Again, not in words, but in actions.

Now, all my above thoughts are certainly subjective, but I think these next ones are objective and ones almost every Heartie can agree with: They cannot keep this triangle going any longer. The fans are tired of it, and I get a bad feeling it would be show suicide if they continue it into season 8. Hearties are already divided quite strongly - I can't even scroll through my Twitter feed anymore because I get too agitated seeing the division. And now we have to wait until Christmas at the earliest to find out what's going to happen.....soooo far away! I'm ready to be back in Hope Valley already, lol.

My Reply

Yes! Bring me back to Hope Valley! I SO want to know what happens next! Lol! I mean it's good to get a break, but 7-8 months worth? Yikes! I totally agree that Nathan was dealing with a whirlwind of emotions! And having the woman he likes/loves jump into his arms just added to it. Like I said before, I think this gives everyone in the love triangle a reason to back away.

And yes resolution would be good for everyone! I mean, it's nice (for me personally) to be able to hope that maybe Lucas has still got a shot. But should this go on a whole season longer and I find out that it was Nathan who she was going to pick the whole time, then I'll have been hoping for 3 WHOLE SEASONS and not have gotten the ending I wanted. (Sniff!) I honestly don't know how to take Brian Bird's comment. If what he said is true then Nathan may be it. I'd like to hope that while they were filming they saw how many fans like Lucas, or saw this special chemistry with him and Elizabeth that made them decide to give this season an indefinite ending, but that's just wishful thinking. At this point I'm not sure what's going to happen. Nathan has always been the obvious choice, yet I just can't stop hoping for a Lucas ending! (Is it wrong to hope as I do? Lol!)

But yes! This triangle has to stop! The longest they can run this is ONE MORE season at the very most! People are SO ready for Elizabeth to just make a decision already. I say, if it's Nathan, then pick him already and let me finally move on and watch Lucas have a new love interest. Christmas is so far away.... :D Thanks for sharing! God Bless!


I enjoyed reading your analysis. Here are my thoughts on that hug. Nathan was completely stunned, but I still think he realizes that Elizabeth is there hugging him and that just adds to his state of shock. He is not in the right frame of mind. He almost died and left Allie an orphan and lost all opportunities to ever see Elizabeth again, much less hold her in his arms. He might even be feeling some guilt over the other Mountie's death because from what I could tell he did grab that gun right before she pulled the trigger. I think once he figures out that Elizabeth is clinging to him some of that shock wears off and the emotions start to grab hold.

I think Elizabeth has a myriad of emotions running through her brain, definitely having flashbacks to Jack, but also fully aware of the current situation and that it is Nathan they are all talking about. I think she is stunned and thinking this can't be happening again. As she is turning away from the wagon you can see her breathing increase as if she is about to lose it before finally looking up in shock and realizing that he is alive and walking towards her. She seems to be going through multiple levels of emotions, including flashbacks to Jack and a realization that she has feelings for this man that might run deeper than what she originally thought. She also pays no mind to where she is at and that people are around and watching the scene and runs to him with such force that it literally jerks him around when she grabs at him and throws herself into him. It is the first time that she has touched either man and that is a huge thing, especially in a public setting during that time in history.

When he asked her out to dinner she was shocked and I personally think she didn't answer him right away because she suddenly knew that things had just got real. She had moved around Lucas by using the friend terminology, but I think she knew that what Nathan was asking for in that date was not a friends only invitation and it caused her to pause and think. She was smiling at him until he mentioned the cafe and I think that may have also triggered a flashback for her to Jack since that was where they had their first date. Kudos to him though for giving her some room to contemplate the idea without being pushy, which is one of the reasons I have a hard time with Lucas. He asks her to celebrate as friends and then turns it into this elaborate candlelight dinner that he obviously has romantic intentions for and for me that doesn't settle well, but I can understand where Lucas people would totally find it sweet and romantic.

(Continued thoughts)

I do believe that Lucas has feelings for her and that is why he looked so confused and hurt to see her running to Nathan the way she did and practically tackling him. He thought he had the upper hand and now is realizing that she must have a connection to him that is stronger than what he originally thought. Then there is Fiona.....Fiona all of the sudden lost her job and now Lucas has to run two businesses, I could totally see where this might go if he winds up hiring her to help him with either of those two businesses. I don't think that's a coincidence at all. I could see that leading to something starting between the two of them.

Final thoughts are that I think Elizabeth and Nathan will eventually wind up together (I guess I find the foreshadowing for this to be a little overwhelming), but I don't think it is so clear cut that their struggles to get there are over. I think her heart is with Nathan, but that her mind hasn't reached that point yet (if that makes sense). They have suddenly been connected to one another in a way that only they understand and in a way that she could never be connected with Lucas in the same way. It's something in season 8 that I think they will have to deal with in order to move forward if that is where the writers decide to take it. I guess you can tell that I'm a team Nathan person, but I have appreciated reading through your viewpoints and that even though you are team Lucas how you try really hard to give an unbiased synopsis. Beautiful and interesting blog.

My Reply

Thank you so much! I appreciate that! And you make some good points. Yes, Nathan was dealing with a lot of emotions right then. Probably shock from the whole ordeal, and maybe guilt about the Mountie's death. As for Elizabeth, I think she was dealing with so many emotions as well. Yes, she knew it was Nathan they were talking about, and she was horrified at the thought that he had died. Of course she would be sad if anyone died, but Nathan was on another level emotionally as she cares about him a lot. Possibly more than she even knew and that hug sure said something alright! But she totally had to be having flashbacks to Jack dying too. I mean it was almost the same spot in the street when she heard Jack was gone, that she heard the other Mountie was gone, and at the time she thought it was Nathan.

As for how far her feelings go I don't think anyone can answer that question right now but the writers. (And they may not even know yet!) It's clear that Elizabeth likes both guys a lot. Being Team Lucas I like to hope that that hug doesn't spell endgame yet, but again that was some hug. Nathan has always been the obvious choice, and I have to admit I like him more then I did before. I just can't stop hoping for Lucas, you know? (Which may lead to a lot of disappointment later on... :)

I do have to agree that your thoughts on Elizabeth not accepting Nathan's dinner invitation right away may be right. She's scared to put a "date" label on things, and is scared to fully open her heart to either guy. Not to mention the memories she has with the cafe being her and Jack's first date may not have helped. (Of course Nathan didn't know that. Lol!)

I definitely think Lucas has feelings for Elizabeth, and was hurt and confused by Elizabeth reaction to Nathan. He thought things were going well, especially after that date/not date at the library the night before. Now he needs to re-think his whole situation. I'm very curious to know how he will react to this whole thing. Will he back away?

And yes, I can't deny the many signs pointing to Nathan. What you said makes sense about Elizabeth's mind needing to catch up to her heart. I guess I'm just waiting to see if that hug truly showed where her heart is or not. (Team Lucas bias makes me good at denial! Lol!)

Also I'm glad to know my Team Lucasness bias hasn't deterred you! Lol! Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me! God Bless!

    Thank you guys again for sharing with me! Feel free to leave a comment below or on my Twitter and Instagram pages! Stay safe and God Bless!


  1. Thank you so much for taking the time to answer our comments! I really do appreciate that! For the record, no, it's not wrong to hope! :) I'd be doing the same thing, lol. Totally understand that. I've been trying to figure out how they're going to pick things up in the Christmas episode, because how do you NOT address what happened at the end of the season?! I can see how they didn't address the dance last season, but this was a whole new level. They've got to talk about it somehow. I do think Nathan is going to be dealing with some PTSD and probably try to push Elizabeth away. Lucas - I just don't know. The man is something of an enigma to me. He could either back off or redouble his efforts. But I noticed something in the finale - it looked like it could have been late fall/early winter. You could see their breath in the air, and everyone was wearing coats. And someone pointed out that there were fall decorations up. So I'm wondering if maybe in Hope Valley time, it's only a month or so until Christmas. That would allow them to pick things up in that episode. It might be a darker Christmas episode, but dealing with darker emotions also leads to greater hope and redemption, which seems to be in keeping with the true spirit of Christmas. And it would be great to see the town rally around Nathan if he is in fact dealing with PTSD from that Mountie's death.

    Okaaay, so I didn't mean to ramble, lol. This was supposed to be a short comment :D Thanks again for responding!

    1. Thank you for commenting! :) You make a very good point with the colder weather and how they can pick things up in the Christmas episode. Yet...ahh I just don't know what they're going to do! Really they could go either way and pick it right up, or try and go a lighter happier route. That totally would not make sense as Elizabeth, Nathan, and Lucas all have a lot of emotions they are dealing with on different levels. Nathan with the hug, and the Mountie's death, Lucas with his hurt over the hug, and saving the oil company, and Elizabeth with that whole situation of thinking she lost another Mountie she cared about, her feelings for both guys, and all her fears involving opening her heart again. Shoof! These writers have some work to do! Where's Christmas when you need it? Lol!

      Thanks for sharing your rambles with me! (And for reading mine! :D ) God Bless!

  2. I always appreciate the time you take not just writing this blog, but answering the comments. I am currently re-watching season 7 and on the next to last episode, wondering if I will get more insight. The writers really have me stumped. We have seen foreshadowing in Nathan's direction, but also all the romantic scenes with Lucas. Seems it would be easier to move Nathan into a new relationship- I say new meaning not Elizabeth- than it would be for Lucas. But I am biased, so who knows. I certainly can't see the same type of romance with Lucas and another woman on the show. It would be weird.

    1. You're welcome! And yes I am stumped too. Nathan has always been the underlying obvious choice for Elizabeth, yet this season we got all these cute and romantic scenes with Elizabeth and Lucas. And what about what Lucas said about being patient? I actually just watched that scene today and it totally could be used as foreshadowing if the writers decide to go that route. I really don't know. Again Nathan seems like the obvious choice but I can't help but hope that we'll get a plot twist and E will finally pick Lucas. He's done so much for her, and only has eyes for her. He would be hurt if Elizabeth went with Nathan, meanwhile Nathan and Elizabeth haven't even gone on one date yet. I guess we'll see. Still fun to dream and spout out all my TeamLucasness. Lol! God Bless!


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