A Moment in Time: Unspoken Words

    Blow up the balloons, and throw some confetti because we've got a birthday today! Who you ask? Why it's none other than "Captain Handsome" himself, Chris McNally! (Applause erupts from the imaginary crowd.) Happy happy birthday, McNally!
    Now I know that I may have mentioned something about this being "Kevin McGarry week" as I have yet to release a review for his WCTH debut episode. I actually have some of it written, but then I found out that today is Chris McNally's birthday, and decided that the review could wait until Wednesday. (Please forgive me, McGarry!)
    Instead, I've decided to do something new! Today I'm issuing a brand new post called, as the title implies, A Moment in Time! In these posts I'll pick a moment from When Calls the Heart or When Hope Calls to discuss and dissect.

    Today's moment, inspired by Chris McNally's birthday, is one of Lucas' most, how shall I say this, alluring moments. The moment when Elizabeth confronted him at the library about having feelings for her. Good stuff I know! Let's dive in!

    Now if anyone has forgotten or wishes to re-examine the scene here's the link to the clip. https://www.hallmarkchannel.com/when-calls-the-heart/videos/highlights-unspoken-words-when-calls-the-heart

    I actually re-watched the clip myself, and chatted with a friend about it for a little over half an hour. Here's what we deduced.

    1. Lucas has great witty lines. (Just saying...)

    2. Lucas may have actually foreshadowed his whole problem with Amos and his past. He says,
"They say a little learning can be a dangerous thing." Elizabeth disagrees with this leading Lucas to say he's on the fence about it. This makes me think that he's afraid of people learning about him, as he's either ashamed of his past and/or afraid of what people will think about him. Just something to chew on.

    3. Elizabeth is embarrassed to even have to bring the topic up of Lucas liking her. Why wouldn't she be? This is simply her speculations, and Nathan's comment, that has spurred her to ask him why he's donating the library. I would definitely be extremely nervous and burning red if I had to ask a guy if he's crushing on me.

    4. Lucas seemed disappointed for some reason after Elizabeth made it clear that she wasn't interested in him. The way he looked to his feet, (His thing he does when he's shy or nervous) and the look on his face said something. Now it may be simply the fact that he does indeed like her, and now she's making her intentions known and pretty much shutting him down. Yet, I can't help wondering if there's another reason he would be disappointed. More on that in a minute.

    5. Lucas is smooth!  

    "Now I'm not going to deny that I was aware of your beauty, but as I got to know you I became fascinated by your goodness." -Dangerous Liasons

    This is probably one of, if not the most romantic scene in all of Season 6. The lighting, his big brown eyes, the soft yet intense looks between the two of them. Yeah, this is one of my favorite Lucas and Elizabeth moments. Lucas just has this charming wit about him, yet I sense he's got some insecurity about himself. But that line just scores him some big points.

    6. Elizabeth is scared, yet possibly intrigued. Her wide eyed expression says SO much. After losing Jack, she's dead afraid of loving someone again or of someone loving her. She doesn't want him to be interested in her, yet at the same time maybe she does. She was concerned when he appeared to be reaching for her, and had this huge sigh of relief when she realized he was reaching for a book.

    7. Lucas was either covering up his feelings, or maybe felt insulted. This is something that I never noticed until today, but Elizabeth's question maybe hurt his feelings. He stated that, "I wanted a library because it seemed like a good thing."
    Now I'm am not denying the fact that he totally did this to get on her good side, but he really maybe did it out of the goodness of his heart. Maybe libraries hold a special place in his heart due to his past. Maybe he also realizes the importance of adults and especially children having access to all of the knowledge a library holds. Elizabeth asking whether he did this for his own selfish gain to impress her, may have hurt his feelings, in that she couldn't believe that he would simply do it for the good of others.
    Then again he may have done just that, and is covering it up to save his pride. After all, he then had to add in his little comment before he left. "No offense." His bit of confidence, dare I say smugness, is what makes him a fun and imperfect character. He doesn't always say the right thing, and that's okay. It leaves room for him to grow as a character and become even better.

    8. Elizabeth is completely flustered! Oh my goodness her face after Lucas left said so much, yet I'm not quite sure what it said! She was a combination, I think, of embarrassed, unsure, and down right confused about his words, and her own thoughts and feelings. It's fun seeing her not have everything under control, and getting so flustered with a potential suitor. One of the best parts of Season 1 was Elizabeth and Jack's little spats and their snappy dialogue. This is something I'm hoping to see more of in Season 7. (With Elizabeth and Lucas of course!)

    This is one of my absolute favorite scenes from this past season. The sparks really flew, and left everyone with their jaw gaping I'm sure. I'm really hoping for more romantic scenes with these two in the future!

    Again, happy birthday Chris McNally, and here's to seeing more of you, as Lucas, soon!

    Thanks everyone for reading! Feel free to leave a comment below or on my Twitter page! (Blog comments will be responded to via email.) God Bless!

    P.S. Why not give Chris McNally the gift of your support for Team Lucas, and stop by my shop for some fun merch? (It was worth a shot! :) https://shop.spreadshirt.com/heart-and-family-mercantile


  1. Loved this new blog .. didn't get to it til I got back after night shift and had a nap, but once again, great blog!


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