A Few Holes to Fill

    It's Friday Hearties! Hope you're doing well! So what's that title all about you ask? Well I was trying to come up with something to post today. There are a few different topics I could do but I would like more time to put them together. And so I was sitting eating a PB&J sandwich (Don't judge me. ;) and thought that I could talk about a few loose ends Season 7 failed to clear up.

Who is mayor for goodness sake!?!

    Hope Valley has always had a mayor for nearly every season....except for Seasons 6-7. (Okay, they had one for three episodes in S6, but you get my point.) All of a sudden since Abigail's "sudden departure" the town seems to have no need or want of a mayor. I totally understand Season 6 not having one because technically Abigail was supposed to be mayor through the whole season. But then she got cut, Hallmark had to do damage control and we ended up with no mayor which is fine. But to go a whole season later with no mayor is weird. Not that the mayoral stories were my favorite or anything, as when Abigail was mayor they were one of my least. I just think it's strange how the town no longer has a mayor to run things.
    Now of course Bill is judge now so that helps a lot. Maybe that's the writers plan. Just have a judge instead of a mayor. It could work, and yet.... I would like HV to finally have a new mayor. I have NO idea who would be it, except for Bill. Then he would be like those mayors in those small town movies who are the mayor, the judge, the doctor, etc. I actually think it could work well.

How is that cafe still running?

    I'm sorry, but I just cannot believe that that cafe is run that smoothly all the time, or that Bill and Clara still manage to sleep normal hours and are not extremely tired all the time. They both work TWO jobs, both of which require a LOT of time. The cafe is opened all day long it would appear, or at the least breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They really really need someone who is going to be 100% committed to the cafe, and work there all day.
    Of course we all know that someone coming in to take over the cafe would sort of step into the disappearance of Abigail, a place no one dares to go. But surely the writers could find a way for someone to become the main person running the place without ever having to mention Abigail. Speaking of which....

Abigail who?

    Yes, I know. I know the answer to this question before even writing this. And yet I shall ask it anyway. :) We all know the reason why Abigail has vanished from the town and it's citizen's minds, but that does not make it weird that everyone has suddenly forgotten her. Take Clara's wedding for example. Abigail might have been the matron of honor had she been there, and she seemed to never once cross Clara's mind during the whole ceremony. Again I know why but it's still weird. Surely it wouldn't be a crime to just explain why she's still not back, and that Elizabeth misses her. If they really never plan to bring the character back, than why not just settle things once and for all? Just tell us that Abigail has to stay with her mother for the rest of her days due to an illness or something, or that Abigail has a new life and beau back east and isn't coming back. (The last one seems the most unlikely but anything would make more sense than nothing.)
    Now as for me personally, I'm perfectly fine without Abigail in the show. My favorite season for her character was Season 1, but after she became mayor she became all about business and less about the cafe and Cody. So I'm fine with how things are, I just think that figuratively speaking it's weird that Abigail has never been thought of or mentioned this season.

Where did all that money come from!?!

    I believe that a couple Hearties are still wondering about all that money Lucas hid under the fish. My first thought was that he may have gotten it from playing cards with Amos, but then I remembered that they weren't playing for cash. It was double or nothing stakes where either his friend's debt is cleared or he pays double what she owes. He never mentioned any money. Maybe he's just loaded and doesn't want anyone to know? Maybe he was scared an accomplice of Amos would find out? Or maybe it's like when Elizabeth first came to town and her parents sent her that money hidden in a book. Only this time it was a crate of fish. :) Still we just never got a solid statement as where he got the money and why it was so mysterious.

Where did pastor Zeke go?

    (Sigh...) I've been asking this question ever since the episode after Jesse and Clara's wedding, but I shall ask it again. Where on earth did that man go? Is he hiding under his cloth? He made that whole statement about finally finding a place to stop and call home, and then whoosh! He gone!
Now of course I don't know all the behind the scenes details and so I don't know why this happened. Was the actor unable to shoot the rest of the season? Or did the writers only want him for that one episode? Either way it was quite strange that he disappeared, and next season I hope that he either returns or that Hope Valley gets yet again another new pastor.

    Well, that's all for now. I could maybe find some more holes, but this is fine for now. But even with all these unanswered questions I still love watching this show! It's my all time favorite and I wish Season 8 was here already!

    Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to comment below or on my Twitter page! God Bless!


  1. First of all, no one should ever be judged for PB&J! That combo is the best! :)

    Second of all...YES!!! I want answers to these questions too! That was a very interesting point you brought up about Lucas's money. I just assumed it was something he had won from Amos since Amos came looking for the 10K that he claimed he was owed. Huh, now I'm curious! Maybe it was just his money from whatever business he was a part of before coming to Hope Valley, and he wanted a safe way to transport it? That's a lot of $$$ to carry on your person. Though he could have brought it in a safe, I suppose. Hmm. Now I have more questions, lol.

    As far as the mayor goes, when Henry had to step down, the leader of the town council became the mayor, which was Abigail. Presumably someone else was head of town council once she became mayor. I always assumed it was either Lee or Elizabeth. But since the name of that office changed from Office of the Mayor to Office of the Judge, I'm guessing we're not going to get another mayor. I feel like Bill kind of took over in that regard.

    I find that complete lack of mention of Abigail glaring. She was such a big part of Hope Valley, and now it's like she never existed. So weird. Especially, as you said, at Clara's wedding. I was thrown for a loop when Bill asked if she was missing people, and she said her parents. That made no sense. That would have been the perfect time to remember Abigail, but they didn't. I kind of wonder if Hallmark told them there's no mention of Abigail allowed.

    Great post! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thank you! (For the kind words, and not judging my choice of lunch. Lol!)

      And I know! I was originally writing how he probably got the money from Amos, but then I remembered that they weren't playing for money. (Or at least he didn't say they were.) Maybe the stakes got raised while they were playing? But either way that's WAY too much money to just carry around with you from town to town. He maybe had his friend Jeanette send it out to him, especially since she may have been the one who recommended he go to Hope Valley in the first place.

      And yeah Bill seems to have taken over taking care of the town, and has become the father of Hope Valley so to speak. Abigail used to hold the mother title but...you know what happened. Hallmark may have prohibited them from ever talking about her again, which would explain the weird way that no one seems to remember that she exists. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      I hope you have a wonderful weekend too! God Bless!

  2. I think the money and a lack of defining where it came from is one of the things that makes team Nathan not trust Lucas. I wonder if perhaps we might have gotten more insight had they not had to change up most of the season when Abigail left. Maybe some important scenes were cut and they decided to go in a different direction and just let it slide.

    All that being said, should the PTB decide to put E with Nathan after all- I certainly hope not after all the wonderful scenes with Lucas- they could bring that up again in a negative light for Lucas, (perhaps E's dad paid him to come to HV) if that is what they wanted to do. I have batted it around so much, I just can't see Lucas not being with Elizabeth and them putting him with someone else. It just wouldn't make sense. He certainly couldn't do all the romance again, so he would either have to remain single and possibly turn to the dark side, or leave town.

    Now, I am not a writer for the show, so they could throw something out there I guess, but team Lucas would have a hard time buying it. Lucas either needs to be with Elizabeth or be with no one, in my opinion. Wasn't the way I originally believed, but I do now. He has pulled out all the stops for her as in his mind she is his soulmate.

    Of course, I started talking about the money and ended up on the triangle- this darn show!! lol

    1. Lol! Is it possible to talk about anything other then the triangle? :D And you make a good point! A lot of cutting and pasting had to be done in Season 6 which could have lead to the explanation of the money getting cut. Either way I agree that things would definitely be awkward should E go with Nathan. Lucas would be hurt, and seeing E would become painful, especially seeing her with another man. They could NOT, I repeat NOT continue to have the same friendship they have now! That would be just plain weird and unrealistic. Lucas has gone all out for E, and really seems to be in love with her. (I can't speak for him, but those dreamy eyed stares and smiles already do.) Should E go with Nathan we are going to need to see Lucas become heart-broken and reluctant to love anyone again. Should he all the sudden start romancing another girl a few episodes after losing E he'll look insincere and like a player. (Which we both know he's not!)
      How long is it until Christmas again? Lol! God Bless!

  3. Too long! ugh....And that is if we get a Christmas episode. Who knows with this virus..

  4. Thanks again for writhing your blog:
    My feeling is Hallmark doesn't care what we think. If they want something one way thats the way it is..it doesn't have to make sense. Like our sweet ladies hair, highlighted and worn down which didn't occur in the time period. Nor did did women have jobs outside home, or VERY few..(except unmarried teachers) and theres ALL THE FAKE FLOWERS growing around Canada out of season. ??? Go back to season one (produced by Michael Landon Jr) the settings, dress , hair, conduct etc was more realistic..
    They should have done something more w/ Abigail character leaving, just saying "how we miss her" all along would suffice..

    The 'Pastor Zeke' character isn't needed as they rarely go to church, (it isn't allowed on TV now) In the books both Elizabeth Thacher Delaney and husband Wynn pray together daily, at meals and living in Indian villages they have their own church service and talk about missing CHURCH. In the next Back to Canadian West books series Elizabeth Thatcher Thornton and Jarrick (Jack) pray together daily, morning night and meals and PRAY about ALL their problems and tasks. Not allowed now.

    Lucus came to town WITH money, probably from New Orleans and is a stated (many times) gambler and runs a saloon.! He buys a library (for the TOWN) and half of oil company (for himself) , why wouldn't he have a safe full of money?????????

    Its probably going to be a long dry spell before we see what happens to Elizabeth and Nathan but Hallmark will do it their way and hope we don't notice or care..everything is now so PC AND, they are trying to appeal to age 20 and 30 market.. and they mostly don't care either..

    Apparently Janette Oke signed away all creative rights as was her RIGHT to do but we can grieve for the sweet, sweet stories in her books nonetheless..


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