WCTH Episode Review: Don't Go (Part 2)

"Someone got shot!"

"Was it Nathan?"

"It was Nathan!"

"Oh, my goodness he's dead!!!"

"That means Lucas is the only option..."

"Oh, there he is. He's fine."

"Oh no....Elizabeth's going to....yep..."

    Well, that was something like the thoughts that ran through my head as I watched this crazy cliffhanger. (Team Nathan give me a break please, as you got quite the ending for your team. :)

    Welcome back to the second half of my review for the last episode of Season 7. Thanks for being patient and waiting for the second half. (Oh, wait. You didn't have a choice...) This cliffhanger is currently the most talked about topic among the Hearties right now, and for very good reason. It totally deserves its own post so I can cut it all up and stitch it back together, trying to get the full picture. I also found some statements from Erin, Chris, and Kevin that really help us get a better picture of what took place in that scene. I will be linking the sites I found them on so you can read them for yourselves.

    So let's get right into it!

    Where did we leave off last time? Oh, yes...the gun shot. Nathan was convincing Jenny, the crook Elias' sister, to not try and break her brother out of the jail coach. He was so close to stopping her when someone decided it would be a good idea to pull out another rifle. People panicked, Jenny felt threatened, and...BANG! Someone was shot. Now prier to watching this episode I had heard that people thought that Nathan might get shot, but I hadn't seen the preview and so I didn't know anything for sure. And upon watching it afterward I found nobody really did, but it sure looked like Nathan could have been.

    So Bill brings the coach racing back into town, and informs Carson that he's got a gun shot wound for him. Fiona rushes into the infirmary to get the necessary supplies, and Elizabeth finds out that someone has been shot. She's horrified just at the idea of anyone being shot, and asks Fiona who was the victim. Fiona can barely bring herself to tell Elizabeth, no doubt she knows about the love triangle going on, but it didn't matter. Some dude outside shouts, "I think its Nathan!" and Elizabeth is horrified.

    She rushes outside and over to the coach where we see the still boots of a Mountie lying inside. Carson then emerges and says the chilling words, "He's gone."

    Elizabeth is devastated! She goes into shock, and can barely register the ordeal. Meanwhile Lucas has stepped out side and is coming to see what all the commotion is about. It was here that Elizabeth slowly turned, and found a safe and healthy Nathan walking slowly toward her.

    At the sight of him Elizabeth bolts to him and wraps her arms around him as tight as she can, burying her face into his chest. Nathan slowly hugs her back, and Lucas looks on at the whole situation with confusion, and hurt. And the season is over!

    Oh boy! First off the dramatics were great, as was that hug. I may be Team Lucas but I can admit that that hug was good. (If only that had been Lucas she was hugging, right Team Lucas?) However just because I think it was dramatic and romantic doesn't mean that was the way Elizabeth meant it. And this is the question that Hearties have been battling with ever since Sunday.

    So let's try and figure this out. Elizabeth hears that someone has been shot. Her response would have been the same had anyone been shot obviously as she didn't know who it was just yet. She just cares about people that much. However, then she finds out that it might have been Nathan, and that added a whole new level of horror to the situation. She cares a lot about Nathan, knows she has some level of feelings toward him, and the guy just FINALLY asked her out for goodness sake! Now he's been shot.

    Then she hears that he's dead and goes into this dazed level of shock and grief. You know who else she heard died while standing in almost that same spot in the street? Yep, you guessed it. Her beloved husband, Jack. Now I know that people have been really debating why she did what she did, but no matter whether it was romance related or not, surely she had to be having some sort of flash back to the moment she heard Jack was dead. Whether it was the moment or she was feeling the same feelings of loss and grief inside, this hit so close to Jack's death that that had to be going through her mind on some level.

    Then she sees Nathan alive. She was so relieved that he wasn't dead and so she threw herself at him, and held on for dear life. What did that mean? Well, according to this article on After Buzz Tv Erin Krakow went on Hallmark's Bubbly Sesh and said this.

“Hearing that someone has been shot and then hearing from outside that maybe it was Nathan it’s just [sighs] she’s finally gotten to the point where she’s kind of been able to move through her grief about having lost Jack….she just wanted to find out who it was and was sorta praying and hoping it wasn’t Nathan. I should be clear that it’s not that she has necessarily chosen a team. It was in that moment she realized how devastating that would be..she turned around and saw that Nathan was..alive and that was the greatest relief.”

    This sums things up pretty well, and helps explain somethings. After all, why try guessing how Elizabeth is feeling when I can have Erin do it for me? Lol! This also could help answer our burning question..."Is this darn triangle over?!!" According to Erin things still sound indefinite for us. I think Brian Bird said it right during this interview here. He basically said that, "It may or may not be over." And so we all are left to guess. Thanks, Papa Bird!

    But none of this answers the main question. Did Elizabeth hug Nathan because she loves him or was it due to the trauma of losing Jack? My thoughts? It may be a combination of both. We know that Elizabeth cares a lot about Nathan, but again this hit so close to home with Elizabeth thinking that once again she lost a Mountie she cared about. I guess we'll never know exactly until next season, but her face said it all. Total relief. That is what I saw. SO MUCH relief that Nathan wasn't dead.

    Now how did Nathan take it? Here's what Kevin McGarry had to say in an article on ET.

“I think Nathan is overjoyed [that Elizabeth embraced him tightly], but at the same time, just under the circumstances, coming back into town, his mind is clearly on that he lost a partner, another Mountie… The embrace was great and I think what’s proven is there is something between those two characters, Nathan and Elizabeth.”

    All good points. Nathan was probably in such a turmoil of emotions. First off the woman he likes just ran right into his arms and is hugging him incredibly tight! That would put him over the moon! But secondly his Mountie accomplice just died trying to save his life! Also a fellow Heartie pointed out to me that it appeared Nathan's hand slightly moved Jenny's gun before it shot. Poor Nathan! What is he feeling? I mean surely he feels the loss, but does he feel guilty? Like that guy's death is his fault? Is it his fault? Nathan's face showed that he was feeling the pain of losing a Mountie, but it definitely might be more than that. Again we are left to wait until next season.

    And finally...Oooo...we have Lucas' face as he watches the whole thing. Ouch! The poor guy! (Just look at his face!) He just had that date/not date with Elizabeth the previous night! He probably was feeling pretty good about where he and Elizabeth stood. After all he said, "If this were a date, I would take your jacket," and guess what Elizabeth did? She gave him her jacket.

    This is what Chris McNally had to say about how Lucas was feeling...

    (Both Kevin and Chris' comments are from this article at ET.)

“I feel like Lucas felt pretty confident by the end, you know? He thought he'd made pretty great strides [pursuing Elizabeth] and that everything was sort of falling into place the way that he wanted. So, I feel like when he witnesses [Elizabeth and Nathan’s] embrace, it sort of takes his feet up from under him because he didn't realize those ties were that strong. I think he now has to rethink his whole situation.”

    Yep! I can totally see that! He felt pretty confident about his relationship with Elizabeth and how things were progressing. Then he sees her hugging the competition for dear life and he's totally taken back! He looked confused, and hurt. (Poor Lucas.) All this time Elizabeth had never said anything to make him doubt her feelings. She went on that trip out of town with him, and agreed to all the events that went along with it. She accepted his romantic dinner in the library and never tried to refuse any of it. In fact she seemed to be telling him that it was a date or that she'd be interested in a real one.

    Now just as he's hit a highlight in their relationship...BOOM! Elizabeth is hugging Nathan, and Lucas' world is turned on its head. How will this effect him and Elizabeth next season? I'm not sure. Lucas could take a step back, and distance himself. Remember that cliffhanger in Season 2 with Charles? Jack wasn't so happy after that. Yet he came around. But this hug could totally cause some tension between Lucas and Elizabeth, which it appears I and Chris McNally are all for.

    Later in the same ET article Chris also states that...

“I feel like I wouldn't mind having some more conflict, because that’s fun to play with, so I would like for things to get messy before anything gets better.” 

    The article then went on to say...

McNally reflected on his character’s initial arrival in Hope Valley and how he was shrouded in mystery. After two seasons on the show, we now know Lucas has good intentions, which McNally says is a good thing, but he still wants to shake things up! He continued, “Just having that little bit of mystery is really fun to work with, so I'm hoping that if something messy can happen in the future, that it has something to do with Lucas' character and personality and we can kind of dabble in a little darkness or mystery or suspicion or something again.”

    I'm all for some more drama and conflict, especially for Lucas! This could be a good thing for Team Lucas should there be some good drama between Lucas and Elizabeth!

    The final question I'm going to ask in this long post is this. Was that hug Elizabeth realizing Nathan is the one, or is she simply reliving the trauma of losing Jack? Has she realized that she truly loves Nathan, or does Nathan remind her of Jack? And will Elizabeth get scared away from Nathan next season, and end up with him in the end? Or will she be at odds with Lucas, think she loves Nathan, but then realize that Nathan just reminds her of the life she had and lost and realize that Lucas has been here the whole time and that she really loves him, but was too scared to admit it and follow her heart? (Gasps for breath!)

    As always, (say it with me) I. Don't. Know. I will say that the writers have done an incredible job keeping us engaged, excited, and guessing the outcome the whole way through. (They also have done an amazing job of starting the graying process of my hairs. ;)

    My conclusion to this whole thing is that the hug definitely meant something, and it may have been a combination of her caring about Nathan, and absolute sheer relief that he's not dead. But whether or not that means she picked him, and whether she hugged him because she realizes she loves him or it being more due to the trauma of losing Jack, I'm not exactly sure.

    Thank you all so much for reading this long overview! And thank you to the WCTH cast and crew for all the hard work you do bringing me my favorite show year after year! I so appreciate everyone coming back again and again, and I can't wait to find out what happens next! 

    Stay safe and God Bless!


  1. The last few days were an eternity waiting on the second part! lol But seriously, I love the way you write and the way you think, thank you again for this blog.

    First of all, I have to say I totally predicted that ending on the FB page! Nathan not being the one shot, walking up and Elizabeth hugging him in relief, and Lucas watching. Yay me! Maybe I should be a consultant or something. ;)

    I have to agree with pretty much everything you wrote here, but wanted to add a few comments. A lot of people are wondering why Elizabeth didn't answer Nathan when he finally- FINALLY- asked her out. I think there were a couple of reasons. First of all, I think she might have been a little stunned that it finally happened. He has stumbled over it a few times- with interruptions of course- and I don't think she realized he was just going to spit it out like that. His little crooked smile was so cute (stop it, I'm a Lucas fan). The second reason is because- hello?- the date/non-date with Lucas the night before. Yes, the lines were cheesy, (Dangerous Liasons IS his favorite book), but it was a very romantic thing that he did. If she had any doubts of his feelings for her before, there is no way she could after the candles, champagne, etc. And yes, by taking off her jacket, she called it a date. I do agree it was a bit seductive for Hallmark, and think she should have had maybe a coat on over her outfit and taken that off instead. But, I loved every minute of it. I think she was probably still pondering it the next morning and perhaps that is why she didn't answer right away. Maybe she didn't think it was proper to be dating two men at the same time. We won't know until next year.

  2. As for that ending, wow. I was surprised I hit it so spot on. I had a couple of other early predictions, but once I saw the preview, it was pretty easy to guess what would happen. I have watched it a couple of times to see if I can see what team Nathan is seeing in that hug. I was watching Nathan's face and to me he is a man in total shock. I am not even certain he realized who was hugging him- he probably did, but my point being, he really did not embrace her back. His hands came up her back a bit, but it wasn't the kind of hug she was giving him. He looked very upset and it made me sad for him. As for Elizabeth, I saw pretty much every emotion cross her face, from disbelief, to shock, to relief and yes, even love as she ran to him. I have no doubt that she loves Nathan, but I also believe she loves Lucas. The one she is in love with remains to be seen.

    Poor Lucas! He had to be on cloud nine after their date and then to see that hug- I wanted to hug him myself! I know there are those that think he is hiding something, but in my opinion, he hasn't done anything to show that he is. We had that one incident last year, but he explained that and has been a model citizen since then. I do think he may have some past things come out, but I don't think he is a con-man, he is simply too generous. Everything he does seems to revolve around Elizabeth and what will make her happy. He even tried to go make things right with Henry because of her. I believe he is totally head over heels in love with her. And he thinks she is his soulmate. After their out of town dinner, we know why he does the things he does. He wouldn't spend so much time trying to please her if he didn't think she was the one. I also hope the writers don't plan to turn him into the 'bad guy' should he lose E's heart. That would make me sad.

    So, where might they go with this? I can see Lucas backing away because he is hurt, and patiently waiting for her to come to him- he is very patient, as I recall. Maybe the pursuer will become the pursuee. Also, with the look on Nathan's face, I think we may also see him back away. He is more aware of his mortality and how his death would affect Elizabeth who already lost a husband who was a Mountie. I can see the writers going either way, they have written this so well. And I will be hurt for the one not chosen, as I like both. (just like Lucas for Elizabeth more)

    What I would like to see next season? Some interaction with toddler Jack and both men- or at least with the one she will pick. The fans need to see that. I would like to meet Lucas' parents, or at least his mother. I think a sibling coming to town with mom would be interesting. I think we need to know more about both mens' pasts. Perhaps Nathan is the one with something shady in his past- wouldn't that be a twist? I think Fiona should run the saloon for Lucas. I am also one that thinks that Fiona and Nathan would be a much better pair. But should team Nathan win E's heart, Fiona and Lucas would be good too.

    Probably a few other things I wanted to say, I will post another comment if I think of them.

    Now we have 7 months to wait...ugh....

  3. Ugh...that poor rookie Mountie! I still can't believe he did what he did, putting literally everyone's lives in danger. He's the one who paid the price, but that was a stupid, stupid move! Nathan had the situation handled. Now he's going to feel guilty over that Mountie's death, since his hand moved the gun. *Sigh.* I totally think all this is going to play into him trying to push Elizabeth away next season, if nothing else because he doesn't want her to go through the possibility of losing another love to the Mounties. But I also think that "always do what you are afraid to do" plaque is going to come into play to bring them together.

    I agree that Nathan was feeling all the emotions when Elizabeth embraced him. He looked like he was trying not to cry, and my guess is the combination of emotions from nearly being shot to losing a fellow Mountie to having the woman he loves in his arms was all overwhelming.

    I do have to say, I really hope the writers have resolved this thing. That comment from Brian Bird in his interview this past summer, "the triangle will resolve itself in season 7. I won't tell you how, but I'll tell you that much," tells me it's done (if I'm taking him at face value. I don't trust anyone's words connected to the show when they're in misdirect mode, which all of them seen to be after this finale. He wasn't in misdirect mode in that summer interview). Elizabeth chose unconsciously, and they'll have to figure out how she's going to make it a conscious choice in season 8. I also think there was foreshadowing with Nathan's words from episode 1: "You let me know when you figure it out" - what's in her heart. I think she let him know. Again, not in words, but in actions.

    Now, all my above thoughts are certainly subjective, but I think these next ones are objective and ones almost every Heartie can agree with: They cannot keep this triangle going any longer. The fans are tired of it, and I get a bad feeling it would be show suicide if they continue it into season 8. Hearties are already divided quite strongly - I can't even scroll through my Twitter feed anymore because I get too agitated seeing the division. And now we have to wait until Christmas at the earliest to find out what's going to happen.....soooo far away! I'm ready to be back in Hope Valley already, lol.

    1. I agree that the triangle needs to end. I have never seen such discord and even animosity over a tv series love triangle. It's either Nathan is boring, etc, or Lucas is shady, etc. I have a favorite and yes, I will be disappointed if E chooses the other one, but, as much as we love WCTH, it is just entertainment. I would love to see them decide on the Christmas episode, but I have a bad feeling it will drag on through the season. Hopefully not the whole season. The bad thing is the arguing does give the show a lot of publicity, so there's that. I just read there is a new head writer and showrunner next season. Wonder how that might change things.

    2. I'm curious about the new writer/showrunner too. What happened to Alfonso? Is he still a part of it but wanted a smaller role? Because it sounded like in his interview with the Bubbly Sesh that he's been a part of the writing process since they knew season 8 was happening. Maybe we'll get more clarity in the next few days on that.

      Yes, there is so much discord it's hard to watch. I hate seeing people say Nathan is boring and I hate seeing people say Lucas is shady. They are both very good men who have a lot to offer the town. I understand wanting one's team to win, but it doesn't mean throwing the other man under the bus. They are both likeable and have had good storylines.

  4. I enjoyed reading your analysis. Here are my thoughts on that hug. Nathan was completely stunned, but I still think he realizes that Elizabeth is there hugging him and that just adds to his state of shock. He is not in the right frame of mind. He almost died and left Allie an orphan and lost all opportunities to ever see Elizabeth again, much less hold her in his arms. He might even be feeling some guilt over the other Mountie's death because from what I could tell he did grab that gun right before she pulled the trigger. I think once he figures out that Elizabeth is clinging to him some of that shock wears off and the emotions start to grab hold.

    I think Elizabeth has a myriad of emotions running through her brain, definitely having flashbacks to Jack, but also fully aware of the current situation and that it is Nathan they are all talking about. I think she is stunned and thinking this can't be happening again. As she is turning away from the wagon you can see her breathing increase as if she is about to lose it before finally looking up in shock and realizing that he is alive and walking towards her. She seems to be going through multiple levels of emotions, including flashbacks to Jack and a realization that she has feelings for this man that might run deeper than what she originally thought. She also pays no mind to where she is at and that people are around and watching the scene and runs to him with such force that it literally jerks him around when she grabs at him and throws herself into him. It is the first time that she has touched either man and that is a huge thing, especially in a public setting during that time in history.

    When he asked her out to dinner she was shocked and I personally think she didn't answer him right away because she suddenly knew that things had just got real. She had moved around Lucas by using the friend terminology, but I think she knew that what Nathan was asking for in that date was not a friends only invitation and it caused her to pause and think. She was smiling at him until he mentioned the cafe and I think that may have also triggered a flashback for her to Jack since that was where they had their first date. Kudos to him though for giving her some room to contemplate the idea without being pushy, which is one of the reasons I have a hard time with Lucas. He asks her to celebrate as friends and then turns it into this elaborate candlelight dinner that he obviously has romantic intentions for and for me that doesn't settle well, but I can understand where Lucas people would totally find it sweet and romantic.

    1. (Continued thoughts)

      I do believe that Lucas has feelings for her and that is why he looked so confused and hurt to see her running to Nathan the way she did and practically tackling him. He thought he had the upper hand and now is realizing that she must have a connection to him that is stronger than what he originally thought. Then there is Fiona.....Fiona all of the sudden lost her job and now Lucas has to run two businesses, I could totally see where this might go if he winds up hiring her to help him with either of those two businesses. I don't think that's a coincidence at all. I could see that leading to something starting between the two of them.

      Final thoughts are that I think Elizabeth and Nathan will eventually wind up together (I guess I find the foreshadowing for this to be a little overwhelming), but I don't think it is so clear cut that their struggles to get there are over. I think her heart is with Nathan, but that her mind hasn't reached that point yet (if that makes sense). They have suddenly been connected to one another in a way that only they understand and in a way that she could never be connected with Lucas in the same way. It's something in season 8 that I think they will have to deal with in order to move forward if that is where the writers decide to take it. I guess you can tell that I'm a team Nathan person, but I have appreciated reading through your viewpoints and that even though you are team Lucas how you try really hard to give an unbiased synopsis. Beautiful and interesting blog.

    2. I, too, have seen a lot of foreshadowing for E and N to be together in the end. I have thought from the beginning that she would be with him, for many reasons- I won't bore you with those, lol. Then they have given us so many romantic scenes with Lucas- two dinners, library scenes- that I have to wonder why. He basically told her he believes her to be his soulmate and will wait as long as it takes to 'win her heart.' If indeed she chooses Nathan, it will be really hard to move Lucas forward from that without her. I know the writers are amazing, but I can't wrap my head around another romance for him as he has basically pulled out all the stops for E. The show couldn't do that again, so they would have to take another path with him. It would either have to be a woman pursuing him, or he turns into the 'bad guy' on the show, or he leaves. It will take a lot to move him forward without E. Now, after that hug and whatever it meant, it also will be awkward to put her with Lucas and Nathan have to move forward. I would love to be a fly on the wall in the planning room to see what they have in store for next season. It seems they have backed themselves into a corner. But I have faith they will make it better than we can imagine.

    3. Take my opinion with a very large grain of salt since I'm Team Nathan, but I've never gotten the sense that Lucas's heart is so invested in Elizabeth that he would be heartbroken if she chooses Nathan. Yes, he's pulled out all the stops, but I have to wonder if he was trying so hard because he knows deep down that she's *not* the one for him. It's seemed all season like he's trying too hard. Maybe that's just me, though. I feel like he would bow out graciously and see that Nathan and Elizabeth belong together, and when his true soulmate comes along, he won't have to try so hard because it will be a natural connection. There was a beautiful Lucas/Fiona fan art I saw with this quote: "And then suddenly, you take a chance...and you really get to know that one person that makes you forget about yesterday and dream about tomorrow." I think they're leading it in the direction of Lucas and Fiona. It's just way too coincidental that he gets the oil company right as she lost her job. It's another classic Hallmark-y sign of two people getting together, when the right storm of circumstances throw them together. Buuuut that's just my two cents. Like I said, grain of salt :)

    4. I love reading opinions other than my own, it makes me think more. :) I see Lucas as totally in love with her. I don't think he is trying too hard, I see it more as being romantic the only way he knows. I think the writers could play it either way they want to at this point. Depends on the direction they plan to go- Nathan or Lucas. Perhaps if she does choose Nathan they might decide to say that Lucas really didn't believe E is the one. I'm not sure the Lucas fans will buy it though. He hasn't actually said the words, whereas Nathan has said he cares for her. But he has shown it in everything he does. They sure have me totally wrapped up in the story. Not sure how I will pass the next 7 months. See, Lucas fans and Nathan fans CAN be civil, lol. Not so much on FB though. :)

  5. I agree, I think Lucas will be hurt for a little while, but that he will be able to move on just fine. Chris said he would love for his character to get messy and to show a little bit of a darker mysterious side in that after episode ET interview. He said that while Kevin was talking more along the lines of developing and moving forward in Nathan's relationship with Elizabeth. At this point I think that I would be very surprised if Nathan doesn't wind up with Elizabeth. I think that's where the triangle will end and then Lucas will have his own storyline and drown himself in his work.

    1. Possibly. The Lucas fans will be sorely disappointed, though. Unfortunately, feelings are so strong on both sides that some people will jump ship either direction that they go. Sad, but true. :(


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