A Moment In Time: If This Were A Date....

    Hey everyone! I'm back after taking a week long break! It was nice to take some time off, and not worry about deadlines for a bit. (Even if they're self imposed. Lol!)

    During that time I tried to figure out what song to use for a Lucas and Elizabeth video I plan to make, and got a little fan fiction writing done. (Which is SO not ready to be shown yet.) Oh, and I did a bunch of gardening! (Yay! Dirt!)

    But I'm back now, and thought for today's post we would take a look back at one of the most romantic scenes of the entire season! And by that I mean the most romantic scene for Team Lucas. (Cause I'm Team Lucas, in case you didn't know. :)

    Side note: I have found out that I can now comment directly to your comments and no longer need to do a separate post to answer them! Yay! (Either it was a glitch on their part, or I just messed something up. :( But from now on I will be answering your comments directly in the comment section. Just thought I'd let you know! Thanks for baring with me with this whole comment situation. I appreciate it!

    Oh, boy! Wow! Where to start? Going into the finale I really didn't see any big romantic scenes coming for these two. After the last episode with Elizabeth practically begging Nathan to ask her out, and then Nathan showing up telling her that "she matters to him" it really just wasn't on my mind that we might get such a romantic dinner scene! And then it happened. And then I was smiling wide, and squeaking like a love struck school girl.

    Let's start at the beginning shall we?

    So Elizabeth shows up at the library to a waiting Lucas. It's cute isn't it? They've got their own little place in the library. They've had multiple moments take place because of that small building. Lucas encouraging Elizabeth to start writing again, that moment that had Elizabeth fumbling for the door, and of course their date.

    So she goes in and (Mic drop) he's set up this beautiful dinner for two in the light of a thousand candles! So a couple notes here.

    Eeeekk! This was what I had first envisioned for their date! Either lighting up the saloon or the library in candles with a romantic dinner set up! And I got it in the finale!!! Yay!!! I love the intimacy and romance of a date like that. Just gives all the spark flying romantic vibes! (Sigh...)

    (Clears throat) Anyway... Another thing which I have already discussed in the episode review, but I thought I'd mention here again is the whole thing with the candles. Yes, I totally understand that that was Jack's thing. He was the candle master of Hope Valley. But when you think about it, who in this whole town throughout all seven seasons has not used at least one candle when setting up a romantic dinner? Lee did it, Jesse did it, even Charles did it! It's just a staple of a romantic dinner date, especially considering the time period that they are in. And besides all this I would have been VERY disappointed should he have not lit up the place in candles. (End of rant.)

    Also can we note the teddy bear to the left? :)

    Now right away Lucas addresses the fact that this is not a date. That kind of seems to be a phrase Elizabeth uses just to ease her mind in my opinion. She realizes that she has feelings for Lucas, but isn't sure just yet exactly how she feels, and is definitely afraid to allow herself to fully open up and love again. And I think Lucas may realize that Elizabeth is scared and understands that she's loved and lost. So he reassured her that this is not a date. (Right, right...I totally believe that...)

    But then....

    "However, if this were a date..."

    I L.O.V.E this whole scene idea!!!! Oh, the spark flying romance of it! So good! Thank you very much to the writers for giving us this! And from the look on Elizabeth's face, she's clearly enjoying it too. I mean come on! Just look at her! Lucas says, "If this were a date I'd take your jacket." It takes literally around three seconds before she's unbuttoning her jacket for him to take. Which therefore is kind of stating, this is a date. I don't know if Elizabeth would call it one, as she'd probably deny it and say, "We were celebrating as friends," but....yeah that sure looks like a date to me.

    Now some people have argued the case of Elizabeth should have kept the jacket on, as it was apart of her outfit, and her removing it made things feel more edgy. I totally understand, and do agree to some extent, but in reality it really was just a jacket as she had on one of her everyday blouses under it which she has worn multiple times without a jacket. But again I totally understand what people are getting at.

    I also want to address the idea of Lucas tricking her into a date. I will go on record to say that he was very vague about the whole thing, and did surprise her with more than what she thought it would be, but lets look at a few facts. First off, he asked her to meet him at the library...at night. Surely she could figure that he was up to something, especially after their "outing" where he admitted to buying the tickets, "Just because." Plus did you see her smile after he asked? Secondly, he admitted right the moment after stepping through the door that it was not a date and Elizabeth could have left anytime she wanted. But she didn't. Plus she smiled and agreed to everything, and never once bothered to correct him. That's all I'm going to say.

    Also there are some people who say they found the date creepy. I wont say much here. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But IMO Lucas not only is a very romantic guy, but he also only has eyes for Elizabeth. I don't think he meant for that date to be creepy in anyway at all. I think he cares about Elizabeth very much, and really wants to pursue a relationship with her. Yet he also knows that she's been through a lot and needs time. Either way I think his intentions toward her are honorable, and true. There, I've made my statement.

    So next the gentlemanly Lucas ushers Elizabeth to her chair and continues the "if this were a date" theme by saying he would also pull out her chair. Which he does, and she lets him. He then pours her some champagne into the glasses he stole from that restaurant in Union City...I'm kidding, I'm kidding...Lol! They just have this striking resemblance to the flutes they drank out of on their last date...not a date...Ugh! It was a date!

    Anyway, he then hands it to her, and says, "And I might even gently brush your hand as I pass you your glass." Now this was probably my least favorite line of his, but that's just me. However he then continues with, "And hold your gaze for longer then normal," in this very intimate, whispery voice. And then he proceeds to do just that as everyone, including Elizabeth, holds their breath.

    Now I've watched this scene multiple times, (Who hasn't?) but this time in particular I tried to pay more attention to Elizabeth and Lucas' facial expressions. After all they reveal a lot, and actually can say more than their words do. So I watched Elizabeth as Lucas recited the said lines above, and after as he gazed at her. Which I should mention now that little smile he gets as he looks at her, that gradually grows as he looks into her eyes, combined with those dimples....(Cough!) I mean...anyway....

    So I watched Elizabeth's face and came up with this. The whole time Elizabeth has this sweet little shy sort of smile going on. Literally almost the whole time, she's just going along with everything despite the undeniably romantic atmosphere, and the realization that Lucas truly would have this be a date if he could. Lucas just always brings this smile out of Elizabeth.

    But as he handed her her glass and held her gaze, her face said something. Things just became very intimate, and Elizabeth is scared. She's totally caught up in the moment, and his eyes, never taking her gaze off him, but I can see the uncertainty there. It really reminds me of the library scene in Season 6 where he quoted Dangerous Liaisons, as she was totally caught in the moment there too and very unsure where things were going. This time however she knows Lucas way better and knows that she likes him, but is still keeping this guard up. It's like she really enjoys spending time with him, and the attention he gives her, but is either too afraid to take the leap or isn't sure what her feelings are for him. (I would hope it's more of the first, or a combination of both.)

    She then looks at Lucas and replies quietly, "And I would think that was very sweet." She then looks shyly away with a smile, and then back at him as he moves to take his chair. End scene.

    This was one of, if not the most romantic scene we had in all of Season 7. I mean we had other fun, and cute scene with these two, but the level of intimacy and romance that was here...none of the other scenes really went to this level.

    I actually wonder if this caused a revelation in Elizabeth about her feelings for Lucas. Honestly the writers can write it whatever way they want, but I would hope that Elizabeth realized that her feelings for Lucas are deeper then she realized. Lucas has been there for her all through Season 7, encouraging her, challenging her, and romancing her. I could get into the whole debate of how she and him have had more romantic moments than her and Nathan, and how could she not pick him with all the foreshadowing but I'll save that for another day.

    As for this scene, it had this whole breathless vibe going on through like the entire scene. I can nick pick at things, but in the end it truly was a romantic scene and I am very very grateful the writers gave us Team Lucas fans one final date/not a date with these two before we were left to go back to hanging off our cliff edges. (It was nice to give my fingers a break for three months. Then again, I was hanging the entire season. Lol!)

    Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to share your thoughts with me in the comments, or on my Twitter page! God Bless!


  1. Love this!! oooo boy, I pretty much agree with every point! I am on the fence about the jacket thing, seemed a little risque (for Hallmark, definitely not PG, and no more risque that the DL scene in season 6), but she did have a shirt on, so I will move past it.

    The lines during the scene were a bit cheesy, but Lucas was obviously romancing her and showing her his feelings (again). He let her make the decision if it was a date, and she could have quickly shut that down if she had wanted to. Obviously she didn't want to. I agree, she enjoyed it immensely.

    I, like you, did not expect this to happen. The prior episode had me totally in the Nathan camp- not my choice, but E's- and I was unhappily realizing that it was over. Then this date/non-date had me jumping for joy that the writers were not finished with the Lucas/Elizabeth saga.

    I think Lucas sees that E is very nervous about getting into another relationship after losing her husband. He seems to be quite intuitive where she is concerned. Thus his wording about, 'if this were a date.' And he is patient, as we know.

    I keep reading that Brian Bird said that the decision would be made by the end of season 7. Team Nathan seems to think that the hug was the decision. After watching the episode a couple of times, I disagree. I have thought from the beginning of season 6 that Hallmark would go with the obvious choice-Nathan. The next to last episode seemed to be leaning that way. Then this happened. I now believe that she did make her choice, but it was the night before the hug. I believe that is why she did not immediately answer Nathan when he-finally- asks her out. I see that hug as relief and a bit of ptsd on her part. She loves Nathan, but is not in love with him.

    I also think she seeks out Nathan because she is terrified of her growing feelings for Lucas. Running from her feelings, if you will.

    Of course I, like you, am biased toward Lucas, and we tend to see what we want to. I just can't see them putting her with Nathan and Lucas romancing someone else the way he has E. He believes her his soulmate. I think she is going to realize that since she lost Jack, that Lucas is hers.

    One other point I made on Twitter- Elizabeth is a grown woman. She has been married. The last thing she needs is someone fumbling around trying to figure out how to romance her. I love Nathan, but he just isn't comfortable around Elizabeth. Lucas shows her in every way that he cares about not only her, but everyone. I now think he is the one she will pick.

    Thanks again!!

    1. I don't think I ever gave a thought that she would choose Nathan. Lucas was so perfect for her from the very first handshake, I just felt a lite spark and it grew from there.

    2. I totally agree, never once did I think she would end up with Nathan, they just didn't have the chemistry like with Lucas

  2. This was such an enjoyable read - thank you so much for writing this in so much detail :) It was definitely THE most intimate and romantic Lucas & Elizabeth scene and I love saying that because there are others that come very close as well. We certainly got a lot of romantic moments between these two this season which clearly tells me which couple the writers are setting up for a long-term romance.

    I personally think Elizabeth is falling in love with Lucas. She's not all the way there, but he is the man her heart wants. This is why she reacts the way she does to his romantic gestures. She says it's "not a date" to reassure herself she's not in too deep, but then she realizes he's done something "just because..." or invites her to meet him at the library at night and she's thrilled. That's her reacting instinctively to what she's feeling without the customary thinking and assessing and (sometimes) over-analyzing she tends to do. I also think their conversation during the first non-date is in the back of her mind. When Lucas tells her he's willing to wait patiently for the woman he believes is for him (she's smart enough to know who he's talking about), we get that wide smile and her needing reassurance that he'll do so like his father did for his mother. Again, she reacts on instinct and she's glad that Lucas is willing to wait. I also think Lucas's, "She loved him, I think she just wanted to be sure," resonated with her. I think a part of her entertaining Nathan in any capacity is her needing to be sure which man is definitely for her but I think her heart already knows. Also, Nathan never enters her mind when she's with Lucas and only gets attention when she's analyzing her thoughts/feelings and not when she's reacting based on emotion like she does around Lucas.

    Now, I was also excited to read about all your prospective projects. I'm so excited that you're working on a video and some fanfiction...I barely see anything Lucas related and it's so disheartening because this couple is so amazing. I also really hope you do a write-up of their moments like you mentioned because there are so many to talk about and the foreshadowing is so clearly and wonderfully there. Lastly, I hope you'll keep trying your hand at some fan art because the one you posted of their first non-date was beautiful! It's awesome knowing we have such a multi-talented Team Lucas fan in our midst!!

    1. Thank you so much for all the support and love! I so appreciate it! And yes we definitely got a bunch of romantic and sweet moments from these two this season! I used to be more discouraged about the way things seemed to be headed, but now I think Lucas still has a shot and I'm SO hoping that E will finally realize that it's really Lucas who she loves!

      The writers spent so much time building their relationship, and giving them all these romantic moments. And that whole conversation they had on their first non-date totally could be foreshadowing that Lucas is the one E will finally choose. (I'm planning on doing a post on that scene too some time in the future.)

      Personally I think it would be easier for E to become just friends with Nathan at this point than it would be for her and Lucas. Her and Nathan haven't even gone on one date or date like outing in the two seasons they've known each other. Meanwhile E and Lucas continue to grow closer and learn more about each other's pasts and help and encourage each other. They even talked about the whole situation with the oil company together. So all together I'm more hopeful now for a Lucas ending!

      Thank you again for all the kind words! I'm hoping to get some more work done on my list of projects over this weekend, but I have no idea when they'll be done. Thanks for the motivation as I am terrible at sticking with a project. Lol! God Bless!

    2. Sorry, I just saw your response. I 100% agree with everything you said. I've assessed and reassessed this past season so many times and every single time it leads me to a Lucas & Elizabeth ending. If the new showrunner stays true to what we saw all season, we are getting L&E in Season 8. So excited for your post on the first non-date! I totally hear you on sticking with a project...I'm the same way lol.

    3. No worries! And I sure hope we get a Lucas & Elizabeth ending in Season 8 too. Hopefully Lucas words during that first outing in UC will prove to be foreshadowing for the outcome next season. The idea of a new showrunner is scary to me, but it could prove to be a great thing for next season depending on the direction he takes things. (Hopefully he takes us Lucas' direction! :)

  3. I alternate between my favorite Elizabeth/Lucas scenes. I think the comments Lucas shared with Elizabeth during dinner at the Virginia Woolf reading are hidden away in her heart. I think his candor and his intentions for Elizabeth were established during this dinner. That conversation laid the groundwork for more trust and intimacy building in the relationship. She would never have agreed to take off her jacket and stay for the intimate library dinner if the trust and the attraction wasn't there. Elizabeth would have excused herself if she thought the dinner was "creepy" or inappropriate. She was mesmerized by his gestures. Her face is very expressive and you can usually tell if she is enjoying something or disapproves. She definitely enjoyed what was happening!! She told him "I would think it was nice".
    Elizabeth is not a tease! She has always chosen her words carefully. She could have easily said Lucas I appreciate the gesture but I am not ready to have candle light dinners with you or anyone right now. Game over. She went to the library knowing that Lucas thinks she is his soulmate. She continues to ponder his words and his gestures in her heart. She is taking her time just as Lucas said his mother did. I really don't think she would have accepted his invitation to celebrate the book deal if she didn't want to be there with him. She had already experienced some of his romantic gestures (the picnic) and had to know that he would do something similar.
    Is it just me or did they already look like a "couple" in the picnic scene. She is totally at ease with him. She would never have agreed to leave town with a man that she could not trust or have a deep attraction for.

  4. At first, I thought the whole "Teams" thing was fun. Pick a love interest for Elizabeth. What could it matter? Now it seems like more of a slippery slope for fans and the creative team alike. I agree that the choice made was Lucas, so the hug was a red herring. As you indicated, the best evidence was Elizabeth not immediately accepting Nathan's invitation and the details you beautifully listed on the "not date". If Nathan is the choice, then the following largely unpleasant options are in play: (1) I cannot read clues. (Likely, but I hope not), (2) The creative team cannot create consistent characters that respond as typical humans would. (Maybe, but that has not been the case in Seasons 1-6, (3) Erin Krakow and Chris McNally cannot follow direction and are bad actors unable to convey the intent of the script. (Nooooooooooooooooo! Not going there.) I guess the only positive step forward will be a quick resolution in Season 8 to the love triangle. Thanks for helping to fill the huge void and sadness resulting from the end of the season and the seemingly endless wait for the show's return.

    1. I agree it is a slippery slope the writers find themselves on. If they have been reading the FB posts the comments have gotten out of hand. The writers are going to have to find the most positive way to resolve the triangle so they don’t alienate any of the fan base. Perhaps Mr Tinker can assist.

  5. I have to admit, I've been slightly disheartened since the last episode, mainly because I've been seeing so many people say she will choose Nathan after that hug, and quite honestly I've believed it 100% since I figured it was the obvious choice. But now your analysis gives me so much hope that the writers really are aiming towards Elizabeth and Lucas together - I just love how their relationship has evolved and grown over time and that they have so much in common. He is all in for their relationship and he is patient and kind; he wants to to be with her and make her happy, but he understands that she needs some time. And as CamLeo said above, I'm starting to think that maybe the hug with Nathan really was just a red herring - relief that Nathan was okay but she's truly in love with Lucas, and has really chosen him.
    When I first watched the finale this scene was a pleasant surprise because I really wasn't expecting another "date" between them, especially since I saw the preview of Nathan trying to ask her out at the stable and knew the episode may be more Nathan-centric. I agree with everything you said here, even the line you liked the least, haha. It seemed a bit unnatural to say that particular line out loud, like something you see only in a romance novel, but the scene itself was swoon-worthy! And it was clear Elizabeth was definitely okay with it being a date, even if they didn't call it that. She is an adult and if she was uncomfortable with it, she would have left immediately.
    It's also a scene that shows just how much their friendship has changed over the season - their storyline together has evolved so much. They have common interests (books, the library, writing), discuss unrelated issues upfront (Gowen's business), and they've taken the time to learn more about each other's pasts (Elizabeth's previous society life and Lucas' childhood with his parents)... all makings of a strong future relationship! Hopefully we get to see more scenes of them bonding together.

  6. Great post, as always! I'm gonna go with this: the producers did the right thing in picking Lucas for Elizabeth. He's every bit as romantic as Jack, but even more so because he has the means to do more for her. We've seen that this season. No one can or should compare him to Jack. He's his own man and knows what he wants. He'll also wait as long as it takes to win the heart of the woman he knows will be his soul mate. And come on, Elizabeth deserves a man like that.

    I can't wait for their story to play out. Also, for the foreseeable future, he will be with Elizabeth longer, so the possibilities are endless for them. In many ways they have so much in common. They're both worldly, intelligent, and accomplished. Both chose small town life to settle down and raise a family. I'm all in for their many adventures together.

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it! And yes! I'm really hoping we'll see them as a couple in Season 8! Lucas would love Elizabeth so deeply and they could be so cute together raising Little Jack! Neither guy, (Lucas or Nathan) will ever be Jack and that's perfectly okay. They are both their own person as they should be. Lucas is such a romantic and treats Elizabeth with such care. After all she went through with Jack it would be so sweet for her to have someone like Lucas who will just love and take care of her forever. Thanks for sharing! God Bless!


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