WCTH Christmas Special News

    Hello, and happy Wednesday! It's the day before Thanksgiving! I hope you all are fixing to have a wonderful day full of love, family, and good food! I'm certainly looking forward to having some of the cheesecake I made yesterday!

    For today's post I thought I'd share a few more details I discovered about the new WCTH Special. (I know, I know.... So much for not seeing too many spoilers... :)

    Note to My Readers: I will be taking a break from my blog for the rest of this week. But don't worry I'll be back next Wednesday! :)

    Also I thought I take just a moment, and let you all know how thankful I am for you! I'm so grateful that you'd take the time out of your busy day to read my blog! I'm also so thankful for all the love, support, and kindness you've shown me! God has blessed me with you guys, and I thank you all SO much!

    Now onto the news! (For some of you, possibly all of you, this isn't news, but for anyone else brace yourself!)


    First off, WCTH's website finally got a picture for the new Christmas Special. It's not the cover I've been impatiently waiting for, but it's something! They also now have a gallery for the Special! (I will NOT be looking at it!)


    So around last week I happened upon this picture on Twitter.

    Well, what have we here? It would appear that Hope Valley is going to have a school concert. Erin Krakow did hint that she would sing again in a Tweet. Maybe this is it? Maybe she'll melt Lucas' heart with her singing? (What? I can dream, can't I?😀)

New Cast Member

    Look out Hope Valley! We've got a new man in town! Everybody meet Walter! I'm not sure who his character is yet. What if he's Hope Valley's new pastor? We've never had a young pastor on the show, and I think that could be fun!

    I'm just not sure if he's a permanent character or not. We've had Sam Bailey the peddler, and Lillian and Grace come to town during the Christmas Specials, and then leave right after. We'll just have to wait and see! Either way, welcome Ryan to the WCTH cast, and the Heartie Family!

Lucas & Elizabeth!?!

    (Alright...I've freaked out so much over his guy, let's just play it cool this time. Otherwise everyone will think you're crazy! Sigh...I can do this...)

    OH MY GOODNESS!!!! It's Elizabeth and Lucas! Standing! Together! (Can you hear the quick little happy claps of my hands?)

    Okay, now that I got that out of my system, I now have to resort to my usual detour back to reality, and say that this could mean absolutely nothing. Maybe the writers are just making it look like she's going to pick Lucas, but really they're going to shock us all, and do a big old plot twist. Then again they're pretty prominent in this picture below...

    Also upon inspection of this here photo, I've discovered that a couple of key characters are missing. Carson, Gowen, Florence, Fiona, Nathan, and Baby Jack, as well as a bunch of the kids. Now before anyone panics, the other characters may just be over on the boardwalk, and the camera will pan to them during the show.
     They all appear to be looking at a Christmas tree, or a fireworks show, and so maybe some of the characters are helping with that. Either way, I saw Florence in another picture for the Christmas Special elsewhere, so don't worry!

    Anyhow, this picture has got me excited! Things are looking up for Team Lucas! I mean, just look at all that he's done for the town! My biggest question is why? Generosity? A huge romantic gesture to Elizabeth? Or maybe it came from something in his past...

    Hurry up Christmas!

    Thanks so much for reading! Feel free to drop a comment below or on my Twitter page! (Blog comments will be answered via email.) God Bless! 

    P.S. My 2 latest designs debuted in my shop yesterday! Click here to take a look, and find some fun Christmas gifts for the Hearties in your life! (Or maybe for yourself....😀)


  1. thank you again for keeping us in the loop love reading your blog i hope nathan didnt leave town and i pray cody comes back


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