Hope Valley Kids: Then and Now

    It's Friday Hearties! Thank you all for excusing me this Wednesday. I made some good progress on my new design, and .... Wait what you say? New design? Yes, if you didn't see my Tweet on Wednesday, I've been working on a brand new design for my shop, that I'm planning to reveal around Thanksgiving. BUT that's not all!
    I actually have not one, but TWO new designs coming! (Angel choir starts singing.) This design is on another level as I had a very talented and gifted artists create it for me! (Because I do not possess that level of amazing talent :) The plan is to release them both around Thanksgiving, so if all goes according to plan you should all get to see them very soon! (Yay!)

    Anyhow, onto today's topic. In a conversation with another Heartie, she mentioned how she loves the Hope Valley children, and that they are growing up right in front of our eyes. This is so true for any child on a TV series. Each season we get to watch them grow and mature year by year.

    So for this post I thought I would gather some pictures, and show how much the HV children have grown, and also remind us how little they really once were. I wont be doing every kid that been on WCTH. Just the current kids for now, and of course Cody! Let's get started!

Gracyn Shinyei (Emily)

    This young lady has been here since Season 1! Since then her Mother, and both her brothers have disappeared, leaving us very much perplexed as to who's caring for her, but she's continued to play sweet Emily for us season after season. Here's her from Season 1.

And now...

     Quite a difference!

Kadence Roach (Anna)

    This girl has also been around since the beginning of WCTH. She didn't have as big of a part as Emily back then, but just look at how cute she is! Here she is in Season 1.

     And now...

    She's become a beautiful young lady!


Carter Ryan Evancic (Cody)

    Now I know that Cody isn't in WCTH anymore, much to many Hearties' dismay, but that's not going to stop me from including him! Look how little he used to be! It's always neat to look back to the first episode he appeared in, and see just how young he really was.

And now...

    Woah! Some growing happened here!


Jaiven Natt (Robert)

    Season 3 was many of the current Hope Valley kids debut season, just like this guy's! He's so cute, and still has that dark head of curls!

     And now...

    This boy is now taller than Pascal Hutton!


Genea Charpentier (Laura)

    This little lady also first appeared in Season 3, and has grown up quite a bit since then! Here's her from Season 3.

     And now...

    Just look at the young woman she's become!


Ava Grace Cooper (Opal)

    (Sigh) Our dear, sweet, little Opal, who again also first appeared in Season 3. So precious!

     And now...

    She's such a sweet and beautiful girl!


Christian M. Cooper (Timmy)

    Hope Valley's future concert pianist also first appeared in Season 3 as one of the settlers. He's done his fair share of growing these past years. I also find that it's so fun, and neat that he's Opal's brother in real life! Here he is in Season 3.

    And now...

    Not so little anymore, are you?


Callum Seagram Airlie (Harper)

    Harper, like Timmy, was also a settler, and first appeared in Season 3. I haven't seen his mother for awhile, but he's continued to come back for us each year.

        And now...

    Man, he's getting tall!


Jaeda Lily Miller (Allie)

    Now I know that Allie didn't start this small in WCTH, but why not show her anyway! She's absolutely adorable!

    And now...

    Well, you've done some growing, now haven't you?


Lincoln & Gunner Taylor (Baby Jack)

    Last but certainly not least is the wonderful Taylor Twins! I was on their Instagram page today, and they just brightened my day! They're so cute and sweet! It's only been a year, but they have definitely grown since last season.

    And now...

    They're so cute!

    I hope you enjoyed this blast from the past! It's fun to look back at where these kids have started, and see how much they've really grown and matured.

    Thanks so much for reading! Feel free to drop a comment below or on my Twitter page. (Blog comments will be responded to via email.) God Bless!

    P.S. Drop by my shop if you have a chance for some fun WCTH inspired merch! https://shop.spreadshirt.com/heart-and-family-mercantile


  1. i been praying they bring cody back it was not his fault what lori did


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