WCTH Season 7 Overview

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.” - Charles Dickens

    Season 7 in a nutshell? Lol!

    Hi Hearties, and welcome to today's blog post! (And the first Wednesday that I don't have an episode review...Sniff! I'll be okay...) So for today I thought I'd give an overview of Season 7. List some of my favorites and give an overall opinion of this season for me.

    Okay, where do I start? This has been the most exciting and stressful season in WCTH history. Yes, I'm declaring it even more stressful than Season 2! It was a different kind of stress. In S2 you knew Jack and Elizabeth were going to end up together. It was just all the drama and fighting that drove me crazy, and left me unsatisfied by the end of an episode because of it. This is on a whole new level. I was left guessing the entire season (and still am) as to who Elizabeth might pick, which is SO STRESSFUL!!!! (Breathe...breathe...) And now...I get to do it for another whole off-season. (Laughs insanely...)

    So first off, I really like the new vibe the show seems to have. It's like everything is brighter, and has this new WCTH shine to it. I also like Elizabeth's hair better this season then previous ones. Everything is just bright and hopeful! (As it should be! Lol!) 

The Characters

    This season has had the most characters to follow along with then any other season. More people keep showing up, the Hearties fall in love with them, and then they got to have their own story.

    Lots of big things took place this season for our beloved characters. Of course the one thing that everyone wanted may or may not have happened...yes, a decision from Elizabeth. But all that aside we got some sweet and touching moments. Bill and Clara, Lee and Jesse...These characters just showed each other this season just how close they are. They're all truly family, and not just the ones I mentioned. If you come to Hope Valley your not gaining just a new home, but a new family too. One that will stick by you in good times and bad, and never leave you hanging and alone. 

    We got to see some new aspects to characters as well. Jesse and Clara as a married couple, potential romance for Fiona, and Elizabeth flustered by her own feelings for Lucas and Nathan. I don't usually see her get like she did with Rosemary after the party and it was funny and nice to see her not so put together and coming to terms with her situation.

    Of course my favorite storylines to follow are Elizabeth and Lucas'! Lol! We really got to see them grow closer this season, and form a deeper friendship mixed with romance! It could be so sweet to see them be best friends who are so in love with each other! (Please, John! Hear my plea!)

    But aside from the romantic aspect it was great to see Lucas finally finding his place in Hope Valley and becoming one of the guys! He was out there searching for Jesse and Lee, he was in on the bachelor party, and now him and Bill are competing for the best food in town. (Okay, Bill and Gustave are, but you get the idea. :) Lucas has shown himself so far to be a sweet, genuine, generous, and upright man who's also a hopeless romantic. (Oh, wait! Hopeful romantic. Lol!) I believe that he truly cares about Elizabeth a lot and just continues to be there for her no matter what and shower her with sweetness. He only has eyes for her, and continues to try and make her dreams come true. (Okay, okay...I'll get off my soapbox.)

    Of course Little J is adorable and is actually a good actor! Lol! He's definitely a scene stealer, and sometimes just seems to go right along with what the other characters are doing! And it was great to actually hear him talk some this season as well, and I can only imagine what he might do next season!

    Bill has become the father of Hope Valley and the role suits him! He was SO sweet with Clara! (Goodness you big softy!) And him getting involved with Elizabeth's love life was fun! (Or should I say cake baking...Lol!)

    Jesse and Clara had quite a big story with their wedding this season, and they actually made it to the theme! (Now for the posters...) In my favorite couples list they place third for me, coming just after the Coulters. They are so in love, always there for each other, yet imperfect. That's actually what makes a couple more endearing in my opinion. Two imperfect people with flaws overcoming the obstacles of life together, and coming out stronger and more in love than before. It shows their devotion to each other, and allows their love to shine through on a deeper level.

    And of course I cannot forget the Coulters! Those sweet little love birds! Once again we got to watch what an amazing, and totally in love couple they are. It was neat to see Rosemary as the one who was gravely ill as I've never seen her in that situation before. Nor have I seen Lee put in a situation where Rosemary's life is in danger so that was nice to twist things around. Then of course we have Lee's dark secret...(Dum, dum, dum!) It was SO great and SOOO over due to finally, finally learn about his past! And man! That guy has had some serious drama in his life! (And I'm sure he made LOTS of Hearties cry!) It's great to finally get the whole picture of who Lee is and who he was. And I'll tell you what, as far as drama goes those writers went all out!

    Of course we didn't get the very wanted storyline of Lee and Rosemary having a child or adopting. Well, there's still time for that. It would have made for a great end to the season, but then we might have gotten two Christmas babies which would have been weird. Just another thing to add to my list of stuff I'd like to see happen in Season 8! (Which I'm planning on putting out on Friday!)

    There weren't very many student storylines this year, Mostly just Allie and her Grandpa, and then of course Robert wanting to become a Mountie. I have some thoughts on this for next season but that's for another post!

    Carson really took more of a back seat once Faith left IMO. I mean, he was still there to be sure, but he didn't have a huge storyline. But he's kind of become Hope Valley's friendly neighborhood psychiatrist. He seems to have some kind of "spidey sense" for when people are ill or distraught. Wherever they are, Carson is somehow always just in the right spot to find and help them.

    Faith didn't have a very big role this season, and while I'm more used to Carson and her as a couple, they still come at the bottom of my favorites list. (Sorry, Andrea, and Paul!) They just don't have the same chemistry as the other couples, although I will say that I may have a better opinion of them now after watching them more as a couple. Just not my favorite one.

    Fiona didn't have a super big role this season, despite her making it to the covers. Her best storylines for me were when she borrowed Gowen's car and when she had the mysterious trouble with her boss. She told him what for! But again it wasn't a huge storyline. I think that Hearties would love to see her get a more main plot in this series. Something that would allow us to learn more about her and let her personality shine.

    Gowen had quite the story this season! Very dramatic and involved Lucas! Yay! And putting Henry's health on the line was a great move story wise! (Not for him, but you know what I mean. Lol!)

    Hickam is an under used character. Hearties would LOVE to see him get even just a little bit more screen time. I would! One of my favorite scenes with him this season was in the Christmas special when he grabbed his pot roast and went to safely eat it elsewhere. Lol! It was more of the fact that Lucas actually told him he wasn't going to take his food that made me like the scene so much, but without Hickam this scene wouldn't be there!

    And of course we have Nathan. (My greatest enemy...Lol!) Okay, actually he won some points with me this season. He's been winning me over more and more which is a good thing should I not get my dreamed of Lucas ending. (I'm still Team Lucas tho! Don't start shooting the confetti, Team Nathan. :D ) But honestly he's a sweet and good-hearted guy who wants to make the world a better place and isn't afraid to step in when it gets tough. (Except for when it comes to Elizabeth...There....let's just say things need some work. Lol!)

    I think I'll leave discussing Pastor Zeke until my next post....

My Favorites

    One of my favorite episodes of the whole season is An Unexpected Gift! Of my goodness that was so funny! All the characters personalities just shined, and all the characters came together in a way that I don't get to see too often. Even Lucas and Nathan were finally just one of the guys, and there were moments that just made me laugh out loud, like, "Oh, my goodness I can't believe that happened!." Lol! And then of course we Team Lucas fans had the cherry on top when we heard that knock on Elizabeth's door, held our breath, and then had to put our jaws back in place after seeing Lucas standing there with flowers for Elizabeth. (You all did that, right? :)

    I loved the writing of that episode, and I give a big shout out to Derek Thompson for writing it, and to Neill Fearnley for directing it. Thank you so much!

    What are my favorite scenes? (Do I need to say this? Lol!) Yes! They would be Lucas and Elizabeth scenes! We got some cute, sweet, and romantic moments with these two. Once again I give a shout out to Derek Thompson as he was the writer of some great Lucas/Elizabeth scenes!

    Two that always make me smile are when Lucas is reading Elizabeth's chapters and asking who is the inspiration of "Luther Brant." Lol! And then the scene with them later in the mercantile! I LOVE the idea of having them talk to each other through the shelves! Very cute!

    I was also pleasantly surprised in the finale when we got that spark flying date in the library! I absolutely did not see it coming (Meaning before I started the episode) and it was wonderful to end the season with one more romantic gesture from Lucas!

    Aside from the love triangle, Jesse and Clara's wedding was my favorite wedding to date! I keep saying this but really the town gave them a fairytale wedding. Again kudos to the crew for that!

    I also thought that the story the writers gave for Nathan's past with his father was dramatic and heart-breaking. What a terrible childhood to have to go through! And a round of applause go to Kevin McGarry for almost crying as he arrested his father!

    And of course I have to give my favorite Little Jack moment! He's so sweet and precious! I have a couple favorites, but one of them definitely is him and that plush duck! Just the way he said it made me laugh with his little arms flying out! Lol! So good!

As a whole? 

    Once Season 6 ended I had been saying all off season long that Season 7 could be the best season ever. After seeing it I now can concur that while it wasn't exactly what I had envisioned, it was the most suspenseful, anticipated, and one of the most exciting seasons we have ever had! Oh my, the drama! It's Nathan, no it's Lucas, now it's Nathan, etc. No matter what happened they kept me wanting more, and guessing the entire way! (And I still am!!!)

    The cliffhanger was also good...for a cliffhanger....(I'm running out of hair to pull. Lol!) But honestly that cliffhanger did what it was supposed to. And...I maybe...kinda liked the hug...(Come on! I'm Team Lucas! :D ) You know me! I love drama and romance! But was there romance in that hug from Elizabeth? Only time can reveal that! (Or the writers...Hint, hint.)

    Thank you so much to the WCTH cast and crew for working so hard to bring us this show!I can only imagine the effort it takes to put a season together! Thank you!

    And thank you guys so much for reading! Feel free to tell me your favorites of this season in the comments below or on my Twitter page! (Blog comments will be answered in a separate blog post.) Stay safe, and God Bless!


  1. Bravo! Great review! I had a few favorite scenes too, and most had to do with Lucas, lol. But, I love one tiny scene in particular with Nathan this year. It was in the unexpected gift episode- one of my fav episodes also. When the men were discussing the food for the bachelor party and Bill called Nathan out to help him with the ribs. Nathan's 'why' response stole my heart. It was only a second, but it showed such a witty, fun, personality hiding in the background. We saw a few of those with Nathan this season, but that one was my fav. I still don't love him with E, it is hard to get past all the romantic scenes with Lucas. Maybe Fiona?? hmmm...

    As for my favorite L&E scenes, pick one, lol. But seriously, those two are just so cute together. My very fav this season- maybe ;)- could be the one you posted above. The very short scene where Lucas brings her coffee while she is working in the library. I mean, is this guy perfect or what? (maybe not perfect, I can't forget the 'sending chapters to his mom' scene, ugh) I have believed from the beginning that E would end up with Nathan- I mean, that is classic Hallmark, right? But I can't help rooting for Lucas, who obviously does everything with her in mind. But, the library scene in the wedding episode ranks up there for me too, that girl couldn't find the door! Of course, I loved the 'heart of a writer' episode, and the romantic dinner in the last one. And the talking through the shelves looking for humble pie--haha!! Like I said, hard to pick a fav. :)

    I am left wondering about Henry. What exactly did he do to tank the oil company? I wonder if they will tell us, he was pretty vague about it. And will he turn to the dark side once again, or make up with Lucas next year? Lots to discuss in your next blog. :) (which I always anxiously await)

    Thank you for the blog, loved it, as usual. :)

    1. Thank you so much! You're so sweet! And yes!!! I loved Nathan's "Why!?!" Lol! I so loved how expressive people were in that episode!

      And the short coffee scene you mentioned? That was so sweet, yet such a short scene. In just a few seconds Lucas showed us how thoughtful and sweet he is! Yet he still isn't a perfect guy, which is great as who wants to watch a perfect person who never makes a mistake?
      I know Nathan is the obvious guy, but I'm really hoping that the writers switch things up and make Elizabeth go with the less obvious guy. Lucas is always thinking of Elizabeth, all the time! Helping, encouraging, challenging, and just showing so much attention and kindness. They're already friends, and talk to each other about their problems. They help each other, and just enjoy being around each other. And I could go on and on...Lol!
      As for Henry I don't know if he'll go dark on us. He'll be bitter to be sure, but hopefully him and Gowen can patch things up and even become business partners again. Thanks for sharing! God Bless!

  2. Well shucks, I had the confetti all ready to go! (Lol, I kid, I kid :D)

    I think season 7 was far and away the best season yet. There was so much heart and fun throughout the whole thing, with well-done drama thrown in for good measure. I was very impressed. I thought the show might take a nosedive after Dan and Lori left, but I daresay it's only gotten better. And I can't believe I'm about to admit this out loud (please don't kill me, Hearties!), but I like Nathan a whole lot better than Jack. (Yes, I said it!).

    I honestly don't think I can pick a favorite moment from this season. Actually, I take that back. The darts trick where Lucas was showing Elizabeth the trick and her dart ended up in Nathan's beer was hilarious! And basically all their scenes in the finale. And him telling her she mattered to him....okay, fine, just pick a Nathan/Elizabeth moment and I probably loved it, lol.

    I was also impressed that the writers did a good job developing Lucas's character. He really grew on me in this season, and I like him a lot now. He's a solid character. I truly want to see him get a happily-ever-after.

    Great review! You do such a good job with these!

    1. You can still throw it if you want, as throwing confetti is fun! (Until it hits the ground and you're left with a giant mess...Lol!)

      GASP! How could you ever like anyone better then Jack!?! (JK!) That's actually great as it's obvious Jack is never coming back. I say it's perfectly fine! I agree that I think the show has actually gotten better since Dan and Lori left. It's brighter, it's fun, and just...better! Lol!

      And just like you with Lucas' character, Nathan actually has scored some points with me too. I like him better now, and he works well as Hope Valley's new Mountie. (Still Team Lucas as always tho. ;)

      And thank you so much! I really appreciate that! God Bless!


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