Episode Review: Heart of A Mountie

    We've finally made it! It may have been out of order and unconventional, but we made it. This is my last episode review for WCTH Season 6. Pretty good timing right? With the Christmas Special coming and all, it's only fitting to finish S6 before then. Not to mention, it's the episode I'm assuming everybody had been waiting for.

    It was not just because it was the first episode after the infamous hiatus, but it was the Hearties' introduction to Hope Valley's new Mountie, Nathan Grant. It also was the episode marking the start of Abigail's absence. Now when I first watched this episode, something had gone awry because Abigail was still present. I found out afterward that my provider had given me the wrong episode, so that was cool.

    Anyhow,  let's get down to business and onto my LAST review for Season 6!

Goodbye For Now Abigail Stanton

Image Credit: Parade

    Well, that's the end of Abigail Stanton, at least for now. It's a bittersweet moment. Bitter as Elizabeth is losing her best friend. Who will she come to for advice? How will Baby Jack know his Auntie Abigail? The truth is that other than Elizabeth, Abigail was the main character of this show, which actually leads to why I'm not as sad as other Hearties may be.
    I know I'm treading on dangerous ground so I'll speak lightly, but my like for Abigail's character started to decline around Season 3 or 4. It really started to decline when she became mayor. Now it's not that she wasn't a good mayor, as in fact she was a very good candidate due to her love for Hope Valley and its citizens. Now while I admit that I wanted someone else to be mayor, it was her personality that discouraged me and turned me off. She became too bossy for my taste and too "businessy" if you get what I mean. I enjoy it more when she was the sweet cafe owner raising her adopted son, over her being the tough mayor. But this is just my opinion, and it's perfectly fine if you don't agree.
    Either way, it truly is sad that Elizabeth has lost her best friend, and also that Carter Ryan Evancic (AKA Cody) lost his job after Abigail left. It's also sad that we won't see Abigail and Bill interacting anymore. :(
    What I'm really begging for from the writers is that they DON'T recast her. There is only one Abigail and just like Jack couldn't be recast, Abigail can't be either.


Bar Fight

    Wow! This is the first bar fight we've had in a long while! This scene is hilarious, and sad at the same time. Hilarious, because of Jesse's sudden impulse to sock Lucas in the face. It shows he's not perfect, and still has struggles just like everyone else. It gives his character layers and grit, and it's just laugh-out-loud funny to watch him act out like that.
    It's sad, however, because Lucas' reaction was what I consider one of his lowest moments in the whole season. He has another moment later which I rank as worse, but I'll discuss that later. 
    His reaction to Jesse just came off as so smug. Now his first response was good, telling Jesse to calm down, but afterward when he said he was amused with the situation...yeah...he had that punch coming.

    As for Nathan stepping in, it definitely came out of good intentions, and especially since he's Hope Valley's new Mountie it was the right thing to do. A fist fight in a public setting is never good. If I was there I probably would have either done one of three things...
    Ducked for cover, ran out of the building, or sat back and watched. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    True, if Nathan had been just a normal patron he could have just stayed out of the whole thing, but seeing as though he's a Mountie I support his actions! Then again I think I may have supported him anyway even if he wasn't a Mountie, because fist fights are just down right dangerous.
    As for the man who started the whole thing, (No not Lucas, although he had quite a hand in it) we'll get to him in a bit.


Mountie Nathan Grant

Image Credit: Parade

    Now for this episode's main attraction, the dish himself, Mountie Nathan Grant. This was a monumental moment in WCTH's story, as he is our beloved Jack Thornton's replacement. He may or not be in the sense of Elizabeth's love interest (That aspect remains to be seen) but he is Hope Valley's replacement Mountie.
    He had quite the greeting from Bill. (He threw the man in jail for goodness' sake!) You can clearly tell how the town feels about his presence. It's kind of what you envision the Hearties doing. You know, watching him as he passes, eyeing him with suspicion. He does have HUGE shoes to fill.

    So far he's shown some key characteristics.

    1. He's smart.
    2. He doesn't really like small talk.
    3. He's got some mystery to him.

    Nathan and Bill's relationship is fun to watch. Bill is so used to being the only lawman and getting his way. Now he's got someone sharing his desk and tagging along on his jobs. (Well, technically it's kinda the other way around, but don't tell Bill that!)
    Anyhow Nathan showed skill with the bullet shells, and together he and Bill figured it all out. (Good job!)

    The most important thing that happened in this episode is arguably when Elizabeth met Nathan for the first time. She was very nervous, and unsure about it, and rightfully so. She's meeting the man who's taking her late husband's place as Hope Valley's Mountie. Yet despite everything she greeted him with great hospitality, and encouraged him.
    The other thing I need to mention here is Nathan's expression when Elizabeth walked in. His eyes were going up and down her as he was checking her out. He was realizing, "Hey! She's a pretty lady." Here's the link to the clip, so you can decide for yourself. https://www.hallmarkchannel.com/when-calls-the-heart/videos/highlights-meeting-the-new-mountie-when-calls-the-heart

Jesse & Clara

    Oh, Jesse...I know your intentions were honorable (and done almost completely out of jealousy) but you really should think before you swing. While this all may seem like a total flub up for Jesse, which it was, there was some actual good in what he did. 
    Jesse has never been a completely perfect cookie-cutter character. He's got layers to him, and has been growing since he first showed up. This whole jealousy problem he has is just another example that he's not a fluffy, perfect guy. He's got flaws just like any normal person, leaving room for his character to learn from them and grow.
    However, this does not mean that Clara has to like, or accept the fact that her boyfriend tried to punch her boss in the face. I, however, don't really agree with Clara working in the saloon in the first place so that opens a whole different can of worms.
    Anyhow Jesse came around and actually got another job so Clara could quit. (The poor guy.) He then went to tell her that, and that is when my least favorite Lucas moment happened.

"Sorry Old Chap"

 Image Credit: Parade

    "Sorry, old chap. Isn't my day to watch her." - Lucas Bouchard    

    Ooooo... Lucas no...please no. Just don't.
    Yes, this guy tried to punch you, yes he made a scene in your saloon, but must you respond like that? Now once again this works the same as it did for Jesse. Lucas isn't perfect, and he obviously doesn't always say or do the right thing. In a way this is a good thing as it leaves room for his character to grow. After all, who wants to watch a perfect person for the next who knows how many seasons?
    Maybe he had been embarrassed when Jesse started the riot the night before, because it made him look bad in front of the town. Or maybe he was just being smug. Either way, I was not very proud of Lucas in this moment, but at the same time I'm glad he's got some depth to him. Some rough edges that need polishing, and I happen to know just the person that can help him... Hint, hint...


School Debate

    Oooo... Harper you make a good point about lasagna. Man, now I'm hungry. 
    This is a really good learning opportunity for the kids, and even serves as a good lesson for us all. Despite their VERY different opinions, Anna and Emily learned that they can still be friends even if they don't agree on everything. I think it teaches us to listen respectfully to others. Yes, we can make a point of why we think we're right, or why we think the way we do, but in the end we need to respect each other's opinions. We all can still be friends, even if every Heartie isn't Team Lucas... ;)


Stolen Payroll

    I don't think that these two robbers are the brightest crayons in the box, but their plan did almost work. If only the stagecoach axle hadn't gotten messed up they could have been long gone. Tsk, tsk, tsk...
    It was interesting how Lee actually helped with a crime. I'm used to Jack, (May he rest in peace) Bill, or even Frank (😭) help with these things. Lee usual doesn't have anything to do with the crime solving, but since it's his payroll and the criminals were already gone, it made more sense. Try explaining that to Rosemary, however... Which brings me to my next topic.


Rosemary's Telephone

    Oh, boy... The last thing this gossip-loving lady needs is a way to spread more gossip. Although I have to say that there was quite a string of fun dialogue going on when Lee found it. SO good!!!
    Those two are just great together. I love it that they can have this fun bickering going on, yet in the end everything is fine and they're even more in love than they were before. It's not as stressful because you know that this isn't a serious fight.
    Their story in this episode was so sweet, and fun. Rosemary just kept calling and gossiping to anyone who would hear her. I mean she ran all the way home from Main Street just so that she could tell Lee that something was up between Faith and Carson!
    Lee had had enough, and was about to cut her life line, I mean telephone line when one last phone call from her changed his mind. Yeah, I think my mind would be changed too after a call like that. 💕


Faith & Carson's Secret Romance 

Image Credit: Parade

    Alright, before I say anything, may I just state that Carson and Faith are HORRIBLE at keeping this secret! I mean, really? Sitting on the infirmary bed as the doctor holds your hands, like nobody is going to walk in on you? It's not like you're in an infirmary that's open to the public all day. (Slaps forehead.)
    Anyhow it's great to see these two FINALLY together. Yet...(sigh) please don't hate me, but I'm not really digging them as a couple. (Shields face for impact) I know, I know...I've wanted them together for years, and I know this is really new, but...I'm just not loving them together like I want to.
    Maybe with time I will. Maybe it had to do with the writing, or how quickly it happened, but for now I'm not a huge fan of Team Infirmary. I'm hoping Season 7 will change that however. (Mercy! Please have, mercy!)
    Anyhow, they are smart in the sense that they want to keep their romance a secret. Yet they failed to keep it from the most important person of all, Rosemary. But how proud were you when she didn't tell Florence and Ned about their relationship? Not as proud as Lee obviously, but I extend a round of applause for her respect and restraint.

    In conclusion, there is SO much that I could say about this episode and all that happened, but for now I'm going to leave it at... I enjoyed it! I can watch these episodes over and over and they still make me smile and laugh!

    Thanks so much for reading! Feel free to leave a comment below or on my Twitter page. (Blog comments will be responded to via email.) God Bless!

    P.S. There's a SALE going on at my shop! From today till Saturday at midnight you can save 20% on your order! Click the link to shop now! https://shop.spreadshirt.com/heart-and-family-mercantile


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